tn*E!lC ENDING AUGUST 4 1931 Mud, Dust Play Havoc In Raleigh Residential District 1 WILMINGTON ST, CITIZENS FACE HOPELESS FATE Fair Weather Has Dus! ; Kain, \lutl, In Construction Zone RALEIGH \ of Civil VV'ir diiy nd Hie I-v 1 9* 1 1 century ••dim <\n.:h l:ii':do"'ni’;' had the re.-ipi-.n-iiiilr •. of \v ltd nr; pud nifiinlnir.inj.; avids rnnnin through his property was i •‘-lived •> .-nil, at least in part, by South Wilmnip ton strn-t rc:,i Jems i..,-j t. v. ns they sf. tt.'vled di ri’c-iy to k'vp water out of tln-ir homes Residents in the !>oo in! HM'O bloffk; am snaked with v\ aiyi when i 1 rams. a.a.i covered ".nil dust ” hen it is drv b"the highway ~o«.v pndrv eon,.!: n. t ion through the :irt;:t and which is hirjher the su; rount'iii:: to tain has forced the v n s in their front yard.' and tnrlcr their hm’, and Oi road in a chi nos which hml dirt hr.n. elands of chisl. Ko idem, in the I 100 ’.-.lock ami Ii• • entire biffhway arts* o have lj. *rt t<• t • 'ini' in,*-' .if the dust. A GUM IVOVI \ \ ill AV* Oil .newer Dirt u.tshiMi iliiun fenni In' highway closeu <l|) Die drum* in the 'Hid ami 11)00 blinks last week. These drains uere too small in the first plae* , so that when the rains came it was impossible foi residents to go nut of their front doors * \ - e pi li> wading through deep water and mud. Water snared as high as tin front fatieh and coveted the entire surface under me houses of three families all of •which eontaiu several children for several days, while city an*T county health authorities, the Raleigh ,'sircct Jtepartnieut and highway officials who arc en gine ring the '*>ad stood idly by and did nothing. Due aged woman icsiilenl cleaned out the sewer with her own hands. Even if ' :o <a; .-• )•* ■ '•• an Hu .. a . ;•;. i ,nc • on m ex pi;* * nod ' * ■ : 'd *. U finly troripo*;. ! rv relief. • ■ is. Hi. h»r never ■e, * :• •*;•. !• Slid Ibc scv. <*s • iv. ;itway - :v •i. too all Parks in Another -trcri rrjtlld l f»l a. * to Oih-ct Die |f: 1 h : K• ’ f •• <' •11 n»r i:•. • (1 added: not■«. ’is doing an -tl'O’C riOo.” if. Tim ran a n<a h.v- i:» drh hi* (■) ■■ to c,l 1, (a .. . ■ay DO* reach Ins e.;c ' ami ho.i ’•<> •* • h* ; <-•* packet i •.«e»t!‘ " ..... ..p.V: ' ’• V ret; * I • •• • the . . .. .id • > tha. ■ i; the -1 I. r d at tre con* .• <*f field ;>id W ■ the .--man h T"-' '• <•• .wr of !. * • *n< : di’tut'c i< ' '•;< ■•.*.' •'• •• Id -ck. As a result of the situation r-rsjfieirls who could enter front doors, were struggling through mud and water in the dark, while others had to use hack floors. HIGH TAX Alt IH)Y STREETS It has he. r p.> i ted cu't that h. - New Hunter Window Fan jwir LOOK AT THESE QUAITIT FEATURES: LT'»'t tJs, (E <Tj iL Utiv ‘'TL"I ;,J4r ES >* \ i *!,L!ti ' LfaXlK*! L '{TTIL' T Eidh ii/stalled- »<iiustn^lt Silver finish *alMy _'ri!!e punch Ortified ,1:1 i!.!■ i y Quiet and po-vrniil •' 2WI CFM > KEEP COOi THIS SUMMED Phnno •<$ Os com# la for a demousfralipn Open Every Frida\ Evening Ijn! si 9 JMm JkjJUANCE Co, *•»*"*■ mam ire **«*«.* 225 South Wiimmgta*"* Street J! \ (IA (' 1 - . M I*;.VI \X XOI'NCF i» Mr. and Mis Walter OlipliAti* *>« llidli l.uthf-r Street are an nouncing the engagement of their daughter. I, Christine. Id .Mr Aei (mu Alack llerron, soli **! Mrs. .Mamie Herron and the late Mr, Samvel Herron ill' Cli ir lotto The wedding wilt take (dare September Ist. Auto Rams Into Minister’s Horae; Damaged It SSOO 11 AT.Kit 1 H Mn !ti|il* elm rgc w ••!•" filed .nr;) m a .!•*;*•* i; i. ■ I 'aa... I" ; ■ *r-oid A :c : •*■ while mau. . tec iu- ea a sith-sv. it a.• <I a packed * ;ir • 11(1 w i * eked ih,. hi,l*:;, of (lj,. i;,.\ and Alt - '.. IZ»*!>*-i-t 1.. Moiir.i*. .«i ■•" (■ !•' (>■ v vill*. tr.-cl oliou 11:..'! S;ilu v. 1.. ■ n i hr. / ' , *l/ n ; ■t , ,t n>l .'•/.< !.' s- i. !:■ . Hn-:.;ih’! '•! ■■■ ••-/••• f,.ire- I H-ith <:«■■! •* OTldecf yd ;,,,,. '•••< .. , • t II. ’ ’‘ l: " I'ih-il i-i ii>- ' >f! it a •>! .-.••.•..II u*.*y:mad arc* v. v , il;i Jfif {t»; hlfi! } *1! '* :• v ’ll Hlh-i: f*, iuii.-T f-vl’.la - > *:ii.v Joe. i-ii.t iiion.Tiy is * . . '}■ cU! * if l :j hi .-x --. Ol!'!\ c iv.-bis . ! *,; o, : Iv. (he " * i! '•.>•*! Ilf.l unprovwi kveu'.ev in,.st ~i!ici homes in dn * t .- Iy it* ... low Some di tiic residents In ing on xaitli V\ iimiiigioo street Jiave * (imp!.lined that the/ ire f aying high ta\cs, "the same us people fiown town’. but have >io sidewalks, and tin street has not he n iinpinied. The Powell Hill passed Try the 1051 legislature provides that the stale w ill maintain the streets and sidewalks in .if .is in which the street e«n. stitote.s a part of the state highway s-vst.-Bl l*n 1. I)n- t:i\ *• Is 0.l o ■ toe mar* i • i• I,•;: 1 ; *. 1 t (*.- nr-'U h ■■ .- •-.* .*• titif.fuog -itv .*ffic : il.-i ■•■..' • dm a tii ■ <•.:. .• .••*-,-i,< ~f dvsf • which ore - ' ;; ... ' ; ..... ill,' cut i * I'm.. '• *1 •••. ; ! j. .. j,,..-, ■ ai : m.i » ; ? •,. • _ .* , j. . . , s,.n*. of the residents close their flout floors and windows c'.il !i\<' in the hack of the th entire house top and fin hou.-e. hut the *!osf •."Hlf*s over •slv f Hie, . Die buck Os coi’rse rein firings relic!, hut rain al so is, -ans mud. N.C.C. Students Win Scholarship Honors iil/FIHWI Two TCrirtri (_'•>:,•• 1 1 1 1 ;i College law s!eSCl■ • r l l - • i; 1 1 . • .* i ,i:it ii *o'i! i•.• r* e/tiif i<f.ji their hic.ii scholfirsliip ir, !•,••. .-. ii .ol at a* ty. **' si * 1 dell..- a. * i ,*11)0 't i ) (! I.'* • .'.' a 'lie. .hid Eli ..* nc II Gadsden, freshmen. Cl I .>■. AI * it-! ■., 111 *•t y. Ma . I:k>1 a 1 ■ if* .*t .a. ( C- - I -*v SctiOfil. •.1y ■ai I oc 'a| ci (a I ion i* ,*.u (he lie. ■ .mi nf \ational affair - an .1 ui’c ;. ai's suhscrintiiu. the 't’ni a Siaas l aw Week' Hat s' incline !•.' *1 i ,'i iodi*. al 1 * nils *i- ii. fniane* c -'(icai of -Sa ! • an dl. G • ea n.-,: i si* ai lit \ i **.(..■. as a iiot yeai slne’e ut tit N. ;' C. s [ *u Sell,ml las, year. 'I lie I ,;i>vy e 's C< mi pc .at i>. . i’lili 1 Ida Cninpany .- ive Ga isdeii enpies vs Ainoi iean .Turispruileiice. i 'veil-known le al eiicyclopedia Gasilen is (lie linslrind ■>f Mrs. Ida .1 Gadsden. inMi'iic’.'i' in lh.- lie iftini■ nt if Thalia a( N C C He i .I>.i li'.- mana /ei id Mltlnal H i hi • , new Ilurh.un housin : project. yt l’iit a/ a' ilium ii a 'is. Mrs. M'Diiiji .ea/ rlii< in'' .7/ s'/ii• ti'ii- s itii.s iti i't if ..'a. ... ~i.\f"l. i,ii' Mi' l ..a? /,,<')«; irliiil tiiin , 'i ii if Hull •fti i r ins ' sunn iii/unr mi fh * •ai rhhii "1 ’ ... t'l's :... i I'll 1 11 II ll"l’l. 11. 1.. Kim is who Juva st iyaied (I) 1 ■ti i ideui aid that Huge wa.- driv ing s»e.ith ell I’.'y etlevilie Sf.reef. ait I'arkid car niviied h.v Verii.e llee lif ill ol ''l s lay, Ueville .s: I . I, nlii that tile I' car irac-ied iv d ia. anal dire, i ion 1 :hk I■ ■■ I • llToss 111.- s| I . e| and smashed 111- la tile -id-s of 111,- Monroe r.'st ile 11 . a • iMilvi-:i; I’l.MHt Ihi:i i • was filled -Inn .... . and nrd> r to pay n» flu court s.Ao,. t,»i Its," by file Kc. Monroe. S’.- cial coll tract ill's, have appniised tile daiuaae, bill far til* re 1i.,.- In’ll mi definite f>.-t'uJ'i. All'-. .Mati ll”’ -aid Wednesday mi., iuntnict- Ddlowin .: a ;,i, 1.-mill i y di -ck o itile diiniape. est Lauded the dnin "(llil Hot lit: repn i l’* d with sJi i 111 _ s le : ait Ihe whole nun li side a lh- lions,, was wrecked, iaciudin:; litre, dooi.s i evo w indows, a sin die ’ •uc!i a dr.-sser, which wn ktloekeil face down on r.ii, floor. •wo tallies and sonic chair:-. Tie fdast■ ) illy was cracked so badly *1 will ha <’,• I** by. icplu, d, the "ills and ion dilution rocked ,nni l.iir house partlv knocked off tin I a v. mi an * ” sprung ' • )>.,- .■! , -j jou five p ppii os T< ! w.ii.r tin,- s-aioii.-p, •ai v::, :;</!, * tic ic *. .Monro, wilt, j- iius/or i-i tec All. f 'alvary I ';irisi in <'],u vi-h ’ He- corn,.). „• i'rolo, and Hr,amli streets ill l.»firha).i • 'Mild liol I- icaeh' al lor i si;, r>-- TWO ESCAPE ROAD GANG MOI’.YT AIRY. - lave convicts ' •'<■■!> •<! i-i.iiri .. i-oiEfi .’ i.-iy sji’Ce 'ndt-s north of Mount Ah v at ms •*• m - I'-'Sclay while building !!ic t'seapees weiv Richard Wea ther., jottn. 30, serving 12 to 2N "'" ;r .~ O' l ' highway r. .bbc rv and H B. ,lam< s, 25, serving three ■ ; tor breaking. entering and larceny'. 1 •''* <''an down an entbank !T:>nt and into a thickly wooded '•aca while they wcia being guard ed. | U T-aihei s;x‘Mni a ,iy described as! v, iahina 132 founds, five feet ' : ht inches, dark complexion, T-iin.'s we.'ghs J4!i r.oonci.s. mcas -’ies fjVs feet oieht inches and is •d-so dark brown complexion. A posse with bloodhounds from Winston • Salem was searching Through ih. countryside yesterday afternoon after reports that % t.hc two had been seen on th.. Mount- A ity-Stuart. Va.. highway near White Sulphur Springs. Earlier Tuesday the they they were rr> ■ orted seen in Mount Airy. MtNi DEAD IN ALL aVUJAN MISHAP AT FORT BRAGG FAYETTEVILLE Bennie L Jones. 211 1 civilian t ruck driver at Fort Bra; ;:, was killed instant ly about 7:30 a.m. Tuesday when :t; uck. by a civilian car on the 1' went ion. Authorities sale! Jones, '’■ n l l.■, a *oeident of Vass. was hit by a car' operated by Arnos McLean, Jr., of Laarinburg, Route 2. a civilian \ employe at, Fort Brafig. Jones was rushed to the station hii-pital at the post but was pro-, pounced dead on arrival. ; Investigators said the cur ope ated by McLean went out of eon-' trol and struck Jones, who was sitting near the rear of his gov ernment truck. He had parked to : wait for gates to open. Jones was a veteran of World ; War IT. Send* with hard --h-lls gnnet-• soil conservation specialists oi" hardet shelled strains in several ' "he r. S. Department of Agricul ture ure actually scorching for » families. Harder she l!r t I’ ’ j S Ii to lull llltl \ 111 I t .vo ir, .Ir, la;,| rl.iss. \ .ud I State t ol.rgr. has to ell adfiiitlrd to tile tirai’u.ite seine,| ol t'ollirll l lii versils na ui'iliiiji lo aiinoiluee riii• iit made tiy Henson !. lluttoD, direrlor of the division ol engi ii'-efiiig and educalifin al A and I. SasSef. ullo re ceived the huthelor ot science degree in civil i-ligini-ering, with distiuetiou, from \ and j. will enter Cornell in September to pursue work toward tin- M.S de-e gree in civil engineering. The son of Dr. and .Mrs. E. E Sasser, Sr., registrar and student activities director, respectively, ai A and ! Sasser plans to do structural engineering work in industry up on ceinplei in; ids studies. Itotli Dr. and Sirs. Sasser are North Carolinians l)r. Sasser i> Ra leigh native Jury Hears Testimony In Inter-racial Attack Case i AHOSivila. A (I ctfoai Coun- i ty Grand Jury reduced a eharßn of ' ape ’i / i 45-ye * i-old white. Ne-.v Vo. hi- 1 brought by A'cgi'v girl ami iiuiief-'d Hie ;aas on a e'nm-ge ol eai'Hal ailuv. le lge. Crack Ni-wsomo. of N.:m York p; : foim- li.'. of Auhallii.;, has ] bci !I i....igi ill j.ei V. d ;01.11 bond nil ehiirae.s Til. d by H itic Hoy« rd. : i i-yeal-iiki fiegbi II I, Th. .’ and .!,,ry, lo'c-un.;: dur-ntf a term of Supeiiot C'.-ui't, return ed u triii’ hi!) charging Nsome ’. ;|.'; , j.'lliil kiu g, : ’,.f f,’:- nnd.f under H> year.- <<i a .<•" ■XPi s . • . al on • . U’.l Pi Su oerior Co- : l ii,•. re Tuc day with •Ti :.ia h i;. • A. Gruel;, pic.-guilg. At a ore!imin. \ y lieasilig. tile .girl c'intm-A tea! Ni v, se-mc r fiv dii'lercnt timv.s on . lone >\ u.i*i bt ; -vc<*n a irid 7 **..;*. -iti J •: - .id. >h,- i I. He ffe-ti 'be that X. v'soir.e c«:n. i > b- : llmue '1 ■' ■ ells’. Li.. no asKc ; her to stay . : il n d.iiili i n w’.iie lie ./mi ins v if.- an ended . niovi,* Will’ll "... : I-i f,.*!' bouse, she ' s' ih*’ !( ip one it ip chi’ tire:) 'Vila iii.-,-, Af.v: -hr aai id New sonzvV "'o' : ) I s’ a ~ : a , v v p, Ain ■ hie ;.))(! ' il ri he; to' »v;iit . ililn 11** went after ins wile wild o'hec , * s o In -3 lift ii- aiii le .-’h uiri X ■ some 1 ’ Hi: H.' i atop , ITd then oiow he> to lonely I'o’iri :■ ta- YVinton and Mur fy esbom. ‘ le-tifi.-il. ifld cnr«- midc.i ih- • She ’est;fieri th.v tv, • soeu- <"'.ok . va n’td ih.-eat- DOWN PAYMENTS REDUCED oh froslev Electric Refrigerator? on Whirlpool Washing Machine on G.E. Vacuum Cleaners on Elect ric Fans on Radios and Oilier Similar Items '^WHINW COME —SEE —BUY—SAVE \ MBERAL TRADE4NS ACCEPTED AS PART DOWN PAYMENT ON YOUR NEW PURCHASE flkMiUi,. -[uaßt'.Al Am.SASCCi - Mo\ll' [oittmtXl Cor. of Martin & Wilmington Sts. |* THE CAROLINIAN JUDGE URGES TREATMENT FOR HOMOSEXUALS U’lt.MlNG'loN a .superior • net .lud ii pnimed up i cry it 1 ' He- for State fricilili, Iu I mat .lice!;.dies ami huini'scxiials. •Ilicit; • \V. T. Hatch runai'l. rl 'l'm-siiaj mi , luck ot Stale I'm.s- Hi ' in o,;a people ,i- h. Cell i aa' al jiidgnu-nl in a com. when two yniii).; nii*ii had li. cii cliar;edi ilh i n.'.agin..’ in buin'>scxu:il re- | la Linus T’tli. Si ,1, spends ■' let of' nun. y. said .lu,' a- t lau K l'lu-. taxpayers < a.v a lot nf ’axes. Rut j Ibcie 1.-, mi olacc in tlii;- state! ulnae tin-a people, can be sent for j treatment | lii'iiiai'kiog "in ill. .•.-•.-.os • pimisiinn-nt i.- nut what is needed 4 | Juilc.e Hats’ll ivlcr cd In l.umosCx-i ' ..:ii\ ~.s 'alisa ... . .and 1 use die' wmal advimdly. What tluy need | ti-i .tlJ’.ii-lit." I h»h ever.' !i ■ acliieil g,Ulniu,';b i 1 . , ibis cl, a;'ly I -ilsti * , that ' I niiut simply illnw' them to I'c- I a'li In -n,id •• Ii lit, / il,. I bey : i .o inii cl uup'.a be- UK! yi-un - man. 1 cannot do that, ir"! He licai ordered two men to be I iaki'ii into custody. 'th, ' air had been charg'd wilh, eiica: in:' in linilli.. ii-l.atioll.-t ■ ia tlii- hack Sc;;! ol ,i ear pat'kl.ll in a Ini beside a theatre vs'i-Hrr diis year. They entered unity : ieiis iu imeible trespass, mil the j court ,-oficitor accepted tli*i picas. | HEY KIDDIES. FREE MOVIES vr ijbraky! ! I! U.EKiIT A ehihlreli.- fdi.a | -• ill bo shewn at th, Kielnml H I Harrison I.brary -n\ Saturday A*. ; It: an o'eim k_ All ( iiihl ich lr. invited ; lend. Tim add in issmi I-. free. C'"'il »»-•** !ii.- Newsome did out offer teitirnonv j a! tin- pr iiutinary he-ring, ‘.vhen • !!,■ u s s.r.ij• J ~\i'r witllte:) 'lOlltl | oil 111. pital cilia Irak* Rider Returns Transfer To White Co.j With Terse 'Warning j KaL.KIGH A 'Audi v bus rider 'An- uill-llour-okl transfer Was’ refused on the Cnrleigh line at Alonday afternoon mailed the; transfer u> the White Transporta tion Company md offered the Company i)pi'<u’tU!"iii> to be "!f the While .i'l • ;:•> lOii Com;-any really '.cants 10 be cheap,' the letter v. hose sumcr was not <ii.-closed, read.--, "he! eV a real opportunity. 1 handed 'id.- trans fer to 'hr diivei of bus No. Urt at exactly 5:43. It eras dearly 'a .A.- r: •>:! i. btit j!11 •»u■ fll every body knows .. transfer is rood for !5 minutes and that th< Carlegiit bus runs every half hour, your dt iver refused this transfer. '•You.- company is really deter mined to make soma money. ;>mi for this reason you may deduct four cents, on cent for an envelop and three cents so a stamp and return nit Ax cents of my id m nts fare. Warnl-i. ; To enter into corres pondence about this transfer m; V run up the costs to several stamps You do so at your own risk.*' JT 1 ■a - -H/ysarfK: •*, t Jfc'goA? j ® ! . ii SCHOOLHOUSE BEING PLANNED FOR DURHAM IHHHIAAI ■ bust skelrb,.. ~| , new Nigigu ,d,.tin ill.ii y .-ehouT. wliiol* dn- Hoard of iCdueat ion i'laos Iu reel here have ncea ap~ 'l'l’v.-d by dn Diei.-ami of School house !’I, mu in," of th. Stale Tle aannn ol of Public lualt uet.:".) Senoo!: Sur>l. !. Si.iey Weaver ■and Monday dun iu had • i * Tv, *i i e nolle, nf ajijiroval and in ll’lieted II;.- Vi-.-hiteet a* pi,need with the (ii a a img lb'- aid tiicse Mioul* be ly wi'.hm til) (U 'i.t n’ .s . V*’ 5 i• n tiu- ;» .in. .11 f com; >loted i\\>w i'\ vv. thv t»u:U'tl ol EJucatuin Nfill '.:J: {'ut ni«ijr*{ (?0:-i.'iilos '<> j 11! ht ftH’i it v';m >«• <t; v'ii t'ii •.a l O i m*\v im*;. (.'!] IT! t A1) 11. ’i 1 ' iil l/K till’ t dlf. 1 - !h»‘ jib'i'd ’ .is 12io F'ouul' for it> ? for ;m* u;mh i! soht'ol buit-.! in 4. . ;<• .. L-oiul n-suc • «»■» i' rK‘ ‘fi'i . i i’ii .i • • t) j- e• j; .t«x. ■ o ?;*:*« '« Tin s'i'i in J .d«»i i,dH \ ■ i: 'a*.’ T-.s.s 0 ‘ »\ it I i»f th;- t;. ojt-ct '’• * L.i.S.'w :.v :1« *a-l Jniiklm Os -lYWC 'iOrs w l"s':t Ji' i 1;, i\ * * rip|> r o\';i! SWITCH JO »OiLV DIMPLE ©oS LONG, LOVELVm^. HAIR- V camus PE R:\IIUVI ( SCIENCE DISCOVERED IT-YOU CAN PROVE IT t “NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE" ...added to the world’s most famous ABCs Always milder ' ; Better tasting ‘ lj|j ' Cooler smoking jßjißp* Here's the Biggest Pivs in Cigarette History Chesterfield is the only cigarette /4B*' of all brands tested in which I mf*§ '* '• J members of our taste panel j found no unpleasant ofter-taste f >Jy • »*• report of k» wH knifWn ,** W »*A . p| ..tpas^Aj^ : | *t*t# -p: p|s 2®S® fts a .*«* p S' Siifcflf better fcl <^^C*’** i ***® A "Sucu* sci -£4 300 -o ~..,* r <•** H Jfiar ant '**•" ‘t -*TW ;w ** ffitt m(WBRBB99BSBS)ajy v *oI[Sfe'aMBB^ T ' , 'aalwC * WfawaßM ■ - , «a» *3wßE*> - -3E>: &■*> JfcjaßT BBg^HaBSW . I M ■■.l.!* > .1, «'» l 11 „ ern. '' •.■ • '■ v .• ; flj ff" I.I.AIi.MN'C VOl NG <\ giwup 111 linn ~ than ;:0 < uti Si out-, who rci'e veei iit visitors ol a Im t TTr.igg Yirlnoiie unit recently weie caught l»v the etiWCraiuaJi in tin- process of in-pecting a iiMeliilie gun. the Seotlts ah' members of a |.'a\ett.-ville Hoop. a,.ldle Ha y Ilia,. !.. ei”l , ted. Due >" * liort.age of siu. i mil build in. supplies. Weaver said ifie '.niihntic will contain IT classrooms an jirntori ian. • afetcri i. library in i grinei ; -'i J'- office. Th said th:,? most of the hind in', bod for tlie, bus he,, u co il u i i ed. Drive Safely!!! T in " - | See I Bosse Jewelers For Fine Watches ON EASY CREDIT dMk klgin Bulova W if | 3575 wf. \r'»VLLi.’* £oss£ 7 v ■ "X' , 'f/ f < Sy<? i - -- - - 343 Fayetteville Stteet Next To City ‘Hall - » >m iii—n n j PAGE THREE MAN'S FREEDOM SHORT-LIVED XIONG ANTON, - Yates Giles ' Uaei intenclenl of the state • pvitton i.iltiU) ill I t*, said Friday that'-'Hile Carl Williams. 26-year-old ptisofttar .bo .-.,M,ied th- past week ettti, h.a! Lei.n up; rehendod. (Albs said Williams was fbitpd i ; o home in Harmony, near 1 i'h. Thursday night and had been returned to the lohal i til. ' - - J" -,»«• Terms j wjrm * ?ireston* BUDGET TERMS 'fifßston* 1 STORES 413-415 Fayetteville 3C '■/M§ . n G.w#; vM • «*•#&> •*/* rsp * - A a; , 3 3? if a-

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