PAGE FOUR 1 ♦ llsll r \ rgPmfrffil I ■{ '* * wiMm!}- 0 ss,„ r i tf^p¥*TT« I Vgtwf'JiA WEI)- IN VVARKENTON Air win Third Class and Mrs. James Arthur Williams were married last week in a double ring cere ■tunny. Shown here during the HENDERSON NEWS -y I’ilOXK 107!) 1 , HENDERSON Mi and Mi:, /H< i.v Mi'Criy of Philadelphia Pa mi Mrs. Mozelle Pollard of Rich -1 niord, Va. spent the past week with their family, the McCrays or I s .tinier Avenue. • Mrs. Julia Williams has returned her home on Roekspruu: Street after benn.; a patient in Jubilee I Hospital. Friends at Mr? snut-.i are sorry • to It ear that she is ill and wish for her a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs. Peter Calhoun. Sr. and their children. Peter, Jr and • "Mae have returned to Philadelphia . ' after spending a week with Mrs, ' CaKvmn parents. Mr. and Mrs -Ira Walker. LUST RITES M MR. BYERS ARE AT ROCKY MOUNT ROCKY MOUNT— Funeral riles were said here August 12th Lw. ■iMt. Zion Baptist Chuivh (or !’.•••:- jam in Foster Byers, 7 t-v ear-old re tired insur *n«« man m.d • n a native >i Unitu ,S. U . r.ut rill Hi !o! has if.’ ji the Tai-heo! Suiti iu< s %nd worked as a ) a 1 < i iu-.n at ‘A> hcville in his y.-ai.r- i :•••.! sons the Wwsmn 1 ate la -t. • ao 'e Company at Winston, Or• - " v, ?Jc and here, w'u we lie retire-! ; evi-ral wars a alt- r pcrmin-.r-pJ 7v p sfiibli Ting i-■ ■:Ui-■ -n <■ he! - Byers directed choirs, aherr-at.e 3;., ai Mi Zion and St. James • Papina mm ‘.'las hero until but* 15 -health iowo.-i him t-■ iriniaiusu them. Is yoflr fire Insurance adequate f>n your home? Bin it bought to cover vntsr hemp ten years nr<* or five years ago v. hen the vta'.je was half whit it i« now? Th. value of your home t* worth yu.rterintß. fimiie losurance Agency give yon ft«H peofeeilon on your borne m! furnishing. . * CALL 3-35G3 BEFORE YOU SUFFER ON NKCKSSARY FIBE I-OSS. CAVENESS ASSURANCE AGENCY Academy Building; DIAL 3-3563 Roy Caveness, Sr. Roy Caveness, Jr. Better Buys Here! 1 -dC- ( Uo STATE ] i CAP- ST J p^v"| _ ST. k I M_ _ | '1 «<*;» S | i ' i r*ilUSr i Js/: bO£/7W j i | - frr ~SIRW ALTER CHEVROLET i, McDowell & Lenosr st*» RALEIGH ••eight m tile reception ate Miss Edith i’urhin -maid >if honor). the bride and groom, and .Vxr. 1.--or.ard Martin Test mam ~- M. 111-own. ' • ’! • ,','i - .. ,-. i. Wt ■t ■ 'f; '■ " " . ' : .i,: -1 i Os -A ''' ICI '■-'•.i.-. .... ; . . .i.i-i-i-.- i i. Hv. - a iincu-.i! f h Won enton hi- b : cVkiii!. and Walter Byers, prm ".-,-i! ot . 1 1 ig 1 1 seiuH.-i it. Cb-»- iotle. 1 i(« It \V Un.-terveond d hvi-rod the e.:!-'. : D: I. !’• 1‘ *'• -ir lead the scripture and \V. T 1 POLICE CHIEF WARNS AGAINST FLIM-FLAMMERS ov: IMT NO TON - V.V '-ington’s chief of police. J. ,r. Padrick, sOxA thjs week that fiim-flamtriers are in operation in V.Mt-.ington, and he urged the public to -■<.• on the. guard against ! tin* simooth-f,'perathrs who fleece - sums from unsuspecting vio- Tuvine within the fast week, two NY ;-i have Vyen tricked >f their raviisu? M.-re than SBOO .las been . t e; ihi.. n mnc". the chief add (d Aceorditi-i to the chief, here’s: t>:. way the slim-slam works; The flint-flamoit-rs usually ap ■: primch a victim who i- : carryim: c iargi lain; of money and relate a • ale a" ■ lavetc "ti-iin-'i ' a pocket-j both; or wallet v. ;th several hun dred dollars in d The victim is then told that if he will arid bis savings to the amount the others have n.-oortedlv found - they will “split the pot'' .th In' » When the victim turns over his .-ash to ; . -eidcii to the sum held v t ■" they quickly van eh leaving 'he victim minus If -.on are approached in such . .! !.: *:!:■-• . SlOtc'f Weal J'OU Sl'OllUi o-s; p.i> '.vary -d persons c'aimiiu! t 1 ■ o .• ftii'nd sums of money <>r val uables and offering to split the; luni if the police are not notified Contact the police at once Many North Carolina heekeeriers have never seen the tiny, sausnyo- Use eg;..:- laid lye the queen bee North Carolina broiler prodjac rii'.-n continues to ri'-- The 32.112.- ’s'O e'rerl ; iyilc'e.eri in the first'.s of tiiis year re or set it a !i pi - ri a ib< pi - iod a yeai ago I ? a t ronizc (’arolmian Aflvertiscrft Salcs-He pairs fawn Mowers Sharpened •Shotguns Rifles Bieyclos and Tri- ycle« Rods ami Fishing Tarfet* farriige Wieeis Retired HILL’S iO.S S. Wilmington St, Dial 3172. HOOO W JIBES NO DOWN PAYMENT Pay As You Ride Terms As Low As $1.25 down, $1.25 per week. DAVIS Crown Service j MORGAN AND BLOUNT STS. - ''MBPS*?' 5 lW J -v—r- ,: - : B | *H B j j - - . I I- •U‘ ms MW IMF ,l« . s \MT ss * DOR TO FITFfUA ,ie -,e 1 oilier, muH aj> i -itiM".! U. ambassador to l.ii.iria. i r.m poHt!ci;;n in ("ii'einn iii where hi served si> terms in the cit. council First iH-.1-.-il in l!)i i. pe I. is •. . . i . u tiv. ly since then, and is ill oiili Negro So o-ivf i:, pt-e-i. •lei t pio teiii. A ch.e.c : iemi oi Senator Robert A Taft, Looker * was graduated from tl>e Howard university law selmoi. He tiiea practiced law in Cincinnati for Raleigh Man Marks Date; Studies Juvenile Issues CORONA. L. 1., New York ; Julius Carl Mu. . m. Ciu! uear-m-- ' m the Raleigh Puhlir .v.diool cel.- Crated :;lst cirihdny on tin of August wirl; a wirt\ it ihe • ti-of- his brolliec, Jarvis Ah-r --: :;>v. of f.’orona. New Y«:k'. 1 111 guests i;resi--n! w.-,-.- Boh Martin. Harold Phillips. Inez Phil ; lips. Helen Davi.\ Ann Davis, i'.u,- ran Dyer, Dorothy ‘iVnilin, Mis Bennie M Coy, Florida McCu- Ruth Boyd, Mrs Marti. Palmer Curtiss DkvLs, Ervin Da vis, and ; Mi. and Mrs. Jarvis Morwin who : erved as host am. hostess Ti-Wc were many guts and rofresteient:; ' ioi ad Mr Murg.-ir, a m :ci -of fay oitnyilli? State i'eaeiicm C"ih’i.e .'lilt! No Vork I huv-.-may ir •'•nr • wnl’.v -i eKing a *di;-ivd t.i -uiunii and first hand osperienr - on the pj-obie-n ..-onfromuiv. the ioc.i.l Ju - a nile and p. .-lie; .i-tra • ,i\. Dm ill” tile n..-t ...S 'Vt-r-k.; he ill! iiu.Cn ..U til"; :V. : JIU . . I iiir; the m- in- ii-a-ni:.. lot .7uv< mlft Viu..ii .... hi i-.i.-.i; cvUiO.-ia hit to tho - ■ 1 . '. 11 . i ’in -,I oi R ilcijii 1 h 11 ■■ ri . \i.-• ic -I Ha ill 111 V ; ’.. . Hi till.- mw.-m ' v-ark IJilivm j’-ity J a..- cr.v, CUNY. Colli in Hi a -mi .-n.- Co! u-i- • )i --brari'.-.-. Hi;. i . ..- iolsoa.-. bo .hr j a:.- ga.'inc:- and o.sell:'aum'. have p: uv- n ~ i .'ir Th '..Cult- -m'Jnur-': if >YU- w.-*i . ..jiiiii -'a. ti' i in. . I*, time a? ; ..firhtiann! information was n.-.-di'n. ! Bvg:nnir.i; August 15t.ii, c.-mdricta. ibu time vcill b.- -pent AJi' -nv and Montjic.rae.-y Cnui ... N*-w d ork by Mor-'.an to r;.. .-rm.m- :,-jv ! (in.r.cs >ar»ii a .•■■a- Otic ': ~IV. I; expressi'”:.- it cl > - !;.- fi J 2v, ■ ii. Mrs 2' E Gam. ; . j •V R Hllt- Vl fl a: - , .-,.-n i ativ.■ of !l).. Masiifiic a>iU > ’^v ,y , s • us MfYim ■ MM*- mOmL . ■ jm. t ' i' V '*'■ ''' ' v ‘ 4 % A'.-4'T'/.:v ' ■%. i . ,f- : . - YM -T" i ; 1 ||, ! ||l«il *lMt -I : W# | ll W?' NEW AFRICAN UEGISLA TOR Mr. Mumuni f.av. unja, a clerk, of the Dis trict Council, has been elected by the Electrical College of the Northern Territories us ,t ter ritorial m, in her of the legis lative Assembly. Be replaces A hudti Miiiuutii. Doritrion-Na, whose seat in tile Legislative Assembly became vacant when he ceased to I t- a member of the Northern Territories Council, Bawunia polled 1!) votes as a gainst rg votes cast for iraorii S'alifu, a sc,limit teacher and 13 for A hurt u llumuni, Dorimon- Na. Horn in 1921 at Nalerigu in the Mamprus-si District, Bav. w nia was educated at the (iamba ga Native Authority School and the Tamale Middle Boys’ School. Leaving school It! years ago. he entered the Tamale Teacher Training- college end become a teacher at the Natagigti Middle iFchool three years later, in 1951 tie appointed State Secre tary to the Mamjhrnssi Dlstr*et. - (ANPi TFT, HAKOI-NIAN more than . ’ \ - 1 »• - “c ,i! o has teen avU'e in i-iiniei. .'.ml civic • l "... i:a,il -- j- oi t!;. tVsJr; ; ’ ’ ! f - tt-.-m- b v I’«p V’• \ i i.ireetar «:f !*:■• *. .itherinc lu.otli ttmne ,«i d !>s p>t 1 1, an eli'ei ti e tVchrinan Avenue < h irtian ehurch, i tmuiiier and pres-iteut of an or g -lisation tor the b.'iad and ■ meit,iters).ip in the Alpha t" i and Alpha Number One HSPOE of tv. He i> irru-d mil has four daughters. (A NT’) TO r,-1;.: ■ i.-.i: ; . for iji. ,1. A. hi t . . in did '■ ■ i i'..‘n t i.ij - uii''ni the study of -ones in ;.-nc! :iro.!)-id Ce-u: :ai lit r . M<> expects- to ' Rnli : -th. . lining tin.- mkL . tc-rrn. '• V i, -- -V J#-S ... ■ * ’ ‘ .- - ..-3 - iE'U Y - • ■ - , Y." T - I s.TgsUifir V ,-:V, <**’ < -J F-sPjr’Xrtf'- ".T-e; - Jlij. 'A iin A '* ffe, -1 ■l . A -., ” A.L UTf | g ■ ;U 'Wef: f-h $ y 1 IVv... W ... 1 ! I till J> if IT tITFIIU TO n.Hli IN TRINIDAD--Smiling ii.i’piiy in above jiicture is '■‘i-s > shottes. acting head ot the hotne econotnirs dc : ; tim nt it l.ioi-oln . >|o.) uni verfi.y. tiid v-cl! she miglif. tor the '’■•!;•-? educator is the nroud reeipb nt of a I'ulhright f«-!h.,>... to in’, "dip r . course iv hoop << ' .oi ie> in the <«(>- vej-ument T< .icher Training in! !.-ti-, Pori of Spain, Trinidad. F.rii.i !t West Indi. : l.inenln gra'iit’d N7iss Sltonie- a 'fi'-Uc jee Institute ;;r silu iie. a f-.-, o i ear leave of absence for her work in Trinidad. (AND. The trend m recent year t i-vvard:* (ess >nc.-.: -nti-vm • inter •Mtional tr-idt- : o'U;nuec| Itisf vimi when 2 per vent less men! was cx . .--d hv «• !-nc..--- r : 'r.tlies. Om- ne:<( news report will close it a pm i: and also incr.tion the members of readers on roll «gs^:^vis».<"^sS ! j>v#s»o&m«£*, j 2%% sillies 2%% I WK ARK now I 5 \ VINO I 1 :>p INTEREST A VKA K I I (’OMROUNHED (>l/ A ETRR] V I | THE HOOD SYSTEM iNDUSfRIAL SANK | l <*#;% 122 S. Salisbury Street /fM\ i 1 W nliwVi & s Raleigh, North Carolina 1 There should le a CAROLINAN IN EVERY HOME Raleigh Pair Guilty Os ‘‘Lifting" Man’s Radio RALEIGH J • - Ah. u i;n, i»tear{ and IV:*.” «“ n'F ■, 'i.-..., wero r iit/» n ii'rt! •••i , .a /’«•■ j in City Court in < 'q'ni'i •-/) y LioMi unci i*n fH r d‘! uonvitt.-t i of aloahug .‘i F-i 'a' \aiii* ti . (**i mi 1 : r. rtf i>t >:.• i . ■ •lilu I 'Oi-io id'.id t’.) T " • 1 Tiir* gfi’u: ’dt:'! hail bc f, n • Ir.- r iv vtiih imuiknui aim rnU’-’.oi? y- v.'-'Y. .i.a : rt nv <,n:i iGCoivirn: T*-u* '.i,T*‘ny mdcc a- i '( yici d > thf liawev.-r J«riK‘S l;.vaa tv" to tour m< iu!(s ori the ro;id - s l -- . renG Ht oi: .' ••$ laer.;., ,» ; • rip.e :mrt c«'*t.'-. • peoi .:».<► , had to jvt.v .. mm*, -if i V • « m.- lottf) reiri'hti; vh‘ i ' th-* i "h»* pawnai. aod vas ... a.-t d U* irs’-ifo PC' Ja\Y J \ . Vi i", p y-v if'- ga g gyj j ’ SPRING KENTUCKY ju, ~fl BOURBON I mm ll a. « I mil | est. 30 s'i.6s } £ Fi ' r> 4-5 QT. tin ; >i . ( j. H(| n ; -; i. : - nr. £p»fH- • r .-li«(,-, 1 cm . fil'd •i ji >tt that d r po y imui'l 11 COM.’.. i !' I - , Ml iiii.,i,M,.:ii Utld him ■ cl' C Irt. I tilt' ■' •> ■ ii,l mI . c,i ! c ; ■(' it •;,! r I :«VV !; ! . id- HHI» Oil **t < * J % ■ ‘ Tint *’V'‘nin„ '.v'Sen lit* ■ ad lit • i iiii: mm,: !i ■ r.ot.lii-ci I i'd r ,ili-d 1 WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 22/1953 If you are looking for a good shoe repair job cheap, cam: by Tilton’s Shoe Repair Shop at 403 E. Davie Street. i I ALL SOLES $1.25 Half Salt's $1.50 - H;ilf So!es $1.75 i I;i! f Soles $2.00 - - Gulf Soles $2.25 RUBBER HEELS .50 - .75 EXTRA LARGE HEELS ONLY SI.OO I,A DIES' HEELS .35 .lO & .00 • 'A 1.1 BY ANT) GIVE US A TRIAL TILTON SHOE SHOP “I el i ) 11 ?* Work Speak p'or Itself" I • N.C."T I _ _ , __ „ 1 t I(*estai3iß3sa:i»s*sas!9nH» » i n m a a *•» jjKnow Your Carrier: ; g? Seventh In A Series IS “LEARNING TODAY « w n l TO SERVE : |: TOMOCjW j h 18 18 IBfE' a * * : Meet Mr. Highsmith \ \oung Carl Highsmith is one of FHE CAROLIN- 8 lAN’S most promising salesmen. His weekly *ale» * hardly fall below fifty per week. Carl is ten years * B old and in the sixth gride at Lucille Hunter * U School He is the son of Mrs. Jessie Pearl Cope- * a land of 611 Coleman Street Each week when m m he is no? busy, Carl ran he found gathering cm lower* for THE CAROLINIAN. He likes to swim, * piny horseshoes arid baseball in his spare tune, ■Carolinian Newsboys and Girls not only* ■make their own m o n e y but also •many other activities provided by T h e* ■ Carolinian for their enjoyment and train-* s mg. Men and women agents also share in# a the benefits offered bv The Carolinian for* 0 • i r • B its salesrorce. ■ BOYS GIRLS MEN - WOMEN J • ■ & WANTED Throughout North < arolina m l TO SELL™ “ : The Carolinian \ ■ » ■ DON’T DELAY . , .START TODAY! « * •To start a Carolinian route in your own hometown^ Hcommunity, simply write to The Circulation Manager, a The Carolinian, 118 E. Hargett Street. He will tell you H how to start your own money-making business. ■ P lißHaiiifliiiHaniviiaxii i J | t imnnTwm—r i ■n l■■r^■^lrrun wwiMMHMiwiwimuTnwim *mmmm mm* iimh■■ runuriivuiWinwisiMiwHiina