.WEEK ENDING AUGUST 4, 1051 I News |M|l | V iews | By J. B. Harrer? *.. c • *• • f L*R!T VCK KAACP PROGRES SIVE ’.*"s '<’erif fast cm•» night ah«ad Os the crowd enroute to Negro Lttizena' Day at the. ’Lost Cnlonv' pantint at rianteo or. Roanoke Is land July 20 and stopped at tho lovfcly home of Mr and Mr? James £,. Johnson at Currituck smallest efum.tv «eat cf *h° ttotm? smallest county, perhaps Mr. Johnston became known over the it.3te this voav hprause t;'.f N.4ac p branch .uac?’ the fjrepfsst gen - ! cf atr** in th-, stain for tosi started from scratch and secured 139 'members in a county •vhich has 19 teachers .-v-j gin-), listed 1 from the high school thi« ® ear That n.piy.v; 'b-.ro jv- few Negroes there. After going to At'ante NA A r.P er.nfei.encr: and tr.iki.ng bis re- , oo'-f Mi Johnson's grono has l raised Ebe msnihershic tu ie;f• *J-.j interested vcre the Currituck d“o --rla in Johnson’s ■'Tinvetition r®. porf, they vould hardlv lei him stop talking about if at the meet i’lg To show th«vr iDr"' a s i!, t,lon tccr not only gave urn s generous tea el allowance. but naid him tr* Ms time oil from work a? w ell AVe cemmer'd Cifu p V rip.-pri* for this aporeclatic.n *o their hard worViT! p; NA.ACp tv knew of branches that fail to clow such appreciation for *h*ir lepdc* and what the-, do to furthm *hr evo 11 p c r-f T)»nv •f'fTf'v 3- tm'rirjy nw_ \Tr- JoTnr. iQn jc f ’lsl O H}?s r of fhr f ’lrnt'ick- Union School whp'*-'. - 'if-.-. Tirjt* Tfihmnn and her sist“f Mrs. Margaret P. Pc'lmOr teach ff® likable nri-rei r.l 1 is " T --1 in 5 Ho'cman The * ~n~ school 1 s the result of consoli dation of foil: foiirmr schools ht.ccc o.r. .rad u-i*h .a noerl tot F--n -• i< 1 , ?air. J’OS BARREN MEETS SCHOOLMATE After dinner at *v>o Johnsons Mrs. Johnson teamed that Mr*. H-irren was the former Arrle Maude Har-ison and Mrs. TJorren discovered her hostess was ♦be Jud Former she knew along with Mrs Uvall" Green Man gum at drav ole E. City Norma! more 'rears ago ih®n the .??,]s care to admit ton. from then on they cart no more shy stares - * «ccb ether The stav was vn idvafcle. We met Mrs Cherry Poy r®r widow of the late George Povp«r and mother of Mrs. -Tolm ?ets. Despite her 7f® years. Mt«- Fpvppr is as active and much j smarter than many to-year-olds. I-or Home was spin and span. ’n~ ■dfn a'id out ana she was canning com eai i:» with the assistance of i ,-e’attve. Mrs. RHnch'e Ranks One daughter, bliss Clcnnie poy per, lives nith Mrs Poynei of le-icre-torm on US highway Reside .he Johnson’s and opposite their kindly white neighbors. These Tr -:-rC‘ homes arc equal in appear ance to those of the whites in the jv-'ac* p®v e. L- Lawrence is pastor of the T>i*o-ider>ce Baptist Church at Currituck. Rev G L Newbv hs~ Good Hcne AME Zion and Weep ir.r Mary Discipl-s Church in t» r Ved bv Rev Toney HcUu. ALLAN i MIMS, i INC, FORD SALES AND SERVICE 225 Tarboro St. TELEPHONES 2-2191 5425 G&W SEVEN STAR 2J5 FULLFiNT flfl PROOF fiOOOERHAM & WORTS Lift. Hr OR! A, ILLINOIS B*»no>(»d Whiskey. 62!4% Neutral Spirits Ot!tttn«i Ftnro Grain We visited Kill Dfcil Hill and > mit in. in tne Wright Memorial ~ '•> ev 1 nei t; 100,009 people . tat. ■ idi.ii v4«r This is where Orville 1 ~ 1, -i will.-! r Wright mane tne.r ■ .Wiii 111 erht in id l .5 , .-. cl.- drove dfv>-n u “the ®nd 1 rt »h« roan at Oi‘gon Inlet oe •'t:d 1 iREGC'N Lighthouse D'e ■■'••trl is r.aved. but ve found O. T<l. e .1 1: iman. Si. Wilson mckmansou, 1 kin the sand. We almost 1 I; tr.-mg to »SSi?t him Seen . \ »r:<.ntiing the Lost Colony "-ere ! ’n< ■ otj.-.d? i's Fnficid. of ; m' ille md Mad-une, Pittman j ...I Thomas " ith Rocky Mount j Gb' '-couts Rpv and Mrs .1 W. i Racnette and niece Vi' i 'u, n "Pi! the Lo-t Colour visitors as | “.i ■ Mrs y.iiv Tavl(.r and Mis'- . h, 'augh'wr cf th« late Boston ■ ?m ' 1 f G, e.i'dllc I iri-rr.ni*s DIFFERENT: f 'i ur j mldic "'id plpa-w pardon us if we : )v.pw)r egotistic in asking cut I 1 or rs to jead and COMPARE ‘he ! new release erninating from f.D.u f®(. the Negro ( itiyen? I)qnrepram and at least *"0 : Ra.’r .eu-soa-oers including tttf i CAROLINIAN, with 'he account lit as written bv this correspon dent H-rtjoh appeared in '.;t'ws and VIEWS” last ss-eeu Readd" one w'.iild hardlv vecogni?" the a.t’obas as covering the same em-nt . v;---p.p fnr Rip .uni® of tbs speak e> Dr Thomas Frag • -r:.--e a v ...idevfu! address cal ling for Cipitv ox ''a n es ir -v.® .st world struggle for survi ■-* ■ ■ i :•> atomic ;ige » it is f--.it thot certain ‘agency' . n.'t the p,. 1 1 of »be addw-.-s *’at it rwsjved Negroes read ataout scribe chronicled the in • rat ..-as most U D T TFTING EG ’'FORCES - that calling for COM nr FTF an--i FOUAL STATIC.: AC i'ITTTENS in our Commonwealth 1 ! Os r'naa did NOT COireet an im nresMon". a"! was alleged by ’he ■ aff’v" t-egaro'ing Nep.rors being ■■ elcom* at every perfem tnm of b» seat,on ” Path"?. }'••.e .id. 'Tut tnanagement informs me that Negroes am v-eloomr *o i" p.-rformanees of the Lost f'nt- Itnv " ", . 1 say ', be continued. ‘ WHV HAVE A NEGRO r'fTT 7.FA'S DA'" VFOPO HIGH SCHOOI. \r PINF,TOP'S POCKV MOUNT. N. C A”, nouncement was made in Toi'boro last week that a contract has bee.-, awarded for the construction . f i a $163,000 new Negro high school T Pirietop 'l'ith construction to be gin soon. The building, expected *o be readr’ for occupancy around *he first of the year, ".'ill replace ; the present one. which it is wn- I erst nod will be used a? an pw mentary building. Edgecombe teachers have been having extra spending money due o the arrival iast week of the ap elementary salary checks, much o the delight of all The R D Armstrongs have .-r --llvnCd from a rortbe-n vac ii 4 ion .-t-rre ‘the Missus” reports tlv ■ ‘atr war too colt for the RTW T irb nripcical Try the gulf etream I ' °rofessor. ppv j w. Barnette farrtilv i-r> on aDnu’al threu-wpE'W'' frc.nt pisf?ah. prerb*' t I '-‘ricin Church. Dr. J M Miner; ‘ -'ill fill tho n»j}D : t for P»'jv ofp Plane qrn for s»r> | ; vaar.p ban.qp.et hero M St. Tam«« nr w Mercer recent Artist (r.hurch. August 15. to bon NAAOP member T evt* other ru> n, ’ r I uriinst? arc exporter!. Pfififeccjmb# 3 COUOtv rr»lr»r^^' ff'bonl?; pre «:cbodu]eri to open An .CMfit %$ % according t /_ » Sunt F, P ; i obuson, vhn oa*us thr f n<»tnrp NeiTro frhool^ et to ooen August . V "■l% r SAVING BY WISE ■ r-d is Sundav Sehonl i .ion;c indent at Haven Creek Bap ??cf ( hurcs in Roan^lEG c,;avs. ' The NA ACP srv* - j '■eOTcc %rp siiFiert to -*T.T low ■»d U'CNIED AT.I. PRIVILEGES j "*i: it:V) £ the Lost Colonv i ’vp beside the 'tone mount that i ! marked the *r>ot '•» be»‘e Frn»»klin D ; cjjt qnd s3'v ♦V'e shO'v o ; i o*7 ! p-XA f’mn C1o«8 a s as Fnirns. N - ■ Th« North j Carolina Color' d Parent ”r?zche' | earr-p lor no vs end pttis he rt ‘ ] ■ ..l *« tso onU'dioc'c aroundc Buval I' ?13 s h®-. p invc, w’qs db’feoied bv '.vr; | pr-fif-frmn *\Tatliard«' j “■ Bobby Alston and Alls* i pHnft k; )>•>% as oounsfrllors. Mr“ J Ada Jarn?.gen of Raleigh i« >*at> j “ A ik'rn-p)ifj\ -** ca(M*F'farv s»t \r\ Mrr : V n Vg ;f c y iK 1 *i' i ♦v» f rrsra.Rizer or founder *■ of th* oa»nr ti’tn.rh has run for a rv ~y* ''>' ■ r* \pstc Os vcif'ent it ha* • ' vi 1' E‘ ‘ : , r?i*2 r-,. »nn d’ r ided into fwt j ; t ii.vc.<.ifi oeriods The fron • Jij.v i-M ivas frsr G* l(t j r-.ru' Tnl v wa*: j , f c , ~- p.r-vs f j‘‘hß»rp vjptp abr*ut SO nr • | ! pi-, »*r»(lnd fnr rnrh pf*i'T Gift iohv p.% i oOKTNr FOB * V * STOF * r ho t»fv J H r>f Fnfuu. ■ i*n s»f John B?Uitb- r * ■v.-rrUi jiilv The vpnßrahl'' t”1 • arlfsc; C 1 TipFr ’VS» JIISO ft , t tor vhp7*« Tho CJiureb reeV. V: T:-ist'ir c\ r> r*p flip dprortn»*f‘ r (• former i j* - - p * .Tnh»h 500 member j?p «»vnplTppt dirertrA hv | TfTnirA'P organist. OAie 1 ir r^r^ntt v rendered a rA Of t^’ jr r> ; U- rn*"- r-u-tWinn fbr* white !<**■♦ f'hnvrh’s Horn*-* Demonstrnftor» ; hi nenvViv Onk ViflaiJe St. I 1 il’n Fn*? a bpantifivl fttv*.jc j *”!*<» alrri«»<.t enmnfptpd r>on«ei' i -,r \v V.nad d'eAfon fVlipya -'**«* j r '- rbor* W. A .Temps, yt. V L T?^yst^r i William Hilliard &mi '■ : v¥ 'M *?# Ir.y J r - iht j. L Pl' . >T. ’ 'T : * d, • . : - - M y i tm $* ■'#' Ay a ■ ■m. Tir ■ ** ’ o /. :i Tm '' ' ikiif ; . ; "’\,Tc . B ..... i‘; : 'JF ; O % ' G® : 3 " v ’ f ■. "'"B sr. ; , \ ;■: St • ■ - iSf TE RX BANK THE CLOCK . . . Children in enstunres of tlie period and police in old time uni forms give correct touch to this tableau at New York’s city hall, as 'be fresh air fund starred a re-enactment es the first trip of tenement chi’dren to the country, 76 yeans ago. Mayer Im poßitter. and Father Knickerbocker (James J- O'Brleyt) are in eentor. ' SALISBURY NOTES By Avis F. Wilkins 413 S. Craig Street . . . - f -L- IT"■-~-. W-.< !1 W - . <M® .$A1.131 r.' Rv - Church Scb.r .'.; C cuvsnficn M tne W -- wiry wi.-t, ir»t iic!d it p* l .' UC '• -0 A. > F Zion Church at Scene- . N C . opened Tuesday Jnl IT ;, h Fldei Hunt'- . r‘ , *ic!i’'.g and I'. N v .Cuif- (/.n-i vtir-a t ! u .’a>-u t.o»’-. 1 1 ■ --■ s 'TIC s ftr,i ■•'. ‘as df-Uv ru. ! t, }■>.. -\itm-. V Elunni' Uft. ; astor of tills Greek ti l Gro ,f e A .i Z'r'U 1 iiu •■ ■■■■■< Rf-v Hunni' !' sj;. k •••'■ subjc n ''Livstiat: '•■■cit'u N-' n -' r>i ■ ice iftoiu. * .<’i ■ -u. ■.vilr. f!|®> roll '.ill. T’rpiuil;i.g E'i ■ i Hay n. if the '.'iwilnttc D'-tut a- isted in lulling * i*- roll I'w "1 jpg Car;-' r. us the ' uicoiut'.c- D. - tl'lCi g-l l ' l ‘ • ,'t'U lUulwl : v'- dress °n 'Christian I.i ing ar.u World F'.'-hi " Xbe annual night seimiin uas ilrl'v®ipfi b> Or. a ft. Glenn, Kaprtv Riiigv Charrh. Lanrlis, N. <n His subject v»s The Beautv *>f \ ( hristian T|ie pustor ' f C T e\.' Hope i nurcb Rev J. P. Suomi gave '■ 'wt « p'com' followed by a welcome f or- r.T; •• - Re-:.'., f r, .. •..>•, \ i * nr>o'i' was giver, bv f!n E E > I j diu-v Wt ,f 'ni’ • vI■ *-- ui ' o'u ' -it II Of' a a Hr.) •• I.■:|v .--hool "'- l .s l‘l»n --dpet® -i v< M erta I.nckhai't a ! j i.g as i; i- i;i 1... d"Pt, (J’llcr of ficers "'O'.' M - T T'nemi'. Mrs | . »•; D“”‘ >n AT .- I ; H“ Gillo* uii and Mi Nth" H. Mon Our ;u;d wol- in tb<’ •-■biirch of V'dav •> S li. - • -.t i a I’. F.d ■iPatioq , - , ‘Ei r V p"\" w r»-• r-.fi;-::s“d Fv Ilf I TI T‘ ~'len, l ;:r . '! r furiur E-p aheinuou -•••? via. r,oiirt n-im .1 .-f '."Tiiwv, resid Charlotte Wife Held On Charge Os Slaying Hubby . . , , i tfl 111 t Mis-, i'' ill CH ARI.OTTF A St-year-oUI stevedore. Hooker T V. .-i-bingion. las stabbed end ki!! r d bv his «i>>, Mrs. Gene’-al 'Vashiugton. fr-uui day in a fight that ended in a du ll in fron» of thecmiple.’s home at 111 j Indepc-i. denee boulevard. JVashington siwuilrl bare he c n •ut*nding a •.•ourtroom trial at the Gme ■ f hi- dea’li Police satd ii® was the pt'ese ••titinu *-!?»!' s< it. .3 case ;n whi-i> Aii-s Laura Twirty w-- riiargeii with assault with a deadly weap • ■m. The rase had been scheduled Ac ft in! during tbo tnuri'llug lo' - '("iv! hut was < 'nrinued at Gw i tquest of the. woman’s lawi-er. !hot"id ion Goddess iiuia H't )•• "l is siwii-ding s' nietinie -> i t| ' *-"Vs f> aici Mi ; Her 1 0.1,: d ar.d doing !e!i>/ious ww 1 - fr '* * i MAPI \l\ ni Vi.s , . >I! WOI’N’DEI) KOREAN VKTS - Whether soldiers are rn-api-rat inji from wreunds «r illness in hoKoitah, huttline the enemy in combat, liabiiiig in (he field or gniiir through routine unit train ing. the Ctiriplain is always there, giving sptrStnal giiidunce or as llfc . immi- T-r ■» •- -- - b>..naM® - - nsi® ®-w M), ■--l .t:l; ’. -'-,- es - v \ . ' '. T ie fir.:?! ci.r<i!'.n oidvest va« -i eu e * jir G H. ' i.'-i pis >t) ■ - ern Gd ■' ( : "'i ■'' •*'■. ' ':!’••• { • njsheti v, '>' the Tyu n <:• *:v" v>' ;- jivaxe t’-eu: ' n e s■.||f, t , .. : S .. u. G’ teo ■ \ grind total of el*.!* ”! wt i . oltrlpfl durint the t r.r r-u --tinn El (E’*)N Ai.S v- s 11 ; t ! ie VV> .s : n-Gt ier . ,i. \h« it* so ;■ Nd' stud i . --;.>l -j " :*h was guest of i.i■:• r-gi'futs Di r.nii Ai-s. W r - M«'.-'d.-o'-.os Jo- >-o c Elem ; ng and rr, ii. . R V'iG ' 1 :>••'■-■ iiew-1 i i?'*- m in Diarpr, N C P; ,-f I V s UC- is-.-.. pf v -ch'-o!; h.i . ■ •’ :i r- ■ I ROS, ',j 'id it ItV-pCOV ing nici !y r;., t r Foil- id Rev W'.d AG'S W AT. w- l‘t have retinned fiop; fa'ifornia Mr. .Tames c m r.-r and M>-s. c t,>li:, r>lr:k‘ s rec n iil.y a’isitc'd Mr= A.F - Arcr.ip lee l -,.r' ir. and family A!: and Mrs. poniscur and chU. d co of Rtatcisville were in th.e wt-- recently Mrs V'vian Carson is i'* f ding slimmer . school at \ up' 9 ■ leg* l iti Greensboro, ’ G llr. /eri-lr. < .11 son is visit in» a) h“r home in l> >• Ah >0 ATrs H;Uif < Trent i- itn proving rjieelv. V?rs. sir.b Houston '>s '» Ull ned t‘> ThiEtdc , *'hi‘.» ’'a after visi'inr John * s1 o an,l olher relatives. Officer« said that .'i'm 1 ' j® Washington's sisi er-iri-1-"v vas charged "ith ;; kali •‘Ua” ■ on him several days a A 1 The wife was booked rut p- '.-x’ - gee- nnirder Police- Patrolmen B. I. Portei and R. C McCoy said she ?t aboed Washington a. numl.'er oi ; !1 the fate and body, rantmiv-e a ti e iuih .dagger type blade up )•> tne iiil! in Ills riles! He was dead on arrival a’ • lo; 11 hospital Officers said the fi£,ht d ’eE v - ed after the couple go* into aft a gument over money. ihAtixj tion Cook's Im(id riiu ..is’ n lias si osi 3 Tuinibvi- of r:i.IG me ia!K fur its quality But two nost ;. G,.- 1 by its makers ure those vim : .867 .md !6 J, i nt thy Paris inter national oxfos'lions siting in awv w,l s h.- can. In the .hint picture. Chaplain Kiiut.i Thomas Cj. Whitmire, Ward No. 37 V. S. Hospital. Fort Bragg chats with wounded Korean vet eran’. Lav vine W. Atkins (left), Berry, Fla., and Riehard 1). San ders 1 right 1, Lake Alfred, Fla. (ITS ARMY PHOTO BY MOOREi THE CAROLINIAN 1 WHITE SCOOTS GET MEDALS EOT RESCUE WILMINGTON. .V. C.. ? 35 'ic* ":f'e !a«* V >.l "e r| rii3 gjl a•’ pjo' i) * ri 1 a pi p>y»n or «; s i; i the Ne/ro Scout - ( v ou> 5 * 1 .i tt ee /c' TH* : '°d ti**'p p white „ out‘>> so-- theiv hei'Oic v of 3 Nf-ifro vor.tli ♦ I 5 M-iv 'if this year Perry St Qeo, n : 0-v ei; - oid ? >i r,f I, and ‘iiiirp \v-••'=. >lO Soi’t.-' Bth *0 •; J ; n^w c‘3 vrier. •, -'vo ng in Drecufi^M Lnko St q </•"•; -op hnH jumped from, r p| p r jv.to f)bn ’t eight fp-r-t of wa - :i and failed t» r.. •>.• in the sur fare r -The white ypvilli? sped to the gr y] o .) Bo n- Pr- /.-ell. P-.T l ake Vivage. ‘ Ir- ' rj f iv,| the boat iniO flip ■' J !■ i and ■ ultcd S' George, - ho ■■• as f in< H'seioi'.s. t<> the shore it C. f , Jnmeo Winter Park, applied art'- fi-'ial j-t'-y h. ;t li'tt; :>:1 rl 1h ,* youth os breathing and eynsnitnis when ,:oir ■ a.' d firemen arrived with a „ pulnu’tor The third boy ar-siiting in the . rescue war l F Grainger. 17-S Like Village. . At. (",.immunity hospital. "'here couth was rushed, doctors •:redite 1 the v t''"* 1 ' boys •vith hav t, ii:g St Georges life*. Oil Wednesday night. D. L W.' g U|)!>erman. acting in the absence of Ed Gibbs, chairman of the Ne ar" Seoul Committee. presented • •ach of the three imvs with hand building at Lake Village. " ith memiae.'S rtf Troop 10 '.vhite. look ;ng on pm* ell is member of T- 10. Jani":, •is a member of Tt ■■ ■.> IB; Grainger is a sea scoot [r. nprerm-iti who is via " acr jiT-e in civic iverk gave a 'very ,-oncti urti'.-e talk He touched on ' 0 points pre;vireciru l end rous yr '"T he > bov ." n. said. "have, •no 1 th- slogan of scoutin'.'’" by be - [ big prepared fn s;;ch incidents. ( t he.- rj l M'i! V ut thw went to k -.0(1 did tin II dot'.' Continu iog( tin added 'Tins tit** might ■ .a-.-.- iv»rv lus' had ■ t not been tor these hove v bn have been trained by c'r.H good deed--. This shows that when ctut'-* calls. the Scouts - at- t ri rr ,,..r< the challenge" "It takes courage to perform 1 s' i eti duties.' Dr TVinerman cm -1 phasped. tfe said: "There a r P. a n number of us who would not have iw! r-. n-nirafe *o *ikr «uch a p eharxe to Ivrrv " and save a life oevin v that p-irs was at=o at i u-lre This. Os ■ ee-sn i: "'hat tile j-Vi’i .■ ■! - -ire trr'ri''d for," Pobt,— P'.v.i'c' i demonst' ated. ip. i. i c-i ;er.+ t-e-i v be effect*d the Vf-n-iif* r | T nperm?r! was introduced '.*• f' i-r. f -5 CO' 1 F-ei dii c r , r* r- t>o t ,9p-i afer is troo pm aster , 1 pf Troop tb Ij .\ pian-cpape* 3*l d ofllc-i- CV. \ o .... NfC’fT' n prac■ci'n * < pf- .T TT V T *' I H»vn p"■ ■ * + f ,*ii a y *\'| T.uck'P. » «rO”* rxr-<'ul»rf>. MSN is RArily HURT IN RAIL ROAD MISHAP CHARLOTTE A railroad »c --cicent early last we*i; : ept a man to the hospital avitb serious in juries end left city police and rail road officials po7‘/lcd -as to her* the ncci lent happened. Trnr.es C Hi. y. ,12. of ;?!! East Pa ant;! street, suffered the less of Ns right arm at the shoulder, bi'r.'-.-n i.rfb- bone hr- ised chest broken ribs in his left. side, a h. nd wounds, and possible internal ■ teiuries when a train from Colum bia. S C ran over him. t Tidiii'tor fl -T Harmon told •Ins story of the accident. The ti :,in eh*-inecred by ,T. A Shu ford, stopped on the tracks , hWkinu the East Palmer street crossing. After clearance Harmon signal led the engineer to proceed. Cl IARLOTTE IN THE NEWS By Mrs, Willie Mae Porter 2621 Fooker Avenue Phone 6-2044 MnKMHBBv 'ix.',s .IBK-Jt, .r*»K4.3i:.'*..viM. .vi • -..armaß --r-n-rrmniwTii «■ u ■iniwi ■— .'liCf W.'.tVT. *■ . .• . . .4. ~ . i,;. ~' . v.'. V! AJvLC TIE - - V e .o v M Hr: ’ 5' t; Q f T* ;• !\T 7.\ TTf .-^OO «.• ii' Tn«- :ht p Sanirei Herron f \ i ! .) be ordain"vi fn*: f be gosrol nilo.is t:v S'.'no’.'v Juh 2 ,; Il 3t the Firs* 'id, 'i t Church of ip’iiich the Fle i; J P. HlUi'ipf' l'e v j a l' 3<; tor I 3 V. M. I>|r, Hr r l OH |C a t'f SJirm* I r»i * rrsitv F!4lrlg:h. »viin A‘l * . IH I*& fc IT n 1 »!*I iz ’) ov* North Carolina Citizens Seam To Like N.Y, City NEW YOTMv Ne».i4 * 2VJ M'i:) \T <•; »•!•;» f’t i inif( VeS !d , . 1 T. r tv I 1 1 vi * sit " : ? ’lp.- .-eat a Xe-.i Yo> k • ( f v j - ■'*oj ■**i vvr-v 1 ndi('t* n '] too*> v "During f '• -■ year. i• pul -tt ieo ■"'111 be $ '*•'?ll?rl hv 1 ' <)('.!*<■)(> pn + -n't ~H' •- iiev*; ,v|io w! 1 ] «pe!v* ever a billion dollar* ’PL the sifrhte " d^c■■laved Flcvd F*/. Jefferson, o r -r .he N> } Y > k Board ’ ?” cc mm an t\v % f!i p jnf> i r .’‘av^l S P', .. n (A.f V; l' ii),y 117 !‘>vuhri’ 1y 1 /ifh l[l£ S-(yf’>P of T.> ' ‘\I 9 I" y l t r -'O <nirj s ,7 ft ,v fft j Gi-j tr op>: orr 1h e 7v f ' t i ',F --I ;/,o7? j„ jff.i"} c:f »/ ft/." -• ■.>■!. Hr? I'-'OT O f »Ts '7 ■v / (y fj>e latf'-f rbttx->f if f"■ m-.v tii"< '-,•»»/ y.-.' f 7t f hi s-f/rr v f*» N-o ?•’/)• Ff' r FV J f rvfr, '•/i tr. I,'ipfo i*i f,sTfrti r*(i m» >»• */»? »/i/ if-//, N? itself, ‘ 1 1;'' Fl"' (RFRSEEN NOTES 1 ' ,nß ' HF.RnEEN - ' 3od ;y■ ■- 1 f- -1 "i - k s : id - amily ft ..c irk. N J.. ;i <' the bon--;,' guc-t ■"if ' 1 3od AI Fi'f'd Be! - v th r . i nao-iIT? G’ndi'; McGinnon is v, i, - -he vvill soon h'Ci.ii* and Ajlrs, |,r .tchosn,. and oon lvivc If, n the hop,,** Vilest nf Mss N umie Al- I.eixl f ',i tv ~ v eeks. Thr> hire r* ni< ned to their home in iT rn . rl , 11'. AT'---' 'b rod Me; tlr-’Cion i,i(t daughters spent , f,n>- davs -<-i h |h, ■' -1,. nrj --111, St rp ' - "-'ii-' ‘T ■ arid H»nr»* Kbidr'ck. ' -■ s t•p'.'-.-pt Grirc of Raleigh •x-nt , so” with her mother ’t rs Kilo r-- ,* hoi n,ircnt Mr- Annie Burns - Th* ((inductor said that as the enbonw which he was riding was ic-.i «>vci ;i he - , ('tied a body ly ing between the rail Hinline 1 . itelv su'.u.iijcd die engineer to t-'I * tile tini ri flow many cars passed over the man is question G-th trainmen and official caimot un-wcr Tiffice; s found on Hnc.v a billfold i follows: Danny Gaithers. 19, of with ■) social security card in the n line <>f Ru t Taylor They also fonn 1 a receipt in the s'lnie name Mis- Eddie Huey, however, iden tified the injured man as her bro ther. Janu Her identification was npporteri by several other persons. M’ i-ic) Mi's. Cockhani of New ■w! are Log a few days with fl REMEMBER”! ' BY THE OLD TIMERS j rmJr innmm itiirMiatMi—iinnnn njnlfrflßffWlliftTliilf" WU! Rogers, famon* hnwor- Ist, lived in era that launched radio. His voire and thoughts are cherished in the American memory. From Mrs. Fdythe Monk, Burltef* ton Junction, Mo.: I re rr cm her , when mv grandfather brought ! out from the pantry in the evening • about every two wo»k? an old j square can nf tallow ana an old | rag. After heating the tallow on an j old wood-burning stove until it ■ melted. He greased my shoes with : the tallow. This was supposed to j make them waterproof and cause them to wear longer. 1 From A. 1. B Dudley, Fairmont, j 11’. V».: f (“member when Did j went to the woods and cut a | hickory brush which he made into ; a broom. From Mrs. Georgia Fowler, Som- i m, Iowa: 1 remember when the Itinei ant peddler come on foot, with a park on Eds back, stopping j at our home ir> the . s.unti'y to show j his wai cs of various kinds in hopes ; of .selling some. From Mrs. Gertrude Ramsds-U, Rockford. Mich : f remeniVier when we weni out with the horse and cutter winter evenings we would take a lighted lantern and put it under iwi robe for warmth Or we would have a warm stone «t «w ts« L... ■*» I .farter in ♦he «choi»l of Tt«- R., ion at that Institution Rev. C. 'V. Keiry. Jr will ssrve > chairinaii of t'i« >csvi,w ,vhi'° Rev A J. Ryens p;i;ito'- of For yer Baptist Church of which ■'ll' Herron is i membev. - ill live- the tnessn..;p. Special mu tic ili h * vondeip.' Tile v>>lL>\i:* is Co' urn!! 1 ' invited to pt"»nu J f, ( f •>(}. V i 1 . |)i y Wt / •7rfi wf* }(1‘) ]•<p Fs' f/c + f 'i i ?///?» > t V'l entire})} /)/ ifhlSS A giiud I'ld i- 'i, •> I -if ft"- r.- p. f. J. ip.jt;il-lti id <-1 10" i fOUV’*t LfPltC-r* is ''!! i?l o ♦ fdk 11 d (f- figures Thf* re’ t'XN’J fl a t rt pp’ oxhii-itc 1 ! y iTi -.i'p p?oph t ?L-;- sh« L 'U of 'fn]lAr {‘Oil- N. o-jcj. v. r Th« pr-\ Mail at it j ! • : ■ • vhil< , iTit ' ] : ■ ‘•MM Vir »• 'it? '!i! : t ( M ( r]G Vn ,V• *t. AT.-ifo than -V;tf h,h) •> ?f>»?ur -••nni'Yl, Hr)* rh‘ -■' lihtv.-MP yor i.<c al.) nil ,i tt/) h Island Tis. ostlnii.'t.f* O' th« Pamb'/ <>f py 4 d!'j fl TI. ' 'iJ t 6 <y» r f»l ipo A A-i 1 ’;'^(l •■•n -t }m*‘i • ir vf\ (’onducpd i r m ■ vp-. t r period IM-.r- cijVi ;!ticvP(| ■ f JllUf is • i>' shin iopu 5 *»r njnntli tor v '-‘L I d !*'tl ! M;-> V i ifn • Z !')>. •. tR V )Vi a'frago four r!qv > anJ spevj ••bout ft/M* n«r*h i»l v c ’» •*• W')s r^pjp’fed 'M. Mr. James Go p •"i rj nr . ; ‘jc ! n fn.n p T rr\an-s • - n.'i visit Ids relatives and "•"ids ''pro rrcon, ■ .' ■ s-. vorir-c I' t' i*r i*=fi Mor t t ; iv.-, (hti'gioi- f * C wfiet e sue id -icnd some time b r.v:iiond Freeman of Pr-ivi K I . i-. no- * (siting A. J. G ive and ft'mH? •'is 'i.,t|ie Randolph, Misses G v J and Doris For--man speff !- ::••!. ’veek-rnd in Norfolk. I,' ! 1 ' .ii •- J... itv ihpv jsit“d Hr*» v, D-ach L:d?p Larne-y agent for N " M'it'ir. l I if- Insurance fnm mv '-'sjted A*lantic Reich. 5. C. i-ncentl • Mi. A J Mave made a , brief trip to Wilson. N C Sit t jr<3 ;j»- if"« vMiif Tipad’ng is hem* ini- 3 few ,t i * Annio T, Bobbitt of Vr-,v Jprsev is thr house puest nf Miss Vfvrtln Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Jnlmie Hanks ■»f Rattimore arc visiting Mm ami Jsr>. I.cwis Stubbs j Mr 1-1 Mrs. Fred Abies of[ Pittsburg. Pa., are- here for a few ; days. j There wi! Ibe a ehirkop din c*r 'i* the homo of Mr and | Mrs. (ienrge Thomas, Friday nigid Aligns) 3. FOR the: rest VALUES ("aslii or CfPfN) SOI ITHF.RT. AND I FURNITURE CO. j j 207 N. John str»«i Phon»» 10“ S j C-AP.R’S DRY Cl EATERS AMD HATTFps 'fifJF. DAT SEPVICF d! Certt** WBWvior.fr; *>■ -ctrtvir- '«.'^>i^yas*ar’rt:r.'rrf'-j:i;prtai' HEY! %3C> HEY! pH ■ BOYS and GIRLS j, -■ EARN - SSCASH & BIG PRIZES BY SELLING THE CAROLINIAN 1 1 See THE CAROLINIAN Agmt I In Your Town, or Write TODAY! THE CAROLINIAN 118 E. Hargett Street RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PAGE FIVE MARINES LAND A PttPlNli (DM j,\( K-50.WH.LE: -Three Camp Lej-'uu. .Vnruu - p'lyicl detectite ; vcuoiiti’ h*i(l -ut lured a "eepms I ti;,.n" lielic" ' I to hive been tlw ! man t'jolt'stin;-. rgsMebts of a see (oi here for *e* iral weeks, r hMaihries i limed t.hc i . -ni >i; -iirifled as is me* Harris. ; into tHi<■ Negro sectU'ii. Black Bot < tom F' ids nig!' when he was -con |,. k' r in;:.- windows rN j al>lp to - it, h li'i'i the men re- Mirncil to tli-or !--!!(:’> and hid in • li- hr-shes in h(i -- - *hat, the 'Uiill .('ifti’t 'ornm. - Harris I'onn anJ tile Marines dt |*ini ovor the head with a ii’!'", tied his hands and called ! pilin' Harris, a" employee of the I I'ov, v of Jacksonville, was given I •< hearing ooivu a JusU-e of the IT act* Saturday morning a4<i , i-iiml nv.r '.o Rramlei's Court. I! • had been on pfopatian altar •r; i ing - yais ;> term tor ! - j . reeLv. • ! ; lORTIIPF I HOUSING SEEN !!N GATE CITY ! - A shortage :h , si'i'-'dv ’'“ "iii.a! of substandard -N-e --1 - ,>l* . ji-v-itno- ii f*i-a prev.-nte th>s . i,st ’ -:, i, u* Negro dwell j ’tigs. Hug!': I, Med ford director-df ! mi ii work), tere.-je l last week, i Tt’e sli o ’-f3i.;' v, is spotlighted : recently witon two persons were tuß'iici to death ic a firs in it , j nl-st-ind'H'd structure 'ledford sa ! -l t'u- c-lty *s mak ing prog"®ss in •.•--•moving irt-adi ’tru t housing bn' stated that there ,r; net ye! enough facilities to • ’•c for av needs dve - * Th“ director outlined ’he pre - '-durp «f corirtemnati'!’ Occupants -f struct!’ere giver. 30 days notice given Such action may , !-,. „i ed to tii* housing ccvn mission Tiic Negro lumsins rrohlstn ;a oineited to jUeviated hut not vf'Vii oyth] - GO’ii plfifiori of HO’’-* - u• 1 1\ r 'iv.fitru f . f.l’m h 'i«?r?cr pro jt»rr DEATH OF Man OR IF VTA fr Th? bodv nf A ' r '7- < o<\v -oi-i »nan. 5 4 20 I ) V \v•-»« foul'd b^!'N lat? Friday a ft? moon m two nr p‘ iif*d t.n d tji« noting Ijody and fnd Th? body nf Johnny nr? A n,o iMiiid i*v ,Tiiup/ ; e i-nyinded His father, 'Hubert (F-ni nho i rrpovt ( 'd V’i-' son '-obiert to <«p6116 of opliopsv. said he h.id "3u f ?oned him. from coin*? out fishing a- Ion<» due ir» bis condition ’ oroner *ln?k Harris of n railed s o examine the body | Oiiinn \fijier I | KINSTON ' BELL-STUART Fn*TMture Company duality Furniture, Reasonst*!* Prices 227 ?? N. John Sir set lold«tv>re, N C„ Phone 17S0-J rw Your Credit 1* Good At jj \ I ' |i FURNITURE ■ 117 East Wnfcvt s*. I GOLDSBORO \

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