'Wft&K. ENDING AUOUiS A session WITH SARAH—s u2*b Vaughn is shown in ihe central &99t& of the a oiui»bia recording studios ir. Hcurwoodi sj&t listens •O _ vfe© ox & new wu v;r:» oht h&s jusc cut. Ai&o ieuning on iiwA-sSkive £00" vc fhc Vvocal magk Pauj *vh■*> the sa£*»rig€:n*. n l a •.cnaucied the € , rci*e6ii > & tor Saroo'6 ??*c dsiie. 5 AMERICA'S FOREMOST DANCING QUARTET 1 p pI n ■ ~,i^. „m| I - . . yd«Kt Pnu £«nict fM» b} Bet<-fcv B'way columnist Suiter VSinrheli ami Harlfw's most popular and 'widely read columnist Ted Va!t» rate the celebrated t.onjfarofi Daiwtir (strove) a* tops in their field. The current “thow-iloppets of Larry SkCcie’s "Smart Affairs of 19S1" 1 at the ( tub Harlem in Allaatif * 1 *> 'acre sensational on iheir PamAmeiit iii tour, in Miami, Horida; with Cast* Calloway a unit, and were also starred at the I’alat* Iheatte on tLt anniversary pregrant (that aas really suinpin'), At Harlem t Apollo Theatre the Congarco Dancers who wt« not tu s mentioned on the bill pesters tied the show up into a hrtoi and had the audience «» every performance giving out with « resounding cheer, if >cu’re planning a vacation in Adaalit City (And why not? } Ab't tail ts get a gander of the Coagaroe Dancers. It s & saaa deal;! -JU* 3* ‘2 1 ! & P L me M 4/5 ?** *AkKDI£© AHlthf 5 **•® • « * 1 Crtlwrt'f DtowiMl I Blended Whiskey 86 proof. 6S/s brain ,Vc Spiriu. Sports Walcott’s Winning Os Title Irks Harlem-Land NEW YORK tANP'i There whs slight jubilation in Harlem cvi-j Jei-e., joe Walcott's dc-leut I of Ezzarc. CY.arlt-s it, their, neavy . weight hour in Pittsburg last week 1 Criticism is leveled at (he Cam den heavy ior his miserable show ing against a white boxer ir. the ‘ Carder; List November In that j fight an unknown "White Hope’ j Ren L.ayne. won a decision over i Walcott in e fight that stunk up, the vast Madison Square Garden Walcott was aimose written off: ther. and there ana when another, ! unknown, managed 'ey A) WcT* | ' stepson, Kayt-td Lay;*.-, i/01.c,, v: stock nose dived to a new iow Meamvkiie Walcott .is being ; kailt-a as the new champion, and; all kinds ci talcs are popping upj ' —particularly cue that he knocked 1 Joe Louis out with one wallop • when the Bomber was training feu Lis first Scnmding right. Tnats i oee;* gomg me UMiids ior year* os t Mu-.hk.v Cali ana:*, who engag er sparring paiir.eis ior Louis ir. • t-.ose days -.ays its lie. Cihe; writers ;rc saying jersey Joe was rcboed o» » decision in his first fight with i. unis in the Garden and naa justice been done the crcv/n would have channel hinds' thcii £ very bod;, is singing the praises ; cl he msn who "has feuh ir* God 1 and a punishing left hook ' But fsr.s wonder what happened to both that faith ar.d nock when he t faced Layne. j The upset however, makes good Clowns Send Player To Sox; Seek Protection BITF.-UO N \ IAN'FIc v d pel lock general manager of me lti.ijar.::rntis Clowns las* week t,v - ;.>top, halt nlayer raids an his Veil club by "outlaw leaeuee in Canaria and South America. The Clown*; also sold their st?;r lugg r B-rjamin i Honey! l.olt. to the Chicaac White Sox organi zation. Lott 24. a native of New ark N. i. is '» feet 2 inches ta'.i. and we igh-. iTI pniin.ir i A- the rime of h-N rale th.- ho corner ace wa- batting 3i r - and leading the Negro America- ira •gne it* -mgt:r,f in the foilc -'inc (Icpaitments: Lure scored t’-i. totai iiaee.'- lfi doubles i. 9; horns run? 1* • and runs butted in. e Hi- rs hit* way second b.-»>. ta.d hi- V 2 tui-ji base? was third htst m trie NAL O;-, tr.c r.iaver raid ftor.t. Pol lock has filed in,-unctioiis to i -ep plaver.- from jumping cir.trr ts w-itn the Cicwn s tc play ir. Latin Newcome Wins 14 Game Os Season; Eyeing 20th CHICOGO —1 A'VP'i Big Doli Xewcembe, f.ucuea ills Hth victory of the s-eason as ihe. ■ Br ‘.Ki.n Dodgers climaxed a thref-ganit swoop orei the Chi* ■'ago Cabs to shackle the- home debut of Pbii Caver;-, as the Cubs’ !n£Ti2§Tc‘" s'giCCOYflh & '‘ % U‘tO? it hlo eighi t, in a sea giring him a 14-4 record j or tht aco&c-n ’ Cubs in big league cow pen i Hi uo nine straight from The ! tier, ana has never test a ! gam,- to the Chirr,go team. In fanning seven men. .Vfcv* combe raised tis , trike total Jr r the seasc,, to an even iOO ! .Cruelest Dodger in the xhi e<* - | ;tame-series was catcher Roy Cam. ’ panel }a who raised his batting V.verage to 834. fourth best in tnr National league. Roy blasted ins ISth aiid I'th home rune of the j season during the •• fries. His | three-run ;, and irippei in i.hc i firs* game wen the game- ir. the first b.- H of the Kith jr.nlng. His 1 ALENT TOGETHER . . . "S, Turn terrim A GALA MIGHT FOR DINAH . . . l*ti s« rtfbit Ste«sst 3(ai«bc» Phil Moore, Sarah Vaughan, Powithy Daodtridg#, Ron. Bart aswri Btutcs , Collier (OBS-TV Producer), Pi* was taken sf swank dab Oa*ie in < j saataj" Us Angeles, It’* jus! about the first time- that #««& star ftaubital ; 'abtsatt bad fewsa wmoUml *—« badejusti by fee in ! music ai it.- ears of ttu IDC mug uie Following the Robinaon-Tur p.i. Lip .o r in London it v/as aline it too hard to take. But instead of jiift Having mediocre fichters to present the public, the ICC now i:as an assortment of bouts that should draw fans in dioves. The first or course is the Robin-ton; Turpir. bout; the second a bout with champion yvalccTt meeting (ai Charles. Get Marciano crown prince of the white hopes and tc) Joe Louis Right now everything ts up in Mi viir on .-h oi tne bouts. Sep tember has the closest dates avail able it takes a little time to l. ud up one of those battles and ihe conflict between either ■ .cut wo'.**.; by .:.f the dates won* too close together. Then there u- a , •ossn.i'iity that Walcott's manager would prefer his man right. he ir. sonic othsi city other chan Ntw York. Ti.it Lit championship fight drew cevtci man any in recent years. '»Vuu*.tu shore was around SiOOCO Charles got dose to SIOv Obu TV car ried the fight to a reported estimated audience of cb 655,- SC3 peopi. Fight fans look now for- great fall season ;n,i it ai* depends on r.cvv the f-uhtt-i? tiiemseives uei about, xti? tiring But .it's been a long time since two pending fcat t'.f-s atfiacted such .vide atten tion especially since the ptin *ipah in each is a Negro. 'Aii.cti,-•:I < i tivda Ho ,sjCoifle.. , h:s actions as follows ••/ late adr •• pr. *-,- .nir f to c- rtai:. maior icapuf , . to tfWirer of -nu ~i Tst : 0,-i ir>a oi . nto i haschail nert /.,t Or?*et per,-lino tienl* triH pi >?" ■ s philter? ;;; ■.inter jobs at the era '-1 .*?.•' sensor.. I .i ii.T both the i-hii,(.-< one it,- ..! Olh ir't'i H.r v liitoho-,! to re protected handling n thro up,} of tire ;r, r Uniti rmt' m■•niffy The Cicwns repented tingedv i-* i the *:• Oi on o of tbeii' :orater i- 1!• -V',' < shol't- ; ■ top who jumped to. til- \ ian leattu-.. Sarna -.v?,.-. killed in an • *iti.ru i-.ie sccident in \era v rur. }tp vs* RCheduird t.i re -1 ' m to r ’ Q Portiar-'' Beavers ~:' t: Pacific Coast League this ;, Tuiu rum n? . h(,St to jo.ir;]; . sntn.Su. twe-run ciatt m th* closing game .NeWCOmbe tw vICtGI> See Olid bc*St IUJIIx JaCklt HGDjll soii fell ill Ihe batting rate to (hi,d. He- managed to nit only 3 times in H mpjf to the niate. His dropped tc 3;>. Fitenei Dau Bankhead bothertd i,v iiiiitjv!? v- 1 cue kind 01 uiiOThci during mosr of the season was /5HCr‘» c«i bark into me minors dni~ mg (lit week, lie wiu nave a chance to iiuii reguiax iy v*nn the Montreal Royals who ate making inambies 01 (he lutemaxiciisj league race When Baa knead mads his -Nat ional league deout. he a •non;e iun bis first, time at bat. : This was in 1b46 when ne came si.i ticca xbe -.dempDis Reu Sox. Excluding the Soviet Union# beet production in Europe this -•ease.r was 2.5 rmiitou tons hign ci man ui the season. Head The CAIfOLIMAM IHJt. CAROLINIAN * >*;**** •.? * f,. ‘ ' ■* I*®. ‘pWm - ■■ am i:*wm 12th Annual North-South Game Plans Are Revealed GREEN'S BORO N C --'sow in ■ the ii 6-)ta season :•,» a colorful ana highly talt-med ban chub. the Chi ■ cage. American G vents ill repre* : sent the North in she 12th Annual 1 North-South Ali-Star Casaiv Sun day afternoon. August lftu at t p, in. in Memo.lai Stadium here Piloting the ,tr euniUnnl Win rip Citif outfit t.l tin pi ».« r stran gist ana field ’man ager, 11 i'rifrCct £ Welch ichj has couigiied 0 phenomenal reconi an a lace-.ail manager, laving itn menu •afferent team*- ~f ric v egre American and the Negro Nut 0 ti nt League tc pennant uni ut j .0 piloting anti up tcriit’ . . At Ihe Ringside iHEYBii TALKING AttGl I ji. bt: i JOL vVaL C Oil i very body iLc.v*;. ic C 6 or wriunft about Jox v» hi cot -, ex owned ne2.vy\veij^hi cnainyion ex’ the .voiia nii xundi of pxc'OiC kiOi*t b.te ciirij movie for nis u.iu t .vt -.vcSik, N. J &nd neve-yl c:hff'. oiues nave hc.nore.-j nun Personally, this ringEtdir t tu tu ves that Jersey jot will make a good tii&atpiGK vvmie iae litis, cut Jersey Joe is just a Bit tea otd tc last too ion*. L'rrarj Chattel ptebubty wili net defeat him in e re (uiil Lit, ill. I tie only iixti li »V ho ciiyi.t stip Jersey iut today ic J«e lotus ihe agitii Evown Bom ber tit liu' Lee Savoid batue ccuLl kayo Walcott in a slug isjt. Jetsf >• Joe tuuia out oot the s.-tnvni living Louis, hut since i/t didn't do it before he may not do it now. The one advantage in Waic-tt’s favor is that Louis seems tc ue aging faster than Jersey Joe By kayoing Charles we champion ! probably has gamed r.ew confi dence in himself —a confidence • that could carry him tc a sensa tional kayo of the once great Levis : What a day That will be when ‘ i those two meet When and VvT.tie Walcott w ;ii. ! meet Charles in thcr reuun ciu-m < ' ncs not been determined it seems '' that Sandv Saddler and WuHe, Pep finally will meet tor me tea ,. therweight championship Sect 2b i:.t a Nett York bail park. i Chicago, which only a leu . months ago V. a - being hatied a-- the tint capital oi the world may eat the batt'e. The Windy City has • ■ missed the big lights since summer came in end ail the big tights -in to be coing to New \ ork tvskatis next ring appear ar.ee wili he in New Vort August 8. for the benefit of thp Hea-st Alt-Mar sandiot classic li tw ]«f wit l appear ir. an evihtbition Bout He will fight tyva two-minute rounds, blest at piinnhine bags, and dp <* few other tricks. .Jersey Joe won a SSOO pnze «*» Television and donated it to f-M fii-'-t i,- e t veek- Oh yes. back to what the T "ess - . about WKicott, V tu prob ablev are reading one or another ( \f r-i.' ,'ro»S serir-"- tellmv r * i .t«'mv Joe s ri*« from the relief roles to heav-'wei'ht ctotmtiion of ti-u» iv.r-H Well here’s one yen probably have rot rend unless von lisnnen to be from Jackson. Miss. The" vo** vo'.tld ; -?v C to have read *h- Tr.r-v-?ni r.ailv Neves « journel which rimelv savs a <?ood "’ftT/t fry q colored rwreon. AOP^ar jjjg ,r) ft-..-. (..IIJJJITI "The Low h-.’-ii on ihe Htn’iie-- tips" V, v Frederick ; Sul) r ”a. ih». item said: “Jor WMorotl rmw world heavvweiirht champion- is ~7 yeerr- &f ate, He fought val i lastly, hut net of fen success MRS. RIDGWAT HONORS WHITFIELD | Over sports lan* were present at the l), is.- * Japan good will track meet in Tokyo to see the f American track and fieid stars perform in their | first visit m ii years. Mrs- Matthew B. ftidgway, | wife of the supreme vOirtmander p.-e-.-uts *- medal c to Mai Whitfield. winner of th: sOO-anetwr tun. i ... ../ j*. jsn ——- iht nr, trull l f.a ,7-W’tyf i'hi •>:• /ir..f annual iy in Chicago. Th. ltici mat Welch i* a!?u president of the Cliic. go club mi alia that he will have mv rein ill handling the •‘North'' All-Stars in the ‘dream game Sunday August 12th Since 1943. the American Glaaig have used Oormskey ParK home O! the Chicago White Sox, as their home- para. The ream j, ained its top fame and itnmur iaity under the leign of the color ful Andrew 1 Rr.be 1 Foster. Thi iCt.it. iulliiviiy pii*. ed nuuci t.e names or Chicago Union Glams. ( clambia .mams. and hei«i.vi Giar.tr but Rube Foster ga>< iui u> win Hit tttic it wdiiia hardly t»e ippi'-ijiiyic f c» o o - - reft* to tiint at ’Old Black Jot.'- ior his head cci taiiiii isr. t bowiitg ta.v ai ibis time. -I vti.mr.il; oi course seme coutiger pi.igiiist ■ ..I have bin aov-'n for the count of nine No ccniment necessary it,; it u tni u.tf Lit) uaViLaA ju> u.vhk t 1H- i ; DEFENSE OF tvELFFIt v'ROtVN iUCtSI ?8. iv.d Guvilaii wili rnsKe t.ii t;tst ; Jy.ciiir ci ms WcitCi v\ eight , i,c,vi 1 pionsiap. Wednesday nigiu. Aug. . j ut .son SQuuit Gurdcr. •vhen he t; its biu> Graliam . Ir.ty :.t .vet twee befo.c ‘,-cit.U 'Gfi CilaiiaUi Wiillliiefi iJ Suiit UtfC liiOn ill • iO roundc itb Hi UGO, and Gavi iart taring split vct.dfi ~0. i, • I?i0 Botr. it; ins were at tne Gat • dtrß liu Intel national Bcxit,, ti Jo .tv prou.-jit this bom Xi.ti tr n itu return clause, in the contract ■ so if Gay-nan loses he v. ill ha .c 5 qttscK cnanee tc regain his’ throne xhe winner ol tide battle will meet Charier Hnm« of France for tne undisputed 14' sound cham- I j ionship Hi:...;. is the Euro war. ti’.Je holder, , Gaviian v. ;t.o. crov. ;* o;» n.y,- ping Johnny Btaucn, ..lav jj, a;. ' Madison Square Carder; r.ut his . title has nut been recognired by • much of \he world This nngi-ider’s guess is that ijaviian .*->ll retsin his crown by whipping Graham. Pi t’ S Mil Eh AND GlHrit j ■VtOl Ess , , . I The long-awaited fourth match between those two ttny battlers.. iaitdj Sacdler. the champion and. ,V ilhe Peg the challenger, finally | will be held probably Sept 56 at , (hit Po o Grounds in New York. ihe nth* at stake wiit be the tea i : h ct'eight. These men have ic tight three • bloody brawls m the past and the • .. ir,uic bout is expected to follow ■ heir pettem. Saddler bar vox: twice oni by ;; kayo sr.d the other by TKC. ind Pcy. has won cy ae Ctll'iOll .^t k<r is creeping up on vv v be sna b nrr.baciy will not be obit; to stand up i 5 r&«»«■*a under ’he terrific pare Wiitie is gt »at. bat saddler «s tac strong . . After seeing the movie* os the Fa v Robinson R»nay fti - >hi middleweight tttie bom. tnsny fsm believe that Tarnin w-li? whi- the *rea* Sagor Fay uv aiii -,»v n they meet S* r»t 12. The v claim that Robinson is great as he eve - was. but Turpin is too strong and too fan ft t him. They also say ha is ye'tet than arvone ren.lir.es. All evidence . seems to be aeainet the Sueat man. but somehow this ringsider feels ■ t v al he will cent? back and take care of Bandy in a terrific fi|ht -,. *• V > -*v % • - II& tlSlli them their present name in lull The Cuic.-.st team ‘'til feature a combination of ‘know how vet traft? anti spuri<r.r.g younger etuis, trie ks \ veterans being PatuHi Woods hard-hitting third base man Tea Strung lou j-nittiiig tu-sT nasciUHti; Pan! ilc.'.-iy. uic • less catcher' Theolv. Smith tit .- viati bu: 11' the siiek-lieid i.ai'ry Raines, shortstop, and tlit- clutch hitting (•>:utei -field Felix vi.-Lttu riu . tel 1.011 Summer.- ciean-.iP man and iettfielder. ii>< other starting players will t>- Zeii MiNs. rig’bt-fieideii iub ' t.e-o ncdii Second baseman. Tie South * ii-ei'u. !( •ii ~ .rtiiii/eri lot .hg.n Vi , ight Professional Football To Boast “New Look” In ‘sl ..O’- FORK t ANri- Aian.i i a.n'Uar ; >.•. - will t..- iiiissiny from tout bait camps next week as . io.-r or til. National Football 1.. club* begin tneir grinds 1.. th. conung soasoit Raids tiy i'.t- rati.-Kti . , clubs t.ave mken .sonic of tht hettci known players ituii. outstanding t*>an«- This is Keenly resented by dub owners -!< d alt e any several suits ar; peuding tc, rudt Atnci scan players uiiiu; com tract u> Naiiniiai League cruiis from playing this yeui in ’ ri,ud**a Be jot, me r.nas (hr Can adiO. h *.'! t: hs I hu itii •• so) A t g//•> f--- ’P r ■•» littdbii ij 'ik*' Th < iir.uit ;• '• ih ■ i niif-i states Best n r.h'iTC •’ 2ft !(■/> i fa ’-'kit' Fii hock. .i. roil -r-.f ... .1 *P■’ b’ - iH'ZCu -b ■- V, :'<i. f il.iii ?/. r A-'u- Sl.inS. A’ttl«>iK<h i 11. hOCk ci-1 ortd vnnurent of a»iv c ~. . (tO'i'O k- 'Cflr blur-ni /.y ?he r-.-'tbnU Cow /iiis.vit/jit i. Bur Bt-R because *,, '.liifi. 1 jOh utf i'ip- Tc-J < ib«. J'Mt rb..- ;.<-«>■ rkfre Jwve been c-p(n mid* on the Xaiioriii Leinjiu with George Coach Already Is Crying The Blues -l oach I'-hcit Hurt i.caQ coach Morgan State College is widely known, ter picking ur T j ; -' "crying vnvel' before e.w.-i. rA.tb VU sea -1 ion, but never before hat he pick - ■at it ur- so earl ' With "the toot “ail ason several rneftuhs off coach t ...s bfegiii'i v. cry and the love] ali eari> qu.ta ’■ ei Ihe ■; ie si ion if now long oav a man Vitli the less nr George p - s . haris: r.i. tilnsun Tim fl.-i-vara snd ethers coach Hurt feels he reaiiv nas seme- ' thine to cry about He T des peiattiy s. • bine tc fill s he j ,tr.ii'T gfar.es left "ns these a tit- | Vs rutin? men befnre the seo vr; begins The ir.t'rnittonaUy <•-s -uh feels that there i i- nt'*e h.m fit eenlacfnf the’e t-i»» -<{•-;Th»ltinjr Hears Front r 1 - vrtr he >s r*r*it<>>p th * blties ihe prospects f»r the hi sea i?cb Satterfield the titan who; stepped aside to let Irish Bo- Mur phy have a aa :k at the light v-e'ci.-t chsmipionslnp now resting pr: <. iviously with Joey Maxini is Poxing everyday in Chicago at Nichols gymnasium on the south Bob wants mat 175 pound crown, ana plans to remain in ; PAGE SEVEN ijfib . -. ....... ’NwA:. ■ i N£W CHAMP , . . Enjoyiug a | trarty breakfast at a London J j hotel. Kandolph Turpin, new Uiidrileuelglu champ of She world confideutiy assures kin supporters that he vau deieali tnxgar Kay 'Aobiuson again, it they are reuuavcaed in the C-S- Mmoso Batting BO "TON- - i ANFi—O: eetes ; ..«o ..t iile CSikagd White no-c biittKifr i^ 4 iiieriean league to 13 ■ ontlnued biuthe <Usptte hv> learn - f! aisv - htch nas soon drop trom first puice to fourth a the pennant race Mine:. non oattinj 34b •icifh nr hits in "U Units at , but his 79 r litis scored Una 12 i: hot ft: Patna ana } t ‘,s it *:,;hn t-Uifs .0 S«Cdv«t» Other major iesb u ® lea^e* l ' lB * L i;.de Sam Jethros, now unaergo •mg a hitting x-.-iw-v Boston Bra ve? :enter fielder now isad.ng . pc -it U; y.ie? in eu-'iea Lsses with ’a; jrckie Robinson of the Brock . iy v Cotigci 31? record in -he 'mb -2 c r. i -tr.siue rre- httililflG -t'i * • ki'jfcr tne ur* - sluiACng i.ancaan C ) mi'n tlf ceaf 0/ th* leant being •node up tmf on ..rites 0/ the f.am*<t»fe» team lut a1 sc 0} the tog diamond ... yont the Oahonia Mars Winul'iTi-Saleii\ Bi ds Gainst. 77, B'invf'>«-.C,r?m ,i«,l the ilrernshv't'o Birds Two .a hte S’uth ati-Stars were ior.ked over bv a major i«a»ue has. ball scout Sunday July 22. in ‘-v.utn-h.L Bark where the Pm.il Gi.mi> u. ■•! cut the High p.-.im lied Fox :i-2 These sinsa ■ tor,cl jAiVfi'. were Alvin (Ace 1 ’loilev gcou.:o-co'einiig shortstop d piev-l-ehu: throv.-er. and Juntea i Rat 1 Wilson moti v bail pUrer ■> no c ret flic? iiki: rubber at first hurt 1- fi f»-t.red power hitter. . i Hamnionns naticnallv Known note! owner and twenty - - :.i - i-ascbaU and bysing promoter, . •' 1 ; “rittil,. iUS I .i C tTi gi it - '••undav. Aur 12th The annual fl.s 's'c upuaii v r> i f rsx*'t sbout * '•■>■ \;«> * * i lisli CutTOii'cTS. n.tirei !■■",< <■•• the jGnkf at . {«:?.< V'lH'd t.i /'Mv M-itfij ..ru mi/ .V/,fr o,'isicn.it ,g men. With sh.- tn-.-i game sr'neduied i,,j a tie li wfcer. tile Cleveiaitd jv, .»*,viiH iv. on liir OoHefa AH. Sijics lootnaii iaiif iviii Teat, t \nh gusto tc tee how wtzerd f'&til i'i.evii ii.- Browns coach meat in c- up to tins assignment. Ihe- pros hoid a big edge in games w.-.u snd iitowa wants to M. j- his re. ..rd intact In four years with the defunct -vii America conference, Brovt* teams won every championship r.tui in Iris, iu ft year n the cotti bsneci league? Browns team egaifc ’ erncip’Hi tht rhamp lostog only i. ihe New I ork Giatits Although the Giants defeated the Browns twice, when the cr.ivs . . -._■ ; ’.v it *. .. . ;.t . »;,* v. . the Browns ORii.i? it.i .uch with a Jh cipive vii.ro ’ Wth his team > att e.iigtironed bant Brown a: iiw .S hi- is headed for anothe, succres ling Greer, o the samd lucky i"ui nason. The Browns ■ -reining Monday July 23 at Bow stud v.hete they’ye train id for tht past five years. sun. t 1 not vt ry hopciui things at t looking nult« dark to the cuamrioo inak.ef - The .public how evey. is aw vie of ■.. jacf ths T if some good footbail material can oe found aniong fi*c students i' i.w;ii rni'Oil at .the school thi.r fail, the ether confer ence reams vili have scmetfciug to . nor: .- e'er.; v .iitfi.-Usii iiiu.vs arc looking; bad for football Li organ ts tiii wtniitn* honors in track a* Pmire Ehodcn captures sii of Europe with bis "Music in Motion running. Coach Hwii does rake time out frestta Li i rrying- {.r.d comes fre.rs fcebind the towel iov>? fnjuea to ski*.6 a I out what Bhcde nis dsing- World trf.de in sugar increases ; cv.lt of wav f«ars brought about ! sharply in largely as a re- Iby the ho«tii-tics in Korea. A . briceti stockpiles. anJ ccrjsu*'-er : generally increased their purchas ■mtnhw if invoortine countries 1 r, s pi- wr .t in a few countries rat io-” ing sugar lav s- yrrt ccftCitl . •faWfCS pro the kosl of a new chemical research program starte 1 ’! decsntly bv the r c . Denartmert of Agri culture at the r®f**.i»st of the Amy , Qp&rtenfcftStef Corps.

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