PAGE EIGHT 1 impv# #!*•■ •• - , wfcif j #&&•■;■ VjG>. ,>t i. f*;f yM - >;. ■■"’ : J isf < t-kM- . r*t*WsL* iMlvi® 3k # '^VT;. /.Vy^XA.; * ■ v * ® / -^^JP : ;., ■■■;' ■■ $ ftj, . ."” .* ' > ‘ i '‘ ” ** u| THiht> HI FI FIMKATHK GOING i># vi u ;vim:RioN. —— x\ < r2«ii 1 j)li of ( uriilifM a Fewer a tt cii »• Li Mcuiii fcleclf lC it 1 - F&yeileville Ushers Meet At Manchester F.-i iFT I'FYll 1 v Vo:-- ettevi'de Ffhr.s jiclii its n,:icth til' / . .’‘Ci-ii, hull dz y _-, ; ill c* B*th*i A. '•: - /:. n Cimiva ;-.i. iVißiiti' t'fcic > :.t i.«, at :•: ■• • p in. vi i h :.:i'e ■ ha;i L'o.■ u•■.iy ; ■ *; ~v . ; (.;<£ c :■. V,I :i aad diiinti was >e .-,i ..n c. g:curds 77. t r. .a? , : , (I -id (trh ;rt V* erGv ./ r/< - . • -, - /. it\j ;-.u V ? V.v / /• • ii .: ,••? :- A if if. . > !i< «.)t <1 ii \v Ol id IJ :athj 1J tr Ysi'itY j.l ; * itt-j .-} thrown;g r;at !F> ai . - m*ad find i uiaitvs- t . 2 i: li. ■ him have Ja- nit to uttk.^c %». iliiil'Ktfd jlicj /» 171 ii *p-- ff> r iti'/'c, "Air rr.ty ; L,l ,„ /„ ■/,: ihf- j ■in r> 0/; f f /«- ? f R o b in• ) h h : 1 * /// ■-• j - r /»r o ? .r t (is u big bn inter -mn feel* he "h c$ the rig/it to or r ; ;? /•« >. h* : :€is ihiig- are a eong. This creeiTentUih is tS )-oye.i hy A>' t •*• uOi „\ate j't'i'n e. Ree*e ti e., .*• m/,v ‘' h r .*• (/<>? ' / ii.lht 1 > th ii< • Ae A p,y,;/.( /,■(- «,., V, >, e ;■ s ( L niikt iifii.--'. pjh\ -i - - \vj I<< fpUc-v%-td hihi }(.•?■: :iMjii v a.- *ll • ugfcr 1 1at. tli e uicajors uad« £ Mi.'; conditions Gut ..r nu-Tii \«; : - h;.- pion.ise I--. i?: t L l i -.■ j« r prtrXj Biaiit ii Rii key that uc * OulOR t A'ey. ur. TO-; St i'ciiUu^sl'V / ✓ | Cast Your Ballot $ It for * f Mayor McGup f S on the J ! STRAIGHT-LAUGH- f TiCKET ; « in this newspaper < I .S»x. v. GREAT OAK -• _ • ,v' ■ .rr fflM BLENDED j§|| WHISKEY-;:?. gofJpKk s l-85 ! I pin* J EM *3.00 , MKtiy- Hf,h I f || Cod# * ! ItS BSSB' No. 99a i Mmm* i I !h« Straight Whiskeys in this prwj. f | «(f art 2 yasr* or mor* aid, j | 30% Straight Whisks?, 70% Oroin j * fcjytral Spirits; 20% Straight Wh«- * | kty t yssrt eld, 5 % Straight Whiskey | I 4 y#sn old, 5 % Straight Whiskey I a i yean aid. 84 proof * I \ £ ® SCoUST Inc. § 9WfWW«'Wtt THWB I p! nil. shiv’s large Imin tiation at left of ••rej-etit yen rit >'t 100,'dHl hm aCpeAvti is t>r ’s *^ ir..M.i|ied »t ia due to fa in pro l, Write.) i <7r .-.T. / ./ j f.'.k r?« 1 ;• jJ. ii” V. (■: . ?.Oi •, . f,\\V •.' .*.;>* <;-.'OV Mtlct'.ftrS lo i j;e 1 i. *' c* ii li• >t J ,v V•; c 1 Cic •. Ctd- .0:5 s »b f c lie A\‘ » i - • r ki l Csi -Ouint ;f'J ciai ■ • lie Ic l d to c 1 :.: eta a tn d -■ yi •■ ’ O v • l.iii •: ' !I c )■> !>• '•'cl Ii - i- " lH c ' ! i.i i•J f J had do!i£ ► Vc'i'Y ■■ -■; o a *' *-’ * c : - v. : •*•a -7 c i* •.. d s:-»i‘:' .- ; ihe mV on- the n. mo.. ; < - Cl i a ij ’, . i v. 1,0 W t-2 •' jj I ' - EHV wga'iilSt Ocid Lillis OV pi&VS '.‘hi »fc?d :•. a1 i. •*.I iilii l hIS Vvhi 11Y TiiJ r'Vi *.rr T.te r-iokris that LOUnd hjlT. :-*m i> c■ * ;'<'*) sio j< his lipht lu hiv'k in c ally otlior pi ay or. hih- ■.iKiuOii 11,• aea*- jOf -t --lit I■« ill I*’, k adliiOiiif-iiieii ,ja«-k- O p'*pi Jip «>fl is ;- li I‘ l M uiti - i> 1 r-v lie iailetl l»> lllCuttoil the niust . If pitrht- tiuov.M h\ Giant ; i>i it-, j S.i j .W.i •;!■ yt .f-u 1.0 Itll* - i : r 'no or their tames. Noted Os til) o .Vile .! f TIU- in MU .\j ; J:: ..liitifSt J;1 < ■»;l pn a f F‘d cl 'o£? fipiii •< •;i l r jci<*K if tUiin eti rhf iVtch iUHVji tiu- first io-. -t iine and v. (UiiO \! i Uii OYfj liiiss if Af;ig!f#* had fn-iiit-d lV Get 1 i -‘Lis U'<;i:i T'.ie KKK thriat t y iv.till rliai he would )>e shot and »n |*n\ it:iitMill y : no les« a arvoi. Fred •" ail*ii. i viiit «;!* the ;-t {..-a' a 1 *’ ■■■ Hr- h < u tfi iir ’'His mj m i works like iiyhtsi jr; a which is i»> licr akes tile j ly\> That i»»-a‘ you /* ■'tti'OH < thinks tfnit th (■ ii t ia iit : f j| .*' i thttt have roi. u M/.oy ear* >/;«//, r Jn>-kte [ }trt it f r, cif When i>e* i>. longer «//•■ \i-/ ts b ,i jjj fi t . a t ) spur roe Wllrthr, il }). (7 s wait a (Jr t a t an cat" fj . itfair ■ rltt h >ij * Ton s ./ w•. o / (/ //» •'• - p b/• f » Art hr':' ■- fli'j!> >(IX f ■ - I'i .' I l A /■(■■;■' a S tieriitr ,\‘t Orf/fOi-.’ .%/;/.-• f. tn E AMER ICA Y WA Y i;• -•-• • • : < • ■.•.. -"•- - ■ ;•> j -.v> ; -■>.'•■ ".■’•■ ' gfj | * ’lf?".-.>•'■ S£| 9b i gg ssH£ if B -• fig fig && : - B3 y |§ 8 ?! ; Till II : / I Bp-aSr W- Pi : >-! V $1 iilp| In LraggSSK^Aßi#*!!! 1 feta i. The Smear Artist \ 1 ■■ dur-fivn hy (hr middle of vi- thr ! mn.ifi Fin L lunt a lot.l tt *7 ' , t . . . ’.. » I'm. al V \v G*.'i ;. t.ipci \ :--v ..r < a Ne • G' acoiz HO'. M,.dying at .•» . n ii-m, . -.aa c.uiite;, by the Joint ’J .-u IN. -liu'.uc Education, -Sr., ypii. g: ! ;• as i participant in i . : k &M S #'V f _ . .O-V I v v L ' Sbs /•• •• V * s K N apt-- •-•>. e *• yAs.«Nv.«Jiv • ■'u.-Ys Viu# v.- : ' u .y. ®p.v y I; : ... ••'. ;j% y..U :: : , f , .7 Jfe mmst • Sn IK| il ' j w w w r '•■l ' . vw®t f w ' ' f ' J> - & K /■ J & i # 1A p / v IV m fc SHIP'S MAS lEH Above i*t t tplaiti .Morris Ebank. 40-year olit skitti-t-r oi S. S. William <5. Osnn nt hose ship docked at tlie eotui.reKs this week with u i-argo or sugar front Cuba. Ely tug the |lag of panama .-tui o}>- etatrd i>v Havana l.ines, Miami, Fla., tiie sin., is lit) feet long Ihr Mtg'ui v. a# consigned to Wit mmgtoti Sisipping to., vf-aiUit-.v) ll >l > Polo by Tab*r I'ltOUDtiS'f.F, 11, !.:—l.cninl. jmisl h:m-r. Arnet! proudly dt-m'. u imt'l. r ri-curdliiK of iik *'ohuulii.i Mi, “Smooth Suilirij;,” to hi# lu->t Donald frillin, n. Air, f.r I . ii\ rharuiiK »if<‘, Madrldie (left); and lo.clv Elizabeth l < ’•.}. (right); ;iroviMgly. Tlie tune last week made the cej.ia i..t I’eriiile (The K-rord Reviewer h> Debv kOOIllhs), a * of the nation"# top It are .onus annexing eighth (dare uitd hrraure of it* ever.iiu-reasing popularity loom# B. a icnleiiilrr utnoog the leader#. Ella Fitzgerald, the “Fir*t lady o. rung. H.i# pi-i made a Deeea recording of “Sutoolit Sailing." the 4 .ib,b» both haw birtlnlav.i eoming up. incidentally. Eli/aheth’e u y' -1“! «•!».< maestro'# on Aagu.t 10. Cohbk Band open# at l he llitdluuti ou August V, Git: WOi'r- •*• tlv-sj »,:] EcOIiUJiMC E ".U'.'H tion s . .‘i iso reel v th> Luuversity on in- o.nicago carnpiis. ii U 6 oi k - hep b one of ii.. i tern on Economic Educa tion bcrii£ conducted at v»»xi official of the Loutrshore im‘i>> t'nion wlui brougiit rhe captain -tiif! on.- of his crew of lu l.y tii«> JUt RN'AL'S office. mi id tii i-' is rile first time in re cent years that ;l ship, under the coininaud of a Negro, has landed In-re- l aptain lihank Stas been »t sea tor ttiirly o! ins .orty years, and he iias b< ill a captain for •;0 % rap He is a native of Cay man Island, tn-ar lamaica BIVI, and lie vent to sea as a cabin bo; at (In- ate of 10, When asked by tin- JOTRN'A;. as to his treat m-nt a- a N’.-yio eaaliiiii, ItS r i ' \l! the i.e-iplc are my ■ti t-. S his Sails tile eantAiil s jiist tiro north or Flo-ida W|l TRY^' :. f ’e3s with heavy r.'err-y ropulation. Salaries for {'no tw-> office I '-- w-P : he set I. ;n t(i- s-.-me scale as , ' • • new local police officers, •.vhich is less than £2OO per moatb HISTORY Three Feathers a quality bleifd ed wrr.skev of Melrose DistUie"- Ipc- is distilledi from a formula Orro used by the Catherwood family in its tavern near Balti- j more shortly before the Revo’u- i tic.nary War. THE CAROLINI AN nos .uiivei ides dirtmvhout U,c t»»nil! r s litis Mtii.tiiti iIK . !' sli. ';b pi U\ lde AU 011- lkiJ t,;c. oi tunny if’-! educator- to A./']-: V. : . CCO (OlTli At X CU'l ■i' a: and :;•> o • lr.iU'-t s oil curriculum isob lems to l;e'Ot the Mc-cds of youth ; ' '■ I • .itioll s ( f Orlcii: I.V. your brain budget 1, Kliw crossed the ice pursued by which: (a) the marines, (b) bloodhounds, (c) bears? Z. Hannibal crossed tin- Alps with which la) elephants, (b) jeejjs, (c) camels? 0. Saying •'The die is cast," Caesar crossed which river: tai Elbe, ibl It hint-, (c) Uubicon? 4. Washington < rt>ssed the Delaware ou which day: la) Christmas Eve, (b) New Year’s Eve, (c) Eincoin’s birthday? 5. The Red army at Stalingrad crossed the Volga on which: tat horses, (bs landing craft, (c) submerged bridge? ANSWERS - uiuiiES u: —S . ■ iHi.-iqnri <•>, — t ' »|uct)d4i:i id — i *V|iuOf,qgou|:j iqi --- | BREEZY \7eoF~rw\A place wdx~dX™Z~~ I( p£ SWELL IF IT WEREN'T PVR)F) (Morfe^,« Jig) I ✓ *f/ / ™^Kc?S i wmx! S®T T ,W f r\ POOR THINGS) § ' r~vf > { - 7 Live IN OVERCOATS & ( \V A f ALL summer and % \yV\\ IN BATHINGr SUITS j 5 / f?< ; —*°—£ I ——£ 1 r _ Tt "v' (±UUCKS/eVEN a') C%p/ C 1w v DR AVANT BOARD member TB HOSPITAL WIEMINCTON, \ ( „ _ XeW I 111 Hovel ( '(Hill i i | ■,\e /••»•«» population wit - hiirhij pie d •dieated Wesson J'B ii|>j t a 1 In. A villi t is [lie lone rcpivsei. • m ive on ihe hoard and his ap point (inm by t|).. New I I'.iiovi r <’onnt> <’oii)lissi!loiieis was liaiod a > idendid ) es; in •• nl inti r- Vitcial 'nod will by givilij In, NV ' o a pko'i* on lie top In I'd i ’ in new if.Jiin.non 'onnty-opciat 'd ho'-nit i l . v, he ia"i!ii i s ar, :, Hit Itev ,1 Frank Davis ■•! Sr 1 'nn! s Lilt htn an elm reh. -Mayor R I. While and Han < iliei'uil chilli mall of the lac.: "'il>in;' from a wheel chair addi es'od over 'She peisons, of which about ■>" colored ( ' jrf f W (■• itii.eii o' th" Warl-I. nrder t'"’r ha I elioree of th,, fins' rail.- ■ GUILD Suu»c*ts over WiiltT iiinkr *«•?•> t |]alive .. You'iS Do It Sooner or Later ■■'tlPNf T'VE never known a picture-taker,. ■* no matter how casual his inter- i est in snapshooting, who didn’t i sootier or later get around to trying ; a sunset shot. Ii he doesn’t, it may i be because he doesn't know it cu . j be done With simple equipment, j But it can. It is difficult to establish any hard and ius rules f- t this snap shooting subject because such nat ural phenomena are more often! characterized by beauty titan uni* | formity Normally, with the sun hidden by clouds, but still above j tne horizon, you could use an :iv-! «n age snapshot expo-mre. This : means that it i- within the a cope j ot the box camera fan. Later on, I during the a. ct glo w, a long! v j exposura?—- and theicf.ire. an ad ' Just able camera --will be ne-.-cs sary t oi or film, of course, is the idea! • medium to capture th • sunset hues j iti all their glory Its heartening; to know that if you miss the ex | posure a little, you'll stil. get a| picture. Slight underexposure will] tin- ill ivriion of lii.'ai,,. I ) \\ - iii id {iit i .tin. Benediction mis given m. tin- Rev. .Mortimer (Hover rector. St. ■laim s IE ('hn rch < Mil'll home w;m held lnii.w I' afe|y |. illow iny tim cereniHiiies. presided over In Ben Mv I tonald. yyj ccpsj^i - ” | 7 WELL, WISE M .-/ft j ( ! PONT SEE WHY7 )7 ft FW\ \ SHE CALLS THEM o at t 5.(i, increaa* j mg tne exposure as the scentj darkens. Wh o using black-and-white film, you’ll need to rely a littis I more on the contrast between | i louci and sky to make an effective j piettao With a sunset that is a riot j ’f vivid oranges, reds, and yel» i lows;, regular snapshot film is best. Ordinary snapshot film will yield good results, in fact, may give a I striking effect than would * pamTirouriln: type film ..,nee its I i*ontra f y ou want.. There art* mans ways in which 'ah can enhance the beauty of a sunset sky How you choose to do it will depend on the particular situation. However, framing th® tin e w itii ti ft bi anches is ai j ways el! active and usually possible i to do. • - John van Guilder prominent radio cohnne-maior. *' - -.; *ii *i i; 11,. I. •I - ■ I,, ;■ ’a an llr. Avaiit. Mi. ( A,: ■ ,ei aHi and Dr. ’A I s> i| nre iir. i is Davis* I liiir.-ton i' j’;,'.: Mr McDonald, ‘ band, ( ('Shields Mrs Adelaide I "Bui Mis: l ie-' l. i.ash, and •Mis.- Eli/.,belli \\'dliams.