PAGE 14 Highlights in Pictures Baby ttuiitfvo !*- ■ So Easy to Sew! Mo/,, £, Lovely Now York model, Adrienne Gf-nctt, whom y-.u’vo seen on TV shows and favoi ke fashion magamni's. m ,k*-.; her own clothes and loti, of pretty things fr.r /.-■/ h ■ tKeith, one )•»•<:• old, a very good boy. tr.< •• u be helpful v. h. say which is prouder, Adrienne of b<. •. do. able liltie son, <-i Keith of hu pretty young mother' Photo;; i-uihy is tie- new*-i field e<>ti.|uen-d l.y iemimn.' to le. whi( h (Itntunor. finmi m lip i t<_■ I'. :■. ■: - ti\ \i. d. .sliii ,isi( ito use than «vi beloie Mi: - \Kii_,, Zi.pi . < p.< I . . ■• it ihe the IICWI • i i • . ' : U -si - ■■ 1 ! i \ A-4—weighs no * d'tati a !'< ■ein■n. •nh i; ■•.lli. ion -,i <'mi pa-i, lighter, i’igai "ii. . t anh h •'*> outsiioti and wmi A •s/.fiihf. che« K, which **U\ tUihs d Ok el o.', \s irteit Huh (right!. (Ncwspresa I'Jitilu.) Beating the Heat - Via the Waterways - E* - Bi No hot, dusty roads or crowded highways for this group! They’re heating summertime heat with th.-h do Hl’ Mercury outboard eahiii cruiser, and avoiding trathe problem:: by traveling ono of AmericaV. many cool .uul - -enic watei ways. Lightweight outboard cruisers are easily transported and launchers. **’ , Kids Tluml; Air Force ■y*M' jiKL!: I p -,*• , ! I . r:l MEW YORK—General Ib vt . Vaiuienhon;. Chief «.f Staff U S. Ail h ■>(•<•.•, adds to 111. i r r>.:. •!,. . «|.|| :|yn Mil', , u|| l.w kc-om illl:, Texas pre- • nis the thunks of tin- nation's children for opening 183 !' X .aij I’lil'i'i' bases U~’ y/iilng ~im nn N.ilnninl Kids’ Ikiy, Sept. Ovei fdiO.imn boy: .rod yiris -i»•*»’.oxpi-rted t<> are. j-t Iht ui'dtaiinn Hi «■ .v-/v . ■>T jbt. v ■ ' -a * T RED CROSS CONVENTION DINNER—Left U» rijrnt: Mms Alice Damela, idunbar High School. Washington, D. C.. mistress ot ccremontcfi; Dr. Goetz Lehr, director, German Junior Red Cross, visiting speaker; and Mrs. Hanna Kiep, Women’s Affair* becretory, German Htglomatrc jßistlou, Qt H > trk#,* * • THE CAROIiTNIA?} HEAD OF THE LIST—A survey of members of Grange groups, l&i/or unions, -Junior Chambers of Commerce and college students in Colorado recently adjudged Dr. Ralph Bunchc the ‘best iuan in Anierioa to deilise democracy, Bunche beaded ’President Eisen. fiuwer .i/ul Gen, Douglas yiacArthur. The current issue of Fubllo Opinion Quarterly carries the results at the survey. Lucky Luci>'-t>o, Henry WuMiue apd John L. Lewis were listed as “least Qualldeii'* > deline donoeruey. iN’awspress Fhoto.) PUBLISHERS HOLD SESSIONS IN BALTIMORE Baltimore Publishers of Negro newspapers in the Untsd States, last week held discussion clinics here at Morten College. Here they enjoy a brief social interU do as guests at the home of Howard Murphy of At' ... American and Calvert Distillers Corporation. <• Voted “Elk Os Distinction" For “Outstanding Service" VV VV West (left), insururct . agent of HaVtford, Conn., and past j Exalted Ruler of the Elks Giand ; Lodge, was elected “Eik of Pis-j tinctiou” at the recent tn state : convention of the New England ; IBPOE recently in Hartford, ) Conn, He is shown" being congratu lated by Mayoi Cycle Coiemun of ! Hartford while Dr Cartel L. Mac- ! shall, Trt-Sute president of The 1 Our Goat: A Carolinian In Every Home \ New Englamf IBPOE itohis the j scroll awarded to Mr West, Sid- 1 ney Krivan, New England Sales ! Mar.ngei' Ini Calvort Distillers • Corporaiort, looks on. By coincidthice, Mi West’s int- j tiais are the same as VV W • Wachtel’g, president, of Calvert, j and holder of the George Wash, j inglon Carwr award for brother- I htiijil- WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1958 iCMON IN ~~ THE WATER’S FINE! | I dStSC Swimsuits by: Cutslin* VOUNG OR OLD— here’s one cool remedy that's mighty appealing' » when temperature.-- soar. This smart mother and daughter team up in matching denim suits, shirred with Filatex elastic yarn for the peg*, tect fit and titiw control that even little girls adore. -~*4 The award given Mr. West War. signed by Mr Wsehtel. and for “oiitstiHmiinft’ service, for leader ship in Elk affairs, unselfish char itable service and because he is a modit to his race and to American free enterprise” The presentation was made at the Mount Olive Baptist Church in Hartford Mr West’s election came un • u ballet at ’..tie conventiou. trs buste* time ' ' " ' ■ , ' With its round of tennis, golf, beach jaunts and dancing in the evening, vacation time is often blister time. It, is easy to forget that winter-softened hands and feet need a chance to harden up to the strenuous demands made upon them. Try to give them their chance, but if you do acquire a blister don’t puncture it or let it be rubbed raw. Protect 'it from further • rubbing and keep dirt out by covering it with one of the skin-like Band-Aid Plastic Snip bandages either piain or m< reuroehronie pad. The plastic strip won’t be notice able, for it is skillfully flesh toned and textured, ft won’t loosen or come off when you wash or bathe, but it will wash clean, without get ting soggy, for the plastic rant soak up wat-r. , j — flea, ' ■— : J a Jl Hair in 50 Minutes with KQNGBLENE The Original Hair straighfc«rn«r v You can get a waterproof job and your hair will stay straight for 20 days or more. For straightening shorter strands (up to *t inches) ask for Kotigolene at any drug store. Use only as label direers. Still leading after 40 consecu tive years. j IMffiO Vffl i 1 W'tSFmZ&t s TO STRAICHTCH THi HAIR | If your druggist cannot supply / you, write i KONGO CHEMICAL CO., sot. f i tm wist mth smifs J g||g new yo&& .city gigl