NC LAND WASTE BLASTS JC Smith Grads To Teach In India * : : WK! h 1 ■:*■,' L>lN'.: vt! lil 1 i . !>H 1 31H!:]; n t:» • 1 ! ' 1 l( ■'. TWO Scf /"*« •!* *.’'” .V'. ,r,i ' ,r£ ‘"' ' ''"Wll of v-w VrtrV CMy fi:tn«vt hrr priUliitde tr> \\ M J? ' IhV < l> * ?K\* *«" ' hf ""‘ r,rß " ,i 'V n.-livrrv Os hrr w , Rudolph John Arnold roxv. il s „x v , r *•«♦ m™. iv-« W J««n.« „* y „.a*; «a,:. e „ , , ■ ’ '• V“” *‘’*' f " ,i! - *•«* Poplott. a»l !>*. (p(>i;,vl m<rsri«<»l Irrhnifiiin. ilrljrrrnl (ho lW*p.poun 1. (4 -miner hahjr »ho.rd the f*tvy. (Nra-,pn« Thoio.) Tg*f- • • ' . «?»***■■ 'raff/. i * ■ .. '• / V- |i %^^^®rv|' v \^^^p ; l? flß6«flpil3i nrmfrF '*' : <ar* y & s H*i%a£ Xf-c^fj. MF-T WTFH IKF- - FMl*r«i<»s * twctlf** with nff«.-■rc nf ?h* Nfttlow*! Asiftf.jji.fjon f<yr ih*» A«ivft!>€fwnt of p**-~>p?n. w| M* H**Ms«ii*ft! : 't**rs In *>?«•-w \ r -iU. Fif-f«;hF' f l !*'-.-* Pi **#* tihvv ?■ r * i yr, t*- r "t th* by hk r-ihow** f<M*v-}vig-. h-ft fr? r»ghf, are; NAAC.P pr*<i|***t Arthur Th •>-».«** Qp*tt!<*tot, a T>W%s tuui Walter (Kwtpms Vhot* > ’s:|in.. *•■ '■"“**** m^“b ®* - -JWPL.'— -"• m M'W WII.USTON SENIOR Hir.U StKOOi Above is the architect's drawing' of ihe mod em and beautiful Wi! list on sen ior lni;ij school to be fffftefl o|| Smith Grads Off To Posts In India t it ill! rj I !■• .?refd ami i -iii !. .s' aim Vnielii!. V., , '• 4 ’ , ! Steele 'I ravettr ’ for .Allada! -id. . !..( ..!. they will i'-m the tuf of the \!1 ihai ad t hic : -uan C'dirga. an inrt;!otion ,«>f nearly '■'•••'• ' ‘-it i:! . Ti-,<> S 1 arm.; wci o comnit.-siovied b;, tin tt.tth Gc ll ( : \ ,nl . of Hie Piesfeytcrian Church. U.'l \ in May ty . 1 amt 'J l C 1 p 1 .Ilf,-' j i; , lonU! (in: I■ , sin.!' 1 : !!;■■ lii-.o I o' hoicfan Ai, ,iins VI i ;-. ' inn i a ;; i aduoC it tin .'Cl!e ; i‘ and r-vmol of theology of John, on C '.smith t Inn cr ity il.:- ■ i i ■> ' oi.. d i; re !'>.c ■ : >; t' : \ of oouthern Virginia tn June ft' ; n h: h c; urch at ufmclia. He . ■ .a? for Nankli'd C'lu'a ;vhcr; tor t-.vo arid a halt \tin ■ hr ■ t r- aC'ns i rad of t 4 d*o dr i. n't'i .'nt of j/inrii.d; and ■ "! . *• a- in i. ml, i.iTm •< i dr. f-Gi'l \',l ( hina '.ii mn i tie former' V«ra lee;! I’"-- of ( (if. a •:. C t Sic a: •• a giaduate of jehnson C o, !i !■ : rrs.*v ii the -f *'»■■• I • hr. » cm:•■•! in r"lii;iuii ■ (Ci.ation and ;.r..:;ht a voem at fid' fC.ilian, T (mi H',;! 4 . . !■ r|i Pf.ic.l. She .iii ' Mr N -nv ■mar'icrl in the L'nivet >H. Ci melt last J ne i South Kith Street. When com pleted. Intiulinr; equipment. the Negro Fanners Are Asked To Use Land More Wisely Ii AI ,Ki( ■ll I s * opin •11 (1 '-li'U’J more n;r ii and live ten■ i< ; ,I'dncis uorv than they m!< storm: C> u\ 40 yt't-r:; ago. vet many Negro ,'arnn'u m North Vatot-i-n.i h.i••<' r.v'cn 'low to • hange then tsrrn- N ll - plan-; to '.'onfohn 1 ■ > v.j «.i*» .nand. hi roi din.; *i i 11 \ !' A III n. EL'iimhcrlaud County farm av.vnl -or Mv > d"i! .i..on r.crvj. .• Johnvon mvs that |() N«-t;n» ;.U mrr . Inter \ i>-« < I in ( mji tin l.vml ( (Hints n> l‘>so i>»l their land as te» 11 <>vv • improved ".i d ur« i si i i tod id; !■ J.l *oi l(I p<r cent; corn. |irr ifnt; : ,k.o. | per ('(■’• i roi. '-'i d pi r toMc.ill grab.. .rot, )eiy ami other (»■••('-, ! 1 p.r rent The i.'i . . f aj'ie .'- in tin. land u.e in vie -of the in: eco °;t fTi vnirn rnn iwm. nr. tv«. f JamJn F >T»v«. pri vldrnt «f Iforr I hoo • Coih irtv in Atlanta. Cirorcla, ’ Ha lie sailed from NV>v Vert, fust „ week, aboard the fv'S Quern t'lir.a~ belli to attend (he \VnrH C ..unrlt of < hurrhe-: nie -ftinr iii India > '. ~ fViuuiirpcii I'hoto 1 .V. v 5 o I Fi}' ‘ BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS S E A l. S N O W! total eost \\ ill approximate one million dollars. Lesley x fyney Arehitects. Wilniin"t«n, <lrev the Plan ‘To Celebrate A Safe Xmas •ViTiand f..r live tocy products, ; it:i ■■mail -nm and ti..■ high pei • Ci. ntr.gc of idle land, si thi idle land aon used < aeli ,i.l !Til. i Viillll i,i , Est pc; efti i oio'i f.iimiti, land added to hi: eofation cuiiid 1 • n .cd low Hid in. I•; I Its, i 11. 1 .1 .'t |.,i '■ O'r ami am fit} turn . ■■.*.; 4 , .loimoon Tli" >ii* 1 n! :• 4 !11' .-ii "io. . 4 J VI .11 . | I Oil! i-.d.i fio I C rill il .(■ ■. io i 4 :■„■ . : .*(. i ~l» : i .1! Ijoi i 4 | ; ,<■ !■ d jo tin T i'.siti'd ' I ill ;. ..,i IE,-. pv.ipie. r.j •:.. i • jit uiilli .i ill i'/7J | . ruili;; (H !■• ilrtc! >r?in r il *■.( lion n eil '.lii.' I i ;i; u s'i‘|o. .in- u'.Clt lli'U Jiilicnin dcctiK vs. plans. —Photo, Courtesy Board r.diK'.atjon. AFDAD 683 People Given Jobs In Raleigh Daring Month rai ft ;n h<- ; ■ ■ u i-i . V ■ ' ' I!\ ■ '< pa. "d v-jrh -1' 0 pi a. ■■ m* V. ia ;T> The laboi :Ti ■')'>,! -A,- d . con adorably in the Bai'r;h area i m the ia.'a month from l.i> acute ■ noi t •;e of un kiiii ii laborer;, due •j the .- a :>•'! :! ad i. •. .;>! !•■: a. 1 people eoroiCiC is tor 'he work j uUViiia the v-.'niTCt juuu'h" Th* i.a t- • i.t f.i,i.i rnduiica'i v'uik- i ,u u • .!■ to meet the. put rent demand.- - . The rri'ile. of jjeoplc visiting the iw.ii ofitce during the ns-mh v rnatoly J'-OO more than in OVoT •. and tofah'd 7 274 There ii )•.<!• i !hti.<■ - 'Ji iv )>>a: tiwninlo,. ■ ! ment . com pen >' ion »mi i ottt mg ..i> Thet v sen- JJd ne.v plica* ton.;; t-> dm ini. ; ,■■■ m-inUi is a huh ll.., HI i f, m ■!• ■ <i. i a ! . ■ < ran : A t the •i. i of ? o, ; (here wee ittJ .ct< '« application-, ion ft!• iiieUidur.-; ■*7 .. ;i rod, !!6 :t !* we. ; Jon mil V lift .ai ; ! worli me! idij> T wnm* ;i aid til tela]) •! 1 i ■* the month ■" t•at !y : doubled h" 1 hr. vnhei I’sl : Imiial lot wrii'H wid tomptn them nvubcieh tv. - • f | which 102 ''it women wiio atv j mostly inv'd in WiV: : Th' ; m-TCeil 7G ; e ] m I’m <■■■' it; t *>t>- -n i. th' 1 ■ : lied a*' t».> < ltd if tt.t 7- ot.'th y~ ' “ ' I ... . lift " ;i,f .. wVj'® 1 jiSir-’t • ■■■ • i ! - • **>.£■ JOT/' ... y.. . ■ .V' .AM#* fe ■ e Th. 195 ’ Ford f re dine Sunltncr with i'" smart open car stylinp; is available in 12 new colors ranging from Coral Mann Red so Ra\en Black. With its 'Seeeaeway" top up, (he Sunlintr provides the weather-tight comfort e t 1 a sedan. T wo-ione leather and sins I wats blend with inside paneling and harmonize with outside colors. - , ; ir;rs<- Ihi'il fg|'■ I f’Ki./t K■ 1 U N | eottslrudton, 19' in nvtniUnctur ! ;tip most of whom were in elec- • t sic-iii .!.'!;•!!!••. i.i .-noli atui i: las I ': ili n t< •' i! '9s : ■ tn.l cn i pkiyrnent v lui-' u-S svvi • ioyed ■UA.fOR Ot'f'i'V.-VHONAL i ttOl f* liHwe-i ; n p T' ifEOai eld .’••I: «i oioplo: ?; i v.'liiie- s<‘; .re ■ 'Vi; a (.(>!;*} of »1 . <.!|E. . ...; nl : !i: tin' .el I. I t: ■:■■■■ SS 'ii t 1 T!' ,S niiMif : t.cRfM Y . Si Ott-ps, .• i*.; .. IJO T:cr:.<>m;' 'in of yti "in. ..." »P"Vt f., * . -¥ Sn«l \ our Ncf - - lo I a poms crnmi \ in ‘ t.: icv pian '£ I ; 3 4t( ' l p,,r '.it;.', ill lull m.. : U-: done, I, ■!... i; tor the PmtyT-sake. •ts .. ( |-| ; i ( .;i vss co as one ■) -e no!';." pledges to . vuei-m. ,Mt MAN IS Till: n HITE Hoi -...; .... • s tas oj.iv ci-a.t.'t ON TAVF.S II .s.’in fIA I'TTE Far AN. r - . . .. ij v '.irnr--I - % The tips i : ~,'h .iff m , in unpent lantx -11, i. , ■ .- -SI ; in'o : '';!i" St 11. -.f- iul the it.'hives, ..if : : u'ii si"a'.v white capital, ji . i it. . ;i- .:i" Ted, a . .v.i.; .t s 1.1 ; . .• ..A'.: UP Ci'fl'.V stilt nc! vomits filthy ~ud".;fl, the 11#, out "Otis* Vi ~ i , '■i.i and Old : v- ,■ 1 ;rd, kil! tililtf ■ " }■ l|v‘ iujit l ..... I ' ’ ~)«!■ • ; f "Gat3 CWnt! ■ ■ : *fin.' DM Jim

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