WEEK ENDIN’c; SATURDAY, AUGUST l, 1953 ROCKYMOOKtIi NEWS,-nd M\mm\i f \J VIEWS 'IIH9MK >.* »<»U'H ; ||pgW^lWWWW>|^W^W^WWW«^>>W»^WWW^W<»WW^<«*^pWW<W*W*w4MM»WWW*<i fORMER ROCKY MOUNT frASTOR DIES IN VIRGINIA ROCKY MOUNT Word v ;--. re eeiveo here *>f the death of t *-.■ Reverend Fei.x »su>: Kryazi native of Lturuertori, .-,. C.. atid untd. a recent itme.vs .iwi-itaUzetl : Liim in Newp rt N» -., pa>uoreU ai BurkeviiL- „Vc. La!V.ev Pariah of Presbyterian Chinch**. Th*. v. Bl ow, Airs Lam-y 0.-ustu Brjfan, and (our children survive Pr ■ :.! >s were annourrJ f<-r .1 iy 2lbu*J a; ••BurkeviiU SIEVED HERE SEVEN YEARS The Reverend X.. Wry an •••• a a pastor vt the Ml. iveshy terian Church here tor atuat sev en yeers, aiiu U*e umiiiy auJi many mends during in. A sojourn ; here. A very devoted • family man', Bryan v.as above fcu aver age m \vork:.:i.. ; : hat'd 10 promote his family's well-being as well as doing an excelU-.tt jot> as minister, it was gcni.atiy .*u ice *... m - aye Fear Presbytery, .where he s ot his start after finishing his theol ogy at Lincoln University, Pa. that - there were no superiors and few equals to Bryan when it came to forceful jo earning. Ha- mother re sides in Lumbertou with. Mrs A b. ; Lewis, a daughter. A. H. Bryant, iocai busitieis (nap, motored to Deo Cee over the weekend to bring hu> daughter ■ home. Bryant s son, Atex Hantil ton Bryant. Jr. attended sitiool at Tuskt-gee Institute last year. James B. Hays, former resident I here now a postal employee in Greenville. S. C . was a busine-■> visitor here last week. The local Daughter Elks will he j represented at the Atlanta wuv,;. ! lion by Dr Nora E Uaili ■> aud Sadie Hobbs, it is reported SFV BRYAN EULOGI/Ef* IN VA. AND >' t BURKEVIDLE V. - A quiet eu logy was said here July 22nd fi» the Reverend Felix F Bryan, pas tor of the local Christ Presbyte rian Church ami two utiur mis sions making up Nottaway Larger Parish which was administered by Bryan and the Rev. J. li. Warn After the memorial services here the body was transferred to the home church of the deceased WASHINGTON AND "SMALL BUSINESS” f . By C. WILSON HARDER Often major Washington ex- ! plosions are triggered by a eir- ' cumstance obscure to the public, i ** * ' Thus, recent request of major ! Kir Hues could set off probe. # * * Major airlines have applied to ! CAB, the Civil i taining tO Civil C VV. Harder aviation. * * * CAB has in the past taken many steps io block independent airlines from competing with the majors,a|o they apparently feel it will be a routine matter to secure approval for the plan to cut down the Independent travel agent. Yet, the issue, from the airlines’ standpoint, is so petty, it may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, * * * Independent travel agents are credited with doing a great sell ing job for air travel, but in ad dition travel agents have become almost indispensable to the trav eler. Buying (transportation through an experienced travel agent who knows facilities, con necting lines, and other data, the traveler avoids standing yj line In an airline ticket office, the often futile attempts to seek information* from a green clerk and other harassment*. * * * For this service, the travel j agent receives a 5% com mis* ! sion. Thus, on a cross country j trip, the average commission to - the agent for all his services Is I only $4.95. But now the major ; airlines want to cut this to $1.50. ! ® Ntlloniil y«kE»tloit of Irtddt>fmUut Bunluem pggjjj!gflgk iO ‘YOU TH»MK «£ Will w Qf*.£\ mi WJfcC-A"S M3UR I HE TASXfrS 1W 9H£IL A «**»»* UJ*K j MAEtz/J rsuT. 6«Eezv / '?ai.DK'T we) Bor SH&AS-ROV/ ? '"‘N 't&XM.IgQ LA/VVFSP l ONLY *€ <AK‘T &<XXX>Jf, where the funeral proper was scheduled for Thursday, 23rd at Bethany Presijy terian Church rn i-UUiDtri'tou, N. C JOHNSON, SPEAKER In compliance with a long- 1 bind ing agreement betv. er n two sia,.nr.j frierut',■ the Rei J P- Juh. .u. ot Salisbury and the de tcu.-vd—fohnsou was scheduled to preset! me t'- serai. T ey haa a greed that t- it survivor should ~.e -h 'he ot le-"'s fu-era!. ncWd- BryauA' W Mow. Mrs.- ■ La tie?' Osaka Smith Bryan. Among the ministers taking part ;. the local memorial tribute were Elevs. W. C- Ai.de-f Mj’i v . B. i)u st-nbu; v, W. U. McJta'r. A Hender son. C K T nomas and i‘ C Shir ley. Catawba Synod secretary. Be sides the widow, five children sur vive.' They arc: Felicia Osaka Bry an, Euratua R. On- Bryan, Addle Ceiestint Bryan, Sara Olivia Bry an anct Jesse Alexander Bryan Ris mother. Airs Sarah E. Bryan, resides at Lun.berton. Surviving brothers and bisters are: Mrs Oli via B. Burcheite. W.n. G. Bryan, Newport Nexw Mrs. Atlanta B. Levels. Mrs.. Lenora B. Freeman and Miss Celestine Bryan, also of Lumberton. A niece and nephew are Sara Flame Ry» and Douglas Lewis* of Cuero, Texas. Rev Bryan nad just received his 25-'year-pin for set vice ta vhe Presbyterian Church, USA. Mrs N E Bailey and the J B. Hurteis.-: of Rocky Mount attended the rites here. HKI( K .SCHOOL TO UNDERGO CHANGE BRICKS. N. C.- Pians are in the format:',e stage tor transplanting *t th, old Christian College of Franklituoii, in Franklin county to u.e Brick ii:.:rai Lit*, c,.root here ad tm cii-mion of a Seminary for rural ao-i urban ministers, ac cm-diny, to Neal A. McLean, Sr.. Director of the Rural Life School here for the past Ift years pi-,, Fail lip PI. Widenhou.se. sec retary of the American Mission ary Association tAMAV, division of Home Mission Work, made t-Ae announcement white on a recent visit here, it is said The center oi seminary v. ill furnish "in ser- i In fact, major airlines are go ' mg even further. * * * ! Fully staffed ticket offices are < opening In many communities ; so small they do not even sup- I port a medium-sized depart i incut store. In smaller towns : they are trying to sell tickets j through traveling ticket (rucks, a * * It is important to bear in mind that airline tickets are nut a commodity bought by a large share of the people on » fre quent basis, Thus, in many com munities there is no economic justification for an airline office * * * Yet major airlines are willing to spend dollars to save pennies. ♦ * * Therefore, this move may start a full scale probe of airlines. 4 * There are many in Washing ington, hi and out of Congress, who have long asked, “Just how good is the business manage ment of the major airline*?’’ * * * It is based on several factor*. * * * For example, despite the fact that the major airlines receive millions from the U, h. Treas ury as a mail subsidy, in prac tically every major V. S. city plush airline facilities occupy highest valued property, v * a Yet, -when independent coin petition has succeeded in getting permission to fly, despite CAB obstructions, it has given tiu public good low-cost service at a profit with no subsidies. ♦ * * Many In Washington feel ma jor airlines represent monopoly practice in the highest degree. Competition is restricted by » govniment bureau and they en joy heavy subsidies. And now, to keep from paying 5% com mission on tickets, the major airlines are willing to spend several times that amount to op erate ticket sales facilities in small communities pgri yr&xa/ru&'e arc '\iL a I -YwaiFMNT f*7 . b> vOy'SE A Offci. r < c,v ' «.A Sf AFißi MY OWN ,J-- A ■' ft. f«Ajn-y rsr-r* «peak«& of ,* Min-■jt/'* I *6UW / a«ERv / -o have €ov\r- more) / I CKOCUT CAKE, <£*, / 4 esketzv? r ~U& i i t v ill ,■ ■ /XP-A-OkAV/l--\ i Al / / YOU €OKViM£Kf\ k V \ ME/W&'RE IWOv x Ml s==r a 98; ■■ in iriiSiiil | i . vice training" for those desiring it The program is scheduled to .-.tan the fall of !9->i, Mr. McLean , :aid. An additional area of the H i 29-acie faim will be allocated to 'I a- campus and the use of th-. center wnich will Ic undei con* ; troi of the Congregational-Cbrisi iun Church Board after the dis solution of the Frankiyntuu School . and trio transfer of control of the , ! Brick plant here. McLean exphavued that the; wealthy community reiatioos built op thru years of school-sponsored ! organizations-farm coog.eratives, «edit union and the like —will not be disrupted, but rav.ier accentu ated under the new arnmgement Brnk has becoiue a meetinr and camping site for many ui’gamz . atioii.:. i.im as Pl.v Youtn t ;y.■ ! carious vorch u-r-vs :ad tea cius c. i.'.(. i,...- :.IX, Jo -- gh K . Brick preparatory school operated , iiCie undei the late and lamented Thoir.a; S liibordeu. as leader 1 or over ti.ii,y years. WII.SON ELKS HOME BURNS WILSON. N C. -Disaster struck at the Fiks Home here Thursday. July 23. .1 when a fire, said to have • caught ft a an oil ft >w destroy• |,. U.v kuildin : c:t Last Nash St it.ch has Fudge No. 2;i7 a.id Ark of the Oo veneant Temple No. 21-1 for sever { al years. James E. Brqyvn Exalted Rulej . |of the lodge, said Friday, * after . ■ temporary meeting, place lmd been jpjoviiled at Edward.-,' Funeral j j Home) plans were being made to j : itoui!.! immediately, either on th, ; I same locat or) or other property j held by the lodge. Brown shad the; i bnildhi.,; wa- a total loss. The es- ; timatad §1.030 dc:..g was only j partially eovereu by insurance," according to Exalted Rule: Brown, j who has headed the lodge for five , ~ ears. Mrs Eva Lloyd is Daughter Rnl- i ( r of Covenant Temple one of the east’s best groups Over in FapfitviSle. Arthur Joy- i ji.ej, J. B Gorham, J. Blount and j i Mrs Vivian V Moore are to noting i I . | the Elk - lead. : - 'au.i ATiu-ricaii 1..«- gion officer: Joyner plan to at tend the American Legion meet j iri the mid-west and the Elks con fab in Atlanta during August, Eastern Carolina towns are he- ■ | g.ining to •’jump” now as Tie much j • heralded 'Tobacco season" begins ! to take on "full-bloom” with mon ey flowing into the pockets, of the i "little man". : Miss Worstey New Home Agent IN EDGECOMBE TAR BORO. N. C lt was an nounced here last week that, as of July 16th, Miss Hazel H. Worsley had been named Edgecombe coon- j iy assistant colored Homo Agent under Mrs. Hazel S. Parker. The { new agent replaces Miss Carnella ; Edgerton, vt-io has been promoted i to Home Agent for Greene conn- ! ty aftei several years of success- j I ful service here. j Agent Worsley is listed as a j j Shaw University grad of 1951 i i will: two years service in Tenues-' j j see t. od comes to Edgecombe well- | j recoiimu tided. 'Farm agerfts here 1 j re: H. \. McNeill and P. E. Bate-! I more, assistant. Edgecombe county, j ~j one of the few with two farm and ; I two home agents for colored in j I the state, has long been a training \ I ground for fledgling agents;. PVT JULIUS KEARNEY WO UN- i BED OVERSEAS JMTs Mattie D. Kearney - ins been ! notified that her soldier-son, Pri* j vate Julius Kearney, has been "wounded in action” in Korea. The j mother, who is blind, lives on | | route two, Tarboro, neai Leggetts,. i Miss Addie A, Lawrence has re j cently returned from an extended : Ouk iHITIAUt /^V‘‘~'“‘ _on that rvLefgim?y '.y/.-A I wytwr#' yUw* j cojcoA r FAT CAKE / I FOREVER ... I REPEAT.. , \ Loycur caks » I I'd T —T!“ —~*~'~~"‘«asrTTri ■■THAT VAS M6T <SUCS/f/C WW?MO/VOfi&i | N^j f_ M ■4%fsaaaiiJitgxcw’i.aias««mjiiiagM —*-. THE CAROLINIAN Nl> FAMCEE E.UT TTY Pi* Hu-s- three ehatming liulies were the k e'- t-rul huiKtreJ members ol' f lic l-nuida A uui At Cotitge familv who attendeit the mutual fitcuUv-staff picnic h- - ill List Saturiluv at Lake Hall, l est to right, Juanita !»eu (lersuu. Airs, t.illiitu Hawkins. ,imi Mr». Vaievia sipearaian.— .Staff photo bv It Jones of Uaniee* ! It all U. S cotton mills used I modem mcv-tocls \u c-oliti oiling •iep.-: the small, knot: of tangled j fibers that show up in fmixhed i ■ textiles, the industry cm-id save i 25 -nillion anuaUy. Trie lit. of tobacco shade cloth j : pas been increased from one to j t- :tee seasons by recent re search, if ait U. E tobaiwu finnw:: used only '- ieth treated to i .*, three ; -.tasio: . uistt-ad of one that c,juict : , 1 iun doliai -a > via r j " : VV li. MING TON HI I IRES Above is diaries *las given an aviaril ilpoa it lin-il from the i ivii Service ->i i the t uiti'd Slates as special Ji teiliiaut e. tin- tioitrii Staii Distinct < oiirt, Unali.il in the i i , ) * uslotns Holi -.e :it U illmltg ton. George gave i(i .v car., ’ serviee t« the Government. Mis position euine ttiltier the iliieitioil of lien i i'll Services .\Uli!ini.xti.itiuli. its: I*. George, Sr., who has been re tirement. George, who resales at 610 South Bth street, is active j in touimuiiily woik. He has been connected with St. Luke AMU/ iTturrh tor many years, and Kur ins the rebuilding of the edi fice he served on the trustee | board, fie Is a. charter member oi the Mansfield Ready Post. Veterans of f oreign Wars mem ber of New Light, tji. Masons: Vast -commando r oi T. J. ltulloek 1 Post, American Legion. George is married. Ili.s wife is the form er Phoebe Jones, They have four children, all of whom have fin ished high school. There are two toys and two girls. Both sons j i are veterans of the United States Army. One son is a graduate of A. and T. College, Greensboro. George’s hobby Is raising unus ually large vegetables, including h colhird plant which reached 8 ( feet iii height. Vanderbilt Ktu- j : d io., ; visit with relatives in New York j |.nd Philadelphia. Miss flea Parker | is vacationing in New York. The David Gra n by(Mae ; Grime:.; spent a hurried vacation ; visiting relative - in Kdenton. Mar- j ; tin county and theit bortrier, W. ; T Gi imes in Rocky Mount, last | week. They live in New Rochelle I N. Y. at 145 Lincoln Avenue. f^iJTA. «pV THAT "#k WCCftNY ATUFF-? QJIT Ip I KIKYNtr ANP P/VA. Ms | 1 | : j^MPH I'X'f.OlPf-R OuP), i.s, \ J i F.YXAUf AYYV#VrJ ‘J /IS ,Y/Y i: CwM u^OHtnihL North Carotin.; will harvest a 2953 rye ciup of at ... ..\,.r,;av'y bTb.ubO bushels. some 45,W0 bushels more mart the t9*>2 tiarvr at, bet, 33,001* buw.els tea- than thi 1942- ;• t ii . A: vt Ju’. ■ >ar Heel .‘ 1 V crops totaled 1,107.000 acres, compat'«?<l with 1.-27a.-OO acres iast yea.- Dual pso.d.ivtio:i, however, '■U'- aied ~ 1. f ji,o t*-*.iis, second '.‘lily to liffj rec- -'"i pr ) Utctio!!. o 1,332,- t'Ot; SlAft COLlM£$ ■\ ~u;.t is th ■ 11 ■ U>: to* plant jna.'i.y ol out cool .->v*«ibott i rops lot till lull garden. in th« -’ll: U" 'vi’-stiujt r><-ilion oi tftv. state * v : t\ mu h crops us Ins potatoes ana tomatoes (plant-.* may still he planted tor u late tall crop with a fair chain 1 " of having .something to cut In other sect sons of vie stale it would bo tor late for them. Tumps, rutabagas, mustard, let tuce, . '.tic. >. . broccoli can ine gr, C’utn .ii cabbage cau ifluv. ; ii ' iiau U'f aits, ii-tiU. can ots, kijuiabi, colon'ti-i, pen:-, oanoos, .-1 tints, .piaach, . l,c- and knit ;u e some of UR crops tin. .nay ->e planted in August wil-i safety number of this list may be planted os late a-- September bit i.uruse the key to Slices;: is s-uttieient moisture tmd l'ertilily to unnj: •>- biri.it rapid growth. That, a tong with proper r.‘u(lt:oi of m:» et-. will nu t v oti quality wirici l -a: liCPes.-.&rv lot Utfc home garden a.-. $ DOLLARS and SENSE S By E* M, Butler I (H'U ELEMENTS K»!( MT’< KSS I There are several elements foi j success, whether it be in business, ! profession or industry; end these | dements con be applied whether ! m a collective group operating . biisiiit's.v or to a singlo poison, hnan or woman. i-V’.-V IMAGINATION. You tiled it to be yum eyes so that you v-ill see your goal even ..doit: ou make effort to reach it. to see yourst If, not only as the .tioiig self-reliant man you are to day. but ; iso possibly disabled by .evident or diesease. or as an old ; man, tired and feeble as you will j fat some cay. To see your wife i unwed, as a widow, under a loud !of cate ami responsibility, to see ; our children handicapped by I want of education and opportunity. ',’t. set your life, your family’s i hfe as it may l"- tomorrow, five j years, ten years, twenty-five years j' i bin today. Take IMAGINATION i with you lor the pictures you | paint of yourself, your job, or your busine.-.s arc* pictures of the fu • tun* and to paint them so they will be impressive and forceful, you must first see them. Second AMBITION. At night you and AMBITION sit down and plan out great things. A comfort able home, a business, educated .nd successful children; security, increased corning power, debts all paid, dividend paying invest* neats, happy retirement. Why not nave these things? Old dreams a ■ ..ikon, slumbering fires of desire ; blaze. Don’t start to work ana leave AMBITION at home. You rued it to keep before you the fact that "Time marches on” auU with it passes every opportunity to use it. You need it to remind you that hit: is short, at best; to prod you out of stdf content mat permits you to be satisfied with doing as well or a little bet ter than the man next to you. It drives you cn to mastery. Never have AMBITION at home. Third WttlJs POWKR The ■a—— - George Fleming Writes Home coming at the New Bethel Church proved to he a great sm - ten' on last Sunday. Rev. Olaijdic Hicks, the pastor, preached tbr morning service. The afternoon .service consisted of a sermon by Rev. J M. Burchett and music was furnished by several out-of-town groups. Mr. Hairy Lewis, who is serving Miss Hakorna Lewis of fiaUimoore, Rambling In Chatham C’nty GOLDSTON PITISBOKO SILER CITY I H y LX Vo, Heaiief'ii f. O. tiox f>ii tluldtirUii, Nuitlj <as STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS Q("IT.iiTION. Will stocked; pulp : wood tend to increase the to i *.•>■ i ui Pieties in my stjmdm;; timber.' '■pqflw'Sw ?.r~ The' I amt remaining in the same gen , t-ral area, r.itn standing Umber may afford a breeding place tor bet - i L t:,. biles'. iureets eolii.d Uo cun | siderabit damage to v.,uj .-,:;,ud ; in. c '_ limber. Best bet would t ■ to ; get the stocked pulpwouj out of 1 the tuuber stand. QUH.STIOY. How can 1 ■ f rid ! of a weed in tu;. lav. n i.y.,: has i prickly spines-' i 1 ANSWER What vo speak of is ■ , pi'ooabiy soil',a ■.- iiUs, a weed s | tAicrt bbx>ms early in the spring l and later develops: s; U.os or thurr.- thiit become uiirori: ten to ole to Pare ,it 1 1„ AppUuuior.s of 2. sD at the i talc of three-quarters pound per s | acre during the early blooming j ! state should control tie pest i QUESTION: Hr • can 1 stop birds i , from ea ni s : tny grapesV j ] .-.NSWi’K: There is a-.) known - repeitem. You cat ?!::-oot them, but more will come to take their place l tor me commercial grower. v I w ould like v specially utge . you to try kohlrt ■ s Tne edian i put (ion of kohlrabi is the swo] i stem which forms just above the u around and resemnles a ’i.rnip m t shape and last-.. However, ii i j much tniitier titan tun ip m flavor ■ ; uad of lugher quality, ii srov. t, ra pidly. Another good fail crop is Chin* ci. tar r ■ Fins is not a t. : ca-.bage but rathe: a mustard ai thougll it to: lii u. ead. tile c.i --.u ty "VVijiiu link looms a short compact head while the "Cru si variety forms tail gtendei head v 1 j bey may be used in raw salads : nr may i>t cooktd *. Head lettuce does, u 4 esaaifv - ' lu.a;l up well p, tiie hi!! ..nt ilia'- i, be grown for its It-mes, or the to eulni n ,:f i■:iUtee l.ould kiv'o r s.uud i t sail.- A good variety i.-. the new one "Saiad Bbowl" 9 best us friemi 1 : Ife drivuig fnj a i Hi,:t hold, a man on tin- filing 1% e :,i until 'I .rill do” becomes "1 hUVa t- : done'. To go back in the battle of r life, beaten though you may be, g : until j till win Ti;< meet the adver i, , iti'-s end desolate conditions of : life which at times confront us, a | until through tears we reach the ’ I great disco very that vve too, can ii do j>ertect woi'k. When Fate, the j ■ taskmaster pile:: loads so heavy : upon us that we are forced to - reach tiowa ami tap our latent >; . uwer.p until we ouisclves are a i | me/ed at nr own strength Take I j WILL POWER with you always, e! Fourth SELF CONFIDENCE. J ! Tiie force which guides us tu t!overwhelming success Ait day ■/ : tone you need it, to walk with .■you reminding you of past per i;; formanctii and bi s achievements, j liu bolster your Courage; to stand si beside you when things look dark i land discouragement faces you at ,1 ! every turn; to snap you back after r | being weighed down by heavy - I problems; to give you balance and i i poise that make you ma.-tei of yourself and of the .situation be j fore you. To keep you on the main t ! track, moving steadily toward your i | goal, despite petty irritations and • j mtemiptiolis; to keep you saying 3 | .a yourself, "‘f Can” because "l , j have and others have” l ake SELF i ; CONFIDENCE with you when you - I go to work. t These are four of tiie many • GOOD FRIENDS which are power ; fuj and ready and willing to help . i you on to greatei achievements i and bigger and better success. As > j night you doubtless counsel with i these four powerful friends, IMA tGINATION. ambition, will I ! PCWF.it and SELF CONFIDENCE • I These are some ui the best friends' ii you can ever have, because they i ; are ever willing to help you. Why ■ ; leave them at home when you [■start out tu force the problems of 1 a new day? Wake them up with you and be in good company Next ■ i week Think. vere home during the past week. ! They also attended the Home leaning services at the New Bet j Mr. and Mrs Author Poll, Mr. ; Emanuel Cosiand, Mr. Burrough, ; .Miss Helen Kierby and Rev. 110- ; oseveit Alston and his bride, have j returned from Columbus, Ohio, where they attended the Youth i i Your best Ut4 is to cover the grape j sruor entu’fdv ;tn a fine mesh 1 Hylh.. fc,(.is.| ...ps„ u:|P'i! . U: the I .■■• it tll.'lt B ;; : your worst of tenders, you ma.y • i jnci r-.OBlf O r , ill | snooting several and banging their; -'i l : ->c > Y'ft »,‘i i!*.*.■.»•* LWc libKvOi'. But Uii.i !:• tu.-t utuctive it: ti;e ! Lii >f o i so 1 1 iv Il‘ -> i-uT : mmm 1 lAVm.Ulii - .is, (iruuiger, ol "VIl. a -ui ,uis. <. Etuvt-Gilv tiidi ttfd kom ( i,rU-f •> SchuoA oi liusiiu tj iu W'usiuii:, Jl>. ( tiUf. lu cn lfi ills, school, •hv .ilttTlih'd l ukilu l nivcrssi>. Toledo, Ohio. .Miss licking tx* also is :* of \\ ilUstoju Industnul hig h hool- Falkland Nates KAI.KI . iSI 1 i Impivsnve r; t■ • ■ were said at Tyson Creek Bapt:.s! Church. .1. !.' I*4 me ivii John Oip - I im. Vtiui died t.: f'itt- ivleitioriai tin: pi la 1 July aiU s a ; i ief ili ness. Eider ,Vj I Ip i tninu was (dupe i,t ilk* services assisted by ! Eider y" Baines. I'an.-rs wer, ! I I ad by Ail..: V. v ine.- of Given- j ■die, N. t: Survi Vina DtrpU'U Hits: ii LS j Wife, Mis. Alui-il.i ,S lllggiftS, tWO ! d.supl.tei ~ Mrs !au < l\siW sdiei ieid, A■ Ydr.mrua li:u,.p one oil ivl, i W iiiio i. New ten el T.uiuVUk, N. ; < . hi- .'.eino- Mi Matilda Du- i ;i t n or p.eh Oil Je II .1-ti . ... Mi i-uey iuutter id til t eiivdl.-, N. id ■ Mrs. Carrie WillUuur of Hock : Bjiriur..-;. Mrs i. ■• ;• Auder.-iiri of No. full:. V'a and Mrs Earltyie slams .4 Beivims ins druthers, Mr. Nelson Dupiec of lielvoir. Ivi auhn A. Dupree ; ■. Greenville, N. (.'.. Mr. Ah.-varah ; Dupree of New- j ark. N J and lines .srandriiiidrenU Burial was m finny Hili Church j cemetery in Belvoir. N. C; Hemby funeral directois m Founlaut M. C in charge of tin- services A wssuer roast . ..... given at the home of Mbits Axillie R. tJeiubry F; iday m, at July 2J. Guest wees from Fountain, f'artnville and G i ceii vi 11 e, ( 1- earn red ..; s ; s., in t-.ie affair were Miss iUois Gor ham, -Mr. Jes.ir Kinitn and Mr. Moses Foreman. Those who attended services In Fountain N. C Sunday included Mrs. A Slanci), Mrs. S, i' Han dolph, Mi: I'. Graham, iVlisr Mar ne Male, Mis i- Jp> Pel alld. A J Aiu.'e and Mrs. Hi:belle Drake. I'.tbsCS IN OHIO ( T.EVKI .AND, Giuo Mrs. Cat - rie Bright Cane, wife of Walter hums passed are Tuesdays ba - nisraj service; were hud Saturday in Cievi hind. Tile deceased is a sister of Mr. Annie H Galiowav, 1)12 North 10th Sli eel, N. C KAl.l li.il COt I'M VISITS IN BOSTON RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. Roose velt Body of Maple Street are visiting their .son in Boston, Mass. MATTI C E R And Meat Market Fresh Meats and Country Produce of All Kind FREE .DELIVERY 800 Devorcanx Street Goldsboro, N. C. Phone 4190 > Mrs. ft. A. Manly, Prop. Formerly with Holm’:. Grocery ua.q»<nTin of*in«a. >».»iia..»a»a«« | “‘ , < * c * ****”••*•-—' “allaiT MIMS, INC. « FORD SALES AND SERVICE 225 TARBORO ST. I tiephanea "~*- 2-21 SI Pi I TSBO'RO- J S. Waters, Sift' pci tntfudent of Chathton Comity : .sehooi no:ntts..! art ::ed veGr. t.hat ,na t,v pat out.-- us chrlareti entering sehOi.it Is r t fust tin;* titis Sep tember nave not as. yet complied * v-sith ftie iaie h;.v winch requires : imnini'P,. a! we. agtUfe.i Cllptiier,«, ; ..vi'nopiug. voLipi, and ima- I pox, ; fie airt, poirif i-o uut that chiid ran who will " _r " nave reached N chool exaini*-i;j lions and iminu jl U —ol'/[)[ 1 He vavn s d parents fdo - .\bsolut : '■ v no exci titv.in vvou,ld or made in i ' : ate i i pilapon SeilePl priSt ! ‘••ij.i.iis will be directed to refuse I (>Gtriitti.i;ci‘ tu all studouts whe -have ■ot complied witi i.oese reguia : tioua Kxa'iiipalion .u d lUimurtiza • ii.'.p 'Pas 1 - :ie cither by the ; faniiiy. -iei-m o> the county i soUii depp: tmenl. Ew t-; icnvenienee ■:•£ parents ' . f- ■ file service? of the jopts'et hc-dth d>-; nrfp.erd clinics : :, .n- r-u "iU'pp and immttnization ' : jus- cl: ; Child: ett will be held T c" u; 'iK.-hov,:; from ! ’of; ■■ 4.0; p m . <0 Siler City e ; a ■ ’ L ;a. P (a. -S:GO p'. m. ! •" .0a a. .■ • . ; a 13 only 1 • i ‘ : i . and m iu ssi i'i: vi: a.■ 19 ■ vvednes !p - ’'.a a.rd sieudayi onty ' • C'i' BUI? In 4a‘O j>. in ’u:i i : t. • 11 e: 11 - i th parUrtent •••-•.•: • . " ili! be in the chuai. if;itall, 1 a;. ■ n *:■- \v:a- ‘<raler to -’pive thei: ' ■:: t-oti nnnnnuzations : f . "UP ■ i that a copy of the -xaai pia l hi : record is pea-wary ■ap • : i : a! :: cap be v.Oiliple ■J p] a nil ) fit Its! •V" dug i.i v. and daugh ■ r. a h... •'••tu-nsd hotru : ‘ ■ cap ", a,.-.' vork. Mr and Mr: - Widefar and Mrs i i a: Piaesioii nave re - ••! ai: : a tew day- vi - Tu - V\ a. pin !'...:j 1 1 r Mr:. Gy 9 ; i . ■ ; ha- C(v i:- makinti ■ p- I-a --m ■ lime uah her • ■ "ii >iid . ■ ■ Hits -- n-1 c., Mr. and an i . Ala. p: a a- l:, Wav j i.in’lfoi:. I j Tim l iliac; Cop! ■i s lllilt of the | Nor: h ' :ao : arip ihu eau had jar an.. 11 i!.. led ilia oil Thui’S ! .1 ■ i T ! i.raiv Coomaraswanay : o: Ce sjoii sell. is. Chairman of the i Uais:. i v i.ioittf (• anci Presi | dent • iait i t Hit* A-oPii'-iatea Coun i: ■ v. a.) :P. World. As guest i oc ti • Lad, Cs-'omarnswair.y, : ho is. -id in her native cos ! U’ine, ipaol the In-tors of her I"-." ; .i i!.-|..i idem Ceylon back 200- Vi a, Sim llisc ; .-Cli ill detail Mm occuiauiotir ami customs of her !'cO|ii( Fie I'h'pa':- which look jdace and : British rule, and the in-csi-nt tu ml of Ceylon to reestab lish anaoiii customs and tiriditions. This Ceylonese visitor touring tlte United .steles this rummer uil iis Hit lr.timidiPiiii! Visitors Pro (a rt ehic'i is h-eiiig sponsored by the As-ocpiteii Women of the A* i.i;, :p; F:i i ih Bnrcuu Federation pert of thela pro''ram to pro mp!.. e. ipp world understanding of ; fin .0 pi bp" ■.,s. She i.ri ivfid in the State on July 22, for ,i six-day vi sit a.- vue.'-l of the Ninth Carolina j Film: Fan",u: Vi"anien. During the ; :sp. 1 ipiriiiit. in- has been the guest j"I Farm Bureau Oiganiyatinns tn 1 Illinois, Virginia. lowa, Nebraska i , :id Oiclfthnubi. jv^j7 , <n.-d- all .;f y,,ur old orange col ei i d r rtn.s.tr vein like relies iron: ancient days simply because . this Oi-nnee he: the new arid imisi i.nl mime ot amaryllis. Now il you testily want to know ■ | a. ria: yon will be wearing comes , | Ad! ihen vvati'li these columns, i F;i-hioii is a peculiar business, Wo , | men know ' that clothes can't be so (lift* rent from year to year, 1 tr.it each season they become im | patient waiting, to find out how I U ft M tv% Sfai* SplsSft | I I I AusfitW'fichols i 8 feCoW Jte a p -fOak 13* PAGE 13

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