PAGE SIX ’ ■ &»*■'■• « , —' ■ . *l£i d* IS THKHK A IHKTOK rv THU HOI'M:-.' N-w \ ark foxing commission pliystcinn Or. Vlnrcrtt Nardiello a,n;l Or. Ira Mrl'own (erouoliim: ? Wert- alrnuly in tin- rinu to look over Raul I*, res of Cuba, *ho writhes in pain on the canvas of Madison Square t> iniwi if:< r foing stopped in the first round by Johnny Saxton. This record gave ihe sensatioiuU SnvttHi, v*,ho I'ioiii* os a successor to Kuy Robinson, so onfosten record of St wins (Nmspross Photo.) Head Men Ch os&n For Current Bear Cage Squad BAl.TIMO; K. M » ■ -h TTH-mber Veusi- -cur.* rinf' \i‘\ t« i i,\- n. • • . t" •' • ■ n ; : Hi<-5 this, { 'F i: v . > |L \ ; Effjil.' iS '' THAT'S .VO SMH.U,— It !.v>V, ]..%!» WekfM like •* tir«.i4 smile. hot it tiifobi h» JK tL* '• Jaae. h ttrimaoi* «*n Hi- fiiw «f Outri <• the e... •■ ia-' > in -•<,i, Lor»4**n recenMydN.-vepr-ss Photo > ' ’ STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR 1 * in 10 MINUTES .. . 4*s & i ini I ■■ A * ‘\;,§ ! You get a waterproof job arui LL ,-|S your hair will stay straight for 3 j ■ ! 20 days or more. Tv"'"’ i 1 ■v | EeONGOLENE the original hair straightcncr n USE ONLY !l _ '2 r ‘^ c l £D I {<>r straightening 11 i ‘‘-f’ *'■ • "~ IKS, | STILL LEADING AFTER f 40 consecutive yea*-* j \ Ask for Kongolcne at I j any drug score. J l Jif y■** •*i CHIiV.rCAL CO,, * V L v!’t \ 2' * vr.,.- ;? * ?•• •• » i *t3*j*f nwyo»hn.y. : . T rn —ittiirrnn.rr -ri -,- , l Ml.r rill Ss -t Cu : v- mi.,e ■< • - ' ■“ 1 • i''. ■ li.ii • ... Oh: i. . C.::AA ■ •:* •. • ICO kick-e-ts .vui n ,!■■:■■ \Vodr.. day ic :i: ■ Jfiti:; were the : i;■ w • « .. "i \',jh 'sto\tn, ■O p!.:- , Ml- si: 1,0 !mr,i. •■ t. 4 il . Morgan iouiua': 7 m". ; :.'' /> me! givub. is ; .y.:i- his fourth y•.at with it •* •• ■ ■ and is ;s iotier man. A letter r.'.n Uko Thv-•alt. Williams fir, 'if : >(:;:• s' basketball sca»'»n ’..-iih a '■).! firing average. Ot inn k tic > men on the var-’ty i <■: l.or-L-r Gardner. sophomojx. is .I'.nk, N : Err. .-t Garrett. <>- ■ ..more, Ncwa-k; CharJe Mc>Ui ' •; -n|iia,;noi i . Cnoster. Pa : R;iv ;: ■ < -»if I ,'. souiu'ivion . '>ar>ae. .1.; Arthur ltoseiyorough >o|'ho u'i.i-o. Baltimore Md.: l.rt-ti.r Wi ils. sophonioi■ . Hamilton. Ohio an iai 1 Whitt- 1, . aim Dar ia, m. X C. Nathan Brijit.t. a junior of Jn •r aiea. N. Y. and Ralph Hudson. a sni: lonana. thorn Kails-noii use .also on the varsity. B”ar reserves are: Edward A dor, Maltimore, Md.; John Bsanch. Ha si i -town, Aid.; Joseph B >sti<: Brooklyn, N. Y; William Butler.' Baltimore; .Rob-rt Colbert Haiti • more; Ba;]< : Dodson, Baltimore; Gary Freeirui?.. Washington, P. C.r • ...''int's Hicks. Annapolis, Md.; Tal -.•••.o L. Hill, Jr., Bolti'nore j Theodore Murvay Braddotk, N. J.; Alt red Prather, Fairmoimi Heights. Md.: Lehman Syry. Cambridge, • ; .u’ ami Thomas Tipton Wash i net on. D. C FRESHM VN STARS AS kC DEFEATS \fORRIS BROWN 5 By SPi A FOREMAN KNQXVILI.JE. Tenn. Then i were laughs u» abundance when; Allen Gari'-U. an Ohioan irom Cincinnati, reported for football • | '.adice at rtn>.xville Colic,no m . September. Ho was too small, too light. And football sane gave the ire liman vviio’d been given the i r.icnieker "Mighty Mouse" in no* i thin,-* short indulgent (Snickles for his efforts as a defensive halt-; ,pch KC s grid team. lost VVeduosday night’s chuckles -. ere ones at endearment. \’nr -Mighty Mouse" Garrett, all 5'C" 127 pounds «i him, a v. billing dfi rvlsh everyw here at once, sparked It K basket hr. II mates to a rousing 84-7?. vic tory over a superb Morris Brown - {*: -1 t» unveiling a fi .Siting spirit ably compli mented , ;tn amazing assort ment of accurate shots. KC 7 ft! ■■ t pet tod points,, Gam r. neti seven, .tallien on • r.-b< 1 -■ ;i pair of vv-hiMlir..: long . :-r. • s . m mid-court, and M< ■ added torts more < c ■ to hi colfovt T. in the ■ ■|> : ■•••tod. wniie Mov ,i s • •; .;.e Will»,ne of ooi oat pet formers * eon on ■ i Bulldogs' court tins season. \.a’s steaduy souring is: shots to on!, le the Wolverines 1o overtake ; the KC'eans at 28-28 and force into ■j 39-25 advantage at halftime the Carolinian Erilz Pollard’s » - f.. if D r > I 0 1 •*> D il y PI n 0 - S 1 vi. 0 -v: i. h i aSBSSffil r SSSB^^m r.- . - J, S»H>.. *• MM*,* «.I1«|W*UI» NEW YORK ( Global) - •'? -ntanical boast" of injustice ha ul leas! reared its head in »-tr Colleges. It is reported that Pies'- oi nt Mortlccai Johnson of He warn University has ousted football coach. Edward L. Jackson. Then- is no definite word fro,r, cither the heads of Howard Uni v rsity or Jackson " c to tin* speci fic and true reason for his cii. - luissai. Canipus gosaio has it, how ever. ilia the lias been ousted h** cause tie ! lor i'u wi-ci » few burse from the wealthy siUmni to hnvn some kids play on his foot: nil team. It is stated that Jackson has spent a successful eight, years a’ Howard and i! appears to this writer t"at he has done a gooc joe - even if he convinced sum* . of the wealthy "hi put ut coney to help boy- borough ro' , c' as report d. When it is not <'t, 'eat Howard has never had any athletic schola: shifts, it ap ear-; i’.-.rt if has fallen behind lv\ League and the Big Ter | Colleges, who have always had i.lilctie si hotarsl’.'ii- tor nomisinc •ag athletes. Could it be tlvit toward University has been uo . are of Inis? After the larger eclieges hav. "ir bed the field of Negro athlete* ,nd seli’c led the cream of the crop rev is little left for the uache-* in the Colored Colleges anyway, 1 do not believe in going out and paying athletes to attend college. No one paid ni> \va? through Brown University an** I received no scholarship aid. While I was roach at Lincoln University fur three years, as fur as is known to me, no stu dent was sent there because he was an athlete and no ath lete received any particular help. Yet, during' the three year period t coached at Lin * coin, we lost on!\ one game and that was the one game in three years that the Lincoln / pton Cagers Doing Fair In Current Season HA Mi’TON Ya. Ii tnpioi. Fn stitt ;.v exploded in th- eaily ; of in- t.i ; I rtod I" bleak ope:. .1 do.". .mil .c the Peat.: tan . 7- b.7 ise ktUsill victory . I r "-M \" N T. ael'i IS . ' OH , !v’l . 15. i.ei! > Onnrdd Kills:, vliose 22 p< '.its *i> ti. IcM scoring c ifort cj th.- :i.■ and Ilamanond Knyx. V, ho r-:d ip, the P,rates M •’ *•. ithin Uv f.r.-.t :-\o inim'ie: It.l final peruki 10 i ecnpietely v.i;,. out iuty the it «> -d an upset ;.y th" v:.-ile: s. Contef Harold A-Jr.ins 1<»-* «.i in 11 "onus to lake t-'.ird place st oi - jpg honors for the victorious Pi rates. Torn ard Tlieod<*re lionn.T hit for 14 points to pace the losers and Edgar Anderson followed wiU 13. On December 8 and 9, the Pi rates played ut the North Caro lina College Tournament as part, of the program opening their new gymnasium. Tin night of Dec. >' th- Institute five let '.m early lead fork after th. first quarter as tSie last-fin ishing Tenetrse Stab c.e f H 51, ■ ■ - \ a li mpion In- bled m u 87-5.1 \ icior.' lt d l> did ’■ •' •" !•••() in tin "ail; forward A’ion Walker, Ha • u - Os • Leal period leak ,- o ld Adum- Donald EE is. and . i To.-. .ill ii r ' l Pi. Ml *• Lawrence Wi:Hums, the Pirate.- ip . 7- j.:- :,,i I;el‘-aII victory ul ] ~ff ... .... .. m.- ”or !• .»>•,•!:. vti " N I • ai'l'a is : jj lS (. p. ,-jrjd ini* the victor, h.'.in - ■ uiJ' ii on itoe. 15. i ft,,, range in the second quart. > ■ ‘il > Oonald Kills vhose 22 u P> * J,,t ' !l ' '■ ■ t scoring k Hurt ioterniis-'ion. <’! t.-.e . ■■ . : T.(i II:p - .".'.on <1 Knyx. y different story was tohi -n ’ : ''T De. 9 wile:'. Pit lustituw ■ -• * ' 4 ". I :t I .a"' : 7'i- . .v d T. >.. . ; \ '• iV'.'r- I i-to it’i'b't* • •'! . rr'ifctin-; a slnvi had throtig!n*ul tlo fir’■-■! iiou IO 1"1 [llet. lv a f;i S t-breaking tiasketball entile.t wi,- •it 1 •• ’ >n up'" ‘ley edged pas! Texas Souther*, by th* '.rate:-. ■ 3LSD. T*h<> Virginians fought •’ Center Hamid Adams 1*»-*« ,a : sweral belated deadlock I <v. 11 on -L> a... .iui I'.'U' s '-'»’ ; jtin jits by the Lone Sins Sitters me honors for tin v.eforinus Ih- ; hl lhi ,j' na j stag* sos the -• rti ! qii.!»*• ?• to preserve toon ! > Forward Theodor. Bonner hit ,l Mori>an state College or. D* for It point" to par the , ei s { . m j- 0 17 tiu* Hampton In Uti;te and Edgar Anderson followed wiU; p' ] oSt to tin tune of P.‘ u hh , „ , i’,a The host eager look the load °u De.wnber 8 boo 9 Hw t- j, n !h „ first qU „,„, and Lie Pi rates ptayea n. too Noith Caio didn’t * fast :gh to Hin. College Tournament as &e 'tallv of the program opening then new Ga ,..., tt and Gardne, led the jiymtiai iinn. ! attack each scoring ?2 The, night Dec. h U'" h>stiPt *; ‘ the tlil Pirat , Al five lot ini early U.*d " ; w . i!ker ]l< \ In.-.Htuk ftv* th. first quarter ~s tH< last-fin-. j ••* _ ~0 i, .( t§ _ ishing T'.jrsesse Stat* cm . > . “ i -111. IK •* Official Schedule For Morgan Cagers is Listed BALTIMORE, Md. Morgan ; : State College's 1952-53 official ba>- Jhird quarter play was domirt-. ated by Morris Brown, whose eag er.- always stayed one jump ahead: of Coach Julian ‘Jute) Bell's young Bulldogs. One quartet away from the final buzzer, the Atlan tans led. 61-53. That's when Garrett and Chart* s (Chuck) Lew is, an other freshman from Dayton, Ohio, really went to work. Le wis sandwiched two field goals by Garrett with three freebies, and three consecutive one handers, and Kt inched ahead l.TKtj with four minutes left in the contest. The Wolverines met the chal lenge and fought bark on a lay - up by A) genes McKahand and, chanty tosses oy Williams and Bill Thompson. W■ ii two minutes play remaining, '.he unperturbed Williams calmly sank a pair of gift tosses and -Morris Brown again led. 7,5-7 L Garret! took the throw-in. raced • down the court, and dumped in. ,i beautiful hook shot to knot the score, as 73-all. or th. i point on. the Bullrings : took core. re. and. arid freshman In. fiend.- .-,i St. Lou's. Mo. and sophom. Thomas Hines from , - K.y. personally iced: •<io game w ith ten coints oetw*»cn • them, follow ing the tie-breaking: tree throw dumped in by Joe Jack , son, another Missourian from St. Louis High point honors. however, went to Morris Brown’s George Williams, -vno racked up 22 points. • The Buildog* were led by their j' "Htlte" ' AHfchty Moure” Garrett.; who connected or. nine field goal j attempts and thr.-e free throws to! 2l points He was followed by Hines with 18 and Lewis, who I rsr. hi* season’s total to 71 points in four same* by scoring 18 points ! against the Wolverines. ....» .w- M ,„ uniiitiiiii -i-.rr in - ' wi*'»w*,>.i 1 m ... *..* tor tit H".;.. scored upon, ami it H iu Jiow aid. To my knowledge, if the coaches in my day knew any- about securing money u< help a tootball player, it iras unusual. Yet, 1 am sure some kind of subsidi took placf. However, l am in sympathy witti Jackson because hiirb seliool students of today look forward to Retting- :.onu; kind of hetti if they are star ath letes. Further, there are many boys who would never get a college education were it not lor the fact that someone., ap proached wealthy alumni arm iskeil for financial aid. What i cannot understand is why * fiftaiicial aid from anyone can. be : iv>n to just a plain ordinary .Au dit. hut if an athlete gets anv -jnd of help, he is either pentu izod ol ousted from college. As reported, we do not know the cal reason for Jackson's distnis a! as coach, blit if it is only for ! e reason that he allegedly got .oney to helo a student receive a -• i1...... education. I think it is a poor excuse for relieving a man of his duties, when t*he man is oi ih" integrity and caliber of Mr. Jackson. ! know many young men who ave ci-ime out of Howard IJnivcr ■ifv to - eeomc very successful and a credit to their tonunundie;, .Hi'tvard coaches hav ahvav.- :.<■ o ' I'liaracter builders and 1 an. are that Jackson deserves his place in the sun with other mi'.snaiiung 1 coaches. i I| an investigation is to be made. ! why doesn't the Central iii’er : colleeiate Athletic Association in vestigate all of it- coaches? Finally. I wonder ti President J.'iui' on. .va ind hi- 27-v> av 1 riori. has been aware that this kind of help has been given ' .dialeM:. There mu t h** more i>. ,, :iii'..i Ut- Stea l :an has been tolti I.KC ketball schedule announced hr t v,» ek by the Cl A Au» 'folio ' Dee. 10, Morgan Alumni, Mov gan; Dec. 15 Miner Teacher' boll- re. Morgan;, Dec. 17, Hampton Institute. Mor gun: Dec. IS. Lincoln. University Lincoln; Jan. 8, Howard Umwrsity. Howard; •Tan. 10. Delaware Slat. Mo Can; Ja n. 15. Hampton Institute Hampton; Jan. 16. St. Paul's Teen.. Law renceviJle; Jan. 17. Va. State- College. P»-i, tersburg; j.ui. 23. Virginia Ur.-on. Rich rnond; ] Jan. 31. Lincoln Univeivi ’ v. Mar , a an. Feb. 10. John-oil c Smith U Morgan; Feb, 12. Loyola College. Mm gan; '■ Fob. 14, Virginia State. Morgan; Fob, 16, Virginia Union, Morgan. F*-b. 21. Delaware State Dola v are; Feb. 27. Howard University. Morgan. All game- on the ••event,cen-game ; schedule arc conference tilts with, the exception of the Morgan Al umni. Miner Teachers College and Loyola College encounters, gainst the Alumni. Morgan tallied ' a winning 65 to 40 to score anil { •• 100 to 54 point -core against Miner, Following the pat tom of i..- st . year’s game. Morgan will ph’.v Lcyola on the birthday of Edward j P. Hurt, athletic director at th* , college. t B'FC SEND YOUR NEWS TO US! 1 fft '' '■ -'.■■■’ :;*,, ■<■',' •" ■. v‘ -.-• ■ " T ‘: . .‘NTT'S.';,. TyT > Tl J( ,*'/ ~.* ■'T NT.-W WOKT.D ('l.l A Ml 4 - \r.t;vi<’ Moor- 1 throws ~ j. 1 ( |«> Ml*- >l- »•?. !i;?tt r i free U f.r.-Jit -Hi- 3 yy wright Champion -Joey M .>.i»n m i ! 'th nl.ui' 1 • ? <h»'*r iT-mtiml tit!<• h ■ »' nt Si. !. uis \r 11.; l.\ ■ t w*vk. Moor** b<:•■':■**■ <* tiv new chump, uii nin- 1 unanitt: ih drovion. \ his was Moore’s first titU* tilt, after 14 year* ii» ciuJCnger. (N«*v\ ••pre*>k Photo,) Rifle Team Takes Tin Over U of Penn ‘ BALTTMOjtfK \ui The AT-/ UU'» St cl tf* tC.iT .:<• !':fie t-'.;U/. NCHSAA Holds l >’. ' «►{■ i- •iv-vi nift . U2ii>: iH ftii 'i: 11>% at t'-10 Hill.-id* l) i .1 rh a Si [)f • ’ :.)• ; 1... UK;... 1i <■ •• 1 c.-tin\ va in ar*; c d by 11 <•: • c an> •• Pk't< u/uk.-rsi anoint: or; the p.:.t c*: he ; ‘.'s and principals of th.- • policies ;t the Athletic A.. 1 "..;! Lion, as i! : - now being son sueted , One !h..- ;;-ceoincnda!inti: ", t.eied in the ( 'ii r, 11 (o. i. ■ Oiiioi \a- I. ia! : hen■ be a cot ■;t'a■ i' >' . ■! thf scheduling ci the football games the Commission . hi .. 3. and I ’ v- T:v» i i :>t r comm* ;: - •at ion had to do vviti» allowing the machl-s to li-IW ,:p *rv,- iLaa i"■ iI! ..\’h<».hilos for the.-,. two years; : but. after some debat.• and diva::. ; sion, it nas decided that the nr - : Mod which is now being pursued .I tili.rvrir the Commissioner ; set Up these schedules be follower 1 : loi ids-! ; t p r j 1955, Ti.ia met the ap ;• • oval of a majority. Os tin- coach/ its and s-nc' i; cb. who were pr ■ <*nt. H also enacted at this jncrl i ing a voting' which gives the Com - ! missionei th*- power to ’.ispend . i team from ; 1-.. Association v. .an ! .1. faiis to carry out the schedule :as was (bee n up for the ve.n • I IUSL’ no 1953, Several of the ; ctioo! ■■■.<■■ *'l l' i.dic'd that in '.r.e or ,IV. tu if.: UOH'C - tin re unr.e j member- >f fi • ■ A. .ucinHon. “!■ ■> ! refused to carry >ut the assigned ! schedule. Alter .some disci: s;jow iit '.'.'as decided that those teams i that fail), d to rum • out the nr ; signed . chedtile in 1952 be v' l e d i that they would bo required to | carry <w,t tin? si hedule as shown ; and ;.s has been draw tun 1933 In the ("sent that a pariiculai j school fads, in do this. He >);, \ Association gave tic Commts son- J e,c power to suspend Mat school ! from participation in football for the season of 19 t. it vo- Ohio called to the attention of the mem i burs of the Association that lien ; i .suspension could draw a loss ; oi accreditin'.' by th.- '.tat-- Du part brent of Public itwtr Sion, -which j now supcevist's . thi total athli :n. ! program in (he State in With Me tro and White Si-hoolsi. Tim financial -iatement of the Association v, presented by ‘i ,l i Treasurer This rt.iten.cnt silo west ihaf at the n e <r.t tr. a- of December 13. 1952 the financial condition of the Athletic , Association wa better than d lvid ever been in the 'history of the Conference, Follow!r:■ lie resort ol th. Tt -.*.-• surer, ths v. Vhletic Code r adopted ey the Sue* rmfondeiits at their Hiph Point Cortf. rertoe w.-> f’iscustfd. and the Interpret :itiu*r-~ that have been handed down th! the Athletic . of-ncil of the S’... 1 Department of Vubiic Instive’a m '.verei. iven to the various m- Ijers. There • a: no argument rtor any diseusssion i'ollo.winji the in terpretaiion • T3l-s fleet ton <>f offices showed hat W. M. Reinha'-.'st of the Cen •«l High School of Goldsboro waa of Goldsboro vv-a WEEK ENDING SATT RDAY DECEMBER 27, 1932 ..». . . : 17/ * v(' ‘ Jt'lV 'ifl'U ~ ( 11 : ‘ ;1 • . • t',»; '}’«.■ ,St *' *..» J' ; 'I J' \! 1 ] Ui'jft ■J i • fli t ‘ Di!iri if i Jit J 1 SCJj ni t | (■ i )\4 {•• - » Si-('XvUv.y .'Hid ,1 ohr» Cp,\ cOa of :) ■ v. OIV’L'ST»oJIO II i': Vr€vs>U; :’er. John Hodsr of Rock ; .:l ;,i a !.i. T. Washington of the Wiili.V. !i a i-;t i i ’ : o; i ii - 'a-:..!... >..S .* !. K !. Our.: ol the c:.. ten::. Mi Ml Sri ooi aiv. SclHiol of Ib-ilctitn were elected to the ExecutH. Comnmeets tor :: period if two years Following toe < leciion ... 01 11 ■ ■ * the Cotnrriissionrr. ,o>. W T. As .r ■ti on si! cn iit a i liia . 1 : :k\i .. r>. tn writ mu-,, but after a dis f.. ii'i'i.ibi'r, of the Curb 11 :. r.; -! nation -.vas ttot itceop'i.':' 1 . D". Arnr-.t: one wns recalled to Me i dence and asked to continue in. room and river, a vote of f.-oti (rfieo j«: at least one more year. Tiopri . wciT :• winded to Mr foilnwjng teams: Win n hie tnc Eastern Borcbr.ll Chau pi«m.-hip and the Fasten: ' f p; r. ■ ; S , * School of TarOoec'. The Wes tern A/. Football Cl.arxip;c>n.,hi'' on i>> i’iico of Sd ■ r r i"e,. X -u-< n Has.. !.all <" iOl..;blp s■■ \. .11 ir lit hl'-ii-'i F-ch-.oi, G * lonia. Thu State Ciian :!ii p I. the AA FootnaU w visioin v.-'ss won ah-o by Priuc H; in Sc!-, ol of S’tli •• ..* > a/,A Ooriipionship ill Football was ;>w. .-d-d in .Adkin H i s. School of Kin. tor. and the AAA V lea!: ch.oup; e-hip in the vVe.:- Pi. Di’cisk'ii awardc*! ti Ls.i.i* :• y JH'iph School Os (>; eoJ': ' 1 The State u'hampionshij.' in the / A,\ piviso .n was aw aerted also A.': in i 1 iith of K 1 .oi■ ■ The C-ctlcrenre went ahead M<n and recommended that the t<?nni tou 11 - .nt 'A ’-. ci lias : ■'? r: .--c...- ; .'i.s:ed by a nusuber of the mete- MOUNTAIN RIDGE ® STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY sq§s . SO3O l^ss* W 4/5 81. irn PI, -k;P L ' , ’ . »y»-'<*■*’%Fl ; 4 Yeors Oid. 86 Proof. GOODERHAM 14 WORTS, I.TD,, RfcORlA, ILLINOIS l . ! .■ on '' :v hi, ;..a n t-catfi f) . I'D •• 1 !:.••••:' . . >i)o. Allfi AU< : , ■ . • - vrk V it*» ; ; , ;v! JV; f )V*f • : , h. •• .•; ;- : Hii i Air Hi.4h n ) in the , • -, , : .;T ;T Me Carl tin- Huh j r . ... .• .[.l : D) '; !',«)•.« just. what ■\ u .Ur',- .::•■ ■! iGGk This .. d,j. tv as rrferrd to a ’,for furlu « ;dy. ; i rr.hU; itt ft o Cu h in l»i 33 il f*a\s Fo Xdvertisc OMI\ *a»wa9iimi l iawr**M’*- «/**:■ «*» .. .• waw’-f EXPERT A Specialty WIDE s) (.!;< iiON or -> \< KS SPOUT SMtETS-xOCKS AI 1 ( ... and ;vi G. And M. Tailoring Alterations Os AH Kinds ~— Suits Made To Measure —» Laundry Dry Cleaning IOK MIU.ER. J’rop t«6 I llargrit v t. Phono 3533 Z PKE.SS VVtm.i; YOf WAIT ■ in iiiriiiminr n—nni rnfriniiiMl>rialOTM~ _ WfISKMSmfIBBB

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