WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY It, i -i 'rUrA*.. „... ... ARRIVES IN GERMANS Pvt. Lynn D- M*rsl:, son r: Mr. ar.<i Mts. Coley Mai -St of «k>M ston, recently arrived in Ge;-- many where he will assume ins duties with the 533 Moth- ..£ Amh. Co. Psi. Marsh is a grad uate «f GoHstott Ki- ii Sch ml arid attended A- A: T. College, Greensboro, before being in ducted into the service. '*iliWiWiß«iwi'i^iia«iu»ffliin«»nw«<i'a.imrjS'PM»vJii.-. l y«-'i-.. .-tar*** 1 • PEACH & APPLE Parers ICE SHAVERS $8.75 4-QUART ICE CREAM FREEZERS 6-QUART $11.25 JELECHUC FREEZERS $23.75 ELECTRIC FANS $5.35 to $39.95 S. M. YOUNG Dial 7121 130 E. Martin St. HALESGK. N. C. * ’ ! uaanwMMmuCTUiWMWir nwpkjwam—owwo A A 0 The Man With The Wl'lQ X-RAY MIND f-, 1\ J PALM, CRYSTAL & PSYCHIC READER i Gives true ansi never-failing advice on all affairs of life. Be i fore you utter a word 1 'will rail you by name and tell you what your entire visit is for. Causes speedy and happy mar riages. overcomes enemies and had lurk of ail kinds. Locates lost and stolen articles and hidden treasurers. Visit PROF. VONN, the, mastermind, today and have your mini put at ease. One of he world’s greatest Divine Healers and advis ors. Permanently located in my own home, one mile north of Wilmington, N. 0.. on IT. S. Highway 117, North, Castle Haynes Rd- Readings daily and Sunday. Hours: 9:30 A. M. —9 F. >l. Satisfaction guaranteed. LOOK FOR HAND SION. •**•" «* * jj wmummmmtwmmmaimmmmmm 8 ' ""££££ T"'~ ' I 1 jgte&m \ i '(amm < ' Vv I t BLENDED WHISKEY 86.3 Proof. fs.Wo Crain Neutral Spirit* t Seagram DistillerCorporniion, Chrysler Building, A inw York J "■raSmNEMa**a wUCCT - •wwmiMiMMM.MMnTm HMMWIm i S. Africa Has Ssgregation Problems NEvV YORK Segregation is l tm* most pressing problem in i South Africa, according to the | Scv. Martin Jarrett-Kerr. j 'Writing in the current issue of i the Episcopal Oil i; 1 h NY.Wt, the . pi -cst verted that tit a dom-iv* | «tnt N ithmai Party of Pu-.v.e ■ ; Minister .Valan is a ruing at ‘ the ! -maximum segregation mat is ! practical” j “In the long run,” the Epts i cop.nl Cutirch News says, “ti;e | Natianalist Par y is hound to i | : fn:l.” But id. the nv in'.nir soJGe 'j | vio : ers.’3 is bound to occur. i The tr.os; daiyero is piece of j i pro-s-uycuHion legislative, ac- j j cord:;'. 1 , to the pr.ic.st. ns tiro so- , j j co'loci Bantu Education Bill pass- jj ; ed last y< ; To" nooi wtiTi : 1 : sen'ed it -rnude no c-Tsyn to con- n I tv.'l the fact that it wos dmisrv- j ! ed ‘o fit the native for his s.ibor- j| ! Tiie bill provides for facilities i| to boitdy <dun:i:o tl’o* Kc.c.o it M : v/riuict permit any further edu- ; ? j Catirxi (-nly to Keg roes who are i I tt.!C:.eis. mn. = es and jT-b'. v proles- : sioiuii people noeueci in t&e t x co* j Isu:liV i Other provisions are for separa- i ' fieri of natives into their old lan- i gunge groups, their ejection from 1 i tha two remaimn,;, universities ! j who now let in a modest mint- i : her, and me reduction of liberal j • missionaries, A major force against those i policies, the Episcopal Church I 1 News sums up, is church activi- j ■ ties in which all men worship j equally. And in spite of much | difficulty and interference, the ! Church will go on,doing its best j to help even foal y ebminE'.e seg- ! rogation in South Africa. FARMERS EXPECT GOOI> TO- j BACCO CHOP DESPITE WEATHER KALLiGif, K C. (AN?') - ■ ! Pender county farmers have their ! i fingers crossed and are hoping j i for she best, as far as this, year's i I tobacco crop is concerned, V. T. Maultsfey, Negro county ! agent for the Ayri.Aturai F.x- • tension Service, says that in sr : t of oh toe adverse weanicr ivtncii ! brought about the spread of * 1 tobacco diseases and intensified ! the insect problem, “it appears that most farmers will produce j ; a fair! v good crop of robacco. j Maulsays many farmers j ! have imitated i; at they are not I ! expecting high a yield as last j ’ year, bat that the quai.ty w|ii i . be good. la general, say* Maultsby, t banco is ret obtaining iis no;: : height this year before mm-o'- ■ 1 ing. To off-set this, mn«>- fann ers tie allowing a suck r to | grow at the top of the stalk in ’ order tog sm two or three extra > order to gain two nr three extra ; i, I fIL i ...M ~**v*?'’ A QTf AN t ■ U. - ... i> -A -;:y cuntent sporeured by the social cMttmittce of the Ra leigh Countiunity Ciui* v. 1 ; i; 1 at the cic. : > home recei *.iy- The contest w inner, 3L •. T. 'h Johnson, is being crowucd fcv . iSSI ~W&Tfa 1 1 i l-l r - ■ v:.' , M* •• pi ;v fry ■ ; ■; i . vi , ■ •• -T' ' -4 '-"vwt’-if *t . • • - I r T’% ; .ms ’cAb |.r : .; ! ; i : r vgr :j. ' y ?'! '4y|“r 'L; | l;;/- ■ m m,/'- . | ft 'GY,. 'Mb ' ' . ; =A. s ■ I p /?'>' < I’m *, < v'yi.r" i ! m" - '' ■ ' ? ~y■ '■ | wm 4k -■ -. j FCRiKTK TK.fi” AIRK WINS i ON TV SHOW Mr mid 31 rs. John H. Hunt of M-rst clair, Nc", Jersey V ; n . - the humor of e/ufee ?? ;1: S‘ rim-r on the Oil* Oi;'d i : i-rciic “Two Far Tli? :■• >.. t:r day aiiihti l-v vimn e.t'.i pro- ! AsSdisitsu eJ Sfs€.-»rsd Bath 8$ cmdl Pr©f’-.NL 5 -> 1 vW SZrtrtJrC — .‘AJO 1 - Xilf W lirWWBWWBWJ** !I' -4 .b" J I IL—af-'W A rp=F?i ! 4 i // ‘f j / . ; ! t I Si / /• l Y7 si Ail f r Iff A j II si-i i Y / 1 \i ;! Wt-Mpy I Sir i HiTj i mmn \m> HM i fea'G £itei 'HYHfei // \ N M 'r.r-memmKmsstmmKKSe.jM It may surprise v i, but there ar- ly at least three places in your home that could accommodate an ci-.tia bathroom or a powder room. Addition of a second bath seldom creates a. space problem because of the small amount of floor area required. For instance, an attractive powder room will fit into a space as small as 4 by 4 feet, and a full-sized bathroom into a kwo only a few feet 'larger. A second bath is not only a welcome convenience, but a sound in vestment as well. I’. alters have discovered that houses with more than one bath are m ov popular and sell more easily than others. A second bath will add at least one or two thousand dollars to the value of your home, or from sl(.i to S2O per month in rental value should you decide to rent it. If you have a tWo-.- t y home, you could put the new bath on the first floor and save yourself endless tracking up m i down stairs. : The extra bath or powder room also will relieve the traffic during ! morning and evening rush hours. There are any number ct possibilities for the location of an extra Lath: in an unused ci '.set.; .1 in, red of a hallway; in the space unaer the stairs: in the . vwiiig room or the butler’s pantr-v; or even in a corner of a large num. j Tlw c ost *f a complete new bath Is surprisingly low, usually : well under SI,OOO for the piping instil; i,,u and P■: lures. Dollars | cannot measure the extra comfort ami convenience it will provide, 3T. LAWRENCE WA*J> AWARDED THE NAVY AND MARINE 00F4P3 MEDAL fOR HEROISM FOR H l3 AGTfOM WHILE RfSCUINQ PLANE CRASH SUR VIVORS IN NORTH KCdeEAW_WAJ£R 5 ON 16 D_EOEMfj ER 195'2.. LIEUTENANT J. O WILLIAM PATRICK w ST. LAWRENCE UNITF.O STATES NAVY AS BOAT OrFiCCT■ ~OF A 26 ; UAffBOAr, HE DIRECTED THE RESCUE Cr - MEN FROM N ' „ J‘JW ROUGH SEAS UNDER FXTRFIS' !.‘> ~HAZARD- IKW Whiff W OWCOHDIT'aNS. -L-a ,4-•" "a- I ..'' ■•— IW'Y eNry’Vv'"' vt ■v**-, * \ v Kfefe, l$:-% a- \ / »,4, | WITH EXTREME RISK TO HIS OWN LIFE, I ST■ LAWRENCE PIUNOS'D INTO TI'L ICy /'V*,. >*s \ WATER fO RESCUE ONE MAN WHO WAS j# OVERCOME AND UN'-OLE TO SWIM. IS&S %?■ I_E^‘ AFTE “ AIL THt MEN Wt - RK PICKED UP, ■■ ‘1 HB 3UCSE3SPULLV DIRECTED THE wit ■"'-I DAHGFROUS CPE RATION OP HOISTINC JTHE BOAT ABOARD VHB DRSTROVES , , RPN3HAW WTX MINLAUM DAMAGE TO I -BOAT AND MO INJURIES to ills CkEK ■ <yui—m uVOTWBiwfcW i'.c a' Istant chairman <>f the j emumlUce. Mr-. Asia Murray, i in the picture is» an ut ter !ant, Mrs. G.-are Sorrell, dob treasurer. {Photo By She card Studio). iw..-iiss sgciwvrij,a-j'-'>‘ '- .. ... • --/.v ;; am, prior to winning SclO. Mr. Ta wartime aide to I're merit Kisenhower. is a teacher in the Montclair, Sew Jersey public school system. \vfci> Mrs. Httsit- is a business administration student at Pace ! t!• liege in New 1 orb I ity. THE CAROIiKIAN ■ if -i‘:0: l*!i fc#Sv ■ ■> i p w I A . i ! fci¥^-l ;: '^ r '- { pfc ■- :■ - - ' .. va- , E%(?!;, ;'■'■• " V.^ : -‘ ; '/ ' ’-I HAS NEW Fit. Ml ni l Y ~ ludtl Daneaa, faai d 5 aritone ;*rsrl former SU ward. Vu,\v . ;y play the role of * prisoner in professor, has been ?iyned to a new movie, “ Unchained," Hs | will play ISSJI Howard m a Story f-eisiet-vd around the ('aii -1 ft»r»ia prison at China, a r-.■••'.« ! especially written ?or hl«» S! ill i HirieU <if Barlt-U Produriioiu signed him up. (ANT** ».*»aMWia:«iaaooi mVWiW nwaaiaaaw —rff-v-iti -■—mmnvMm.irMwirjii: gnmj CONDENSED STATEMENT FinsT f.rnzEvs bask & hi sr it AS OF THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 38. 1954 ssn rm juntos' anoier havelock 11 J ACKSON VOLXJB M-"., S BISSON KINSTON FAYETTEVILLE MOK'TKAU < ’ " HLAl.vl.£ MK.-»U»vC SPRING HOPS ivrpc Ya Cl. AY‘ION LOUISBCRG RICH LANDS OF I; i .>X < ' -vjr I r :«TNJ PORT BRAGG CHERRY POINT MAYSVILLE g.vcnek newton grove riNK mu, Newport RALEIGH WENT SIDE BRANCH. RALEIGH NORTH SIDE BRANCH, RALEIGH RESOURCES Ca;-;h In Vaults and Due from Banks ..$ 32.368.6f1.0-4 U 3. Gov rnir: id Securities .$44,762,630.38 : Obligations oi Federal Agencies and other Marketable Securities 28,574,017.0 S State Bonds 10,076,569.25 Municipal Bonds 17,354,012.43 •. —--—*•■ 100,767,22-9.09 Accrued Intere-.-t 617,168,97 Loans and Discounts 62,693,209.69 Par.king Hcu-c Furniture. Equipment and Real Estate. .. . 1,647,410.48 $198,090,679.27 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 1,250,000.03 Su-plus 8,500,000.00 Undivided Profits 459,211.38 Reserve A-C Accrued and Unearned Interest, Insurance, Taxes and other Reserves ... 7,969,474.0 f, lu : , vr -Branch Clearings 1,231,734.59 n: POSITS 178.620,259.2* $198,090,679.27 - EVERY COURTESY, ATTENTION AND SERVICE CONSISTENT WITH GOOD BANKING ARE THE FACILITIES OFFERED BY THIS INSTITUTION MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION I I mum i H»mui ■niUMmr««lW l fnairiliWjn ■linn —»■ -w— -wmiwwi ■iimoniUK.'r nnMT>j»»uwnwiMi.n'vu». r.i«» - " I|HII «WRWHMMMVH* * wmiimmtiintMmmi IHIMI JlllHaa«wagW<Sl*Wß**ll»OTlHrUl fgttyhujfyhy «K£s: vidiHßWßfi im^mvwmmKn TOP NDA DENTISTS XOll , i HOWARD Three leaders of j j the National Dental Association \ got together recently on the ; cimpas of Howard University and discussed plana for the coming NDA convention to be held \ag. 1-6 in Indianapolis, irsd. Shown above (1 to ti are Dr. R. L. Hayes, Dr. C. I* Thomas, president of the NDA. of LouisvJße, Ivy.. and Dr P A. Fitass* raid in front of the 11 new Dental S hooi bui’diru at Howard. They were in the first group to tear this edifice. Dr. Mayes and Fittgerald, both I' . j " yjJßgp » Larry Dchf wA, veteran set of the Cimlanfl JjJP-*** Ji®**** _P 8 to nfitsl Ever notice how many baseball players are big stars during spring training, but are never heard of again? The big leagues demand quality performance day after day, week after week, year after year, and only players with something “extra” make the grade. That * the wav it is with a lot of other things, too. Follow the Uidntpions . Hotz a Coke,,, fotQmtMty'%um>% Trust *OTTS.£t> UNOtS AUTHORItT 6f THf COCA COtA GOmHMt ts THE CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., hw, •Cok*" ba > -kawed A. © W*.** ttMMttIAaQMMNV "««■&*. JWWfef• »•» lw*k .'8 J&tflrioAw; I*/?. ,-.... of Washington, D. Cl, will ap pear «n the convention program next month. Dr, Thomas re ports the plans are going well for the national meeting. —« i CAMS*) Two new strawberry varieties — j Dixieland and Pocahontas—have I | recently been introduced and. re- ! j commended for trial planting In j ; North Carolina, July 25-34 i* National Farm ! Safety Week. Farm to Lave and ■ i Live to Farm. Here's a good examples for more than four generations—ever since 1886 —people ha vs enjoyed ice-cold Coca-Cola. Day after day, week, after week, year after year, Coke has been a quality product. Best of all, Coca-Cola has always had the same magic sparkle —the same woodeefut tas»««-k has today, «PSR^# %W*& JRSPiCTIO* •v T **y wateh Vr Mi!/) needs at least a good cleaning and oiling once a year. Small adjust ments or repairs made now may save you larger repair bills la tv*’. Our work is done by export* with finest mi teriafe , , , and guaranteed. Watches Cleaned $3.50 , Weatherman Jeweler* s m wauuafflgp PAGE SEVEN

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