THE CAROLINIAN—\\getik Ending ;sat., Non. 25, 1950 PERCY MAYFIELD IS OREAT AS BLUES SINGER . T Vvat m - i:i' I.orn p« > to oh;os, Pc i i: v Mayf:•«••]ci x oo*k IhM !■ • o ■ Q £ .‘lO’P.'S <W; V i r ;;„ io«t 11OT1 Ol i*Oin£ I■■ H<!\ i< .V< : -llG'f" i "co; -.imp (OR tract v, ;t • j tj Reeoids M ■: ■ d is ; ■ i t> ■■•< ■ t: singer V. til I' 1 '■ I'.'t :'Cn *:'(!? 1.. Lise : , it S, ;it ?.;< ? Somi-or.i- lo *-Ov*.*,’ hackt-d by ••Stjtmi.c Things, Bog; ;n Sht'ev rf.i'i . 'ift 1920. Pt ; •- wro'e t. , ,te poetry while 'till h.yh school. O).' day. hi dr.’t a glee Guo • * ‘,,nd, -My.rtM . as ftiii as tii ■ . ' /i ■ T:i 'it Os 1V ! OI’,I (|M ,ir : d !.< pOsScS'sO.i ,< b«-,u:t;f;:iiy ■; : baritone voice. G Pori Lit; riy the v-wiV |! g: t, , onci r.t:.. e u;; - r gin ■ cl- he did v.'iTh ; v- il. R:t>'i-- or (is ches': a it .dvrs wv re ii r! set his sf ;",ko s Moil I' ■■ . i s i y thro; he corifi ad'" ml;:tv;y hant.ic tut his fort ; Ti'\ ay stny-.d v, ■ Today, l-cny Mayfield ought to • ( :. Ci ;slotOly :i,- spy man. Ho <■■ riy ,vc . ill ins St i i". < I\ i oetr-t- by .his Speci ilSy recording \ inning liirn jet <v s grow me .' ■■ of olives ociivii■; it. And his , "i 'to faculty is just as ; ,i y t;.iv;i --•»b ."■■ns lyric-- SAM RAGAN MMfiS MINI TOTEFFSTOID OF IMF FOSTCOFOW RALFiIGH. N. C. Sam Ragan, ag'.ii nditot of *iu New-, and Orscr’ cr and chKircu-n of the Lost Co:""' pur licit.;, cor .re it has •<i a number <■■ prominent ;ev. -, r and radio pi rsonalitit - I>> hi i; hi in t»*ll tin n:, ion about ?>.» Roanoki Isfanci mama. T.m s;A Dot.- Bishop. NBC, Vcw Vdii;; F. Bos Joy Crowd her, ' r critics of tin Nt.v. York Tinas: Ha) .< McGill, editor ot the Allan ■ e Cori«ti*ution; Hal Bovle, Asso ■ P-e columnist; Bob Ruark, Scr .ups Howard columnist; Mrs. £. F. tcCil) hruaj; editoi of th. Bla • cu dr, FiizTibeintowri; Henry Fair editin' of the Goldsboro N’t -, s-Ar: ;ts: Hugn Morton, Wil "■> : o photographer; G,-;rl GoCrcii ii: U e State Magazine; Wane r ; ferd. No;folk Virginian Pilot; l' l t McKnignt, «ditor Charlotte N’ l s' A' l'»icF:son editor Wilmin:.' tc £. News, Turn Schlcsinger, Wash higti'u Pcb: Burke Davis Balti • •< tv Sun; Alex McCullough. Spat t;-n "i!-.: 11, raid R .gan explained that THF. LOST COLONY has long Mnvt becomt a rati institution and it' ahliri- —— it ’S jLU’sS ,\ Our Christmas Store is Ready to Serve You Let PENNEY*B save You Money on ail Your Purchases Only First Qua lity Sold at Penney’s. USE OCR LAY-AWAY ! J. C, PENNEY COMPANY Fayetteville Kealm EELS “~TTFI "sOTpbng < fry IP .. i;. - , He »mv. '. N.'vKF: : '■ .■ ■ ■ ■ • i i -i . fi I v s- ■: City," "tin ; sc;, e, ; s'".irc>>;.- U-I A.u,: in • o :: ' n ; I'c-ntt Co ir-t’r: (ins . ,v .1 i> 'ri cuit s re - i enter. A!ev N . < ■GO FOB BROKF Or . , ! I Is MG r ■ , ; i "mins "G, to B .ki " a ;:!> c ideriiUOit O' t r" .. v V:‘>. m n ' i.-'ipo, . nOiolO.:: r.nvrpCs- TO ;;G i", fern 5 ■( 1-. Fes \c, |. ..-i C:. G,, , yen, ' . <] tb; . . i ir n .1. • . • ■ 'l' f H ” ’t ' i ! 'r Ujji, !.c S- A•" • r, l-ai v . ii'Jg W-- • c: •. . ! . . . fin nitKis ‘ I ike- " ’.<:i 442 l 1 rt M s . uY'iiUil v’-.' viiM ic.,’ {sisunLisisiv. ci : \ ; th'-v'y.clv• : unfit i : ' the Eli , 6;:ean Tn< ,'t'. r ? cjy.. rations- Tie; Sti'VS fr-. • , • ;• 1.• ?.[pr,i v\ ■ i (VVI i>- "Git i- : bv-nj.: n t Mioqi. :. - ■ v .. ~ ; eftort. T s , <v..•; : , ; . pro G - need b; Di-re Sc.- :y. MGM v, e . exy « r;, - ""t ■ f ; . oduc'.iori. who ; aiso v:iss;> ss.j- sni one of last sensi'n - ti i boxefl'e •., and critical suet'' -Ms fr;: re .tid, a no: her 1 story <■; Gls ;• , i. st worid i coriiti.t 'I •< (bri' .er el ‘Go tic K;i'kr ■' • Ri'i'i- : In : ■ >.•. ;. . re i'.(i ' aS< S' at 1 rmidllCt OH . sj2Bt&a£3L!s‘:\ SAM RAGIN ty c-tlerti sue.-l# rtitionwidt- jr, cornier years. By Bill Veale "g'9'*7 V - ”: '■ ~ Otic . "pnv ( r:-. 1j ■ Vi, ;» f ■ ■, ,g • j, js :- - ir ~ .i , (iRKATFST .'■HOW ON IAHf it ANO . Fill Moi'.lig.'ie anotiu-f "lie to tin rmwia;; docket of fiim itreiem oe.-in: with circus, and eariisv ' i fc Monopriim jiurcliaso,! Ihs Hey Ln , : oj iy; n i by Jo,in : - cI n, on. iv: pro.met ic", in .. .r.ect " . :Sor . H." Dunlap. A n.i ny outer propejtJtG on film n ak( ' „;;i as, ssrs siiir.a s of t)a rl t vs nr- " The Groat ;Sia. s , Basin, to .re piocinc ! eri : ■ d ~ . a by Ge, 1! 13. !>e MtllC. , Sie 1 Vi V'SJ "Sampson iiilii r> i1 : 1 : s sat- r;>i. st ot ;;li Wat," fiv ether nvu attnic - • TV: 1 C:u naval Smsy," and ia; Bey is, the Air' i in ■ MG v!; "The Gainsvilk Cnvu front Co hit. • a Slid ".'Jus the O', tat," from; ■* 'V »%■ py 1 Si 11 VN WJLbON DAJF; Roy I ! own, <l>»iamir young singing nuK-strn, is scheduled In ap|tenr •* (he ( oir;nianiiy f enter in Wil son Tuesday night. November 2k. If,rouii. .currently otic ol the 1 | nation’s leading juke Fins artists, conn to Wil'-oit ty public <- maJid \ jrail finis, made of tli’e cite to select tbi orchestra to appear there on the date, with i Grown A band being toted into ! the engagement. Workm cooperation with pci-: vu'c "Alt's'. (i rs of the U S. De-partrr.- nt of Ay j rieultun hav< developed a new j t. ! e anchor for kti ping in place durini high winds the circular met- 1 ■P. ;•••:,!■ bins vc 1 oel.c used through-' out the Midwest. Termed a found’a- 1 tion ring, th. now bin anchor ri;-- I places' tin conventiona! concrete 1 bioe; fe-nndation often ured for i tuch bin*. ■ Carver School Notes BY \Y \nr KORN FLAY MT. OLIVK. jy. C '■'it'll :i". > il:r o: j;; hts jin р. earner,.:' and riC sc. j; ti Vi* sdh cttvvs falling like 1 a: *l drops. Carver School show, r -lits s-ici ■■ on its eiasws and ci.iss pci s,jdi.!'!,' who worked so с. to v the recfnily 1 odect corn contest a .- .-c TbiN';.ii : ,i cooperation of ail 18 320 pound.--, ol ce"n \v;>s galh< w.iich ""Us for $520.70. Kings and omeiv were chosen inun the; class in each dc ••aittv,,.tit collecting the hi.'hc.-'t amount o; ftorn. In a beautiful ccrcnioriY these v.i ri crcwr.od and w<n, given gifts Al ll *v’} If i:ro wPi in c y \ t< • i‘ij V, ns nro • -• nt.eel in their honor and for their, *,< rtainnieiii ~ F«:li t Show, which proved mo,-I entertaining and sue . 1 *-s: fili is. is i ■'}■ and queens: vc* re ;■ isr, "i'" : Bass and Fg:iigs ( alter from H A tii,.. veuminn Class in the Gish school dt-parlmcnl; G a ton McKin . "d £'.i.',r.ia M;min from 8-A. • ihe winning class in the elemental.a hi, a. uini; Billie Southerland and F.veiv Bass t 'e u tltf first grade. The w aming class m t.a- primary de i- 1 'O'- nt F.i \ Plow de-n. •ith giade, won li"-t ;>; iz- in the Talent Siiovv S;"Music. Music, Music Di idiKKornegny. 12th grade, sing": mg "B!ui MOOIT 'took second place-; .i'.id Joyce li at .ter. li A, was third ; v-. ltd a recitation of ' in De Morn in " The Nov ember prog, am of the ! PTA Association was in the form ul a pane I discussion centered ai'oi nd tliv bn me rile Oye- at 1" -- of Carve: School In Terms of the !Nt ids oi SiieTnts." Participants on the panel ana tbcii topics were tin following faculty nu m : burs: P U, Watson, School Finance: i ; E Kycr, giiidanc*:; H. Palmer vo ! eatioiial vvoik; >iM. ihaV:r. the liDracy; Messrs. Clt tnmons anti fi. i J. Dur. nte, extra-curricular ">• r • v itiea; Mrs 1,1. -eFaddon, the- high In a ney. butlttb; the Forest j Servce of the U S. Df purtnient of j Agriculture say? palms arc second Educator XPERTLY FITTED Jmj XCLUSIVELY SOLD | KINNEY'S I 203 Hay Street w;uni Fvi |1; D. K. TAYLOR mn^Alt T?CQf\ PRODUCTS DEALER bSbU £4O ORANGE STREET PHONE 8109 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Do Y our Christmas Shopping Here During Our 10th Anniversary Sale AND SAVE NOVEMBER I4th DECEMBER 2tid OVER $ 100000 I PRIZES IN MERCHANDISE Gifts for t he kids accompanied by parents JOHNSON COTTON COj FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PAGE SEVEN School curriculum; Mir-, p. \y. Con i'";. the c.Nme-ntary curriculum, -no iVIi.-i P. K Durham, discipline. Mli. Hattie Newell gave a report ol the Dh'trict FT A ivleetuig of Four Oaks, N c Delegates were also m :<vtc;i to attend the State PTA Met th g Tin* Stub, :it Council sponsoj ed :• Carnival in the school auditor uni recently Mr. Joe r Jcfierics, State Tobac co Marketing Specialist, spoke to : ci," ..'. - iii Agriculture recently on "Gradi'i. and Marketing To baer c- " SGOTTISK RITE MAN l>r it- Oilara Lanier, President. Ttvii' State t niversity, Houston, Texas was hunured as Scottish Kite Man of the Year at a meet ing in Houston, Texas Tin- 29th National 4-H Glut Con ! ; rCss will be held in Chicago froiG Novcinbt r 25 through 30. oni v iti gr.isses as useful plants. SHOP FAYETTEVILLE

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