PAGE FOURTEEN SHAW-ALLEN IN GALA HOME COMING jnrjfefEire Little Blues Defeat Mary v ** Potter Before 2,000 Fans TLAi.EiGK The Lieon High School. Little Blues remained un defeated us they added another victory to their impressive record • of six wins against 410 defeats. The Blues defeated the Mary Potter Hiss!'. School eleven in a very im pressive and colorful homecoming tilt at Chavis Park last Friday be fore an estimated 2,000 spectators. The Lagoa High team ptov.-d their superiority early in the game by taking the ball from their own 4” yard line and moving it in for a touchdown. John Baker, Chester Parker and Duke Peebles alter nated in carrying the ball, with Parker finally making the score from the two yard line. Duke Peebles ran lor the extra point, thus giving the Blues a 7-U win early in tne first period Big Blues and St. Paul’s In Oct. 24 Homecoming LAWRENCEVIULE, Ya Hun dreds of alumni are expected back on tire campus on Saturday, Octo ber 24th for the homecoming game with Bhu field (W. Va.), State College, when many of the gradu ates and former students will m ■(• ' for the Hi d time St. Paul's 'hew look" in athletic: under newly ap pointed Head Coach !.. N Stall worth. With a steadily growing student body primarily enrolled m tin* four-year ooilegiate divisions, St. Paul's is confident of success, it. sport- and a tvturn within a sea: on or t ». '>» tin* rung v'.ay., of it aim oi other years. in addition to the Bluetield . game, other home game- come gainst Fayed villi State. All con on October 3l?t against Delaware State and on November )4lh a tests are scheduled lor two p m. at Lawrenceville Ball Peek. Homecoming aetivitie. will be launched Friday evening with a pep rally and bonfire on the cam 'AFTER YOU, GASTON’ - Talk about interference!! Ycwie (41) *f Michigan State supplies ample protection for teammate Jeff Bolden a* the pair headed for the Texas Christian goal post in a recent game. The game wound up with a 26-19 victory for Michigan on their home tieid at East Lansing. (Ne-wspress Photo.) frnmntntmm % rJJ/J-’yJL' '*■*■<■ ««airnnn onin ■ ■■! i n-mit.Mv.Mfw f »-,*•:■**««-***:*•-* -■:»-? 1 jm**., ■-» m*- | =HOM ECO MING ' SHAW III'- ll ALLEN UNIV. I 1 Cf !^ lS * Pf Y 24 ; | 1 RALEIGH, N. C. »««,«,.«„ • I l|[ ADMISSION . , . . . . $2.00 <11 "" 1...1hw.t.iiw,...... ~ . "*ap Mary Potter High School of Ox ford, used some clever ball handl ing to score in the second quarter. Otha Wilkins, the quarterback, di rected the offensive which finally set Mallory over to score from three yards out. Mary Potter failed in the extra point fm a 1-1-0 half time lead. In the third period. Mary Potter was unable to gain against the Rita-s tight defense The visitors baa minus, six yards for their ef forts in this quarter. For tiieir tinal, score, the Little Blues inarched 75 yards, it came on a four-yarp plunge by Baker Outstanding for the l.igon High le im were Hubert Barnes, Willie Alston and Franky Huberts. Tne Blues Willisten High at. Wil mington, N. C this weekend. pus. Following tne game Saturday, there will be a dance honoring the alumm in the Chicago Build in t-\ featuring the music of De- Witt Cooke and his orchestra. President and Mrs. MeCb-nney Will be host.-, at a Colh-c hour lot registered alumni in the home management house Saturday trom rigid to nine 0. m. The homecoming parade will start at one o’clock, and the home roming queen will be crowned In tween halves of the same. She is tier attendant.-, will tie Mi Me Made!! I>. Wilson. .. senior from Danville. Va. Louise Keith Mary Etta Thompson, Dori Moody and Delore?; B6han nnn. A near-record world bn ad . min crop is indicated for 1953: production of 255,000,000 short tons of v.-lnat, and rye lore cast com pare* v ith the record 264,000 tor, output of 1952. £ SPORTS < ; ** mm A %sw rat 1& Jb S^.>' hr » r i' ~ ***■*" .» *, E * % : j . s &&&&*> vs W/c og%: i •' * jit ' f*» ,85- t *■% i y . .i cV - : AY Yg... b : '<■"% < hrc'wy V' .'' St?# - w v • >■ a y./fi ,yyr„ v i i W ■•• V- 1 ; -■ ' . A* 'v- ■: I ■■ - ! *y " ■•• vv >■: -V . X -- , ', •• ' : ’r .... .S.f • ...i, . •' \*-‘b iKVr- fjlfeilUX'. . - ’ ‘ ifg. ‘ - BKi BATS ABftOAt) Hunk 't')juui|»Mwi *utul irvui !ns dmt .hirtl ivoir. Lc it’ of iht* New York Giants lui.yf'lKill t« am during t.->e s asaa, .• I vi-:w\s U» n c:; trams, in ilie iirst of a trip I** aapun and an .*• ’..UiLiGor if-.a o f '■ iU ‘‘ ' ’ Haul ,M rs foul I riilf h.t,- hiiidiiv Eh.* ai h !»■•». w!»«» >t* »ua.h •<»:• «ti - 1:1 ua i. \> •■., • - : i ft -28 Pro spective Cagers Now Training Under NCC Coach i DT'LHA.V N (■.'.- Tv nty ,■. h< basket kail cts repiiiiv';! in Coach Floyd 11. Brown of Mni ;h ! Carolina C'..i.* j ■ hero last week: as the youthtui Eagle* m -hi. ; tailed Ills first ini'i'lil;;,. j:,;i ; i-- ( - ! id players. Missing from the group e 1 four of i standout; ■ Bred (i.ij son of New York ( ny, did ■ oot return to NCC; Albert Lit tle who has ij; !! drafted into the Army; Fred McClaren, star t s ur.rd who yraduatea; and Ennis Vv'havy, a promising forward y. n . t, :uts- • ton ed to Boston Urivv-d ■■, Nol\i itlistandlng these losses, four of last year’s brightest stars urn on hand: Charley “Tex” Harrison, the all-con ference pivot ice; Charley JSarriek, the stellar forward; Sam Julies, the brilliant, high scoring forward; and Chat ley McCullough, another guard, who also won fame with the NCC harriers as a high jum per Among the hopeful: I • portlli;-; | . to Couch Blown 1952 team ■ ; ported 15-4 conference rvainl and I Oii oil rail record ot !?■’, V ore; Va. Union Pc:others Jo Tackle Va. State Get Sts: i 'mi ij' mn Bit !. fCo ; < . f;t : ! m Willow nby, Mon d -ad c, ; . ;i ... vans. Nov Lorn; Lviv Loßer: >. K oK.-vdl: , LoOl ! J'o!]; i: S oil. O! Clisill.; Byrd, Panama City. L!n.. Clyde Riclmrd.soli, Hei:u< i':.ov Kd I ceil Pipkin , Low York Cite, .lame.; Haaiaiid. Sooth 1;.. Vo.; (■ •••wee (Ii ci tie, Durhs v; Cl v Badger. Peek-vilie; Edvard IVhtvl or, Brooklyn; Walter Asbeny. Cary, Ind.; Harvey Ilenrtiev. Cl uyt on; .1 am c ; A 1 to a Rocky Mount; Wile.v Rogers, Me thod: Joe L. i [arris, M* (hod: David Boykins, Clinton: RvloP.-i Dudley. Washington, D. C. Looniax Wil son, Durham; .Lillies Co;-,-, Clinton: Kct'! Hell. Durham; Willie Boone, .V; and (Varie:- Crwob tin. Wiiir.lon-Saiem. THE CAROLINIAN Ina 'V ir; - ;,;ia LXio,, , i ii' I - :- 1 Ti:.‘ ! .iti!.• ■ . h:.v, ■■ in, » i*i liii-i /SCiironU fjorn- ; ■ n t Ti ( mi '2 fir . : .XU./ t\ Is •Ui \\ utilii flaw >r i> if • »in nvt il nti iii p.iiute.rpncv: pl.»> if Union hart not conn- th>'ou;;it will) ;; *.i\ point f*. ■ >, ,>i ai. _ for another meeting v.i;h tin* ill*- ieom from iiiHiiu • >A \ ctr-;l. it \'i 0 :iri■:i Si a-. St.P3UI 12-U At The Ringside Oukk (..• '• > Tf*r l , t r i f i tUl*'* s*ot Know «•«(/«' i. tf«<- two lu’.li'k' - ! ttivi ion* to say un-'-f than Jie.iny < .miliiev; „}- Australia is bauta’iHveialit Ulls with V 1V:« «"!< ,r * and Voshso ' ji.s SlyvoitftU I'luiiir. KH i. kit B«x»n» Notes ■d dYroct : ; Id! >v> »f u Oor.Mi.WIJ o« ' i } i VO? ' . ' I \ ' ‘ ’' ' ’ ; •-■***. i WKKk FN'nrvt ■ SATt ui'i-\Y. «;U fo* ikU 24. 1A54 l 1.1 rci I. i f - i Cl ! ti d r’• ib t % t* 'tf jy #'* 4. 7 *Ht O ;wl tf'k ;* >■t */• J. 1' v 'V' M* Smt Jt v yt f ■..# Jt Sfe 4 # f i? ! r "i- {'*■ „„ v,‘?» • •>> , fciJC . i’.Cf.-! ' A >/| ”’L j cu.. FVit ’' The- Li 4 o:: } li ..}, :L::;. ;o \ L.<.;io J L-L,-. " I;CUi si ti jwu ~4 .. , ..., ’*■> , d • -••* Sf*® 44if 4 I jv® •’ -;i ■ .0 t - *' V: I'vt' f“C QiUfir*M i “ : " h ■ "■■* d' i v .. ■& $ , ;* . m •'■■' \s 111 ll •» 5 . ! t *• -V ■ si- : :i 11 « v'b:’ I #i I ll|aj «? 5 g -fi ||.:•- ■■ >. V- yi f |y | J ■« § jf I | gnm :W -yfi. aSß^Pißm^aßSfiKsßßareag@Beli HdTK-m >: i /lii! ''vWj&Ri,*- h i'-V .|&;^i' ( .’v vis; tfouilim ;,■■;■■' :. : ,V v-i -V. • >V j §§ Isl PSiilEii &4VY J fegi ■*' S £ 1 ?jg §|| 4 ? |4s i--!n> -ii, ,f 4 t’J \v§| ix : > * .••..*• ’ t ' ' A.-V .> ■: " ' ■ ■' v - rv.-; I: ;-.;s re) : aiij • ' ; ts- ■ - ! ' ;i :i ■ 1 ! /'■' 1' hi'd^A- "\ rr4l t-CltP* \ • .. n'OrlJ 1 1 :r-v- ’ ... : v'"4 qn "' s ilii Vk i ; ” "mrs-ntr- ** fit \ggggSp»** rill PPHf|r ; SOUR MASH\ %jyt, fi llt/lll' SOURSON vitiMitiii iiti In- iUit i i ; iJ' ’i - rhfK &fI ti uMj Uiv! it ILK: u! ?LJ U • r * v i ... !.[,",/(«t s .lt, jl / |>J i|py. *«ik mcm&e'VJv'S| i jWm ti.s»;: 4 H»s;4 t’-H> ; . variou. «hs;;r ! if® tn.' ara|.wr'wgaßaßß'eMMH si ,«u >K Sii -LI .V' avra! hi C iltU'^'-'♦. v- • f l i i’.iE'U ( U • At:-i«v*;e Du •-•c-tor, unit j* -h J iiSi HiS. ;& a, Kt:ck ; ,r nW# PubJiv:iiy D-ife ioj. A. (QfSsil Tit-) t;;tci SmmSfo '■ P i 1.,-, .-.; -\...- i. A uMrLvii* , I pl|§Ht CVanaa:'V ; ••'-'sn.-r-, sfe J, v 'ui'. i-r; O: ss.. ti: l, xt •' n't t*v V;ii plfe Bi-rs-y Sft&jj ;> »,, i-- DJ'u'iuT ; . P *-( * t*f 5 ‘ it! •I ' J X>'‘-■’> i « r .O r iU' i a* is i... *■:..■ r.^x*-vHv- i . ... ■ : B|I3SShPM | -vi J?St4 jMgg jjsHg .’•’M'? i f'H* , v?-'V » ! T"- «*• Vi. .«!..• wili Start :v i’ M ''* y / h*' «% 1? ft ;i> ■ : -;■■ yf ‘ f&.GOy !;••,:< :'v< il (i-ai.ui! ■ ■■ H ■ i .-i.. : ~! r,r> ;»nd ;■ -'■>>»■< n- ■ beiiv, f -*i !.' *S :»t ’:t*s'h !.i« •!!,*#’ Mr.'-.;.;.; M..r -tapir, -■ ..•