from all of us... Nshß| fflßßmßt vgt R_i'uff ®s' d^?'vi%^ - SBr--. v «j£~ M IBF tea* •; '< %f\Ay "f- s \fi<''#&'*i’'-t\- . & ',>.!%¥'&«' v;: -e-w ~v ,v. >■,' J || <4 i«««|j|| ill! 11l !illi t 'W 'MI* : WWK 'MW. '(VMW '%*'UVr' HUNTER DIES; MIXES BULLETS WITH A BOTTLE WINSTON - SAT.EM T h charred corj-.r <*f ,< :-rm»*r. >. I■ ■ > a patently s«*t bus ci ( .t.;,i.-i ; asp »• "Tjile sijuiriol hunt,):;’, .•,,-■ ?.--< I»kT Thursday in n wooded se*”iou Off tin Old Pffif li.iil '?•' i near 'A’ii tkort-own, ffffrnff JEcj>i<» si mi • report ert Tin' body v. '.s "Irnfifii'i : , j';.ji, il Omu iTnbr-; M.U'hm Sheriff Shore . id lb;,’ tin- • ■' v ,,.<■. di."'-.ver«-d iir-.y. . ..i<-i•. * pin I'Kiiisdny, 24 hour.* nr . lflativis had las! ■■■<•■■?: tlx ,18-yr >i 1 ; || f,c (:■***’ !• v■ * With a ;•'•!..! r in ~ r. ir,f nf .. r.'j *‘n. 1 1 h 111 I. ' ■ Im.i'l'iitl ii\'» f*; shell. a w-l!<'. • • ii.iff nearly .f u.p'i vliu-ky ;■ ■ *lll «i ■ bits id huinf'l '••o*!i:>i“ v'l-rr rL’i' ud ov,; tin- ai: i ii A ftcr tnU. i ••;; to n. 1 • U’. f reuJ'.boi . Shri iff Shore tin <v; Oat M>»< Iv ii iipj-n! 1— ’■. drunk aL.ii■ hiuiliii .i: : :.i r, While rniokin;• a i i:;■• (••••*tt Appaienfly. MitrhcM rl’■ iff with the ! ;h)rd yi votl. ,■; I i - v ak* i : i' i to !’ •••(! eluthin:. fir ni-' Ap; : l 1-•; tf y It:- f.» '■ par stripping !k nr; ;■ ■ body, i.ut ‘ Hi. t"ir*b!e O hr it <•:,( '■ I’ A Til IT! ',i lip 111!:* 1 8 Daughters Os Isis (iroup Given Charier At Raleigh n A LEIGH Kabaia Court. No fl, !.la jhii'i ■ nf [; ! , t:. in bra ted the pn - ;'t.uTion of d* charter and its first amtivci my with an elaborate Kanquet at the* Home Eckeis building last wee-k. Daughter 3,.• u-c Webb .• r\ -'d as Ton J Misti ■ ■ :iii>l the Ci.iirl h;,d as it*: gnesl Ihe Noble ;; -ihnin Temple No 177. and visiting No bler: anti Da;,. i’>': from Wipspii Salem and Durham The order of the ptor.ram v'„ OIAXm PRESENTATION' MUNC iSVAT S (w*_ W^ : ■*■■■>, 4* % | / if. i 50* ... < mKiM fiKxs !•» HC< f IH VI; I .Marine !*< > V ile ! list ? 1.1-.1. f.,-fill < M.UVM-V, ;‘o ah <ii vjr .lint vir . < tii> Ma: ';<■> fit ft ’. Itus 8, Pi'inir laii, M, < li.i . I», *tt aveardvrt his «'■ •s ■ 1 Purple Mr.i ii fitt s omuls r,'< rlvi’i! in action while si'situ, with Hie l ust Marine Iti vision in Korea Massey en tered the Marine Corps at Ra leigh in 0< toher i'JSI arid was promoted to ids present rank upon completion of hi- recruit training at Parris Marul. S. T'. Me is i tfirinrv .student oi lUch :;ifi ft Tlarnson Itigii school at Selma, and teas employed as a plumber prior t<> enierjng the t t i' h i I f.f : ks the 'p' .-iiij.- on :. “O j<■ •>! i'rs' ,'1 i.y Dn'igbl-' i itoxm i'o."kei and Inti orhiclion nf Kabnla four' Nn Ii by l.’iip.gbte! W-’bb. Ttiweleome on ia'half nf lh< fs'ni lev was given hv Assistant hal in F I Cai, mm Ihrhlmht I tb- : I ,v:, un w e Ihi ;v •• TP f' i.'.p es tilt* i •'. !.irl'.*r to the poors bv f )■• iii’.hier’ye Pop;:. liapevTa! Dcf'iity of '. r , 1 1 1 rV' cnr H*' tns ..‘li-r. Ili is'rio ; - Cominaiidl e; ■■: cmt mm :i on pa; e X ull &g€fS& j$ 10 <li c Ij;o I £ 611 tj CL f & Jrl $ 14 ESCAPE DEATH THE CAROLINIAN IOC \ i j" 2 lii'C 2 * Vnij| »—»—»»J VOL. Xl.f KALKICH, NOR r (1l CAROLINA ] >[N Vii i{-iI)A Y i f. , IN’-'' A ■- '• t'S-e’S-yi U5-MII.E TRIP OLD TOTS PERISH ! j)jc .Vli.ssion | ail> \s i>!'t*th<‘r loins f’\MM In l)t*:»fh | AT! tlTT’l !IS Vxr: :r, f-vr, •'i'lif i Kianie.-e tw in? ,>• n-d in mr. !a* ry. 1 1 vaTianTTy foi thn rig!!! 'tr- eon! in tie life, two i-months-aUi Koerri Si.'ur;"Ke twin;; lost, tbeii ■ tei;.' ;ni- ('onUnuc-d nioita! «xis ! i'tc,. ... i. • Satui dav John Fl iw>»rs died i;i ' fh i Ilpct'.'i I lit e ro or; (,j ],,. ,j (u,. i -:.i■ wide )• am of surgeon: •• ■ ■• i•>•••• jia• ii!<; f<>: thr • n<>! n Ai'i .1;, j rninp'px para hut; of.' i nt: m iob.w him from !■; dead bio f-a John i, TVs it a imii bmp • alter 'ills J- ;11 ] , rj;c. I i n H tjy- uu v e-od. VT.i ■■ , ! f ii-fi’Hf-l! ..jI fr!.i moi niliA. t an: c of death was Un Kii'/wn. When John T, suddenly died ! (Tiei o-voind j riyshians ktiow tl-.i; ' only mrijcry siniiliu to that un !d‘ Jinie icc.-ntl.y hv Clue,'' .nr Rro fie .‘. I r. iodd iv. John li. : The tv ifi';, one ncu !rle'n'h tin ! oh'iei rrymy loudly were p.lacfi m the hack eat a hhhuvav pa t.ioi ear. Two iiors*' hctorupiin'f'i ! them on the 115 fiule race to Mun 1 phis. Alt (hr a’.l v mi iitr MisS( nf mi rev p 011,.. fit! (hell' ptsslA i I 'iiiimlin! on p,i " r e.; 14 CHORALIERS ESCAPE INJURY IN BUS CRASH H illrillj.iil Siuy'CJ s Shoui Jl.t!it iI• j;tlt follow in<: Smasimi) WINSTON SAXUM Shunt of ! raise !f;e L.oeil.' . . ' thank you. • ban- . , and glory t>e' wu In .u ri a!! around uueu pa:..'•! shv first came upon tin >-vr<. kaye ai i n !>:is in which a gri.op of .-.e, pel angers fniratulousiy e.rnpel. iiijipv Sunday hero. Tin only injury suffered when the nos r.nrynl,; niirnbfi:. of tin Hr'dlalelujah linspe; Slrjix'i s r.hoi e Tse bed foUoving i pjiinpe clou'n i tp’-O-fr.ial I'Mili.'imKiiii i i vr • n fieifil. That injury va d.e, ri|iet)| |as a laceration to the tinge; of! J"sss Iv'clyn Gra• !’■'. a uicn.'.• • 'of the ringing «ioup, ■!. t. ad | dress is listed ns .1301. tjray Li! hi ro. Iriv-siigating officers >;y tjud ' Joe jMrCielland, drive, of t<he hu:s, told them that h< v.-is dreemg the j i sus along at about 20 mile • pc’ ; lioui on Cherry Street Extertsio!: 1 when a woman a riving a ear In front of the bus slowed to re a ice, .; turn McClelland says be tried! ro slow his vehicle then but found that, the brake would not work Wi , .i the driver still trying to get the brake to work, the bun continued down the highway, fin ally going off the left side of the ' road and down the embankment' estimated at 30 feet, The bus. which was made a to la! ioss by the mishap was valued r)’. * Vlb A./ - ' * mi ***4 j4 A t w *| ft A & / nif „ ONI) \ FOOTItAI.t A\f> N " 5 .!< tt, llni.l < *on 1 -I ”l I - I si ■■eel. rvi’cth. r-'lflcs 11*1 to. in: tel I;, in antu ip < inn ni a ( le , t m.l-. Spoil Hr*',l h v 111, p l!ej.;|| Patrolman f orced To Shoot Man Who Shot AJi Him With A .22 Calibre Rifle .DCh’H A M \ local Nivi o ni* • iei p:(t roiri', iami ‘ o : 't on l|i' t ..." in hnoUfii.; e|iinl -itj, an early - 'imu: ittt : : - toting roan I 1 1 oil I in r.CI ■.. Md ‘ '-■ !, . ho V"U in I 'if |c. i,“ct .., -pi.'.l.J mi:*,, I :u the A ’ pel ol .1 im'ai chui'/ii. i. i.o'k die ji,i- i trrJn,.in oi ih< Negro are i '.'i f '**f MOL IDA Y FEA TURKS Ini Midi’d sntong Halid,-. I’l'otuT!',-. I'ourtd in, I:t V'ukdidi' issue of Tii • (Tsmliniau is a luli-pap.i paint, 1,1 .,i• piel-ucfs’ f. If fist.rji;i.. tu*daia f • ( ajeure fi. <* ip ar’.-. arfi.sts of all ages. rim ISM.;- of the (a>.roliniai! also includes S. .p .atfs' message: t'rom merchants <») iL-in igh ollum Noila Carolina cities. Mo re nan Is through the yc-ais -- liav? utilized the pages of the ('aroltnian in r a crying not on,- their merchaiidising messages, but ntliej messages to this •: •wspatic.-.s nan,y tveh r*. Tlieir greeting* inside are in continuance oJ' that policy. V‘»* h ut's t'tW Si Nif U -*;st>H.,hi J'ttp R in Mm* < < ;«i*K of »MOy vmki:; dr i s nho «'(•<• )**; itlH't to l j.-,D n«»rET .fnsp f>*j f'ri ‘’Rbi, fijp S!■!'*• *’t i*j fin-.' tt.Apx i» tlvk, v.;c,*k. hib> /: i:i •>;; >» c ;ci s! f 1 Eh. l lire *; i - r i ui,A o : .t i in '•iti. a* M{t :» < Mti-l ji'if.n £«!(;*»•«•] |t! R'lifDl ,«i Carolinian jukh:*- MlAf* this M Pi'h Vas |\Di;ij|4 \* Dlr vho lin e’s at CM2 Saint .l'os'-*oh Street. H« is suffer fmtn pu.fnl ,hos f. It, ih a h Ji H'r to ?ds \ hri.-.ftnx* %>' 11 to i»< ! 1 VtHni kil'T t* Rf»rn< sxeiM et s.»tDj mhl I.SlfM'i'j f 1 »If»* fill*. ‘?J t,D) fuMlfl.ia* *■***«• aH f'ver i?m r:MTiJ ■. V MIiHM V 11m- in') MiifMi d Imi Dm* uo- Mee ftflirri \vhe>t Weirh »Ise» »‘fUv ‘'iiouTif Mi.if hi* to 1 ’;m t tJMtfth wUM (far >ltn vt TC : ' , , . it;; >(i ; . «11;' 1 i 11 t i ! -anri W. Bo mu- $. » j ioi l-tv6o'!. --’.bout 5 avc Tbil i ft;;krri whw- he v i: . wnn.t ,mti hi j j roe liv’d limn? 1 * When Mrl.eod in tyiiiCti ij Di>. . f Ridt'Ct • j Wolf]'! st.'D h’d 1 njiniMii. Mri.otjcJ aria f gave ch; A sr | m the i)r»t.rol ..o', fpt. when Welch; tan info * v he Mount Vernon churcaj . - . ( the v to, 100 d hi , nr, tool j l;e< n '•••ill!. ho iV L Co : ID';d i ; •(;/•( 12*:- t .O ■* 0 tiX*\ >lO «’ D; ! j j VVeie.h r-'ur.D d the rifle at Mrl on : Th* «'^r*<*Ci he a \w»rn-I | j; j u into the ;ionn<:i and! \V.'h:!i then operiod fiie at a av- ; 1 noce of some 30 feet. Meb.eon said Me eu*.vneci tKo ; fjvf* and after .main b-ine sEnot at! !he fired e yeeend shot v/hieh j .dropped Welch. An •o'DiOrmre war ' ; snmiv.ora.d and Wed h Has 'aken j Ito the %\*h* it , -"U' found ii'tmtU land i*n j>u;ce > & ! ■ r- ss • ■ v - -■•:■', v lii|l f V..' ' -«fe ''*v »VW . •> '/>& a&M* ; >• W { p> W j I •4*k 4•> ,: <• ,<> -: . • I HA ‘ i ■ t r ?a;i. 5» ? f.r.j.Aj! - T'j«- \i\u ik.-dy of ».•:•»<?r<!» j s :■: r —? fhoir f'V . ’ :•??;? j‘i» I IV Mi £s >:: t i fl«‘ y VM’W'ItH- t>‘S-3 h-3ii <f.\.V V.fcVOM With ■ \-Ji-. lif H: - "i/n V; \u"’“ f trf.'O ( < v A? <•»'!•»• *v.'••'*.: . . ■ < | ?yi fn tc <v v \ Mrli • • < v iH»y. Th*> terr.vial Hwe ( 4 grr i-iy m 1 ,uj tL ' h-'H'iiV »v 4** i*h'i<oA NC With Southern States I o Seek FEPC Under Lead Oi NAACP Area Council j South \ idee ory ispard of ts-e ; : J ' ' ] ■■ e'’ •• • ".'I O ' ' "U f ‘ ■ O' 3 - 1 'f p '-h.eo .) :*■>..! . sot !T;3 \,t ■AO!) a rl rj v- to ua-reaar U>. f j southern N* '.h<:> voh\ -vot’K to itn ' i pien.(?fit 1h r ' ;' ’*> 4 .-j 1,..*|-|/«, rMijiri •, de, iaiou . in tr.n sportnlmo «*ind ; .» adll.De <a iin .d inii, «<* -d i-h-ns to* • • nl'ii [>•■; J, : ~, tiou.-inc Aortic • i!>_ ivs irt*‘.'t)«S i l)|i‘ , !,*. 1*.," .pin t, f «t>f pfuiß i*m f« on fVfrfnp. • I}_ IVaIDD \VI|»K WAV V Mf‘ , < #» sn'r' bii v, |«tf d’a-'i ;i < '»ti limuii;: fight IR ln.( 1§ Therr is no stronger appeal lor support of the March of Himes, annual fund-raising appeal of the National Foundation for Jofen tile Paralysis, than fbe sturdy arms and less of little Hrenda J«y»-«» Hobtly of Houston, Texas, Siu* is one of 55.00 ft children who received injections during: the gamma globulin field studies financed by the March of IMmcs, • . <>: i ; • ■ ;, • (nut sptticb " 3 h ( V-.stw '3 ■ , <!!>!>,c I 'i Is fl.’'£Oil(l ’J; ■ * ii m ti.*«. < U.- <.»k •>! •outhern lawyers and the siip rrut of Mu state conferences <> m-m ’ii • to end segregation tn i 'l-14. * <1 netl <on olat f : t llJ'l xi,tH*o -* r.ticrtl st *fl!e fwefi ir>s: to In Ip tliimte the 'll’ s<"si»"gaf on* !j< 1• t ! :u Hinton, preidrterii. of ■ . = :J ! i ‘ It fjlifi-H Coni (: :vne ' of MA.'-.t !• branches, was elected ■ i;oi (hr miri-oral. advisory "ni! - I fur !'T.'j Also attfridine, the*- itrciM'C -A ■ ■ i- mm It-’P .- n* mm vv-'i t W. V ration, Ambona pi .rj.-nt, a” I C, <: no nunion of fusltc!.’’--; VA’i’, Fmci - Mur;, Floi. >d.a president, ;m-.i i-ven - ■ vi, Hod t”U£:. .also of. f ...a; r.t William M B-mA (A.orgia ■■ ' i-o.‘ .'d A T ,v ■id it ?n'i : * 'anljnjii >1 OH p-i£T S)

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