LEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1954 To Qualify At Tam O’Shanter rv* v* •■*«•. W& *■ *■ > ; i; ’■." : *'* - •'•*. |. f% s ' •■■ •■' f 1 " rf ' V? iH» '^'i * - T : *g& ■ ■ ... .>3 *•+• '*' * Cf.MKNT J»f i:: ;{*»?'•> !• <>•'»- of tiv- CrM game's snrvft4~ .!'>r;n T IL'Lau£i Ln, rn« --or of -r'&j/'ij.&ld, Ais. amou&ceci i2s t i rtr) V SOS f’fiA •:<; f *».JI ’t}"k>'lt 4**,p (i-nre coy officially proil;m a * Willie Mays Day” in honor of '■o;:r fovvr.io .'■on” and inn NSw York C« s'tigging rente Ti Td- : ■■? * ■''*& -i '«•?“- f ' f' : - ; ' %S '"' 1 : | >e% *','V ■ ' ’" •■'■■ *>^s ***;% ’***.* " f 4 * -v . ... ' M E or. t.’BOWDS WVrcif LOCAL ® VAE A portion of the huge crowd which am-mbies each time the !mal litt!e leaguers m± f»?>y m Captioi Fieid here is ! * ! \ % W INDIANS ON* WARPATH Laughing it ap in the Wressloj; room after th ? ? . r ~,<„r v „w, lh« Yankees in New Fork ar (left to right): Cleveland Indians' left tie!; .-, Al . .» ; v . . ? „ piteher Early ,W|B% and center fielder Larry Doby, who hit two homer* that nr ji,’■,’ ... ‘.‘ a '{ 4 1 Ola, are tho big guua which have kept CietdaM in sight of their Jirst m’j ' " * '** tfi f.avrhltn recalled t ; -.., had offered this "flue session* to jroitibers ? * the •• it> council and the park end recreation hoard so.nr lum aao to work out a program to officially welcome Willie if mays, Jr. back home •• d of the was tj.t team most lilfcSy to c;;> the pcnnunt.— t'iJtfi. R. tfMM. , At Chicago: Jimmy Carter Decisions lien Flanagan In Hard Fought Lightweight Tilt CHICAGO - (ANP) Former | lightweight champion Jimmy | ; .n’tor of New York, moved art- | ! «'!'!.vv notch closer to the light- | i.. ...hi championship last week | v. ien ne scored an unanimou.- i ; 10-round decision over loxey . i Gi n Fianagan of St. Paul, Minn., j i. f stint jjp for a Stytember chara- j j riot 'hip bout with Paddy DeMur ■ j I t-o, the j,,c&eal ti'Uist, r.aa a lot '■ ! of trouble with the willowy, etc./- j | er Fian.-igan. In fact, he made a • ! slow start and didn’t get going j ■ j in,, third yourd. Hov-'evcr | j lie was the resso” 'in.' ■ 1 c■ i ; and there ncs Jittlc question as to 1' •“ no ter, me Plodding aloru In hl« fa ml her style. Jimmy was kept •ff tinlarjee n-i > iunrgan ; pi" ten like tell :•>il magnate Bill Vepck dad ; ! itit'-nd.-l to pull a baseball In'ck j i- i'i’2 which would have l : cci ’he thinking m the major i i( »t i. -d it materialized. j i ■ teU you one thing «. ! limit Vici-k.” remarked Sa •icrstrin ’ something that few ? -’.ir know. In 5342 the t’hiPie" were for sale and Vrerk attempted to boy iUm. But Kill Cox raised 1 &- -—— ■—— ~vn n-iniinniiM i)imjrm>rfimwti»nniiiniinini«i'.iirmnMX I ... . .. . . . 4f The j Ringside \ OHAELEd, VtAKfTANO SIGN FOR REMATt « Kzzard Charles, who appears to j I hate taken over where Jersey j 1 Joe Walcott left off as the Cm- ! j cercHa Man of boxing, and Roc- I | ky M irctaao, current heavy- | ] weight champion, signed up last I I w: ok lor a return heavyweight : j match. They will meet under the ’ ! stars at Yankee stadium on Sept, j j lb. ' j Jun Nortis, president, Internat- j j xoual Boxing club, which is pro- I I moling the fight, siad it was not 1 yet known whether the bout will I be put on borne TV. However, from all the sparring and hedg ing on the subject, the prospects are that the theatre gimmick will j be errapjoyed again, thus depriv- j ing millions of TV viewers of an j opportuniU to see the scrap. This ringskier believes that this | bout is bound to be a scorcher, \ since there is so much at stake : for both fighters. If this be the j case then it is likely that the [ tight will draw a near-capacity crowd and the fight moguis can well afford to give out-of-town j ■ televiewers a chance to see the j two battlers from their home ! i seats. By now. it is a matter of rec- j ord that both participants had j a preity good payday last June. | i Thus the fighters and their man- ! #mr, gtt. SECOND SACK EE Maudt iron Kobinson, of 010 E. Jones Street ss one of the kittle j Ceaguc a top second basemen, I He plays with the league lead- j ing Am vets aud is 11 years old. j Rolilnson is a sixth grade stu- 1 dent at J.wellle Hunter nchool here. (STAFFOTO UY CKAb j i H. JONES.) I THE CAROLINIAN Carter stijd be \v; : t hurt, but that Glen is s c ! <.’.s - >y. "I am ready for .DcM'-reo,” ht ssid ooofid* fitly, and KJanaf,on agreed. "hr Will !)P3+ D Tvlsriy «M»-l’v * said GUri hoUirg an ice park to bis swollen right eye. “iij ,s a wor ’■ S'; ■' .-dHwfei&'wy,. Carter said he is eo'ng to New Yotk tor tie Arsine Tbouxe- Harold Johnson Hfiitweight fight, then will go Immediately into training for his tiit with DeMar i>m be ttf" want f " firm* K f fjsv'lan? “Yes, but f 1 went to win that title back” h* said smiling. if he (Wf.r.eeds, v e ■■> :r be fjj« first fishier In ‘>e dvi ,m- to rcy.c.s the jitir ■ v />> Carte?" Ergt won the tule from fi-.e V> Hi io:-t regained it from Laur« S>>ffW. and lost it *gs?n to DoMarce A r r ., v? ,s „f 1,. ?,.,,, it-,--, y vso vi in vised the f? bt which w*e televised national'y. more money and go* the club. “Do you know what Week planned to do’ He vas so irg to take the Phils to Syrtrg tim ing in Florida and th, •on the day the season opened dispose of the entire team. "Meanwhile, with a tears com posed entirely of Neuroc; who would have trained -v i.i-rah - he would have opened the ?*at "l don't ” think there was a If; 1 cl HI IH :"?r' ; f • ■ ■ 1943. that- could. have i-ioop-a%Oe team he was going to a*Meini i* " agers would not T r, . i OO mu® ir giving i> xsm‘ f..-,-. a break this time n mg the fight into fvm< - of to a limited oumbr o« house# might even win over i, tore fight, goers in the hria -■ ■■ Any way you look at it, it'-: good publicity. JMTTFRSOIW srusm'S sp. SATIONAL FISTS IN STOP RING HARRISON Young Floyd Patterson iwa ? !>»- too young to figiu it; rounders under Krw y.,rk boxing rules, but he doesn't generally have to go Shat far, snyway Last week, Patterson wasted little time in putting away Tommy Harrison on a technic#! knoekout in th-ir bout at Brooklyn's Eastern Park arena. The exact time was 1:29 of the first round The fact that Patterson w< - r, h ed 169 pounds for ihe fight r -.v lest ir his career, is evidence , * the former Olympic champion may soon grow into the light weight division. When and if he does, he will be a big threat to fighters in that divirton He is s clever, highly promis ing fighter end wit’ a little ex perience, can go places, per ha ns nil the way to the heavyweight championship. This writer be lieves that boxing fans will boat s lot from Patterson in the rear future. The kid has lots of talent and natural ability. salute to a off a imping SCRIBE This rfngslder fee's compel! d to say a few words of praise to his predecessor and former co rtnijsider, Lux Virgil Overbea, originator and former editor of this column. As was reported ear lier, "other duties” forcer him to give up his ringside assignment But as hi leaves, somethin* must be said of the wf in terest and devotion which he attached to his duties during his years of service with AN' P. This fine scribe was not only s congenial companion and ardent worker, but he never hesitated to give bis all in order to satisfy his reading public. Or, many oc casions he went far out of his way to gather news items for his column, and in addition to be ing a hardworking and hard hit ting reporter, lie made it a ipoini to befriend all he boxing meet 's in and around Chicago. He know (he fighters too, not only as a writer, but a? a practic'd friend Joe Louis. Sugar Ray Robinson, Kid Gaviian Chuck Davey and scores of others felt the torch of Luix’s invigorating personali ty. But it was in the press 'box that he enjoyed his greatest popularity. Small in stature, he was commonly referred to by h's follow scribes as "tee little fel low" and the title fit? for he al ways maintained a down-to-earth attitude that made him easily approachable to all. Yes, the "little fellow” will be greatiy mi seed at ringside, but particularly to this ffeigsider who must continue where tie left (.IS. North Carolina's 589 000 acres of cotton this year is the state* smallest acreage in 80 year#, 8 Players j i Unable To j Pass Round j CHICAGO (ANP> None of j tba colored golfers who entered ; "he tsr.ied Tam o Shanter golf tourney here last week were able to surmount the qualifying i * round, although there was s larg- ‘ : r tvyreventution than ever be- j i fore. Eight golfing enthusiasts, four j m»c Hod four woirf" vestured 1 stars of r- fidoir. I .Amring tho« ■ dS/ho «rfared were Ann Gregory, Gary, Tnd , Elfthi* ! j Thornton, Lot Angeles. Theresa | HovveH sr.J Ai’ce Stewart De- ; S -Tc-d Rh-dea S’ T.n i Charier S; fiord, Philadelphia; \ T -iIJ - - V~? Los Angeles and Bob Port on, Chicago. j M'-« G- ”y made the beat : ’ thi women She rp vv ie 1- p minimum i ‘ ' oc: . ■ <.;,t ?!.a tough ; ccorr.?. vvav N a ' tier -f p-,' (rttee- 1 ■ met s G< If ti tfc and well I ’ ■ r, ■-. nex v P(> , ■ it-- r i few r« •• cnized •■ ! •-« Th.C f' : . U «ff - ■ p-i W’th the United Golf aaanciatfon. ... . ' -o':\\r ■ »■'■ ■—»* - •'•mtf—rtrfiTfll il‘iVlVMlH<•> m the Utile League of Raleigh, Melvin- who is * southpaw. is 12 years old and plays with the Am vets. He is in the eighth grade at XJfon - chool. ,M«*st of his duties with Ibe Atnveis hive been limit'd to relief pitching-, STAFFOTO BY Fit AS. R, JONES. Calvert Distillers Corporation MEW YORK CITY *S!.?K5>E£» WhISfCCY S6„t PROOF, &$% e'i ' • h -■; y A,.', :C . c . *- 1 2nd, er West Chester 'tnHC.ien Ct’»e.,o ■ T in# am, •-•er team. oo.,#>m>n m 1853. although tie/! by Queor.s College, will play * nine-gam* schedule thy* fall. Other oppon. o'-'t* Uchtde Unocln t7n' , *,'e'-<-'‘r,. Ist.,.fey far. Hew _ : : £gso Extra I# past sales records ...far outsells I every other £ premium gasoline if | Jg because it's the host you can hoy! You* sign of “Happy Motorm#* vSP® Afev Firs! in soft's of hath premium and regular gnsnliitt itt the area where fr.sso (inutils 1 ■ arc said PAGE ELEVEN the sluggi-.-t Gecike W *•. a rrcrijv kiltipg a*. - 4&ip. He ejf-o lest!* l# (jh# home runs, 12 end zua* bafu 52. However. Johnny William !be Ijouiiv do Clippers iea«: league In bpttlnf! wi’h at: 1 age of .284 in r.fer dop: •■■ Vr’iU'ianis ha* hits, 2 iioiru? and tS runs bash.-d in. ( P, pf , , . , - I’- rfy, Cacrget ;* Q i - n*. au & Piuiarb-n-*hi', Textile Institute. The Bisons’ fiffl horn* content ..Tiift f ''•v.'-rryitr,- t Tdu't ;t~ *■*»»*' Viß ? ■ w>- !Tb fa '3. mom O'iiit r ■ , VVpot Chea ts ■ ; L. ■ tin. n-nd the 'D