T1 t'AROUNf AN—Week Ending Sat.. Nov. 25, 1950 Raleigh Grocer Has Served City Many Years i V n? 5 5. VI VI E : ’ ■•: v-. - i<.» ■' to 1 11*.: ri&T - - u* V/ <■>. V. r- ..... T ' {,. . C» yr-"f •: r. i • •, ti'i ~ i "*nJC 'J :*O ■ ... •. !• (. Nor Y/fep-si he .left the eempany. in , -md rjv-’tli found a -.a-' .rant r-torv o;i tbe cc a . oi Fay MR. MAKRQW “v< ''lUo ' McKee Streets A v.-r - • ' -I-.-- ' • Po- P •• ' • t <i> it over for a while, a. Cit'(;id<‘ , J • .... £ ~ , ,il ■• '■ ? At ;.o-iod, •le in Ra ei;:h and Mi over t'n> aantry w- -t; in-in;, iri ' dark day.',.'’ Only s were in opera* ' >n m ft- >i iook n j ■< »; - !<-•'i r J. A Smith and Mr Fevreli. whoso enterprise ■-s i .me it nirn. Today, tenants ccttpy tha’ spot. The 'tor. onerat d by Sr ith is now the Rod and t'hiio Grocery. headed by a Mr wcLain. \i ir.w stated that during ns ficra, v, 33 merchants had start* d basin. but did not remain, . tin; \tA ;• tie further remarked ATT ENi iu ~ A & M BEAUTY COLLEGE ft: GEOROE ST. DIAL 4601 N< w Rem, North Carolina Enrollment at any Time to Graduate in The 1951 Senior In -s f'lease Enroll By V.>ri>mbe.r 1, 15.%0. .MRS MARY E. HARRIS. Instr. aiaiojug business, he inar..;> uco days, tt die S ; reel V. :il Ism pro he r. ;. ..a , d .a the :■ pot tip :•.- date. When ho purchased it. the O . t hmiiv-it. it it ! V very nLy. If not, Mr and Mrs. : -. • e it.it ■■gone v.i'h the wind." !tU:i; a t to the grocery store : pate hi: dent the billfold, : ■ ‘ 1 i.te dollar cov-- ; ot stand e i.. 0 ..in,.. it.- r.-.ce vikiC. A-.1 i:u; to Mr. Marrow. Fay .it viile Stve i. was merely a mud-, i way at the: t me. However, hie 1 : other in having a petition druv r. ip t a used i’ne stn > t to be cer.-rrrtc-d ti- the Rocky ■ Orach, whe a- Mount Hope Conte tery s it., ted Tht Centennial St.-tool for writes v. ■ 100.-. Nd in C-.e ryot f the Raleigh Memorial As ditroiiin-. lie :>u tel i■i a: . :ne years OW. 21 ana 22. everything reach-, -d its peak ir: price after e'. -sati’ -n of hositiilic-s c.f World War I. The •?r.)cei; t.• i< | huge sums’ -if money b> cause increase in prices. In lß2f> it - .ir.- s were formed t'".roughout ti-.c . -..r.t.-y. The gov ernmer:. under Hoover Admin istration wii. gw:,..: away things. K. stated that it r.ad not had a * >od st .i t Jr. the grocery business, it would ha\ bctii impossible to u main active. He further r, e ,-ri that under the Roostvelt Era. all the banks throughout tu* united State? were ordered clos. and thoroughly in spected. Among those to stand in Raleigh wen the Wachovia, which i was the Merchants National Bank, < BISIXESS LEADERS HEAD NAACI’ XMAS SEAL DRIVE .**. *T fill a !-:• ■*■•'» t-' . - ■ . : --' i w*' if r . .... ;. -,<?"* life -.-L I -■'■• ft ■ -■ .a- *-?% it. e. • : e ; • - : A 1,4 V 1 *. , vatfs HHt |J|j| : ' y flfc| mi gg ' Jg '* : . ' ,r ! ~- ' *- a»tpai«n of the ' ai>e>na] Association for the Advancement of Colored People ‘ ; ' eha e-man -hips in the drier have h.- en undertaken by these three of the nation’s Lusi ••••.ine--. i, .<r. ■ vti-nu-n O. Houston of Los Angele-. president of the .National Negro In.-ur.»nre saiiur. ;'a «•! the (,naii ti Mali Mutual Life Insurance Company, y,bo heads the NAACP seal cam -1 ■ aren (t.dii'tr y . V (i Mocison. Jr.. .! Detroit, president of the National Association of l{ ‘;! i t ur y vit-.lrrrt.tn of tlie seal dri.e in die real estate field; and Horace Sudduth of Ciurin- t ,r ‘ •’ '/ ' v National Negro Bii-ine.-.- 1 -ague, who i directing sale of the seal:, in the general ’"i'' ' ■ ,' ‘ ***' ••’■tra.'tn•* red-amj-v.hite : eals. oiiirh sell for .yI.OO per hundred, may also he nor ‘!M' A A \f.l branches or from th- Association’.- national office. 20 West 40th Street. N. C. MEETING FINDS \VHTIF.VILLE. N C. Mrs Ola ; AT. Martin, nicvsic ory supervis or ' ' the Cape Fear Conference oi AME Zion Church reported to !hi vo.ifciwhich mu in S( :: here from November 15-19. that I moi e -nun $3,000.00 was raised for the Diamond Jubilee that has fc- an : ::i prcigrr-s; this year to save tine 14 schools that are operated by the ! ehvviM in Airtca. The report of the missionary work V a l ■ hi:.it licit - . The ire - ! : !l(i 1 reived to in: ire the pastors andj de • arcs to do a bigger encin bettet jc’o for missions Bishop J. W. Mac ; tin the presiding prelate and ; . pen the conference on Wednes-, ! bay morning. He a dr-wished the ! ennft once to remember that time J one,: bust could not be regained. Tie conference is composed ‘‘l ’ four cistriets. They are picMcied 1 over i.y Revs A. B. Moseley, f,. - i Alumiorci, B. D. Lewis, and S- 1 :H- is Th-: •• -re: -h :m tVii • c:.. Ciarkt'on. Golds!-.. >ro. and Wdmirgton. Tc.c laymen who are > bai in the intc-ro-v of the confer ,-b ■ i wards. A- AT. H-/m s K-a.vveil Out law. L. H. Fisiv Lout:-e Bal iwiri;, Josephine F.c-cm.tn, Qalsrk Mcn i r.-e. LA. Eii M K r, y. .! E. V, hit ted, C B Simmons. Lila F:shoe. Ber' :in Fe: m■ -i.i. Addi: I-.I::e Janie E Whc-c-ier Eliza_ Smith. Mamie E. Hollins, Fannie ’ !ier-... Ardeila Shaw, Ifc-mie; Ro:.: Mr. t cot- Bessie Land-' m. [jie, Tm;o:d, and Miss Mary McKoy. T.to pastor;: who were rcspoosi-1 HU r tlie . •* - • •>£ tlte meet are - J. Howie, S. B. Terence C A. Tim own, E E. Tim :npsoa'. E E Me .an. J. B. Howell. J. T Stew it. A C. Jones, 1,- D Wet-,in. J I. Lew by. E. E. Roundtree. G. D Mi h er. C. J- Cutler, W. Q Welch, L P. Mcßae j. \y I.!’U- A. W Winclc-v, A. B. Moseley, Isaac Boykin. J, H Johnson, A SwiubLl. J J. Vaught, 11. Robbins. ; E. S. Russell and Dr. 11. B. Shaw- ; iiwe wot,' v*-ry it-w ehanres :n urn- - ; uurtments The -i umen of the :0.-t mm cy,rated the program 1 whiefi they veil! lOiiovr at tit.- gCn-' era: trii:sionary meeting that will t-e a,-Ki la Golc.-boro. November 135 j Mcchcries and Farmers .m-i Wake Count;. Bank, which is .-at of ,-x -- tcncu. Ho has been o member ox the First Congregational Church for 30 years. When he joined, it was mas tered by the Rev. P. R. Deßerry. A treasurer in that church for 19 years, he has be, n a deacon for the past 28 years. M: Marrow, who resides at 825 Manly Street, has a wife. Mrs. Mar gy.rci M. Marrow, three daughters, R icha« I Evelyn and Frances Mar row. and a neice, Ruth Ray Mitch- - ell. I i Th-.- fifth annualbcit»wide cot- ; ton defoliation conference will be held in Memphis. January 11-12. . Only thuse perrons actively engag ed it: some phase of defoliation i work are being invited. Sem* Yoi>r News To Us! ' 84th Session V a. AME Zion Confab Closes SUNBURN*. N. C. The 34th se s . sion of the AME Zion Conference, or, ide.l vve.i by Bishop Hampton T Medford clos< d here Sunday with the ...mg of apit-unimgni-s. where very few changes were Th e• f beg -ii V.’edhCS c-.y with tii, rving of the Holy C, !i-;reunion. Report? «»f the dele gate mv reesived and they show ed that much work has been done and g: ;ai progress made through i out the oonit ience during the year. Bishop Medford made the epis cowil .iddri on Thursday anti urged his hearers to quit them selvos like men and be strong. H-. told of the need for real men in the struggle for recognition in | the world. H, admonished his hear ers to go it.to all the world arid p.-tve ii tie gotysi of Christ. The hi- op La, toid how Negroes couicf - rose ws felt snd heard by ■in, wise use of the ballot H< urg e-i them to buy wisely, work tiili , gently and vote sensibly. pro". C E. Graves, who was the ii: » North C- ■ ii!'.:-: to receive the Alumni plaque of Shaw Um vorsity detr. cred the educational 1 address and contained the delC : ,-.t: s to work with people and not book? prof. T. S. Cooper also spoko and uigeci his hearers to go forth j : and work in the Master s virmJ : yard. j The is-mining ci-j rs, W J. Ba.i- I- y and R. S- Platt made their rc- J ports on Frirf: y and gave a good account of t--c work done by the ! -siors during the past year, Mrs. Willie G Aistcck. Supervisor of : t'ne mis-ionarv work was stern in hot appeal for misisons on Fri da;, Sh* outlined the work and ; called for a closer program for the coming year. The At'rcan work was outined at the Friday night meet i he- Ministers and Laymen's In 'titut- was me high spot of the meeting, due to mo fact that it dwelt w nil the pan that the young : people should and would play in I he church if given the opportunity. The theme of the conference was “The. Place of the Church in a Disturbed World. The youth hn ught out ti o fact that any thing could bi done to utilize the latent i nervy and power that the youth possess. The mode! Sunday School was conducted on Sunday morning. The conference has two districts and they are presided over by Revs. R. H Platt and W. J- Bailey. The two districts arc Norfolk and Petersburg Minister who are pro-1 monent are C. W. Turns, R- V Walls, A C Littlejohn. J. D Cati then, R. H. Warren, W- C. Sapp. J. A. Davis. B T. Medford, H.; B. Ward, W. M Eason. H. L. Marsh. ; V B. Hathaway, R R Purnell. C ; C*. Knight, M. L Beximon. R, A. ‘ Frazier, H. J. Couser, D C. Cov-! ington, C. B. Beamon, J T, Ednt-y and M. C. Jones* Laymen who contributed toward the success of the conferences were Mrs. Willie G. Alstork. Mrs. A. E.l Etheridge, J. W Manuel, Dr L. D. Crutchfield. The ciiorr and churches in and i PAGE ELEVEN and Sunbury cooperated in 1 < tertaming the conference. Th? Rt . R. R. Purnell was the host pastr The members of St. John Chur- v aided considerably in making’ t • conference a success .»>■«»< . n.m.m. —■ I-. J' f 4* lj HOUSEKEEPING'ASr r ismar rsiht ~ j will admit that during ou-rf courting days the last thing th.-. vj crossed my mind was the fact th- J after a certain ceremony I'd l L responsible for those white shirr- I i that came calling for me. Os coin -i . Jeff was behind the shirts and ar.j the moment that was about all v! noticed. But long about the tir el our “I do” date was sot it occun-; bj to me that Jeff was the spic ’ ‘ spannest man I knew. It a:- ' dawned on me that mkther vvasr.' ■ going to be around to take care cc! my lovely trousseau iiing?. I - short, the new Mrs. Stuart was g mg to be faciei with a laundi ;<j problem. Si mu' J W* taneously I d| cove re d tr u 'i'm a '-' our the mu-ci 'i- n ? n f ilstie 0,r ‘ ■> ctc known :s v j :] ~vj ■j | newly wed bu j b get And the* if had been no pro * v ision i;i said budget for a wasfci? r] machine. Then and there began the mo-'.I I intensive campaign poor Jeff ha -I beer, through to date and 1 pas-; that strategy for what it’s wort • *. : 1 asked for an inventory of h i! t washable wardrobe, itemized evei-q tubbab'e article I -owned, compile-:! a list of our necessary livens, iov v eis, biankets, etc. The ’ist stag 2 . gered even me. I appealed to 1. < American love of mechai-ization: '< pointed out that a m -chanicvi washer was sanitary, safe, and easy to operate as the mere dick <-fj a switch. With the budget bugabe -J ■ in mind I noted carefully that a| home washing mat-hire spare the life of clothing. 1 ever s brought interior decorating in:-J tlie scene by pointing out that ij machine was a wonderful item tj tinting sheets or spreads or drop*' i Then there was the possibility baby clothes later on that wou'-U have to be clean and sweet-sine 1 ' -\ mg. I wound up the cam; aign ii: ‘ burst of oiatory which k-bek-d tl-ei washing machine as vitally esse tial to the morale and health of, the American home. Jeff couldn't lieip himself: bZ gave m and came- through.with uj washing machine that is the pride* of our household. The best part »f( the situation is that 1 came t-.*| realize that every sales point wav true. And woiie I'm glad 1 talked Jeff into it, I'm even more delight- !' to find out how right I was! f 1 The average loan rate for ISJ- - crop burley "tobacco is 45.7 cents : pound. This is 90 per cent oi f. -• parity price as of October 1, 15' J The 1950 apple crop in Austral' • was below normal and prices pi?-1 by freseli users and caimers wt a high «

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