PAGE FOURTEEN The 1 rogram Os The Negro Farmers CT Harnett County Has Been Outstanding. The Merchants And Firms Listed Herein Are Proud To Salute Them Sh&wtown Farm i Program Gets Results LILTING TON T” - V s ■ ■ : ■ el Agriculture D. • r Sfeawtowii High ■ - r - within a progtanj c. -”• ■ I ■ aid All-Day rty.b : 1 ■ established in fy-m-y: . -.-L - ?«„ ran trainee t' i ■ ’■ - - ; ■ ers, and to llne-ct ;).<> /vr. ers of the Cfnirau.r.i'y !<r.vy"-; : coming' efficient M : - C' soil, thus rsifuig ! f.*.,— . f fi ,. .. . the y;uuo ; •* •‘tfit. Tfte onyi r>ue>..;i|. i w;s(.u‘iii A:-;cu'’ High School wave 1;■ designed toward 1 ; 1 become established t, i-i'u.uu The students have made s . ••• -,r, - able progress in their vm ‘-rvia .; {'arming Program*. 1 twenty-six beys conch•• projects on tvy-ty-t ;>- ■ 'and, .made a not pr <)o. S;x boys v.'i’b ■ ■ 1 or; v.. ■ cotton made a r t p ■ Sl-A 72 Nirateeb boy-- fc acres of tobacco rnadt & r fit Os $4.- ..’7 • • : "... r. ./Vi" chicks rr- :• ■ • 50 Twenty y. ,i F-Ood U. net profit of 'CTO All of the -«•: boys are of the ve.i y ;>a :v. Fanners of A :ru ■. c 1 n ' - ganizatinr tit- j ■ -■• ..-■ i ■ in Public Socrk.y;- ('■ ■ u ■• Dairy Cattle Sr,- - -• hibits for the County FVl’-: Con duct Hj'iji id Corn IkwoniU'r lions; Sms Grain Derr-.. nrt>- Mwli.i, 1 . w 1 f. . ;'C - ’ Judging C ov.v-"r- n - p-s.-tvs of interest euen T"- Ft a Er per !tu - • f:r ■ and the 5m r : '1 orotary. Th.- n.:. :: * Parents Btuu Stage con ou.nin o.u :• • < lHorn.6 v 1 if.).: ij* Tr • • bers ate euruos<i P pale in community net. a • Sunday School. Vo: ■ -. pies' OrgenriUous, C ; -■ ■ ■ ity t fco-irs and ot 1 r -: c . r-~ -■ They are er copra see to *.m; ail Agricultural Agencic :.i :: for t: e com ft; of Members p&r'.k u i sponsored bv the Ftooi . 1 f iundation The tnr pi; ■ vinncrs Form and Ho; '• proven Soil a®£ 3tUm agetaer.t; From Mechadic'. In additMsn to up to ririr study of field cror;- and stock, the students arc y* «*-n traißins in v3Thu>» shop work. T'-*s wood workfnri wotii ng: : concerete work. FUN FROL! C l!|j! kill Carolina Saif fe OCTOBER 19 —23 STATE FAIR GROUNDS ' "I'd ' —' '' t KNOWLEDGE - - - of 1954 You Cannot Afford To Miss These Features THE WORLD’S CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO, NIGHTLY WORLD-'SO! S DANCING WATERS CONTINUOUSLY EACH DAY FISHING FOR DIAMONDS ALL THE TIME! 1500 EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS 225 \( RES OF WORTHWHILE ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT-EDUCATION ■ r r.t conducts a v r; F «■• and AduH Pro- ! c -. moal'.v. Many of the i j •:■ i. ' o f Agricu'ture ! mr’iiuers of this group, j ;he year special i . c ,• - ,-s are .held with socialists i • r-iiy if The groups dis- 1 , - , ; . This year tO W'C"k W UH' ! j ;-.f'.nr.Uief-:' fruit sup i Vfi.e.alj iu.-'.*.- - c? ;• '-.i-'-f the school began i • v v«. <-.i i’i? have become ’and : . v r.,. •, rpr.iiructed homes and ; .-npsevxS th-Ur farm conditions. I ,;■■ ■. tow Las buy* ; ...a.; at home on their own ! ■ t! ' .‘: i working in occupations ; ,v ; ‘ 2()d irx A;;ti- i ( jr;.', other Technical ! Tv Agric-.i’'u’< Department is j ... - f..y y,! of C. H. V ;”.a! Ai? ■ iCllltUTe *. . . ; o . Shawtov,n Hxgh h b<;.r.j for the past five years, i ;i -y ;!'l; i,• |J JOUth C,nd : .-. o;;ro i ■ them prepare j •; ■<; A:: ici hin'a! atsu Tech | . of Dreeost"' ro, h. : C .Olid w rvk.ed to- i j > nrol'hv.cnal /i-.i r< •' - ntr.*. *; ;■ 'j -; - Cbll-ST': fOT »i -a c. ! oi.i-tfis. Ho ;r assisted by H.i.'ujr.i M Frcanan, veteran In -1 h-’ Uvt f• ‘ ■'.’: r "i«Tn 'r- it y-T3CI ijidlf* Os i khc V: ; s- Mi u. Coiiege,. I)ov-| . cr. ;.-c i :. SF.t.w- : h :u •• -• ‘‘ f'Vf; r : - 1 ~h i -- - ■ - ; ' i ' ■ v ( ,f home . ;-;J ( aiuiiTy play a big part j i;i" i .-rt.mutiity plaj a big • rt «; the community. How to ; ....■ i 'its le-vtis by shrub- | x ' ;-. or! t ie-vi * *•;■ is ' :?• rt:j rt tv shfhn? . t </t ■ V:: d :»f Shawtov n Henderson NOTES Bv MRS BERNARD P, CREWS HENDERSON The many cit- | irens of Henderson are enjoying , tb ; s '‘lndian Summer.” The ( weathWr really is ideal at times, j We can't tel! how- much more of j this weather we will have, but i * !• f.-:s like ’he middle of .liny, W(. can only tell that it's Octo ber by our calendar. ••:s.y, £ c iK,.-) v• y s n rt ;I wMftt. ! mond. Virginia, visited friend' in I the county recently Seaman Willie Hargrove is home | with his parents for a few days, j He is stationed at Norfolk, Va. I Miss Juanita Lee Terry Miss j Mary Tery Mrs Vergelee Faulk- j ner, Mr and Mrs. Len Terry. Mr and Mrs. Lester Hunter. Mr. John M. Tt'rv ; and Mr George Mer: in and Son, ail of New York City, , v-'-re hosts-• E-iests of Vr .T"rrr Sr/iaiJ of Townsville Township eceatly. Miss Marilyn Weeks was the house guest of Mr and Mrs R Harris of Andrews Avenue over . the week end Pfc. Bennie P. Foster, son ■-f M s Carrie Foster of Route 3 has just returned home fro-n ; Korea We are happy to have him : home once again. M- Harvey Morpar- of B"t;* v;bf. Vmginia. was the recent ; got rt of frse-nds here in the city. OCR SHUT-INS "A r are sorry to learn of our • :• ek sod shut-ins. Mrs. Ophelia Aden is 111 at her home Also Mrs ; Kaue Smart, who is in Jubliet 1 Hosp Pal. Let’s visit the sick Y ■ • ( being there is the thing that mat ■ ters it may be you the next time 'new faces i Ti e proud and happy parents of i the week are: Mr. and Mr; Al- | ■ fred Russell. 6 lb. 4 or. girl; Mr sod Mrs George Allen 8 lb. bey. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright 7 lb. 10 c*. girl, Mr. and Mrs WiiLt ; Tee Harris 6 It 8 oz girl and j Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, 7 lb • | 13 oz. baby boy. j Don't forget to call your new 1 m to this reporter Your pals en ' toy reading about you Also buy ; your CAROLINIAN. THOUGHT FOR THF WEEK S Teach your child xo hold his j ; tongue- he'll learn fast enough to j speak. ■ Benjamin Franklin ; Better to remain silent and be | thought a fool than to speak cut ’ and remove all doubt. Abraham Ltnco'm ! . 1 i 5 , ■- . u;Ac,V-u.i.a,. . .A.V . ' ft,. A- .A'..... I\-«n Stewart. ,! r .. Tifiins ton. Rt. Z, is shown with hi grand champion steer for whsch S ear I '. Si ’ * ■’* ** ; Y- 'FT'./' r \. .jT r T , ItivT- 0 I 0 ..S -i ’ ■' ’ : i . ’ 5 m «J # -r; ' -Y' VW • . mm '*sor nnnmn»«K<iimwtt worwuayini-n*—~ - ■*****»-■*i***~'**??x ****r"v (*B**i«W/WW‘K < m* , « THE GA.ROLTH.tAK he was given the cvp which he lu,<ds iv his left hand Tyson »o doubt has a high regard for .Isnmes E McLean Rt. 2, £.ll - is giving tiie above | src-ir a thorough inspection. > - upkeep of the tractor is l not t*>o large if it is constant" 1 If inspected. 1 ',■ f '■ 1- » ' *:% /•': \ i .... I The Veteran program of the county agricultural system has proved highly profitable to the trainees, Willie B. Mr i Neil is shown in his corn field This com is said to have * yeild 18f bushels per acre. The gala new petticoats in per macenl iy pleated nylon taffeta ; are sunpluuly itself to keep sweet ? ...ic; dainty Simply v Irish them through lukewarm soapsuds and U rinses a: ' every wearing Then S. hang .him to drip-dry I j COM PLIM ENTS OF j1 aOil’S OF DUNN, INC. j j West Cumberland St. Exquisite Furniture At Reasonable Prices I Phones 3306 - 3105 ' j both. The award was made at the Untie show, held in the Big Four Warehouse, Dunn Riley Hill MART M HODGE, Reporter RILEY HILL Many mem ! H?rs of cur community visited ; the Jones' Cha-pel Baptist Church, i near Knightdale. Sunday. October j 3, to witness the annual Baptis* \ trial Services. The services were i enjoyed by all. | The Riley HU! Lodge. No. 7224 ! Held an "Odd-Fellow-•$ Anmvcr l s&ry" Sunday at the Riley Hill : Church The Rev. C. E. Askew | preached the sermon and music | war rendered by the senior choir, i Dinner was served, and many j friends were present to celebrate ; the anniversary. A 'Birthday Rally" is being ■ sponsored by the R;!ey Hill j School P.T.A A captain has been j appointed for each month. The i names of these captains will ap : pear in this column next week •| The PT.A. is asking the co-opera j Uon of everybody. ■ We were \ ery glad to see Miss j 8; • -a Mae Smith and Mr. Otis • Perry home, visiting their pa ■ rents and It lends recently. Miss 1 Smith is a sophomore at St. I Augustine's College, i That concludes this week’s news events. Looking forward to | sec you next week. DON'T FOR- Congra filiations ! The Commercial Bank I)UNN t N. C. ‘‘Serving This Community Since 1919” — WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. OCTOBER % 1954 j Mount Tabor Community New:- 1 mswssiimb—l—sw————owa—w—i■>loMWFiouieswaMeaai—«ta—awwwwiWWWMMia* BV MI S M L 1,1 < AS GREENSBORO - M; 1 Mebane he id ; Mt -- T at her home hursduy uftcr.' ; the benefit of her ..on. Eric Me bare. -.‘rho is rwtn ■, in r.- contest sponsored v,< • ;• ist Men of Oka T-C‘:..-y Talent appc-vvcig <>r, Hit . - was M'.sses Tv-ir •; • Htr'..- Pauline Guest. P Aan M- - bane, -rd .iklw-,. Bicuaiic o* I. j- Ts r * /. Jerry Goolsby, L-ennMas M'G •'■■■■ bony a:d Keniv.ub Free; f->v ; Mt Tabor arid Mines John ;.' Ma< , Davis and Barba'-; A Me.. ! bane, TRAVELERS 1 Miss Helen Cm-.- Ya< km \ ville, N C, is visuing Mr. and i Mrs. Ray Linru-y She i; tlte sis- I ter of Mrs, Linr.ey and has e’- | tered her freshman y-ar at Im- I manual Lutheran College, i Mrs. Ada Davis and dai.gfcfcr, | Lucille Carter and c/cr;, ; from Monti; W v ! (be recent guests i f Mr. and Airs j Thomas Broadnax. I Mr. and Mrs. Gene Powell hast* ; moved to N. V C. i Mr and Mr; John Davis at. | tended tl,e f*i>;eral of a eou-nn. I Mrs Lucille Byrum ;n Durham ; last week S Mr. Ervin. Mf.’bro' 5 y, spent the weekend ;h b ; | mother and father. Mr. ;. ■ Mr: j H-nry Clay Mr-. ~ , Little Charles Ervin Su.A, ■■■.., Jr , Norfolk, Va - *.--r Mr or; | Mrs. Isaac Mi-.oanc. hrfufhry Afphonso Baas and If axel : GET TO BUY YOUR r ARO LINIA.N WEEK'S 71101 GUT Whatever is w,»nh domg ;;i all, is worth doing well. [" l Permanent Pasture INSURANCE THAT PAYS OFF EVERY YEAR PLANT WYATTS PREMIUM QUALITY SEEDS LADING CLOVER - Slue Tag Certified ALTA FESCUE B : uf lu Ccrui-d ORCHARD GRASS Onion Fr- < ALFALFAS: Buffalo Most Wilt Resistant Texas Noxious free, cold resistant Kansas High Yielding INOCULATE ALL LEGUME CROPS Job P. Wyatt & Sons Co. SEEDSMEN 325-33 S, Wilmington St, Raleigh •******""" n r -irmmiiniTnmwiiwmri —nilimf i»n mi Mr«wn wimiHh«hrtiitn nnrn rr i rrrr -n i ~t - j>wiMiniwiiHi»iw*w»"'K»ejuwii **—•""nrll"imi iiniiiiiriiißiiiiimniiiiniTiriMmu iii in iM«mi«w»mii | iiin»iii | iii | iniiniiminm.niiiiiwiimiw n mi i <n n~nii»n«ri miir-irrr Congratulations For A Job Well Done 1 - FROM Sexton's Dept. Stois j LtLUNGTON, N. C. !•: ■ j Home of Courteous Service i arid Quality Merchandise Mi Dougins Moorr :■ tit K;i; ’V.ihcnieriia Crunv< sick a? home on Srrir;, St Mrs. Georgian a Cadi- ‘ i> a Swpoort votir -.Uvr citizens rnih Get th' < Mi'if.lV) *v from 1 tj< ,i, |;rwi;,’ .in f - P-r s L % # % '■> It* 1 m * JAMES Mrf'OY made a per fect store in the District Farm Shop Centrist which was held for 4-H i Stih memhcfi The purpose of this project is to teach the fiwds mentals of mak ing useful things cm the tains and keeping up repairs. ton Atkins are shown wort'ns on a plant propoga tk*n pro ject at Shawtowa School. M;>f- tiitu iht Sitidclit* ili kowo bow to properly ; . - care of t«M plant life of the farm.

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