•" r : ; s r:ML;iOG Saturday, September 25, i%4 '":• cudin ! Eagle;*, Falcons Both Confident Os Victory : :lc latting •"* T * > v $ ■ 4 7 */ 4J*> * v■■ vy <• .. *, ■j, «. •-*»• 0> r« , * ;r”‘T j i •; -■ /-a i': /fr * s* ’ !/','■*» C3LAA nff with the If’£ c. J., : > i; ‘ 0i V C:.! y Fi" • «'l oti tir»ac day. 25 ut 2 p nr Ttwo ciwo* v/'.ii jn<*ei. this ; . ~.<u for .tha ic-c'rtb tun* siivc;*? H. >?CC woa *■! [• ■ *•* - % .**»■*•*• ;• - % ■ - v. *.„ </. o•. O u}$ 7 .f fit ft\c K l ) OV>.V>' • y;sp 'vni*t;e SMiH ii» t: t *,r oI: lh (. fi.« w V.*i U S'; Hi I £ J.H t* « :.■ ; ■ •ts jrx: ■ Falcon he«"xV w., H. X 3. Moore, claim that f* - r t. ■ ;• * ; -"-l sc:-"-' : . •-■ O sources cioser to the tea*o say 3C? are all v#u.a v a;-y?, Or.iy th; *>c svriors were ‘o‘- Kicid;ck has IF lettetmen on ‘roy-vF bji ho has jbteacF'y er.'- r 1. iA., t _ •>_ ... j j,p . hf olavers v ho <! in is tie* r>p't here Saturday fUddirk ’-Sts the jfjjrju from Ksseii:?: wilt per Imps get j'hif'-ov if* p’r 'll} of action tr ( the hmoworking ?rio of Sofw Yardh" Baker, I). *v; Heavy** VTchstr r. and }ncis .Roberts’. Baker ss t ' ktn£ ti>.e other luHbacks vt ork autully hard.'* Riddick tVcb*ter play* gv«r*i 4rtd K- berth holds dow n a rentfi «rpot Thf oth* r ( r»n tenders o the spot are Re on Holl&y ot Norffiik and I red Pond*-r c«f Biirt’esviHe, Okta to ufp.a. co it posed vv v k s‘. ! y f North Cfcro* = O r, -r t xce|B if * wort i. wag i 5. now* helping with j the cc3tci ”.k duties who ; srrwtchfd. \icX o : y in several | 4 - : .n f, ;..•« * V y> y I 5 p •** c; ‘*rj * -. t- ? t in The . .. !*•»■><•■ P'y • • f*. .'.-. t- Cba-'-iel Hill senio** • V-'. thie pro!’ irinsf Ks* | k. V • • o g i- : ’-an Francis McGee &re a I t:i- Frioi -v.'ho tr? ak e the Ragles ! i*>r. k a3.ooofi HOj-regn.-.bie at ■ b ;;. - - bt removed ’’on the spot” with ! j sudsy sponpf;, and la unden ng j if. s>n;p'jci:v itself. W?<?h in kike- ! h r fcs-'d or machine, without i v/; .nr: of or twK-.t:r-.p Dry in the sha > and press on the glazed 5 wiin * warm iron whhe still < si ghtiy a amp »«»■• ■ - • ■ •* rm*nf. TrTTi-ruiii-gninnrri-iinfi-rni iiMHiiriwnirMiiMinmiii FCOratLL! NC College's '53 CIAA FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS —Versus— I t Augustines’ College “FALCONS” O’KELLY FIELD North Carolina College Campus—At Durham Cql-iiimla., Off KICK OFF c»ay sept. Zo 2P M ADMISSION (Tax Incl.) $2.(10 # OTHER NCC HOME GAMES: Maryland .State ' * 'HOMECOMING* **. O’Kelly Field. Oct. 23 V. c ..i, Virginia Sfate—lNTEßßAClAL—November 13 THANKSGIVING BAT CAROLINA CLASSIC” NOV. 25 A AND T COLLEGE 52.50 A-l Home Games at O’KELLY FIELD at NCC SEASON TICKETS: sl2-3 Football Games—ll Basketball Games Lmm——. ■ ril Ml |, <lL ,| „ mmjarurimwminium ' |y.Fp| | I R I ,em md’-r'mh t ~r;4 - . • • F x r. vt tIKOI’ND GAINER —I a« rrn«-r pi >-ne. Agfie liiHlki.V. was f>tw <1! the to a <tlng ground gainers !.»<it season. Once Sri trie setoru'ar> he hu.s onlv "goal du;t" ui his eyes. Payne, v.h<* ‘lands fi feet and weiglie. at IbO is a native ui Winston Salem. He is a junior. Me v. Hi he se«n in action Saturday night, feejttember 25 as ti e Ag gies take on A'len l.'niversi 1 .;- its Colon hia. s. ('. Buddy Young, Spoil Ciiicago Cardinal’s Debut ; CHICAGO - <ANP) The ■ Bdiitmore sprrkea by th.';v briiiiant xFJTitiinc burp H- ,r .\ fv I Youn?„ lavt week sf,5 f , The ’ Buf'iiy set up the first t;«l “Ez” To Continue Sn-'lirf; btk: : r con j to his OP’pGJio-r.l, £.•■.;• ard i ne waniod to yj -a • lighting; in fact, • t.hoMßn* r.bv.y i jrp sj| therr ' Ez admitted his rniMakc w.as to • ■abandon tbr sf.yh that I he used & gainst Rocky xn Ih-cii • iirf»t clash. Charier to reporter*- that he ":rled to cio w r ha 4 hi- did • f-tnl had my sienses. Mv pkovts ; | weren't touching the fioo- I ! I couio have gone on fighting H • they had Jet me, I think n\ 7 wo more rounds 1 would have beat ; .him. He w T as out up pretty bad/’ ■ Charles Tefm.od to cril »*•:/« tkp ! champ lor what some nusor\'ers j thought were low bknvv.. or fur , ; p,; ’'n % arter tilt' bt . ■ i 'Guess that's just Uir ra.v he j fights,” atr.i'les admitted To many at tho ringside it soenied ak if Charles coulii easily have gotten to his feet in tli.’ figbiii round before the rount of ten was reached uid be conceded he could have moved faster. -Cifw* ■' ■' \ m-x& -xw/yf !» of - ; ><: tr hibifion game when he caught a ft) yard p. ‘s t o >l3 f j .i.-y Kerkerian. Four jii.iys later lie eaogbt a i'lip w s from /.oiiie loth in the Cards cud rone for a TO. io ; \ ■ :■ , f.viv- TD scort-d li-.t ether i;r : i;-.:r ovi a 16- -rs - r . ... .. .. ... f . es. y. -.-Jr | ... *3| j - •• • * ■ .v: 5f d.. I v m f -^r. r ;V f r1 •, ' 'F. J- ’ *■ y m, "\ . " V ~„ I 1 -■• ■ . ■ ' I:i fee ' tmC'B O s’s ANYING SEK 'll f AY ! TTEVILIK i Coach William “©us" Baines, «is assistants. and four sSfUcr nerformers on last ! * car’s Bronco gridiron outfit so st'c-iukly into a huddle as •.hey loot ahead to their first j year of CIAA competition. Here ; is the «.■••• .-.sons initial "strategy j session. Veterans of other years j on the back rorv (left to right) [ are: Fa-s pitching Earl Garrett, ! Dodders Recall Joe Black bKOOF I.YN (ANP) The i Broo'h'yn Dodgers, faced with j thr tremndpuj task of overtak- j ing the ?. York Giants, last j week rec died pitcher doe Black j ram; their Montreal Royals farm | C.iub. Black, who was & standout on I the in .1952 when he won | ‘‘Aggies' ’ Defeat Central GREENSBORO —The A&T Ag- , yaw defeated Central State Col- j lego Marauders of Wilberforce, j Ohio. 18-12 in the intersections) \ Classic held here Saturday rught j at Memorial Stadium In accomplishing the feat, the Aggies had many anxious mo ments. especially in the final j minutes of the game. The Ohio -1 ans ta an cited an explosive pass 4t 7/ie~ Ringside I ROM JOHNSON TO IXH.’Is TO WAI.tOTT Whcr .Jack Johnson knocked <? ■> Tomi .;•- Burns in 14 rounds ij.i ; )«pc .nber 26, 5908 at New South Wales to win the world heavyweight boxing champion (tin,., a. n<- .v era m the history of u.,. o. n for tan fighters, in which iiii'doni’s highest prized !.:-ui-e -10- -r ut,? of ivl’riei • ■■ / • ■ 1 h sol ti in tea - •“-•en ><-*•?. untt i'.rovoore most uiiruse campaigns among white fighters for a 'white hope capable oi recovering the pm* diadem. Jack was a great fighter one ot the g-.ouest, but his conduct outride the ring greatly ever shadowed his boxing skiii. It was hit in n life outside the ring and inn;facial involvements that eventually brought him public disavor. Fineiiy, in April, 1915 in the broiling run in Havana, Cuba, Uw chairipionship slipped from the hands of 1 Li’J Actbtr'' into :he hands of ,!es WiLarct. a com poratively unknown fighter, af ter 26 gru- i!ing rounds. However. siT’ti ;.').Bny w,ho would swt-Br t/iat Jack deliberately let the title go After Johnson's dethroning, tan fv/htws iid not lay hands on the title until the advent of Joe Lotus in 1937. hut t! the ir.santinte, another white fighter, Jack Dempsey, had captured the fancy ■•t the fcoxir.g world, just the ■ la- us Kooky Marciano has oo:.t recently, But even though nit- prowess as a ternfic puncher •was known the world over, Ui '• v-i-cy refused to touch gloves with Harry Wilis, the outstanding colored heavyweight c>f the pc t iod. Joe Lotus came upon the box m; scene in 1934, and n three short yean, the famed Detroit Hr own Bon-.ber had captured the h?avyv,-«-lght championship and tl-e hearts of box mg f”.; every -. ■!■■: it. wax Louis meteeric n.ve to fame that inspired scores of otner colored battlers who v .-’ t on to win glory in the ring. CKit.vdfi i]'e Ting, h<? was *? rnociv-i » back from Montclair N >* and last years most valuable player, dependable Harold Ford, 200-pound linesman from I.aurinhurg, N. C.: Dendry l,awrer.ee, a fine Rocky Mount lad who is expected to ‘go places” this year in the back field; and a six footer, Johnny Jiggetts, one of Coach Gaines” mainstay- in the Bronco for ward wall. the rookie of the year award, fell way off the pace last year and was sent to Montreal He blamed his poor snowing last season on former manager Charlie Drossen. whom he said attempted to change his pitching style. mg attack which brought them within the shadows of the win ners goal. The game was high lighted by the exploits of hard running backs on both teams and effective pas dag attacks, which kept the fans on the edges of their seats during the entire contest. Central State drew first blood midway the first quarter. THE CAROLINIAN << Blues :> Bow To Wilmington 14-8; First Defeat By Sauad Since ’39 ! Ligon H,gh School's ''Lit’ 1 * Ulucr.” were dcTtH',-.! by f • W;! I i>, top High Srh-tol "Tiger-, of Wiitni.v'ton 14 6 at. Chav’s park Friday night, mark: ._ then first victory nu th. K loigh el.wcti since 1039. The 'Blues" appeared prepared to continue it.-; winning stve k. i over WiliiMon when it took tr \ opening kickoff ~>-\d drove to ■ yards for a touchdown, Walter “Bro” Browning par.->.4 i *'•• .''b-'yr. bvjpa. M Ihr nd 1.1 4,5 j a ''.'.2' ri\ ••'- - v > ; ; ii#i •*; tli ft i it*. Tirr sport* world in the ring, Louis was all fight er. A deadly puncher, he defend ed Jus title 25 times more than any other heavyv. eight champion When Joe retired voUrntaniy ; In 1949. the chain of colored champions remained unbroken. Kzzard Charles and Jersey Joe Walcott, iht two top contender*, fought to determine Joe's succer* ; or. Charles wor. from Jersey Joe in a Chicagr.- bo A and *.• g : ni'zr’d as the NBA champion. The f olio wing year he c 'shed Louis’ comeback hopes by defeating the flomiwr ior New y,.- V. state re cognition artd becai. >v world hea vyweight r in r .' ■ '•■Ct Next came Jersey Jot Walcott, i who surprised the boxing world by knocking out Cfoark-&, vho i had D«a«fit him tv-j.ee earlier, to «n the title However. Jfsey Joes reign was short jived Reeky Marciano, a young white fist sights-r with : an impressive record, knocked rum out. ,r< 13 rounds on Septem- I her 23. 1922 in Philadelphia j Tiius did the heavyv. eight ch-ampiorw-sp pass th: .)■ the hands of colored n'tgjlif'.s in four decades and s i. .ioiful cr ■; t'- of ring history coin*? to * ; close No ivo* eau •• .!<•••- predict ■ at present who the next tan ; champion will be. but the •: , ase ' is set for another bnririifg cham j .on like Brook yo s F d Pat i ttrson or New York's !'•?•..’ Ar ; drews to ascend the heavyweight : thr ore T-ootcaU seaeo- 1 '.? ue*e Go --lit ar .d cheer your fever lie teeirs on j io V’Gor.v & FOOTBALL j jr% l\id’s Nielit Kid* < ijp to 1.5 years) Admitted IKF.E when accompanied by ati adult. Ticket* for kids avaiiableat most. Guilford County I Schools and at the Gate. ! A, and T. AGGIES —Versus— ALLEN UNIVERSITY | Sat,, Sept. 25 “8 P. M. ADULT ADMISSION $.150 GIGANTIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY BRILLIANT HALF-TIME SHOW by the Famed A. and T. Band , to Ja-ii t s.tries for the last lfi i -■ os. B : wning failed to -on : j wrt. how*?’ er Wilmington *n*rcheii right hack v»ilh a 60-yard drive d Ku <sl Rhames nrrd Hum i.'.e. 7. Quarterback Sam Bowei kicked the extra point So put Williston In front 7-6, In the final period Bowen* ; d to Elmore Rogers for a i ; touchdown and again kicked the j {^nnphpntlfitp'l yiUllliUd UUULHGO »?Uil l Discuss Season Outlook i FAYETTEVILLE Football : ! busincß* picked up down the 1 ; Fayetteville vay - -ne.-j m Sep- J tember 1, with no down* and the : season to go, 13 letter men snd a crowd c* hopefuls answered j head G' ’ Games’ initial whist le and fell in line for the limber- > exert es preparatory to the . rough .stuff’ that more and i more is corning to be a part of j tise daily routine. Both morning ».-d afternoon sessions are being : L'-irt in the effort to field a click ing team around thirteen return- j ; mg letter men that will "go \ r laces' in this the Broncos’ first i year c:f C I.A.A. competition. t'OA( HE si WONT TALK A* thc> watch their charg es no through the paces from day ui day, the coache* re main tight-lipped When pr<-ss d for his opinion of the •-eas«n ahead, Coach Gain*?* only reply was, "We hare a game v *ih Hampton on the 18th.' A-sHting Coach Gain?* is atm this year are Assistant <i> ;ch Harold "Scotty" Scott ■-> ho learned hi* football BP the IV' *-t Virginia "tote way, •id Elv« n ti “ Big NT* k” Nich i'v a one time star tao- I.Se at the North Carolina College at Durham The Mronci'f** wilt employ the "T" (•.irmaU'i*. Professor June* f * ,-i,j> >ee jg t hairmao of t*he local Athletic Committee, LETTER MEN TOE NUCLEUS • ,<• r n secret that there has i v -■*■:*■ wHiiing «*nd gnashing | extra point. Mtar# la defensive- action f i Wiihstcn were Willard Harvey. ' ! Hoaa Wd'n ns, Albert Sander*, ! and Bennie Dudley. The out standing players for Lig"-« High : w <: ChejK. •• Parker, Willie Hi, r. - and pr.mus Sloane. A ’ tal - f 18 first if.wo* ; run up by Williston. Most of them | > wi re on the ground Lig'-'n got. i I on'y 8 fir.rt downs. : of teeth at Fayetteville thi* year for June graduation out away * : goodly number of Bronco grid- j ■ iron greats such as Sam "Snake" j Williams. James Killian*. Charles : Richardson, and Big John Cottr Tins year s aggregation will i ' built t.ruund such battle-test regulars” a* Harold L. Foro : tackle, Johnny Jiggete, tackle ' Jack Johnson, back, Den dry A Lawrence, back, Bobby Marlin, guard, Earl Garrett, back Ken ; neth Slade, g-.-.ard, Johnny Nohel. \ ; back, Jar;me Paige, back. DoneM ; ! Browner, tackle. Lloyd A. Wal | iaee. center Herbert Wesley ! back, ana Aiphonso L.ggin*. * l back, who returns to the squad ! after a period of service ;r* th* • i armed services. I I I j ! *3S££=r *•*<►«►**« «■! Seagram's £*Jer?/t £ %mm \z~y ft* INDED WHISKEY NJGHT! "" NIGHT ! NIGHT S h an A UNIVERSITY SAINT ijfijf COLLEGE i SATURDAY ifj Game Called BP. M RALEIGH, N. G. ' 1 Adult .Admission $1.50 Student 75c (TAX INCLUDED) PAGE ELEVEN St. Aug. Out. To Stop Long Losing Jinx Vouch ft D. V i -;■ A.’i.' •■■. tin ■ft Co!k-;«<> i..: • >•: dji hu'u tapering ~'!f dr; Us here this ' it: pri'iiUi ati.CJI for fhl-ji ('."'AA opener vnxh the North Caio> -.a i ?. in Carbarn at o - fiiy Field ■ t p m battr day. September 36 With a v-.nsoned squad of ..low to id men, the Falcons are iete» • mined to break the four -.ear Jt-:s • r, re’r'l's me rugbty Eagles from ihur UfcS cba.cgicasti.fp CIAA grid porch. The Falcons' “fearsome four some" arc Herb OMb .». 21-yea r ii 14 end front Bowliai CSreen, Kentucky; Wilson )#*'■■ Dowell, 21-year-old speedy barb from West- Charlo*t# High; Foil Hand, 'ffl-yrar.'Ad fturgaw guard; and Hillard Parker 22- yea r -old FMt Square center. Jit Durham, early this 'vsy«% NCC Head Coach Herman ft., Riddick said he "was taking »ft* St. Augustine's game quite twwL ousiy bo cause I kn -v- Ooeeftt Moore ;>• very ciovetr and J-is teams .'-ire as tricky as » twp. full of s;)a>iciar*E '* At :.>. r o.ir C-f -V" • With KCu- t%* Kuicons »«• turn Ra!e;gh .tor a .-. of ember i d,.-;- v. th Shaw dbu vo;'sit.v'* Bears at Oavi* Parti. The Eagles next foe wft be .Hampton Institute at Hamptm i October 2.

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