\VmK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 22; IWi EAS DREAM BLASTED Nino Valdes (left), heavyweight chain |rl#w of Cuba, scored one of the biggest upsets of the year when lie demlened ex-champ Ezzard Charles in Miami last week. This Just about kills JS*'s hopes t another chance at the world title. (News press Photo. ( i Their Only Weapon Was Laughter HO STORY TOPS THAT Os OOP P.W.’s V-jj, i Sfaiag i IT'S EASY if. i AY THE Q. K. WAV NOW IST T ME PREPARE FOR THE COMING COLD WEATHER ! DON'T WAIT! S.-ievt Fall and Wintur Oul!its N () \V from O. K. 0! thdip; ('<>, T a k v :t(ivantaj.ru ol rL ■K aSY- I (>-l'A V O. K. Way and jiav as vou va ,u wai’fn, st.yie-rip'iit out fits from the •COmlilt:to stocks • 1 1 O. !-. Oo:\lh IN ANJ.) ASK A UFM I TI!F lb A.SY-TO PAY O. K. WA Y T( )!).\Y ’ i For flic Ladies ml |iT ;i « • ' COATS »l ' : i • suits mlws : I * For The Men * Soils * O’Coats * Hals # Shirts * Sport Coats I# Clothing Co. k m E Jl3 E. Marlin Street §% m Raleigh, N. C. o'T^WAy"" /#&•■/.•. fryywiite DRESSES i BLOUSES •. - rqaw«igMfe«f. fwiPPiapr!? ewjS’vv : ., <• lIHH| B®'''•' V v ' , J'; ;t.« J.M'V cw- -y-v $;. > Bp ■• '' * ' '■ J pi ¥ 7 ■ ,: :y || :' U; * fjpj /fr * >a, y . ''■* f t\‘n si / -^,'M ~ f : . '4r. 4 *|f •*- '|g| J ■.< AsjyL »SS *" ' r - M-yf •w-v.. - -.- .- .cx ‘^xyiyNUnßS - •♦• • M&gffljpx ■'■ VSS.. _ : ...\ jus? s ■■mtmm 'A CLMINOTON r- - GUESTS Y.bove are Mr. ai.d Mrs. iiuiim S. BanipfieW, vViishintfion, 1) who were BILLY WINN WINS AOAIN | Wit MINGTON | Billy WiiJ. Wilmington. N. C. j and Victor Miller. Lynchburg Va. ; nave; to Kalamazoo. iViiohit'an | with Dr. Whirlwind Joans-on to ' tie the first Negroes ever to play !in the Bine Ribbon ,Tournament j Victor Miller got the distinction | of being the first to play and put [ RALEIGH MEM* AUdI THUBS. EVE 8:15 AUGUST Mail Orders and Ticket Sales Thiem's Ms m Record Shop, Hamlin Drug Co. sHHi Jr Admission 53,00 52.50 52.00 si.so ■ * 810 Wmmm T 11 , I A DISTILLED FROM AMERICAN GRAIN 90 PROOF SEAGRAM-DISTILLER $ CORF., NEW YORK, H, % . I ! ! ! Tim cAßflftpgaw r- <>nt housegwests of Mrs. j l.ouise * McCleese*at her Mcßae ; street howto. Mr. Rampfieiri is a | 1 1 tired rail* a.v postal clerk, j ■■:•!. u terrific battle before losing ' r- Joe Martin of Keokuk, lowa j . -;,; '■■■!: 'C l Miller should have • .-. on lirsi set, dropping' several i er- ■ y se t poi nl r . VKtor miller olso t.a- the di -ticnon, of being tin- Erst ATA player to' play in the USLTA In- | Terschoiag-tic Championship in j Chariot l esvilk, Va.. in 1950 Winn turned the heat on his tit t round opponent beating Coi vin Moore, St Louis, Mo. Cham- 1 ' p-’on 61; £-0 in an impressive dis • 1 play of speed stoadinest and pew-! ; ei ' '■ w"--umm k *#■ /% A t,t <9 E w^Wkimd^Ji^ f a .vt-uT - t lUjvn njf fp ■-? W , 4j# 5* ■ Jyr w 4 'M ' % ; , Li ' 7 ' £ - -iHf ' »• JB, ' JHfc'- -(•jlTiitf te f jwlri f^tHr U■ ’ 'i-v/l 3 ! s ‘/W H m ■ *. -il —.. c -M % Wm_ mffl m\ jk, u JL je iTfc aifisS $ i a* g IM g jg lag ] **! L W BS®P®fliA> i #fJ Imm# - ■ ’’ BBBBHBHCTBKw»s®A-*'^? i '--*23SSF.C ; L3If v.' . „ ...... ». .;%x. '»'?!;•:»♦ '.-fS.r.LS' WtLMiNxITON lllil.E SINGERS of the (io.pcl .luUilee Junior Winn's next opponent was Barry | McKay of Dayton. Ohio, sth seed ! ed star of the tournament. Winn i lost 10-8: ti-;t but not before he j had temporarily dominated the play taking the lead and holding it. until McKay broke his service ihe*u rdi to Ain a►. hu pleased, m rhe Ivti'i z'iUikP oj r,he s&i I Billy had two -et point- one at j 4f>-i.> »hi hi' 'orvioe at o*3 but plityed u>e points cnreltssiy mi an t-ssy short ball. Winn »nd Miller drew h tie in j noiibie- and ‘wtli met-t Pov-ier : Psrcft tie ojif? 01 the totigtaesi teatT'S | in the tournament. The hospitality offered the ATA : contestant- r most friendly and i cordial Tiu gurstion repeatcr.liy i,- '. 1 .;. h-i Vt-n t these- .vT'A be,yr ! asked t.v ; layers and sueiTators i j nlayed her.- tie fore ★ ★ tAt * 1 GOTO | CHURCH | SUNDAY | a >4 ★ ★ ★ . LESTEH YOUNG RUTH BROWN * !• AeSsJak ■•■ as. WVNONie HARRIS AND TlsiS ANl> MORE, TOO All the top artists pictured tie* r, anil nitire, too. will he on hand to play pretty tor the peo pie wh«n the Big Rhytiun and Blues Show holds forth from tile Raleigh Memorial Auditori um cn Thursday night, A S( #M s t 21th. The cast of thin great show ir,«iudes songstress Ruth Brown; j the Buddy Joimson Orchestra with Elia .lohre.uui and other i stellar artist; the Clovent; Ees j ter Young and his great orelies j tra: Wynonie (Mr. Blues) Hae- I ris; Yttr. Edwards Sisters; danc er Stuffy Bryant and the one and only Dusty Fletcher, See iiiyerflsenient of the iUvyUun- Bliies Jhffvr in this ne-wskpe?. ( hiirus of which Airs. Vd;i Prar ; sail, left, is leader. This group I of youngsters - ings and prays DRINK coca Cala "Buddy"Young ! The secret of success in winning fooiball is liming ... the important business of getting every man moving full speed---at the right spot —at the right time. l o get the best results on your job, you must be ready to move at full speed at the right spot at the right time. Thai means 11 hllvw the Champion Hem a Gkt., and Ov Rtfiedud 'H, ij ■ HA iOTTiii? VfiOii *wihOft!l? Cf ini CGCa Cwla Oms an? ** n The Capita! Coca-Cola Bottling O ! .. Cat. bv. ifßfle-niUik, (Q) ivSj, me cOO tuU Cu«f'Mt -,..- -—r , [n|rr - T.Timim THU,.. »■ ■ |||H| r | |M| |n| j j|||| ' || ]r & g I J|||l Jj||| k i Jil ateaSnS . WE DO OUR OWN IffllMiiMM FINANCING ~ Tire Sales & Service Co. :t THE good/year place 401 Hillsboro Street ' Dial 7571 with the sick and £t churches. Their favorite reading is Psalm 34. DID you KNOW? prieac pskt by J-vp*h OafwHna - iarmors tor most feed item., have j ciian"ta lit tie this year. Stacks of co>-n, w heat and oats in IV'.rth Carolina on July 1 totaled : i.J7.iH"') bushels, 28 per cent be | low the same date last year ; Commeieial slaughter of cattle, ;•:• vo. ,'.!t"‘o. lambs and hogs in . .u,.t'i Carolina during June total oa 18,7241)00 pounds, 6.9 per cent : chine t:i esarnc period lasi vt-ar, Portra i t --( 1< immcrrial PHOTOGRAPHY ST\ ' COPY AND *(4J 'RESTORATION jgmTgm your odd portrait a I j&jWKmm '.Air o i\' 1 ■ ‘ * o *t& r jdia£[ OH HOME OK * ~S3Ss studio fjl - \PFOfXTMENT /! Wme ° IAL I | WB 3-3*oo OK 6770 SHbtiARD STUDIO 123 E. Hargett St. Raleigh .—~ .I.n. iliii,.^itw.'i...i.wJ resting and relaxing, where you can, to con serve your energy. People everywhere find that a frosty boitle of ice-cold Coca-Cola makes any pause the pause that refreshes. i. fijoy Coke at a friendly red cooler whet* you work - buy Coke in case and car ion tor your home. PAGE SEVEN