iiijy | by Lin Ho/iowaq * V I i . .•. ... . ~ i-.. . • .... *; 1 v r».*. . . IK. ■ •-•*.. ••*.»-. •» AU hiri'.'".' 1 U>t fit, tit. iH'fOr. , T e-. 'en \ t'jvt i ■ itjhcrs .it r. cloor. I l«*i uj), lot vrn in. Hit in li.-e ae.td wit'. < rollin' pin , ;•!! lud"'.’ ’ ' riii-ff -i i:nt it. ; tuvc hearing ,liny, i :lv rlr: ”T7 La a I-'iUghlt'i'. the animation on their countenance* v.h. n hey pausa for i'i.;ng young . . Ati \s .- hr.! say "I" AU ain’t hid . ,;y "n!ark-ber :y pie" All ’round my base is out ihveyy Outiy out .id.- the fence is out . . t.o.vk cut t<> . ie, I'm comim*:: 1 jTitss it h-.v been nearly two decades sin ..- !'v.- piny: d "Hide and Seek", Lot every unc I'm around it ids !;.i.y mg whut tit* .v call "Hunt In Tin* Be Btn\". i find o'. .-, if mentally seekiu?. places ..'in-re I’d .! ve 1 1 : i w. rO in the ; yune Os course, the mode; n t;enera ti on .:. ut\ the game as "Hunt in the Be Baw" Ith "Hide a ltd A* sthey sa; . xr ay be so. >v.' iji my travels y juvu ha ve been extensive —i'v -.* I'oufui a y.nvi- of plain old ' Hunt in the He Baw" going on whore ■ itid:. C'cv-Teyate :.:vi have nothing or little to do 745 AND IT'S FI'NNY how ages can estimated by the nature ■■• l the wm*. - being played by voung- When they're .'» tu they’ll pl.iv Hid and Seek 1-rojn I thru M. Pipping the Whip and oth er games which require pt»v -cal prmuv cat tth.-hae ET to sical provi'C'., catch the favor, fa iiie adolescent period, tl»e Parlor Games, including Post Gli ice arid olln-r "Kf-sJiii; vacii's" get more than a neg ligent nod . . The lu st M.-p i car .s and craps. V; u i n mi> :. tme *•*. ith money H’u • i a child i- ;i through 5, y. ri me.-, cuil'ict'. After live the plea -r nic.. i Then, as -yon a;- t • .* *.; i.l I. of till ... tt sac: ion move’.- afford, he'll be ' a.i'sod with routing iti an a dime . a.r.d from ia yea. id age .award the.’- - i.e, limit i- t .are. papa' 031 ABO! 1 A nniiU i, Kt i'v.- met . om- mighty rough : •• Ti m my lift*, b-.u wn.-.* 1 saw over in Chapel H*lJ the other day We. Ls- Wit V - too-;!.! -t i'Vl- e , -..e this guv hud more guts than Pie "Blood" brothers, two men l knew in Durham during in.* childhood who felt they hadn’t done their duty on -Saturday night until they ha i busted out j a few front teeth or maybe blacked some yes or booteti MimcOodv in tin- sit-dov\ n. The iP.-md brother-, were pretty fail fighters, though, seldom using knives. Ktuis and other sued tt capon.': Tni.s Chapel Hill character julwii-e; from want he was say ine—Was as t-.-iigh as ‘’whit-leat 1 -.- htni twice as tit:-cured. He- was bias:-tutu-- there just out of r nit go of in- sidewalk pvdes v-’a-bs, yr-i ■ . r ih.ous.h to be heard . . . "Ain’t nobody gonna tr.e..;, with ntr" h.: said. "I don’t cure who it somebody -.ness with rr-.«\ I'm -."iia give the undertaker some thing 1.0 do . . . "Yeah, there's gonjot he .some H-i j AUOLIM AN —Week Iv.uiing Sat.. Nov, 25, 195 m •.low walkin' and low talking and folks will be wearing black and saying 'don't he look natchcl' somebody come 'round here me-sin with rue "I ain’t wared of nobody black or white. thick or thin. m .r' or lazy dumb or crazy • 'My i -. i o ; to retVrazor fights in Georgia. ■ and my mamma v. >ulcin't ’ !i. :W U ■ till >-,!* Vi '. t.nnt."os.k*r in the val. "Shucks ray uncle Emory has ;v ' t more l.oi > in the Pen it*. A' tho warden, and I had a co-.;s:r, ovetsca.s who was so t-j.i the Japs ; voted to end the war. 457 "! r nn-i'VH-r -an., time y .iau ma hu Grandpa so hard .- • yirreu 1 hi.-; brother in the n--xt county. . 'iia my mania saui : , - grardr-Ui lot her so hard one day -a knock ’ er halfway actors tr.e river. J£ i ;<net,i-;i hadn't re-n iiiv.w d-tt -I her back, she would have hnoc-kod iit-r ;u| the way across. This cat was really carrying «>)). If his family was .o bail as It.- pictured it, ihr ? S Militia could do it no harm He kept on talking. "Y<* h," said "don't think no , body'.-, gonna go ’upping’ rue .mi i*. 11! :.,n Way e. ith it Not wit: • all the folks l got m my family. ‘My txtby sisteiV g-.it so many eli* h*, si.,, had to stop namin’ them and -tart numbering them. "1 remember one time when the; !.) iby went u,> in the attic on Christ-; m- - Eve nie.ht trying t.> see what | ' Santa Clans had brought him and - ! nobody in ; o.- family ev-n rr-isse.; ! him ‘ti:! they called the roll on the .next Edr,rth oi .1;i!y. ! "My oth-r broti’.er has s<»t -o'- mmy child:'' r, tlj.u v.-h.eu ail of ! sh.-m pet out in the yard, it looks? lild- school out for r- ceis. Tilt-. - have to .- ,t :n shift-;, thc-r, A | nv. hy of 'cu', and my cib'iH'r had; j io buy two buses in order to hr ; : *»blt -O '. ail :he . ai.u--. i- to• ! Scimal on Suiidut i 361 "Ant! then I got win - folio that t lint never seen before. Ys-aii. there's mi many of ii-. they had to name a section if h-r id. ‘Hopkins Hollow' the;. j call it, and a! Ivon hate to do is come own tiu-re and holler HopltMs’ and you're talking to <vety d-irincd I tidy in town" " . Y«-uh, you corn..- raPSsini; ■ with ro • I'/ Let SO ,-i ..- to you j folks will mink tw-r- s.atnv.--j ‘■' ins. ! i be fighting u,-i •: ‘ i dr d v.n ' .Jl-.s' .-il h, re no s.- a \;; tinrl! •** wh.it h.- 1 l>< n.i I’ll cut out your; ywb.il!.- and make myself a s«-t ot; And -.at of ’em. Com - -,'i: roc--.'; and tii take t.it one c -1 yc*tt.r! I b.-'-s h.-at your hi ain- oat with: • it. 1 ‘•Hitinph- - witling ’ro-.md here, thirki: -.: voc'ie :.o bad I’ll give, tiose -,-i iy. a-d in.tke you iik. it. Yeah. . . and I*ll sh\Wt you I a id! of '.oil ycr.ru sound !tk«. •i >■ .:;ui every time the *.v:nd . . Gomi, 'round ini'-sin;* with: < 01.(1Well > * I in St with; me, I'H fix you up so your own itv>'.vy won’t know you, .. " Oh. this cat whs ready ; iv:ns*. * . r-.u . y»-t, 1 Is ad noticed non.*- to '••ho/r. 1 .- could aav- h:*en tulkma An- ih n I an. I.cr, a tiav -.von a.. - : ii J e tip old U'J :■> ': b ;!! it blit at th.-i*. time, lull of hell’s fir-. Sh. d ished oif a porch across the • str. ct -ud v.:u-; up ir. .th A r How', face iu noUdns flat. I’ve Been Thinking By CAB CALLOWAY I'V b-..vf -• .• 4 --- - ; *:pu‘’' -r ' p - ~ . • t’-. A. ■ . $ m a duo v vc •‘S-n pl.tvir I’> mater I P. liii,':oVi ’ -.> I Umujlhl l<i v i'. :.i tu ; •• u - ’ .p:i *n t - vp.-v ]v . -:?i :aii*v v *.a -X\iVi .-. I. oil 'iit 4 othor h'Hic.. ,/*. •.T*?*r \«• t.ho •.- iri ; > i‘A ft. wll- i \ a cun <>f hot U -'' i‘ ' '•'*'»• ' ..‘.il .Vii it uyed ti> rtM.i cla r.-olat. cui.‘v for us. I • -Ti Ac,Pier p; i:; ’il • Ni.t ii y .s'-.i ii.ii I ; r.- r,' * i* ehAiipiuti *r j * us oi . : c?v Arthur Cruauv . •„}( courSv. i I It Tt: ..CV-; Ail SlX'N'.'Ui lit si*. • --i -Sit;', y. .i t: y -.0 ♦‘•si*! ' 5 . .' ;b. .. :.. ~ u;;.singly like , ' I -- ; ■■: * ;v. • S‘. . a • ct.-sos t-' it .ts. p, :ii;v k‘*u! i f stbles in i -. t .: Bs' or-. '■ ; •. o*:e.> a c (*.■ ~n. 4 . 1 i i ir - i,i i r u.r.u ■*» u ..o -• . a ‘Hcliu! ftr.;:’ . GV&'i 1 ill: A R t tiu- .>«• -m:iv -mu 'csui-'is tookir.u 1* ’ it* b-i/> . s. c-.AHjolj.t'* :n * ciratm ;i cup Tr i P.-vS.’ so P ’t- v .-PIS ' :> a ftC ; ia ; r.k] s. a: st.act Lo: S'-'ir ’.: . .. . v-'i I-', a.’ u;iU y- s'ii in IPO r'o fanu : hunt is. - ih- n-id S.U .0 ‘• t- i * - -1 : . ;i;v i.*:-o o . o ti iturnia *‘v<- ... .-. s : Pl* ho .: - : t'..* a.... :tv f-'-’SI p" -Q 1.- ij: Vc. -- - I . ■ .* s ;.-*'’ 1 ~*iy •c.tl fldier*. ov Fi*r int.t.-.nc*-, tlw-cc -i: - -: * . - e.il w a t. i . 1..'I..' !: me her ■ ,: v t .-n With bald !-•-.* »tc., and tii*,.-* Uiiks .0 oxt-ii .saac ->*. i.ii.n ifa-u.,- . :l\v- b* * ■ is. tin.-, fc- til it s,. i iri-.-gt-I.H da’.*: **.>ak- tr* :ii urac---‘pi 1 able i-j stiei*-’y. y.n, l av- '• -*i ever - -a-.u -. ■-l *-ite y *i) I* a • .i.e, e mad!- U;o*v j .j physical *c.ii!c-r .: •• •• . us- ; ■- dll : (' .-,g.V;, J -iV.i.ly ij C*" mvm:; .t 1 * be-: , . u! you" f...i :.y' . ; *.-*>■ f.i,-.* the :;.C3 j in ~ :-;ii . ; 1 it.’ i; *u- j ' .-!■ ■ 10 -out :.'U! : ;:- al'- i. anti - - to c*,. 'tic; t; ! ' A p a ..a lor a {.-.-up, ..- i. ,n i-'IHCUr. t.'l ... tube A6-- Liaf ! rot tiles, th.- radio -,*nd tv cot>i,.c. 1 a:tu havii. u re ; nv.,;.- for Ills, pats. hi t Ale would have HOBb 01 it ! His bald ht*;.a i- his trudo vxi\ k* I If you your—if bfcctkningj • x. *t illtrt, VUi'i 6vCd-5:,- t’i >or'.o j ; ."ay.deal *.'• --..a.'..'it;. . \.u --el? - in ! , "-i .. do, an ai-oa* f.<ce - Make • ~ t | voui-svli. 3 • :i-. turul and pw.ulo ' v.-.H ,c.- . t !* natarally You* j friends ai= yuur frietuls i '.-yausv | they look beyond those things You ; .nv iiiitmi t. -it . > t".c:r. k .os - ot j vour p-.-rsun.iliiv vo ir charm vour jed-i lew. ae ; .T ; mak* up. A::.; * ■ r.'ov,-, cur. not tee | *.v.-oiC.-tinH* .’.cl iikc.a ;lc 1: yvo arc', ; ■ ; ' ell over - ph\ -tea; irreg i ; e..u it *» Avo.-pt - ~i a,-. .c; c j !e. • y o W„! a... .4V. . .i ‘ y n'il let ih: nr. Dot. ! get I t- WVee; 1 not ' | uilkin- ahfn.t color I w- as bs i answer to that * -re-: He, anally ab l t-; - ....e j ::: 1 • ; was j’l-r t'o*i!:fi». Baby. e.a ta, ha, . ", - ' - - ) ■r ! - . e said 809 ... •• i... t like bait, t'i.-f' v*.O;V .-'one t*) the iitiue. across the street. The North Gurolina cotton crop is forecast at 1 7L. OCO bale- This would ; b * 64 per cent below 1943 pro dactior. ,and 71 per cent below the Ui-year < IQQ&-43 c uterag.'- It v, Juld also Le th<- nailust c/c-p pr-Jd-.tf >a in S ate since- 1371 —' - **- *•■ • '■ ———....— ..... , !N SWING "COOP"; K.*Spl> t'*i>-s*cr. f.im.-il master of reremoafM^ movie Mar. ,m<! Jisc-jos k-v, w i,»>♦..* ?a-»v r-a«!-. • program, "Jtaiph Cooper's .'•swing f liiitulu-r,” ;* ur<-,: nsytitlv *• . Wu’ . Yorit. front Diidn!|kl t*» 3 a.m.. i-U.»t« with Interii-.itimi.ii -.imring -tar Lw ! uld, rocordhtjf star anil ■ tittposer ,f 'Whi r.- (an 1 (m. ’ Li jppear -d *>« the CstQfrist **»ov» fallowing lii». retura £■! Ynu-rica troiM a worliiwide tour. No Y. Musicians ’ Union A i d i 0.1 ir qu tncy Fight N'E'.V YORK *.TTY ,C-* - Musi hli.-i* j'Ji.’l * d the? TA *.'■•■ X VVOO i a.i't? n. i"■ -■ _ •/ com-! -i O'4' 0 ii'lCli* i:C '. .. OUgii T« • :*’l ■ '..i' ,; i o . . ;a o»‘* I .»i ■ i/od a•: ? C i-r- ■ of : ion I youth at hi* H d S 1 i : a Ciuu. The ; | .do?,an TT : ' o -- • Bitter I Vt. : !• a: iy. A Bit- " C:.' : n To* - nv" aioou . ith ' r. • v r-"k -o tat ! priced A fCtiward 'T:oy ’ WaHvrsJ . U’* ;". ..'•* be- *... • He... .1 of l Local B'M ...-id his -M* 1 •.e • who - . . . ;r r D ri ■. ...e- ,* - ■ the !J• J. .. Parc. -.5 * : i th-3 I .**.(; U.V -.'a : . ! .'" . .1 • lie ; Ren -i .sj"ev wb.ch i--,iu, u jby Bob i>: .. e- f-e.: ,; r.--t • but : thru ■ Orel’.- **" J *ll* b e -' V:' \V • ~ n HI'S SOT RHYTHM; l.vrrmav l'uil«r, ib«* "'J'ua Dftro Hoi Hin^ntffl .sf Bf3u<J«va> n *mii'‘ij-bit ft!ial.ai. 'KUs Mh fti ii,~ shutts f>f? *<;i»e ofa| hi* n'jw-fttJtstid .*tcs»s at the tiH-Kitl ui a glam N’*» Vorfs tate-ga vsnina »iuee, iviutag In Ifca foutiiM uiUt Fuller «*?e (!.. t<» R.J skst&.Wi Muftsto, stiij *ifi|ji£i(t -Jvxnejifftma (it cb.- -mow, aiigS featured Ufwt ChttfUiHtf. titove* &«**»*, totvvwHM* a»*H««e, «r, PAGE FIVE ,-ut for the youngsters to have fuhr ; vrcial praises fur the gcc-fj time i'.ad i.y tl.r- youngsters g*; ’ > Nut Howard a; ci his orchestra. Topping ail * Hiertainnumt ivus Will *■ Bryant, TV err-Town’s Con* sult-j! t who wag virtually mobocdi by tlii bang of youngster* beforo Si'.- vv praise to 1 1 : a v.orla'.sl gn-.iti-st v.Oman. Tr Mary McLeod! Beibune, Nation... Sponsor oi T«e»4 Town, I,- t. Swartz, its founder and! Director; Luc tile Pickett- ehatrmai.j . f T<. r. T‘*wn C mm.; Geri Major,! Sponsoi of the D- b Sponsors whossj voluiit *er ,ervjc ke,-p Tfen-Townl aiive ii,- ail those Decs - -sj wore in aU'.r.Janee, A * ; ; *lO,i>3o turkey.- arc fcPingj ;-r* 'uced in. PeniHco County thisl year, accordlns? to turkey ; evi d | ' at Slalv College.

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