PAGE TWELVE " r** m-"r ", t? £■ , Ifr: l 1 ** * j J *-- p W"4p 1 : ? 1L '* ' «- * ' 3 N __ t ■* I SI IIP VI'S EQUIPPED TO BECOME HOMEMAKERS —stu dents enrolled in the Home Em nomies Department at the v,.w I.igon High School art* be hi" thoroughly eqnpperl to do a creditable job in Home .Making. This department is under ii> supervision of Mrs. A. M If' is ter and Mrs E. Tonies. Torse areas of space has been alocated to the Home Economics Depart incut. There or.- two all purpose rooms and two complete home units. Home M ikins as taught at I.igon is divided into many areas, tinnns the siihjeets taught in ■yak -K ; I Is A Credit To ■ - - - ~~ ~~ t We Are Pleased Fo Have \ Had The Opportunity To j | Do The Brick Work ; i y.^.ai,..g j« .oa ■»»,■«,***»<■». mmaumskmis. **"*»•* j McPherson Construction; COMPANY j j HILLSBORO, N. C, I I “Builders Os Distinction " l \ A RACE INSTITUTION .j|flit<P »--a -ts *—* •* • t 9 -ff *••«• ■*■—*- * ■ •* . ..... ... ... » .« • ■*. 9 *-■*..*■ * -* n-..« FIRE PROOF i Gypsum Roof Deck i HIGH INSULATION VALUE } ' w HIGH ACOUSTICAL AISSO.RPTI.ON] ! ", 4 :: ATTRACTIVE IN APPEARANCE I 1 ' 1 11 • 11 * i 1 ♦ INSTALLED BY— I i f i! The Bonitz Insulation ! Co. j 1 ’ * t ' BON 1285* PHONE 8174 ! , , * 1 i » OPEENSKOPO, N. I r " * ♦ Accurate Metal I WEATHERSTRIPS * ♦ 4 INSTALLED ON . ♦ , ? ; Ligon School ; \ By ♦ * Gibson Insulation & Weather Strip Co, * I , l P, DURHAM, N. C. I . s 3 f tins department are: ehiid tare, f.imitv relationship. familt eeo nomies. foods ini maferiats, (lothltig and tes tiles, and hoiis iiu. and health. As evidence of Hie popularity of these courses boy., arc .."iting the ~t;;u<-<ls in ail the areas of instruction. The kitchen, which <• in foli view of the diner is et|Uipp-'d w.i'h eve’s t'lie ot modern kitehen equipment. the equipment >s made of stainless steel and is so arranged as to facilitate the preparation of meals. In the kitehen are three large electric ovens and from Sliest ov.-.i-. <o, tv i'v . rods ami mitt iii’s s ■ ' times a week. In td<i »ie*i tn th ■ iny double 'in refrigerator and a large m-purate deep frei-a-'r, ib t . l.jgon kitchen is eiju-inpi'il with the ini-, ti lik m rooter and relrige i.itnv u * .!ci *h school sy stem. s ■ ♦ -Aswv*>’> »* a , yc-*’" T '" -***• ******mpej>-f .■ g; . ■ - ir. | [•«<««** /" me if p L * " j ' '\ \ “ / / ... / Ml!' r.< O -Ip., V!. ncifv TI.-c Held oj Art has not been yiccle; t i at the I’.ev. 2i | STOjO High - -hoof, The Art He (*;u imeut is In.p -.'d in a long ■Studio like loom, fitted with dr.* w aosrds, tats< Is, modeling and mi-wbii! . vouipinent. vetting and 'H twang tihiis and tools and equipment for sculpture and ■ block print s ', The rt room is quite ipji" opriatelc i.i, sjg’iied and furnished from the -.tatui t r.t i.tilitv and heautv M : -ss , M. (", T’.ilic-' is tin- capa tile s.'.ipcrvisoi of the Vrt Depart • meet. j sSM) U (;0 TO ( ill !!CH ■ oy&K"' S SI? ' > | V» 7\t% srcf« Stvitol Spitlh | I | i AustirtoMchofs % ? &Ca2m istc. a §j y ssfc2»'..-«’, an- sww, ronui *»*» .j»- mm mm- mm «w*»s «**&•. mm THE CAROLINIAN Lk;on’s Athletic Program An integral Part Os System Atilieiics is an int.Of.ral psn i m th- ; ivscia! ecu <i ■ n set ij, a' th«> i’a‘w ! igon High S' ho-.1. 'I hi al'ih-tie y ■ nyam at this seh ml i ■ '•>!..ductal n.l inti .sis ■'y weil os inter-aiioot coat, otitum. • Tl’is >"■ ir. i 1 is hoped t .el in ad ITCUI t ) looteali a'Hi all. a v.-’-U ro'.'t.ded penman*, of i s. ..ioi.u cat ticipat.ien i t ..>a--ebali, .rack and tii-ld events eye b - or ranged. it'-i- ', ■ '■ f; i. ,„t• ip i.! ,i | ;,.. . are conti'sk’d ; su , , Vised by an a' ida is c. ■ l . oi. t-- - I - :s eo. lmittpp. under t!>\- ciiair it nshi;;. of ti- •; • .\\-vel!. con-.p ,u-tl 0{ four teaebors who top;esent facults ■ > '\v« stu flits chosen by the sUtra.-nt coun cil e-. riude-nt .. . •.i . . Newell s. o serves as bttsines.- ti .itvgei hu t;ie athletic Hoard ot' Control. ’ in ns iwu-v as ftinjonl are eot H|ir: to |- a V an at hi sc fee and no funds Tv they, activities tost pr. wided far by the school tiotird. tiu athletic tin.'gram must depend miiiciy on sate receipt.- to. P■- - nt: - namv ATKMH :U1 WIN "Mis (.!\ 1 N li.WCH'ET Winners in intvamu:al purls ac Hank 01 Knight Is Given Three Howard Officials WAS!iINGTON, D C Me- Dr V knuvz 15 Spratliti, proies-sui r,indie of id,man,, jr;i■,- l h ;! e e . Koivsintc- langiv*yes, a.isl TVii' ■ Tv privai-.' < •;d'en:. the Order of; Gustav Ai.zenne, associate prose.- Mo.. • vi,. Bait.ioa, .vas l:>. - .•••< r of I'r.sii:-'. - adhuni..!ration tov.iri oi on Di vlooic a. XV ■ Tiie;, along V th Dr Joiiasuti, are - -a. 11 - ' ! . j ,n-.-ii ierit oi HoV.o'd t' ! , - - ! ..::: T:: - -M tta U,; ves ii.d --i ve-isity. arid t vo professors in the i IT/nversity's College of j a Sju aluny at tit, f-i Oscillation l Atts at eoreoionies held hose re-; c-n "i;oi>ios Ainbassador Heurte s onth at t!':o Panipiar!ian ft,.., - r -.ynt,- t through the effort. --’■■■•■’.* On ! iVleC'ltu :-i>r, djivciuj- o', of H"v/:.i'u University. ;,(!<■; tin . ' ■ i, e , laioais to I so, id low-,- honorer.- in paitiesiar. The a v<is v, .., marie bt iwecn the University of Panama iby Paiinnias'.iat) Presideait .ioac, ■ -nd Howard hits nistn imiiat.ed •• no a i- iiihi .>!! I,‘obi rio Hettrto- i and th:-! the timls of lids pro j mat to. .■-.nihti.ssador to the Unifi-d yam ail be iwu no out, in tin j dates, Ai-i-o for "Efforts made ir, • near future. j favnr of Panamanian cuhiuc" and ' --Timc v mtinj* Panamanians [ "lib ir coijtrjbution i.-.i Lslhitiian ■ - win* }v. .e bn-ii educat’ d ill Me : 11 ;, Mw. ... . ; (-, - : . ~ 1T,,-. •: -a ' . | ‘i he lacuity m•,nl- p i • upon he said • Those '-raduau-; of this : •''C-.a- ir,e ne.iSV -.vas ta str a■. rj are mei iUii ions iin i ver.- it v are leaders \ . % / * "V f ? A, Cr ■ * &‘Jf . V . "> ■ i iW' , r ; *.l -• j ■ • ’ "*" y • f *' 4 ■ *»* « 4 / IKOKM TKALLS DEPART ■WENT ’ inwij the vocational traiiii/iii i aiirsfj offered .it i i j, on is tin course in the trowel trades (bricklaying' . Uv.Ui/in;; the ever iucreasitis demand for "* . ' -h 7 '*® t V. •..?* ! L , -’*». d I IV. " \ WL ‘ i W: /■*.- Slfisß MRS. SANDERS A CAPABLE MANAGER Mile Liston sehoej cafeteria is under the capable tnanageinrnt of Mrs. \V. A. San der*. a dome economies- gradu tiviti.-s are friwn a banquet, the e t ai v. iiic i i.-- paid bom i.u ..'hi,:; ;■ a. t. Tier wimwrs art ,bo i 4 .’i n t i-i ■;. ! i- an u rnone - •-■i mi.s. TiA . :lv : iy Co: i-'i'iiie *s hw.img that >his v. o inier-sehool (, ’ • iiiU’. > i-ioiO patronage ■I, 1 , ■ --, *-* -. o * , Toe,re :i r e !. . ’V i . . -! *. (a ’ - !: * . this h ‘H* will , 'I „• i: v Civil:* iimi at i v.’ L,i -1i .- ; :-,<»i with : i ’in; capacl v ■i rha. c-t-ut* ;;liy i leu and M i.i.-xim i in saicty. o ;-| aid aUra Ir- --ness for pa mciuec iti: :e turno. is for tt**- fas-, Tim Mjiletk- Com i:i". . while' nil a ma. ot tin* | '' M ini di aw im. i.DV.’i’t- of the (i.ii.-i-iani. is; ,*•,-i■ >r ,i<w>. As an inciicatioti of that oe ttvnin.'thon, an intersectional y.r ’! n-” .a. alioady be. n the new ••}*rtosi'ini with \rn ■ Tfi ■ lb o fwiiool o- ;aiat on O. t Th... h.olfc’iU season has already a.-.)*. *i st. > 4 f'"M -kill'd brick hit erv the Voca tional department is well equip ped to Uain U.s student- to meet this demand. I lie department is under the supervision of Mr. George V. l.sunt. ate with 1.4 years experience in iuuiciiiJi,; food- Assisting Mrs. Sanders are five other workers, [ two of whom are cooks with maHi years of experience in that . j art. ' " i '’ . 5 (;,i, .u.-titiNi .int a liaaix'ial sumd •x>int Should Hit’ basketball re ceipt.- ve;.<’h a parabi > lev-- 1. ; !. uv Commlttce v :il at!or ; t.s .•ajo'.'t.s i:..iltens both c:.i a.ball and l; ~i k ■ '.'''at. tiyvl >:;h ■!!.•. ~. I,,,:;: (! .V; A * V:otH' urn ,;-a.r, proven to b- of the hiyth ! merit and shOU. 1 ■ fr'-ove tne i n>i!i'-hi.••; sc support of .all people LOSS FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM F-.MtorS '. * to; I his i- r*pH*U- jj i*J 1 1mu |hr Twin ( *»'■ i { I-. !, VVinstW-Saif-iii, i . k:< H'liLfion of Or. \V. H- 'Aat j son fs priTiLijul tij Car*'or j Soho»i K ivgr.-il.iMe from tM < ? stiindj; ial.l of the tfduc.iuonal • system of Forsyth t'ouniy | !‘(i\vevcr. an educator nui.-a 40 j where h ckcUeve-. there is op- purtunity lor greater service, j i. Watson accepted the prill j ol a ne" ’-chuot in i tv.l lei. 1., | fir. Watson has been very | cifectiei in ins leadership •*! ! (’aperh.■ ps (he finest ana j most modern of 1 onsoiidaU* t s, ii.iol- fi.r Necrots so tbe i soothe astern states. I'hose wh« j pave y (sited tis** school and ( have seen for themselves the la, Hit c- and the excellent stall j and faculty ol tile jiisUluiinii ; the extent to which | 1 ersyth ' .I- : one in raisin* tbe ; pitisic.ii and teacliinit stand j 1 (-(Is Id education ill lids cmr | mu nit'. lo l.r. Watson t!u people of M'ii!M«n-S.ticm * !< ‘l j. owe much M cred it sor the superior operation tvi that modern school plant. I Panama. And the most singular j ! . |>v eif ffii.- fve? is the' liso iSt- . mi itv "f there grad ate* belong to \ ''mo.-! humble Hasses of the' . Tv p.A la '[ i,.y Lii-V'. to ilovVtirri,’ ill- i HeurtecnatU said, “without tif.’ ’ i iic.v.s an it«.• ir etuti es to earn . . tt" Me ; illii ’! be vet ... ■ ' .*.! 1 j ii'-blc t.nivi rsity." ' ! O; Or Johnson, thy A niKw: .■RtnOf i eei/i, ••](.• Ims pCrlornK’D a ,a -Si. . re ;>!':■ | 'Oil: Olid Mm*:. tit ’ bbT- ) Inns " Dr, Spi titlisi vws cited u- *' ! ■ :ii rnivii divuluc:' of isthmian cd- , pin. av ! Professor Attzcnne for i j.i -ins “ini tilt) itripu).se'' to the ' change; program. j TJSp, ft* '*)&•■- 4®*" ■*?&»- oggg} k-ijj.i»wu ■«'»!"» ph«hi»»—n «*m ■irrrfMiir'*— ** iwu»wmwunMi» h<»)iih»w,mi»«».«w. —■— - • ■■■—— ■— - —r-rr«iir-rrnrramr -<r mntiWiM im imi—hm> m I *. ♦ *■•*•*# •* * t | ; Congratulations i ! I G. C. Manpm i ]X ( ! >UPOi: A i K1 ) i '' 01 * j Hill a boro Street Dial 3-1831 I TO | l Ligon Junior-Senior ! 1 High School | o i f • * -qs»- <oe» ■«'. -O* -S&5- -35>> » ? * iWE WERE VERY HAPPY TO HAVE* | ' HAl> THE 01’PORTUNITY TO DO THFJA 1 |( LADING WORK. | l , -»©- <#• -«»>• «*<*- ♦ -4 . « • • * * * WEEK ENDING A A.TI.7iDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1953 t t m St * i iini i a ill ' S I \ A l i>«. i’'Kl *li M - the DisoJt Junior- Senior liiuh School Music De partment hits, three areas, namely Panel. Directed by Mr J. 1 l wards: strirsis and orchestra, ili reeted 5 y Mr. t:. Thompson: and ve eat. directed b\ Airs K. At K* llv. Music in the hi«U school is very necessary in the making in well rounded ritifcns who will he more cultured and hap pier with less (rain on their nerves .Music is a ijoad leisure t'mr filler. * i Congratulations : l "" To t i :• Ligon Junior-Senior ; I ~ High School j i * * * T i t I Citizens of Raleigh { * ‘ | • r j \\ ! !Li IS. lIIUHI U'oNOliKI) L\ HAYINC AN * 1 OPPOUTTNITY TO !• aISU IRTI.DiKG MA- | * * TKPvIAI. FOP. THE .SChOOL. I i f i * t i Oidham and Worth Inc. r i t * r * * * iom vS, We i Stt iM't Oi;U 2-332A * f T - «**• «*► ***- 1 -*>- ♦ * i COMPLIMENTS OF * ♦' ♦ • Perry H. Beeson, ine. - t i ■ s GREENSBORO N. C. ♦ v? I We Are Proud To Have Furnished # The Hollow Metal Doors And I Frames For This Modern * * High School ♦ ' I 4 A Tii!’ Ilvei dairymen can *>roatlv ! reduce their feed bill by including ! 'i S’t r.rlntil I>* •*! n qUHlity ** f »’ \<\ L>.a n;. Jja ,i r ■ - (tin:.. : . ► Apprcaimatoly 1,347.01)0 es : *■ 3 North C." iinienc live on * i it.... ie ix'pulalion of l.r.- fieius can he reduei-d by f Ml by. till nine the roots: ei bit. y ear’s crop -'ut to dry in .... • ........ . . ..... -«•«. * *- r

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