PAGE SIX ii M " ** ! ? Jj|p f >, |i I : —, fIL ' ''•? \ ) f 9 /% fl | : §|L f I * ' <&4 .HL* >•••>• C v. POP • f XT' .:* -. T * f r , 1 • I ffi \ ■ ■* ‘ / m? ■ S mm 4P J 7>«!gN»"-. t -> .; SlUfiai- FiUvH tNIVK.K RtTV Shaw 1 h'' ’i ■ i’ 1 sfu dents are -jdiov, »i tlisp; •! in o -non »trati"ns on th- campus 11-'-l 1 -'- week The -!!>?; :t ■. suppose dlv defiant because of -in- il,>niiw! Os »ux student-'- recently have defied nniver.ui, nrdei to return to rlas- -s Ihr jl-ur photo vas Oladc par*. Moruhf morning al ter the presidi n'. Fir Wild mi -1 Str&s,n< ’ h.i-J i,-ii- ! tr> niton.i tun: advising ih" •;■•■ i ; to re turn to da«r*. Kn estimated 4hti of the or< v * rsi:;,'"s 308 sd' dents participated in th*. demon stratum. sz^M will. BUY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CARS: '4B CHEVROLET Chib Coupe '47 BUICK 2-Door '46 PONTIAC - s be can '4? UN CO i N Club Ccur« '4B FOND Sedan many more GOOD BUYS t \BH—TRADE—I ER.VIS DJU.OX MOTOR . fin \^(;E USED CAB LOT Cor, Blount anti D,r. ie Sis pwwtw > r-'.-^'«ag»ejsci«^cwwaowwj«aw«gwa><=g^ IN APEX MAKE OUR | ' : STORE YOUR '‘"gMC'i HEADQUARTERS W MIT » GROCERIES A » HARDWARE A » FEED • PAINT © Poultry Supplies c y 1 JONES*i HARDWARE AND GROCERIES Asex. W, C, 5 # , / !■ ° t ‘K ■ * T • • - -- - » »twi|^ $ f ' '^■'■ V - ''" ■ * > ■ i i " • ■ i '*:>>& .<../n,JfV: •.. with the most modern ambulance built! ° ur new Superiof-r,:idiJiac Ambulance stands r " ad > ’> h< ' ur - -* day to serve you! Tim rugged. powerful coach provides every convenience to transport patients quickly and comfortably between home and hospital . . . and eve/y puce of equipment needed for life-saving h/M atd after an accident. Pm your trust tu i'nf: most modern, efficient equipment: when the need arises —call us first! I ! Lightner’s Funeral Home .. 312! Smithfiefd Street Telephone 3-1676 j SCRIRBLINGS < onlinued from Page ! | 1 'ti manager started getting las* ; s (taper to me the day before : :< paper coinej out. You rotting eon fused too?i. I wrote .' e p-an i.stior about this a couple lof weeks ago, so this morning I’ day) 1 yt no pare ■-Y : ; 1 ; Ah' Miayl'e that was my mistake : Maybe ihe publisher has been ! i red. Or maybe the circulation ' manager is irked because ! did: 1 i ••■ rite hun directly In that case, i ). hasten, to indite a formal letter ' in him forthwith UOsl F.X \! iED < IK( i 1 \TH) V MANAGER for whatever .nadvertant of fe o'-' I may na' e committed tha; i.,.s incurred your displeasure and ■' made me the object of your n* - gieef I humbly and publicly jm plore forgiveness. (You aren't a m> tuber of the Raleiah Citizens' Association are you?) I sock no special privilege nor oistinmr.suad service. AM 1 ask th ■’ vo’i AGAIN coiiinve to et n-.y copy -f the CAROLINIAN .n ihousd sack mat gets to Wash ■ :,ai. e Week th;!' ' •- CAROT.INIAN comes out. My n> Sta - Dri Masonry Paints S Water Proofs Basements ~ Stucco Houses and Ali Masonry Powder & Liquid COME IN AND SEE Demonstration S. M. YOUNG Dial 7121 130 E. Martin Si. RALEIGH. N. C. ■ if Isons for asking this exlraoidinary l fay or are, hftt»cve n. e. Cogent. A eoiomn lx n>..i% dii hcd off in a few :t:mutes, a few houro. er, ■I 'n a even a few H- ' > If you think ethei*iws» ! . t eordiai* Jy mv-e you to write a i ' cr* J UJT>n :<>• T~;- S’U.n.v. ;i: ypy Dine L ‘! A-vTor.g other ihn^. ? I like to o>m d- j rneut on what is happening, or > more precisely, i»n wLoH is not ■ • happen ins toward the attainment 11 ■of one citizenship in Rale;-th and n m N< 'ih Car'd;?!,! a vo-n.-* i \'. > w v*»p . I 4 C‘!, .vii.;; a,: *»' ■• UI . certain matiets md then ge! u ’ ; v-eck's p*pet only to ibid that tec | Raleigh Citizens As.-.ji.-iai ! • flowed the CAROLINIAN to on >t ; the Ictlet they .-.cut to the Hoi, ..?.-■. Ilous.rig Authi.-rit.v plus the a ■ the Housing Authority sent thren 1 *• Or that «riv j Onu-grss c r »? not rc.*t’• •• g i>it having written a reset u- n but have unveiled their prn.,r im for totai tntc-y'atKmV ! v-euln. i , ■ t ssu'.'e you, ftiol as out of place ’; as a (s ftt* of Old Popskul'l on a » oiilpif. Puidhor, the'ds ,r. which 1 express nty opinions .-re nos U * t y.ays w sweet and >fl : : rivKo ’ me desirous of eating thorn. DistinU i-iiuu, IV H v\ Lon Post Serjptlini. lis yoUl basic I to comply with this t'l cjuest please I j., mfyp 1.., c’ a oc';! rypy; tby carmu* pigeon. *l'huut ji*e so , Icuuh around ncre li'.at we ro jht , esl the t npct sion.; with the p>- i ; ,-on | Nota R< nil Send me Iflc cvery Wedncsday and 1 can get the paper %-vkV,"-, 1$ jT Cay ff '• WUtrtSlUl HOVHC Air man S (*. son of yir. and TI. Isaac Williams, .103 Bragg St returned from liis services of I 1! months in Korea recently. He 1 is a graduate nl the Washington High School in the el.iss of IHSI, Ifr- attended A. and )'. <., Greensboro. N. ( . and rvas a member of the Air ROTC Class there, which inspired him to volunteer for the service. He is ■i communications center speci alists which includes teletype »p eration. In a few days he will | leave for Waiher A. I Base, Ros l well. New Mexico. Airman Sec -1 ond Class Moore's friends in cluding members of ?»t. Raul V M E. ( nurcfi, wish *or him much I success, iic has two and one half years longer in service. ! : . %' ' 0 I IN' WYOMING Airman i Third Clas- Fred Willis .son of Mrs. Vcrtio M. Willis of Raleigh S if currently training as an Air ; Force technician at the LSI A I Technical School at Warren Air Force Base Wyoming. t ‘ at the •n-w.sMi r-d st i: ft,L i \ \ couple of weeKs ego I ic.-iri .m in the i \sft>- - LINf VV with gi ' it ,f.v. Thy - pul’lisher was t.Ykios about high prr i" and ar.oi’i/rdly ass U!g svh< ?< pi i;;s :irc yomtiig x , TIRED, RUNDOWN, PEP-LESS "rent A«emia ? BMS&P HOW S- 5. $. YODISC Z&M HELP K . ... mg can be Me result of iron ease, S.k> TON K’ can M ino 'OU sis mm' by- ,ST SIC.H Bi.'Hdi. Feel vour old .-.elf again; take wsmMs , ' T Ww' T«t> Pro*t S.S.S Hope >* ;ie ‘tow os vitajl. »i --_l thank y'**m l t _,... nvK jmcs -. thas UMpr *Kti*tv-Wvif# C«nj»e» ■nuX**' i 4 ' i | We Install All The J Sets We Sell Op»Mi Friday and Monday Nights Until 9 P.M CRENSHA 1 ,7-NELSON GO. 513 HILLSBORO ST. PHONE 3-2263 I Buy From CAROLINIAN Advertisers ‘&J$ —W"ri-ik¥i i ■ k ~~t th ts" i~wn rr inn r«n •n i Tai r> aim mu ■ Mini ■ i ■■> n« i mm\mm ii in ■■ ■■■ in ■■■■ m ■■■ i—■■■- - mmmmmimmubib ■ h«h.i« n n - mi i i —■ i i i ■■!■! imsm iini- -nit aigwi. -it ——n-rr ■wiamur t ■‘rrmri’M Tfffff J TtHn~r'n -T "T tii— 11 r i tii mi rr i * i T THE CAROLINIAN down, While Dwight n is only 1 tour ,md a half years old, V eats like an overworked plow - i horse. Knowing that there is a Raul 1! about the same age as mi ,eii, I naturally figured that the publisher was howling s trout his son's rapid destruction of the ,reveries, All of which made me look at inv son more , tolerantly while he inhaled two fill! servings of everything at every meal every day. Now that 1 have been confined ! to bed v.uth a hie fever for over ! a week. I see a concatcisaron of CJi'c.inu tanees whicKi makes me I vauncly .inoasy Not too long ago 1 rii'uie boastful mention of the ; wood Inner I had enjoyed at the : publisher s house during my last ; \ sit to Raleigh. Now he starts ! scretuni.i.f about prices. Could this be a hint that 1 nerd not exoect i • d-> uv- more free-loading at : bis table? ’ * • * PI N! If \IION Can you punctuate this correctly:! • Time flics you cannot they go too : qtuokiy. > r * « I MVS FOR HISTORIANS O-ccrii, n Bock H. Chapter IV. | Section 62 of his 'i> Oratore* 4 ! i.-'d. down rules for histoi lacs, and ; Lone G'c* XII pai'apharased there , rule;- ir; 188.1 in On H: tniica) j Studies”. The first ls» f s that the hfitcrian j shall never dare to >et down what , c; faß.-; the .'.econd, that he sha!) rt. vsr d• •i ‘-onceal the troth, nod i - o third, that there shall he no • s -.pinion in h's worji, (if ei'.hei fa voii'iSio or prejudjee. ! All th us lead:, up to th« fact that tine: Tan historians, at least * text >vx,k h'stofiefis. generally dis | -egard ait thru.- euies FRRONKOL’S BfUKF Amcricau lii-lon. vi hen 14 cool-- tu the Nfgro. foUiiw, a !' iirv nf 'supjuexsio vyri. gtsli* falsi*’'. This dishonest suppression o( Hie truth and . suggestion id lie- has abetted Hu perpetuation of a myth thus the maturity <>t Americans 'Have come to accept as go-pel; that is. the belief that Negroes Livingstone’s College Marks 100th Birthday SALISBURY Livingston* Col-j lege received $80,723.83 during the j t celebration of the 100th birthday anniversary of its founder, Dr. j Joseph Charles Price, on Foun der's Day hero February 101 h. A ! I throng of church people led by' ! the Board of Bishops of the A M.E.. I Zion Church made the annual pi!-j i; grimage to the college to pay me-1 • j mortal tributes to the founder and! j i owe their varing colors to illi cit relations between slave j owners and slave women While this is tree in part, it is far from being the whole truth ] The whole truth is that the st offei > d to the General public, but it can i •; tv found m var.oUs Mate archive- j [and in the John Hopkins Scries iof Studies in American Hstory t i The Johns Hopkins studies will not 1 j be found in fer conch. libranos. CZ' VVZ'VWVVOVVZ .9 s c -. > cn rn \/ V/ fg- 1 off c o rr rV) W - Z> f j co ii o I — 2j*> c / hi « i %T UV ! Vr^- ; ci sgA " U_!y^K ; :-. S }V ( C j | [f,:: / \ \ V hMMRIfj ' (, 0 - ' V y to +” * CO V) 6 : CO ’ 9 (/> MEAT TfiFAl is right fit hand, with r r , SALAD'S READY mu' ;.-i mag in your '} 0.) that hiy, convenient. ~ electric ret- ceratot Mate ■‘) CO electee food 00 *~~ ahead—it si ays coot, CO trees')! IT' crisp, fresh! •> MORI HELP AT \ f MEALTIME WHEN YOU J <7 UVI ELECTRICALLY f 7 « re <3 <9:l r ' CO jaj& .*./ K. .# CO /J|jL '9 CO ; J ■ j S r ' SI 7 4v HIS FAvOTITf t..-; SOUP'S ON your electric, range. No : takes no time at all uch ynm hoiu’u . 1 need to gfoud and teafcA . . it‘U he r ;.' electric mixer. Use mixer Jot frost '0 read// zoften voi* return ' ,l vn 0, loot o; ' Co , “YOU ARK rUKRE"~OiIS television--witness history’s great evem t 1 «• WEEKENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1954 [ report, funds (or the support of. i the college. Bishop W J. Walls. Chicago, ll* i 1 .senior Bishop of the church, and j alumnus of the college, biographer j of Dr. Price, and chairman of the! Board of Trustees of the college, j Jed uli the bishops in the reports' A SMALL AMOUNT SPENT FOR CLEANING . . . MAY SAVE DOLLARS IN CLOTHES Frequent Cleaning. «ur scientific way. actually puls new i ‘" 1" tired fabrics, It pays off in longer clothes lift- . and also in better appearance. HILKER BROS, i TAILORS—CLEANERS —FURRIERS Plant: 511 Hillsboro Si. Shop: 105 E. Marlin Si. fir —— a j F gtW 1! ! SEVEN ! ! i STAR. ;[ | M PMlt I. 'I '' 4/«4K. \' { Hi I ' SEVEN STAR IL | a |» #■ [ : '5 ‘.-,."9...- ft I 1 h |i* ' j hi _ - "LJi- j s- F v : - i ! | —-——! :n.:.' 1 i | * * *' BLLNDLO WHISKEY. NEUTRAL SPIRITS DISTILLED FR'.M / ".‘l I GOODfRHAM & WORTS LIMITED, PEORIA. HUSO!: by district. The total from his district was $14,729.87 followed In order by the other districts Bis hop John W Martin Chicago, 111. $8.83.00; Bishop C. C Ali-yne, Philadelphia, Pa. $0,231..''0: Bishop W. C. Brown. Biooktyu, N V s*>,- 766.40; Bishop W W Slade. Chur j lotto. N. C. $8,257.02; Bishop Jw: s iC. Taylor, Montgomery, Ala. $7- j 840.20: Bishop Baynmnd 1, Jones, j Salisbury, $9,365.24. Bishop Hamp j ton T. Medford, Washington, ,D. 1 c $6,289.58; Bishop H< bert d. Shaw, WUmingion. $4... .2