PAGE FOUR Legal Notice 3 notice '~mvu v. ok PEtivxss hi rt JSS • U‘A V STATE OF :U) iiVH ’■«.: NA ; countv c« wai f. W ihl «rn f* . *„ • rt saL;.p: batccv pure ij vs. JASPER SANT)'.?:3. Ctf*r .rent TO JA'T'FH .’“1"'- TAKE NCI THAT A .jleaoui** t■■e>. • m t? r.- <*f vos. • .»« ■: /.V-* ir; T:-c abo- e enthtc 1 at- Ti • r,;.rer: j. • re , SOUi.Tt f . .. T, asi ao&oiule dree •.«* •; : • //.it i O? tl< ■ ' : r. i . * . grounds of t-.vo '.v;v (ar'/reo •* separation ■ - :.?v *ano. th«* You jt. ■ j ' .■■•'• de fer. o« tc- s id; ; -...,. filar. *Viur.ry T s;>" reic th-i f-Uu-'S to . ■ • • •oekios rolEf a, *. . v.. !• pi/ to ti« if no KOiiffct Tr: .4 the ?T*l tii >• if L-. wai .F7J-.H '/' //c ; . . .. /,.. ■ sfflp F J CATOIB&T At'.y. !><r. IS 18. 2*5..’,r. ■> vorccr or '■ f ' * VALUAi-?.’ r: i Dr !, V Jr. ' t hers vr. ■ : >;•/ T- • •■. V.'; ' ' J : t-r •Mar':'' Book a V tr- •/ * ■ tv. ■ c • rr "i.a, " ■ ; i ’/ quest of On: hv.T • <E :'■■■•■ •; ' , *tr ‘i """ •- frr* C-' r r ■ -I deed c-i y»M- of f'A. ' ••• fare IcdeW.rd’V'W’. «-•;'■ talc and s-”s *•• *f*: • ' i ctr si. ;• at t ••• t: ■ ' .; CO’JT.V. A:.q-h. C.T:‘ . iri‘. it'' Citv of p- " •• TFITKFV/A . .J," *F ! . '■ ' ■ at 12 B’Ck'i'k, - *'• * ' described rec.l ' .v ■ • Sa'r.t's ' Co; ■ :y. S’ ■; ■ !• > •r. ■ AT! that for - . f parcel t-f In - t- r' .r. a«.- s ' : on the PV .i-v.y- • ••• about TO ':’s • • ’ • ill F '/.it To r " ' ' ' ' ' Co’./. y. St./e -f /■ ' having si.* lies and d. u.’/ > f- ■ii fuFy appear by !>?(' •:« to « J-:./ on f:'" v. th t v :<’ :■ • era’ Land E. /k - F-.l r. . : t bounded as W. . On I,bv ■ E JA. V.r: ■■ i T. by < of 3. C Bar-.: s or:. /, V. V-/ bv lands of J C Bn r .n; or. the WVst by N;.r« K F .o« *'• s be rr ; ;■ •rs the ./■ voy io ■' E Curf:s ■ c-' ’ f-' :/ W G. Ai’.M and -a- ;■ ' Irer 19 iIT /■. .. Book 358. at TV - 316. i fr.e «'• fie. of tlie Beg,3ter of B n- oi Wake C'/rnty, a:b p; 1 .:y laud ! Fnsii — — ■ 'wwiinmnaiww | A— \ | Ask For Watsons Fryers f 1 B At Y GUT Favorite Sto re ♦ - { WATS ON’ 3 I Seafood! &. Poultry Company, inc | 130 Cammrtm Street Wholesale I> f-‘• i Cameron Village Rack Quarry Road | Raleigh, .N. €, | - ?bem ? s m | „p -1 J/At 1 fe ! LIKE A j JfjF REGULAR | ~ SAVINGS PLAN j i . I Iso. sir, when h comes to really getting some where, voo can't heat putting a little system into your saving. Start a savings account now—insured to slo,ooo—and then save on » regular plan. In terest added to your savings makes them grow faster, too. Mechanics &. Farmers E ank RALEIGH DURHAM ——■ } v ' f;\ ■ VjM* ’<> x i F. ‘ ;•) t j V-.'xu 3,6:..; oI- ■ *': j il*’. > •*»! P. ‘ *! f ’ "J • '„r ; : i .;. '!> tC v ' V'-Iti r... i inra iJ. 1. : d ' .... j Uvs.i n ~t:v' '"/ I’m-' o ! kruo, >! y Tic Ol*? y - ! .Vv, ; r !V. •! v, j c.if vey'c’c! JjS, . > itv '* *.*■', Lv* j A:*.O ? ■nKriEff’.i L. .•'* - . h 11 i Cell •>. ■'■'• .. , ic' .< btf • • ti ; ys - /■ - 13. ‘iA'T fr*:u‘ W «•> ’ r ■ tSS . . Atb*.*t» I i t/ktri VW V sTif i r . .... i )' • ..v b.v *.'••• r.tfb %; TT..<r Mf'i . i‘£ ‘bWV" bv . lie.. ifrcT f ly v - ■i .. K\> ) of « ."■ C-y-t rs. f VvV jCft ( , v -A-. v.’- < * or Cashiers CV b; i* re.'V' '** *■« • <s|fe hf •{,?••••- r »ts*- !at u?> evyb-r t :'• .ev/1 EfoTtj? ■**' JT.A'.T. : sf - '..J *s«v <*f 'i.c-.n/- | «<*• •' i ; -i ■rWntfii .T-m Ir~ rill ■in '■i w n >' fit i i* x ( V*" —*T'^^2 V r_r •f a -r*?r s ; 4^ - I’J % ' .l" „,, / syC' - .'.j* .| v .•: •/■ I’i nb '' - i ’" : ■ ■ - —v' -r rr’-r ■'• A. v If' v ' ' .!/ r: «. V. F. •> !>. b. . Ciitvr: - ■'■ !•« V y *t.Tv od m 6 * pa hi ir. n"ri’.".a.-’vg ; ' Tferfi ’Q- : nv* p-r. ; « ovc- for y.'. /. of bfev •:* _ ■ old or. tf'-c se-sie .. t-.- / y-‘W ear llfvr* ABOOT TOW S;ri\ih Virgo f-r ' , ri. 1 ' U'-'V •• i •<;) vi.i's :/ .t. .: -.1 - - ■ • . t,.> pi./ r’.r.h ’■ .c VV«. uo •. .vii ’ .•;«* oiuru ban a wy i .-iff vlinsti-o-.'-. and •. h a Ui! »py :ovi qua iSew Vtsc. flis., . t‘.c i... ...J'' v - jj/■' - iv.T tjlaer. too tOi yos.. th ;./.,v*i Ui?*.. .. c-. ;;a.u / g.r« us a in -an. 'ta:-.•*-. i We«! H has Oe.-n about five years jliset * bexaii my career • i'i a ; jV.r.i..*i‘.i l>jr "TJ.'t: '. .i.'.v.- Siztiau’. fvoi'ih jgfjf«Ena's iead iinT wvckis payw il hi* irkty f»«C.n :> VU'.Mli >.g UTit-Jfli! fit? >•••;«. »..y l.'-Virr:.. and I'd *#e 'io tr; ...» >. 'i quite ttiwu-i: j4i<‘.s- r.’.de in you tvi-f r*.e cf tilt acfhitfft oat 0 wav. 5 n&p* h jJe Sifiws it*- 1 WM and «.j!> «,« m i. U r j .v I*ll,: inio ht-.i fxuia ail <*? r|*9 quite ta*'St. , r .nbei ;usi e .-. r r:."d i V.c mWM. i hn'dn'/ Jj«#c i yet : •■- bfjvdv. .a? -V ; '<si' .• :A. 1 Vfc C U> Cv.V.|! :V . -i,- .' " ' .tt; % t.v'v'". -'Af .. It b^ivf v " MW viKfiO - r ;r . V'. t. p-, \ J > - ‘ uj j .. .\,:T L t.-ffi ■ » wSC'i. ■ i,;' .! * * Ct j. • • ’o - 4 'ji» !fW* ', C. f.’.i /'' Ft, '*. ' 1 ; v).'U v 'i» l;.. ii •' '"..■iiU.v, y.v; V L’.'./q .’••.fIKTiV »** \* ~,AV;'.'r-' k pj • ,S»y i: vVjJsK'. 3." SiiMn.d L, iVV/. P.rqwri cub co > . >j.. : /...- ,j b'':i.lyv■ i’, . .y../:"' ■ r W. ii. S.rns;. cr o: S. h* iV’l-ic!" I- ;i..: :r;. ■ V r.. B adivai stir ur.ti TV v bf't.ry .ij Mho • t. . / I ■' , r j 1. . v.':cl:. .1. J.. "Sold bb: j// bfry. CM - well Carter o"-r i: .nr:d 'Mrs. O S. ITuiioor hm : Mr L, VC. HU.;:-. :-.//■ y v nr jd;u . '•/f , Kataftc-n, Vs.; :*si. and JLrs. C Vdly.-S.ti S'lvc M' ; . A. "r,' Mr -ru Mj/ \v ~vy. •* ;:i M.i.y ’ m ' '.'.ue ii::. iq . •• : .4 'VaT;' <. jj." tJ.T'iCi >'-i 1 fj. -v Tv. ; . :;u-d i>- a-Q. )>lj ... V-, .Vioi 3 O;. 'V . * 1., v,::::•. i.h? Hov. *.•. . ;,. . • 'v- .v.:."v N*. Vixl'i Ii 1 criV.i <A'.i *?*’■ ■■ V.W’>!?•:. &U i.X'l ? . ';,«.>'**& )*. V-/ ,v;riF, A'ilA hi;* tribes i... J.. _;i". .3 Ct r !£}s., l!.v \?B’' Vvt. tC :• d */Li Üb/r- ew:-N vj l &I .■; 1; i ~i U&l\vlVi ; t a ca.- J. 1 o’ :o. ii / r. C;diij/ci:T rri r." : : rr.irr. •'. :..yr;W rrc.;d set «d -tbs ckscfct Mi ihs fcab'ic tool C Mi . . Mis ::r f:> V, •: . • •it. Ar.oih-'- party! Or> iaV T-.-t --d«y iUisU Umm Julia Bry;ait i-.tid Ju-.Kits "Ihorpr'c ho.- tt'.a/C'S r. c a pEiTy ivun ih TvT.rr ..Bi.vort: Lio.m.r or. /.. u/uvr y>c. Seen here and there purtaixinc :of thf iirae ice puncTi, assorted sandwiches, nuts tavd curidies vr-'rc: E'-i-oiiby Gibsoa. Ctleetuie Royers id ary Sewdi. TMurry A Turn/;. v../u Dirl.t-n... MavyueritP Mroiu. iMiJuaitna Biovomno Jose liiirnc Hunirr. Darcy JoaA. Ltan* rence WU-iaojas, Vernon Waist. Oeorse Scot;,. Wesiey Copelcnd, • Aip..i.,oT;ro Amlcnrca. Jaases Wal lace, Louis Spenyer. Otita Cgk. Fau3 Eryonud, Wilfred Snvny, Thomas MicboiL Julian Robert'- C-aurge Roommv ■William Bro&dxe.. h It libips ~La S t-r s t-ch fcSfii Your $ $ Hr : 1 * ONE of the most helpful services your newspaper performs is enabling you \o get MOKE for every dollar you spend— MQWR value, more service or more sat isfautieal Day after day, its advertis lrp column* present a host of timely. bargains, special sales and store offer ings—which help you save a tidy sum each time you shop. And, it’s tlie small amount you pay your carrier-boy on collection day that makes possible these welcome savings —as well as ail the news, pictures, com ics and features you enjoy each day. Who else brings you so much for eo little, as does your dependable carrier. The Carolinian Tlir CABOJLINIAK i iiou ... D»*i v:. , l.ioota- W.;- .'laitt'-, 3&iv.', Covii. Hub; Mm, iVt/i !.;- f-'i. rrib i. and .nany ic; >y . Oh b', U ' p. dvr.' i ■: ;r.iict; :o a!» oi t. .of*.st r*.-- t-i'iTi' That ■. •” r p’hpui.u Tvtxnbu to t wi.rt d.tlJ-C'f vbil'Hi t. i ' 'U’y. t , *xi hj .vcni'- :-i the '■•♦udy-Titf id-j. mi” 8iop? ao«) Khftpton !• - •■iritn'-rv Ptorn -.vhst *vr couiri rot’*;- • ■'i. '.'••'i nrounci &s h ybv l 1 a-«c msshinv pifairk’-r nrO; yrw 1 A st. rial' 4 *T ' .s*l ton . 03 1 v,"d «b.;o rjr>".' Any'Vtiy evwy m orerern h:.d a «i<> t wi '.-obr 'fiU tiute timtix re \tißSnf*-. Bryant ; u-tiU .IT-pipe. Ar«d another Jiartv.* (fn !a<r» :?.A' : -’-. ; s ' * ~-•■—•• .yi !r ’ (''s;:v ** ♦•' -*'*-**‘*|- -*•' « op i f Liiici, atc-nd ing ifcanptijt. Jastitvtr Vi M.-rsu riir ts a n a '-■■vri.v, ine tsams. •'Siiora Pentt R V./m > 'Vv. i rac.-en Re-rer* and I) R*!*eA »jn«n yrrd .« .■• .> ">'• ;d i>or y or iK-ir fri'JJus C.jc. •. Fie .»f - /.: •••; Jimmy v-’AA "i, XM'H g> Li* *-. y -J- Tt ; • ’i 'iiic-riis. Ev-i.v Mums. DoJu. Gear.f - B; ;i Vt-ia iv ff.i ?r - COv<- . : .:>?r * ■*' 'ii,;. j ’bf . gwb*-j, Axiv. Coble, Xhtimk ii V•'£%*;xi 9 Ac^liiU ‘r-ck-t.i Btliy '*. i,/ /> j v ‘ J*. »' ’tV.u 5 V-*}-•' ‘" i tyiv.;.’ .VV ’iElV' A. " Tu!t!.• . .i• ;i .M:”.x Kf. s .' rr EuUJ A, ('*• :.'..l'-r V / 1 . : On* ia • TiAiiMM - LV >i jrj -. . _ . . V,. : . .... ; - J"- ■..*;. . I, -I \T."- C ■•._;/ WXd of .'CMy •• many ouv ts 1' ure .i fht . onp !,h/ ■!. ...'.re reu'/j AJ /. .-. • A VV*i v "i . :ii :>>.< A‘-:id ar ,'re : ' fliiS vv: . v -T; > ■'•O' .:* . t i0;30 JV:r* o ir. *•' i r.v iii-eu L.v r ;. '»r • O •;: •• ujC" .f ;v ai 'z, T\r youi.^ ...Ut o -, ir i ; v r .C; ?;• - Ur '.- *V , .• wlt * JUJ* -* Vili'A \v . d , v d 'i :i .yWc»Od •/Vyuho V.; n *i a> •OJ . H. C-. M:i ' &hl' H v v "Vo ■' f U'? M, 2 • .•, j- _ <.; • -'i UiuCd v\ c - X'j : hi) v•*:* -rr ~ . M ; m .- M. >" fl M V J ■' . ■■OS: one 0.//I’i/.'. /i .'u-irev v...... red. Air. iire M P m., R k ?•; a of Aiidit itoM'is v..;ted h-r ti'/,:./../ M;s. J'hi WiMh- Tv c. v>;' '- v dayfc * w A V Airman s-c Xl omas ScMte -../. ... ■ / .,v" Mis. c'im;./ He v./ ic'.Vt- (id a Ia c a >. r 'T. m "■i. vr irtstn Mr. and Mis. Hob/ure hciiu .d-ur/; :.n Mifitni, ¥■<■■ Mr/ Roioaoa is the former u. kuiji Walker, feiate ibupervisor, * -A * » The town v.full cl stuckThr. T/../i>.o fc> fr.e ho.;Ci(.‘.ys viiitint', Uicdr families and tnends. They always fceii me to "write ti/m up" in the paper, to here goes' MJsr iSffiiE a Cceek ’M graduate of Bennett Coilnow studyina In. Che Mcdieai Scho*.i, Kansas CU> Mo. She truth camt tuni returned by plane. Others were: Rebecca. Soun ders. F;sk V.: Bar it -,ra Wyite Ben nett. James Csrv.i'l. Rutls Ann Carter, a&T. Fheriby Gibson. ' liuaxuUi. Thorne, NCC: Anna Coble .Ceissiins Rbgwa Howard: Mar- RALEiGiI PZRSCNALS V JSOM.OAY ti. !JO«S i n<t %fiii. E. T’. Henry -r-e>«. the • .me- hoii-’.ay:, in Brook iyi \s-> y ;> with r.;bWve» and iii- Tt.. astendtd worship, • ■ . .-. the Cornerstone Bep- ‘ •i..t CVremi, Tim Henry,B returru-o uwt«lay 3>'.orr..u:A Ri’v. i*JKj M ) ■.'•)•>• reside r t i tt« Ifolmar* St. ;.ere *iOMD:U VISITORS Ms. V : K. Law era es Green b-oro, and Mr. cud Mis. Car! S. van:, of K rltilk Va. speni a. fen ~iyr. in RalyigJi as i uests of Mr ;uui Mr*. Frvd '). Wasiiutfibon an F r>.son Ghf' !. recently. r.iHTOh viSITS RALEIGH ih-f er D-jlilcn. f-jiiur and publisher oi the COLON! AI I. All . pnpuiar New York nrwaiep.r. was in live city ij. ' .■.*■■•'* teak at -.ln tu'... •-.m: uix riw' Vii-?. .-rt'tr rell.-tie H. ivh.i s-jc : air.ijvo in Nh'*» York, llotden is ,i foj. -r residnil of Uris i «i i. *.M‘» |JSON Ki ll HNS i.iitM!-; M“t Mmv .-u.d/rMn <» lift C-vit hhi er OreirsiifST.?. *'‘.‘♦.*.•l' ai heme lust V r.eso-v Jftcr s-peMing the ■•, w.'rh h<". m-’' '>f-r M: ■ J.*j >•• J fcf>3 Brag* Street .-ii Anderson is a o*irfe in f.U B .fc WORK GOLD AM AIR liFU) Tim N’ :n> B. M.van of Ttie m fP. '' 0, A. , ... hob? its ’9M in*fe«h:fr!ng. »• int. ?er 2.' o: the Mu.-y TsHu it Romt ; If*? isirmenti' were eoJUxAed and fe.v‘-r; to four needy families. is uiv;. ,» gave 8 >, of siww's m needy -chuvl eh. ;ct -;rjb iNi year from titr-ir .<■ :! M F i •.■ :t. Mrs. liionn.e Static iv - - *..: ./.id tl: s Mr:/. De.Yase rtc *e«i<T of o*e tfroup RFi’i R\S h i HSK ' <>/■:/■ T- -- 1.-, '.. left S ■ ! . , - .: ' I. Fi k ! . .'<.'• soy ti. :rw b*-r rudi*. c wluel* btn/.a;, "... "y 4 A.'isf Hlqfc '.’Kiitcd to>h~ friends ajtivts wfitifi- -on h. i nc-”- on ; r>,. ite red rr r.y lie to take bark to with ; She if the daii?l'.ti»r of Mr mm. Tv,, ii..;!. r ■ ..• ; CHCKCK SO 4 OtTY SPONfiORS PARTY *!>;. V r',- Chrivat: Fak/v/r S'.-. .' 1- of Tliifh Ver. A, M K Z '->n CIMV/b hs-td a Christ rr,ai» :•■ ;y at Ik h-'ne m Mr-;. Moore tr- Eli;: £T Toe ■ ord re- I ■ ■ T > wmc > .v.-i-rves : rtfreshii'g ice erea*n ac.d Ti;t»se present v >:'-/*■' rh.-v. ano Mr-- V- C frrsf.n. 3*Ada 3feivir. Mr L On ■;)- ...,!. Mr* Lid • D • • m- S ;r•.- ."L B - 1 Mrs A' Ti/.’po, . Mips Vasaie Arnold. M;vs Ldlla Bmuks, Mrs, Lwcy F-'c-ter. Miss Annie ftuth. Miss Louise Mo /: ~/ i Mm. Ms ..■ W.'.". O'NL.ILS jf.'.VTFRTAIN’ WOODS r.-YMH ! vs. sn <s yp ; vv *.*in W"• r, : 5 tV■ .I,* ; O N ezh) w■ t ' ,/ ,j. bay -/, . (if i».f- i* t>.■/■"',it~. Mr. and Km James F O’Neal. 2H Cam .’/St Tl'.c W; vvhc hav pi r'C sid•; •• ■ j iri Ph .• ucl <• Ir?h * s graduates of Vvasiujjgtou Higij SchuoL CI3BS HOLDS TASTY Members of the CVtiur of tc t.any'at'ttie home "of Mr and Mrs y’hart.c; w. A / ton. 7t!l E. Lt-r.-'-ir : Street recently. Gu/ wore pr- eted at the door ”, Mrs. S J Macon, dangft ! ter of Mr;. Aktac. Games eon : ducted by Mrs». Charles Hamilton, j duyt'-d. ; Mecdam, s Miles and Whiter; : louertt over punch bowl. • Afi f ?r tc • were served. I tbe 28 guests prest i « gift was | d-.?tnled to each psrsoa attend* ■| ing . Chavis Heights By MORS 111 AY 1.. BRO.ADIf. : Mrstei William. Taylor. 11l of 21 Chavis Way celebrated Lis se cond bialidoy, Saturday. Jan. 1 Happy birthday da.-hug. Wiiiiam is the"son ol Mr. and Mis. William ■ ■ • J; ! Mrs Lydia Smith of Franklin i Terrace had as her guests over the : week/nd, Miss Beverly John*® ‘.and Mr VJilliam Flynn or Gieens ® villa. S. C. i Mr. and Mrs. John Wall and .: Mrs. Evelyn Ware of Greem-boro, ■ n C. were the weekend, guests of Bit.' Ferells of 580 E. Lenoir Si. : Mi; :■ Miik-y Ferel). of N. J. has 'returned home after visiting her i mother. Mrs. Hester .Ferell and ! cliildi’cn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter : y-erell. j Many friends of little Mist Ann : Lundy of 3 Dare Terrace are sorry fto hear of her illness. Ann lias been confined to her nurct with i pneumonia for several days. PSeasc hurry and get well darling, i Mrs. Pattic L. Higgs of N Tai ; boro St., is spending her mid winter vacation in New York City j vsiiii her sister, Airs. Mattie Saia : vs:>,-. Mrs. Nathaniel Hicks ol 7 Cha i vis Way is ill and confined to her : Apt. Her many friends wish for jher a quick gel well. : Mr Booker T. Sanders, who xtaa : been iii lor several tiays is aoie I to be oui again. His many friends ' are glad to hear the good news. : Mrs. Alice J. Ferell and daugh euerite Mann, Bwsyzine Harris, ! Sandra Peace, Delores Utley. ; Frances Rogers, Hampton, and i Miss Ernestine High, a ’54 grad iuate of St. Augustine’s College i now attending the Atlanta Um ! versify School of Social Work. We : | wish all the students much luck | iin their studies during the com-: inK year! The Childrens' BOOK WORLD Wiusii '■vt- spe-'U: * M . . M ea' stoke,, we 'el the V:!r.:■ . ’ F.- oi •w-; t with them the t . » there are tv? ■ ■ soriea." “the tx-. < **v ■ which they at e see a.--- - > • beyond ad snsd. ■ , . ocst way ha *h, :> , i • nrnkfi Use aotun*.; Vr . at . Odysseus, Aith,. lb>’;wl Beowulf. ! In our veflflenc..' t<- fct-oriet;, .nay oe ■ • . • . •.2 the accepted defb;;:...j sic," or 1.0 make -nr r>aK ■ wliUt. follow.')' 1 ot’t i the worlds great •• «.•;• term ):> pvfe: ,e.t■ v > > , n ;.n ; has appealed to t* v fic.'y -*j people at. widely ijjffe eu> Ut. Mrs. Kutberfc. ■. j; *s. state St., ctdew-. • J l, it » ■ tt»- i2Yk t'..: 00. ...V uvj <.vuSfewu • that spec Lit cate iiappv M>rT*t.i*-.x I Kirk. Mr. and Mrs L-- • children, iecy. .ft., (..or:-,.. , J- I warn, and Hear;* v*. : pf Falla:, twv?> rctumni : -j, r liathu? their parent* : ~nti Mrs, W. J Byrd pf :• ■ * .'.-I ... At.. ar<d Mr.- W. H. W'.jtit ■„ r huts fi. State St, Sgt. and Mr,;, Joseph Wiihams and children. Tic.-a ant Amio; Oam* spent, (he holiday 'vu., 1 v illiatiM,* parent..'-; Mr apt Mo : Joe Williams of lU’l S. State St 'they hat" ret unfed to,y --: ton D, € rovtill.!* VI -i r Wftv YORK I M.- and M.-t. e ,i■ .... \ 120 E Cr.o;i'';u- S'.: • ; •»*••• \ * their children in N*,w York City. MOiffTK ILL i!: K- ,!iv ii it fit y ; Wr. - i«r i)i j*: Pet-r.; .w*. Yu,' . THOUGHT IOK Tit} UIT.K Wnen you come to the pern valley in your life *>, •>.- .:■ ■of ajl you can do there k bo war around, there is no way few, there Is r:o otiH a r way but thn.-o r then trust ir: posit God with a soul clear: sod tiki the dark .■■■•<* the storm are {.one. He vni? suli tine wait! He will <-;«r.n the wave.-. and He will say to your voul -■ or;." BEAVER’S DRIVE-INN Featuring The Boot >: ■ TAKE THE FAMILY Wit THU FStlPNiy- To A Chicken Dinner I ML East of Garner On Old Hwy. 70 ggj e 1 j AAf£> k-. tT "«Klfjl/ / 2 YEARS yaw'll hove to sear ■j'O PA V — -/ DELUXE % CPM£to/}<ja ff < w»ing» 4-- WASHES* *■* f AvtkorfamU :j WE DO OUR OWN FINANCING Tire Silas & Service Co. THE GOODYEAR Fi/iC£ 401 Hillsboro Street Dial ? \V FFK Ryot NO SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, HISS Os .08 .vorf'i:* i;i: , * the: ■■ - ■>ia vec.k pr-.-cht ■ PBi - * .UvUitnl ruC iiVTsai u;.r, A cii.- * *.ci., only n«« fCuoA ihiri® u> : but tflj? it with . ..ila-n,v and Tie * ■’■Ci. then, end qulcJu-ns vhejead y. 'i :an<, See mat jw eliitd i- e*- ue.v'd to tbev epic (all- for they tia«e the ■io.uh ’• • which a child demands: fiwpUcity of spt-P. Ei singienws ot .motive, nod dirccine •, of action. The ■ ti(>r,v nvhirb t’n*'y - erhMs pre-'-onf, to tlu- child j trader a w.nM w hich he rearti l> uiulernfamK simple, a;*.. venturous, and full of vuroinus K‘vt- arid take. The story lei in tftftp.. strictly to the point, he neither digresses nor slops to crpra,-. an opinion, and hr ?»/" »v*r ufW-rc - *s.die ■' 'A.- •' - h-H-O i'.TfttT. .. ..*.e .- . tilff&e Siorus, • >-jys and girls are not- osily gzat*-. tyui-s uieir iove loc a stsrrin,: tale, •ney a:si> njakpiy *‘\b ficuiiuini > {See of the yea; ster^-tellers of the pa-st, Uikitiß Utatli lu’o their hi'e.v as compsrJ«r>* Civid.-ti., are v iiiUhiv ht*c>-'y.y ihc- c!3ssr?o !>yc-'uiy heroes ’•>. rtl: w . hi? y. ■ Exuntj? ft ■> i sa cr than -.■-••ords as we •*,.«; ktiow pum though it may r.fver fss?d c. way •nlo ■• oi ; u iP.u :on to tv C’*';i*.:'a■ y-O-•■ ■■’,, ; purtmxe. ftna'Veous- and ln.Hhful f.o ;•:■•. .:, .u i: t • .i.oi; sv tfe •:: * p.s o: -i .. ■ itE u re i& 'A te&.U’?: ivcpuC'n* xirm : nmomi ot nmz\ ifectofE Another tivv.&Vtt. ijr Cm child which Ims ft be world a • .. ■ ?. v.<: iX) ••>.' t v i•• ;Vi him •.o • nu?r is 1 uJi at oo.tkfkz wiilc'v m&vl !. :vc no si;i.;f 'cv.PC l , t.vr L.ttt Uh icss lie fc'uov, s soi»M ?uo:; of key “Hr>ir.<v:c Atorie-y ol •■.< ', piny; ' .’uiy'UjVs ’XH:i liver’3 TrsicJ.:.-.”. Clisuuci .■ Cant-. ; f RIO6E Jp' ; v j STMISST MlttM «nsXt < . : I now s ums m jrKf |l ;|l *3’o *220 j. lililSlk Vf+mt ! He? J Irw ‘w2..r, « ! j 1-rum. 8 /'! touu^i.s ]! film. * «Fj*SS «.» * 86 PUffiW y(j I -o-. i i! jiif'lpw ******** ****** li * vs;. ?;:v~ I! bury T :des'*, imd Apeticer’s "Fairy l Qncene''. In the midrf of the flood nf tip; mediocre, which assails today*.- children, a clear,ic here ar.d there is batUjr tieeo' d. i T bring up 3 very old h-kc-, chapftfS arc always undergoing 1 • as.ftgc Thi: luiest Nshion in Ihr- e < ■?:*:■ ci! panU is a r-'-etaa •ular e''ay»r lvttfc vdiustabli ' .|..,:i . ;••>« opens flat lor easy ■; • Ei:.- ..• ad last drying. Ethylene lias been tested hi ma.k'htfi,-.' tixiosch t ehr-i --ci.ui* wl the t.‘ S. C-T iUm-r it . )■.» ..lP'ju the ripen* hm of u-muk ;,t storage. 1 Since r!l sporujo r>:op< have « ■ way of "Ju.'.ii’:?oiipsij<! . (!,:• » | help you to sore.-.f p-; > of Uu.d.i i vbticever neo-uxi -*wuk.:*-jo-*., ug,wv»r«■<->. w.-:» uMawawwo—mw ON TERN AFAK’imx ,N Ex.Tuv-v'J;/ ON 2 do'lrouins, iv ; . -*. *• tch(‘: »*>?? r h Sv.ovv* 3wwW J Everything I : or .- ■■ BUILDING REMODELING i . * MIME SB t * MILLWDftK * ATHEY'S POINTS ' « SmD.UG f;;A RIALS , * aaisswm habdwaie Dial 7SST CAROLINA '- GILDERS CC \ Zi7 2IS Dawson Si RALEIGH. M. C. 8

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