PAGE SIXTEEN y#o i ':4s. -y. - q ••-' - -As '•' S' •: \•' •:-: CR 'C. siS£‘ -:Vr ;. ■■ % ', XL rA; ■■■•• " •■■- m *.; • '• ' r fi\l. : . . : country’s most publicized child prodigies » few years back, prepares to board a plane in Sweden to continue her European tour of six couri tries. .Miss Schuyler was afforded one of her greatest tributes by tbs press and public of Sweden, and hi«s already signed far a return eco cert tour of that eoiintry next >em Sh* rvturuf. to -'■< t. a. r-, J&iiUiU| (Xcwspecs* 4'i»otu.; .. iH aMMft** *‘-5Xn»-9bl- 'a -- ...■■• - *•• •= - ' -.• TM-i! t 8 WWSn*lMtiX f w-" Jp-vi”!'. Ifkte•'»£■•■■■■ &^&^£^ s Z39 !^Hnsilpl VIE WtS • not.'K.■. Mi. I • FOK ( ’ ; •; RO'Cr. A. I ; , h-o last. 1 . : ■ - !■■■ •'a ');C. i !"■■•; An An i-!tt M Di" . ’"".cv ana} n 0; .; ; - General Bnp- Pa» - k, Rue.'.;. n;i. , i : ’.i . stall CA.av; n.tiui; of Norte nay ;'■;•< -• > ; ■ .' ■. -i - .! ■ ; in i'l 1 Ort. P'*' ••’• 'i'> ' V • .'■■•■ ' . ' .'A Zion Baptist Id 1T.01;.n- ■-- "I’ ~. ■• U - ■ Rev. ft alii; \V. a toady p. na> u.!or. > to . ~i! su: l -a , , , ■ pa^toi, got of; to a Wiebat! I. . !. ' ' {; , :-Vl‘!al ad- Port.s lo ram; Fib;":, .A .J. ■■ ' "err. and wer; shops, end of be; Iliad lie"' • a eve :v.‘. iniU,-. a.-,' IXe •..(•ctim- ; of Various tnuii,. IS-. : . \''. '• I ■■ o and lie- inscun'ii' ; • '..'sain plfiCf- A "i'ii-n o 1 •• t a is.' sad; 1 . . day nils ill. iiance a is. ' " i \ a \ \a . i,sk,w, d ;,y the- open -nci - O' el ... : "■ 1. ' . i. va . -,i iV. to mem • Vv ij.-v and choir p o.n Weldon’s 'll'" !*’ ’' 'I V. U.b : ; ( . - üb i. ... , , : " i ... (asd. I'ulH 1 , . . J St. John • t. a ail o. •• STRASSNER KEYNOTES 2Mii foi iib isos as- i ’.Vha't ...a; ias. ais' d the key-i er of i!7 ... lie iai. . : . -ad !,./ Dr.! fiid • *•• . • Vm.Ul- W . r., ■ ;of SliatV i O' as ' lisa ■ aa !; .a,. . -i; .. da; a a ‘.i.a ; lilannied ! Robe: i a ...’ ;.. a, . .'., :. ... d. ... . acr j i'diiS H' ' id I'! i aa '; a , i'| ■ Or! lilt d if t’.'Ok tO * VYaii-.c! and ■ i '>• '- in viva .. inn. - < . a institution f R"''.v hr-: Rn -a' l ■■ ■ : , 11 s? cr-mroon- ! d'-'.V iind -dI j. ■ \.- • " a", . ; ; ,-I Oid.Hi'dS. i VuS' i-.a ,a . " a; ... d , a . -• ; !'■; a da'.V : ShaW | the-l • 'idasaar ( ■ ■■. :v . a- 1.. . i.v. a~. ;....;,i : V!" aa'. a"e. ;.'l a V ; ... • : "a ; t tt' !')■ extent i Wai! ! ; ’ : n" ' ' ; ’ ■ • :id da !\ ijy "'.Volk-. | flic St -S' a !.a ■ i ( a-; S,.j. v. aa" d'a. snass v. oyk i bl ' It. I'l i. : *' >ll.ll .. a l. lh Or f(« ' t-lOM c,\ij AIJO.IIA . • ... :. d !i .it a a-.! <a i the 1. . . i ■ a aa ■ it f: ■ -t lent s I °* l h‘ ta!'. .. : . -•■ • t a. ■.-- a. < d at' all (duett-| I.bctin i- sis :i ai id • a ! fiaa ’.'."'.nch is. ■-* it;., t I>. ! :eiy cOlidd ! -'etui nod I roll lid fifth ;d .mi .So- .a .I ■ ■ I • all., JTJ, .Strassnor i 1 i'' 111 ‘ '-s' s' .... .' i: 1 r< i. I' a. ;. pa f t of Baptist ; tde Sorthei'ii J till'd n.d atp \v..... ■.. ■. •i. v, Thin are fifty met ill Ok' ihniiia ('.'.. .<-!e >- f. ; r -s .-ad and SSOO eaen J Ceiltiy. Jut Vis is id oia • ! oj da ...a, !.(■ i, .at,emit of $5,000 Stili i id'- ■ • id. ' '■!> a .. a :d .aii s’ a.'-ave cullugi.- Owing Or the .-.'fd He ... ei io ts.vaiiv -.a tinau i.-ii! The ui\ x., ’ the! .=4ll-1-5 Bn it it syon t.dit i i Odd at.;u pa a of a 'RO.kOO setiM>Oiifcip- j was given n> i .e ivAOCR O'.ii. • aid fund to noSo meet this need : j ann ■i ■ i.'ltt'iKtini' incni.ivrt VV. a i : .. ;J ( ;;... aoo.titiO Baptists - | I. - y 3lps. «fe '! '** .. ..y|^r^-#v v 'v ’ ; *' ■*&s&s "“'li: - : , ■V, ~~' \ s < i y, ■ /.* |y^gg|y| ;• t1," 4 ' ;S; ; 'fVj;.i|i: : , t ■ ' Jj&l I , < lp : J. I - -.1 .• : • 1 .. ■. l:iu-t:-.t putsch averted by the ouster of Indian PHiw Minister OlMddt .lagan and the Proph’s Progressive Party, troups rushed to British Guiana COOII befrieiiilcu l-A&Uir. aad N'T:’’" child r<-r> WMh MmskWlf ai.'ihorefi i« the iwriKtr. and '‘Tommies’’ patrolling the streets, the threat of vleleMf at »««*»? p.Vsntatioas shut down by strikes, ha# out uateriaUaed. (jNew&prps* Photo) , _ Race Church Women Hold district Sessions In Wilson By Mrs. Lillian S. Watson 3i 5 Collier Street : h": AIKS. 11l u s s. VV.\ iso\ j f ..-.’Ti:ei viico of t. <:-iored : u 'i e;.B.ikr'i v, :js <\u Saiu rfav o‘:U; ' t.r 31. at Oak j U- ove School in F i ~e ::om'o Coun* j ' ’• i ti.c-iie vva:-- ;.'Ow re- : ..<c»n..0. *• j -i-It L'~i, K’i a l ia**';- ■_* in SOCit t j . WVI U.s ?ty of xtU FIKST . ’4. iFTISI C.l It'll NOVT dHEK \i, TlIKDKiii i... gill | _ .nonuay ni.p.;u, ;n v .v. mber Rev ; a Vv . Jotie.S Uliti CiiOil Os J-'.l .t ie • :td .Street oa - it St Clnuvh, Ra i i( -'igh, N. C.: i 1 Mi'.su:.i}, .ufV, i j S. Suber anci ! vdos a "i Si. !V.ioi u AME C;i until, | Srnithtield. VV. an; day. Ktv .! ft. FBet aoi! ; •••hoir et Galilee aiKt Sfa iisg Hii! | 'hurehes. 'Thursday. Rev Boykins and chuir ;of -Si. Rep"..'. Di...a.,:t Caiureh. ! Friday. H . . . B Johnson and ! i choir of the First Baptist Church, I i 'rna. N C Holiday me; tiiiig, Sunday school j jat ft'3o, Sertfie.i I viii . y the pas'- ! its . Rev ,! 1. Joiu-s S-anday ni-'ht im history of <";< ; VVih fce yivei. by .Vi. . i. •VI. SaiUii'i Aunivi..u - > serlttoiT; 'ay Rev ii. VV dd sid .. ad e-a.s!' ed ; | N.C. This affair i. spoil-i ■se- by lit. Wiiftni W "i c> ■ Cihb i ..1 ;Md I E'-biit ia, Rsv.s is i ! jg *■ v.i-.K’i.t and Aii.s ,-tJMcNcii! j i . . j The Eighty-SuSt Ann d Asbeiti- j i -it y oi tht W.a *. Lid -Aft it s 1 ; ihuren convened wd: Juniperl d: at: i . c:,Rt • Chiu Thursday! ; i Mdobe: r.l tie"..:...., S- No- j i l vt -vibar 3. Rev. VV . L Williams is I j ; ester-. The motto V Building j !; t m Youth of Tot. a.-.v. Our j | [ Horoll of Tooiorroi . Our Con - . • j ! | munity of Ttarturrov.. .-.nd O'. *d ! i VV’ur.M of TotriOi row. Our ad: !! V $.1,000. Bt.-!iii'W!:', of the j 1 ift.'-n;ble,y v-.cre int? udi't |or\ st-r* j 1 ! dfK.ti by Rev. S. V. Geatge; theti ■; ■ liter idiiviu it,, :-.u sic ci: | Preaching Citrisi.' W ieoine a.l - .revs by Mrs. Nettie Williams rn ypoiat Air. I. principal' of j ; Peur Oak" Cowed School, address j Ce Rc\ C. L. Parks, Dean of the! d '..redan Institute, Gtildsboro, N. :Cs remarks by B I. Ta 't, an out- j : standing man among the colored j ; and white population of Four Oaks J ! A solo was given by Mrs. R**ua j j McCov followed by a tribute of j thanks .-. Mr H. J. 80w5,".; Fayetteville, N C, lav. W. L. Wil- j ■d Nr,-'tt; (’.e i,i;ita to "Awake -'w! I a, a;,e. put uu thy :Uer. th G Zion!" j ■ He asked them to ‘awake’ to tile j j; ' .-ft of it :•> :tt)\ education "right! ■ here al home' . Shows fCOti.UOO an-I j r.uai duiig-r cali.. for an outlay of; | $26,000 monthly, which Dr. ytrass:-: j tier raid often cars : 'sleepless j j id ->fits’’. ! ONE BOM.AK f UO.M ’ I ACT! BAi‘IIST j Jus! (jv. dollar from each of the j TdO.OOO Baptists would help ini- j j mensciy in easing th< burden on j Shaw, St l """-tier aid. However he: \ a ; not su optimistic - or to expert 1 j si t<> rcspvinci. Said he: "If only 300,000 would respond” -ii would wesders, Discussing *Ais j "Cliallcnge to Zion” .'abject. St ran- - - i ner called for "Ziuns of Xon h , i t'jiioiina to :w ake" and m et the , ! needs of "the millions who have ! not ye! bowed their knee" nor giv- • I ear to the gospel of Jesus i j Cisrist: an t to the thousands of' or phans which the Oxford hornt ! could not cat',- for. This “dta!- i Ic-nge” Strassner hurled at the 1700 j ; j Baptist churches and their pastors.: i Dr. P. A. Bishop, Rich Square, us re-eie :Tcd pi'e:- idGt'itl H- -V R. IVI Pitts, Winston, board chairman ltd Mrs. A1 A. Horne Winston-: I Salem, presidr-nt Woman's Auxil-' ' i iury, ! j hams chief ami iVBs, S. H. Wil-c I mmm. 4h■ |l ! 7 , 7 OUTSTANDING DOCTORS CTTED Dra, Mamie and Kenneth Clark. founders and directors of New York’s Northside Center foe Child Development, receive the Schaefer Achievement Award for their "outstanamg work in tin- child ii«.ftta! hygiene field" fr«m R J! Schaefer, president of the company that established the award. A SSOO Co4,h award accompanied the honor to the medical couple, J v (2fewwre» FholtJ.. TiH’ CAROLINIAN 7 I V il. t ( . !C ? • ; \ .ns Shut In J. i.huu Sr. Mr.' Valeria .ivy:,. Gu; a Vviitseu. Mrfs. Mary ->u i.unv.s; fvi. s. liuM ta G. ey t at.,; .vir-. r... ... VVi.iiani' are mor.L! / ~k t.u. 'u'. ek. Births Mr. and !V!r.. ,>y'n - •;;n r Wdliams ’ ~i e ute proi.c g-uviti of ,j ba&y -i. I hoi t. V\ ..title- da . O fob. i 2J. .. it;da ■ ■ ■ , 'H, :1 mat .. R. :I . .Itiids. nighlirht' of Etlfhard H. Harrl-m; tciimii Ii ..UK', s' til in. Para l* .trtf! E-ti'Hr.ili Gillllr The Rit - ':; li rbit'risijn Higi Jt'iiee; tlf SC'iu ti 1\ (. :: -,i it.,;, s' - U tl...Friday Oi tOtKT .'b. A ~. of beautiful tittuts ; and ei,;.,; ! r,,y three eivritio.i pcc i t vied tie. too'.bail ian - u between t At.-aufu; and ft; ■ i.ard t!. The r. ; ;h%'",.1 in Mill v ili.iL',: radium i 1... Beaufort , : uti, vroi ’■ -■ pm ‘V- ~i floats ;; a nets .: is ii tyueeus . v.l underway ' ..Ji’llj ill!. . Utut it I'SUt ke.'.util.b tue Riel.,nil f. ilar • ■-.-. in iii.T; band and niuju i.t'vit.. r.. float, ftli'.yisih .; j .:,,.1 ;::- ■ If,, ■- - y of j Airs. I. m : a.-:, the Boy ! unu Gin Ur. , ' and t,■ ■nn s ol ; Stilmi. Vies ft.riae'd B. tlarrison ; r, \j Aire A,., is Ae- tiam attir.-d ; n, be;; Mile Nuv.. blu. suit with ; a cols j-;. si : .., ov, eiiry san i I. i -1.: ■,:Vie ' J vtliiOf ( ;: Vv£S | Miss Bet;: triolcy. oiils Cle&ti |us of ye; it;* v v . had a tied in I the p:uaue. ise, Mrs, Alumni of i Richard C. .‘tar am ana hei at j tendahty. Ate . Louise Lassiter. The ! l iars t 'sl \v-:.e- es; ."ta,! b> AKAirr of Frmwton, N. C! |1: • Wtiiiam A-' Cooper High ! School band and majorettes undci i the -■ :aa", aii:i, ti" 1 v a ~r A. Ho!- [ eel;. Jr. ie.ivj t at. tit. - ,paltlsl ill tie, Sh.'n - t ,h tr; a.y'x float (R 8.H.) | .‘rmitiifieid J. C. T. S. t ami anc. nn.ioreUr . fa, . lioat in,: Hrtw - - ivCes., ala.; it. . J.C'i’S ALss iVlai'- a-in.'t Aru'let'"., jii with her aita me,ts. | -.1 ia. ■; Juiui \i. Dublin and Marion | Frazier; io a r O:,, " Cat be Val Stnoo: | FLarr-ntnr;. Rtl. - . mn bend under! j the direr;i-ti of MBs J’ooi and Mrs. [ I Jones. Tite 7th and Bth grad l * float , jo! li. B H„ Woodard Fumru! ; ! Home, tit'; .made float of R.BJi.. j Selma Beaut\ Parlor float; lOtn; ad- fioui Hamilton Funeral • ! Hurt!.' : tout :.rsd 111'.' Ulil gl’i'dt ; : float, folio - .'cd. Alsu tin Ciinton’s Quven St i : ;, ■ - ii School baud i.tid r,ia;ar,: v; . j Clinton, N. t... tin iitii gradt ! ! fltiUf end t if. ConiUliit.y JubiU't I 1 Singei r float ' ,ntpintthe ps* i ! Air participants. Hit. ain, was lop£H-<i j : ov tin crowning of Miss RicnaiT • i B. Horrist-n and a six minute per- j ;. . rnar,!', t-; iiu* i.a;;its and their . nujorette- - . Prizes were awarded j : v M: A. P. Cox, an instructor at! JV i usi ft B. Harrison High, The fit .-:t prize was won by j Rich. *'d B Harrison High to. hav ■ tllP i best- telling tilt' si ; jL~y Atiiu; e. Jißinrton Co. Train ijt:; School wup 2nd place, \ fators Ah. and M r. i.ocßh! Sander.' of t In'eat . r-i X. C. , •t-.c, Air.- , San deis n nit: :t r ~ A-l.e.ataa Col t.t Four Ci . N. ( J,, Rev J. it. Jones, pa.-tor t.f the Fir. - Bajltist Church o, Smith field. fruit! Chapd aii’, spent the , vet ekend w ith Mr. Willis Sarui a s IVlis. K-si; VV. Martin spent the! • -e, kend ;u Ne.c V ori. with i'.usband. .lamer Martin. Aii..;, (Annie Boy tan of Wilson Mills. X C i. visiting in New; York , Merlin*: Tie lambda Ctu Pin Club. Inc. j will nu-et Monday night, Novent- ! her 2at liaa;, of Jail.',.. (Bud- , die) Watson at 8:00 o'clock. V - sc : i'h- X 1 ,D District or i.l 11:1 an's .umlary the Na im Council of the District of Nm-ie Ca ..111:, held its tali mcet ri'i the St. Mai.vS Charon nr . ist ii ei K iiu- tin; bv.tan with the Ho v G* eiriiinion; ehbvunt. Dr. ilo . . J. .nsoa ot tin.* Di-strict of ao Carolina assisted by his • ... the lit s . l-'iancis G. .J obi •-on Uu Dioee-'. ■! Ea t Carolina, lap ..strict assembled for •• g mi'inii jo in meet last*.a alter t.u service. .H Man fiyoum > i j*!f tile w i«•.»•«• sutures* anil r l iii.' l.inee C i.uir ri sTiondpif, >. io'iii-.iiu ; 0 i'. tto R:. Kiv, Edwin .V, Penick Hi lioji of tin- iiio« ese of North < arolina iddri s: .ft the v.oiiieli. Bishop Feniek v..ive a resumt a the . er.' ■ \ii i. oi tin- Diocese ■ !iic [ ast 31 years during his • j . emuist! ation as Bi-wop Cohdju:- i ‘ iiu Diocese oi ts'ortn i. :qa.i \frs. T. Holme*. the Dio ' ipan president trom Chapel .'till spoke oi the District's work and suggested more in terest be taken in the young peoples program. Mi- Anna B. Ji.'hi'.r.on, ih.-r Di trict presiden l. presented the 1 ; :' ,- rn. of the y< ar "Christ Calls •• To M's ions and Unity.'’ Noon -1 i ~,v i,layers were conducted hy t • the Rev. Samuel D. Rudder, Chap - ! chi', of St. Augustine’s College, 1 : i:;ii -i' ii. Constance Young, the -j ii id v. oi'kev, mad.- an appeal to : -.-- to stitegUacd children. t.- i'i'i’T.'- were v.iucie by ‘’io rul *| MV.'}!!': .. i-i r. Mrs 1 'crcy Voting, t ! v-tveuiry o: Chfristian Education ,nd A ; . in Fit! i. the COT. Custo ’ i :;;* Mrs Fsikor Barn...', gave : : i st.lights from the last, proventl ! j ii nu eri'ig held in Kentucky in ■ I September A round 30 persons at-j ■ i n.-ndod the meetine. Dinner was 3 i .. on a-, thi Gmid •• Roon..' of i Si. .Man-.' - Cnurch, ROCKY MOUNT DEATHS •h ROCK - ; MOUNT. N. C. - Ktin- Mrs. Daisy Blackman Interred era! nte-. a e.v -aid here October IcttJri nil Mis. Daisy Le-vir Black man whin pa; ed in Freedman's ' j i.i.-pi;.' I in D o Coca week pro ; nuns. The funeral was held front .;e Si. .1. .Hi's Baptist Church with :.!• Rev. IV. 1,. Mason officiating. I.nti. rrnci'.t followed in the local t cemetery. i The* deceased was member of J { Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Wash- j ! Ill;to;I svhe,,. ■ Ce ,md her surviv !m; husband. William Blackman, ■ livi'ii. On. i'hiid. F.dward Lev. is. j ■ brother, Jr-sf E. Lewis of Sent- ! 1 .a. Wash., and Miss Ann Lewis.! Mi gi anddaugitler, arc immediate J !.- urvi\i.i's There are many cither i relatives. Zotlie 1 Batchelor | A veteran of World War One, : Aoiii- E. Batchelor, native of Nash | ■ (.'• i.i.'ity and a local resident for J ; '.wc-nty y ears, was buried here re- ] ! gently Hjs death followed an ex- j • tended illness in a local hospital. | Mi, Batchelor was » conservative . r.N a.-pired for the better i tinn.:.*..-• and remained a bachelor all : hi.- hi. H»- was in his late fifties. After returning from World War “>nc. Jhelo; entered Joseph K. Bri k PTejiaratory School wheve! 'tub:id ha' a while, later re : Hn-nin;' to hi: Kush County i-arrn. ! f; - >• -. quite aolive with Die local X; ACP unit tor a few years. R.- |ci nt.'y iiad been encaged in ; iiou.-c pal ri tin;: and repair n ork. j Support Ihe i I. SITED FI NO Rambling In Chatham C’nty GOLDSTON PITTSBORO SILER CITY By D, W. Headen P. O. Box 55 Golds ton, North Carolina GOLDSTON The Slate Fail : new user and North Carolinians are back at t-. u;ir usual tasks, it was good to hear mat Chatham Coumy won first prize for itt exhibit- 1 But that isn't all. the Ne ■.ro -t-H County Council won fourth prize at the N. C. State Fair for its exhibit on poultry management The CiuuCtam County Exhibit teas awarded a prize of $200.00 whi'-h will bt used by the council it! ib r. or!:. In addition to receiv in'-: the fourth prize for overall •'<■"ll‘ ov it was indeed the top exhibit in educational value. With the cope-ration of the coun ty co ascii members, J. A, Turner, County Agent Tad as his theme "ilow North Carolina can save f 00,000.00 Annually”, His display illustrated the theme by showing the correct construction of poultry feedhoppers, the proper storage tor pou'try feed and the impor tance of not overloading feed hoppers. CHURCH VOTES St. Luke's Church'members have just closed a week long meeting to rai a numcv for t-he addition of ke-s rooms to the church. The Goldston Choir under the ■,inirm of Fred Mclntosh sang at the AME Zion Church at Bear C;eck V. C.. last Sunday evening n-hile the choir of Bobbins. N. C rendered a musical program at Roberts Chapel Baptist Church at Goldston. sick lIST Little Jimmy Harris is able to return to school after a brief ill ness, Tj e j g thp sor< of Mr. and Mrs. Tar.n Harris of Goldston. APEX NOTES | The school safety patrol of the • Junior High School rec-.ntly : n.undecl out its full coaiy letnem. : i 'ihe palro began work in earnest, ’ afti r edch nu-tube.r was ouiiitted 1 .■ ttii tn ir complete lUskuiia. "inch was purchased by the P. : T. -l. V e foil strength ot the pat el now rests at 33 members, ; U f;, .:.-. CifCtea for tile school >'• ••*:• 'lie; <Ca )tain) Louts Cotteu .c i' ' t,.i ritcneut- : > Coi n-iU Bufta ,. 'o.-., Richard Wong its, Joseph Mc- L;.,.ti and Gettiiw Walden. , } at;.oie:,.i-n for the year are; Ha i ben Gene- ...lay, Charles Matthews, i . -_■ Ma-.-im, Barbai a Jane Wii liams. Emu Alh-n, Marcia Par | lanttie Bell Crutchfield, John ; O'- i ;ay Jcs.-r ,\i r. irr-AJ',., .RuilOipn u ouuiii'a, Ch.srh •• Scott, Quanita j H .vii. ii \ Farrar, Ola Han -1 . m.. lia.-Kfj Jono. Alphonzo Al -1 stol;. lyoiis Junes, Ca.'lye Bcck ! w ith, E\a Doris Bullocx. Gloria ! i -atn. Garland L*.<-, ric-nry L*-e Baltic Fa,A . Barbara Jean .!.i - ... - Lorirn Smith, Dorothy : Bagi Gertha Waidut. ! - i.:' o 1 i- looking forward ito attfc.oding the National Fahol ; Conference which is held in Wash ; . i-rii n D. C. ear,; '■ear. T*.a coir : ierenc. gi-neraliy ta.*..e.s puce dur ! in.: iiie montli of May. Only once i of lore fi3> a group, attcniii-it titi ! confej-ei ii trorn Api-s. It is hoped ] that each member the- y ear may , ’ i attend, , | The members of the patrol all ’ j take pride in their work, and arc I j increasingly attempting to make | mis tin best patrol, in it's four! ;yt ;,rs of exrstence Mere at Apex. : ' The patrol supervisors are M s. B. W. Blue and Mr. E. Logan, Ji '! it * rr.s be on under their guidance ; | the partol has grown and: I progressed m the last three veats 411 -News ‘ | Thursday. October 29, twenty 'four boys and girls of tne Apex ; j l-H club attended the annual 4-11 j i conference at n.e Raleigh Memorial I A uditoi item in Raletgh. Among the ; . i members from all sections of the i •i county, who were on th< program i us Louis Cottuii from the ,-tpex school. Loui- performed a very wonderful job in presiding ove. ' L'a- conference which was attend- 1 1 upproy.jn.ikely 800 w. tucicnts. Band News We are happy to report that the | t:>. \v band. :m m-n s are making : wonderful progress and are adding j greatly to ttit overall progress o’, j j a,..- band. Since oar last report: wc have added two new members; m t;u percussion section. They are j Albert Wt-ii-h from the rt-venth j crude ana Larry farcer from the j sixth grade. j in our attempt to balance ttie \ band, certain vital changes have J been made with others expected | to corn' in the near future. Charie.; , Matthews, our solo come list last ; year, has been switched to bari- j tji'e burn adding greatly to the I j bass .section. Joseph McCiair. has ! I changed from the trombone to bass j j drum. | We sincerely hope that these ! changes will be for tin good oi i both tin respective hand members j j and the band in general. Halloween f estival j The Apex Junior High School 1 faculty held its annual pre-Hallow-; eon festival October 30 at the I : school gynmtoi him. A short movie entitled "Easy; I | Money" was shown before the ac- j ! tivities began at Use different; ! booths. i ■ The pri2*'S at the booths would j | have put home of those at the State | . I luir to shame. Beautiful nickties, j i ; dishes, lighters, fruit, jewicry oi ; i every aisertption, toys and ever i iso many other things, | t Cru-iirmen arid co-wurkers at the ■hands were as follows: Fortune-, , teller, Mrs E. H Wiliiams; Fishing ' < : inai'iii. It rs. C. W. We:-ton, chair ! man. Miss Ethel Johnson. Miss. ■ iUaiiue Evans, Mr. W. T. Wilson;' f I- any pitch, Mas Josephine J- - vay, chairman. Mis. C. Justice and : Mrs. C. P. Jones, chairman, and i Mr. Eugene Logan, Jr., Dtirt board, : Mrs. Ethel Beasley. The following people could be 5 found at the refreshment stands; : Miss J, Koss Mebanc, Miss i-ouise Chavis. Mrs. K. 1! Long, Mrs. L. if Webb and Mr, J. B. Debnarn. . ; Air, and M"S. Joe E, R.-aw.-, both of whom have i<■ n very ‘ill for, time are aide to sit tip and 1 with the aid of wood chairs and } ; crutches, they are able to move i (around the home. The Reaves fami-1 ly resides on the Goldston-Pitts- j ooro highway about two miles I from Pitsboro. They reported to i the CAROLINIAN vbat they were ! very happy to be living and able j to si! up and above all they would iike for triends to come and see 1 them. Tills AND THAT Tile following unlisted mc-ii l ilKi i home over the weekend They will i spend some tune visiting their par* i ents before .-ailing for overseas j They are: Pvts: Jasper Turner. | Charles R, Palmer and Earl Thompson, all of Goldston: E. B. Foxx. Curtis Jr unson. Clarence Brewer, Siler City; and Clarence Stone of Pittsboro. Mr. Roosevelt Lambert of New York City recently visited hi- par ents in Goldston. Otis Headen, Billy Dowdy and j George Burton motored to High i f Point la«t Sunday. | A THOUGHT TO REMEMBER: I Goldston Negro School Fund. This Give and give generousb to the ; school was destroyed by fire Sop ! (ember 26. The North Carolina corn crop : for 1053 is forcufit at 58,380,000 i bushels c->. rwti Support The UNITED FUND \vmK TYDTYn SATTTID \ 7, I'OM i '"T": , " - ' - ' -- .»..v - - - , :# T :/;> t f i f- Arthur Prysock (riqht), chosen as the leading male singer of the year,* receives a trophy from Joseph Make!, National Sale* Kcpreaentativ* tri Distiller* Corporation. Riley Hill News Notes ■ OLIVIA HODGE, Reporter | RILES' HILL - The Interne:- of | Rhamkatte BY BARBARA iltl I. \.Nl> VIRGINIA Bt H i Church Activities T’hr St. John A. M. K Church : euest spo.ikcr foi their Sunda> ■ii r-.t service was Rev Crusni oi : MaK is Cross Road T a p. op!, ; nod tiit pastor. Rev. K E Wort‘ay : :>rr getting ready for t'onference. i The members of the ehuri-u ana • ..•J.ncn-.-.iutv ate praying and hoping , . iii oe back. The Watts Chapei Baptist Chur- j cp will hold its regular montvily f :S' : v ice on November 1, beginning ; : lit 12 o'clock p. ill. Night . : ' will begin at 7:30. Rev. Isaac Lee : i will be the speaker. Rev. Avery will preach at St. j I John A. M. E. Church on Nov.'tv • Per 15 to benefit the building fund | ! cl the church. This service i- spun- ! | sored by Mis Bettie Mount-. Every- . i one is,.invited to come and help | make Eh is a big night. The community mid week Prayer S Service vat.- ncld at the hoim ot , i Mrs. Bel! BaUentine ai 8:00 p m. j Miss Aizoria Pettifbrd enter tained tlie Cosmolugist Club No. 55 with a turkey dinner at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mnt. Edward Pettiford on Tuesday ai* hi, November 2. Birthdays Perrin Glenn was 7 years off an November 1. He is the son of I Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Glenn. Miss Doris Kearney also ct“e-! brated her birthday on October 20 i I Mi’s. M. T. Capei'-art su'd tickets I and Mrs. G. Coleman took them up as the patrons went in. The affair was quite a success j and was enjoyed by everyone ini attendance from the youngest to j tiic oldest Sports Oil girls basket ball 1* Jin ic ' shaping up nicely. Tin- players who j Maud mu are: Gertha Walden, j Mat’via Parrish, Addie Higgins, Jes- j ;ie Maugum, Peggie Harris, Eva Bullock and Biundie K- aisev. Other players from grades 6-9 show prospeev ot making the Ist Tom if they practice regularly. Some of the rules for our play - j vi's are; 1. Get some body exercise, daily, i 2. Be on time and dressed for praetic* . Do not argue on the court.! 1 for the i’uii of it. Sixth Grade "C" is still work ;!,., on the unit. “Community Liv hi ''. Th.ey have built a farm ot whicii they will grow \ ariou reins. They expect to plant ot. suit such as clay, send and loom To watch the growth of thesi jiam.'Y will be our special interest a- i - se°oßMsti j * / j - j #**'*««• * *> "iSSEsf * m*m # * * i | Seagram's \t ? Sterne \ I f BLENDED WHISKEY A \l All • s&s fWL Cfiia Hssftdl Sjrfrtte * | Cmpormt&m, Chr?*tar Smtefos#, JPtemi 0 J Lu h.ift* made a hit performance .' our school last Friday night. .. .'Gy entitled “The Devil's Fu ;a t e. ill be presented at tL v'. tool on Wednesday night, No -ember i, W. hope all will attend that ltn.i ; u convenient. T 1 o religious film? .vill also b * urosenfod at the school on Thurs . i.iy ’•!•’:it, Novell, ei 12. 1953. T: .. prog; tuns a part of tha ' h iv■ • launched at the school, i he Grid Fellow held a success . pro ram at tne church Satur ; -k.y The Rev. Johnnie Jones of iKr’ pr«-achcd the sermon. He t- ai. .vayg wa- enjoyed oy all. Many good in in .• : to eat were ! served. , ih, Ai:ii.;a! Bum-.' Demon?tra | lion t - ; i -.. ill Le . r ui Friday, No \vmb*.r 6 iii the Couiitv Office | Bt'ilclin: 1 ,. | Exhi'uis '.till In displayed by 1 . ,if"iOU;'. clubs. f ’ - B. if. Edwards, agent, Mrs. P. Wirt'berley, assistant. Mir? Hte.) ictj Jones left for New | fer -vy lu.-i Sunday to be with her i i t v-ho is til. j M " and Mrs. Thr-odore King, of i ikiUimo;«... Md visited friends and I i i m "r 1 lie weekend. f Tins Week'? Thought The on ly worthwhile security is courage; the only worthwhile power is love. Character and faith are the *uly ihings that count in the long ran". Roger Babson. GO TO CHURCH n'scoojj M mm fm YOUH htm \II ff^^LADIES;i| fl U yeor HAS pardW and EriHS*?' Bj fg * B ||j H»v» you PUNISHING your hmt S j|| vgk «uk <u* of Ikx ~ B HI :• WsuM pm ?itr to fine year inter H Y » china lo revet* itt Imttr* 4 .If jHB fi mmfnrul Ataiciinf 458 I B IWhau piimmlh| M ** A* Wp yoor h*» w 4 mud .■;jh B| $§ t contain); > * Pw» oiiv* oa, w * M Pun Imo&k j B dji Sim* ywa £*«* niiat i&L MW* 1 Bft ■ put UP IH A GLASS JAR..ANdB PACKED IN A RED AMD * B m -A ?181 P YELLOW CARTON. . , JM m te it jer J mmca. .* it} A* par aefbitorbooti Jrwg 9 KONGO CHEMICAL CO. u»C. B p NEW YORK 27. N. Y’. ' B P You tccnomift i B Wh&t Yew Buy Tint Best ‘Jm y ’ ' B

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