PAGE 12 _ HOMETO WN NEWS & VIEWS AROUND WARRENTON WITH MRS. ELIZABETH BROWN WALRLNTCN Glnm-u ■ at t.. .uWn.' : i- - at- ■- . uu fee tiit- i: :,u A • - i i, ke. . vvl'.ul/t-r yw. v r:11 in ;iti:t::t h i.-.l TIME lb MARCHING ( jN • WhYm -«<,-> thr., to m V-Cx Lull Ui iiiUJOI li-a/tiC bUsr uldl . ; ;:U lU\ t -til. ||':. V 'I • ■ second stesion yi Snm.uvt ik-hooK IS Well Cede: VAC. sum: net V, e.'i! li"ig j> ; .lit i. .i 1 - I 'J' I S it' Oil tiic bargain rack 1 and Fail .-tyies on ~i ,«Ui-'iU> -■ f.. ■ . if. start: vtni cart iti.ti l .' tifilbi I>J i ■ - U.Olu, Ol i :*.<... ooi; ih just a few shojy aei.-l!-; be ♦•ft* t! hed ii.i'ii;--■: \ M.OIV Ui v ui \\ .1 . -..■ . have iia i v>u'lidt■ i■ fi• i even-inl vacation u*it.» {Jot j! >.,u iiavt- a- IjOlhci t:;p lit ITlli.C. .u.d !-, tiKe-i O t '>o.l V. 1 1 , \\l ; \ l!.:. i1 r l ; I'' trip . plasmim* itii .goodlier' • ,-S.t hunt and tai-t it! l liOC it ? riMATiON j . thief It In. • , rn ,! !,„• I i : ■ j d planned to maht time .m ■ ,t)TTtfc a. am it >OU ai'C.'i t a’t .(tit Hail 'Vt! V old it liOV. lil bit t same to you S.. don't put i.r.othf i wt i< r’oii t'.: ! sain .. t*t tli«‘ closet lii'ii pack it. as lain as von can. and bit tit- road Ti.on, when you ot ... a :■ •m <■ to call me and lot nu i . news .tloii in. mi r. oi. mat you* many friends we u-u in Vm rengton, a; well a. ■ in i,r. . row US i.i j ■.; i. .in. ■ u! tin pISCtr.S .’■ . i . 1 'lit 11 is I VO' : saw, and the thu . /-hi did St k-'ep us‘po.-T-.--i ..a.; ■ Blit Jot US J- ■ . .it till' v. eek no VVaremoiiini. i aimis Vacano: 1 • I I-. I' i'. :! N. Y.. .Nuipra r'aiJ:- and ‘ in vere Mr. aru;) Mi.- ,J.; iitm ,-uici ( ; a to'dor. liai'id Juliet and. Mrs, V!. ’> H Davit . Th, .. also stopped ovi-r ir, C tt' lot.s- .• p , ■ i V jl!.. --1 ; it’ i ; t on which Lincoln .... it- •,i- 1:.,.a : ‘addres.-, i ... ■ al.--u ju ■a. : through tito niOtintaSua a.-l rennsy Ivaniti iDHi -, ■>■ 111 soim, tiuu v cat .tic friend*: u; Piuiai.iclplu . :u.i; .it W 'yn: IV-ity While I hi- ,!;i ,>■ : J ohn- . .1. t . , it: tiuif.-, l .i N . - til. in- Mi urul Mi 'Aiiitam Ji a. ■■■, Mr VVi I ? ~i - ta.iTOli o: iMioi: ivlll tu: 0 ... ,1.].. to it Mi .'., to . t Ml'S J a l.f-: .J..... ii; \ v ill, i. i!i. sistiM hi, r. mm; i- -. 11 ... i V,' .. it-iiton ti ..... , now ,■■ • hi i.: clothing iic )j, .tm a. -Ptiioii M,* :' J*i. c‘ Patrick ii.ilijilititi iii 2vi I'S. it t Hi ~ 1 ■i 1 i (i| ~ her Vacation Witb Aii l ' i:.. ii . Pit irru-: aad ,vi: -.i .i: t i .Me ito win in New Vox, City M 1 and i'-i - J'' - ] !r.a a:at daughti a Marjoi it- ami ;-.j. f.b •: lit- /.:■ t-.i! !i l- vt el ~ i' of i',l J .! Mi. J!l /iiston n, a• f ,1:. v.> 'J':.• > . ; spent some turn? Kt I mi a vi.-.. ia at and Oi■ • Hody .‘. ! ■ Van iv VV*;o:> o*- Ac!a \Va!)-:-• r aoc ; ;■ . ... 1 t j.,* YVv : t • Vi t. V*? 011 i : t* : ( JiT.* ■' °*- ■ . jr---■■-i'ktnd 0| -«tl- i U}i\- j - -» t .v{.if * i \/« group j ! completed -plan;- for their annual; | Beach Oiiiiia foi tiieu wives uitu . I mend"- on August 3rd arid 4t!i run. Vera h a tali V. ■: iu. Suite | -..MM i Mil; I iii i1 i -ulia: thitt :: 1 , 1 .NfiM&u :aili-;.. Mr am! A! r Fun-! | i I-..::; : a 0(1 niethcr, Mra Hiywaid S j yiU;', Med Iviv, Sisuih accniT-Tioruod \ ! " Jnrkson borrio und we- e tin | {U;,::er yuert!' of Mr. rind Mrs. j ( v. 1 •.:*lli AndervO!;. Tiiev were :ksu j ; . e - 1.; of Air. end Mr* .j. Ba- j ! !,:•] i' i ii; ! : C i'ullp j - 1 *> On- di-efji'J' *ii VV'a. v L>i John O j : 1 I . ! .ifc! -ufiS I r'»! Z. lliiV 1 , Hi'Cl, Ji Jiiu ! J jvi-i id r’h iiisct-j i-dl-et, j 'A i;V t*il ; ; • enert-': of iVir nnd iVi r- I; • j i- . lHn:-nrn red he. .ii r Hov/ai’d 3fid sr/jis j ct iii ii} Hi; iit t i i y .) tin; i itn arid J no* i r ti vi-it Rev nnti Mrr Clauds j 1 ‘‘-i*-i)he)is L&ior ii» tin- vv ted. the j ; Stephens* I-a only rane iiere to vi- ; •.it tie R £ ■ Mrs, Step- | ; in in, <: the toj me? IVii.v. Bei'ti'tkt j I Mi- and fvi; ii 11. T.M,a .dmi : Mi* crj'l lv|i ‘ . w M i'hon Eton i , 1 • ! Durhnnf N. < ‘ v. t- e tne re-.em | • ; i '1: Oj Mr:u fviabc'i MlikliOT JJ:d i ; Mi 8..• Ti,0.,n."i ; Ah and iVir C-e'ii .« ii - ar oij j . I arid dir and Mr [rvinr* Jones ail 1 ' ‘ , eje-e f .nr visit -i i - Mr and | . •r. . WiUn- i' 1 it*, and Mr unci i.Vu's. j ; tu.njauiin Howell *vl iCieoryt Johnson of Buffalo, j IN. V. j.- visitlnv Mr. Hij-J Mrs. j ( George Carroll, and also Miss Kan- ; i nie ivi."' Hiumtik ; in He/ derson, ! | A. C C vi.- s. Kiiiiet U F'erry, Sr and so A;. vV.m.uu and M*'. it;.ici Air?:. Krnitxclt Pt ji y ji . OI Ba tlMi'iO r-c*, IVj,ai • !-i i.*.i vi f: L tie LVvV i I { s:uc>t.-. of iVir. -UU lUlx. ttn'tOl; Joiliv la V'cvly- di et ter and Cl art-'itee ' Bnvro.v. Jr fro in BroolUyn. N V.. . arc ?:peiidijsif> the ■ur.imc: with .'r autit Mrs Ma 1 y H o berts. IvX -*. anu All:, ivloies Bryant anc! , '■'oti Qa-vi'un and Mr. anct Sirs > : WaUcr Parker anti iaivnly wcov; ! die recent ..y.r-;-sts Os Air aiui tV/T:'. i v Oriie Willtaais Aii?'. Fiui a fcitit ttdt of BOS' Au* t. LaiiT ;no rectr.t r •cs* I i s' d M>s. Harris W , Htif ■ . t An* -vcit .i*. paiviiii M:' A:.'»* Rit* Ibe i! Hia ri. ’vs M. ». AH bright t: home as- 1 it- * uiiiiii’.f .c.i.ioi ut; i.'.ii* i'. Cell.: 0 ii 1 vli'i i!U MUluu. C.-.:cn. of Mi. and Mrs. Claren | cc- v'tcen and son ia-t wi-«-kend : Mrs. llfiiM-l Bvasweil amt: j -ii... .iter, V voiiiH- ui Cited yi hi, ; f-u ABo Mi r Eu}a Bnulrity ot i ; Mimwiit-ti t’i> iv u ■ hi.ri. l ittlf l.iis ~ VVOt.iK BIMdWcJ) M-MliiiliS ! icniMir.cit-i ..f the itimmtr u >t 1 t Ben- j j ui-rson. N C. were the recent | j JUi'S'.'i of Mrs Edna Harris Mi*-sj i Gertrude Scutt ol Henderson spent I I vend (levs here visiting Mts-C : Mni-yuri- Harris Mr-- Km hard Uarri;-, Jr and • laughter, Annette. Who :tv A been ! j ill, art* imifh improved IVilit uiicv B. JOxjo£ Wtl? vt j patiriit in W.-i'Ti'i. Ortunai itu? ! P'lTitl last week Lit Hinton Joiie- 3r v.i-tti to. j tin V etc-ran I' Hospital m uurbum i i’t-i i idly for <'i checi:-up * Ri-cupt-i at in; iroin a r‘'U.'nt ill- j ■ >t• ■ j tiltlc Aii Vdijui ia Alston, daiui'idcr ul Mr. and Mrs. Jarn<-.-- i j AL ton. :\ 1 j .Is ■ i: i a A Cion undo rwon 1 sur- | • dy at Warren General Hospital j ! lie t weak. i Mr. Clarence Pimomia in- ; : jii i ,-i.| Alien in- fell while work!'!:; :«• ,1, hi; (inii.-irn i:; ■ h Ui- I .<>ol is■ 1 I week IK- is improvin,? rapidly Anoltn-r ! mul? Keunion is llehl , The Ntchoisiin;; of Stone;. Lawn ; Comirmnjly ri-puri having had *• .... ■ Hide; 1.1 time at tiwir family re- I union. Mr. .mil Mr; S .1 Nicnn!- on ■.ime h-.i i to tto- ' roup, i'r>- | , ... Vlr :Vi..- U*- • fiic. iC'liOli bn ut Du tli- 1 i ; Va Mr ....I ivi;:. Grant .fom-r, t!;.- lormu Mi , Kuijv Let Niciioiroti: Mr. and, ;Vh ■ , Jiitii us Porirmi.Uth. iV: Mr. rtid Mr Thomae Hunt . ami Uaufliiiei of Htmlei son, N. C. ! i,I: and Mrs T A .Hunt of VVar rciitnti; IVir. S. J. Nicholson, Jr of 11.,, ; i us, I- N. J . Mr VV iii U ChceK. an uncle of near the home, arid Mrs. Lila Check and dattgh- I («--* of Kiitri ii, N (.’ P.f'.C Leroy | ! Ntehi'iltion. not prt..--"iil, if now or- Vii; iii U. S At Jf i a Jfifibn. I t-.i gij-i-ini-iil i- .Aisiiiiitrii-ed .-,1; jfjd ivi j : L.-an Wright an- ! f.iji ince * the e: irayi-iiif-ni of tne.l ; datightei'. Elmira, to Airman 3 -C j ,taint r Arthur Williams sou of Mr. | and Mr:- Charlie William' The ; will tak- place Align t j 10th at t!:00 Ji ill. at the Baptist j Church. Friends ut the tamiles are invited to attend Both IVLrr Wright and Airman Williams are graduates of John R. j . H r kin: ID h School Miss Wright! ‘ , i mployed at tile Warrer Genet*- j 1 ai Hospital. Airman Williams was < a .Junior at Johnson C, Sin it!: 1 l.i-u in- war called into the Aair Foret’. He is presently stationed ] . t 1 "ope Aii » eld, F"i. Bragg, N. C. *, lull News The Benevolent M.'.'.roris Club .July ii.iid with Mrs. Edna 1 Hams a-: t:Ostess. The members j. ! wtii all presont Mrs. BeUie Hug- | . i t of Philadelphia, Pa. was tic- j ! (:hb. ■'Cit. High score was won;: by Mrs. Carrie Williams. The low . ] prize 'vent to Mnirs. Priscilla f ; D-mston. Tilt hostess served >a. < r ec-pa t at the tild ui Uie , :bn if.t • session. j i Obituaries j i Mrs. Aaliee Akins of the Snow ! « ill'll Comui'iity dud Thursday, July!' :6th ■ Funeral services were held : ' j PARKING ■ ’ -1 EASY visiles lo ! i ■_;■ curb spate by the meters and also free off-street parking Rocking ham's free parking lot vras one of hundreds of civic improvements undertaken by ICS towns competing in the ' Finer Carolina" contest | sponsored by Carolina Power („ Light Co The contest has also I signed 1,500 farmers building a half-million acres of Und by soil and water conservation ~ ;' ■; V ..' ” i * h News Os Greenville By Mrs L. R. Taylor j oKS EXVILLK Titr'se are very, , ar- v iiavr in via Section The old; "... - . I i towcco belt liar on, :ts cotois a- j raiu and i-i-opit are busy Every j moridns n ~n> are roing out to; .vork a. ' i-.-cn leaves of gold I ui d adii gold to their own pockets, j , Many will use sue ofiPfiMEl unity to. ' make frlo?'ey"fft thf- work tc’rat«?h • old an-, (irepare foi trie v. ra i tet u> getting needed oil, j | loud and clothing and ot lei things lot then* con fort Leery stu:e lii-rk Will C’e fiusv , nov. until «.idwinei neipiuj peo- . [.be iitaKc itiiU *v iSt? I : 'hoicc-s. Car, will be .-.old a.>ci even; ; '.he alphabet rt<>ie? ‘.viii do a rood . . ronCas i gucs.i they in by cctpie ! Hrst. Wnati-vef thr ckusi and witich-; .ever vva> it is r.peni is not to be- ; Lpitruoned but it is hoped that | aii cl.ildci'u - wall as patents will J benefit jo ;. way Unit will ret;.: to make them happy and comfort- ■ j aide J .icv neid ivholc’SOilif tood,:. : plenty ol vegetables fresh from : , tilt- rardc-n. fruit and milk, oread : j it-reals and nuttei ! J'hc little tot will want a new ! v. ardrobc One In- can use for i j . bcool and lighter ones for these > , hot sultry days. He will also want . clean tic : -mt and full t la-.'e, for his recre-j . .iv tuu So (.lor.’t forget 10 Cull- ' !ii ievite to t ic- most worthy causr I ... we prosper Mr. and Mrs Raymond Scott j . cmr of IJuibciio. N. C were in tne ; ! city last week .-.uc !. of Mr Dune': pa: .mi i m-;, aft Mr and ' Mi: !'.' ... L.oriv Aitei spi'iiibii.-- !., *1 .-, lull., hi-i'r* they llav- : 1 ■ ui'OCii hOiiie .e;u took thi- fathCi, vlr 1 rev lOf i and Uson. ! Thad Douglas to vacation in Dus-. Mr. u.iid Mrs. VVih y Ringgold -non• lust week visiting his rD- . ter. Me. Si Taylor. Along with mem were then five children,, Bai barn Ann, Mary, Pulsoy, Walter and Charles They liavr retunred .iCune to Teim Mrs. E Barker of Fayetteville ; pent a few days iuM wi-i.;k ■ ith : r ll-1 nit i>- heie. Mb' K \\ r J. bn- ; .-.on. Mrs. V.-■ t.. and Ovanf Wilson ni .Viartin-viUe Va. spenl lust week • vifitiur. f.ii and f-.ii'r Jifii Ailc-ii . tide. , A few young people enjoyed* a watermelon t-atmo. last Sunday . i-veilin;’. ..t 11't him.e of Ml i. H. , 1 ayloi nonoving Mimes Anna L. I ind Sowell of Ijurhan Thc-jre present were Misses Faye Mark, Wiata .\fSfims, Vida A Wai- j Ur?:, .Aiiuie Chapman, Lily Mac; lorn-,-'. Maud Walters and iVhr sis, ; Matthti -,v J Lew is, amt Charlie! Moore CHARLOITE NC NEWS | by MRS. MATTIE CAI.DWELL Telephone G-0768 i T CHARLOTTE -- The "Fleur de- . Lia" 1 Garden Club met at the honie j of Mrs, Edna Latimer, 232-i Van-, derbill Road. Mrs. Carrie Gilmore! presided in the absence of the pre-; sdderit. A di&cussion on plant di-j siAcises and preparations for tall and spring gardening was led by | Mrs Ruby Lipsey. Members pre-j * " ’ j last Sunday at tie Baptist Church ! ill Mscr.n Fijra raj servjei. for Mrs. Mary Foote of the Churobhill Conruntini- j ty wei conducted recently. Aiso funeral services for Mrs. j Sue Curistnia.s of the Snow Hill j Community '-.ere held lecently j Si ei us that I’ve riven you ad the*! iniormaiion t an J have now. Till! next week then, yours truly wish- j ki to leave you with this thought: j "It what v. e learn after v, i think, we know d ml, that counts.” THE CAKOIINIAM , They h: u lots c-t fun counting | , the seed in the melon they ate ; | and eatiie* more melon to get the j j must Seed in Older to be a prize j wunner. I Mis- Lillie Mat- June.; was t-he I i winner and the guests were given | * small just Each one expressed 1 -incVr.? Jipß appKfcciVttldri f for this little affair The Ladies Social Chib met last .it the tiome of Mrs j .1..U l 11., . Sit K Thu., tom .vc know M on the ’ : s-i'K list are impiovmg and doing! ! iiic-ety. Among them arc- Mrs. Anna | Mason. Mr. Jessie Barehen, Mrs. ■ Elizabeth Davis, Mrs. Ella Elks, ! :ma Mr W p. Norcott. DEATH Mr. Couiici* Keid, formerly of j i Jilt'd Point, N. C. tiied in Pitt j j Memorial Hospital here last f*ri- ! ray The body was returned to; i High Point for burial .vi, - Ei a L Jones died at her • ; tome on Railroad Street last Wed- I tiesday A. M.. July 22. Funeral ser vo es were at Selvia Chapel Free Will Baptist Church on last S..:n day The eulogy was preached by ; j the pastor of this church, the! i Rev. John W. Wilkins A sister, a brother and a son survive along with many other rei : .lines and friends. Mr If E. Raynor, a plastcrei ; who !i.kl done much work here : ill On -hVi ut- war ! b led to hj r - \ ; a;d i'll A. M. July 22 j : when oil ,u nunaiw bridge t ie door ;of tilt eat in winch lie was rid ;mg .suddenly opened He Waned • ' nut to dost it and a truck drove -aim and killed him instantly. ! Kit rvut.i i- in much ?:y.:,patby wit), thi family. Little Jiuuei Far! Staton, -nn | 'of Mr and run: Willie C. Staton, , lias iv- a niiy joined ■ .- j iii Lii'i fig 111 lit'.-..? too. Hu do pit-a ’ c ip tiii-m mil by riving them ; your ia '.vs us any ivind buy a pa- j per, and get a neighbor to buy j one. Thts-'i: ait- youi children and the yon;' paper, so help the cause ever/ week Anil we thank you Make the highways and biways -iiti'j- by drivin-.; more carifftillv. ; li" (.or let ,i be you who lakes; ihat which wt cannot give— LIFE. ! Please let's drive carefully and j safely. . sent were; Ivies dames Carrie Gil- ; | muie, Roth Tiimin. Edna Latimer, | Daisy Catkins, C 35. Champion, ! Polite Williams and Ruby Lipsey, ! Next meeting will be a garden i gar?'' at the home of Mrs, Gilmore ion Beattys/ord Road at which gathering guests will be invited. Miss Iva McCarter, director of ! the Bethlehem Center for nine | years lias resigned the Charlotte post and lias accepted a position ; with the peek Children’s Home : ill Polo, 111. S ‘me was guest .ton or Friday i night at an informal reception ! 'ponsored by the Charlotte Branch , jof the National Association for , | I in- Advancement of Colored. Peo- ; i ole. A program of music was of- i | sered by Miss Essie Shippy and l ;I in Seventh St. Presbyterian | Church Men’s C'-horus. Among < those paying tribute to lmr work I j with the Negro community wen • , Rev. J. B. Humphrey, Miss Allegro 1 | Westbrooks of the Public Library ‘ d Mrs. Mildred Gtlliard of tin* ! j V W.C.A. | Mrs. Marie Neely entertained at | set home. 517 S. Long St., July 2ft |in honor of her birthday. The fol- , I lowing guests were present: Rev. jA. E. White, Rev. J. H Brandiey, j I Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Henderson, Mr. j j end Mis. C* inrlk Brown, Mr and ! Mrs. D. W. Williams, Mr. and Mrs ! J Thorn well and son, Mr. and Mrs !, Owens and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. j . William Hart. Mr. J D Troy, Mr. : W T Lewis, Mr Douglas Aaron j and Mrs Laura Wright. | Betty*.' Faye, GayneJle, Thomas ; I and Donald Neely are spending !j' ; the summer with their grand par- j ; cots, Rev. ind Mrs. V. L. Dixon I of Philadelphia. Pa. They have ai- ■ | so visited in New York. Harve de- , : - Grace, and Aberdeen. Maryland ;[' with other relatives. They will re-1 " turn for school opening, 1 J Tiie Bethlehem BenJist Courch ' will observe Junior Choir day on)' ; i the sth Sunday in August. Various : £ I Junior Choirs from the city are a expected to be t*'ieir guest. Miss. Veia Aaron is president of the J choir, Alice Williamson, pianist*, i•' Rev. A. E. White, Mrs. Laura ] VI Wright, Dorothy Harris, Mrs. Mar- j t ie Needy and Joyce Wombie at- ! tended the Western North Caro- I c lina Sunday School Convention at » Hood Memorial A M E. Zion ■lv Ohurch. at Belmont, N. C. The I A East Stonewall Senior Choir Jth-jC nished the music for the Ist ser- ! b vice. Rev. Cox of Jonesviiie de- o: livered the sermon. Marriage Ainimaneed c Mr ana Mrs; Willie Phillips -an- -g Mrs Elizabeth McNeil Dies; Funeral Rites Held In Michigan, Fayetteville FAYETTEVILLE Mrs. Eliza- j ' General Hospital. Pontiac. Mkhi j tin McNeill died in the Pontiac iUK.-v kI,U m il! >H i.U.I. S ~~ " ! i gan. Sunday morning .C. ,:..,y ry. ! aftr imt monkis' illness, An in?- , t | pressive #Sf*rvico was hold ;.t ita- 1 I dome of her son. Dr. Howa-d 'll U HENDERSON NEWS Miss l.ii.H'i.s i. ICWS, Mr CiSI t I It: ‘.V* v..- and Mi. Bernard Damn all - !■! Montcian N. J were weekend 1 Uiast:- i l Mr. arid ivli ■ Henry j M. .- A. L, lian is and children . i ate vjsiUn.k relative.-,- in New York ; City arid . .tianiir City, N. J. Mi . Haiti. 1 .: id Holmes of Mnty-P ’h nd is Vi.-,urn; her p.-,rents. Mr j .nai Mrs. William Greet' residents ; ! of this city Mr. iuid Mr:-: f’eter D.iVis arid j | Oi 1, Haiti-, spent the week-; • net in Alkanic tlily, N. J. j Mi and hiss Stephen liendi i.-.nti ; ! tad ;e. then Uialltf quests, Rev. i ind Mr.- Kiddieit oi Summit N I! , iie\. ai»d Ml li.ii i i*GU oi i j dai-. Mii and Mi s J.. VV. Merritt. h a anil Mis tiitidieic were also 1 aV, rti .te ut ,-t- O! it: v slid Mr:. ! ■ > R Bern in ..f Uls city. Dr ami Ms.-, lied lord laid a.- Ildr >ifSt sot tile past week, M r S. ,"" Ufckfoid’s two sister.-, iron; Wash- It don Li C Mr and Mr- Fred Baptist and Squeak Stopper Pretty Dorothy Dunne of Sheeps- j head Bay, N. Y., garbed to stop!' traffic, also stops rubber automotive i door squeaks with a quick applicu- i ~ lion of a new stainless, colorless | rubber lubricant developed by : the Permatex chemists. Usually ! thought of as silent, many of the j ?50 rubber parts in your car can j develop squeaks and groans unless properly lubricated. The new "Hub- Lub” liquid, easily applied, is also effective for rubber refrigerator door parts and other rubber com ponents used in industrial, business and household equipment. nouneed the marriage of their daughter, Birdie M to Johnny F Patterson, son of Iff and Mrs, Dei lia Watkins, also of Charlotte on June 21, 1953. Another couple was united that day, Mr, apd Mrs. Eugene Bright of the city, I loud Alexander News Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Greene en tertained tiieir friends, Mr. and Mis. Robert Small.- of Warren. O hio with dinner in French Din ing Room. Miss .Aurelia Williams entertain ed at dinner in toe hotel dining room, Mrs. Cora Bolton, Mrs. Mici ie Bender-on of Atlantic City, N. J„ and Mrs Wilma WiUirirns. city .Vs, .v. C. Arthur Audi rson enter-! tuined her house guest. Miss Annie Berry of Chattanooga, Term, with 3 ratal in the hotel dining room. Mrs. Essie Stitt, Jersey City, N. .1 , Mrs Oiiit* B. Wallace and Mrs. Annie B McClelland, Charlotte were dinner guests of Mrs. Gladys Berry and Sarah Crawford. Dinner guests at the hotel in cluded H. Wilson, N. Y. C, Lester Moody, N. Y C., Miss Ella Taylor, Mrs. L. W. Moore, K. J. Perkins, Asheville, N. C„ E. M Graham, Chicago Hi, C. A. Stored, Greens boj o. N." C. and George Williamson of Charlotte * Rev. and Mrs. H.lO. Graham and i children were .Junday dinner I guests in the hate# Coftee Shoppe.]. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 5 1953 McNeill, Bloomfield Hills, Micht-, f.aji. Wednesday, . > 2:00 o’clock, duly ! wu i Father KicKSfvrd; Myers, Ffether Bersaie and. Rev. Dixon officiating. Following the .services, t-he immediate members; of her family uccoinpained the ■ ociy n> be home in Fu.Vc. UvvUte, N C., Tnt.i. day evimn<. lyiy it. On Friday afternoon July if, j -vt .3:110 o'clock additiouai services j •'•etc held at St. Joseph Episcopal j Church, w.iere she was a faithful i hn.-hnig memtK-r. Fatner Charles i Jchnsou and Father liuske otienu | Alt- Elizabeth McNeil! was born. Vya-.-vatJa, N. C.. 1873, the , tf,. a- v t : tt L.ate wit’, and Mrs. j Guilford Christmas. She was gra- j luated at KiUtvli College, Kit- j fell. N c S.u oil, married to I ’ tin- Hat.- Thomas H McNetif. Fa.. -1 etteville, N. C Slit leaves to! •oourn bet loss: Dr. Howard H j .McNeill, Btoomfir-d Hills, Michi-: van; Messrs T tontas and Clarence i McNeiU. Philadelphia, Pa.; Mis. Hath Cook. Washington, D. C Mrs. Mat: -a Brice, Pontiac. Michi -i>n: Mis* Helen McNeill, Fayette ville, X C : four grandchildren: -t. Juhan Cmk Waeoington, D j C., Henry Jeffct-on, Jr., Roth E Price. Pom sac. Michigan and Ka •"•■u McNeil! Philadelphia. Pa. Relatives who attended the i-.oi ”.;i induced Mrs Howard H. Mc- Neill. Bloomfield Hills Michigan; Mrs Thomas McNeill Philadel* ; ■ n.: Pa; I.t. Julian Cook. Ft. Mammoth. N J,; Dr Lawrence Cn•’ i S t rr. as. Philadelphia Pa.: Farm Notes NORTH Carolina tobacco far tit: if til market approximately t.Ha.JJa.t.-OO pound* of tine-cured i leaf liii: year, < i3pi i cent i t-eiii-,* that c-f 1952 despite the VI North Carolina cotton tui-nn.-rs | a: »• cultivating some 770,000 act »■? j tills year, about L pi - cet , m-irt | . urn in 1952. ! Curi*.-nt iiri-specis for the 1953 i N'-tth fjautlin. appli crop point] to a total productio,s of 933,1)00 bus- ] l’.els, compared with last year's re- ] Coin nidi of ’2,C:i3,000 busltels. ; -i'ii are now visiting i■ i C'mtelicul | old New York. SUPPLIES l i,r ( tiui’. ii unn Sunday School j i-Gcrything you need. Renovat ed { liuir Gowns like nev. --half price. CHiJKCH SUPPLIES I STEIN BLDG. FAYETTEVILLE MAN A tkUH?I shop 123-125 HAY STREET PHONE 6413 ||||rTT| - —h- rr-itTiii mu-in m irun rn— i - »—f..t ,T -m T„ ■ i : CARR MOTOR j COMPANY AUTHORIZED KAISER-FRAZER DEALER IN FAYETTEVILLE “ASway* Bargain la USED CARS" 528 Parson St. ! 1G I^—"™—' ! ! nUfcftiictlve O |l| fuitenUsiervtces . j !« ft- J “EFFICIENT SERVICE .1 | 8 1 REG ARDLESS I j L J OF COST- | Ul DAFFORD | MS FUNERAL home™ Phour, 2tits JHB DUNN. N- C. * | - HaicKc r's wwvJ cweleri m* IV St. H.K tx*l p*yctkvtll*, H. • Hwy M*mJ imuAurt Amm*mm £•*» Kitchen Freedom Enjoy alt the ease, comfort, , ra — m cleanliness and convenience of de ft pend able RULANE GAS SER VICE. No fuel to handle, no waiting for heat, no delays from .JS*— power failure . . . but instant,, B clean, dependable gas service 24 li|| hours a day. it's inexpensive, too. ■*»*» fPS Join the vast majority of Iw>uae * Bkß wives who prefer RULANE gas ..j. HP * or care-free cooking, ever ready hot water supply and silent, au tomatic gas refrigeration, mm FAYETTEVILLE BOTTLE GAS CO. | 233 Franklin Street Dial 2-3848 [fT .„ n ° WManriKKWKasis I Coach Harry and son. ‘Urr> Jefferson, Jr. Hampton, Va. Julian Cook Wa.-hta.gton D. C.” .’/ii*:- E 1 ;.;i .vkiNe;’]., i\ev. York.; Mrs, Gucy McNuit;, Georgia; Mrs. Step ; henv Delhi .{ley; Herman Banks. -Vtrs. JuMtphu’te Banks; Mrs Alma ! Leach; N’otris R i.-.., ~u of Gre-enr a e Gi;..1V. 1 vq Brov.n. Hu ! ''-‘.T Brown, hlarcetihji Brown, ] Mrs, Haiti- Brown, all of Warren* :C--u, N C; a. R Brown. Raleigh, !3. C Tom Jeivay, Wilmington, iN. C.; Paul Jervay, Raleigh, N. C.; -):■ Miltoe. Smith, and Orlando i Smith of Washington, D. C, and 1 Henderson. N t'.. respectively. Active Pali Ui.iL’.eiA were. J H | Lewis, Dr. Fsank \Vilhston, Sam i DraKf. Solonsoii Wtlburu, D. i Haithman Ernest Miller and James | Farcer Honorary Pall Bearers were: vtrncel l*:tae-;ard Dr W p. De- Vane, Di M. i perry. Dr j \v. : ’>eab;\*y>jys. Dr H. \V Vick. Dr. Ab raharn Henderson, Calvin Da Hoff- I vi art Toni Sawyer, Lawyer H. E. \ Groves. As a final fri- me. a multitude jot letters, telegrams, condolences j and .'-.towel* of ftorni designs were ! .veeived from both white and col i -red citizens, which was a mans estatkm o* the beautiful life she tived amon.* thost w:-,t» knew aud loved .icr interment was conduc ted at t-.n Cross Creek Cemetary j 86 Proof wtt int AjOu t nnlir.tri in tHil MU « tiAkS Ok MOkl OUJ. *i% iVKAtSW MwKtt. w* Ntuisixi srutiTs, ms miJ»» h nom ©saih. 0 —» "»« t 'smx'i. i@*a» iw* MHt FIRESTONE Tire# & Tube* Many Other Item# For Alito, Fa rm and I itmie. F1 RESTONE HOME &. AUTO STORE LILLINGTON, N. C. u»£P di( ’ s VALUES We buy and sell only the best l* used cars Every model sold with guarantee. See us fur real valtaM at ground level price*! Yarlraurgh Motor Company 115 W, Russell St FayettevUe