I What They Do ‘round There A POP' LAK SONG SEEKS TO •determine ‘‘What <The.v Do When They C > ‘Round 'There The Caro linian wished to ascertain what occurred to people vvi 1 > ‘‘stayed ‘round there" in Washington, N. C J. !’>. Uarren’s story which begin.; on this page c.ear-i up' ome of tire questions wlm*.; the t ai'oiiUUUi ivuiiepb iiave asked, VOL, \j[ 1 KILLED, 12 HURT IN CHURCH BUS CRASH NOW THE SMILING £4CfiSL_ * r% ■ JHpIJH| SnmSt / •* ! Hpk®Ss@3f " MM§. ; 0. ; s^— . " . Washington Terrace m |BS®B&, Residents Will Hoid f § I tiidav Nt«f!ii Med SI f Jl J RALEIGH—A meeting dur- v $ jUmk- JHI J| mg which the tenant;- in the &. ,f 'oam mm <£■ Washington Terence apart- Kg|L, . mSm: JawE. {f| merit? here prooose to orga- |' ' ' "* ™ nize a Community Council is slated for this weekend. Washington Terrace Residents Will Hold Fridav Night Meet RALEIGH—-A meeting dur ing which the tenant;- in the Washington Terrace apart ments here prooose to orga nist a Community Council is slated for this weekend. The meeting will be held at Marti n Street Baptist Church, Martin at S. State Streets, at 8 p. m. Friday evening, August 2l»t, AH residents of Washing ton retrace are asked to be in attendance at this meet ing. School Issues In Limelight As South Eyes The Future 1 hird S. C. County Files Suit On Discrimination FLORENCE, S C —Florence last week became the third South Car- I Mina county in which public school si-crelation has been chal lenged. Thirty-five Negro parents ■ have signed a petition seeking; ad mission ui their children to the UHliity :i White Cl hi mis. [he nmv famous Clarendon i oufi t.v case is pending before the U. S Supreme Court, and several weeks a m tin* National Assocratioii for : the Advsiiimi!lent of Colored 1-Vo jde -aid an identical su it would be j filed tie air is t Deautixri County tiimol officials In a meeting here .Sunday the ; :.b Negro parents signed a petition 1 h be presented to Florence School District Number 1, The petition,; similar to the Clarendon County | ease and the Beaufort pi-ut ton, inks admusiori of Negro children ! Iti K'oronce Comity white school:; on Hu- ground.-, that the county's Negro Schools lleVcl call he equ.il to whit* schools. Trial Os Cop Who Shot Handless Man Is Postponed; Charges Brought Vs. Victim (EDITORS NOTE: CAROLIN IAN correspondent J. It. IPfrn was given an ail-inclusive as nig nine nt to go into Washington, N< . and see exactly "what gnes" as related to the ease of j the shooting oi a feundiess Ne- | gro man by a price officer of that town The following Is Air. Harrell's report). MV J. Si. HARKEN 'WASHINGTON, NC It was | learned here last week that the; scheduled trial of a local white 1 polii e officer for the alleged bru ta! shooting of a handles* Negro man has been po.-.poned here un til August 28. It was also learned locally that j authorities have served a warrant J SIX IKEN PAG Ks N rfif, it's not at tin- lieueb These avli di tlve mennaiila poised mi the stariiiiK edge ot tile handsome, regulation (»oui lit Hu- .%. and l' tiollege gymna sium, auii e>e the filiisli line >ai de uu ay. »eg inning >i ith the full quarter iivtmniing insirwe lloil v. it! be m ailable to at! MU State NAACP President Jauies j Minion say:: that a committee had ! j previously met with the board of i I s Vcslees and aid coiiiiTCurni.'aUd j ; with the finance eorniviissiun in I | Columbia, asking lor equal facili- i | ties. Hinton a survey vailed ! | tor a new high .school for iii-p oc.i ; out Florence trustee- decided m renovate Wilson Hq.ii school aL the COM of SIOO,OOO : Hmytun say the Negro parent::; j decided araiost "acCt-ptim.; this m-: ! adequate plan" and requested the j 1 Smith Carolina cordeft-nce u* NA- ; i ACP to back bn-m in a siijr Jinn ; ; ton says the petition to .school 1 trustees wd! be filed with Elina nro ; sehui.il official* immediately. W. C Poston, Florence County | I suiierintcndent of education, said: ; that a proposal to renovate Wilson j ’ School at the cos! oi SIOO,OOO was { I correct, but Jivul. in the ;rime pro- ! ; posal ww. included a new M'lii sji i building tu be n'ed eithei afi a {( imliiitii'il mi Page S; - upon the I landless victim William . i Oscar eh any decnindinf.; that lire ! ij'p< m for trial ahmed unm diat j ly. Friends iv -re sticct.ssfui in * .’citing his trial pu-tponed until • } the 58th because in. iGriniy) was . | ion weak to t. tuy. havin'* *i : ter released from the -hospital ! ii is said ' TAYLOR ANO MITCHELL TO RESCUE Locally, it is felt that the officer. > i U'tiai-. '.s Mi I,ter) who aIU vedly ! shot Cindy in tin- back after beat ing his head with a black jack j until Grady exclaimed, I'd riithei ; be dead than beat up like this", j j nek; m. ver bt.u indicted but! j tor tie? : ere ices of Attorney Her- | J man I. Taylor and hr? partner, i The Carolinian loc V-f rr? 10 c Jp Q •SWWWi Wsl^ l * un l lTWSOAr rrm-' -vai®v*ohi,x , *»> ■nn ;ian si3^ ~RAL.EIOH, NORTH CAROL]XA j Spurned Lover Says He ’ll Kill Her-Does j ** •**. WSSk vm*T'T : >r> , ,Mgpf f jßp f -\ ’ ■,, ■•'lpfSL' '‘jm‘ WSr VJ? lyjgßg W- m afWdl* kTms 1® pc y -yjg » «Bs *j£--: .^ajW lair '^eSS»m| • w, \ it SSbwSX'' ,; » ' : : anfe. : S-' -a '®K ! ' '■ SI * | ,sfj. '»K;. lien is at the college, the he.iu tie;? liny are from iett to right. Hisses Barbara Huggins, |>oVer. Ni . Kilby swinson, ijoldslHirn, M , fciltbM ot th Kirby, \Vi,soii, NC; Uiaueh Caiu|ibeli. t iiartes ton, S. <.. and If Shirley Tai lor, l-ri-enioiitoii, N( All are seniors with the exception «l Aliss Kirby. GEOROIA PLAN TO BEAT COURT I IS RE-STATEO ATLANTA Governor Herman Taltriadge -aid Monday that Geor gia cun iransfei public .schools n private operation in few days 1 it the Ij, S. Supreme Court fan-: classroom segregation. TiilimMigc, in a press confer ence statetocut said state sub .--iiti| atiiili of private sellouts ini both white anil Negro chil dren would be tin? only way to prevent "strife and blood shed" if segregation is banned, flow a "bunch of men could force sue i beliefs on us is beyond my com prehension’', he said. Abo lition of unmixed classes, he added would make trie nation "one step closer to the policies ol the Kieitl lin " Ho voeer. the : overnor said, ill (Cnnthiued on t>i Mitchell ot Raleigh, Who were ;se iui i:d by elTibiltered citizens SIMILAR INCIDENTS BEFORE Such conduct upon the part of local officers is not strange ac cording to . • liable sources here. Recently u colored boy. the son ol a. injnLfer of mode.-.t “ i..cans, who took aii active part iii the delensi of 1 afa.ydte Miller who vas executed last spring) was al legedly beaten in jail after being sentenced in court before the court could adjourn. Ills cries were h« arri on the street, it is said. When called to the attention of the court, an investigation was made. There ir -orne doubt as to what it anything, was done about (CcaUoticd an Page c) ™' ' £A<re Wjjm Man Found Unconscious Dies \V INSTON-SAI.KM Samuel Martin, 22 oi 34u Pittsburgh Ave nue, din.i in Kh?,v Bitting Bev noh;:» at 12,t0 a. m Mun hay .solnr 14 hoiu alter I*# «va* found luii’wps ivkus m Lis roo/u. H.o niotheV Mi:. Mattie Sim rr.oil' ,i 11 r cioiUt-ij, aii suiophy 3B»i a orehn unary report kuciicated that tJ*e vdun.£ in an »4»f .a oi a fa-ram ‘■ifefi •jri na ,e «-• iicv.>? v e *. -1 c ’»a.t; .- -’ Ait i (. li.t L f. . f it ! t. 1 ' A • 1>• U * 1 *t W 3 IT 1 Recently * Returned Vet Drowns COLUMBIA. S. C. Uyless Mc-- Cler.. 21-yoar-oid risidtint oi‘ Co iuriibia, Route 2. wus .'ieCiUeiitHils drowned while s\v iiivmns ;u k pond atoout on otnile east oi Co. lumbiu about ti a. in. Saturday. McCLes aioi.p with two oi in* cousins, Luthur and Antltioiiy M»- Cite.-: stoppeU to im m a pun," 4 .-:i. .-. distance lrous Columbia High Point Man Road Victim MiCH i-OiSr -- A tic a KaiiHA 31, ot High Point, was seriously injured about 12:55 a. m. Mond&v when the car he was driving crasF ed into a parked truck in the 40? biocK of Meredith Street. Man Is Charge With Assault i HIGH POINT A 30->ear-old ; High Point man was bound ovei !to .Superior (‘oiirt here i'ue.-rfay :tt i Muuieijial Court \,n i.oar er. ol as ! “nulling a local woman with intent ; to comtrpi rape Lomue Burke, of 3(18 Vais Street r. 'j ■ put under $2,000 bemd Lt> - - - --- - - f New Ciroup To Give Twin City Fair WINSTON-SAUEM - The Caro- , i Una Colored Fair Jtna. oi Winston-Salem was issued * j certificpiioa of incorporation by die oftice of Secretary of Sun n.aii Hu;e, m Raleigh Monday it \\ U:. funned a - . a non-Ste^ I iOi po: ai hill "hj encourage ai.u uroiuiitn acrii iituire by ... n , ?'?:,! I W l:i.:.c and Mr; Ada | B i'v.vi ivir i ~ iii serve a.-; president: ■if till- tvW J .UCiURon, he ; epOi : I . d. Other officers will be Cepluju; ; j Grier, vice-president; Mr, Burns. I -ecretarv; Leander Hill, treasurer; j IE. C. Hill, general manager, and j ! K. C Erwin, assistant general man COLLEGE HEAD GOES ABROAD ! BENNETT COLLEGE .PREXY, ! WIFE GO ABROAD - Dr. I»i --i vid D, Jones, president of Ben nett Goilege, Greenslxiro, N. L. i and Mrs. Julies .sailed recently \ fur Europe on Hie liner tlnited i States. They will visit several ! European countries on their tirtir, hw-iwdiug t.RruiJny, where I signs of bodily harm and shat 1 , death could have resulted from aw , | injury received two years ago. i A more complete medical <'*-; i o: i is expected to be made some j '.line this vVcek. '.“Jilei* said r.u ; SininiOt».s said that site was! j unaware that her »on had received j j an injury that cotud mve cau.sod : :.hc ricn;,jl... :..f and officers raid ; ; i hat there ~ a iW ..itdiiattori of | a>ul clsv He had returned home after f.vo | : or three weeks ac,o, having re- ! ; '.t ived fits discharge from the Ai- ; 1 my after two years service in the j Army, during which time he was j at various bases in the Pacific I | and also in Korea. He -.as tile son of Ocorpt- Tlmixv- > a; and Lassie MeCtcvs of Colum- : ! Hia. Route 2 | haiuey ws riven tnatmeut at a hospital here was then taken to Kate Hitting Reynolds Memorial Hospital at Winston-Salem. He re ceived a head injury, broken am l [ and cuts about tin face. Judge Archie My ait > Burke pleaded innocent to the j | chanie brought by xi.-rs i.oueiia. V\'3ikc i. At the hr a rink. Burke wac ae- , i-ured of try ng' to force her to sub- ! nut t'-' his advances in -> rooming! .'ioum:- on Heflin Street Sunday, j atjer. Plans have already been mad? j 10 stage a fair at the Wlnston-Sa- j Jem Fairgrounds Oct 27-31 under ■ auspices of the new a .soeiation, • Mi Cast! said Mi-atm inle, an off in at of th« : Western Carolina Pair Association, | which sponsored me NetnOj Jr.it-. here lot the pa-1 .-.everai j .year -.eni that ei'iofp V, di lu'.ike no iltv.it to -nage ail exvrl tjLiu this year The tn jani,...!:ofi now 1~ Ued tip in two Superior Court actions, with no indication as to when they will be tried, according to W. Ave ty Jones, secretary of that ussoci* (Continued on Page Si | their son, Frank .tones, a U. S. I Army officer is stationed with j the occupation forces in Obe ratmnergau. Bennett Cohere is | j one of the 31 colleges md uni- j ! verst ties associated in the United t I .Negro College Fund. Or, Jones j is a member of the Executive 1 ! Committee of tire Fund's Board ; I of Dkmors. WEEK ENDING SATL'RDAY, AU( i IST 22, I Dw : j BRIDE AND GROOM 22 AND 111 ■ lV; ?• ,2 .* ig =||j Alexander sAlex) Ogman, who claims to be 111 years ol age, poses proudly, here vvitli his most recent wife whose age is listed as 22. Osman, oho lives near New Bern. NC, garnered a great dt-ai of publicity receiulj when he took the yotang girl 32 !r Bus Crashing Into j i Creek Near Goldsboro i GOLDSBORO- But for the garce | of God, 33 persons returning front | a church picnic-outing would have lost their lives when the ! bus in which they were riding * plunged into creek neai here last j Monday night. * A. it was, uiu* woman war killed j aiOCi rVtiji ilOZ'. it pc-rSuCI-. iii i , *...*i’ori when the vehicle »n v.invh ! rue- happy, but tired eioup . f I piemen .= were returning horn;- j crashed through brid.n .u.c. mi the crf-i: k iv.'Ollen by a tt-ci.nl rains ail MNNIiU IN: DROWNS State Highway Patrolman inves tigating ti*e accident said that the victim was Mrs. Mabel Coun Promises Hell Kill Her At First Chance - - Does ('.’HADBOUR.Jp: Investigation into the stabbing death of a wo man here this week gave indica tion that a man, who was once the woman'.-; lover, had been .spurned and had carried out his promise to "kill the woman when opportunity presented nseli Accoi'din - to smm - -; which could I be gathered here, James Edward | Stanley, 31, was hie boy-friend iof one Miss Lula Purdie until j recently when Miss Purdit al | legedjy told Stanley that .-die ; "couldn’t use tilin’’ anymore, and ! proceeded to "put him down." In that conversation, if is | alleged, Stanley told Miss I'ur dfe trothrtghtly, that he ‘‘was gonna kill" her us ‘‘soon as ! 1 get a chance. " j That chance evidently came last | .Sunday afternoon as Stanley and w ' ” ™“ McDowell County School Board Denies Basis For Suit By 50 Negro Parents MARION Fifty Negro parents, alleging discrimination against • Negro school students in McDowell County have filed .-.nits which will be contested by the County Board of Education * .according to E. K Dameron of Marion, a member of j the school board. j Dameron denied ttie diacrimina j t lor: charge, pointing out that the j school board provided a modern j consolidated school for Negro chit i area in Marion. j The suit was filed last Monday j ’\n U. S. District Court in Ashe-1 In Ihe Process Os Moving Now THE CAROLINIAN IS NOW IN the process of moving into its NEWLY - CONSTRUCTED PLAN'I' building at 518 EL Martin Street, Raleigh. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the multiple services offered by North Carolina’s Leading Weekly are asked to wa te h th.s newspaper for announce inert of now telephone numbers, etc. as his "fifth or sixth" bride. : This exclusive CAROLINIAN i photo was made while the aged j man and his bride were still in tlie -honeymoon” singe lasi i week. -- CAROUNLAN PHOTO j BV J. ft. liAIUU'N. i s. Users, a .60 year-old. local resident, j G She reportedly lost her life when 1 she was unable to climb out of the bus which overturned whet! it > crashed into the creek. i Mi - Countuers was said to have | been sealed on the right nand side ] ; of ire bus and was pinned msufe j | and drew ned. ! \ 1 ■)r injured persons, none of i whom were very seriously hurl, • : were taken to the Wayne Memori al Hospital r'or treatment, i 1.: vc--atoi -. -iy shot Iho bus, tent iug ihv group which had i been vn a picnic to Topsail Island • I sponsored by the local Apostolic, • Holiness Church, evidently failed -1 (Continued on Page 8) Miss Purdic strolled along a street ; in the ii.i al colored comm unity. Stanley reportedly switched out i a knife and began stabbing Miss Purdic. Two knife thrusts caught j the woman in the throat, sever : in/ me juguiar vein; two more | thrust she tried to fend off, cal oh \me the stab wounds about the ,cft arm. Other knife wounds were found on the thigh and about the chest, with the woman's heart be j lug pierced. Following the stabbing, Stanley | took to his heel-,, and in some 1 way refuted tmijsportution to ! nearby Tabor City where -he was j arrested just an hour and a half : utter tlie assault. HAH TROUBLE BEFORE Stanley admitted the killing to Police Chief Garland Nobles (Continued on Page if f , vilk- seeking a permanent irijunc- j j non to "restrain the McDowell I < ounty School Board from di«- j eliminating against Negro chil-1 dren, * This action is the first of its i kind 4o be recorded in the j Western District of North Caro lina where the Negro population ;- much smaller than the white population. Facilities for Negro senool chil dren in the county have been pro ; vided by the school board upon ! the recommendation of the State 1 Jn UIUBExI 36 Sally League Votes Negro Man Its MVP Noted Soul hern \ amp Selects first-Year Player for Honor I JACK-BO NVILLE, F:a (Special) I Tin high*.:; l , honors ever ac ; corded a Negro athlete in the | Soutt: went Monday to 19-year* i old Henry Aaron woo wk voted ! the most valuable player in the I South Atlantic (Sally) League. I Aaron, .363-hitti.ng second basv- Lman who can ylay the outfield, j bt ioil.es tt.f the- .Milwaukee Hess eS j and is , xpecn-d to report to the | major league club m mid-Sc-ptejn i nr when tne tirea e as»-».r, ' end" : I Satiy 1 3r'■ r t'l rI, Ah’ Or But j ler at Columbia, S. C hailed A | aron's selection as most vatu | able” as meaning that the color | barrier has been broken, there’s i no doubt about that”, in Southern j baseball. j Live Negroes have played in the | Class A. Sally League during 1953, ; the first time members of the I race have been admitted to the i league that includes such Pec p • South towns as Charleston £ and Augusta, Georgia. During the year Augusta fans throw rocks at Horace Garner. (Continued on Page a) Race Boxer !Is Bantam I Champion ! BROOKLYN. N Y The Ne- I gro race has produced a new ocx na ciiampion. He is Billy (Swecfpe.i) Pen cock, vho annexed the bantamweight championship by winning, a split decision over former North A ttierican champion Henry c-Pappy» Gault at tastei'n Parkway ta-te Monday night. The new bantam champ is a na tive of Los Angeles, California. In winning the title, he built up an early lead in points by taking the offensive in the fight Horn the start. He battered tfjr;- Spartaxvburg, SC defending titlist iii over the ring during the early rounds of the fight ta 12-rottridax) before Gault found the range and tried gameiy for a comeback i.n what was his fith defense of the title. There were no knockdowns ;d thou.'h Gault : lipped momentarily m the third rouisd Referee Pt-tey Sc..ho scored the fight for Peacock 7-4-1 wnu judge Art AiriaUi also found for Pacock 7-5 Judge Charley Shortell's ballot was for Gault 6-5-1 The Associated Press, card had Peacock on top 6-5-1. A crowd estimated at 1.200 pay ing about $1,500, iiitvv the contest beamed by television < Dumont) to some sections of the county Gault had been a 3-2 favorite. Jimmy Carruthers of Australia is •he world’s bantamweight title holder. The National Boxiii-' As sociation set up the North Anieri ran championship to stimulate in of the -busiest classes. Gault won the crown from Fernand Gagon terrst in the division, once one at Quebec, October 27, 1952. Board of Education Dameron add ed. Marion’s nc-w consolidated school provides "equal if not superior" lacilities and is "the best equip ped and best school plant in Mc- Dowell County", Dameron said. According to the suit, the lack of a school in Old Fort forced the Negro children to travel the 30- mile round-trip to Marion, while the white students have adequate schools in mere walking distance oi their homes. i

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