PAGE EIGHT A Gum AFHLE iES £ O EE Gi VEN MANY A WARDS - v2>i JUf : '■ ,% - W -.U f r #*-#'■ ■'** % *. V N •-.* *. ' ••> x •< -■■ vmf ;,. | X..---"' ■sHEfG&'h ■ . ?- ll|l|| x-x . ■&£s&?9W't? ~ - _ WT *f ' ‘\EP"e* • ' v ’,' • ' , -?«•>*■»■'• • ;. . /*. Play Fair In Sports J l *rL^*'* lC ' J T 'W " ••; I.;-?*"*‘ ■ m Jh£ v : "'■ 1 - ■ •• <p- tt .f. SS¥ri; ■ TI'. ' h §|||>C;j&&: : ' b'\ '■' - v •£ k i- * IV } 1 ii 11 ■v & X , ’f # ' •• * i '■ '5..; •» WINNI E . , fc ( ,rr. m- Uh <'wlwl*B of ni<iT. < ity, Uj ' «-- ter Flort's raved to the ?'b. h iilif? I’t'i'f’lHjy tiH- V. Hi??' s *?• It &o diinwal lUy-Tvri A. m.•:*.*■■ Unoil v. - . ; (- . Si :.:■ *.# . if.- js p - tsUf4 flVfc mimm-■, .. • • •.} *T ' Pi poT'k. /' X III) § ill / \ !m >ter 4 / # M4LW \Mfo 7/ ♦/* «*■/ 90 PROOF •• CONTtNENJAL DiSTiU-iNc- CORPORATION * PHBA. PV CORNER . AH In the Game TjOXKi: StNm sAtmi.l-l! roc ■*" into the ervur and his crown—let’s ;- ■■■■<• somebody try to *:vnb it , . , Bi*ovttilt* pit pliers Toiiri my ftyrSir :u;d Boh ththi give t*vi~ tient-c us blooming Into uiiUK'i*! un der Kit Ho; \ 's tutelage * , . Kaljih Kilter is >:t»Si ch.isiiig Babe Utith’s tjonto run r« < ord of (Hh hav ing ootno as «*lose as 54 in lP4f». . . I he \. 1.. rerord is sb, hit bv Hu<K Wilson i« ]<< ::♦ . . , I i*« Btrdy e: have introdu* ed a new wrinkle in baseball, uuiiornis by nnmbi*ring phi vers U-- ir and. aPi . . . Tla j *. s, <«olden Glove boxing team teels it was “robbed” in its loss to the tnsb team in OiiHsn recently— siHiw verv doubifu! dec-isimis vvi-re made Sa ia>or of the Irish . In their first 11 the I’irati s used Pi diif* rent lineups using 27 j.ib hers in dropping sewn straight ; ann > , . . Patt> l»< rg broke all woftiea > golf * ( orau’ r< < omls re \'tnii\ .** . Man Musial‘» all tim f butting mark Is .H4B .» I d Mod v.rlew ski, >1 a: \ land - all Vmcni an ?uUPa<k. gAtued feH-4 yeti* in BILLY l-RAHMr: TILTS fiIAY 13 B)H> • :■■ .■ 2h-;> B«at ! ■ ! ' - ' - v : ;- ;i '••-.•iu-r- '« lluvn 1 it \ it h n - - Ti!o -*,':, F. i VX>2, M.ii«.' ■■ -'c;l! ' i ■ ]: ti tin Cue ’. : ;J His )a:i !•.-■ : ' .-von BvhiS. Hi- Vvi a-: tho ii ~ i *»■ #xi?sx' ■'■-t.X' W •■# ; 5 ,.'.. > 5% ■"’ <•; * A •■ '3 St * • - V' <-X' r >'Vl k&to&r •&* * ;war •*•-. XG I;■ %S£sfe£aL :■ * ? |y-'* Jlj -""SSI "X’-X; -J Ia - " .««fliii2^St N<*ivs Pjpss Photo service HP WRESTLES WSTH DANGEi!— 'f wasn’t unth his »ppe» ranee on Ihc -'Wo The People" TV recent I.V that people first heard of ueoego .Morgan of the St. Augustine tFJa.t alligator farm. The 47-year-uV .Mforgan “bus a vtH>‘ «il!» (tie <>,o(m« alligators on ihr farm, even if he has to break is neck lu prove it <i» urge has oi«ly »ldf»'rwl one broken !,\* in his over 20 yearn us “kceper of the 'gafoi s" on the Tfrvsditite- I siim larm. At top, fee subdues one ui the victims &vvarup beasts, then charms him. At the end of U>* <W* (beworn) tieinge ana (fee aJiigaun* sort, at ‘‘home” in the modern, t-ptn pen*. ——■ - i wi.?-, a i b ,i I I ; 4 *| |V| I 2 ' ~y i Jf; ; y :. ■* My ••*•,*»■»•• ■; '.sstljc *' . -■ .\ l fA-Nfi l 1 I •-•• • Above is tpy jm Ui'ly i ompit'bai it ittbs e;i • Uth I ; nth Street. ThfOiub ?! totfk t.:r.e tiiu* io : 5 ! Pi, Up piojvet lo this s( itup Ui, iUn-i'u iuu i -a Buy* is quite ■ pM'*- ? rdati* r, tr ;{ iie Judes * -• ; - ' i*p’ \* itfj f I vtor; Ipybts lor *• i■■ icl»bev\ v j■_ v *[: • \ ,• j. »j v t , i ty>> i .... THE WIT VnSGTOV Ts >T IT NT AT •: I ;.! It . IV. ' i ■> i J K. i !’;ts jff >• :: T * ii !I . ! >i' ior i.l . i.t:; ( l.;t'. : in . 31 1 ■’ < ■ 1 k I». 11 i*' 1 11 ‘ t( I ( ' i ' t ;.:•>) i.t. ih!i -i Hit- ' '• : •! •! - •ii ill i).i!, ’ •< M i. i.CI-C. I * 1,-;.-:! i.r; Lv..- t:u,i • .- "I •-1 ttitii:!).. ihiou Ii ti-i fttiuniiiN <>• . . ■ j.r- , u !. i . -i t.) iil- i rrs A FACT . •rVxv ;pl. - ■ • , M A r»r*d •y ( V • a *s Sii hub- P '-A ..t y ; .; ; - -< y*‘o- tv'u*'i'iiinient : - arri ! J•;ep j b.*i' IU :errc co-eap }.-'.* \ y . nebips in 28 Snd\i v ir >i*ws "i oi s with inieie-ded eiti/ri.i jw tin* »;.<»iee( through t»v itt jjic •< !A s * age. Photo i» •, \ .uiiierhßt Studio ' ?A ; J- i- 1 >k<’ r - ' -.-H : :i \>vv.s Puss Photo ISenlftf TKrY'RS THE TOP-—"• Wi-d a> TAt. Hoy am) tiiri of the War" in Us- H'sr ■«-!! ;t( >: is ! milt ittnoor thousands of PAL mpinWis *.• f :> id Antonia \ urg is, IS, shown lure will) «». n>!' f'« <• ' ■ ! **««•• B \ dan. prvsiii, id of t*,»- pollen 'idltfi. I. . - • . *»• "I !;>: u-l*'wt.v and eiti«*lishi;». tin* two young fefois ivs-i,- rtMisid' ii a ? ''pi• .sK-nlativt «i tin- f\\L nitdiihei\sihip. - -«•«*—"*»»-r«rT —•.'•.^•t-.-oaipmvws~w>in«ißna)n| <v • fl- IV) ■ . , IS While Seal Ijraf HLLNDE!) WIIISKKY *oos K« mm / |jj ~-• 1 mmf WN i i!,( $^525 8%. y ‘ ; - * i * el SAfcSTAIKi SROi. DISTiU-ING CO., I ft*,, N£W ; ORh, ft. t * feltltOtO wHiiKtT, te PROOF, GkaOS NtUTRAi -i WEEK ENDING SATURDAY MAY 1* 1952! Honored Men Racked Up Many Titles For A&T A t The Ringside wii \ i :\v.<n j koihnson ■I \IM I*ol i'.’V What about tin* cominu; li.-.i-y.\ i: ,i ciKiiiinionship bout '•t'-fn ]»•<> <Sui;«ic.- Riibirtson. n.■ a'ii v.--iaht k ; nrf. and Max ii- 1 Vi.--j.onno knut' f:.!i!i aiv a.-ikiiu- t'tss ijiu-s* ■ A'.- Uni \ .' tu;. jo ..L-abl.v s-;u! -ay -bout ;.s mtic-!i as this i infsidoi. 2h. y k.nuw ( 'ti boot \vil) tftko i ia.!' hnn' 2i :.! Yankot? Stadium -•• itii S'a.'.-j Kay ijiobablv -tottm-t t.R- in; .aa t:ni ol the ,;at'.- ai: o know t!iat Robinson till f'.iVo a a ly as .it; pound'- to aln-om. \’fl,v t icvi-r iaixOi al ibosl; li not tnurii of a i.uificliei', i i :n■ ■' llii i probutily 1.-ol that H-’OiiiMin i- ! ikiu, oil iriote lloiu ia- I .aiidlt •:,(•• civ lor triotiuy ' 1 la. NilitOllill lioxn . .. '■■■■ list 1 1 tna! 'itiial lloxiof! ciob VI .laotm.: 111!: it. !>t bwause ■ ' i-ottl t -Oil! (to hettl :’lo hoi '.!’ the tin -■ It'll-: C It, llifll pal t ir'.i ill ill-. .:: 11J J1: T‘a Nli.'t |K>illtfd out i ,'ubll J (111 .’i i I fill'd) |.1,'1! >if ■ inpctit ion in Kainiv Turpin ol n ut, !lcn 11aii: ton and C'has i-a .■ . ! l-’i.a!■ a it .iu) Maxim 1 i-'i .mi i; 11 .-.a ill -\1 ha. doiu* i otuiii:; ibout I’ha’lli-m-i-rArt-hit* '•■ai -•• ) I.i;a-!,I .luhu- on and ilan y .: d ! Mai the W:. (hi j. 11 it": )i ii ii a; .pea i 'fat this . e .1 ,;' [.! A ft, 1i l! i.'i *e! ;> p- o 11 ■ 1 ■I e .*1 Oil! ft. lain ol 11e iil, .11 and tail i ellti.v, a itobin.-uM -■ a, la:, it a pp( al : to la tin lint a ' thil-ij- cl iI i eri liy at ailable i ■ ■ -I a. Ha iai ii: pin. IT Inn on (~i:. iaiialit d chaiieriyei s m in.s ii Ivi a i oil ko a i:y, the -.pei-ulattvc i -.voiulf-K .■ he"her or not he 'Continued on pain 7i GiIEENSBORO, N C. Mop? than 90 nward*- will bo presented ii scent 75 varsity members of the various athletic teams of A and T. College at Uie annual All S als B oiquet I'j be held in Mur phy Hali at the college on Pi Way evening. May Hi. The affair will It the climax to a successful ath* * le'ic program at the college dm'- < 1 ini; the past school year. .V ami T. teams have won the mythical rational football ’ itle, are <-u-tiohters of the <! \A boxing championships, won the consolation tame In t Ii e conference basketball tournament, have won two ‘ track meets this season and ate- urttlci rated in the current ba tie for Hu- coniererue base halt title, ! C WeL.iter chairman of the * .' l l cl l lm■ comitce and toastmaster fin ihe occ.j.-ion announced that *v■ c> on' • taini!ii,y A mid T Alumni 1 vHI be principal speaker* They 1 ! b Maceo Patterson ol Fer rell. I'li. ol Ail American center 1 <oi tie; \'X‘i A and 'l' champion * hip tmitb-,11 tt am and I>r. Al\in * ' hm mi .lr., a medical officer with t I:., l.h 'ted .States Army who has ' i .•contly returned from aettv* duty m Korea Or K ii HI dtild, president of the cuilci'i v, HI piesent the a -1 , aid- Other-. appeal'll!;-: Ob tile i-uou'uni .lit- t.'oi fieliuy, Stephens. 1 |.<i't Mileiit of tin 1 .ctttTim’n'.- Club * -mi i-.n:hr. w M Bell. Matthew ‘ Brown. Bert t Pigrott, I«roy F ■ Man a,v 1. Neely lJancm.- will follow in the col -* it'.riy- gymnasium ALTHEA SISSON TO TAKE PART !N E!C BENEFIT VALLA H.mSSKF Althea Git -ol of Florida A and M Col hoc ranked number 11 uu • Penally by the United States i i-awn Tennis association will pia a benefit exhibition match * air - i Maureen Conoly, national^ !. ingle* titlehokier in Chicago on i May 17 V;v Seixa: national men's sin* •■liamp, and Tony Trabcrt,* vHi also a; peai in tin benefit iniitci.i .* which are being staged t.- i ai< funds to send deserving ' sir.- In tournamcut: Althea will leave here on May |l6th, LXPEKS A Specialty _ Anti M. Tailoring Alterations Os Ai! Kinds Suits Made To Measure —■ Laundry - Dry Cleaning ,tOK At 11.1.1 K Prop. 106 I Hargett St. Phone 35322 PKEsS WHILE VOt WAIT

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