\VSEK ENDING SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2D. 1954 Judge Hubert Deiany Closes NAACP Meet SAVANNAH. CM. The Ibr.o- ; , ruble Hubert T Deiany. judge m. the Court of Domestic Relations; in NV.v 'York CAv an.'. » Jong-; tme mefflUt -he NAACP Euardj t ired address at a Freedom Hally i t’ 1 tho Fi. Atri Baptist Church! Oo Suncay. reoriAiiy Zo a JUG ! F>3lH r will be the closing mceiuag j of a tbu oe-day ccnf '. eriee of deter I gates ivorn branches. youth conn- 1 c»b and college chapters oi the! 2CAACP hi Alabama. Florida, j •'.-t;i 'NTc ■t b CarC- I Work - v ° i - . Saturday Ft, o ruai'y 27 will >; - --i j. with the ore - 1 niz-ntion ar.d tecbakp.es to be used I in yeeiva v; first class citizenship. I. w>t■• " wili be discussed by ' ' Attorneys' SpotSs-.vond VC Robin-1 snn. 11l of Richmond, Vr: nia a id! Rah'-t L. C‘ nf New York, both members of Use NAACP Legal S gtaff. ]t is exnected tba* emphasis; v.-'H be placed on •.•liimnaim f senre Hampton Institute Ends | Religious Emphasis Week ; HAMPTON, Va The tLS4 He-; ligioue Emphtuis Week held cm the!; campus of Hampton Institute was; Jed by Rev. Leo I. Sheppard, pas- {• * ... 0 f the F-e-r. Baotist Church of! Ooiumt.ii! Missouri and I!)r. Samu-i t*i Enoch S' 'ir.it, professor ami ' Jbr.id o Hhe I; mi.'tmeiH of Philo-j '. ■'■■j tpr i:*x'‘■ ,v in .Tnri^prtidc’ncc* in*the Law School o.t Vanderbilt j Iftuversity, KasdiviUe, Tennessee. j The several sessions began with j the Sunday worship service hold! in Memorial Church with Hev.j Sheppard preaching on the. sub-j 3«: ct, '*Christian H&sis For Xd.Ce - f Today', and Dr. Stun, of j r: ibjcc ;;' V Nr/T Certainty’,' Dr j a ? fe c t ion TI or • som c th> n g wb t the r! a th i 'T cr a “human bemrr There; i • to-: ?. const not urge and drive r “*’"*** j Lv.co H.epair Bargains Ml'N’S leather or. rubber HALF SOLES *1.48 I WOt/iSUrS ! T yr’TC r%r i >w LjIF 1 D LUBBER HEELS 60c | ! Second Hand Shoes $3.50 up | L'concmy Shoe Shop It? Hewlett St. Raleigh, N.C. n mi ■ ii >ii »i Him inmimii n um ii nm»Minnii»nm ii iihi» i"Ki I Srsv/iit ; is our business, '~pr^ihJSt tuw. mm.vrTil I 'f! \\ ''-A E \ j V/e like to make progress and in the process. I help you to get ahead too. j ...Come In! ! FIRST-CITIZENS BANK | 1 AND TRUST COMPAN Y j S’ .»1,1'1.a,, 1 .-.'. . ■-- f v -i- r - tlrnr m-, •lirMnriarinmwaiivyTriTrrrri ■> inr n n mintr w iiriiiMiinuiinnin wnwin i. i-mti wnrttrtnwnfdai hth-w.- “‘rri “i---nii ijr.inrmni | Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh j 3705 HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA TEL. 3-1071 aationi ’n education since the five j remaining southern states which j have r;r*t opened state schools of h: , ; "Auij.Hma to Negroes are in the Southeast Region. A discussion of preparation for living in a de-segregated society tviil be 1 ct by Dr. D. J. Odom. Jr . j F an at Siu-jerts and Director of j Religious Activities of Morris | Brown College n Atlanta. Other conefrenee participants 1 lined are Cluster B. Current, Di- j ••actor -if NAACP Branches; Her-! beet. Hill, NAACP Labor Rela-i ti ns Assistant; Kelly M. Afexan-j e’er, president of the North Caro-1 lie.a NAACP State Conference; J. ! Rt Hinton, president of the South j Carolina NAACP State Conference;; Ciaroi.ee Mitehoil, director of the; Washington Bureau and L, R. John-1 Youth Adviser "for Georgia.; Mr.-' R.: >» Hurley. Southeast Re-j gional Secretary will direct the; conference. possessed by all persons to seek; (>f num's love is Sot pcnr.auent. He rinds that change continues to rise i in his relation to the object of his j affection Siumpf illutrated that j man is incomplete as far as his sed is concerned. He stated that j man needs love and affection a)-j ti. .ugh in the earlier theories as; wen as everyday experiences, j tilings are subject to change. There-! sere, what he seeks is eternal and ; the answer for such love is God j The sp-nke- referred to the scien* j list, Pascal, who requested his stu- j ,4 , n ts to answer a series of ques-j tio'is among which was "Why don't; you believe in God”’ He urged men to be -5 thev. - v.s- a God, witr, the statement, look how great the st, are what con you lose, | but the chance to win everything. ; This oph.v was known as the "Pascal Anger . The T'Sd United Struts honey e-op was 13 per cent below that of a year earlier atid trie sma.iest since 1943 I The 1953 State Legislature nu- 1 ihoiii'C’d & short form iiiCooio tox return for State Income Taxpayers 1 v. Lo have certain types of income. • Wins Ndtiono! Contest y»;V^v>Y' ; ' '*:*'* ‘ .•■: ' " 'fjjxmh* ■'- v!wty? ’" v ’... :j IP’ - • \n%a*fe*'» ■ «?„ ■ CHICAGO—Miss Karen PohJe, 16, Lake View H thyish-ot Hit- i, Is shown as she learned she was winner of first !»'■/.■• >r i wide Kc-iiogg’s Orange Bowl contest. She won $2,-GO hr hev sohooPs j athletic fund, on all expense round trip to the Orange I> ,rr*'c ' Miami for herself end the school’s 31-mor. foot ball <■;•■ ■ ' <> i Savings born! for herself. Her entry, selected from thousands, was writ••■:•; • • "F ' ' "- * Lake View High school football team should go t th-- Or.m.’c i game." Second place winner was Harry Sin'" . > !• u. . and third prise went to L. Penn, Jr., Canons'v’.rc P-: Miss rohie and the teem, along with ml: :. r ’ ' e j party, will fly to Miami on a chartered Del! i-C S’- A ‘ '-r Convair. They will be guests at the Robert Ciey h■■■"•' p- ‘ ’• Shown with M ,-s Pohle are: iieft to right) €■■■■•' • -'’-i 1 «; ! son football captain, Coach Leo Comthan, (hnu n da--". •: • ’ Howard List, advertising manager of the Kellogg C- uipuiT. Battle Creek, Mich-. /fjSSfak Mata : HINTS TO HOrM'* : - E‘ t: r -L.V-T ; SHOPPING TO SAVE The thrifty homemaker becomes a j smart shopper when she shops : with a carefully-planned market hst. She can save more nennms 1 in her oudget by observing these ; points: i 1. Shop in person whenever piij : sible, ; the be*st food buys in prices and | quality. j 3. Read labels to determine qua : lity size and vveiuiit. Conridei food use Lea: expensive grades oi a: : -1 foods have tie same food v.due ; and arc just as satisfactory for ! many purposes as more exp-.-nsive I and perfoctfuly shaped foods. ; 4. Compau; relative costs oi i•- fereat forms of food such us it'esh.. canned, frozen and dried. I 5. Select vegetables and fruits j which are pluu.p and Urm aid ■ without decay 3ot l.l ;iri .- x.oi ; and vegetables with only light. ; auperl'icial blemishes ■■ '■ * »o. be removed will be cheaper ; -l ; ni-'t «« satisfactory for cnokiiiw. Wilted vegetables r >y be an - j ter waste because they often ■ j ' “* “ i anp rod if you mat your Gi UFE iNSURANCF PREMIUMS 1 IN TH.c SFLF-AOOCESSEO ENVfIOPE ; (VA S£NP> rou foa THAT Pt/ftpos f. ; S- ; \y - • mfnrmatiiafe four PChrt J ! VETERANS AUM2NISTUATION oihftfl W: I iSM'g v —^ \ ®r.^ W POMADE M >9£vj -JflWg '* On Hh>/e ktttvuhsrs or wn'rr aittef ft . PffßllfS PRODUCTS CO. Sk9 teckssme Avc i#rs*> City 4. H I. ( Y lrfl . |f , ntrr a —m •»•-• * not be used at all ; ! although U'.it riv'^*'.. i! '-‘ &■-? j^r-l ; ‘ gest size, aro preferred when sor- j ; ved as a dish. r b'oT cassn of il--Mi:"ke Rnui-N, N. C j Sauudivv aiid. i' Uviay. u-■ i , 13 asiri I I were regular s. ‘evict tsaj ; Saturday at 2 ,j r,i., tiv. , ... . of tite erturen v.. c..i jiuii- . wuit ! a large CJ-o-.vd ;.u :i. Hu Ti.e tn.- \ lur. Rev R ii vie iii j pei-t oi duly nil i .-. : • tin •. ■:. !3- j tor for the d ... j Sunday ,Scho«,i o ;..: tie supcrintctidr-iit kin V. iknmi' and the teaetn- - m tiuar : ; u-tiv-'-: i places. Ti-a :' - itiiiy I w i .largely attended. At ii.'iii' noon ! Sunday t?i? paYor nMceiiord So the i pulpit assisted by the Senlov Choir | u id>-i the direction of Mi Prince : A lv. Air. K.- ..: ; n . "ed a i wonderful sermon His hxt w-j.-. I taken from 1 .Samuel 17:27. The I Lord that delivered s. -■ mu of the ' paw of the lion, c i out of fcne i paw oi the bear, He wifi deliv,• r me out of the hand -T tin: Philts-; tir.e. His theme ‘.vas "< ‘ ini'd-rne j in Past Expr-rier-CcrS’he Scr.aid ; ; service v.'htch was Holy t i.unrea i was conduct I'd by ttvv J. T j lvcv. i Sunday, February 14. was regu- i : l,u‘ si-rvice df-.y. At Lust fc mi 15 ip- ; I 11-I : 1 it. i Jocky ah a: ■ a M. C ! i‘iv • .» urch U. to at the corner M Hiuhlmui and BoilocU i Streets. Preacii.ug i- r i Sure ; | th( Uuv. A. It. f Vi yof iisai,. : Rapid, M. C. At 1 i:>ri a v< Tor j lvcv ascended the piiipU Hr-:,, deb Iby Hie Senior Chun Mr. tAwy was. j assisted in the pulpit by the Rev, ' Walter Barons ol ii- aimi u il.,psos i and Rev. Tody of Rocky T unic j Mr. Ivey cho.sc for hie text St i Matthew 32:41.' "The me.: of Nuu i vi;h shall rise in ju ><-nt wuh jit because they repented at Lie jljccacbinc of Jonali anere; Wiliam Gregory, I Fred Alston, bddio Lee Barring* : ton, William Woods. Clyde Hedge ! path, Lin wood Monroe. James Con* ; vers, Bobby Burnett, Ci rl Harring -1 ton nod Randolph Hed:.;cpelh, in the 14-37 year old division i pt.'iy was very close throughout the ; entire tournament. The finals were i exciting and iiaid fought with Fau- THE CAROLINIAN >V"jisr]| Dr. R. P. Daw 1” AtVSC’sFoiii A new baii-do » a morale-builder J'vr ®r& women —hat don’t forget to i %»ait a week or so before you mJcfiS the I »<•*• style hath you and your hair • need llJßis U» get Übcd to new ways! * * * t Wlten i» *h« meat market and j yjHtr yarcha>e it being weighed ] has the thought of buying a car j hy iise iHnuxi ever occurred to you? During a apeeLai preview { jC wiftara editors and eonunento tors, Ivan L* Wiles,, general man j>'; r of Bttick, made a moat imu> ittg and unusual remark! He said that often w« are otlslead by so called Iradoin aiiowances. Too often a high trade-in allowance is more than off-set by an inflated or excessive selling price, ilia sug gestion was to “slaty ;oor tar by the pound!” Divide the total quoted selling price »I the automo bile by its weight iu pounds, and arrive at the price per pound. Them compare this price per pound on the various cars, under consideration. The lower the price per pound, the g-ester the value, . All caw are made of pretty much die -ium ■ .Aerials —■ steel, glass textiles, rubber - so you can’t go very far wrong using price per pound as a tweaaurui* stick of value! May sound odd but sensible at tk-u! * * * I thought tome j /cWIS\ one ums joking with /o 'fiX me teAen / received (x ff* || o postcard this te nj mornmg from a \?V friend touring the 'Ca.M. joatAwfSt—it postmarked 1 ruth or Consequences, ft.-w Mex:co. S ore i dec i/ the toumjolk live up wa? i * * * Here's tt hint to enter gfcfw blemishes • —1 *ise a tinted foundo* ' linn a bit darker than your die : end pet on dowd mb it in ; that’* iAo secret* ! ory Brooks winning out over ! Woods in the championship brack • Others in the division were: ! r,nnni(> Williams. John Pearson, ; Arvin Alston, Joseph Carer, Clif ton Davis George Smith, Cepe ! !!. ••’• .. F-.rddie Harris, Herman Hinton, James Wood, Donnie Row land. Preston Hunter, Perridi Hod,. ea .id Bobbie Dick-ns. Priy.es will be awarded by Le?- Ihr Yriigiit, Boys' Work Secretory ! nf the YIdCA on Saturday, Fe tru st beriwen showing ol the A manufacturer of electroplated ; .ek.'d silver says this is the way to care for ir "Wash it in the us -1 i.al way with yotu- dishes. Do not ' apply at>ra»ives, A soft cloth will • t cmoVe tarnish and restore the plate to its original luster,” PATRONIZE ignamiMmaMMniUfitia uaUMmuu '5 LOANS I ;| , „ . P: Come to see ns with your Financial Problems, p > s „ t • sfou v? 15i receive a gracious welcome, X i ks -C. §3 Consolidation ol jP kw Debts Is Oat Spec?csity i THE HOOD SYSTEM ' ?. INDUSTRIAL BANK 5 122 South Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina C . :;| p We Specialise in Loans to Teachers No payments are required in j JUNE. JULY or AUGUST || : fei . I ,-, -■ ~-r , r1 — wwriniiwir TOrrn-mwrm-wnwr riwrirn u» i iinimum wnn ninat run I —d Montgomery’s ■@L d(?L Vj/?i 1* A, We’re Giving It Away! EGGS * Boz- 59c THICK FAT BACK •* * * -Lb. 22c BLACKEYE PEAS * - Lb, 14c TURNIP GREENS ••**"2 cans 2lc CHUCK ROAST Lb. 45c LORDCALVERTCOFFEE Lb- 98c ORANGES * Doz. 20c i Complete Selection oS WINE & BEER FOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES!. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Montgomery's FOOD CENTER Ccr, Haywood A Martin Sts, Phone 4-7950 | PETERSBURG, Va. -The seven-i I iy-aecotid surnyversary of the fouti-1 S ding of Virginia State College will! j be observed Sunday March 7, 1954, | ] with appropriate exercises, j Foundnr'a Day Morning Wor- ‘ ship So, vices will be held at 111 | i - i iFire Victim i Dies Here ) Geraid.ne ,*.oek■ j wood, 4-year-old daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Jesse Lockv, .>od, oi 204 1 Branch Street, here, was seriously; burned January 23 about 5 p. tn. j by a rixl-hot heater. The child'si | dress caught fire and she rushed out' j of the door. I Her mother, who was running i behind her, soon found her out in | I the yard and rushed her to Stunt! j Agnes Hospital where she died | on January ,t. ! Fb'n.er : tl service? were hs , td s.t \ I the Smith Temsle Church, S. East ; | Sl. Jim. 28. The flav. T T. Platt i offtciat’Cd and burial followed in | HiUeiest Cemetery. Lightner Fu \ neral Home- was in charge, i Geraldine is survived by her I parents, Jesse and Rosales Lo. k i vvOvu, iu-u liroi.i,-;.s and 0.. u sister, |f | Honor Society | Ten At A & T f ' . I GREENSBORO Ten ranking ■ uat A. and T C j'c.le - recently mumit u ,nio tue r-riptia. - • Kappa Mu National Honor Society ; . through the local Gamma Tau • I Chapter. Eioebx! on the basis of having s . Completed 90 quarter hours of 1 ; study «ad r. 'int- 'mnt -a scholastic " : ever;'■ f-, above J.i w'eve: Misses ' : Even , r.c Lriv: -, Whifoviile; Tom , pic Fort Pierce, Fla.; 1 ■ ?a Robu '.tv‘o lug!? Poict; Ruth Skelton Greeny boro; Ruby Wii * UamKst, Leu Jessie Cro ! foer, Eih'i'be; 'gi»?.abctU Taylor. . I Asheboro; Mcidairtes Minnie Sk-n --3| ncr, Hertford and Evelyn Bryant, i r ; Peachey. ■ ; Other i'c O' -a nf fh© campus •t i chapter include:. Mi.-or Dolores ■■ j’Shaav. Bov.-.-aw; feadeiine Powell, e ; Wikon; Mitidstines Itctta C. Caiia i hen, Mannsssas, Va. sod Lucille IC. Pie:..oft and Donas Dailey, both : ,-f On . V ! !> ;.u W. T. Gibbs : is faculty adv'-ser. - 11,1 TSlf yj• -/ I, J ■ r- i I'otf .SBT bSti if * ■ . ' ■. - iel Keynoter Eiders Day i o’clock hi the College Chapel 'll":-: ■ sermon will be delivered, by lit. j | Charles E. Stewart, .Pastor of Is- j iml A, M. E. Charcn, Albany,i j New York. i Tbe service will be opened by j Dr. Samuel L, Gandy, the College! ; Minister. The annual .Founder's, : Day statement will be delivered by : Dr. R. P. Darnel, President of the: | College. I Prior to the morning service a { Campus Memorial ceremony will; | be held. Memorial tributes will be j spoken by the College Minister . and by President Daniel, ■ The Memorial Ceremony will ! begin at 10:30 o'clock with stu dents, faculty, and viators assembl- j , mg on the front campus cf the in - iututi >n prior to that time. ROTC . ; cadets will provide an honor for- ; Station on the occasion. At the close of the eleven o’- i ■ clock service, Memorial Motor-1 | cades will b'avri ?:>r cvmerprie« ’ |in Petersburg and Richmond j i where wreaths will be placed on; the graves of pioneers in the | | i WASHINGTON TERRACE APARTMENTS ! Exclusively Colored, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen 1 • ! and bath Stove, refrigerator, heat- : ! ?r. wafer furnished. $4& . Apply in person. Telephone 2-1102 , New (ar Buyer -V NO.Mileage ; 1953 and 1954 BUCKS and FORDS : I f See Brigrnan ana ■- Began and Save ' CITY MOTOR (.0. —INC.— Obtest Used Car Denier" 609 Fayetteville St. Dial 3-1415 T|f . - n ,||-| iTl ,|| ,-nm —„ limi - rn -. fnr . fTirnriri^r^l , FOR ADEQUf .: : AUTO KSl^:' : EDWIN S. fOV INSURANCE AC KG . SPRAGUE SILVER, Adoc-m. Telephott* SSBB 209 Commesc-.hi ■? Security With Intelligent tier'*tee >«* til I , i. m i Special Purchase Over 2,000 Places 'S p " Clips, Half-Slips, Gowns, iYvi 5 Can, you imagine such beaurilu!. loug - mg lingerie lavished with lace, iu-t, cn-.l p feot styling selling (or such tiny psv u. <’ beautiful trimmed and many ri -li v/. manont pleating ...and they come in v 1 black, arid a rainbow of paste! colors. . 32 to 40. Slips Cowrie, I Value $5,95 to 58.95 Value $5.95 to $10.95 53.95 $4.05 i ? I Half-Slips Pants. Value $5.95 la $8,95 Value to $1.58 $2.38 | S 3 Lingerie - Second Floor Hudson-Belli Eastern Carolina's Largest Stone PAGE FIVE ' se* eel’s history 3rt*7 ink s xxitsz uii, A floral trsbutv v.:H «e tnid at the grav? «< *' . to A. W, Harris. (ngjalater from Petersburg s?H>n. or of She blit wfefoh created the insigunioii. Forir.. - ;)rrii ,‘ti strative beads of the his;t n tion will be similarK atecaoru. Sijstid. ft l f f I r 1 j *2^3iCfLitFl * * \ Come Lo the Ribbon CihlL'e FEB. 18 First showing of 1954 Gencr.it Electric Major Apphor.ccs: REFRIGERATORS RANGES WATER 'HEATERS : FOOD FREEZERS ! ROOM AIR v w-: .'. | DRYER IRONERS ! WRINGER WASHERS I AUTOMAT G *A: : .. j DISHWASHERS disposal; s ; Ki i*CH£f: CAK’n:TS Visit Tour Loco! Dealer APEX: A. T. Seymour & boas CASTS Hobby Supply Store FUQUAY SPBINGSj Ptoctor-Bcri.*our Co. EALEIGIH Tire Sales & Service WAKE FOREST: [ones Hardware Co WENDELL; Todd Electro. 1 Company Authorized Dealers fiEMEBAi 'icV £ 1 ci> iht v AFPLIANCcS