0 I "f[ \Af 11 w?T% rr r i in c ¥ ¥ mill .li 4 J- 1 a I I'J.k .4. 0 Say New Hanover “ip*- o T & r radices J imero f) r. I I.iibcr I IZa io n biles (-i s1 rye s f or Parents; Hearing lo Be Set By t * ,rr r : *, T.'lUr.r \y jj;;ii • and s'aff --»• ri* - r cat■< >r i i N r ■ ’}«•! ll* • I Re! !!l 1-. WILMIXHi O '. VO Hanover Cnmity pm-eutH mi.- «•<•«*!{ brought suit i ll-1 .\,-.v I ja n ,, -.Countv ß Bo.inl of Ktim-uHon ;-.■■■■■ 1 h«J Strife Hoard ci : charging <ii ‘ tintiiintif.,*: jp school system !ioi>> lici o •.•i'll iiiiiio iiTl'l X Off I P . IIJ /1 i'll I s I h !l fill)' wu; liji-rl Mondn.i moin ’:!r: with ;»s» ij j* i- j f-i f .j. ‘ 1 ' "It 1 • and i< I’m- "■•1)11:11 i;i --' lift <'-b for- Negro st lld'-llts ,;j Ul' VubhY school-, of i]i(‘ county." It*’ Hilbert \ icilo:), jicooi i mm; physician and ‘vjiwm .mi not ion - oI !y~know it 1 « os 11 is pin , ■ r. hVoncht * 'he action for fiis plsisuijf!.. in. cludhc hitli.olf, AHorlley ijnlu-o R R' O'l. Wile it."ton’s ioio v. -to barrister. nfi mini to Mis i, > details. \. oc jo toil I>. 1f 1 !lni"| 0 r Mari in A Mi ,-f in, ami Olivo;- tri i, former member of flm J;i< ir,ri Virginia city rnnnei! Hot;, ore of ♦he HinhimnuJ lav firm of Mnrßn Hi)!, and Robinson They haw woo six straight btorios In <.ji;>i!'. : - oases, the ltitosf having I in Dm hi til. United states J)er,uD Clerk* Dougin* Taylor re< •ive.l !!i» ri •per* •which stated that th • cm »; • ait«! the stale hoards of "duration .hare “disi'i'iiniti'ited ti gainst X groes |n- riot erovirtimr cyini f cllities for Xcro fitihti’.'n ,i~ prmiried for white ehiidre•!!.'• The panel's claim that cli of Pe te in violation ~r |j, ( . nstitrt-t.o'i unf N>rjh t hirnl ■'"a -* vs i- f,•- a „• s ■ tioti ? under •which ft is provided that Itir; sto.!" • Sii.M f l pfnv*de bv taxation and otherwtei for c »••••*- <rrnl and uniform of ■ <i>:• ‘1 * ■ftehnidt l*o-;• :t1 J ,• 1 1 : t’: of 1 ' state, and th"C" shall lie :;o d : -:- erfTnfvintinn tn e vnr of, or In th" prejudice “* - 'tt' l -aen " DATR TH DR SRT Tim papers will be « wit to R.i. leitrh for ttw-l"* on S" ' ■ T :•••••*•'.- itrer Brandon HodLicet Re Pat, Tarlor. and others and W B. Beam, den’itv mors ha I fur the Die fern district ""ill serve the papers . r: H d r . ;• .i- - • o' f'-rv. ?i'LJe> = < mi.!.; v bmv ‘i liGtriie nru Jo he - i Ah« .it lhe ; *‘<|if » for -i 1 ( HjiUniied on page 8, thß *-.«•< tiiin) ■m ■JkJHI mM \ AMONG st»K AKERS .J. Siuir.dcis Podding, well known cd-.Miafor and author >:■ « mem- i b(‘j of the hrilliaol panel of speakers who will address ses sions of the 70th annul conference of the North Carolina Teachers Association being staged at Ra leigh .March 13-17. Other famed speakers include NAACP legal chief ihurgood Marshall and Morehouse College president Dr. Benjamin Mays. Sessions during \ the confab v. ill be held at Ra leigh Memorial Auditorium and are open lo the public. A SI i ! 5S S i! I t) IN MAV iianovm: t ot \TV-Titr most .i:;:;|'.mvi action on the pit! of Vi'gio citi/.cm of this c.istciti foiuit.’, m '"i vcitrs look nl,o *• on ■'londav mnritiiifr. alien Or. Ha in ti A. ['aton, prominent pltysi i ion ind -.urgeon. re; I csditing I t p ri nts, filed snit in eastern peri oral ('mrt against tile local float'd ol education .md the state hoard <d education, ei‘lining discrim ination in tite County School sys tem siirrot, tiding Wilmington, t rs! (o right; Attorney Robert i! Bond. 'rated Initial States Deputy Clerk ,f, Douglas Tax lor; and Di. I'.aton MAN, 3?. OEADIN hrf at LABORERS’CAMP IlrmJprsnnvillo <!;unj) Is Silr oj .Hid I)c*;Hh Dm ill” IH \loi»f lis lib nt>i-;i::-:o:\VII i.r it, ode, aouvilb'K itif.anioti." Death Camp" .iias r.,'timed a tint (p r lielii)!. wi: i i lire Bpiifi i.eim: the ■. .-•)»i.■ j.■ of deatii. Dead of in in no . nitained ill a ii re vii ie'r .a ipi tiltaotijg!) i ii< lr . • eioj; f |,i ho: . a i,, ( n.e;i r tip. eii iipiii '' /'leta !e ‘ i (ik.iopi i, p'ote ri ("Tl'ibei t eiioni ! a. lia fni'Jod ni at ‘ fill [dr to * . ,ea pet! ; i ■ !>u jl di n • it he/; tii" flame- jieg/ip to emend Ae- . ,)",i jug hi In. a i cot onev f h H A i’lirter D.amiiert wa ; falall, hunted elld ;i pot hue prill T, Me Donad was seriously injured when a fcni'enlin aflei-mion Hie sa.pl throufh thy labor camp lo.ated on lire stt.re.>> l.ere jiis.! outside Ihe <;i,v's limit' ■ fill [.lilt R\ i>l KD It a a-; noied Dial a fir*', of tny. •itor!(irm origin just as the fine on 1 du> was revealed to h". .’lr.,lni>'d the lives Os two small Ne. kro eiiidren in the “time camp hutidli.g some I a mopths into The earnp. ooeratrd by a truck ero'vei • nv! Hhipnlm; i oneet it. is ■ sed hv Ifihorers for the firm and their families (’omposed of frame ooihlit'.‘rs. ('.• eamji renresenrs : fire bi/x'e'd tieeimee of its location, outride the Inca', limits. Tite building in which death claimed Rail'd.and Its " youth ful victims previously is long wooden affair, divided into unnr fees for its habitant*. When efforts fn locate Lambert's rebtth'Oß proved imanreessful r f '■ ill is week, file body was interred *7! a local CWnetrrjr. w^m A. ,vvsJgf; • .. jj|r FI.-AINTIfF —. Above, in .lames i o ■ 1.0 I ...,1-UUS. 111 Wii iningfon, who Jias entered .suit against the I 1.1 versify of N. C'„ charging discrimination a gains! Negro students wishing so pursue «»>•■• f:< ;il educalon. S'orfh ( aro lina ii.is no medical school for colored gcorle. Thomas, a hr'l lia**l siiufent at Straw I Diversity and Cornell University, white, is a third vi ar no'ijieal student al Meliarri M-do .1 College, .Nash\iiie. Trim. DpVMQ |/11 1 0 li ill I i v ?; i s i Ll.u SFLr: NFMLi RI r,IS'Q BE An OFF Ve.vsf L w»i s III' ft Jail! The sliotgilii don: of a w-,, youth hero f i'is r '■!> 1 i■: ' <i aec.idf'li - .till 1 ! > enu lll,V uin hnri Lie- ; y.'i' aaji ’■ i 1 t.n <ii; i .:, | County -Sheriff i 1 pa’ I turn i 1 -j.iities. (h • death of Kufi: : Wii : Williams, • fr. of itioih j. High i’ojni. was caused hy ;m aeideniai|v m<-!f-in iiie led sholgan hlasf wound which blew a portion of iiu iiov’s head off. RllfliS. Wilo )(•!) e«|'|» for diis 11-y<-ar old brother. John, while the youih-.* pa roots wi re visiting a Gwpeushoro hospital, al legedly took the ride: Williams’ shotgun to '’keep an;-, body from I messln’ rotnnl As the Vi-year-oid youth looked j down the barrel of the weapon. ; the younger hoy said, the gun rlis ebarged. Half of the youth’s head was missing following the blast. Funeral services were hold early this week. Home-State Edition ‘ 1 •' ■ ' 1 J/• ■ !> i‘ ■<i ; ■ A *' r 'I_T ‘ A VY F..’ I I,’ PC: G ’.! ] i-.Tf.A ? .’IAK-Y HIV J. !*;• t K 0.1-1 oister Cary Ponders Council ' ' ' : „* . ' I• 1 *>•.•( **' !mi I , nnn f •°H' ' : ” < ‘>Ulll , ..CflMilj Jlljjli'., I escaped '■Jr.-iIII, ;ind minim losi.'l.v, 11 nnr u rj"p iiijiircd wlirn .) Ini., on uhi<‘li ),!)<••.• wore ridiirg- collided wit li ;m ;infomoiiilr- driven by ;t :)'llool Irarll (> r near hero curly Monday movniiiif- Til*' Jhi: . with f?i* ir* n f.; on Micir way to. !>;<. HHuml, by [Mrs. Syr i;i /\il»r>ria \vl)f» f.'.K hr;: .it ,'yilOW Tfi i! ,i}»u!|i i » l . A< * or<l j nrr to ,>• F'u '•II. /?r»- •v fj (,f thr f>n, 111 *' - yllisioti o'TIJ?*- I’f'fS » lien fjjr Im;. n iinif'rj f» «'! i ftr-r flopping; ;«t .» ?»;»'• .on : roar)'; 10-or !h<' t ( rltnni | I 7 l» n ' rhooj r.trhn ',: V i v, „\; i forrrd off- Hir hifrh'vov I»v f|». i rr.M.-.ii. with .oino >770 doim.ic; o '- t>"- || sm.fa bto/j Ortmago i() jj M . fn, I uas wgllblo i , • HOSPITAL GROUP HAS 'PLANS': ALL SEEM ILLOGICAL Improbable Manners In Which 1o llaiiflje Problems Voiced K A LEIGH . Thai Wal.f < 'fMjnty’s lo.aeo N>£Tm ri ;. >■‘'ll., urn. t -for a fini*', po.s ddy .i lony one -- ho sub i's’leil !.o lioiipifaliziition ton dit inns termed below sub .tandard was indicated here attain this week. In a. Wednesday confluence be , jww'n representatives of lln local Ministerial Alliance ami members I of I In: Ron it! of Directors of St , Actios Hnspifa. Wake’s only Negro 1 facili|„v. it was found that plans projected tiy the hoard will for all indefinite period stymie action on i a M«ly.needed nnWiely financed ! 'horpitaj institution here. The four-man committee repre- I renting the Ministers group and tn ; eluding the Devs. P. H. .Tiihnson, •R. O. Bass. .1 W. .tones and V.. I". I J,av.-renec was told hv hospital hoard chairman 11. C. Hoffman and i member Grimes Wlliiams that j while the prawn i Saint Agnes i hoard is contemplating drastic ef j forts to alleviate present conditions j at the institution, other related | circumstances must be rectified ; pending any concerted activity. | During the conference. i {Continued on page S. this section) nti • i i>- ir> ? * < Miracle i rug ralieot I ht\ i , f 19? 1 c i ur * a j*r| r ari s i il eL ',,, .. MRS. ADA ELLIS - . . “thankful” it. a ,ti a!■'! 1 v, lurnr; f! AI, KI (Jll A valiant effort t., tight, hai k iears \va: made p-. .Mr. Kill:;, h’ab lgb s ”.M ii .icb* 1/niFZ ’ }»n i ;i s tobi in Id r»- por?< i 1.t..r Tljiii 'l;ty "77*11 tit* :n e« 11 I'm :;i if..:} ijj it i lo - 1 Ul.'' Mr.; Kii!:; irl< i |o Hr* mnu « rov;. rjti/i't i 01 vi rlnby ’* bo fin • bint Iniy »!' 7 flf*!J lunfi ;«THI p< .( . ::!on-. ff* c: 1v» I,i f ;i B*.i ♦ on Hf«‘ In Li'* lorm of ;j rtvng o '. <• orjr ■ lull ft. Bom 1 f* ?, o nn];': TUI’ , ".‘- •V-- '' ; i''" * *' ''' J*. -.bVrii • 's£&>■ kirfe ON RROTHERHOOD Shown ! above arc participants in a re cent Brotherhod Week prorgani staged at the Bethlehvm Center of Chat tote, N. C. The occasion. ,i tenth anniversary tea., proved ,’tOJ.IN i N a.lld olliei loe;;t rut tom; were idD ■ d (lit: Mr Cl it (noth'') of t h|-ee ehildl I'll and thr'P .1 pafiept ai Mibit Agar ■ Ho po'-iT •. mild die if die were, do prtved "I eoidulone. a drier' probi 1,1 r! . in r-fi'.l yr i in 11 s c 11111 u s in el;, i«. Vhdttu of ,i dtoad and rar* kdi pi .mirier !\lt'': Id 511 ' liarj for four i - nr-, undergone highly eypepyive I t'e'l till l ' II tH. iietpg :irllll H I Oft In fill loellt ;I■IK J) I t?l I flhortlj 111 fete Ille enll for aid ««h iyiu-d (fiontimird on lingo K, tiiis .sertion) to be a groat success. Shown are, left lo right, Mrs, ,1. W. Payne, Cherryvi.le, X. C.; Mrs. L E. Brown, president of the Center. Mrs. Hardy Liston, wife of J. C, Smith University and president WOMAN PASTOR IS CONSIDERED A LEAD CHOICE Support Promised f>v I*; *l< -1 ‘j 13 Primps fl Post is (H In <-d lor I i RATKC.H T )'£? ITIPV) 11.-'. i Voocf !ou rp \ ** -!• • .. i « fi;icv of the Hr-v. Mabol 1 ■ *’Sister" tj;irv for ti >■ K.,t --i leigh l it y 1 oil nr ij <".< to ! from ;i! 1 -jsi * rt <-t of !>» nf ' fo] | n nu: Jill gill'OU!! rio rr.i i in is ! i nj? ■ ! thr c \i:< if,INI \M r" <? «lo= ; : ‘"'Ci-fpr Gary W ill. Pin !•’<> j < 'ouiiril .1 f Piibin- Den ;.nd 1 fi. VI i". 1-1 * liOllil). ba » • !f l >• .* v.'H and in;- t;tr 1 man!;-. h«r so pm, - t i.i : Ilf*T|.it, at tin . .V <•■'! 1 pi o -*t! dor'Ms'd to oMV-t sot a -a 1 at -»n j rniiiiril (V)pri.A.R t'HOlt <■: A -.....nrfion of 111*' In* ai p . : Tarn iiloriK illi illtoro .!<•() *>!■ - ■ v*’r in all portion', of I to* n-'t'-n ha’*', through various in*-an v dor i-d t !|I• J,-* dot' "i ill* !o*' : li f '' “ A\i ,f: /..ion rhttM-ti »n<l nopitl.'n ''* din m.;iiia*'lt!-t a * f*t >. I<j • --f poplllat -dird'-r for tit*' '-and! I V." I’-Ud ■ opt tu IT; no - i ti' it 'ids vc ami i- • of -,-■*-*l'-.ta ;if 1 - i , ho- dgr- to V.!? 11 '?" polo/ o.iii-n- Info her sb'-dtG r - i l>r* <•;«• :■ < il.-dofo 7 PONTti-* PA'VOPf r * p.--. oil- in all walks of --'i - ;mg from th»’ m-m on th- -l 1 '"'” to I},( inor.f n-ttntf* popsortalit t of | tlio profo. Kions havn rnmalrd hV , rfr-v. Car', trn-ot -. with inns f and i;.<-i- ai-i-rjitatirr of Hit* faith h*‘- ■iw «.rf upon her b- b*»r rott«'»di.-*-» and Inll fi a tniuisniTiti it h"in.£ <••> j t hnr.i. ati.-a!!v hoped for SI : I‘PORT Os K1 Ri I’ With filing iin*l rrgi iration ’’ : aim*- tii.-n- off. financial anti -U ! .aipiimi ha-- been proffpifr! ttofu. : inniia!-. and with an'-i-tv. Tv c i m-p-; rt i/a t ion -- ft *' *' i t' l *'a It'd a * ; : in- to aid tif'r in an’ tnami?*- 5 to work dlli.‘.-°nii> for h*'f nl«rti'.>« |n a tnlppliono '-alt fr*"-i 1’ ' t< iititUuird **n ]«£» fill'* V'Cn-*!*! of the YfethodsH Church and Center; Mrs. Cicero Grooms, So cial Christian Relations secretary of Greensboro. N. C. and Airs., Wiliie Mae porter, a member of the advisory board of the Center,

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