week E::D.r:c Saturday, November •?. 1.33 s Mrs. W. S. Nelson Keynotes Woman's Day Program Here KAJ.EI’GH - Thi. 1 Woman ■- Aux iliary of the St. Am ' i m Church pre.-seiHc-d its sixth .v.nnu ,! Wo maa’s Day progfum in audi tariurn of Crosby-Gnr f itdd School Sunday aflc’rr.c.on. November 1. After tr.e prt’ws.-'iuiuii - i nn. O Zlm Hy.it " Mi.... Mm -r„ w h'd a short missionary service cr * t'tied "00, Family lit Christ''. i'.H' featured speaker fn.- the '>e* Ct. ''nn, Jfrs. Willi t Si \’e|- sor.■ wile of « fnangx i.>r,ySfleet of L.y t*. Margie rite AW.irrs, cm is Chavis Heights News By Mrs. Mae Broadie 'i.U. SGr: V.r" : sj;d d.v: ‘.h*., :•• l ...ideli Flynn cele iv.ie-j. iric;' .- u.’got; u.'r recently. Both receive-d many u.' ; e~ Ui sift:-' Mrs. M.i y Parley tv p-imy her vacation ia Fietida. Go! '1 m Mt (. who 'V my.. mvw:: 1 mmkm M,: ZHU* Me- Cu:t of id 1..: oo,i: iovra<',' Mr. m.ti Airs. 0. P. Loos of S id-corn t. Cow, were in Urn city over the weekend msuine frie-Kb. Trwy v.'i- the house guest of Mr u'id Jlv.' Henry Je-ncs. Mm. E. May Mon o; KWH. vv caj mvsK teacher here, >vns the m;r:> m , .it ’ WwwH. .Day Services emid Sunday sm ve'.iiUor l. "ilo - Ke'dy m .. a < : * -.a ot the American G. Hi ,f O: van- few*# Fol*£ yczzf-m /^SsSr A, j-~ ~ ' r— ***buf more hrm telephones Since the end of World War fl. rural telephone construction has surged ahead at a record-breaking pace. I otlav over half a million rural phones are .... sert,,l oy ,Southern I*01!, and nets one- are going . ui at die rate ot 6,500 a month V ■ I his record of rural progress o even more amazing when you consider that the South's farm population has actually decreased, largely due to . . mechanized and more efficient farming methods. But farmers need and use the telephone more than ever before. 1 hat’s why providing them more and better service is one of our most important jobs [ SOUTHERN BEIL TILIPHONi AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY i * ■1 ii iii.ii. 1 JLZ.. IT.‘ Bosse Jewelers Bth Anniversary Sale Featuring Better Jewelry Values Just in Time For Christmas Lay-A-Way BARGAIN BASEMENT | ! Department SPECIALS 8 Baby Jewelry 99c H Leather Billfolds 87c S ! Standard Lighters 99c jp Earrings 49c § Baby Silver 99c j 3 Scatter Pins 49c m Cuff Links 99c, 8 T NEXT TO CITY HALL 333 Fayetteville Street Dial 3*2568 ® QUICK CREDIT • EASY TERMS MamntmmmimvtunM) mit w mawm *mn www ■ wwvaw wM,ffwrnfegwTO.*na<' -vd the biblical command- « sn*‘«Ls. “Thou shalt lov«* i»u: Lord 1 .- G-:-d " lit u! ttny p.--hr-t, mind . f and i.-oity and ’Thy shall. low ( tiiy neigh bo as ay- -if ' The speafe- ! 1 ■;■ (.hi- fact tnat if » d'eiy 4 i’liv- would oniy tot their : be kw.tbcJ by tiic ir.ean- Iru thw. imuim.-.r-.dmve;;-, the : Vfrs K M BrKigfrs ,f Catiforn- '>• is war- in u.t- vim over the- week- ‘ 1 end visiting letatsves. She v. ss tfKm ' S.-Oisv V-f Me and Mrs, Tony • M-- rv.-m. m Sj.,a in and son. W 6-: •v Jr. Hi f„ Hai 1 U: Str- i n - ' m-. ovi or the c‘ty ovt-r the; : v.-s-i,;,mM Mrs. Spain v . i b=;, tb) V* • ]1 f } ?r, jjf m. - • MjT r* is ; . has Lhvu verv j-1 r- - E..« tv skcrviii*. of 614 S. West Stm’i.-',. ■ , '<■ m.ip.'v to oca'- that she is a!, 1 ii'-'u ■ - S' .v;:ies Hospital THOI Gia lOR THE \\ KF.K Jcvms 'av .;t, ,ii times. When ■ e,.,... ... iv.ux.-h i-xcil.tijs! tews ire - f*' ■ 1 * S : ■' m V* l* iltui-l I. i’■ ■ V pi : pt obieius of-... tie. i.’cobolisaj aiul murpt and juvenile deiinqucucy would be solved. Mrs. Kelson pointer: .out tha' TiOtVWI. 10 ! :m. ' : depo---malic ' iv, Men- f\ 1! h*. auquai ter*- in W-i.-l.iiotlOi:. 1.1. C Crini® in that Ctty was ■;*. tnc highfiit !»■••• ! ii'.'i -•••• IST i rnillto;:' doll v-’tri’ -s-, ! - * then;; annitaliv for-■ t ! ■.-<.■ •'. die i’l'itv t i’ht- C'a t :ti:u: C'e.-vch i: u«H dv- Iny its' shui'e fjn.iJ is not (pneerh- ■ in U teei*' 'AS.: !,:n ill rnl mi i ci.i - 4toVJtt Utfl; - ran red mn ypepki.-r. urpeJ cborch aifmh'i S beconte fiettve jo el 1 iiv:is it' bvir,;:. and acid if C:;rL'Uai,.> would lake an activ:. „;a rr out the ti'cde-ua c> immais am! 1 dope pedukvs, who ;;e(n; j . liy takitit; a. it govcrrii \ 'So.', dui not fail lo p. ■ s pf’ i.' \•• % o • •<. ».os>i if' lf' c-1. sht- rX'.H’i -'h'd huf - i*f rising tide ot eh.ureffc up, ■ •’ tc the and: I tiotis in by MeC’arihy j w-usid pit>vc eKcctive in e 1 int inat-1 * if:f* Ins lYienAee. Thf loc the oecjision wui? ; ii.i* niched by the Wonian .> vi. Siia-yV Univ:.n->i.t.y and the Faeui - ! l.v Etint: ui! the Du’ a;:;- H School or Wake Foret-t. •acre iv■ eri b; * 1 ii.Ma vj 1,-. I*iiJ.»- Closim: r€ j ! Chiurcb. Merr.lsn-s of the W-vnnnV Da; :>i o : ce ;n.tiixlt,'-' v\vl. Mrs \ Met M. Pult-O). Hr. Rosalfe Wil • Situs :>u!- st®' of the: ■ i-.vv ttHiv' 2t Do atuH tvH : :-,- Wiiv d'iu'i ,io ;.s | -vetm.* me -vnvu tm-v bt >eh? ■ Ab;: o* , pie dm t c-iHv i s , i:. t ' t.- h“- * was. ~ i art M a.i.d SiUiV.' ww rt f• ■ m I . :;rod> i tvm.im durin • my stu-lent! I think that I shad nctm: X tnuli- dumb a- iTh li. \ Th.l), win werUi d for vrars lo ,ct some brains bvtivvin M , ,m , Who a I-, this rule, i flock u stnrtesHs out ni vDiool. t'oems .iri- a .tJt- b> t'oif, ’tiki- oo l;ui bik ;* r looK make a I'h.ll 1 titusv admit i.n 1 was a 'in :, * v ,, l. . -ij ‘i- tt'-it )i s l'X > nocted me” to stud."' \m> attend: l AIM WOK I'M n The other day 1 rua into t .in,',- ha-; Hated m,- for a lor .. lop.; time because ! was wither rough; m him :tt a fraternity initiation. - All of these years he- has i.e* -i poisoning himself with hate whit, . l had forgotten 'He initiation and] oven his name. Tsk. tsk. IIS WORTH U More pfofitifble and H tveat - ■;o than hate aw the in.t.i eiib i J-j in this recipe from an old coo! - ! book: 1 cup us fricndshi|» Add a run nf tluMlK'hlfuln*‘>s I'rcam tosHber with : Pinch ui powered tenderness Very lightly beaten in ,y bowl of loyalty M ill i eup of faith, one <•! hope Ai i line ni charity It. sure to mid a stioonful each Ot gaiety that sings nd also the abiiiiy to laugh U little things. Os heartfelt sympathy. Moisten with the sudden tears Hake in a god-nutured pan And serve repeatedly Tins should turn out a j | dish of lift RANDOM 1110 TO HI S !i is’ii’ al'vjjys onsy to ke*.p joui i | spirits up, SonudiJtv. :s you have i ; i, i under and pus- 1. !■:'(- :e the 189(»'s. the South j 1 Curoiii'ian I' i'-lat'.irc voted against j | .lftTl Ci iv.. ing on :-U'»;Ctears. j i When nm Univ. i" iy of At'-, j kanra* first opened Negroes W< ro j odiniltod witl'.out prejudice. But; ! tlie colored students withdrew j beyouse the white students Itio.de ! "too much noise". So they hot a ; ■ :iv ali.'ii school a! Alcorn. The be,', way to keep out ot ; lir.anciti! difficulties i.- to adjust | vour . i'o.-.-' A a bits to your not in- ; come A dime still goes a long, long | I way. You can carry it around for i months before you see anything I it. will buy. If you betid over backwards tn! lea ling with .your enemies, o. j makes it much harder for them ] in kick you it. the i ants'. Some years ago it shabby, down- I ut-fhe-heels youmt man walked in- I to 'the managers office in one of: Raleigh's tlie&tiv.-s. Ho went up to; the desk and asked. 'Do you run Phis joint? if you do. 1 want a job.' Somewhat taken aback. the manager said. ‘ That certainly G j not the way to apply for a job.' Suppose you go clean up and lln ti ; come os', me correctly." About an i hour biter the young many re- j turned looking as snappy ■ i - j a i bear-trap. Walking up to iho manger,'be; asked politely, "Sir. are you the! manager of this marbled picture; palace this cosUy cinema castle?" Tht* n-iuuir.'J- beamed. “Ah*. ‘he abed, • that i- so much ‘better thou ertisr fiv.d aouroHch Now what can 1 do for you"? “You can go to ihn devil", ie nlied the other, “I got a job across the street”, f For the sick, the weary, the for torn and the 6 ightened the verse, for this week is offered: Rut they tha! wait upon the j .Lord shall renew their strength; { TH2 C AROLPsIA>T DEATHS MiM StRMON’S Dali'., u.L sej Hew i -i A.’kv Mac Siirunoi: ! t i,l. UG7 GatUng Struct •vere sciied’d- d for ’.he Mapblo, Teinpte Christian Chinch Tnurs day , lieuivon 3 o'clock. :Mi?s S:■ 11 ih.ius' died at J;>■ Hospital j List bn)" ay. Tho Ri ,v M K. Booker, pastor of " ■. g.'iurch will oifw-ial.c- and buri il ,vill follow ni Hit!crest <’cme- Si.i'vivi.ig arc her piu'ents. Mr. :v.i, J.iok's Simmons: five' -log in.' Annie H. Wilson us Wo 'iin:H a. Lam.! E. Hinton ; ‘of I'mici-h. Mis. Biirb.ira L F'.‘-'• . , Harm" !. C . Mi M:mv ' Wiljl-utv of Columbia. S. C-, or.d t. V, .1,.',- Siirmuins of toe hoiBC:-, ‘ iy r-.-e br-'i'w- Go: ! .o'"e.-- .: " -Ml 6 ;.die Km:--- JurnCS Siifl l Jr, V. 1 --h Mari.AC foacet, t steiioiK-d ui i'imuiu; apd Alton MR>. Os Mi l ON Kii-nerai sen:ictys for Mrs Viola ",.-l ‘0! N" So i.?! r'• : Mv i:;,! S'. \ iites Mr. Otis U, K iin-i tsim. i! Rebertwin's t leeli i-.-ai .\ppii .iiiee ( oinpauy. wid represewt till- Wake t'aovi;. Cb of the N.iU, ti.uu.ii i»>s * - veniion to tnuvenr Sr-lngee lustitut--. , viabaina chairman of She !. .•: March of Dim. - f'.unt'Mr. mii is a gviduafe of Slau I ni i--;-sits, Oraejiu m' -itin Stri j i*t il iplisi < lnsreh ~r» -its« nf i,i‘ the I’nigro -n, iti sir '.*s> fli-iy's ('luh. of 'he Raleigh Saffey Club, a Mason, a imanhfi of like tola lota < ha! :Cf us the Omega n-i fhi f'. a(eridi v Vil expenses for Mr. Roberts,,a's t.iii will be paid ty !h< I candation MAH CHARGES EMPLOYMENT , DISCRIMINATION TiALPiGH Sytn-T •' VVliitt' of i ..-tte'r t„ the FiMmuster Genet ;.'l ~f s tlvit i; t . w ,i ; ; cil.' i ••rhvtiiialecl a ainst ‘on account o' i his race”, in connection .■ ith em ■ ployment policit s i, f the Post Os- i - :ieials m t'lHi.on, j White i harf, in >t statement j | made before attonerys j i Herman 1,. Tayloi and .Samuel j ; Ustr'x H. :i;.'t . Ac ' c .'l tier indicated that a I tie. i time the same was cent his mini appeared a:- number one on tin register lit -ay t'ejt hi |,:i Ilf e.-i men j considered ba: the po.-t for which ] ne took the afoiid examina i te 'ii, although he per finally kilos s j .‘hat since takine tin- test, twr j rural v.-oite earra ..-. .‘.ici.se ratiis;' ! was be I It if., have been engaged ! by T the first, six weeks of he school year. Grade '>. Cheryl j ' fie, u ereice t r■>l 1 1 nod Blister J Hall; Grade -1. Eur, r,e Cothran. I 1 ina Bonaparte, ,jan»e Crossline Brenda Ki e. M-idelyn Yarborough I uid Marilyn Yaftirotleh: Grade 8. ! Joan Scott: Grade 7. Fi ances Win ters. Prentice Jervay ,u d Grade j ii. Josephine Seotl end C'uirieeii j Keck. In ordei f,.| , pupil in achieve i the honor r<- r'jiVi tw. Ch.vcfc is .’> rn., fulkiv-r-l h\ iyttrifd ii> SiiUcrcst ('vfr.ctcry. The Rev. O. ». EuiLiok. will Sii'rviviii-:-: aoi husband. Bennie Overton; one son, Leo | :. vic.f N.-w V’o? k" ■'! i't.e;' n. 1 i'L. iuvu overs tin, .Jr . Raleufii; tow -.a era, Mrs. Bvvie Fklv.-:srds ;ind Mrs. Rrcecea Barnes. liah’igh: Mr:- S.-nrh Thotr;. s and .Mr -, in- !j BJiick oJ Darlio.'iun. f*. C und ' two brotiheia. fit. ory MeDani*.*!., t/hiJ id"!; ni:>, Pa., anti Loujus Me-! Danjii also of f’diiadeiphi.-i. SJK. -fH.OM.-VS Carl Ti r.( 4 S. Slain S’reel !| ::u‘«j -:i Oct-'bia 2\ L ii- home Fin ■ i services wci'e conducted v.tod;. ■ .--r 25. .v. L.vO n. m t'Cym til.. i,vr.~sii Mm;..: :: 4 vliaxil r. .-. ! . !;ooh ".V. Roy D-JC-t-.r-, J: Ana I 0'.,.' a!i:.■ - : ",'tl a m in Car,. t'emi':..'! y Iduhto.-r Funerui Horn-, i Brilliant Fall fashions s m t&Ssr y M + (M t BUDGET PRICED! fl •v» \ ■*’/ 1 V l ' s V . Women’s Ail Wool A fit A L- i '< '* V i COATS /:j\' .|* _,#»#"<. I -|jj Jf ; i AO. 95 and $19.95 j .i?\ ~ \ //'/A '1 ■ , i /?. « / \/l f l ■ H CV At I • ■ if h U $ i.‘ . Yj, • . mm, n n.'f.snf'l.', Inn chock,. ’l U/ f V‘ • "'■ A • . : rr; sty ■ \ ■ nil " / Hevnbtf. prlct jj . ; , / ' !% Pealtirini'- Du* smuc-tii f l o u i n v / I ? ! / 4 1 ! ‘ , * lines ii ‘.he new pyramid shepe. y ” • »J ; ■“ , |:i Many dramatieaiiy tr.mmed with • i| . j velvet at throat ami cult ’ *i ! 'll : ' ■ i ■ I t.:- - Bodge t Shoppe St rond Floor / t t r V __ shoes I ■ ) FASHION LANE j $7.98 % ii: 1 1 moi r. :ft , - $7.93 HANDBAGS iasi-.tonuL'r ,•, - I L■- . style. , 1 *• n 1 1»i«• t* V’. iih . a.'.;- Ust i.- ; > !' on u.- in •»'!< - V; ' \ Km- * lif: i-t most hi fashion . . . fcf)4»9o 'A||\ \ Pi ai n cli si-: opera pump is: n, ' - , : w *»-u. TJ|l|jl^ojj|^ Eastern f.argest Store FOR MUSIC YOU LIKE... PAGE FIVE