PAGE FOUR : ' ! |1 A * s fj 1 «?,,. j |4 i Jk i\ JL4 ! JB •. m i*|«i gr t l U'* fti-1 ISi* |®l i 1 -'•* L- . ? # ?-.%•*;S < s m m ; • ~ii§ # 11l j f%$N. . ~. I ••’ j; v' < Sk4K*'%. A-..'jk , .W*:* J YWCA Activities During 'h- ■' ■’ w* !•».• 111! I ’!' i at ' '■ so that ■' » woi kers -" - tions. Vac-.- - pro;iV‘lik' .■•) ■• our members mu tbv if r« c* .v --erl cards ti the United S'-:- !I-;'C our p-.-oplc. it rot.:::ay was iu'.i to be r-.1;. • 1 '- ' ’ til who r ,r-.>rr. c-e-' w Some cf " v:ed their Summer were • Teens, B. atiu 1. * tee, F Fellowship G) - groups h .• ■ ’ to au. The 11 and i - : ' if!" : >•'■ Conference T hiiy-rrk =.(;■■■ • p< r - nOsS of r-!" -eg 11- -! B at■'f I. !■>!■• Y-U --attended moruny ; ■ i ’ B No: iit c.f -■ nc ' H>. :■ > C ' Hoy-ride f. G ■ in o -Y --lai- i u:. ■3 '■ used ■ chase six pe; cl •-horn- ! ' ' 1 Y.W C. A The Fir-sine C ■■'ve v-.uKtc hoco w im NO I)0¥N PAYMENT Pay /Is You /sV. Ip. Terms As law As $1 -2h down, $1.2-> par •.-/< * DAVLS ('.nmn Servin' MORGAN Avn vt Is y»4r Fire tnsur.mee adequate on your borne? W.f* It bought l© cover your home tt-n years as© or five years a;;;t tvbea the va'tie was half «bat It is now? Tbt value of your home la worth protettlnf Let Cave-news Insurance Agency syivc you full protection on ypur borne aav3 furnishtag 1 , CALL 3-3-56 S BEFORE Uit: STTFFER CTN NECESSARY FIRE I .OSS. CAVENESS INSURANCE AGENCY Academy Building DIAL 3-3563 Roy Caveness, Sr, Roy Cavenesa, Jr, ‘ Better Buys Here! rnr Tim-mmhij SIR WALTER CHEVROLET McDowell & Lenoir Sts. RAI EIQH jv; nil' SCOW'-- One of t rswst iH-.uitifiM ca-;rs ? s . UnUsuru:. €T«.<:■ tf*4 *’* i i ~ j ( ■ *';oir.c f•Gitniivo ?*.* : ponlov -V'nrJ.:: Week Of‘ Prayer '* ; j D ,r;G4 Worid Fellowship Week ; ! they •hope tu nd a cepfeenra i \e.... ~ ». A'p Sit-- you been inside ifx 'i this J j 1:.- Wei! >on should and st-r :-e fan* lutinif j pi, Itoid open ItfiUM- w.tiufi -i if v i. - 5 .••> j- in t-i come ip ;md your *. VI,I > ; , . t f ; .W ill hi : r y Ml:: j iiiilTiQ \V =;i :l:' a! tl-U £j,i'OUpS SHCI j \{'memoir and friends to the ■ |‘V A review vas glvvn of hi/ 'I Su R-nei activities by v'ariou.* - f.-. niCyc chairmen and Ivlrr*.' U ,f. i< this rolitmo •- ivii i i -j.; :or !'.i- ii-iwi- resoen: of ih<- "v.Ti-ki i» .md ' ! i>-( reports of Us \ i io:is atUvitivs. IVe n-m to wel come oil of oiir iTMi-ihyis -itH j Ji-s-,. rC, !>.« k ; i, m-'l | s: o- v.,- --itjeerei’■ hope Mi it j .('J of ■ ■(>>• ivitc reli-rshe I and : t p "'.ml osui profit I ] ' ‘ Cion Cfo p|-in nov. to jl ,]|| -o it !l Y" ; ! '• o;tn! I" h; - <*me Hi Hve If” itt'emher, iall ' J.. ! l ;ipf| -. ive II ytmi n;i-:ie j and telephone number. We [ ; -!• iBl :;<■ -l.iil to pluee sour i 1 oit it ii'e rfitiip of J out' I SAYINGS I We Are Now Paying 2 f f , c Interest A Year | Compounded Quarterly SYSTEM industrial bank. jtli /f^v) kw | ]‘VI S. Salisbury Street iiihi h. North {'arolina i Saics-diqtairs Lawn Mowers Sharpcne4 Shot" uns Rifles Blrycle*! and Tr|-yele* Rods .ii'fi Fishing Taefc!* Cairiage Wheels Retired HILL’S ! IAS S. mintinglon St nittl 8172 IThis buildii s «as finaneed it-itistt funds donated im e- ■■ a- -1-. .itiei fh<- battle of Om {iio'in.m. Hi. eollego Is non one :>r the futtia- iiiMitutlons of high ir 1: ai-iti i;-. t-i Wi i< a iAN LOCAL SCHOOL H"S NEW LOOK P •:. r lt" H s: .-''.cm’s. 1.-ochors| and parents ,-ro surprised and i l/ii.-a.-a-ri -arnevi",' c -ry took at the j ra-i! in - ! fttre-.lifting hich took t i. - I-.:.:. :-" find Variv Ull\ tn th-.- .•ne’y.-i: : an library.-■• ! thu* School. The auditorium was completely • redecorated with its -vrIU | ; painted and blue U'liumed iu j : i-cißtel puck. Trie re ure aiyo shin- j ;ng nr \ floors -ind new olinds al j J cn scots. To lib: arv has been enlarged j ' in the rxieru; .1 now occupn: j, 1 ttie mane ot tnree io) *'t»*.*>' iass- < rooms • instead of t-v<>i. The tt- i !C! !i.-j ~<■ tic bi ~- . I ; Die tW,..N MAG} TV T it ••'■ I ‘j i tin til.ed With exclt- j.; nut : ;■ ■ ;-• invit.inu t-hildron t< j i re.-.d 'I-'::.-; should no 1 - j compare favfu tbiy with any in thi ! , A .-v r:ul:l;e address system i ‘ wet red by Mr .1 W Eaton, prin- i . ~-i; : s. ■.. riy be,--n installed ; . ..u: 1 ; \ .vith Mr Joseph Whit-j j i a-.t-r a- its new president has as-; ■ T'.'ned peyn.ent of this new! ! ■ - : • •; v p: be !•(.> PTA ' j !pi eject for ih-.- year. X ,v • :eht t S this year at Wash- j ' At.'..;-:: M)-i. DoiSie I’auv. son. 1 • t i- -■■ powers ;. • i Me- - Do; | - ;. - icUe.r t':-in.- tv-.ielie- - j j.. - Mr-. ... • ivtiiiam<. Mr. A. I V\ ■ 1 !;. -v s. 'ant ‘ jirinrT, \ j i Vi: F; • d ( ■■ .t-M V.< W I BOSENWALD j SCHOOL ; ! I i Rl'-KOMT - The RnsenweldS j faculty under thi dircrtnCi of Mrs. j . ! ■ ..i. Morgan iute drawn up a ] wot ksiiut'i eciendai writ-rein t-hert-‘ ; will be classes in audio-visual I arid visitai aids which piA.’e to bo! j of great value in schooi prac{ieen| ! each day. | Tin initial meeting was held i • i i e n-i-.c- i;iy at 7:30 o'clock I tn room If; tn the High School Ac-i a lintsura Lion building with Mrs. L. I A. Morgan presiding, j!p '‘ waR to acauaint the faculty | The purpose of the initial meet i with tne ' -ic!-- and inyportance of 1 I I | aoSeS^ non j iORK— Wii n Cars rnaga- ! -i" v - rt!.;.-r IRii ry Ktirsh went j 1 • *-R>*.vii to VVn.--.iiin;>ton to uncover a j I clo:i!;-and-dagjror .--tc-ry, he never ! expected, to find himself in the j ; midst, of i:. Kur a weat. to report on the i mult i-hilhon-tlollar conflict between ; > .. titanic railroad I ■■■ X_r,'.. " ' and highway | . -.P .< _ trucking inter- j m Ufksz •/ ''-'hich he ; _. v V i ■ >ii ex uscr \b e s a ; . \ '‘T h c Sec re t | > ' .-j? jfv> 't i> War Against | ’i\4»' T >•« c inp” in i \ V ' 11 ..aUris \ j'.'Fv-il-vh CA «ut: of Gars. ' ’ ) " nc reporter ! /;;P.T. _ -ou an (i c nunt er - arrayed agair d each other, j stolen dossiers, “planted” informa* j Hon. and innocent-looking persons I serving as fronts for others. Wrtile ho was gatherine the mn- ' Qria! for his -story, however, Kursh - iound tho tables turned on him— :* dossier was stolen from his own note! room, he was followed on the street and annoyed by nuisance telephone rails. Cars magazine editor Arthur linger charged that ‘freedom of ts"; press is being endangered by private interests that spy on re porters making legitimate in* duines.” Ho affirmed that Kursh was the target of-a “war of nerves.” Kursh was sent to inquire into at' circumstances of a quarter* bilhon-dohar truckers’ suit against railroad interests, brought after! trie fc nickers got hold of a -fi! e 0 f ! documents through the defection of j a -secretary working on a public ! relations railroad account. , orne details of the truckers’ I cßaigcs have been published in ' business journals, but Unger as- j firmed “This is the first time this j mformation is being brought be fore she general public. I think ' .hat is what some people didn’t ! like about our collecting it.” —— ' I l NEWS OF CARY.NC BY MUS. JUANITA HOPSON JONES CARY Mrs. AUc-r Sell oi Dur ham, N. C. recently visited her! da-. ;ht'-v and sou. Mr- Attfuc heaves and Samuel Beli. The rally hold Sunoay. Soptorn b"r 20 lb at Union Be Kiel AM E Church and sponsored by Mist Mae Hopson was a suec. <.< The guest speaker was Rev. Cecil .-!< ;\e?J - i him 1..:i, At. 4 Amt laised: s’oo.oo BIRTHS ?.Tr ana Mrs Walter Moore -rtic-uaice Iho birth of a daughter, iion September 25 at Duke Hospital Mrs. Moore -\; iormeny Viirj Arh -:e Walden. Court news Sanimi'..- 'ln u ncs f-icc.' cb:uyc -■ of murder in the east* of Mary Lee Ragland, whose decayimt body was [mmd in an acandonod well in Henderson la.- 1 July 2. tu - :o hours after Ih. w..-,,bod) -.vas i’..-uud by two cuWoos paxser- • by's who period imo ihe w e tin-/! the feet protruding above the shallow water in the shaft Facts not omuubi oiu oner's jury ir>vc:-tigat'.>;n a*'- ‘"a pt-cted to b«- eliscloscd in the <•.*««•-; dig U'i.iL. Tc-wncs ;s ;:i-c„: <-ii murder'inj she woman -md throw. ;c.; -her s- in the abandoned ■w!!. Wil ;an; On * was found guilty of being dr r.k for the twelfth time last Monday * and sentenced to thirty days -- -i work house. S spp Ijff|| - Jp'i MILTON Mrs. Sc i-„- Beatrice •bancs. {>D. died Monday. September i 4. i .3. al i! -ccili i. •; i. : '. ':i* 11 A i •vhiie . :tending .*< H- ■ .■■>■ cu .viceUiig nf whicii she was ;> m-.-’ii •t r. Scv .r, ors in .c f ho.- is land, Dr. F. C Jones; > -r. ■ . Ft j ti«-, .Jr-! i.m and v :d; iii; denuhter- -jo-iaw- f|ve gicudchll-'' fren; ev- i :-:tf Aid!an. nth • Carolina. Her C' a n n»til's i tv. conr.t; ;,i ;.i state wili sur-'ly i-"a-/ ."caiicy bc/.iuse she was active m Uieic affairs, ac. well as Social, Euucd laaiiu!. ana R'.-TUmus A-i'.iviuos Fourth Ward Midgets Defeat Chavis Heights V.-S '■ ' " 8,-\[ EK.U . Ir t,he first rr icic t outbiill game of the sea-on’ flw F. nth Ward “Cub;; ' defeated Cho is Heights; Midgets '.y.n F'om th Ward took t!'< hall ci the kirk off nnn moved down to Au.- 20 yard line, l ot u.-;!,- -c00,.!i -.1 ■ -\Y j » p: i s >■' 11 .1. icvci■p ii(> a >, v F r «_•; j Harris of Chavis Height-' Chavis. Heights fumbied the ball and Fourth Ward made the re,-over i on the five yard line. William Wilson went over on a tin- buck ; lesp variolic Ic :' roce - . jn r, .n uccf ion with fveryo-iv iy-ach'iv The value au/t ur r portac w-i,-, 'll U s*;u b; tic. i-.-lVc- Cl- .1-1 Duplicator Mrs. J..- A Mcinn. Mimeographing Ma-'hinc, - - m S. Grier;"Opaque Fron-ctov. M E AUlen, Film Strip Frotertor. Mrs R. E McAi'ther and Mrs. V, Ji Ford; Microscope, C. S. Wilson: Camera, Mrs V. 8 Uvingstonc; Wire Recorder, MM J. F Willis: Movie Projector, Mrs B, E. Me-: Clinton and Flannel Board, Miss | Tope. 5 :; ''y;^ if you c, ant -ihvi. yoi r • sraunN^»ik at home at noon, you can at least make sure that your lunchboxes contain the same high protein. By concocting delicious salads and sandwiches with sardines from Maine you know you’re giving Dad and the children the energy they need for the afternoon These sug gestions have been carefully tested with an eye to complete midday nourishment, easy preparation and low, low cost Try these menus this week: (1) Sardine and cciery sandwich, ground up frank and bean sandwich, radishes and pickles, apple or orange, mixed nuts, ginger bread, milk drink; (2) sardine and pickle spread sandwich, boiog.i sandwich, eo!e slaw in wax cup. jam turnovers, orange, milk. THE CAROLINIAN Robert Jones and Tnomas proe- i .rnau have motored to Phiiacletphia i .c Mt’tk end. Mi-. Mareii.- Scott and little son ; c Nl.-vv Hi!!. N C. and Mrs l.ocie , Maltei of Staley, N. C. spent th<. j . i;ri with then brotlier and ■ i-I>■ r in !:cv Mr. end Mis. Charlie 1 iVul-ien mar the Durham High - j H< s i :s'i Evans of Win* eri-.-S.-i!. ni i: .en’dirig some time • . ith her brother. James Lovelace! Evan* near U'e Durham Highway. Miss Snlfic E Jones is spending ; the wee kend with her mother, j Mrs. Emily Jones of N. Academy ; Stix-et iUovicv. Jr. also of Durham t •v >s found guilty of drunkenness | -i ctcnced to 30 days m the , . c-i khouse. it >s his 22nd convtc-! tiP '“ I n.-i-rpci- Chavis, A4. - roioascd j o , , 1 :>p'’til- A sentence t>n pay- \ ,j;o .aid court cost* after I -- ;v ift'-d of assault and bat- 1 t, rv 1 Tccsdjy. She was ori- ' i.Ac-v -iv.-i; - t so her husband and a good moth- U. !..., au uor children ; MF..-'. Ms( <)V y.-rc .it u;-..;,-- -. for Mrs. .Sc>:t’r| A . *Ji r*i - '.(■- st a.- at tt ■ JL-.- ; ;- • i- F ; > . .-.I Home from 11 *:> • j Tia. (a ,- u * l lii funeral tinv. : ATr-c McCoy is survived by ;--:- i a age :* is. Mrs, Snllic Whitaker j Rab'ieii: Mrs. Pearietta DeVnr.c 1 -A; arid Me.-, Connie Hicton • N'i-'v Yc.'a F’.'ur sons, J. C., O s.d a.‘-< Eh Ai-C'c. all of \V:ik< Coiii’tv: -nd Jrneic Mr Cm of De troit. Mtd'-igan; otic brotner, E.l -.vo: i lonic. jNi.-c York City: twenty-five giu-ciehikin-n; sister-o e:t-m-i.avail J a:i ildrcn and two great, c,eat gi alideiiildrcii tor F' ui-th Wnd first ...coir At- H-iiiut for the cxiia point was block;,! So o' >0: d Qo.ot-i-r: Ernest Williams o.r'k a ii.'ooi oil ; rum Billy Onf~ f. 1 "- " S fr.,rn the 20-yard itne for Koii! th Word. A ■ 'run: Bonnie Mack order ed for Fro ;! Harris was intercept . d by block Johnson of Fourth Wmi. qu outer Bock Billy Griffins moved the fo'di down the field on a .noi fi r' back ae-ak, but didn't . oenn:, {’navis JP-iahta attempting to '•Vf tho 1 0)1 1 oof r,f IJi.o, ■ ;•< i.v'klcd h- WiUiam \Vil on o, i Ward for yafot; rr df tin'c : coi o Fourth Ward It. 0; ’o' fini- Utr p Third Quarter; Fourth ’"at! kickc l to Cha'di Heights and on a pa. play intended for Jasper ■ Mia! was intercepted by .Ernes! Vt’illitims and he scored from the oh-; ard line, James Mayfield ' huirte the extra point. Fourth Quarter: No score in tho j F'.ui't-i Quarter, No score in the Foo ye CJujrter, I Preacher Has j Two Wives' ! HAMPTON. Vu (ANJS— The I j court will have to decide wao was | | tne lawful wist? of the Rev. Alex-! under Robinson v. hen he plunged j I to his death in his cat with Mrs. j | Delta Jarvis Robinson in t o the j water at Old Point- Willoughby ; ferry slip Sept. 13, When plans were made for the funeral of tin- couple, M••». Della Robinson was listed as the wife ol the minister. But the funeral j :) occ■ sioti was halted a hik: en j route to Ja>visbui d. N. O. bv u i lawyer ot Mrs Frances Robinson, | of Hampton. Ve . who had a nutn j rized. certificate showing tiiat she i married nvmstcv Jan. 8, 1323. The funera! pcocesion halted 23 mile- from Norfolk alter an official of Morning j Glory I'itnrnu home had !)<■■; n told if he didn't v. ant any trou ble he had better have She -] minister's body brought bark to Norfolk. Whether Rev Rohinsnn " < -v- j |er divorced Com wife No. 1 p i j oar; % No. Z has so be de to tinned, j j Fie she present one interested in J • the ease ha • boon able to d»'t*'r j mine 'hi; question. According to j I John W Muddy. Hampton atto: - j i nay for M Frances Robinson, i no record |ias been found of a di j vurce obtr.iuefl tn Hampton where j the minister evd his wife lived j i for 18 yea;:; b f..;c - ■ j | lion. i Plans had been made for a joint I i {uncial fie- the couple, bid on j - ; Mrs. Frances Robinson's orders. j the funeral vi lev-; Jon;; was in j terruptec! on Friday. Sept 18, and | be minister's body was brought > ! hack to Not folk. Saturday. Sept j 13, the ministry's body wa.; taken |by representatives of the Harnp i ‘on Funeral Home to that city for | burial. Final rites for Rev. Robin i son were held at J p, tn. on Monday, Sept, ii at full Gos pel France!;., ai Christian church in Phot bus. V.i„ a town j near Hampton. Mrs. Ardeilia j L Jarvis Robinson, wife No. 2, i | w.c: buried at .1 ar eisburg. X C. j i on Friday. ■. d ia t %\v k that j < li■ p v son hv o fo■'mor T) K ■; r ? t <« i* c | < had m u-r'rd “D *iia" Jrrvis who j • ;.ter became Fc- - RMinson’s wife I ' I 've. 2. -\r. orcling 'a Airs. Robin- j t j son >h 1, iter 'on w;ik .separaged | . j from h l s '-A i fr o- tiic snnm 1 jrna i I that she bectuni separated fiomji ! the rnilu: : -:r about 12 year-,, ago. J j When the tv. f muli. - broke up. j < | according to Mr.*. Robinson, tne \ i j ’wo fnmillcs wore living together M ' 2VI I I’M m-'cn "■ 1 saoi her hits- ; 'band a! t-v fine: was a eb'seon ai j i j i.iricoii; Peck cie.ire :. Hantipon. , i -u fj had f r <.fia' .a' v taken her sons : i wife. Did.' tn church 'Vi.h bun j | Wednesday and Sunday nights,j j The first repo,-* on the tragedy j j .-. aid. the riiini.- Utr had no . surviv- j I nrs Rev Habile on w..s Imr:.' it, ! | Norfolk at 934 R, sec voir Avc an. 1 ; j t,. irf rervits , each Sunday it 1 • his chinch in 'Phoebus, Va. n> e• I Hampton. !■ - | | Th’- United Nations
  • 2 under it • j : -.Rinded Toohntcal A ■' •nfc j ' ! Admin.istrat.ion program. Uh ■ ! -i)ok for 1953 jjgHttL' ■• tr§?l '■: • JH||h - . rf Jps THE WSLKEN CO..LAWRENCEBURS, INO. * BLENDED WHISKEY. 85 PROOF . 72'/%% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS v r .... .... • '*• • • * "~ WEEK ENDING SATUR.D.A . . OCTOBER 3, t3os VSTATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS INSPEt "?'s WORK ON XK W PORT—Prvhtni* work i»n the new iirep-w atei port on the fr nm Harbor recently rcecjvcd the personal inspection of I’rinie Minister Kwaine Nkrtimah of the Gold Coast. In this same area, a new township is being rwislru t -5 Sentenced To Jail Terms For Whiskey RALEIGH, N C Six Em art week a.s police sto::>-J a bunt .eg crackdown They were given by City Cm rt Jui! e Mfut [brnb Buck FtStreet ;■- Matthew Sandd s. i iti S. iJiuod , i.aii Stree!. both .’CI v.'itu illegal possession '■'< velnskey : e sale, 'were eacit given 22 months op I’ti' i Pads. I:e te; m a ;s suspended on condition that he i,ay a SIOO fine and violate no laws Ic iV a period of two years Fowter titid tiis .‘mntc'n.cT suspt-Tidou on ay merit of SSO plus court easts. , ■ v- 4 s :: 1, ' Placed on gorid be havtor 'or two years. ,\bc< R,.v *s of 110 Eos! Wort; -rs th having on. half gallon of white whiskey in inn* possession; J dimity Parker, charged with having three t:; 1 Hems , f illegal i.uti Vihllie Cmnsay, 21! Crttuhen Street, ae eusf-d of hoarditlo bait fliniv each received sixty days, .suspend ed on payment of SSO pins mart costs Eeunct not eniitv of tito sam cite.rge was Johor,’.- XTonta a. ■ o' the same Cn.rclcn Street tiddress Montague claimed th r the whis key found ai the residence was not his U M S T E AD’S TRANSFER COMPANY GROCERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING FULL LINE OF LOCAL AND LONG , GROCERIES DISTANCE Your Patronage Courteous - Prompt Appreciated Efficient * ED, UMSTEAD, Manager 602 S. Dawson Street Tar born and Martin Street* DIAL @478 9212 :il fir the inhubit.uits of Sakil ■ mono. .1 (ecttl tribe. In the above i'll.'to. Or. Xkrumah (wearing w liite shirt ami in forefront) is <•{;.'< It toss wUh the Chief of the Knkurnono irt oontteetion «Uh the huiiding program in the area. ; VM’; COMPOSER —’•African hulls I- . . , ,n a:iti w Swahili aii.l Fn.rMsh l i Fa -th.i Kilt in tier (.aliens international album of • onus le.-onh-d under Rf’A tie t- ■ S i i?.*!. is a entniiositioti by William Greaves, actor ami com !< Gri :ve.*' unique number is w a veil on the other side of >■ - s ■ Hi's f t Si Ron.'* *,.- .vis !:as been featured in .! itoi.'i liaiirs." "Jliracle in " in,.; Cost iii ihe St a rs” Hue Sio.lh Msicar: |day..i ‘ Afri can I ulhihs" i- eventU'ilh ev i < b to so. imp tin' juke boxes u itb the -a me popularity as its ci in iriion piece, "i c i si IJon." i tXi’i