WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1954 Healthiest Baby In Raleigh, Durham To Be Named or. vrrv thk \ rMENT it.-, iiovc; too m«ju for a girl to !,: i>i *r.l rocip ri;j (x voter is t:ie t.i' ai! beauty treatments. .vi -.'iSw i o nc# ?< • <3l *t (* ni I : tccr " for til"! hr ..iff. ; • I a;! > be .1 headboards, top,, bookshelves. and. ■ it '! 1 ‘s a c- '-t silvery «p --i ranee <0 a room and requires a imipjc > arising to keep it loot:bit! stork raid lovely Rely on ; t 1 jo - alcrc avoiding abra . ... Vh "1 yi rs fUio ~(«] LA * ;j ffoir r'iolh, working In juf-.t DfiC cUrotA'n, for both , * | r-.V , ' yM 'y \ ’W' '■ ggPIIJ vp | £- iU iinf mdel* Ltv* fUmotou* iuiir r „ „ ~- Von #*«n, too. wilt* a radiant ~&k wet* halrrnior fiEv k/» <§> >r ! &■>'* ' Don't trust to luck to have fxcitineJv lovely jtef? hair.«. trust to Lariouse to keep your hair /■:'l >C-~ '‘A'i picture-perfect. Ask at vour cosmetic counter for Gooe-froy's Larieuse Hair Coloring in the red . .5 Cfoaefan/’s larieuse £OE*‘SOr fc;-1 CO. • *5lO OiiVi ST. * ST, i,oUtt ». «0 ; j I Mother and Daughter Fashions Sale! exquisitely tailored • j $35 $45-sSO-$55 Values A timely sale of handsome suits in the smartest Styles for fa 11... boxy or fitted. There are worsted gabardines, worsted flannels, Tweeds, and novelty fabrics. There are all the lovely Autumn shades including brown, due, purple, charcoal, and black. Come early’ sissy . Sizes 7 to 15. 10 to 20, 14*4 to 22H IN RALEIGH IT’S P® jp i FASHIONS |- , |, j INSURANCE BUILDING ■ ; 1 1 7 1 i i i Carnation Mii Contest To Se Who ha- the health)" bat;. : ; aiiMiig sli Raleish and Durhaia : . readers of this newspaper This 1 ; is what the Carnation Company -of Los Angeles California to . ' gether with the staff of the CAR : | GLIM AN, are setting out to dis. 1 cover. Within the next tow* week : announcements will be marie !* Ik’s Bi-County j :lect 6 Babies : the s I. v. of this newspaper of a | tont: •** 1 d to locate a baby ! ~vhn w.'ti *"" i;e*' wie'.i (*v i rj.s'iel I vS . <■*,! 1 >'i'" rte ir-' • heajfnir-st | l . im»i" of this eonp t is part of the continuing pro gram <>" p :rcj\ conducted 1 ;.i’ < arna'.iou Company. 1 i 11 jea.-s m jiorated •hi ~ been shown as na ti ■♦ 1. t i>». t,v perfect food m it> ,i kabie Carna- !; j tarn Par'n* ne«> - Seattle. Wash \ iKi'Ton. j-1" : c ope of i h : » finest- i! j hrir.is of Hol*?rim-. munbering \\ over 600 ni. has arbught into 1 exist...iicu : 1 *••;...'r:,.bie blood lines j i that ru«*ve ■■;• its ri neariv half ! | of the »;•••'■ •: * its rfat anii miik ; to .soil o: s r,.*) evaporated rriitk p !o; : ■ : . o' i. ■' Unite l ' > -v i*’ Ii *, .. . -'Jen f)Oi 3f| ! research nw vmutttfrt in & product ; that .«» y i; -rd D'•• OLiyhoUt the * j jy Wf I I ' “fer,... it cMiHiMH mt t FORMER ST. AGNES NXTEBE Ckipi.;. in Virginia J. Jeffer* s-m. mm z .Htndciit at the. Medi cal Field H; rvtcr Seh<*oi, Fort ham Houston, Texas, and Briga dier Gcfu’nii J nines T Cooney. t'orr>in:iT'ri iiil ol iiie SchiHil. rear! a Cert if i< ate of Achieve mi nt awarded to the captain by Vu i-r <-• ncra! ( E Ryan in r j#. * v, U JEWIIs" OUST R 2SS STAMT \— -h to* im, WEATHERMAN Jewelers IflM HILLSBORO ST. wag 17 '; r Hi jh 1 1 1 1, «• i W * "1 % Aa = © ' fv I fi 4 % > r , € r I 1* i| 'i*’f fi / 1-1 _ . . i f I■# ~ m " 1 If jf .7' ticcause of the tremendous use o! its p f oduct and the proven nuln'ive benefits in the field of .hint ca re. Carnation has set • ■ to honor some of the count y's youj'.nstei'S who attest by eir fine helth to these benefits. Ratoigh and Durham has been :( ted «• the «•'•:<■* in which ,! •pcfi.'i] contest will be conduct ■ t ..." acheive this end Substan ni rasn priz< s will be awarded i: e : x w 1 rmers. was stationed at the 17. $. Army Hospital, Fort Dix, New Jersey, (premonies were held at !>' fukf Army Medical Center the honored officer is the daughtci of Mr and Mrs. Sam uel Jefferson, hr.. 52S 19th St.. Host Piiim Beach, Fla. She studied as St. Agnes School of Nursing. Raleigh, %. C. l*. S. Mi.MY PHOTO. The guest speaker for Women s Day Serv.ee at the First Baptist i Church, here, on Sunday. Sept 26 will be Mrs Amelia G W«<- 1 lace She will speak at the 11 A ; M, service ! 'I v S3s sw\ 'wN* > \ V \ ■> \ \ I \\< • j MRS. WALLACE Mrs. Wallace. Supreme HaMlcus of Alpha Kappa Al pha Sorority, is a graduate ot Knoxville College, Knoxville, Tean. and is a teacher of mu sic at the Vine Street Junior High School of that city. Shi ts widely known in Tennes see, set cing as Vice President of the East, Tennessee Teach ers’ Association and Vice President ot the League of Women Voters. I On ihe nations! scene, in addi- J lion to her prominence in the National Pan-HelJenic Council she is also a regional director : ar.ci boarc; member of the Nation al Council of .Negro Women, j Ht r husband, the Rev Robert C. Wallace is secretary of the Department of Christian Educa tion of the National Baptist Con- J vent ion, lac. THE CAROLINIAN FAVKTTEVILLE’S SIX* HAP py ntEsiiMss Pobitif for pictures was one aspect of the Freshman Week ‘ activities at the Fayetteville State Teachers College and one oi the note 1 peasant chores that served to punctuate a series of tests, health examinations, tours, and social occasions. Here are siv items of proof. Happy about the whole thing on the front row. ileft to right) are Jean lattitn of Wallace; Gwendolyn Draughan of Wallace: and I. *r4 . I «.n«i fair get that , 'c^\ r \p.' f \< *•’s; C«,rffui hits *ielTKft? thGustruis of w— ■ *v. to lows that •'chatisre'’ <<-k. <.*'*- ' (!$ improve appetvU. (2) thu# buDd tr* „yth end r^ismianr^.,f 21 ca -e ter • m * fier<'«ji*iu''»» i-]»N v» buftt”. ?; ;’- -f • Ctrdoi help you fvt ! b«tt*! F*df. t>e* ter * be your norma!- cheerful ls! *" Gtf C*rdu» today. (Say: “cr,Td~u