PAGE SIXTEEN Journal Publisher Named “ Citizen Os The Year” SHE? Yo\ \mS mw of the yf y* prize v B> .1 • S «. KfS.i l'.. '.-INi. VOX O: i i > ■ - ’ i: t 1 (•' Aefievt.-i.nt \7 *•: e* k- •’ at f-jrnr:il F.. ptirt Cl -c , .• r ■ night . ' v ft Year.’' “Thf # 'lr> ■ *-* r •> Ct ' t*'W- V‘ VA • fdec-tcT . ; •. ■' tin- JOURNAL, .f.. • fir ! tetio arc: ! •' s . :;<.r o -t - t.a; L-ach- tas | 3V. :V,'H ! til-* ... _on*t : j V i' M ; t(■ ;i» ersino .1. church, ei\i'.a l”:.t-.-i i.r.L and .7... . .f f ... - ,i o j V.' is r ■ . 1 V: v .7■ ; : ' Star t 1 ; .■ i n* st 1 ;I \1 I t. ’\a t .’■ :n.. Assoeiti - it !;p is Ov. lit-:' 3 ti * 7... or ,'U* JOURNAL aod '>■:o - ut R. ’ - vo.y's Printing Co/n-xu;. i’WO Vf.'! ’ "Cs t\'.. U - ton,. r. r '' the KKN ■ i'M it '• ret.;, a: m Smith*:. ; 1 North C.'.r As ■ rest!!* si this M t . :tr n“ -.v.t invited .. r ,rs iu i ; - >it 11* : - t the nation to visit tvV’iii:-. llous. in Was- ' ;■ . te v e a :hsQ. presented M-. uu to: . fislit tor H. - Risnt:-. The < übhshi-. . ■■ the di*.tiitct<. t es have. h:f?7 '<-^>7. eolleg-. art'.i ti.r.vmmvn pubilea rioos Here ; 'is ration:!! ar-d ’om affilialio’ Hr is a memberof- the 'iwat'd '.o’ rii'rrtrrs us ih.c .Crtr's; ; jjews ' c. P;r;lishers Assr-rdatior rrd -ec-entM read a paper at one of thi i’- ;ac UnC::-'; Cvr ' ' Congrcdati ChPrcfc: c.t 'ecto: and merii. rof t. > v -uti’ o ' r ;: of tne l* ’ :‘<-d F. ''' • iv r s-.c r of p i.v Forest Cento:.a-v Corn, ohairrta. Ext ■ Co: p.ov St itts: m<--'..tber of XAACP. Salem T. r Eli-.' hta/.i;;.'. Por ters Club and Fi ting Chib, ho is a meml or of the board of directors of Family Service, an affiliate' of j United r aid Hr ha-- s re -Mri;. headed rr.anv local drives. He married the fern .-r Willie V. DeVane ot Kerr N r C. and is the ■father o! three children. Shelton is ontstandine in civic •employ.. ■ of the Vr. '.i-r Sr '. .-. P- ■■: Office’ Shelf m r-acir- ie:i r- ■: In diana Slate T-vicher t'ollm* Fore sovvra! years, nc taught in bath the derm r\ and high schools of W-ilminston. He is senior warden of Saint yank's Ei'i- -ma! church, a Up reader, n .ember of hte choir, n member of the church's Men’s Club i and a member c.f t ; w* committee on comntunicafion;: with National Council, reps', si-i'any the Diocese; of East Carolina Shelton is a member and pas’ master of Hanover Lodge. No 14 Masons and has served his loci p as senior warden and treasurer For years he has been active ir Boy Scoot work in this area, has held numerous offices with tin Scouts and saw two of his three ; sons attain the rank of Earle Scold The Scout movement was not here vhen tbi older and third son ivn in school here. Be is a member of the boarc j and budget committee of Commit- ; jiitv Boy.s Club, an affiliate of the . United Fund. At one time She] ! ton represented the club on the j Community Council. Shelton is a former basib is and still an active member of Omicron Alpha Chapter of Omeca Psi Phi Fraternity an dis chairman of th»-! Oth district for the annual Talent j Hunt. Shelton is married to Ihe form er Mnble Butler of Wilmin-dtin They have set a record at Howard ■University's School of Medicine b having three son: enrolled at on* time at that school. Insects cun reduce the weigh' of stored gram 25 per cent or more. STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR ' in 10 MINUTES .. . *S 20& Wail- HAtk §4?s*i Nr.v roan n. y. fgesfzetrjnĥĥngġ tViMsTCN i MFi; •. . * f.P ,V. tK'ls Attorn. ' Fa'.- .t X. m siiu v. o : ‘:;; 'i l . 1 v,y., (KU.V’ H t dtior.. Hit tl-..‘ , ■ gfbbn hm kmtrtb . -. .vd \:. i. > V LSL brtVb Si’s VMS - ’tejvc. If 7, IVi iatru Eio. d of A ;i;t,nt:i I'nivertHv, is shown as he ad dressed an entfiuslasttc tittdknce ~"i s’ft VJ- a i T .* 7> if tj"w _ ■ -t-'c I in. S; j -LLiViU kril 1 J crow?) .Y TH fix A SHELTON VVS MIN:.TON O idcroa Alpha Cb.'y of t-b.c tsration of N-.di< na! Achievement oolitiea! sci-.-ntists in the person of Dr. Wi.u. B yd. ’i iotc.-sor and chi-.n mi of the Dcpc-rtmcnt of Poiititai Science at Atlanta U -I,'- Boyd spoke on the theme ' ('• j.port a ijii;'-s and Ri apousioili ui::i . i Integrated Citizor.iiip in Our Demucracy ” He deplored 'the fact tiial although oirr nation .vacstab- JLsiied upon two basic conc.-pts man is cf a ted in the image of Go I and endowi a .-.nth thv facul l> of i t i-oniii and that i riiij of law 1.’.-io in human freedom as t'lic- pi'c. cot time A.nen can Mcw.roi.'s cnpiy on!;, a hyphe inucd citizcnsiiip. After winning a oivi and arduous strugglt* for free dom tre.n slav*. ry. a decisive num ber of cur v.-hiie in etheien pro ceeded ia de\ ise and institute eve ((’ontimicil On Pa;;c 8) ry conccicablc rne/inj of dcprivini; our pi (cue *a tiio rights of free men with such devices ns legal '.V'-ii, the poll tax. the " ■ anrif - i r clause" .discrimina tion in employment, lvsincliv..- ci v and t.bc ft-'-- fruining of tHoii children to discriminatioi '.g'ti 't .non of color.a) i lnn. Tin: t.,; > .it.;- uuieti pro. ia ins h vi as t - f en of t'-.e Year. " I.ooking on is J.. ,st:e!t.itt, \iiio Ini . after, yi t his citatum :-.s "Cfra ea .Man of the Year.” j»io lav i«iierooon at central liap- ! list church. Seated, rieht, is !>• nest sm a in, master of ccrcmon ic . arid a, McMillan, leu, who ~■«(•!•< ;’ the jlivoeation. —Photo by Valid rbilt Studio. ■’L '.v i. !* -j a cui'{i» **' oj iiH : -q ; -iaii- i «G)d injU'L k*c«? not reconciled! .. us Goil or free- men. j ... 'a stfikm.; exampi- of the j ; ; p-"f::.lK-n .. i.-.-m typo of lAing j a! Am . i n I:!,.-, an actual eit% i ;■ ::■-: cited when.' die Un-.vei.sity oil ’,iksi.-->->.ppi ia...1 :: request to tin: j .! Univcrsin of Miciiiran Graduate i ; School o'; Political Science for a j i .JiUca! m icm is! v. iiu net these j .; qualifications - he must be a ua- j ; !: vc i nor b: ; i -cmc ; lie! . 1 | secondary and Itbcal art*-, training J must huv. in cu r< Ccc.g-ii in the j ! ciiil-b, h;s >;riKi vo work in the j - j north .and he must be a gen!He. I I v bite. The ingnest rankini; j .) . radi al:' .-ludvnt was a Jew, so hi : cc’L-ld not qualify for tac job. Tin-! ' . ccorid '-miking Student was a No- j in, o he was eliminated. Others! , ; in oi rid were notbcrni-rs or fur-1 eir-i born The- only student in who inci ail of the Univcrri-j .ty of Mbsi: lippibs specifications ■ native of Alabama tvho held j ; .- low i-t : ank in -.he class and f : •: Bur.kcd hi doctoral examina- 1 • i He cot the job iu-ad o: ! :•>. I>. oartinc-m of Political Science ; ; .,t the Ui-ivtiaity of Mif-sirsippi. * You can ii'ia-.-m*' lio.v his students! land his departir ■ent faculty rucin-j i i.i.i's iiiu i have saitered becausei ’: of hix Irclc of ability for such a| i j..b Such is ti;.: fruit of d.isciiini . dion and : e.'i'egntioii This type , 1 ui tiling also prevail in religion, ' industi y. government, and scienti- i .' tic research. Dr. )’. d quoted one eminent j .... alogi.J as saying that v hat the I • .eg! o i ■ Ml. i < ligion in the i ' ■ . art. < lion in the head, money iho -I. and la lad lot in , j :m- .bi'nci. and point*- i out mat these ■ ssi utia!.; mud b • alia rod by all *: • I r -iitio" i to achit vc a society j In-' i.a , He ilfwcribes our i.uih "a sir My in transition • i•-.-rt -. v: iz .i *! e ; aportance of - ce . i crated clforir in the u-j ■ hii vin'' el this transition, by oltr | g -.-'-we us all the privilo a-.s and ' re pon;:.;'.- 1 1 iiies o, good citizenship.! I r'-i - iml'i: ! '.- the j.a ai’tii'i. of broth-' I a h*’ -1. civic and national pride. • "! d w i ceducation and 1 • i ■ anti the pousii.g of good : i.e-t rn< cut <.n the local .state, and : : national levels. B Boyiib, spcec-'i "-as ch; : cr.'cr i/.*»,l : p-.geise vocabulary, schol-: : iy >'.::-e.,rcii. r'lctorical excellence. | i -nd oi a!erica! brilliance. The i .ijea! se!pcfi*,ns nndcicd! by ilia ' aie en-erabk of t'u Wi! li-doii Mich School Gkc Club un | ; dvr Ki- I ship of Wilbe Thornp uii v ere excellent. Au, i'ds to "Oat grinding Citizen" ! "Out :t : udii':? Onto a Man” j were pr rente*! to T. C. j’ervay. a h *1 tie Wilmington Journal, | a n i/i’ A. Y' n Cbajiinar. of Slxt’a ’..i-triet’s Talent Hun. ' Committee. F ,!. Sw. in and It !I White j vi-cr« i;o chai an a of tins program. • ■ The dyn.imi.- end r-enourcefal Rev. 17, Irvin- Bonn', is Ba-,-ileus wf m- Fatrojiizc Carolinian j Advcrtizcrs J in, ; pari. .!!> hidden, ! ts th* -v K. Irvine Buore, basi- Iciis of the local chap ter ot Outf it P;i lb. Frc.tfHdtv. —Photo bv Vur.ilut i ‘JI Stuiiio, - ~~ |\ T?HS OLK DW l entil a!'.t fiom Page 10 t doubt •„ i: that > ..,u bav a right to regard >our re If a welt-inforiuttl pcrsoti, i! you do no; possess a great deal of into.'.raiion regard in'' that of your one reii eiott ( Thus van sbou>t> attend Min tat Sc bout sitoy ■, one method of increaslt:?. your gftwial edu eatioo. in Christian Sum ti.i s. hold, the HioS. is P:v t, vt. i. , a .ati\ tilt.' 1..,:, tuba Quint;} lilaiiis j Jr. ;ant The first and al i> tsi the only book deserv- j ing universal attention is the Bible.” lit I'..’ second place. I feel ; that .he Sunday Sehoo) can be ; : of inv.kloabie aid to you in your I do ires to become effici -tit and. • effectiv. terfhers. As a teach-j <■; yo: i chief desire and task j i SOME OF LAM) | WHITE ! | BEACH RESORT WKMIXGTON For years wise crackers have said that the Fi--.. ans of Fedcvai Point | j Township gave away most of their i i v:>.l js'.ble 1: rid for a ride on the ; late Ca/nln Harper’s train. Os j | sours:- ti’«t »va.-j not the case. And j ’.h«.- pie: ’>f -ail lik'd in bupe .or j | ( oUi l las - :;ivc t-. 10 lie to that : | MiV ' Tlie fact seem.-: to be that much . 1 of the land sold down Seabreeze. : way may not have been legally ' j eon v; ycd. .’.siyway, plaintiffs in the ! -t. nr actions aie seeking to! i ri.eve u-M sale papers were not . i j-.m -) aif parlies concerned. The cares > lly have their be-' i iui.i: :la the death of Hubert : | , i• i■ i;i,:!i. ~vho was a Chero-. L-a e India:: i-bveman was wealthy | .:> , ia died m 1902. i S. !,ic of the plaintiffs in the! and c.- an !,. i.:- of this man. s The eel-ndant iu the ca-:c is He- ' 1 son Development Company of Ca- ■ ! , uliim Rtavh. Other plaintiffs mar-j ! .led into the Freeman family or: | ov outsiders. : Involved is sorn. of t-iie land Suli Filed ; which Freeman bought in 1875 from the John Guc>rud Grant . inch ■■ lo 97 The original .pant ('c back to 1780 The cvmpaii;, i.- l.e.ppOtieti to havt I- .;. ill the land from the 11 chilo rn and the widow o! I i ;. n riu; in". 193ti-37. Pla.’ntifis i ray all of them did not sign for | the sale. The t-vc suits ask for partition. The fi st case involves land ly ing north of the Freeman Horns | stead Line, north of t-be town lim •.u and cxteudin; 1 , about three j i blocks past the “old wreck”. Plain- ! ! tiffs tor years have tried to get this: j suit to trial. Here, they own about) one half of the land, whites own j the other half. A hearing on petition of this j ; property was heard Tuesday by ; Clerk of Court Foster Edwards) who passed it on to Superior ; four! because he lacked jurisdic i Uon. Toe second suit was filed Mon -1 day and involves property now ' owned by the company south of the ! Freeman Ho no il.ead Line and would take in part o the northerh ; -potion of Carolina Beach. About 300 Carolina Beach prop | i-iiy owners may be involved by ‘ the suit. But. Col. John Bright Hill, one of the attorneys for the j plairititis says the company not the pcoperfy e-.-ners is being sued. Other attorneys for Fie plaintiffs lore Chore Rountree, Jr.. lVlarsden ! Bellamy, and Robert R. Bond. 1 The Freeman property came from the Gucrard inoncrty which v. ;.s bought shortly after the 13 ; colnnh-s won their independence ) from the B ili:'i Empire. Freeman j pot wan! No. 97. Plaintiffs in the second action ! arc Lu ! n Freeman Hill and hus band, Fiank C. Hill; Marie Clause, widow: Ilia Freeman Phillips; Ce- I leste Burnett Eaton and husband, : Hubert A Eaton; Forster F. Bur i net i. Jr., and -vise Gloria M. Bur ! I'lCif, It * under?tood that the Free-i * mans were i herokee Indians. There i i o': 1 much intermarrying among | ■ t in Jatet years, they I ; have married at.-our the Negro I I race and are now generally re- i ’ warded a.r Negroes. THE CAEOLiyiANT ’ «lSKß>F«3i*a >. ■■-. wSaIBQJ'. ■ . «BsW«fJ -~ •** y 7ifS : j i7^aßlßrTrwi J '■WiP J irnT* B r t iSL "'- *-"* .^-■»Hs^.v t ■w!rt3Kit^^«mwf tno.-w whom jou teach. No othei one \< i-.'i ii'iHueJieti; the liw-• of people their way of Uiituung. t'-» IT >i-i Ui la iifid tradltiOl:>. 3> : ! f.‘i ■ -_i l l •. as dons Uivir religion. Then, if y on d-slre to influeiu'e 1 ; p i O:: 11*-' beh ii VxOi p3ll- i‘ l‘.a, i. ; it ; not ;• e.u should! •tike ;•., lujow e r./uch a.- you j P*>•'c>3o• \ fan re. at*din . 1 1 tc- fsc* 1 tore that have and h.flu- j . . •;; . th- h liv ■•* h r . ..hi ... re- . j remit r-.-frr ..- the annual tv eel • j i:a; c.f the Inti’;ee.-l-vnat C‘ an- . ■ ! Oh; - ■ i . ere ■ .■■;-[ Pt'e.-i.c’eni Eisenhower ; aid "i: ‘ Americans hold to the proto'. nu i b. h.-f i: at Or i ve>mmym j must 1.• b; ■ i n t w ; . h .& doth j the sovetnniMit crime; help but j j be D.-vaeiveo. Lastly, bet no means least, j you . >euii! attend Sunday > | S.fieri for tire help via: will re j | c- ive tht . ir. ' a Udir u;. a ! j strop. personal spiiitaai life j Durftv.! X'li" many vicissitude. ! i through winch you will have it ! ear.- daring vour life, many of! . which uHi right. hen- in coi- i le::e. you will need art eternal j faith in an all powerful and j Just Cod to fc-na'v you ,as it ! were, to travel Ihe retd with a! little difficulty as possible. A j judge with long year: of ex ; pi riotiee in .juvou: ee e<> i: rl, tie! ; "The vast majority o the boy: j and girls brought into tny court I are the boys and girls v. ho have j no strong .spiritual and lvlieio e j heritage. They either have not j had the tipport'.:ni*y. or did not 1 take aovantiH’e <)’ ,tiu* nppor- j | teuity, to build up for them selves -irony personal spintua’ i lives Among the .many desir ! ablt things and traits you will, j i I hop.-, cultivate during vow I stay with us, my sincere pray- | j its .re that foren ost among i j them will be strong j .». oiia) j ■ spiritual lives. NOTED MEDIC Continued from fug ;• ia\v. or other civil rights lo;;i.-:la- Foiutdf’s Day services at Shaw will begin at 10:30 a. m, when the -tn-.’ejit bod, faculty ‘tat'f. alumni and friends will form a- | round tlm grave of Dr Henry j Martin Tapper, founder and ijrst | president and gay tribute to -.tis j memory. Miss Clara Jean Han't- | son a junior oi Gastonia, and j •‘Miss Snaw ‘ for 1953-54 will place ; the customary wreftlii «.n the grave, j The annual exercises are set tor j !i:00 a. m. in University Church, j The Executive Board of the Ma- 1 tional Alumni Association, Inc , will i meet in Greenloaf Auditorium at j 1:30 p. m. j RIGHTS PLANK j Continued from I'age 9 I lion, j He described the Com mission! I plan ••as a possible first step in j the direction of further Federal I legislation". "I believe that such a proposal i I could bo enacted, and would not b< j opposed by a filibuster,” he deelar- | ed. "It would .serve the construe-1 live purpose of presenting to Con- i ■ ress recommendations for neces sary legislation and for appropri ate actions iJy the administrative j agencies of the govei nment. I it would be a searchlight fw j ie-.sen, intelligence, and rood will, j I believe that it could exert a con- j .tractive influence on national po- i Hey. and would be a valuable in- | si: untent 'or securing further ne cessary legislation. Suoh a com-j mission would fulfill, on the Feder- j a! level, the same vital role being filled on the local ievd by the Mayo"’:-; Council on Human Rela tions", He pointed out that Minneapolis had both th.- Mayor’s Council and a Fair Fmoleyment Practice Act. Progress toward improved inter- j n oun relations, he declared, is j challenger!, ioday by “complacency, j irre.-pone Lility, isolationism, and ft at." The lr.ttf r, he said is “perhaps the most dangerous challeng* to tlu while fabric of our civil | ri 'hi .; and our civil liberties,’' “The real daru'er that vve fare I Torn the totalitarian government of Soviet Russia has m.ndp ns rea- j .lil.v susceptible to those who Cry ; •wolf’ at the approach of a friend- , I!y dog." Senator Humphrey do- j dared. “This hysteria is being cle- 1 vo :y i f iV**! v’ um >.• tv itif* b.Mu;,o.s Oi dtGiiociaev to ci-rprivc; • > our J 1 t-! ti ls in tiu nnrne of . sc*Oiiri;r. 'I *. use *1 i: - • e « i iUtrd dei-tioy mt thv sn ttiici '.'.’e unit;. «.»i our ta-opu ;•-ibl t- communit; or.? ariirxtiei. -. • Lich Zi.i a.' x k upr'viiontetl mast ! - ‘ nsutute ;he vulv. ark oi 01*1 de • ;l :• t 11. I. Uc*H .A t OUf Ciii‘ p : ELKS LAI Mill t ontinued from Pug*- ;> appealed iur coopcratlvni irom uii j "i i-.ig o:aainizatigas in litis.) -Her i.leumnst "cooiMfiat-on" to the ! rational. NAALP in its civil rights t i his ! -t ... ..isi. She ll’i'OE es j j \V recently donated ,->2OOO to the 1 ! xAACP .. a beginning of this “co- ; | 'cation’ ! On a national* tne }-.!r.s nave : | munched a puidicily program thru | Pitl-b-iign C'i*urici -i to | a v th* Elks' Me-sage’ ty the ; .".aiii/rt i*> coopg: ation vvit-h local ; ; a d temples. Th.- "Grand’' ! I'-ks that "fill lodges cooperate! I vvith this program. ’ The rapid in- | I • in Elk metnbi rrship ir, no- ; j fed by the organization of 17 chart- s ! -rod lodges since ti:.- Atlanta con- : i vention in August. Mr. Johnson rc- ' ! ports, .is he calls for a “uedica- ) : uon“ to .Y-c ti’. e-pooit I\CF t'ontiniu-d fr*nri I'.ig*- 9 ■ _lii t ctod by Dr. Lon:'., ext* nded 1 v.t yea• s and was sponsored by : • '.he- .Minneapolis Mayor's Gounci' ) | .-Hid :*;<• American Mi; ’ mnary So-; riety. Dina-:-. Srh-emng third ; -. hi :' ot the November K> Forum i i-mel, -. ill report on a> * -• ■*t 1*..-.iv\'l *..-. iv\'i ‘v mu ue iu BeriitU'Joig .'. i in . uch she was a voUiOtee oil* r. Mrs Schramm. lorinei 1 chainnan us Hie JJtirliruitou City Planning Commission, is the author . j of • V’. j Are Democracy", a hand i pook on government. I The fifth in an annua! series the- ; 1953 United Negro C'oliiy.e Forun sponsored jointly- by the Few York City chibs of 11 Eastern w..- gen's the American As-1 : sociation of University Women j ! -Nev. York City branch') and too) i United Negro College Fund. ! 141 DAY Continued from Tasc 9 er: Linden Thurston of Wallace. : Song Leader; and Della ‘Faison of i K(•n an a v\! le, reporter. Another dighlight on the t’.vo j hour program was the presentation ; of awards to boys and girls a- I i ehievim; the most in 1953. J. S. j Williams of Warsaw crowned the i tobacco champion 1953, received an i award from the Blanohard-Farrior ; Warehouse of Wallace of *103.00.-- j j SO.OOadditional dollars was award- j ed Williams by t-he Fayetteville j ; Junior Chamber of Commerce for participation in the District Junior Dairy Crttlc Show Franklin Hill • of Chinquapin received awards to j tilling $91.00 from the Blanchard j Farrior Warehbuse, and Napoleon : Smith of Warsaw received an a - card of 5,25.00 from the Blunchard- Farrior Warehouse A&T War Herc3f 1 GREENSBORO The audience j -i lending the annuai alumni wor i . nip service last Sunday morning I at A. and T. College was told that j a tragic mistake is made when a college education, alone'; is falsely overrated. Lt. James O. Beckett, Jr. a recent alumnus of the col iege, who was decorated this year with In*' Distinguished Service Cross for valor in action in Korea, j aid, ‘ The hi .best good is reached j ).v those with college training on- I ly when we have learned the r"ul | value of dealing with people. The young hero addressed a spe- j cirri challenge to the students* us | the collage when he urged them j to take advantage of every oppor- j (unity available to them here at j i Lie college so that they might be j I fully equipped to face the requir- j ! mg demands of the day. I Th#» v>ny ; ! E. E. Waddell, Albemarle, president ' of the A. and T General Alumni i Association, who described him os j | un A. and T. product of whom all j i citizens of this country could be ' justly proud. WEEK ENDING SAWRTSAY. NOVTMMR 21, 1 m -*u :u\l .V-SN Oi l KT.R: r.iij»a“*-d «nrrrsth in a drbt- to raise tnods for their Alma .Mater, oiTU-t-rs ni -i 1 - national .♦dnmni Ayscrlatiin «>{ St, Paul’s Poly terhlrir Institute La;vr.-ii c i vilir \ rally n.> t at the college u- fu-ther plans for the project. javeaile Delinqucaty Begins At Home! By J. liklgar Hoover, Director, I ONE EVENING a man, his j wife and children returned to ! their home and noticed'that the light was burning in their liv ing room radio. Noises were heard in the rear of the house. The husband went to the back, of the house to investigate and was shoe and killed by two hoodlums. Investigation revealed that two juveniles had entered the home and had tuned in to the local police broadcast so that they could be forewarned if a squad car r :.» : . K , was dispatched » to the resi- - * v denee. The youths ran sacked the j|; h oust- an d stole in.seel- Ty T J| laneous jew dry, a chaos bmtk, and ai caliber rifle. Sir. Hoover THE TWO ROYS responsible for this dual crime were 12 to 15 yean; cf age. The failure of their parents to trad: them as Kt»o«i citizens resulted in ruin ing their live and imposed agonizing grief on a law-abid • ing family. 'Die twelve-year-old boy came from a home where dis cipline W3S unknown and the children were left to their own pursuits. The other Jad came from a broken home where | Patronize Carolinian Advertisers ’| SI !HI PROOF SOURBON STRAIGHT leUtBOK WHISKY. PARK S ISITSRB S!Sf!LLE»S Gs JitKIUCK?. INC.. L6UISVIUE. If* j W Left to right; Jessie Byrd, ex ecutive ljo<*ni member, reriet ''tie- Jlrs. AI <>. Marks, re teifiidc Institute, law reneeville, Hetirv Lipsey, president, tVash ithHtin, |), ( ; and V. .1. Maddux, tri t sire/ J awi eneeville. (Broxil- Jiax Photo/ . Federal Bureau of Investigation. j brutality had twisted and warped the minds of the chil dren. THK PROBLEM of juvenile delinquency is not confined to any particular economic or so cial level. It exists any place where indifferent and self-cen tered parents and short-sighted communities fail to discharge their obligations to the younger ? generation. A home which fails to reflect proper training, dis cipline, love, care, and guid ance is a source of infection and the children within it are mentally starved If the spiritual structure of the home is weak, decay will result to the nation. It is fun damental. therefore, that the moral stamina of our country depends upon our homes. THE AWFUL GASH which has cut into the surface of our society as a result of crime needs to be cured by a return to fundamentals and an abid ing faith in God. No one can substitute for parents in teach ing a child the beauties of lib- I eriy and freedom as dis tin- , guished from license and an archy. I The lessons a child learn* J from his parents are absorbed j with trust and implicit faith. That is why there can lye no suitable substitute for parents; no adequate substitute for the home. T P-j.u*. F.fclure t-*i v ic. WIV. I). C