PAGE TWO THE REPORT FROM THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES COURT LEAVES ‘fOM'Ul, PURGE' Sl’iT S-sTILL IS AIR WASHINGTON Ffedc-iai i<w trict. Judge Walter M Bastian has lumded down ids ruling on ’he suit Tiled by Dr William t Jason, Jr., welfare director of the Na tional Alliance of Postal Emplo yees, Tut he tailed to i ul, on the constitutionality of the In- 1 dent Executive Order on I ■ a;* ■ He has, however left tin dooi open for further action 1.. ti- Alliance “ i'v.’o serious que: lions-. arise this ease," Judge Basuan : a.-' “First, 'ivhethf-i the doctrine- of •res judicata is applicable, that is, whether the matter having been once .adjudicated, plaintiff <Dr Jason)i can be called upon again to establish h:s; loyalty, this tin.- under Ahe new standard fixed i. Executive Order 10X41. end, •«• condly, whether the action r. pm mature in that plaintiff ii;<- foiled to exhaust hi; adrnifn.trailw i<- »,mi«s" •, -MM c^tt “Put out some hay tor hot she il U t ’twiv by to . ■ •In C. \V, Cromiey of Asin AUe. Ohio at . giit, tells mi n.on I-m ;• left, as he injects !■:.:t a gram (i o() cf .n .- *n , ) *He nc . “wonder drug 1 ’ t<v ivuryßri inn r j : . u, . • .---i,!.,.- vr, i ><> tr< u j ease of bovine pneumonia. i>; < .Ton-iloy .<>• •. p:»nver ~-. tn< ■■■• < 1 the new drug hi cc-terinarv no d.-c : > lie ■ ■ *i,< sud t ■publish {in "Vitenr.ary Medicir,<.' > .» 1 1, • on < ■ -If t ,ai on shipping fever arid pneutat.u, -• nitU Tin .it !>.- < ■ ?•_ treating above had a tempi rot., ire cl at M.» ru, - , but i< *. , :!•'■■ exptfiienct- with t* iiafo.-,, ,n ~ .tT np, - ; r ;•> “ 11 , course of its; cotviatct-cenci- He t< I'prteci i.n i -■ fever and pneumonia in cattle ,o the attic - ~ ’‘\j ■ ; ar> and has since ti‘ -it : d hundred >. - >• in.- ho? .. - successfully in U•: «•. cre-.t of n, dec ■- .;• c ! c, ■ 1 of disteiTipe-i ciii'j ,-,'i o e t th, - ■ - Shaping Eternity Is 1 Mother's Privilege A MOTHER'S HEART is a di- ! vine creation. No one but Goo could have thong nt oi n>ou->« hood. None bu- God could -a v < given us mothers. Our God could have continued ; to create men as M<~ made the- ■ first roan and woman H>„ inc-ughs i Adam and Eve into existence by j a direct act. It was as simple as! that. Sow, however, God allows par er.ts to share «» His creative pow ei, In fact., it seems at inti glane* that God almost tv. a ices Himself dependent on then anil. Only after the patent-:; have pre pared the necessary roateiial,! and the mother has furnished the < cradle of her womb, will Goa ; create the immortal human soul. ’ mat principle of hie which brings i u new roan into being. IT IS INTERESTING that the' power- God uses in creating an infaafts soul is exactly the same creative power He put to work when He made out entire un«- vefstr. Both the infant's sou! and the -world, did not exist at on* lime Both were entirely made from apthing. Both depend on Him to remain in existence. Both, in A word, have called forth tin in finite power of the Almighty ‘ But here- is the tremendous thing. The child nestled in its mother's womb is far mote val- Oriijie than a doisen worlds iui the- j simple * reason that tiro- child's sr.ul fVili survive long after this universe is no more-. Tiro world 18 temporal the soul eternal &M* human soul is the basis fcv dignity, and lights. > Feinting tt, the new notice of onooOt rent to in Jason and twentv .Jhei NAPE members m, Jaiiuat v i 9-.0. by ’lit- P. tt i/lfii-t- Ifc-paitrnent in its new Pni g« dii d'.-r the aintTidci li. < ■•at; to Offer Vvi.ith provide-.-, fo’i removal pro vided there v,;,;: "arc-u ennoble u-.;.-r as tv the loyalty of thota eilcd tin com; that tie P O Department had taken no action, "on« ; Mm ally, no appeal' has been 01 could be taken to the i‘o ‘iruiMc, v ieoi-riii, 01 to the Loyalty Hr-vie. Board." in view of fi..H fact. Judge K.e tir.n ruled that Dr Ja.--.oir-.. suit, war: proiiialtut .aider tin.* luie to alniihij:, of adipinistrative reiiH’die;: Tla: jti-Jpe noled that “ft in',-, be that oo will be vitvh j cat' ■ i t: •• iidriiiMiatiatiVi' trrhu or that then.-- tribenai;.: '--ill r i .:i, lu' -eul ii on in- contention till- li'. •. ;lie nt it r ji.di at ■ Ul-jiil- e, in ' lUli l ni Wi'iiCil .-.u'lit i.: iivi-d would exir.t for limit to the Court “ and worth. The world could iitrot-i give these things to the child because the world d<;<.not possess them. The material creation only reflect* the beauty and majesty of the C< c-ator. The child's soul, however, is made to the very image and iu-.oncss o t God AND, IT IS this infant soul that was redeemed by the- pre cious Blood of Jesus Christ. Tim is the reason why every mother .bse-'ik eternity. Her child. fcrcujM forth in time, will live on jn t. icrr.ltv r-'viii. i ;.-ro i ■ ••• v.^ by Christ, bet infant is made to enjoy heaven. This ortiUpio power of mother ing tu.tuft' is v, ornar.iiccd s i idlest piivdege. it is also a mother’s great**! ub ligation, and she must not fail bei child’s soul. If she does., she has been a failure in hc-r most vruL.ortaiii foie, VTH A MO'Ffl'ifiß'Y heart is a jdo iiro creation tot feet, so won derful a thing nt mod., rhoed that Jesus Otlisl, God Pt - :,r roan, det*.imined 10 '., ■ -- thei.—by Alvin ill’ m •& j iuwiiroktu Si • v - NCWi. rt.iCu Si. Vice PifiXl-WlfifilNG COM?OSERS--'“.-t [lf ho cun of I,ri/.i ivhiiiiny oonijiusitiimij, lui-luiinu tin -diurt ts> rnphony" t. V Sty. to compofi I- i.uwanj Siiau-eii, i iii'C-f i) In lin \ Ini k Mica, ! i id. ' i,, 1,. h,i 19hi n.i- pi-i-iiu Will in tin its ,iii|,b,,iiv mil' Ibiit itt-l Wiii'ii fast vi i ii. In |,ioi,, ,|,. , , I i. i Tanl.'.Oilll i<e/iti'»-.! pj>-Atiti-nl <it iln Crilir-r,' ( indc, j,i'istnl> i itutHiii'- t>, flu i,,iu ■ i.nipoici (eJI to sii,!:l; RoilO'fllC tlurtlnil, Ifo.i ;Si) -.; lill - (ill, t\ liliaill lltlimUl llllli ( dim l .U'ln Mi iiufli nlio-a - Vlt il'uin l if plloiie “ aiui i-'Oir.t r<< lit “ Smith! ’ i"i T ht. Nds.-ht t i'.iiOt t." 1t.,-, . Inin I Milled a- till- ~; ;.-r.ic unci, : il «!n> - i.ei [>, •• a cli-i.atl'r ! all; , Ing til-, (e »(ui ili.l (u t•! (i-.r , t . Cl , i, r illiii CVOlpoSti ft V»Ci>- JttZ tl at Ibr 1‘ '' - 4 ti i. u,»i ill tlt SCliiK. if,, ~ , 1 i - t- H:, ;, ,j u dii.n'i ir-> -1 Dr. .fa; on -Mot '.vithc.-ot j ~ - ■ allowing lain tin- 'light To iile ai thtei suit :f and hen ■ dt t.ision e . to h.,1. . renctei of ir, Hiiiiur, strati-e nioct-ss. Me n.rofr j< , 'a. ■ tiiai ne v. not pausiri:.' judn.i't.ierit. •■u the tochni cai .-ight of the (i, '.ci-miitn! to ii-iipt'! j.roi i-c■ efing. t.o tin postal 01 ii pipy on ■ .-tidy ni ti i; loyalt - but Mint 'i' Idi J . nil the eight to fill- anothei suit after tile G'./Vt rtmii.-nt Loyaity lie vie v; 8t..-ti-u act.- flo also li'i'iyl tied -p t Uiiloi ilod ivy the ; i.e. i • nr.ient tlmi. tin i■ ! i<*■ ii ‘ 1 ■ ’ ' M stime ijii'uiKiy v.Tiicfi were the oniZinan.y uriOifu iiiken- ni i ' ill ()., • • he.dmfd. P, and it nii-rttW: hi -’hm id APE i•.■!,; elm: do: J . - NAPE d.uf is ct'i'il !,- get tee, rice m the Sij -1J! , id. Cr.-Ui ! t'oi t f '.dll'.' ull p! .dip Id, Ti ÜBiidf . tu.d - ■ HfCAi J-O - < ; iti i,j ~. .ti, , t; vai-ad.i • a;>! w.y-i. by (-ve-rnl ■■'■ii...Mu liK-!;,'.! : «,! the MatiuieVl AlHantf of Poatai Enuf a.- Hi a i'etitr-:, - , tee ' rt. -d, > dUv, full on a ,/ doilMdi : ohui. of ‘Tim I-:.-. - ,r...,'! of u ■ NAf’E will coi Milt-r tla .•liia-er fu'l oorr-.ideranoti n ihrnv at , o regular moetiiig at iVoyhin- t, a ii, August, Hov.-cv in , \o- do wisSi to say, officially, that fumuT District I'iCsicien: VV ,! An, .ia ~f Alia 1 -is “as aivin every •y, yoi-fumt;, speak in his own b-oi us in answer ■A r n . > -VG,..:." -v .V* :: ;Vh " ” -m • *' A kfe . A*" '' ‘-to . • tii/il <X< l J'Allti.V . . . Medical urt for sick pet K>h is v, usuro iro n tnii.e to) ttc» Hull* «>t Ms oiiltpie tioepitai. baker rivets. non d*»U. dtro. at- k»aL» the Cjfc of a Hum, pet. IVIAYOH ftffcGUP By John Jarvis ! e \ijf HE MAYOR AND Mii, '# wif i- Afitfc' rAKING A VAf’ATIGri IN ART.ZONA F to- 'g- "\-fa-iv % - mi v;; -’ V. •% sviAi?m/.oc/& t i vvoMPi-s hoy they ’ g! -J. lj \ TPAIN TMOSE HGESEfa TO ACf UKi THAT?/ ) > THE CAKOEiMAN bliaw U Selected Member National C’filirch Group JaAG.Mnn, n. c - Gsag- u&i V« J J • i; S: Lao•; i •- t-it-< Ism 1 o’, id Os II iV l’’tt 'Oiie/t-f I*o irlVr- !},« Ijjji •• • ; ‘ - hr.lliSii hlhMMi: od lit ’' jG. In. Ga! < oUJuaJ '-.J in . r/.' A It i TLilivJ if: j , Jo >j .a Si St. o. th»' conduct of a coiriprtda-nsivv . ar.f* -0 G;if s-snt , Kn-r-hnA-: > Week, scht.-duii.-ii so) March of fir i.thS.i, school yt ;.u h: -Taira •■■:!.. ;• G- ;. . -h Tr.t »d : the ”l\'l ::G idi vvS-. ■.>:.> !.ui.i ' e .<fi? j,• ; fhui::day May is, to ivuii; vvitl.i the '• GicCo:'! lei i.ifi f I .pel . J R-s i ‘id■. iiih-i c: ‘ : .i J i ; a1 : infOn! ■JiSIU v-Jiiii, it Vv..t ■' ;t :it by Ij, Stoner ihat osd of i;?Oh col- UffU-S- Cl U , 000 tO iilOO nid.mVV Ut: i;}.- and a \v*■< v. .-. h.>.a.nh Ii ; vvcrc pi A..-{jelly pief»vs«G.i -b ■ i talk ed viU.l (A Ua- rciivt jUitOt ha!.! v hen ’hii' can.*- lip Joi dih Gas..; a nation Ko rd’hot v-.dl he | ranch] on toy port to intt •f< « c v, Ur. toi * onr-u at Eievt-nm :.oo K ' Gao-! ~ V, VV 'i site piT'.i. rit hv.!; , h-d -■.- - A'feii aver by tire fast,,,.; v.i, -.,- Board in a niwv- unf. . }# n A [ rtRST RODEO Y'b'Vt'K f,AvY'\ , tH ; J WGvV O'YOU Üb? : i «••/ 1 . JI ■ ] !.>e'i h* :aitl ; Ju-pl -anai; hi dor to loop Ui> r.Whn la.o-. j Ilf: Hc.M.a t ; < fsdaocj Chaimsari of ti»»- Comnutoo bn hapt'l Si-tl ia-li:.!.ah'- fa;!!.'ftf foil a A(.lopied Son Say.s k.;I (a'.mds Arc Real a ; -■ . : ' j d.A,TaOyyS": ; y ■ " mjF ■ '** * m \ 'iiii it. t ; l i t tow >• l ' f ! a-itCs oV , iij t i:icEa! ward, tsOE f'ajjhtri and - ■= • ■ ' r ‘ ; y . ,m ; i Cody « Hu/islo Bnl> ; lamoov Indian : : n his < vvn right Hut, !•* "w ' ih - J ' ; .’ ;• M " 1 ‘ ‘ H:-■ l!Gt:boot, ioadf by the Albert ** : 1,1 !;;,i : Go ..J . a aVHOa'y t v * YoUiUiy Mil Jut ' - ! 0 S' » ’t;o;h Ot . ; a:Vailci, Celia 'i oriiii'iy 1 ' ; •- h-. . 1 • L>- .... • authei:; ti- h/ a ialS <■* Ot the f.Ofr VVeStt-m ■ya ; i- it: 1 1 are M y 1-riovV): to him ihigo eh his •.ioc iunto-u 'ha coo < i/E: i; jiurn tfic ! o ra't to the inmocks and -■ ■ • s * . J ' e s Won VvT-Gd ohcK> ad Rodeos Hi.;. v< u; • i -.. f ii tJi -1 !. a• . M;i|;! I i .i ’ \< !■ «L'' i:■ A -id 11! U I. iittv vl i 1 i/OOli I hit lift v ;U* iiulla;.; 1. • | ■fin-; i w/:r/e i a u / t I *''i' ■d-i/- ’7 ' ‘ r-1 • • ...... - ' ■•' - - -■■-k.kS'.lb'-- ’■; -—:... J 4 . -:r ■ v.'.>.-,. . . -ro.. - -• _ ... ... „ , ■•- j _ Q> i4 **«. which the taxpayer doth deny!” SPAULDING HI ! EXERCISES I 'SETS UNDERWAY | .A')*! .N ( , HOPE Tb»* ad U£i - j •i 1 n ■■ y< 11*i, of Spr»iii(.ihi■ High \ ’•••riiOoi bn;’:ui Si iiuiu » . iVIAv Jl,| ! 1! ; i• ! 4 .t v.‘•»4;*ii; v ;;t« Seiinonj • •M . • ! i I j IJ , iA«• jAV. H I •J, J < <hii; (.»!., h'.'M I.Os' 0! ‘ . t, . McilkAj j t\Jt. 1 i ' .• U > ) i <•! VV I i ai 4 ; lirloc], 1 • 4 fin- ■ '.iiu./I a niiti T.’iP Ni i rtht ■ x*i'Cist'S wife J ! !(, iM- hold VV*■ >.i:j• • ■ Uiiv ivluy 14 j I H oV!< ck, 'fli.*. 4 : }>i < >or ii WU:j i i.> ph-f» ih li-e .'.ohool : i audilui h..i in !• nday y i:, -it . o oh,ok i)t I |.v n ! i:. i; \ ' !i i i' i hi i* Uaif of j j .‘ill V. 1 1); v’t-i •. •t ;> Vv lil I IJV 4: i Ulf j ! < :■< f! <ft .lOihlf- 10 the ! Ihe ‘. i.-Ofl ? ;h e t 'hi), end toad J ; ‘! m .inn i n'iiiM’ lor uv.- pro i \ i !,' ‘.I Id lit:'. 'j; ,■ : j i • . ' > ! nlt ■■ :,u m < 11 : J.'Oflf' ; I -'ll, .!• : oy i f..i, ; if 'ha ii< id hi ills I*:4 f: 1 MantH • j i f 1 ;; • i i- h;if, vVi 1i i It! /1 Hlft , j j hi!.mo .• vV.’e i i'll D iftlOj At i ih!': • ! !\i ■ . dd:« .1 j;• Kith. KiiJ iVI • i ii,i ;*-y l.jlidh Bj owli Uo- | iI• :! h:I Br v.ijll, Nei 1m■ M Bryant, j | Ks vidl Hufia :Vllii»sa <'leiiion:; i ! :• ’ii;v < 'raUt!*.*fk jvi’ Davis, j • Dear.-*;. J-eephine Eatmou, ( i" xj-hif.f Mai i i - , £'*‘&i It* Howard, j ■ i .0 ;if hiMio l.i ifUii - j "vl dKitiaa!, iV):n v Perry.. Ejaora ! Aon.? H iVieiredn, Doi'o ' i . h; •e • VV ii. jf ia; l: ia ‘ 4lid h. ; BhU* 7. v VOl Mi Ii IIS I S 1 ii»- /-fi.f < :xiif » i SoCh't’V S ■ pfat r.<:i .'Mi* hi t. . ear to than ! •OH Nn.iu :,:d wliih Ifni;- i‘ >. ul '« i • : ... i!; Void fe'. ifi in | :l . f 1..*.' ai.r . Sih ad* i:. i «rs ai-d j i - o.tiLtf iho vVoik Hi*' i~ii. > ■' j <•" oi ,1 ? CrH j US’: t j . ..... t ih'ay di op !n f. the . :i ; . ,f Or. ! An -.O:!. ! the i iio vtd at. ie ‘/M ■ ‘-ars ij. S ’ .0 < ■ iW:. :t • J i,li i ' I- • . »•t V d tu j -• .. . .f oi 0., i jiiuij ij oif. and i ■• ■■■ o : .. o. ■-d (, xhiiliOii bales i'ise \ iij.-roh, J- -f «•.i ••; j , tanated j . : t iV.-j zaiji ion. f.?o ! : s Print Your Yfu- WiiEK. ENDING SATURDAY MAY Ll?, ias^ (Across tt* N*HE SMALL COMMUNITY of | J * Waterloo. Neb., has a problem ’ > u senout probien* which lias been ' menticajed casually hy a n'umtex of < weekly nfcwspapei.s in other sec tions vl the eouutry. George Wood ward, Jr., editor of the Douglas County Gazette, has written a strong editorial about the problem. Here it i: ** His Sunday, and with the birds and the beer, and buds of the trees, the crazy/ moronic, hut run drivers nave buist into full bloom. "The screech of tires on dry pavcmFnt the continual blare of horns, the revved up motor a, her alded the event long before the rii -1 robin - even beiure the first blade of glass was even thinking of turn ing green “Parents in the neighbor hoed j dash to windows in alaim as ivoist j of two wheel corner turns comes! through the house, hoping to find I their little ones safe and sound hoping that the hot-rod remained in the street instead ol crashing into the play peri or sand box - hop ing for Sunday to end without a fatality, but dreading the noonday recess and after-school games <4 car tag. bumper-to-bumpe t games and short-distance races that are to conn:' on the morrow, ‘ i t hat a b*M of a nay to life sn communities of one oun t hooiing , Pto* baps putting up ii ith tbit sort of two sense goes With the nmriy Hue things that go uith Imtig sn a small town and this dangerous hang isn’t ecu ft nat to un y put ti enlur ton n ct iorntnunify- this thing is pres ent in titt y one of our smalt loans *u sural Ljouglas msufy. irleasts, m utKdveii s fjnn»6 t be mm FFBI 1 a A'AAA oi I IC} a %Vh « v 0 a N ? DISU V T| i C ! u-toOJq i..»|-.Bnojoiu. 8 ~ry7--rTTMgaiar::V7T MM P'-*JU >» „ edoiaiUß Hg h * H BHBM I. ,sXJU i uoiriii ‘O <1 übu. i>v L ‘ “ y rToliWSl3 o]o I • &v.. *io- \\ (s< mo i-■ v —U— uJ- ——11 .. -v u c\i ye pioc*«ijUX y RfTVieiiaHTY ijci j nxn-i ? bivirfßtohTrvteiraai v|T| *•«( f " wißuookh.4.4v [CI j v -ti 1 l."JWßffir~-S.LiJ j -si. otj.n duo f Vti swlm a a''iTelffl 1 ti*-* «r,0«04a s La“^J|C4.sw4-W-4-' i J : if'uud »»» *u «i t Hi H! SjjSjßfl a I Siyiiyu. ... # zv moiti 1 • ; U -uVi.tu t mogpui- I rv-jixa^A H' Sh? DMIO44 1 oo E]ciß! D1 A! Ul“i4i | «• *O-1 .1- d,. 41C1 Oi -ia.v.suiv I h)‘i d’H-pl : ifi : ’ ' 1 61 B>p:iAi fc* ,i gb.B lU>-' { W m xt j r A V , *- i?jeiediut’iX 81 ! speea P !C A } “ ' f . ‘‘Y | ifzn*-' i'tu OX *, ic UTW iftWi fwzojH pd.. LS oi j .:A;': i c,x Si ‘ -PJ 01 ps v i rv 'V. :■•«; ? IST: am.ixp I -Ai^P on • /• .j d jyy cu ■ pu, cj, oj t.ufc l po6,y* rw ITiZS |-> i.i.-v»«3Q Zi , * cAucy ■ . -i ■ ■ i to .>«*•••.h uy ms**-''- f . j g£ .k-«uS4p V 6» ill pv? SiUC»n»i it 't.v. tt itj | ... *s /.ji a jit j ! v.«i *ipx Ot . i j „ I .. r -*' 5,3 C t.:. ... ■' »-4» ■ - • i ! j T I f- , ■ . , (tib ivUlfiU :■ i I i j I '• .-'-a 1 ot> st jt- .. I it, ! I ill U.S it p.. ...•■-ut, t-. >-•*“*•‘4-—"*t —>• - -s g-— »■ -'«*■*■ r- *-*”’» —"* aieiaduisx n. ! 1 -A f:A'- | pdutig LU-.. J.yiL. itA;L A £?. Ul ; i r 1 wy i.otitUAS oi l 5 - 'j iniuOlOfft 1 iCI »C) 4 . - .. ' i i i * v ii'iV.i a I U ? Pj , . U . AIPP T’'' ; ’■' ! ■; 1 «' uo VA qe v-; OS ! '' A I ; sjqptl £? > , pfV py <? I _j ' JCi u*,' , ) ' i -e'idi.'-vis 1 •* a .ix i, , . • ,4 pr«p jo *»use bb . _ ti. • ,4a J.A AC| t#JS3\ 91 ""** ~ ■ j • ipOS Al®l (/// ] fy'AVl dgi* U'ttUiOii ti A/. 'j fg ’ \si’ / - ■ --//I 11 .iSsscid: > u rt : c • A \ . ! aiwunqUt.) On Sil rh- i y idd®,d' i **—*4- 1- ‘ ' aosud ».<3|QS t •ivx-io/taoH - >- L".., — i—, i , b|22iy te , L .y. ij j l-i ti ti i! piOMSSOIJ) Pray I "or Peace f ill huxikt i l STRAIGHT B OURB ON WHISKY -3 jrf§\ . 5. ;p years old \ .QOS ji jk ■ v qu» MirKOßv. phTHpKic coRP.. ■v-wu Ap'ufHJA. p a.,,1 fore one of ytmr children or ou* »t my children shall become a vie lime of our own negligence or of our own cowardice, please, lei's, try and stop it. How? 1 don’t knew, r'erhaps by becoming a community of stool pigeons, by filing individual com plaints»t individual offenders, wt; can at least make a start. Or, joint complaints might be tiled by b group of citizens and given to the law enforcing age, cy in our villages. 'But, whatever we do, let s start it before it's too late .. it must be done tlOWl’’ • * • We Want Floyd Home towns don't like it when neighboring communities begin to daini a local boy who has made I good. E W Lauck, editor of the t'»«e News and Fourier, Luray, IVa had definite thoughts upon trie I subject recently. He wrote: "As Jackie Gleason says, Harri ! ■••onburg is a "nice town," and ap parently the citizens of Harrison bui a. think its a nice place to be from, if you know what we mean. At any i ale. ihe.v continue to lell the world that Floyd Baker is their very own and hails from that city, "Now this has our dander up. You see Floyd was born in Luray, went to school here, giaduated here and played ball on (he best high school team we ever had. That gives us a light to claim Floyd on our part, and. since he claims Lu ray on ins part, it appear* that the matter is settled "Harrisonburg can have its tur keys its Madison College, and it can call itself the central gateway to tiie Nation Park but, by gum, we >, u r,t t ipyct Laser,

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