TEACHERS OPPOSE N.C. SETUP Sister Gary Declines Raleigh City Council Race 2 More Plan School Suit r rrS* -EXT mi;, win. \ki:i: RALEIGH ->. lawngh ; ;/.;dic '.fJi-**>l 1 aei.c; .vniin;: ■<.••■- *r, ;;ra«l'.;.«‘v '■■ Hi. ioc;.! Sl.uv !'i'• 1 - '. t" i'.'J t V !.".!■• ' j.i!i:’-Ci th'' IDg till. !l i'! X' O' !. ■ Cefcanfiiiiu ih- DAi Ptehea: -. e ;.*•: in State. As-cording In Haiti.;’) XU'. ■ TINT TOTS OIF AS FIRE DEATH TOLL REACHES 18 i*o!i \(FOi| lln*'- ' -"■*««£»£’•‘l. ¥ ’ "# _ * Through l our. Dead In Latest Trageth i. (EDITOR’S NOTE: A ‘"A ROMXIAN survey hits re vealed that, previous March 1, fifteen Negro resi dents of Xorth Carolina died as result of injure sustain ed in homeplare fires. The majority of the victims have been children left unat ■end ed by part lit-) C, ASTON!A T b r «• a young children became th" unwilling virtinis here last week as the spectre of death bv fire continued its anabai tLontlntieif «.*ts page 4, this seeti«o». Teachers Would Abolish Division Os Negro Education mu IG.'i - The- 70ih convention at the .w CtK'ohu;. Tc-ocik rs ’/SsSS&Bumn in a conviudm-:-; busi ness s> :i.• i :■■■»'< lu-l Saturday wort on !\ ..i'd . s being o. _x>sed to in.- mn-.i obvious semßinnoe- of r:. . . iii,; ... ,i: ;r; the s’-.iU' .' school ‘ !i- i , lie. e;;'. .isksnv, tlial all state losiivaion.- of hijiher lt-arn be opened to persons of alt r:.c*-- color ~mi creeds, but also re oivin ■ it-.i'li in favor of the ab.ileat oi toe Division of No- ; j i'.i Edtieatiun affiliate of the State ; !i< tliii-tl.. t'hcse r< solutions were en tturM'd during tin- session which was also highlighted by -I 0. ' V.V. ■or: ,y, ; o«;:Sp*:a nTD. TyD:' ' y 'Mi jig -1 i j 2% CANDIDATE AND I’AMiJ.V The Rev. William R. C rawford of Winston-Salem, who last week i r jiartier:i that hit v.ould seek the ¥ M’ss itaVKlss i.r\ Mi riii in i.. lay mr and Bui liar* Us..ni' N (. O. I‘t-ar. soti. la'J- ijh m mill teacher \l- I tt :>i. ,kt-r Hii! be repre s' lei's! it; intervention in til** sin! fin'll March as«‘ and Section pa KC l‘>) tin- pj.-s.iKe of resolutions Uiiough which the Associa tion, representing; some I.OUO Negro teachers m public sihooK, seek to secure e<|M;U --i/.eu teaciier supplements pro tided t,y local funds and gain a salary schedule ranging from S .'•»!«» to shied annually tor notdeis of -A” certificates, WOl I.l) IVILGK Vli: The rcsoUition c..11in.; to." the i:c11. i ion ot I«at* .W ro division 01 the Stall !> pannem of Education .'si: ; iii. inti i-ra'-Min of *.% orketv ill :h.- ettvision into tin regular
  • \ Men Who Hold l ocal Esteem V,'IN Vi'ijN-S A! 1 1 An ititor .!• (.. ■ •!., | (-.**. ; ! ill til* decision of a ITlln i.-i--: - mii an * eueator to run for Ito nffiei in this y.-ir's mun.i' AaJ ■ iei'lloilS. Sc-fhini; tji(. co' *t. d jx.sl vs inch ■ be: .:■ \ .le.-it* 0 b- i.> Rev. Kttu !:* tb \V i* I‘.-j.. Norm V ami hi'* fnxi X- yro Aiti'-rm'in. arc the Itev '.Villiand li. C. avafi.i d. pastor of ;.i,iun) PI-.; ;.n; \i«-tlic*disi Cmirch. and Jour. F la •■■.-. he ni of th*' dc- J .'iiM .*■•*)! , f e'iacv.t(On amt psycllo io ,t \Vit*itw-fc..!e;i: Stall.. Ti'a*'}'- i.ts‘College. Botii 0. !)■ niOo.'-n.- ,nd hii.nly lira, ad An fA. general public. 'the tusl to throw his* hat m ihe prut criiial riiitt wan the K*'v < raw total uiio Coupled the an nouni i ttli-nt ol his candidacy on Wee h*'ml a' with a pledge to continue "my interest in th*' tt*-lds of housing. education, recreation -*mi job opportuni ty/’ if elected. 1 1. on tinned on page S. tSiis section! int nt ior Xi gn>t- in liic Stale Dt— r> ;rl:::i if. of Education. EMIORSI SIITS Noi'hi Carolina's teacher- also 1 solved ttv.fii-elv's in favor of - n.iorsi iucj.; of the action- being taken by '.‘omm unitie- seek ini'* c— pi.iliy iHon of education:-! oppor luni i* olid fac-ilUifc-.--. The group endorses ah muons taken by tile-- ei.nursumiiw including appeals lb.i • r. -it U, ■ court.-. OTHER ACTION TAKEN In (it a : action- during Satur •j&v's bu-in -s session, NCTA rvp resentati-, - - voted to seek r« -pre en tation m the National Educa i Continued on page 8, this section) ‘1 S w- m §S|g »;'» ■ -If :•:> .. 4- :?S»S m- - 5' I IP* IR ■ - t ■■ I^Mawßr | Gloria Yvette, The post is being vacated h yttie Rev. Kenneth R. VVilUams, the first Negro alder Siiaa in Winston-Salem uisfbry- -'’V; -,v‘- ■'• f ■< '. /'■ .••»'; IHl^BH^B^'>.. .•a3a3jaw»s®s*Sjg BBjawaß6aHan®f%ww,.j'- v ';■ ;{’*, jg.- 'M &»&-t *]^^gpBSBB:. ifepp|^^fea^^g^P>«s.' ;^iw; ’’ '-'*" Jii TRACHKRS HOED SESSIONS —Pictured above are -oitie of the participants in the Tilth annual colic cniion of the North Carolina Teachers Yssociation -tug'd at Raleigh i.ist weekend Top photo shows Or. V C. New bold of Un- Negro Division of tile State hr partm. nt of Rdueation recclvtng a piaque eonuncmora.Jig his -t-r. Projected Edict Would Assure Greater Justice KAi.EIOH Ai'k’timont Hr -. wi>( ' n a hill je-i'din-r action be fore the .Vt.ri’i c..r;»lhia General AsKinwhly gives indication of a now ho for popt:! '.r ju-lice, it. if opined in manC n nirrs, TliehiSi calling l’o rdrnstie chan-, pron in the States rn, -dicr -yste.n wniihi. in many inslam-es. make innndritorv thoromrh invesiicaiions. into the de.-uli of Nesroes whereas; 'lnv'- examinations have KOincMm 1 * been deemd lumeecefsiiry. it is he lieved. Tn sircumont before a He«:«» 1 com mil tec Tuesday. Duke Culver- . -iiv paliiolopisf. Dr. Willey li. ; Forlnih noted that ‘’a verv sub j V-lanlial itortion” of ihe murders committed in she state jjo undetee.. ted. While the nathologl-i indicated that his purpose was to onconrasrc Die in lent ion of Rcionee into ihe . investiarntion of unnatural or -sits- , nieious deaths, ;i is also felt that i •the actv.ition of the edict, he sos- j rers would play a leading role ic vices from Prof. 11. V. Hr«wn, pa >t president »f tils 1 Teachers group. 11l photo bottom left, Thur cood .Marshall. chit I' coihim) for flii Nation. ij Association for the V(Jven<-oment of Colored people, addresses one s ssion of the con vention. slightly disccrnalilo is .f. saiind' i > r.oddiinr. noted an tlior and Hampton l»ts.titut^. ( the actf.iisit in’., of invi :•(Station of : deaths iri N'eyrn end other minor ity groups Ivy tai- iny lie . ornner'.y . office out of the re;,ho ~i oolitils. ! .II’ST AXOTHKK ONE W.AH With IS of the 10ft vsonnty cor ; oilers in the sta! ■ tinsv will'.- o medical education, fosterers of i'c proposed legislative action see:-: •<» j re/d.isu coroners front (lulios of i • ; hitthlv technical character for j which they are not trained.” I .ad.- of technical training: by j 'coroners in deaths of Men of Col : or have provoked thv> listintr of ; "hist another ono dead’' rtftd the ; filing of “natlral death" certificate* I withosit Investigation. Detection info deaths cannot he undertaken pror to issuance of de cision hv a coroner's jure. Til manv instances no coroner’s ju ries are enmnoied and dea'hM of, . ivhnr nntholo'risfc consider, of ‘ an i pnfiirai or suspicious causes'' »{< 1 i undetected. 1 The edict for 'Vulrh r>* ■ ■,,*•■* *■* (Contoan fid on page 8, this section; 1 lessor wh« \\.is also a featured speaker. to photo tuoticiii right is A H \ndci soii. cum cot jCrsi d> ii; of !a<- , piiis member Tejehers Xysoi-iato-n .is tic pr* . scuts ins u < iconic ; tit!l ess.—f Al»- OI.IMAN Photos by SHI. It AI! 11 TWIN cm HUE FIGHTERS Winston-Salem recently be came the first North Carolina city to hire Negro firemen, designat ing iib Stations Number 4 at "*Xg ■ \ ' x ,( b. fOVsfl/l ’.XT— I'ert r.irhara tV.-.tson. ini- rnalinii;ili\ famed fashion consultant and owner pi -.'(lent •>! th.- noted I'.'Mdi'ord Models is to serve w pc*i< tisat sin* wit! not ofivr i-,.-; a canditi; }.- for ; st'bf *•!! Da- Raa-igb CRv CoUiicß. b t. E.yry’s aniiouncrsaerß » aino as climax to a cun c-t'ili'ti lv <> vcmk drive* in whicdi local cRi/cu-. 11 f hot h 1 aims rvi'ic'T upon her to -.'m'si-lcr ofjVrimr for ti c post aiiii thuing wo* li she tried unsuccessfully to organize her ( hmr 1 woi’k so tii.it she would b* able to •' .<». .As pa-top of Crat t* AME Zhui riiurel; here, Rt-s. Dai-v lias to handle an extensive amount of d'-iKitninatiou -1! obligati -n-. \v ll 'a I 1 fenvs of I* v ;ee to her oivilh a! the 10-.utl -ehorch and v.-ilh outstanding recortls made not only in Raleigh vicinity church woE. but also m work of (lie AfTio.-Mj MeJhotlis: Fnr-eounS /don (’luiu-it through out CONTI NEED ON PACE x Twin City Citizens Hold Tenaciously Onto Homes V.’l\>:TOa-SALFM I’he Park 'it:')MCl lit,. >1..;.; fOnP'o\ I'i Nll still h'.lU.il'f. fire. AH imi'i ;.tiuny. however, ipoutl to ,i CO!!-: Sell defc..’. fur embattled i*t* id -ai.» ..f tin 1’ ;rk Terrace Apart in. orbs -./ho ar, resisting vlh"'is of .\! He, ,ii i*. 1. a.. , v, ev. ■ ;i-1' of iti, ha.Viiiti' sc velopna nl, to evict firm as a nun - to transfer ils ton uci froii. coda• t,> white Legal afiSyO by bicLes,::, head id a lar v tit -.1; if iff concern, lid snag To so. c I 1 -si .Past Ice “i Pc-SlCt: H. A. P«*j)t'y i-b'ciw v-ti nonsuit.- in cas-’-r liivot vttty seven i.\-scrvici r u-n ■'.'ho itaii belt; iielOUC !hi !.-'!• ilSscCi So '.UCate .ill ■;Si,!,.ll* ill lilt IP'IJ all-Negro i -t-i. « , a i.itsfli r-. i ftmpimb - ■ s.j .~. hr ** . V ... t ft . nr* * Vi*- " __ Sv3- , 1- ... es~'-. - , i -*£&??. * __ 4 hi gmst ciinsuliniH during a "Charm W * •-Is" "h-ere uni e t * iiig s lr;r-*l at \. and I. College. C recast nr a .March 17 through :tl See S'oi‘\ In.id. . joe; by Marth 2 . I losea Price, counsel for the tenants, successfully argued 'iiat the veterans could not be evicted within 90 tUvs of the eviction date id non-veterans, Tiu n,.y pointed Opt saiii she iav csvin;; veterans this iv< ; tec> inn <•••. i. e.« .Aos il A. H> paid Ja * b,;p,.(i ; i.eiiuht be extended, but indtvaicd .bsb he * a plannim; ■ ol ■' a■, 'Ve The v I'tvi'a i;; \Vt:;'c .. e' -" 39 Pmish Iti ads i. ha, ■■ ci s; mmoned le . . .*:ic ',■!;■ ,Tis■ ry at ter they ) ;i! - b to eony'ilv v.'Mit c iiiri'i; i! ■ ji . i 6 jud'-' - ( onllmn d on page Sj