WRECKS TIKE 4 ; LiO WNINGi 3 JEllffi JOE IS chip FLASH! PITTSBURGH, Bu tßy Wire*-- Tr,e new heavyweight boxing champion ot tin world is Jersey Jce Walcott —The oldest mart evei to hcia the title Walcott, 37, who tried (our times w iihuut success to wrest tht Coveted title 1 ' om Joe Louis and Hazard ( harles, real ijea his life’s ambition in a to tal oasebalt stadium here Wed nesday night when he knocked out Charles in the seventh round, or their scheduled 15- rounder, The riid came in • seconds af ter the y?on #2 sounded to start tile 7tn stanza. Walcott utilizing Ins unorthodox style of fighting, to the best advantage throughout the fray waded into Charles, plum meting film Aitii n-tts and rights xu the body and head Hi finally landed the blow that a New \oi k Times sports writer immediately labeled "the cleanest knockout he'd ever seen. Charles fell tu bis face Af ter the count of ten, be at tempted to rise .♦ d b dropped backward like a punctured bal loon to ti*e canvas. Surrounded by !5 to HO uoln’e icor.t. on page 8, this sectioni LAW INSTRUCTOR WILL ADDRESS ANNUAL EVENT f iiAi iJlllH An in I factor In the cjciwol of laiw at Vortn t arolitia yjoiiege, Durham, has been chosen speaker for one of Raleigh’* most noted annual religious events- H. Wilson Cray of the stall H. WILSON GRAY isj the Durham institution will \ be principal speaker fur Men's Day Set vees slates! at H’ul leigh's, First Congregational Church Siindait. -July 23. at li A :u. Mi. Dray is a native it (taint Louis. Mo,, amt an affi liate of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a (im itate of Lincoln Cinrcvsity, Missouri, and received it de gree in iaui from the Universi iy o f W<’s coftsift- A. 32nd degree Mason and t member nf tli»-* Phi Bets bigm. Fraternity. Mr Gray also has th< distinction of being a member ■the Bar of both Misaouryand Tex as. * The Rtrvices are under admin isiration of the men of the churcl for the entire day. ■n*wic*-le*-k’lrtr++*ie*+*-* ******£ | A Minute : | Devoted To j | God : 1 SUNDAY'S 1 1 SERMON j i in this i 1 newspaper ; ■ ■ TWO OF A KIND— !he Brewster twins, XeuotMn ami Xt-moii* bait New Vurkfis looking twiee recently when they t'runi Muskogee, Okla, St intents nt Tcmu>M'*- State College, they will return tiieit li>i* AUituuer school before soiiiK home.. ____ _ Death Claims Dr. Henry McCrorey ' CHARLOTTE Dr Hc/J Lciwivnce McCrorey. wlio served wi tli distinction as president of Jolinsun C Smith University tor 40 yea is i.- dead. 11. died at the .. -of ,4b foilovviTic several weeks i illness funeral arrangements lor the uoteJ editvalrw t and theological [ scholar wert iieid Monday July if, ai 11:00 o'clock at the Univer sity Church with interment in Pin-v',.“-(i C : ,t,: y he. • Horn in Eairfield cou.il> S 4.March 2. 1803. the son of lb.- Sale Janies ami Nancy i\!<, Crorey D.r McCrorey receipt ed his earlv education at Wil liard Richardson school at Willlisbolo. S. C, 111 188 b he entered Biddle mow Johnson ,' C Smith i University and was graduated from the high school department ami college, earning the VB. degree in 1892 In 1895 he earned the de gree of S.T.B. from the Scliool of Theology Ho studied at tile University of Chicago in 1895 and 189 b. i Following graduation he was ap onted to the faculty of Biddle | University where he continued ser I vice .is principal of Jhe high school I department instructor of Latin [ prolessor of Hebrew and Greek. ' ind later dean tit the Theological school He was elevated to posi- L lion as president in 1907 and re • tired a» President emeritus in 1947 During his teniae of office the honorary degree of Doctor of Di vinitv was conferred on him by , ; Johnson C Smith and Lincoln uni - i versifies. I PIONEERED school 1 As a result of Dr. McCrorey’s ■ I influence, Mrs, Johnson C, I i Smith gave 8400,080 to im- B prove the physical facilities, R • and 8302,500 for endowment of the university. In appreciation of these benefactors the name of the school was changed from Biddle to Johnson C. Smith University. | Believing in the influence and j (Continued on page 8 s I “PAGE ONE AWARDS” Press Group Will Honor 3 Persons if if ot DURHAM— The Durham Press n x Club will present Congressman * £ William L. Dawson of Illinois as I I ii- guest speaker during the club's j v ;-h third annual "Page One Award" jl. . rograni to be held here Friday j g night. July 27, at Hillside High , I ■k School Audtiorium. * Three awards will' te given this j , » year. They will go to Dr. C C, j * Spaulding, president of the Me- i » chariics and Far- * i 5 - * I P. a:rid Lt Ellt-; J | HEP. DAWSON son Wynn, win-! I ; ner of the Distinguished Service i J ; Cross for conspicuous bravery inj * | the Korean war zone. 5 'Die star-studded program of the * three year old press Club that j 1 gave its first award to Judge Wil-j .? liam H. Hastie will .present thisj Hfc year a series of nationally known 1 ••.pGaVaalßt ! SPEAKER—Judge William H. H. Hastie, first winner of the annual ’Page One Award” of the Durham Tress Club, compos ed of X. C. newspapermen, will he among speakers at the club's third annual awards program, d stated July 27 at Durham. iSee Story this page;. figures including Judge Hastie and Assistant Secretary of the Defense, Dan K Edwards. Secretary Ed uards is a former mayor of Dur ham He has been invited to pre sent Lt Wynn’s citation from the Durham Press Club j Lt. Wynn, a j native of Greens- • ' boro and a long i time resident ol ■ Durham, com manded a mixed unit of whites and Negroes dur ing some of the bitterest Kortari lighting. His ex i ploits were ofii mers’ Bank and' the North Caro lina Mutual Life- Insurance Co.. ■ Conrad O. Peai son, chairman of tin- North Caro-, ; lina Legal Re drt. > Committee; i of the N. A. A. C j r, . ...O I . Fin cially recodded SPAULDING , by Army historians as "among the j bravest on. record.” Pearson has been lor 20 yearn in the forefront of the legal | battle to get equal graduate and professional opportunities I for Negroes. Dr. Spaulding, an internationally I known religious, civic, and busi- I ness leader will fee honored in his •| home city for the first time on a (Coni, oss page %, t bi» section) THE CAROLINIAN 10c Per Copy VOLUME XXX State Law Is 'Bait' For Reds HOSPITAL BOND ISSUE 0.K.-ed $2 MILLION IS SOUGHT FOR USE ON HOSPITALS Wake Commissioners Approve Order For Issuance of Bonds RALEIGH The Wake County Board of Commissioners this week n+iroved a bond order for $2,800,- 000 with which to improve iaciii ti.- at the white Rex Hospital here ; and at Saint Agnes Hospital The i money will also be used to under ; write sh ro.s* of . stablishlng health center sat sfesteru _<•<• i• itW r . V* Uounty, I Approval of th>- bond order the county board is expected to set into operation machinery throu *h which a vote will be taken by Wake eitivens to determine their contentions For the past few years, va rious groups have protested i nanitions at Saint Agnes Hos pifai not only to the hospital's board of directors hut also <n the county executive group, Th.- Saint Agnes facility the (coat, on page 8, this section* KLAN OPPOSES BALL GAME - SO ITS CANCELLED WHITEVILLE i Special)— 'That the Kn Klux Klari will allow no semblance of equality among the j races in Columbus County was: further indicated here last week end when hte Klan demanded and had its demand respected that the iocai semi-pro white baseball team not play against a Nepro team. The Whiteville Leafs, a leading team in the Eastern Carolina Legue has booked an encounter with the Columbus Red Sox. one of the area's leading Negro semi-pro teams for Sunday afternoon at the Leaf’s home park. Fridav night (proceeding the game, however, circulars bearing the mark “KKK" were distrib % 'J throughout Whiteville asking that the game be cancelled. CHANGE OF HEART The management of the Leafs, which before the KKK. stepped ill had declared that (Cent, on page 8, this section) YOUTH TRYING TO ENTER JAIL NETS ASYLUM -C'-; M % t-rt *■<>'■ .?■ 4 ... nPi CHARLOTE —A young man who tried to get himself locked in jail as a murderer, has succeeded in getting himself put into the state asylum for the insane instead here this week Nathaniel Lipscomb, about 34, was arrested on a charge of drunkeness a month ago. and began telling officers at the local jail that it was he who fatally cut a young white expectant?, mother and inflict ed Injuries on the woman’s daughter in a noted recent tra ! gedy here, Results of s lie detector test and inconsistencies in his "confession” however, proved that Lipscomb was obviously lying. _* The man said that he had kill - (Cord, os page *, Ud* section) Noted Educator, 88, Succumbs NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY I VVEEK ENDING JULY 11, 1951 3is&ip& r &aas&Tßk&X ,T W L*. \f i’-s*'lip»• -v' w-' a ■ T9BS^BK&&BSSSgpg| t‘nt’,l) Al U III’ /i f\ /*/•;<'/•;/V H ttt:u HE t‘.s Eh enter ftilieij/h school peini’i}Nil. I'rot. Molemtth !> Wilt nuns, mul his ilouijhtei. I rnnees. rreeiveil ilei/rees ihtr-mi 1951 <•<> »i nee in evt crereixes Mr It d eerxity. X,-..- Yuri, f'itt/, trhile .U is.* Williams vox reei/iient of « liu,ns tists o if'i t'fl e.il a tin, lot of a! it iitt <u n ileo ere his I'uhi m hiu ’ -i --haeheloi of o m inter <teoree in ithysienl etlnrotion Iron! Vu aitnt; State t'lilletjr. Entershn-nj. i Sen story I'uiie 1. Section 2) Who Says Raleigh s Bus Strike Didn f t Create Hardship On Citizens’/ By LIN HOLLOWAY RALEIGH —Municipal officials are contending that the bus strike which went into effect here Sun day night "played little hardship” on local residents. How wrong can they be? . . The strike has cre ated havoc in many circumstances, it is easily noted Categorically. the strike in which drivers tor the White Trans 1 ' ~ 4’ - wß&Sßnmt? '.mV^^BBSK m f Wsgmffi < ■ '.jortatioii Company wags in creases has: 1. Disrupted the finances ot the major portion of the city's estimat ed 7.00 U regular Negro bus riders and or a portion ot their employ ers. 2. Caused many families to "miss meals", 3. Provoked an increase in sales (Cont. on page 8, this section l ; f WORLD SCOUTS JAMBO-1 ft££__T»u- Hrni «•<>»!i»K»*iH «f ■ *>->ll Kny Scout* arrive «( a New S v York pier *<’ i”' l ' »c«t»t* frm*l tfi 8 itfltloai for ih* Srveitth Vt'nrM 9 Scouts Jamboree to Ho hold i»« | y. tiu»tri» iVom du(. SI« 13. After 9 "V the Jumubor**, the 11. S. scoot* n will go '■!« g uided tours of 9 yf Franc* »«d will -ail for hosise »« 1 j| Aug. lit Scout, (.‘eater, didn't I M lutvs fstii* to do a is it unifoica. S Raleigh, N. C. CONVICTION Os MAN GIVES REDS PROPAGANDA (.oinnnmists Giving \ anuevv iilu Trial Global Publiritv B> A stall Writer KA Llilti IT A (ii'i'iuiai te.'lici. cal it > OI a Xortli CH!"lina 1-R-d stilt tit e ba.- given the wurbi Coiti lnunisl lliovelliellt a lieu iveu.poll a.'ill; wliieh to i*a. ig. away al ihe foundations of democracy . Tim North Uhi oliu.'i suitin- which decrees that a ainn does- not have 1.0 touch a woman to be guilty of assault upon her. winch was in voked in the recent trail of a Yaiiceville Negro given » two-year goad term tor assnald upon a woman he had never been within 75 feet of, has stirred a new wav of 'oniniunist propogtmda on a. world.wide liasi’s_ Itt Sc,' York, and othn ittd hut-linls in \ merit 1 /!, m Etttt-' hind. tittd i ill of'*' c frit ruHtl ne nt ot Kun>iie. com minus! lii'oi'tiyaiirtists ore teeming the COnrirtioit of farmer Hark I" yearn of Yanoet /lie, mho teas chaeaed with as suit upon ,j 17- year-oU white girl, "a gross misi arriaifr of jttstii e 7he It ml pro into n di-st* are furthei labeling the rase "tntfiralire of the A inei'ii'un mode of Jl‘s tire.” the: case Mr. ligratn, 44 and the tathii' of nine children, was charged with assault upon Wiilie Jean Boswell, daughter of a farmer who lives •tear Ingram’s farm in Caswell county. The Boswell girl chaiji'es that Ingram came onto Bog well pro perty. got out ot his car and began lUont. on page 8, this section' M•/ aBaT 'fWm ||||| Worth More v r r—i it <i back into MAJORS—Ven eraoie Leroy (Satchel) Paige, veteran of mam baseball wars, returned to .» pitching post with a .Major league club this week when he was sined to the Saint Louis Brown’s stjuad by the clubs new owner, Bill \ eech who owned the Cleveland Bl it lasts when Paige w»t brought into the Majors in 1949 At that I time, the aged hurter helped tfe* 8 Indians win a pennant. | 2 Sets Os Brothers Victims B> STAFF WRITER RALEIGH—Death took no holi day during the iast week as lour persons lost their lives in automo bile accidents on the states High and by-ways and as three suc cumbed to drownings during the same period. BROTHERS DIE Two brothers were killed and eleven people injured near (Eliza beth City Monday when the auto in which the brothers were riding crashed head-on into another ve hicle. Driver of the death car was id-year-old George Perkins of Wilhacoochee, Georgia. Hi* brother, General Perking of Philadelphia, was the other victim What charges, it any, will be pre ferred in the case had not been, determined at CAROLINIAN press time. GIRL VICTIM A Kiri. U'hose age was Hated merely as -teen-aged" died in the Lee County Hospital Saturday of : injuries received in an automobile i eatlipr in the day. Miss Yvonne Pearson, who lived at Route t. Broadway, filled to respond to treatment, riven her at the hospital for' ! interna• injuries sustained tet the mishap. Two other persons, were In toted. HIES IV CRASH Hfci-ii-m Gant of Flon Collett 1 ? 1 was killed Sunday night when the i cm’ in which he was riding crash : f<d into another car. Cyrus Burton also of Finn Cnl ■ jfj/e was charged with rianst*u«fh. w following the accident in which tiit cs>- he was driving rcporfcdiv ,ii-oc-v„u {nto another one on s side road in Alamance Court tv causing the injuries which resulted in the d-'-rh of Gant. (Coat. oa page i. *JH* *dc4iaa») NO. 32

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