$ - S ' *.■ - v.v.. \vir\n\i pin nv \i V( { '-- |’or iff <«l hi K'>»'*.i ijnd vvljn'i'v’r \ntrrin>n i»^iituu» m<’n arc hn;th‘(l hi bospi»:il> IhfoWßltoul Jhr '.uhml rom*’ \ ■* ♦'ntiur 1 I nuit fhr * v tu » viv»«rious * iii»>i ror;l . <tf Hd \otlh < ( oJ!cg( u Jmi,v hnm \|tr ;s »l lv » Wifi,. liif'Mni, DM. . Ji.Hi . <»i 11 -: i: <* v' t-s rrcriilli- > '>!♦ .! (>n< « J? of lip' ;*•» p i»k f» v* ‘ },J. <?;;<'• f’lllh > f 1 » rhi V Iph.i ill j* t j»i* , i !»♦? i\ li w”\ <»> M M *8 a<"i 4' # S o if- JL/111' .s O ? J.% £ DISCRIM; CHARM V (iIC !!■ )><.ll o {" • ... ;...■' . of f'll- - ' l"'! I! : : )' 1 , ~ Hf-i • •!• i • -i J • ■ • . ,i; i 1‘ >'-•> • !1 ■ (I* T» •» ; . ti|btl l> t ( '»li : i ii l ' 1 ’, M■ i till- 1,..';i! I(i V , !!.:"■ ' r !• I r bt b.v r,■ h;■■ Mi: -■ N'.fil I! JH'iii ic : i •■••:<•! ' i <f OllthtlCfi • rj> K, liis Si --Zr-n-i’S " I fey •'• ; i i f.invf: i\ TRorftj f ,';5, fugitive it'am prison ( , : | .iM|i, was cajilur lit JJip Bronx, NY, last wrrk w iflt th** mtirrit t >f st* p rtailfihtfT. Thf* * Su;»p<*c *-i with stuffing th/* body *>f his war d|<{ victim into th** fit l'p.iit of i hi” Jironx hiiilriinc at xvhir h hr was a janitor, f i. israprh in JfMfi RALEIGH MEDIC HONORED A singular honor was reci isl ty bestowed upon a Raleihg physician when members of the Raleigh Dental, Medical and Pharmaceutical Society present- <!i Phylli*-: UT»»t«* of f.wt^hlrur %, \ sharos with Mi > Ingram !Im> firstniction of n jot- ,st \ a'riil ijiV’s Da y ai ttip Dttr ham t'pjrgr js a mrnilH'l ,; S lij * ‘ \ ( ( o|f< £p j n-»rji < luh t •*•»<.: 1 Sflf'nrp Clll|», aMfl Mir t • la as { iijJi Shr- j,. ;j l ibrary >• r ,1, , in < jOi riiy Ihs h«*i«S nirm< ffslitp in Mir rnnimnrj;il * mb fin* D-ajiring <hi l abd thr i W<. A r.\ ! r II Mi HI \ ■' ' ’AY -Torrrr n-r.vl; A.D : ; :;i' : -*■••?■*-% hoj/f *” v !f - •: nn v V-;- |j i.:l • •■l*7 ••< 50l j; > *•;, i 'nfTi siab:: s (\ ,-,i' i hr. <■ }•’, h {]*'.) mn ■ /:?a?i i IP. f pf. M;P nt • ‘ . IP ' nt • : !. : • {iff? -f Jhr ’>l ; A . A fr»nU;- ..mu r -- i •• tn- t , n: « ... «-, r t *i ■ ■ -.m l r • not i' '• . '. - if<J. H" VDS DttOl'p • # « : nlim»«al <m { K_ !hf*. sr< tioit) Complexities .Beset Officers 'an i i>! ioriai " ■\l ■ ( ALT ' attention to >hp i.iaj. p{ in* *i * ! i.u j > it!.! i. - eh no] affajj;; by the geneva! pub Ip 100 niair. ! ' o ..i*.e mol •'■arp that public ochooie ar<' om- ;■ 11 ** o) id ib it '-Vi ..hould be more ooikutiu d ;'!>«>;! tio ir »,i>er;i on . a bout OKR (jIH.DREXb Ol !; TKA( iIKRS, on: ! RJNOH*AJ..K, oru SCHOOL BI'II..KINGS. And, untij wo • 11 •• • '.ehoole and their student,, tesudi'-r and prinri pai.s a ; our miponsibilitio.'-. the fullest use of ti-.« ; -,rh'»oJ and its personnel rnnnot■■Contribute the most to Oi R coin m unity. Many-of us ,-ay the white people run I hr . riiuois .This n fact in runny communities, <md it will always by true unless v;c aye coneenifid and willing to aid ihose who are OONTINI E!) ON PACK KlGil'i THIS SECTION ed Dr. L. Hunt a traveling bag nn occasion of his being calied for service in the Armed Forces. Above. Dr. Hunt is pictured ac cepting the gift from the society. Pictured, left to right, .are Dr, N.C.NAACP Lacks Found Home-State Edition \’> ii f Mj, X • . 1 • !Ia < , 1, NOIM II CA.lv OI [S/\ Criuia;.'. :i lur<i ;i y, ! t'l.r'W IV, J :>■,>'> ‘,n j,; ; ': I , ~ ' - TKACH t.’.. t-'r i .ties FRAGF.i» / Mr:’,. <ii!a Har t; , -if .hr Sr’tiJ gr.i.l s. .. »; Junior School. ; w -.... iK- f«ts :<• ih»- hole nt * f .U\ hr tho Du net which w n r > e■■ i .Is <vf»y mlo fu r classroom la«.l Thursday after noon and Jiillf-il f>-y< ,ir old Delores Martin, a student. 1(5 rocmmlmy the trarjedv, Mrs. Harris revealed that she heard a tinkle of fallinf; glass and saw the child slump nv rt.-diy wrainded onto her de.vk. Little Ann Delores w ; liftenini: to musii’ with some 40 ether pupils in the < when .the tragetly orrurred. (See Story This Page) 1 M. L, Watts, Dr. Hunt, Dr. Nei i son Perry, Dr. W. B. Pettiford, prcsidt/4 «f ihe Scruggs Modi eai Society und f>r j, Thomas Hamlin making t.h« presentation. 1 ? 'l r iZ I' A fight *v, c* )•! !>fh*l . .i ;1 f P »;t* *1 , t*v • I'l ?I h'A jjf U- I<> t»1 '..•{» A i'»|p ’!».’? i • tiini ;» oar r.;|] 3 iaipen in V\ oj*?ct?!»? i r ?ionty -til fignn: ui i he ynr .ft: v*.hi«;h jiiiv. ;.Ithv death r, t hV c 3» r> 1«1 hdg ! rs t ) j lv t Up! tvcci; . Victim in fhc ''ynglotnc-laMnn of < oifh-;. j- ; I»eloros Ann Alar, tin. of Vlr- Jodi a Mnrt’w i * ‘-T ;■*-!.<: H-ngt i! Sir.Gi!, Tb - young not. b.r; to t <•< <>r*S irr.'- s&Jy wifi), nt ji n j pi) pil ‘ y ; ' Ibs'l Thursday as.- i ;; . P‘ ■ Irr in Hi • ijiir teacher of Hu - • i I» «r«i - !n trillrh ni>b>rr ; y fll-'nr -.v j* Si (. nth or nnpjlc ‘ • ■ h *"* i i ir» iT r 1 • •; p \ o,il "'•''.l w- a r« i || in eia -1 mr spa - . j til re in ant Kim ; f, : . ; | 1| project, f>nt', ii. f 111!;5io of Rlas- AN* ni l,ou j • I IjP ohlllip Os ill*' litll-i'. I'***’ | pnmmucfcl the advent ot tragedy j Mi . Mail*", !il 1 r'tatlMg the ill ! 111 ]. ni i.'iofj i’.’io ii i> first hap ' pen* ij ) Hio'ifJjf -•i ii t-01llH-hj tlno’vii -t 7 r»ck. ,n the dvliKlo' ’> i A child • -'i'eamcr! ‘T <- '■■■•' r?na : I never fr! 1 *»??f of th* '-el ;-bc 1 Jll'-I Hill Hicrp! Tit" Child was inue' di.'iteiy ' “ * mwf'tl to Salat Ague:; Hospital where she *.van prom"tn< "d dead on a n ival Offtver;: ilivesHgatlnip the lraf;t<lv fmind a hole s'igiitlv iarpi"! than Ihe size of a .IS calibre ring rov et t"d in the ronni in foe lower not tlon of the iiottom pane of the! left cetifer window. The ring, which j : Pierced the window and a «had«; lowered s o cut nut (lie brightness 1 of a sunny day. obviously had lak- j 'en a downward course from its | 1 points of entry, piercing the shut) , of tile tiny victim who was seated i 1 five seats from the roar of th° ! room in what could be considered the confer row of seats. (Continued on page ,r> FATHER FIRES AT PROWLER; Wt $ HIS SON I. ' |; MA .T \ ‘i -ru } r»]rj un t r ••'.ii/, iv-;.i .'< »! or. v i •;f <n £ rhf? fiorn" h f br»?l hf* tn rf’tiKH 1 r» |) y ? o» 1 r * ordci 'V•'<k! I1 r'j hf* ? r r.*r)v l:c-t Sunday morning fry •< bulle-t Dved y*‘OTn a gun v iolde 1 by ths- n-.ai* 52 rear old father. Ps.ad in the early Sabbath tra t;*dv * > .7 f »?eph Whitley. * r 'hr? ?boi a.p.d killed by the fat he*, p*,r --n o pt \vb ! H v •;v1 >cd the y r> n nger nViti n ft‘- JT)pf f, d to oU?rjb jn*n \i v ki'iow Iv. thp Whinp-v home '•>> Fa y**tl *• vi) 1 p , .’t r ppi hpjp Arroid:ng f<* yjmrH'f . He*.. Tin ol iHu'!*am * rinntv, voi*ng vA’hifjcv '.van nlint once above the right «-yc- a:: ii- attempted "nw 1 into the xvindow of a room be h;-?r! ocriipipfi of i!i« Whitley home miM< refer*t. trouble resulted hi his frying; barrvrj from the house by order. ! The elder WhUley told invest.!-1 gating officers that he had on .three occasion* Saturday night or-i d creel his son away from the! house, only to have him return j each time. Shortly after midnight., the eider: (Continued on page 8) fUf v ' - jrvry © Hearing bet on I win SALEM Tt \r :i r; r 0 :„ '..a th:- ihat a hr •'•'px ; h-.\\ b'.iCH *;]■•» LftPrj in \V -?! • •:*» ‘■l. til; j T'rjv >.a nr-t- P.Cf. r. ~, i.. ; dfli J.'*r v ."•.)• V |}*. tilt heirs I i 'flip l|p;» | itirl, tl>.Ktfpr] by- 11. • ,\-Mi 4 n»a| rrofifCMon AuHhh i *{ \ i . lo th fa v i Dijtifi wli*’th« ? foil si C.; a? 5 !»u Ilf (hr Pfllfjff i fn hr a«Ki\\<d /■' nl> :,-(■•• ?::•.(.» !i) f •; p” ! ri 1 11 J-, 1i ? ' ;';l -interl p‘ ■•■■•■)»• (1 f c ii j h • •' ; 1 ir-i ■t ; . • r». mpj; nnc 1/n aiifDici meet mg nj tiie L.-df .’i ,\v riMO V MCA M:r ;i iv «.*V Ch hMs B. "vVndry prr .idont cd ( HIUJUtPri ft j I DO ’ N this srcUom TIM PAI If OF DEATH -- T*o <o i oiv nu thr abovr photo shows she path <lk oullet uiurh gilfed *f veaf-old Ann |>e in**:3 Martin m .a as i.-uclHs IMinff-i V’hftfil, bjjieign. last 7 ho? v.r?'f y Thr- bOOk-frAf ‘ h/nrij belonged to Fbc tiny vic tim. u-»n.<- p-'i.ii i , Mu- i hii.t ?.v35 at the- fleslc Mvt« >nivg to with o-fr • c Uocd Mnfinitf; ll'tU'i*. ilir Mlldtfrlc MnKle *»f frr«*:<i«iiig i;f is-., sb-r toppled back M'»rd Hi (?»* v;ii, tier •'< ,u(Uf. iA >• ruotos by B*U \ r " ! ■ j j HAPPENED ;j IN j CAROUNA j | Ambassador Honored CHARLOTTE A singular hon- : j or was bestowed upon a tustineu ■ jished Johnson C. Smith IJniver- j j hit y alumnus bore Monday when ; . Edward R. Dudley, Ambassador to Liberia and gradaute of Smith, 1 (Continued on page 8) I EXECUTION STAY | SfIANTEO BROWN! i ft F lyric IVfOW'it, j .‘O-ycur ..ol VV*nSif"tJ S.tl.'m •• utflJi 4Vif! »iof rjjp I rbnhM y a tl-O M. <| by lip j < rft Dl.lfJM U;l » tn*' Court thf. !*<■( u;i i * d-pi i ,un*rf j M'n. \yr»'l< f. s a(lot |i> y- J,»r l.hf v i> \t Mi w hire appr Mos «n ' 'Mil j;nll{\ verdict, w.vt <i“ j 1,r.( wrU y!r n (hr :»l 1 tof n»"V', wrrr. jjr.mteiJ .y ivrU '»T < ontimiff* oji t.,?fb; « rijon) ! )I\N WITH HOLED iiLAIt 11)1 s i A|,KS •' I \V D1 I; V l) #■p H«• ih r t Jbr* f iu It/ . t hol 4 in 'bfsj h* trj V\ iVllJlTitf, X‘j . ft* i-ilb. .tr»d by b>nyi y j*. not ;f* s-I .'VI ui riff f* in erf |hf ho if i» h il l j Ait 11 l btlH.l flat ft! i p.Mh lh! Dlf rj* Ibe top *>f hi* s« .tlf> 41»ii / ti»[r <*iH biT ih?o'M AffilSpfl of tirjnf; thf bullet * ‘?bf j itt: {'.•.: v-p fjijs s'-C f-tOH’i Negro Representation On AII N. C, Divisions Asked iR >{<•>£?■ i rrquerf tha* N c > 1.* 5 !'«■:>i . -..-n lat }■ ,ri or. -id i:• *■) i'll. '■ f) l'j) n J i:; .if 11!;. '•oo.irn,iM.e<e. • ■ oii < d t>'■ foi i-- i .f i.ilatare iim ; iiiia week ’'* i. >r! h :t rn] <! ,a 1 .if Dpiha.m prof'-:- ‘o'. .Maklv-r an linpa: r.ioiiod appeal; i'! ! de.ii'ee of representation tor "H the SlateV units was B Taj''.or, professor of rs".-'ho!o.>ry. v "V: spoke, as a repre. •>*l‘t> • ?' - C; of th « y,T»> i-1 1 1 CjrcJ t n « | T6a*:* h c r' a A -"»r ja*! C ?] T*l«C?f hirtS hi* for H;.tt ?s!?).* Ah-' 71!'OT 1 ' *,t t ir>T| : (' r»o> VC if f >•■•<- np 1- ! ! i><?rfto <he lcr.*fi]»fh-o of' fh* T‘<- i' h«' , i . A'•-e n I ; l • • cn, Di T«v!or «r,o.d j V,‘r- k !}-■' " thf? r-fc<|iieis , ; | ?h rmjd he n]«r. I where but since arc t h-rira.. ! hcr.> from both frnnsipq, onr ty'kpifz Hits oppocfun it v tn 1;«v he for p von our rp'juecp that T .crisis tn re t. liter v?ar a flout i a rppoluiion to thr offrri that N'c j groco he giver* rnprcscrtf.gtlon nr? j all boards, and { commit tope, whose functions sru| j duties aT’C tn Mduiiu icttor in t>n j , T'oodq and wplfnrp of the people of j < Nc-rth Carolina.’’ Heside* making tMs j ted request. Prof. Ta.vlor also ere-! f * * * ■: iljjlljl ;-y, f -iAMM*- .s«&*** v-JSc® y Jr£ Wimmmm fMm al^Sw *£' > ' " I . ti S >^i|t>JP'-'.': i* » V <' < \ h ‘ NAA (' p ATTORNEY Mtor tnyv rournrf O. prarson of r>or I'-i.H U’( Wf-K w;is named ;.<•* in ;; ohairinan of tln> tegai re dress committee of the \«rtb Carolina branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Attorney Pearson succeeds the late Attor livv .i esse Itovv Se r of f.TiarloUw in the post. LEGAL WTIGN OF NSfiSP HINDERED Br SHORT FUNDS Apathetic Public Seen As Hinclerance; Group Will Seek Support. K AI.F.HfEf A ejavinc Injict i men I, nf tv .tale s mliiiQn N p fi' r citizen ; > .-• uinded here las; pn d •'• when the laxnesa of aipport oi 'he nhttcu ids civil rights fight !'■" -a.;,:,! by the NAA CP V/,U i mode known. Infort c*inn concerning the lax ■ ' • of support of the program was v. ivnh"ci' dmmg a meeting of HI. : '’..'h.r, and officers of local N A ACT-’ !'.ra?'ri.. s •-•(.'< th« state president end nthci state oficers of the As tocation The meeting held at the ue*d<r.Ja,->iv of the N. C. Teaches Association, was attended by of f css: of hranciie.s throughout the t. t • and. presided over by ‘i-c pifyidr.:;). Kollv Alexander, According to state treasor <'r N. I, (acjj of Greensboro, tends necessatTl} must be forthcoming with -xperiiliori if successful conclusion is made of the many civil rights case* being waged by the NAACF and are now’ pending In his report. Mr. Gregg noted thT the litigation of the suit being •.' aged by North Carolina College L. v School students seeking ad mission to the law faculty at thn University of North Carolina has alrc-sri;, cost more than $4,000. Os that amount, hardly $2,000 had h> • ; forthcoming -t hen the treas urci's report was being written ic-.. than lwo months ago. In other cases in which th® NAAt'P has ptaved a leading roic the story is the same, the treasurer's report show*. ! ;! f, v cases include three, in ‘al school discrimination casea .■- vv -it as ofher civil rtgtita actions t .. . . V .a«i ..fir in file ('n’.nmiiiee ing Sty rhareing ( hat tin- S >r• J* 1 1- tolina Teachers' Associaiton, rep. te-'uifing more than 7. 000 Negro 'teachers in Uic State, has not ' had epportunit.yto presents its prepo • phlk” to the S'tate Board of Edu cation and the United Forces for Education. Stressed by Dr. Tavior r.ere the legislative aims of the Teachers group which include requests for: 1 Increased support to the col leges in the State, particularly to . /he Veero colleges so that the ary srhddule? ma l be increased and "tacimies be made mjr? nearly poua!/ 4 ? ronf j.nti o n of thf -25.<»00 00A and "ITW-.ro tar ihr building prwgrg.rn. \ A.n a-'idltionai request yotced o-* tbo fra'her i p/htCS tD-SP po*ttpo w « so tile o-t ’hiisb’oont of an frn footiio.tptnded Vo to ohhdren h.-i- already b«»tr aglrd upov bv » TlOgiHaHve mim, e-t the rrnctioK tton of such a. fa cilit.y r* Goldsboro Ts hn~ been noted howevg; ;hat the tTOldnboro fapilify o—.** ..ndo?. cooßtruction does not .noff Hi,, oitipit e« m nrniKuprt '... tho Teach. ore i'.n nor hy pt’ipj Rjssi l«rly situated groups tbroughoul the State.

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