/ i v v _____ FflFUTiWiilnP rill>l " " tMt^l>^"im» l fT»-riTi*ri -iTrgfrmri n't •GVgyiWmfiTK"i' l n •T r fiiyf ‘tiv* i bt witiifrr(’i'ir , g\''rifrriirn~ ;Ti aftrricr ~Tr unsTrn mmiMime rrivnw«W7iittfttii , 'ii-fflft6iiTrw- , '~-‘- v,,r -*^^vmn.i-iriffliii7riirut i~iiUv.ti«i r , ■,. Nr;fi..i,"i.rfviu>i.»~i«ii» --•—*•■'*—< • —-~>t-ait ir-n-Y-'^-Rnr'M SOUTHS RA GE BARRIERS CRUMBLING . gmBnSgHP * Si H PPBPS WF' H ■ ■ y J yL %JEW.yJy-' ■ - : x-f * Y Nwfßf-pIxASflPi M. NV , « 3 VswNb t 1 % ''*»*•♦« - , - -f Tllf HBK%-'i^P^jSß^aßP s ring" »•• -»M-* w •»*_ TnjlMp|Oßpr!il "' STILL THE SPOKESMAN Former President Harry S. Truman (right) who Is currently slugging St out with the House I n-American Activities commission, expounds his views on the threat to civil rights in America, to a distinguished group of guests shortly after he was given the Stephen Wise award In New York last week. Listening intently left to right are: Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of the Amer ican Jewish Congress; Dr. Ralph Honcho, director of the I'N Trusteeship Council, and Lloyd Garrison, former head of the National Labor Relations Board. (Newspress Photo.) Progress Noted. In Fight For Full Civil Rights RALEIGH - I i.'i.v :• •; <>; id ling barrier.- in tie.- in!.! of civil !i; tit- and s<-jn y.-ited •.•ln.n; > v. •.■; (' seen on several fronts t ..- week as stale arid federal speke.-.m :i waited tin decision oi. i. V S. Supreme Coen m the ii.u • rated or segregated MF. .STON - The 'in::! bas tion o: .rye. C.rv •■•;, MiV.,. iil siallatiot in the .until, the 5... wl tU)i Nava’ Shi; yard at* Chat l-.sum, S. C. ,v ;M ‘ , fully iliteurali d with in 1*1:0 ill two mouth; . Pre-ident El. " i hower .■• i'.i in .-i press corn •. • All vestige if -i - eaiion vill be ahim Jvd "in la’e Dwi’roUr or e.i.iy Januiuw <;c- Agents Fvleet Blift KS J. W. Mitchell, mitional Negro extension bail or. was xtheiluled to discuss ■'Federal-Stale Extension Re lations” at a state-wide meet ing' of extension workers h re on Wednesday. Mitchell's address was ex pected to be the highlight of a training session that start ed Tuesday. It. F. Jones, Stale agent, plaruru-d a program centering around panels on production, consumption, and care of milk, a discussion of milk market ing laws, and a talk on per sonality Improvement. Other topics listed included talks on low income and part time farmers, the housing sit uation in North Carolina, weed contn 1 :,nd the marketing of small vegetables. Whitehead Addresses N. C* Teachers In Rocky Mount ROCKY MOUNT - Dr. Matthew J. Whitehead. Rocky Mount na tive, who is president of Minor's Teachers College, Washington, D. C. was the principal speaker at the annual session of the North eastern District of the North Ca rolina Teachers Association here last. week. The sessions were held, at the Booker T. Washington High School, where Prof. R. D. Armstrong is principal. Pw^^rTef JO BURN MORTGAGE J.UMELRTON Members of the Sandv Grove Baptist Church will burn the church mortgage in speci al services Sunday. A dedicatory address Will be deliv*- red b.v the flev. W. J. Kennedy of Durham celebrating hie end of the church’s indebtedness. The building pro gram of the church began in 1949. MAYFLOWER SOCIETY TO MEET ASHEVILLE Tile annual meet ing of the General Society of May flower Descendants will meet No vember 21 at the Biltmure Coun .l• ‘i. The' hearing is :■■ beduled early it, IN comber. Aftc-i :i brief Hurry of resisUnet; fioiu s'.andpat segrcgationalists in' th • aa.a of Char', .inn S. C. Navy Yard, o;fieials announced a firm poh.y c i inte . ration. Phis will ..'.an c:mpk-tely in Jar.ua;;. 19f,4. eordin 1 to the president, m line with his own directives. In a formal statement last week. President Eisenhower re leased the latest report on pro gress in carrc eng out his order against segregation on navv bases. !!. noted that 5k of the UP uav U bases in the south ban* eliminated separate rest rooms, cafeterias and drinking fountains for white and Negro workers. Only the C harleston C ontinued on Page 8 Goldsboro W School For Fe RALEIGH The Greensboro ar chitectural firm of Me'iVlinn. Nor fleet and Wicker will do the plan ning for the proposed $4 1-2 million training school for feebleminded Negro children at Goldsboro. H. Raymond Weeks of Durham will plan a similar structure for j feebleminded while children at i Camp Butnei*. Announcement of the architects j for the new $22 million dollar hos- ! pita! expansion project was made I in J'alc-igh last week by the Statu Hospital.:- Board of Control. Ho, Purser, business man ag; r for the hoard, said ar- !\ V. hilcht "d who adch'e.-.si d more tr.nn 1 i.OC iva-d-er; from th;ou.!'out the r< ion, spoki' on the :iu tn me, 'Lay Par t.cif afion in iknhi CrourV’ "Mon- tnim the parti ; pat ion of ; ev't and lax pay r:-; ora; needed for (!■■ ■ ■ • . f'd upe. at ion of our chon .. i-r. W>!i'.J'i d said. •’Tc-ac.iei'.s and administrators have ti-entenduus staler in the. devcloomr nt of good plants and Continued on Pago 8 ; try Club here. They will be ad- • dressed by Col. Walter M Pratt of Boston, Mass., Governor Gene-i rid of the Society. J. Saunders Redding was the re-J I dpient ut one of the society's ; honors several years ago. OFFICERS ELECTED CHARI..OTTE -- Mrs. Dorothea ! ! E Williamson of Un!ishury war j | elected president of the western | district of tiie North Carolina : Teachers Association here reemt ! *y- Continued on Page 6 Piocress i. already reported. l;i Washington. the Department of ! Ju-dice t;.;.:>.;■'!t Attorney General .’ Herbert Brownell. Jr. pres;-urea j the Southern rLtilreat.l to aboUsvi 1 jitncrow fiiiiirtg oars In Washinytor... Senator Hubert j H Humphne- 'D. l-tmi. t and Ir- ; v'in R. Ives ,R. N. Y j spoke out j a’.,-\:d h\ fstvui' of c» permanent I ; F E.PC. in Raleigh, Gov, W. 11. I'm ' tead of North Carolina, a former lawyer who was beat en in court by NAAFI* at torneys m the Durham School Equalisation s«iit, said Re was "‘not assuming that the Supreme Court wilt destroy segregation because if it does it will have to reverse decisions of the Su preme Court for tl»e past 75 years.” Hie shrewd Torhcel' governor ..l.so added, 'Noi an\ I yoitig to encom'ai'e them (Supreme Court ! justices) to do it by assuming that they will." The governor, who is close to members of the Public Relation committe of the South ern governors, apparently was try- j my to follow a line different from j , entimu-d on Page. 8 j Til Be Site Os •eble-Minded chitects on the two tig pro jects will he called in for con ferences and exchange of ideas to “insure equality of the fa cilities for white and colored". Purser’s precaution is under stood to follow plans of the NAACT to stage a thorough in vestigation of the way the. j money is spent for the two | races. Continued on Page # j $ BY DWIGHT j ■ ! HILLIS WILSON A ; Igist week’.; editorial or. North Carolina reminded me o fa visitor j to Wilmington —a place where . mosquito-;- indulg, in higb-iife. j | night-life and lov-liC The visitor • j w-nt lo the beach and sat down prepared to enjoy the sound of 5 the waves and the sight of the . moonlight on the water, but the j mosquitoes spoiled -his pleasure. In | desperation he hunted up the boot ! 10-per and bought a quart, of what j natives londly call stump-hole or "heacl-buste! " whiskey. I hen he ,v-nt ba ;k to the boav-i, drank a i ~,K.d KV. ~ of tile Stump-hole and 1 rubbed lots of ii on his arms, Wi'^ ' ami ley:. , , ~ i id this dCmny mu' "par-heel <■ >ve bombers? Not on your life! They s id wires to brethren in More brq:d City and fjeaufoi t urging ;, , n , to ci'Die on down and enjoy -orne fine pickled meat with head- j t; ,.tun sauce. Since stumphole is re,iably reported to be next to the atomic bomb in death-dealing pro -1 perti'es, i; is easy to see why using I- '.it on bur pests is as futile at . smacking Rocky Marciano with a ; marshmallow. One former Raleigh cilweii i who would rather not be in the , Is Dr. David If. Reid. The ] RAlttP I share- the-wealth fanatic walk ed oft with Dr. Reid’s 300- pound safe, containing- over $3.- i 200 in cash plus savings bonds. Continued on Fage 8 The Carolinian VOLUME 12 RALEIGH, N. C. '\VL%k NOVEMBEfi 21’"i953 "™ " "sbTw TOTS MEET lILEIT DEATH ★ ★★★★★★★★★ Woman Found Dead | | -■ v ■ I I H i , f§% Th *- * ■■ - f | ... I/ . ■ ' 2:r - I •* s ’ i 4; i ; . r OK, J. P. ItKNFK . , . Founder’s Day Speaker Founder’s Program To Be On WPTF RALEIGH The eigthy-eightb i anniversary of Shaw University! will be observed Friday, November 20, when Founder’s Day exercises’ will be held. Dr. John P. Turn©’ of Philadelphia will be the speak er for the occasion. Graveside ser j vices wi;] begin at 10:30 A.M., when ! the faculty, alumni and friends of | the University will pay tribute to i the memory of Dr. Henry Martin, | Tapper, founder and first president of Shaw. Can a dean Harrison, a junior of Gastonia, and "Mi:.;, Shaw" foi 1953-54 will place the traditional wreath on the grave of the found er. The annual exercises are set for 11:00 A. M. in UndVc-rsity Church. For those who find if incon venient to attend, Radio Station W.I’.T.F. will broadcast the ser vice by transcription at 0:35 P.M, Friday. Miss. Jean Harrison, jfinior, will place rhe traditional wreiath on the grave of Shavv.s foundk-r, Henry Martin Tapper, at services to be held at ais grave on sin: campus. fďfgbfgvbgh W, * » V- a . , , T. . -fl ; V. * I—l J,W’> i- i . J fi, ...... , CHARM C3LUB MEETING Lo- | ea) young ladies who will make ; their how into society on Fri- j day night, November 27 are pic- ! tused here as they attended a [ Police Still ; Baffled By Local Death BY STAFF WRITER j K i.LE.iGH -- Mis,. Virginia Ashe. : | oi 15 W. Johnson Street, was | found dead las! Sunday morning i aru-eiid 2 a. m. near th; V/arlmig i ton School. : Accorning to coronei M, \V. Ben-: j nett the woman was subject to ; :avinjj fix and local police are! ! i-affb.-d as to wle-lher she died i jm a fu or -’as tne victim of foul, i r*h v H"r knew showed signs! |of iiavin.-f been brui ed, but no' 1 oi foul pln.v* wore found 1 j near the v ictim. The V-he woman is reported to have returned to her home on Johnson Street early Satur day night intoxicated She j si pt until 11.30 and when site j wcki up ape pared lo be in a sober xnidition. Shortly there after, she lcU the house and wax. not seen alive again. Coroner Bcrm -u reported that | j the woman was seen with two men ; I during me com ■ ot the: night, j jAt least i ..vo " ."'ns iiavfi been j ! tailed . connection with the death j w %'ere Ime r ■■ av .{ because i ■ of insufficient ; vidt-nce. Scvvi'al residents 'of hto Man- ’ ! ly St re-"! reef ion reported hearinrr I ( ontimicd on l*agc 8 E Man Insists He’s Guilty | BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Just in j . j case you're interested, John Byers’i I address tor the time hem,, ui least j • | i, "llie Birmingham Jail". Bui un- I Jess he can lurnish more evidence j j of his crime, he'll just have to; j be moving on soon. Rentini.xccnt of j Burlington Negro who recently turned him self in for murder but v.as released \\ hen police couldn't find th.. body of his victim, Byers, ?2, "gave up" to Bir mingham, Alabama, police last week and reported that he was I ! w anted in Greensboro on a fel ony charge. / j Ho was quite sure it was a felo : ny, but he didn't know exactly; Continued on Page 8 i CXiiii*l* ciUb at (.lit? YWCA i | lasi Thursday evening. Fifty-one | | girls am expected to take part in • the annual affair sponsored by ! i the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorori- | l ty. Ficutrcd from left to right, j j •MiSs VIRG.INL* A SHF . . found di.iii Interracial * Meet Her e I: U.E'iGH At. intc: racial ddc-! gaimn ot some 21)0 rcu. i ■■ ;t.itiVij from the 25 of the States i■. ioges j art s::hc.'i:i:od to begin r*:< ( in 1 Raleigh X ursd'y, Novc-mKer Hi to; ••pen 17th anmiai sessions at the | S'at.i Students Legislative \,sun- j blj. Representatives from \ii tiial !>. .11 of the slate s -euro col leges have attended p.ist ses sions on a h:ois of equality with other delegates. In the past, the ussemb y. monel- | r d upon Ute North C.a r i leg is- 1 lhtive system, a ho id lively Ja-! bates oin major prditleal issues I Among the topics likely to he •. ev.-ia! pm'olems ■ of war and peart and international i law. I Continued on Page S •meeting are: -Yiarlan raise, /mie Mitchell. Delores C'tiey and Betty Cooper: second row, Shirley Al ston, Louise Bailey, Lillian Goode, Carlene Pulley and 'Alar- j jorie Freeman; third row, She-1- j SENTENCE GI Ft. Bra eg Pvt. David Bollinger, 22 year old \ oungst i\vn. (>. paratrooper, was sentenced to 15 years hard lab- > by general court martial here last week on i- rape eiuum involving Mrs. Belly Sykes, Burlington white woman. Mrs. ■> and .1 eomp.-uven, Mis. Virginia White, said Hoiiin, r eomiuendeerecl their car on the night of Oct. :_5 and made both women kiss h.m. Afterwards, the; aid. liallingci assaulted Airs. Sykes an the front i Sc-eit. The women, employees • ‘ a Burlington industrial Arm, had been visiting muienttfied acr.ice personnel j at it. Bragg. Higk way Deaths. Murder , Claim 6 KM.EiGU V;.) 1 nf deaths cam.-. T ,v !... . ■■>.■., am a d in EJ on to: • anti i- .. ikiinion In hawidi iica: y !,"e Wilson I, d ! cd ;i a weird truck chasing, Trstgedy invaded the Franklin- j .; r Thun . ■ Er. m'. Route 1 *.v r. • n ac;r ye:. -old n J 0:,.. Ed-■ u a; d. I ,1 ; - :* * .;.! blov. n oi* a s,hoigurt bit, t. wry.;, rcpovled: F.ls -ivlu re ovv Iho state the week, those incidents us violence In Hei’dci ..r«n, J.n c.s A Pearce j \v-; I'dl". J when hi . ear ovor ' •).'!. -d .cot ... ■ liy limits ami ran off the rbitd. Whits Officer Dismissed lo Fort Bragg Rape Case BY ALEXANDER BARNES FT, BRAGG • Too last chapter in the n neh talked about r ft. Brtigv rape c:i o. ...u far as Hus cantonment is concviTiOd. was written here r.n-Mt.y V'livn Lt. John C. Sloan, i the \v 1 ::*■ • olfioer who is alleged to have 1 : -e, was 0 o.i ■ accident His ma re rsu >..i the road and over ' 1 lire ii, I i Oxford, Aivis I.yon and U iliic Edward Harris had their 5. 0 f Rose Hill, who died in" \v<-,-k of wbon monox - id" fiunc* while he and a white drink s «g corn, 'anion identified as Continued an Page 8 court, with throe rare mem bers.. His ease. like that of It. Griffin, will be reviewed In Maj. Gen. Joseph F. Cle land. Mrs Schuster told substantially the same story to the court as she did in the Griffin trial. She told “f Sloan Being awakened by her about one minute after the last rape act and how he was able to drive back to Ihe place from which tiii y departed, ‘'straight and fast”. Sloan';, conviction and dismissal means that two lieutenants have been dismissed from the service of the army, with one being sen tenced to 30 years of hard labor, as the aftermath of a "brawling night” by a mixed party, whose women participants were German 1 orn white women. ; .>«nr