*\ <" s * i '** • l|3l — f - *' -■’ f a-"* (./“*/■* 11C* ,: ij I \'i %j i? S 'Ui ?T; opdi K. i itlg %.'jc.Vksl l HA/Uaca vt Uilldii a®* m my» ww& , P 1 Uplk F»- S S 3 -Lai &-H . tiffn ''"> ,'t\A IS ..‘ c4|,.v '>yx> > ( m*4&- v ‘ .. \ i ' k £ * ; ! / /* CVx V ’ ■ v. •%'■*> «*v, .• /-** p. Vw *s ./ /" >%’) » 4j[ j a.-s s*■ r j 1 v g ( *Kj&£fc ] S V \A /& ifTY-S; rv i.->Vi* <** | mV. so. i «i? V? /S L si l l Iy§ L i. S&K$ Ut L ( , - ■' w* a&p * • - -•- • •—-I.- -*.— ~- *■ gJ ■ .**.■ / * -*•' V „ i*a-« ■°*' . . . ,> j* . / /«/ '* ' V / V * -■•*V /* * V /U2«u*< <a «* .. s4c V. i .-•* V<• * ' £-' -'• ‘' • . <• \ t ' ■ «.* C>• «• __ - . *-« * “* *—i: s y - • -v* - - —■* -/. .... ■£ i! 1 u trl i.-a sgjspa &*{?ir« fejg a•■«'••» li 14 .fm r- hi ?f H r ypfeibs'. ;-i i®* *1 *§ 1 WiliJ* @ aa >;?s m,- ; *-%* sii iirsfla sk if •£ «s ~ Ts -' ;£ % ... * 4-. - ;i *,> /•% V S' .' •., y* '- . .-•;' ... v.j / i :'.= I . , a *f-J ••* ,*„ v .*■ * ~T A / .- ’ . «•- • «/ 11 /» /,. i-. »" •■sXy.’ ■' •'- ' ' •/■■■ ‘ p I.' $Jb i i#f If ’ E»l|S#i:‘Si,s** j .:. % . > ' VV ' V.', . _.-.■ •': • A ■ ( ’i ?i,v. y*:- v.y 'v'. | I“■V <• ' ' " '.'i ■ '' ii l ' ' Si.. V ‘S-‘ : Sfl k ' ' ■5- WJLI. SING Wilts SVMINIONV I ii.i iiiti; nritionnily Vi-iotti) Mijtiasio. will appear iiur hig tli, siiiiiim-r at K.iviriit, famed .',1,1 ||| SlHil I" l t’SOl t .ii t. hi l S\ ! IjCl'iH-. O! ■ hfsti'.T «<l .j u i> !. will .1 ijii-ir is a soloist »> »J It (tit* sdtlK- J.lUlliliiJjl Mill p.Nonu- group nt i liii'ago’s (Irani Stale Group Opposed i o Any Split In Its M embership ■ W y ■ rfes^;: ; pRRP&^PHS.. :L Ofe agg? wc-ol w A THE SOUTHERN TRA DITION 01 U Hi:i ()VKI> AMKHI - CA is a eapiralistic, undent ocratit', materialistic;, and imchn-.tian p?»iiti<*al w-orm rny. This i ; . rvfltu'U'ii, capilJ'i 'istically, by .\m, ■r,r a , t) ■ ‘‘Mellu'iy f*-ot of the World", acemnuialinj? ihe most. va .! pv a ram it I of material anu capitalistic ivsouive.".; tax in i it he American people a new all-tune ite-h in p ••e.si.ma] and corporation taxes: spending' yearly a national financial bhdgv-.t nimunr; in to astrono-. miv a [ fig u r os; le ndin g ami givnii! mon -v, food amt othei cominodi!ies, including Am mean troops, to other' nations in timer of global ‘warfare, and forever 1m p ving the chambers of the lui ted Slates' Ceng l -ss iloodeo with ‘‘money” bills. W.r.RICA ix ■».•'•••• tic I,'ition ircuw'.i •/, the Hill . or Rkfhtu, the Ve-'ln ro.-tiun of : '■* tvA< /ictidfttce. 00. l the 1 Mire! Pi(t i€H Co nstit ut • * vi • J t e •'* - ponses in the P y wxjh hlc iti the ‘"'Protection Clquhc-s ’ iiiftwing (Coaisnyedf on page 8} S’,irk ddi ini; Au; A. Miss \lotvii, tV ho li is Alt . :I\* •. HU rllVKi' d* rtputatioii T' a GOprano icwntiy ,*r.ttt*4 in rwiw*«*rt tiftulrr aus \m i id tin* \\ hi p i d \ I Than l .nr at i r,ih;‘ \odiloruim in jiji whit'll has b«a*n lluih i» ‘hr iii i: <*! thr hoop S r-HHrlt s;>ii KALKii «J1 A. "I 'iiht to Um d. :stir w•;» i,»« ’-v.'-Wcd by t lie .Moith i *;:n«ch n; ii;*- NA.iv 'p to t split i;, ! • i anl:.-; -t a**. \- 4 : i trv i Jit'hi- rh.fSy tto.s Wrok. DS H v m!i x-VliiU: •i.- i * li* . lil thu pa;rt r»f it:.! oitr;>i;ti> ml the :Tuh : li in:i!'.(iisi u,!uiUUuUs - i. *' l ' : li;vf i: lily i jl - i ‘* ■ V,»■. hint.i y .xiii in sfi into Op~ ?ou this v<i kfJiit at I®ti * hatis aiui >a lit.»t i s-Utss iUiod ;,;hain thi Mill;* to offset a raf ‘ ive ■ in the rarUs t»t th<* sittif. i ,ta?i. It Jiww iHOiuii t‘h.tinshout‘il h v it v\arrrfi 4 o-Ulti huuiff Y }'J<si ui i a *s‘. h’.uHT if ti yil .hur -■ vwklit-: tt> iHAhle Oiscoid iu Medics F J mpose Fight On dimero GHtl ~'. jl,! laP iii.Stilt'-'-: 'it . . i : i , :.i- :ui;;; 3)13 '..UJ'itl, .ill Will Hilt t■ ■.-; ; prott-widiial dbirrUiui'iH -1.,:. in :nt 0.. lurua.'ed 1 1j:.S> ) i-ili Gl 11. :)i.. a \ ..i u-r<) Vu'-r* ■).:. ! -I; ’ ! amitui! i:iP‘-t --ill I. ;V|l- Dili N.iittl f.t ile .Medical Ai . r.a.i;in. thv* nation's oHle.-.t as- M.'i ; ,ii'!: nf iSi.a.i i* n. -Ulirn ivsnvu. nn a lJurio): tin- til)ij .DiiiU.il raOiei'iiii?, iif the .'i t,- 1- In id mi .tin- t-ate us nf l-.i-nnett i 'tiii-Thursday tieo* ugh Sat-.iiiiay it v is v<?\ •.•aiod tint :iii- ot-i.iimn is launching im mc.iuiit! act)in.- to tear down The Pars of diMirimiHiKinn existent in tile Maroanco General Hoi-jiitai. Burlington. •it ili ■■ }!ur!iri«t<>n hespilal. It ’Aas pointed out by Or ,M. B Pa', is of High Foist hik.l rhairni.iit of ttut- group’s investt gailnx «-o»innitti*e, there are two delivers- rooms. The. hos however has set aside a treatment room for delivery of m» Wftpypß TO lj. i» . v . v& s' mc v .s «.- w* !T nu s nrt^nuT :r » l Is: ; ,y ; 1 . r sm U & o f-fITSPC 5 r-- .' ‘.\ i Si ?if. S • Ji!<l.;»t* !'<‘<*!s Sa 1 ion s v. Sh.iin** Miiiit* Sjnvinl Inlo iSirhai?; -r;‘;! i) s !; s ■-..: ! ■... :.. i V«' J lii'ii i !••.'! S \. «.: ;;t‘t !<( ; Mu'.i i'd ‘.v:',!i I.;.? iiif.tlaiV 5 } '. !. U :'i '» \t'i*> ixt y \ i. ' ‘it V ,]> 11 > V :« •. •. ' . ■(.' *\ M. « : V : ; ,’t.vi *<• ‘lt n:‘ hi Ij :.. : .'ai.'. y ifu:- u‘j; ?'i* •- •> { 4 *i 1). ••! ji i } t«.» i!.- .. :y y• ■ Ui»i- .1 ; • - ' i fn the- Ci.f !tv. lit, j s o Tiit* -a’. > ',w itmk :nS.» Ai-fSiO: • ■•* not t.» f •...;•» V* *• «* t><*.•!: iliU' '•••.. i!;! uiisl • nUT *iio • i'l i‘< *1( 1 I \U Sl \l i. 'i ll- J >.;: ihir . t oil. it s < It" :t.i .1 111 - < . ,-iii.; m- ; I-v J; ;i"i \Vliiu:u 1’ JI; !: 15,, t'ho .-•...! inti.!. .V !i X”H! I, his :i . : hint. Hi t:»*« WiliJ- i<" • t tiu- < 'ill-ill.•: I .:h*. V-* ;>ui hi iti r-ntT Kori UuiU-h Mil iiloj; • !'■ ! ■ v, •- : ."• ii {■■■•■'. ’!•.••• h.:'i \v of no :. '■ 'i- > : :,. ,'• .• (;th: . j.'.o S': j. 1,; .-'0 -. i .. '• 1 ..i'll .: ::. . U.'.i p. o .ii • < '<! 'ij. ■ i f . !... • o ! • ,! tifl i.-.-ii . a tli'«t tin-.. ... • hriub- of til- Mi. Iw til Oil P a Oil i'- lo»in wi.ai -■■■ . v..i:*i uvt v.-ill I<i hut! t :.: 1 i!..i'' ha- a i ja, .1 isi)li-1 f and ti:- i ha u- hi- a . am. as njipi.'Si.-d 1,; ii.,- ", aun.lunci-ii i . : a a .f : lit >' -'I S.i i a-.,’ ii|,:) no :i I: <-!;■: VJOV’M, Si i<l ! X.i'l | a: ;a ,ia. , • :■ radu.it.i 11 Ia a an li iit J. t ■ a \fl ■ 'o' i>f . \i';- ~• . Ui, i.-lids lliat PA At ti: ! .l-nli-rsli!!' * v ill . cat.: 1 :.- K>>!th t'.nviih;a N'cp)a,-.-. I*> -•.mfor ..iT i ■.<.-T .ii,d that the :tat«- ai a is citi t a-i!; -!ii.>-. 'it' \ <a i. ■ ' ■ .a 1a , • ■a ; of a:. aii t Oiitmuert on juigrt T* \ja;ia, b.iiil*-!,. Pol tTi; t m.s< hi viiN \r<m v This', Jii.U:l:,a it -.va- i: : . tlo-iL-iy di'.cm.iin.iio! >■ in i'.-aj it iaiv-!.: till- hail,, .-alav iar.ajl!- !ri:; i .ice nf the attiTidan! ainaa.-i.in Oj ! la.-. a la-i:: ‘Ti.aa '.iaJ i!i<- lari ih.il tho f.Uh Bra-ton ho--j)it«l is rc •’l’diillii tii.'-ii' uI: J r-J lllt- Mlit- iJul'tOli a- a li l.'aliiara i-iiicl v.-h-i-i- foiTiiJs ■.!i-I l:aiaal a.-u aitain.-.t gjalicUts i:s Ta.aptJC. ‘.I. :a*p horied. vvh.i. m-;kk imk;i; vik'V Vorth {'nrulinit's ’Vegru phy siriatts surgeons further «!<*• cidf-f! to pres?, for inti-isrution of medicai groups in the state 'I his inti-gratimi slnniltt cc.in on the (-(flinty level, the group v.as advised bv To- IS. H Wal ker «f NashviHe. Tenti. presi dent of the National Ms-dkal Afß.ix-iation arw* he > miter at the state meeting, iii. Walker i. ter: that The tirnt i (Continued on page 8) i i C. 1116 ‘i'rtQtC i v y ’ 4'’ ■/ & w 4&f i 4-- ' # 0 '-<* y ffl <JJM 'll! COPY lO* i;. : i.:• ;n. \«m. iii < Uiiii.i:- a V( M l ',[)•: \ '■ - N< >. 28 W. i i'l i !11 N, SUN I H>fil Sii??/ '*.r- W' v r .:V : \ ' • I jys , , „■■■Ssp | S. - S r ' ■ ;; - S St SI I tg *§ | ; ■ 1 S' 7 S', i W * S:' ■S■- *1 f ‘ r ■ . ,;• . t . .. . 1 Y*~: ■' i '■' fi'-'Va?hy’ ’ ■/ S;’’« sv.. ■ h.-VV&h.y-. '.'' !V!' .-.shs ; -A in- i ;,•! »■»■:••;(••> r i«; rly-lf ~|!l.U'!s, yiMo' . * >! t-h-al ty !‘>> i < |s,: >*-l i-. ntiro-.i •iis *si t);i. |msi,ij.v • in < .r.-en-t). i n lust ■>, ..4 I), i >«:,«,• 11. .1 I S o ;•: :ulu n Hit* t lie / i.i r v.. i*l .1 i! ii .it - :.«'•?! ?s nn'dicul oiii-rtoi of hi S-r;li t ;iroiiii:i (h i! t ;to hi' is?.' :■ •• < itiisis.iov i!. i; sij t-.ifii in .• t-.«r ul tli. till! \ "! ii s t.t'i .'i oilii .ii iT'Oriai tiiuii-iio' m:; o 1 :<■-•. I mid S> . iKoilirll' !<:u. : sliij). t o C;i.i North state .S 3 / S.l 1 >lll • »l-t •- ol'i-'SI O', Kil/.. ! I. o! Nf|«i'../ mi'tlii.il nidi in the world (il !■■ i..;i"li ‘l,ll- of iiu- liOSSt (l|\l .i.f. si> i inli ssiiii: :! ; sii h inis in ii). .lU'ul a-. ••- i• '»rj lii- tln y hi (lit' arm |*r. Oi'inii'l! ;• matl'tc;! 1:• (ill- t-.il lllf? i I ■ '? <I i 1 »:» .'lf! ; i.l. i In-, .t< t i 3.1 ■ ■'■ tic ii % Str. .• !m ft.’.in. IQ. y . '7 'T © IF U' - - -'' I ’ ■'• - }■A &I€* 11 wif oeen As ilesident -* f r loor Caves In WIN! '"I ■■ ,u • jlari; it ii;~ •VS.; la-'i - .li i v till.-j Vv i• k •uVi-U W, •..iUiiipmg d ■ iltuan.Ui, t - ..pul! I iit: i Huj t!h it'ilivjUi 1 t*uu::iin: ’Vuii-.hiu! abi«‘ : ' lujui y i-• HU til Uluiii S\ A hUt m \ * cviit ii-A li | l~'' .Nurfh \vt*fiis»‘ where * HI p< - :a»n>. a '*f MAvitd a»i<‘'i'-lUiK in afiuit ■* UitirtA li r’ll-y 1.0 Ub in r« veiil y ii*-xn o\ i*:i uhf il tlU 1 Hub ; 1 t! u'-f ei lilt* f fcuiiiiivVih' :,AVf v.'tiv, !*».-• us tu.atii of thr Mi'., rvvji- ,U-U* IVI f?•-- ;t #a t ifdMdlebi in itil.tr-.v t- vi U* the ti i-tx U-D yu d t.t Ari'v; ■'\xtrU *;A have been him-d. blit ihr i c: ii IttUrt hdVf U. tit h! liuMri «r -.- i .. f i \ri .la? i_oot Rome tjy tinier Victim ar\y.my.iKyHa r-).*.- heir wutv sAi'U i. .'iib-; \~e A ■ iiiiUeti .'.iavvu' t>f a week -und u'iay hf*m victim hew* 1 -.v w si \v»*c*k when they Vc|y uivs-.t'd thji Ti it.* !'".-:iie ui the dead ro;»r. Vias.i be. ’. ,s*»*!«.••;i bv a • Whop who have been tii ii \ aadur* jucaily. Miss Kriha i 'hatman *Hotv imm was brine m ih- U'R-piitiv slaysYiK of Wal'cf Mack of HA' Johnson street mvt'fUifc&iopj "‘T.- call*-\i io * iic tolmsioD si rev $ revi fivnee to pmhv a bn*» V, m, There thfrv fr»v-nd that a but • g’tilar bad emptied! live: cap- institute fob ' TACTICAL SHI ;• •; v: };• * ?«, it » j v m a< :m ?trad Said I<> ■Pnmnaa! Trails Vhmhji luaancs , . : , ■■; < ' ANt’i 1 • V-'. V li : i,- v. v ’ ,!i •. lain;.a he \- is ; .• a!; M v. n.s lined SIOO . I J Uvi •.* J. C : * «..*! ;•- : ■ ••tliii .» >i‘hu<Jl . \\ . : i,r: U ai a • The • j }j;i- liner. eius-.■ '■ • * i. . ■ :. ; - i | 1:-. :::. -V a. «' nine ; { \i\. <,(' l;k vVnsiiinatun •; ; .a. .i;t'Li>•. Hi which xhe < n;i pain fc» fip| j t^Jg i HM 8 M j UH taf*YP?yf)S 11 fa I I I wl ft,*: s , l ?: J : :,nto ; > s s N C J-V..*si<i«rlU Ai . ■ i ■ i 1! i< XJ 'SlA'i'S QJ Uli' . lii ui..,i: Durham • :ii u !U< ■ m on i I‘‘<iH»s i . . -i Ir. V ;M 'a. i'! t!<- n JM ; l'i\, i ! 7\'v>l tv it* i* in« nli ,i.aa- 1.::.t W A ... . 111 i» ;l Jl, (Il'tlllO .il Wnlllll t iittliitut'ii on K a>: !i .1 . i! }.« !> i\i ()l ! Al'M '- -a H-**i of: • , * I '■'■i <il 1 ii a '*■>*: All eel -,V.lu iri -i 111: : ■ ' 111 it .e Vtil*!; tllC CnUHO'e ■■ K* - * Wei;. I'.ih'liA . I rill.v.t CUi -'ll .alt ’■ .1' ■ i i 1■! .licit ■-'ll I k lift* Al.il':;. Ci.i.li: Itldl ill:, ill’* t*.’: i■■ : ■wd -. ii-it ;t cabinet under vhivh ho . !:. ill;. iTl'.".ilcij failed til . iV: \\ . v- Jo n m'.'u : hoioclloiii hi ■ v. tot .imv',]. tin \ os i: in i i Tin: ill i ill Vs ilil ‘i; tllo C-wApS** "f a i;*s.'!' iifar.it ivo! fatal to I tv it i |j I'!.- . .iIIUV. is ~r ft , Mis- !i,,l :H ■ lordly, -\ 1!!:■ t rl.'l .if ! Ilf Juries ill flu tail' ; lie.ivy Wued ■a■! i,i i h. iit.iitg ami : Ui'tuiti'O lilt! )!.' lit-.iViit •' l.'aif!' -i ICCboXe:'! 0 tea i <it ie* f ■ ilf .il . liis tlil.O [il <‘t ttii-11l i iiaiiHuPni on pat* i!i iatuii ‘f ir Hit- spot whore the iii ,i *i was killed stuns* few *U;itrearlier, Vee.**r>.liti£ ui investigator*. fjs(r> v. .it matte litlii tile resi dent in fKUifJi; into a door screen. A iftss in a "owl fll* easement was broken to fur ther tho entrance. To date the ißirgglar is tinaip j prehenuod Mi-.. ; ••. *itia. t* * i ' ■ .u*e\ **i. is so hod i:T :t tv . ci: chore.* i'i the death **f :vlm:k. SV reportedly admitted i'-ifig the sl&var some two hours . after the murder occurred. Mh : ; A '. ' 4 % js. f , ' ' "o f. Wi iih* (M: ■ -**% % A«. 4 W " . S:Qm ' 0S / # ■■ \ g '■ y/i +y ' ••...., .;■' "k» .■. ■ , : - P i fog - ••> s^pr %; -- y -ar? j -'h :■ f *» .. , yS' y. 's X.. _ * • v? -1 ■' >■ • ** ... ..-MO-.. ... wii \ i i.oi - J\ 'si si niMi' o; 'r l.i'on Hi*ynv. ?«, ’ -- in ! i-fi - ti; a'.t-ic h's X lint \tn". Hospital .uni Innk. nvi*r 11 ■ o jillr i’s nn-tal ri'inoviii li'nin Ss *'-- vtonui-h duiiiu; -in • *** i * ' ■. ' ' '' " '' ” ' /I ma nCaus ed hi Ali Ist iin iiou.mvu RA ! .!*:'i 111 A t*!i aiv ol nivsii-ry iili .siiri oiiiuis th*- j,.f riOitai tils** a v •it .i man upon aliom a pi * evile;:; .-iitiiifi .ij.il-: atioii .v.cs [iv 1 1. allied at ,-i Jii.-ai in*s;tit:*! last wee*. ! i i-ii Hi., iv 3H. from vi !.* *>v stomach San it Ayiit-s Hottfufai ph; .-. lans ! i-1 iii a L'DUr i iilU *.-1 .i’ ; 1 O if ilk' '• • Ilium Sr* Vi 11 ill- k ■Hip: and Vloieti elhi i 111. s ill d*'u .il'tififs, is t'lliu'i a vu.-tili; it i i'.iii .*UI lilliij \! I lit'.'t* t' .; fugitive ill/111 It i'Hi’diT charge .ii tittu'i: .* victim all -> Nor!!; '.AUuiina mid*. ;.*r is tiit",*!v ceiwnlo.'i (I VIM lilt VIOI « 'ST Hums, a Uvidiv uuiii. tßeymu man *.vitli .in *sn m**S farm iri.-k .Tofmii. tii.-iists ti .if !><• it ’hi* v* um of sadistic moil violciu';.' v iiich .1 llt'J'.t *ii y '.kill! ll* 1 i Mlllti* t'.vo .Vi'llS .iv„ at .letter mi H.i. WOMAN (All Mill IT >he v.tusf of Hu* moli tU.iflt on which resulted in hi licini; ohliift'd to p.utakc of du* im-d u! metal. Burns, ivlated. "as a wolliaii ' i ;iad been lb, i!m •■'. vb it* -" ... ■ .r.i.iii) !'u eleven, years. ". ! '*m !: vc.-i 1 *■; 1 fiiim hi:, i:i’. : ‘v! at the ■*’ 1 *■- -1 il: 1 ! "and we Nada si*fl seven ,- ai old Hi" name is really Lor i.'.ildwvS!. but everybody knew hfi :)!•,,ijnil JctferMUl as i.oUtSe 'll! I'll. "it :vas ii.ntut two Weeks ago '.*!■*.-i: 1 . fia* iii ! ■•!!’. the fields that ( ■ ■let it \;i• -! *. i vaujiht her." The mail' ', . 'il mucit. • She was there in tho bed •> ith 3 white man.” Burns said ’and a■.r n ,>t‘ them didn't have on anythin^' "I reached uo on the wall for m*. shotgun." lfums contln ned" but she told me there wasn't any use to hutbo' the £iiu bcc.ios*' v’a.* had taken Uv sViells out. 1 ... ,1 ,~j M-at h» "llfk '-'d a.' H -i-.itv 1.,- i f.irm ''d'vd bv •e p.'r*'l Smith ’t Route il. hi -n Gn Ho c'd h- hn.i -vy‘ i fciv" Sl-Vf'i'ClS 111 (i'l t" Sr'dil A,no and. had had nn nrevov .* I'-ouhic from his vise or from fiber sources Contimiip-* b ! ° s f °’vr:s d - ivatebed while hi** i>,ii,in'fi*’.!?r.'i U'ifl. >nd he* ■ rdv.-hde 1. - ’.'i V :-'!;.t v i.v! 1 Ilf.. -. --1-1'. 1 /■ 1' d I l* ■ V ""is I'liVi-ii./'U'-d to i blt-'tv"in'* 'An - c.-ff" hv ibe wbit- man ** l>| :< : < r vi -1 C-'iCCi to i ■ii Cl i?ii. ..ii iii --*-/■ *-V' ?. ion;i !!•■! i' :<>n • ■•! ■ m! i.iuii' . : .in' ft; ■! 1-0- V. ; IW" ! ' I<i It! ■ ' ' - M oh ;s r : » • ; T all’.!) " »i:;c hjia .i nf jna-.i,-<l U'lfi r-v'"i ;-1 i ii' i; .. ii. l-r tmrte! „ i'-ot ' <■ f beilitt ni -i i •■! in i I'li'h 'll Hi V. hat ill' idl'd seen or botiuit Wei: Ml '- VdS, Btlll.S staled H,. .: v. \ v.- ; .vt skildW"’. ‘‘it ’i.t --' t' I: : l.iciise .ml ... ■•., > . 1;< , Liu- Im. y Mm r.ir, rot, ssum«. ■.v 1 lit... i! d ! had*; ' !w m(i the 'b-g; llOlim* 'vvlifii.'* ,},:iihi.*i'"(i ..AS. .mdiiiii; d Sn iii iiv. k. ; ,i 'Continued on |;.u;e g) '*»*> •(►«.. V ; fc v\ J \ f'i iff''":' %** ■ ’ >• ■ : '-N ' .** -• ■ ? / •s :;0: ..... .. ‘ ' K . '* .... . .... / , .. go • . X»‘ % ’ I '. * t f- I s'’■ .: ' ' ■ VAnl 4 *' hA': v c ov,;^ ■ r -$p . & dm NSAI t^ v , ' .*; f jl^m i CAVAi;. -A '-V £ l®/ §M ■ p P.l •• '\'.l \ NS) \ r?'< K l.imfs .11 eOb* ’r *>f Rfiilsvllli*-, Wert soil c-umr vraiion :irn’ton of North Carolina .has increased his corn yi«ld from cisrhi to 75 ha- Miel* per kin. On snim* an i s his (in.: at tin* Raleigh I'liion Hu* rcrnii'ial Sliown an* seven 'I-.1 * ;•! . .Mu! Other metal articles loir n • Haims he ices ram;!, I ft i. ii sua hm following a beat i*S ii* tlie fo-irr i.i to ah. rirld is, over Iflrt bushels. Me. Ho «<t«>r !• pictured standing in his 195 ft field with sonic of the prod* ur! which has made im farm anti his efforts the talk ui tiic ismue*

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