PAGE EIGHT B')dv Floating* {CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) t ■ Duka Hospital at Durham j v.;.are an autopsy vvv was on hand to am tos ;asi. r : t.) the deiJurieri ::: :m.v ; '.u- Ha:u«i»s like that cf the 1 d* arid ■ McCoys o; vrtie i ; cr the feudisig vras eti the i:ui‘- Bach family Is said to. toJive tii d to give its side oi the story, x remains the lvod cmpU'ri ir. cemetery. { n ONTfNf'EO EROS* PAGE J) If the commissioners accept the authority - foneiusitirfs a, bond i»suc will !»* caß • for. Si tbi.-. ra«vts '-oh ti v general t*. unity residevoting will «dcid.e a hetht.-r Raleigh and t :bitf wUI receive the set - i , ea of a general huspitat <*» V. up the present ones ■ . Arm KospinU wim founded b ‘ lib gr.'. scopai Churek to*. iStM’i i .... at pro. A. has a ivpntotj of . y-. beds. v. .-v 4 add.’."Xu bed;-' ’ a.. .’.A « 3t time... . -it Bt. ; ■■ vp-:; were , i : jjy fbe soj" ; e> ai fc bi-ve c .d --p t,l:r u.* f«V.. -mr '..- T o ' {.- f 'j'id. meaQi&g that th» seiaerH) )_(,<• ;h of the race hus beer; baoly;. . • («,ird Inr titi-t i-;.' ;th d time,:; r.XOIN '‘JOINT" •NTINKED FROM PtC.E ! ■ ! V' * this jatformatioa, the oifitzr* ! <»ded U> iv.-id Emu w .'n u. the privilege d vb <■ a in v - >'f cluirge, . j g;uJid jury is '-d to v. c,ib casn -mi Menu ■ anti if / rt. pp; lie*! i r-!ta of veptv. iJ? p b! ■ is 3 be , Wia.ctl lY.iif *J*tk.';Zr 1’ 1 . V.--- , ‘1 -ECI ' ■ ->>'TIXC Elf IvHOW PAGE i ' u t*i for s federal fair «n --.. ..vmer.t practices law wits - atfort'emeni powers, for the -'.clustou io all a 3 -pr • .-imp? so' v i.;, tcftctian&o e!en: • t- t-h: fc rJi by scnt-ptbrJihg U.- civil V: bits issue Pv : ; uay cv;u >i '■> ■ u;,iJt on die shift-aid t. v. 4 > c-i g u'iiice of basic mo r priimplr , 1.. ti.e cruciiii eiaui' n s ■'•r, o.t J. w» may m stae tfut Negr-j v.>. is in the pivotal Anies wifi l swayed vy • voeoid,; ;:f :. • tv.& part;., or, . i•» vital issues u, civil rignti grid v ji feddition to the s. ». -icessfui couit action m set■ tii • ant- secret.J..- : .rti ruvuv. v cited other highlights- in. tfcf NAACP 1954 program. Iw - i .-tid?d tiie steady bond tour;: -I' :: : final elimPpation of segreva tk* in the armed services in c. .-ling schools on military posts; ii rovement of conditions for irv* g'v.-it farm laboms in New York. *■ ■ ■ —^ I COME TO THE ' 1 BIG SALE mm, GOING ON AT HAP MON 9 S ** * Li\ IVI V ill »J> See Us Before You Buy Anywhere! * *Z&3Z. i * sa***st* B :?s I * sir : ■» £!. sls4# **“ BW7O j . $6.0 » Morcug- axlun ft,- jTO Uerwy J-Dr. X" C S' 1 ,.7 3 ” , “ 1 ‘“' £ .-Vi", Sk,*** c “J2j; : ov^w™, h « Mr $.«» . ... N>2o (Mean „ -1* *0 j i W nvmoutfe Deluxe 4-Dr. 49 Nash 2-Dr. Radio u**>im * I $ 670 | Lt-ra clean ..... &1340 j ® 3 ? $290 w*L R,adio, I '*o Chrysltr New Yorker heat-j» ; , yoj’domftfie. white Club Coup* Extra clean. ' K Sll6O ; one «C7A ’4T Ford Convertible. *** ' ?AXV ” j owner ... Radio, Heater . *■»<» ts fo* Don’t Like These Prices Make Us An Offer! .OPEN EVENINGS ’TIL 9 P. M. HARMON Motor Co. Lincoln - Mercury 429 8. Wilmington ' Phone 3-54.54 | and Pennsylvania; President Ei : senhower’s endorsement, of “the ideal of the equality among all • men," at the Association’s Free dom Fulfillment Conference In j Washington; the dimunition of I segregation and dlscrimtaatlon In the District of Columbia; and the l response to the NAACP's appeal for a million dollars annually to carry on the Fight lot Freedom. MAS JmslKS ubhe is cordially invitee. ; to bear Ati'v Brooks FLIM FLAMMERS it ON l '\l U) raoiw PAGE 1} had .seen a white man drop a billfold eiil she recovered it.. The tonveisation drifted to the split*, ng up of the money claimed io 'hive been in tire billfold. Mrs. White that th*' wbftan never did say how mnrh '.“as in the poc ket book. The tve womtiu left Mrs -Vliite under the pretense that racy were going to the Nicacn ! s me cue u» <:■; :• e the afibney. Thi.-> ns the last' time she saw ti e women or her in aty. High Point Medic (CO.--TINTED FROM PAGI Si ! Interested p< rsons inquired t>J city ii.... 1 as to v-ua; u-nld b done about Nevrots play;rig on the course |an the iuture, Mayor Oeo. Covinv.ou .vod liuo. city ; : ad adopted a ‘wait and see wiuo de velops policy." Chuicli Ais-'sunder the pro re ported that tbue were i?.o hnowu instances when .Negroes played on the toil com se last week. The golf head did not .wm disturbed over the trio u r ahd lelt {hn: tn>\ . S 'ouid ti,i; as a■:. ,t' ; ■:; stride Dr. Craft is known to have oe ,,ust his fight so use the course about a month ago. 'When he first made an effort to play he was not successful. He was told- al that tune, by Alexander, that he could’ hot authorize the use of the course to Nei roes Oi. Wednesday JDi Croft nd i.: two companions returned and, " queoted the right to pi?y- AlsX '.• ruler told them trie same tning .. ■; l d them on their visit. TSi<: men me said to iia-vc: politely Jsuo' the green ftp. in cash., on s wonter of she club and proceed.;! to play rime holes It <■ -uid not be learned whethei. Negro*# will comiuiif: to play on me city-owned links or not, due io tihe fact that city hall says their money v as not xccepteci. Halt Federal Aid i CONTIS I . |» FROM PAGE i •atury apt nos such us the Se e-unueß H.-ss-nse Commission, the Federal Reserve Bank* state cwnKiisvions, the New . and s i:':’ bond and stock < .vg-itUKffs xbsi.aui from assistance ' • ’ * to ip thorn pay for <1: liberate violations of he law.*' a: ssooi Marshall, NAACP 3Pt*c.;tl counsel, repoiiad to the nr . :r:.s ti:.-.; following the Su ■ preme Court decision of May 17, action was initiated to extend the import os th it anti-segregAtitm rsihng i,u areas as tr'uispor-, tat ion. housing and recreation. Uarly in 1.955 he revealed, “a suit i tacking racial discrimination in :the procure ment of housing in j : a total- community- development i! such ax Levtrtown,” will be filed.! During 1954, Mr. Marshall said, NAACP lawyers '‘participated in .more than 100 judicial and ad mioLstrative proi'ceding; tc n briefs were prepared m cases! brought U> the Supreme Court of the United States; an additional , ten briefs •<. .e submitted to state j supreme comt - and federal courts i ‘of appeals; and the number of j pleadings, motions and memoran da of Jaw prepared and filed far : exceeded the move than 100 pro cmiings in which we were in-' , volved.*’ STATE BRIEFS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) founded by Dr. t'harlotle Ifftwkinx Brawn- who now is president cm- ritus, Dr. Brown j expressed her gratitude for i the fine spirit of liberality ti .- i friends have shown the ! scho>>! thr«>ueli«ut the years. ! Miss Wilhelinina Crosson, pres iden. ’-ead the siutr-m-.ut coming Xunn Dr, Brown and told of the pmgruKt feat the school is mnk m,,'. The drive is expeccd to ret far more money, due to the fact that h will continue- through January,: Ftibi'U&iy and March. It is reported that- the school requires a budget of about stso-h.OO ,-,»r y*ur and I ‘ ;i ab-ut tU'..- i kb aUHMHK-^ SCHOOL ISSUE (UOMINCEP FROM PAGE i> linn. I.ittle information vui<‘ be obtained as to what went oil in th,- taiu asi -v which be gan taking' form as early as Sunday night. Very few law makers would even talk, about it. Some were Inclined to wad, until the commission named iiy the late Governor f instead made its report. There were others who felt that the sab le* l should t»‘ approached with sane Glinkins' and wise pt ttdence. There wm<- t.o ihCicati-vr; that the <.j*, • ■ ■ A- sentoiy ■a: go as far e> Oeoixia. fenutli Cij o : .;a and Misito-rlppi hue .•>..,«? -uu enact a. ! <*a •.-he 4 would iitiem.'t to circiimv, i.l the. h*;;h coun s rol ing. It was the concensus Uoa-t. & wait-aud-xee attitude would pre vail and that nothing would be • done until aft ‘r (he (..“art had. ciarificd tho enUre isait/er and erhaj/s ’ne penalty I"; «ola.ti*.)n . was set. Dry-? of the .a- are trying to ; briQ.g er.i ix'li prer-surt - n the body '• to have » MiT.e wide refc: eiuiuro on the Mu- v. hi-key nci bet*: throughbui. the state Tin- dry? arc s'yin;; all Uv pf-eyle oi the state shc-oid vote a * to >a heth ei these oeveiv:- cl art to be- fioki ; ivfaliy, ir. the 'tate- any ioiytfer fhej fiuiinrr ue th on one coaih.y. or one city. ‘'iMmid cMt'r nime th.c :-.a.'p ..)-.y*vj-.tvv ui tin state. There v.v-i ■■ me TefiMn 7.x !: ; WHO ilOi'l O' v.;ii IhvU ' , ■ 0.. ' - for of .-Vc‘h." a school boonl vvould to brought ' ■ ihe naon of hevvaiako, s . that i bill would w pr'.'-enteb wind; would make it. po ' ;b'< fc-r people to cu-es, tin hoard of educsu-iori instead of its 'ocnteT ftpjxnnted Tnc BCUii-tci m.c-i. d : r t.O thf U. S, ; i Deh : uty Ma. 1 here Judge lion Gil’i-'- m ni Tin boro, in paaiy tt*ld JUe l i 3 t(j make ilieot g<* u •< ■< f'<• r C-hTu,lie thru ;u ’i <>;* tin:* 5 t!r>ni: to reiKn 1 .n«»«n c*u ia.'-'U ;rt • * sf-rvit-t. *t*rn. ■ -vs i> fin lri,»| u v it.).: ' .'V'. :.i pi -on. AU • '-. ■ 1 V ■ fvM’jo In . ■■■ i y :,r. i. u the V e« ! HIT ■ ,l i,l - u ■ a?.*•{ Sl.ctvNire* i o!d ;i; ~ liUle tuore tan'/ hails of tiie’capii ,1 buiidLL bat jil-'JSt of 111* 111 V: ' U xvi’itf iil .' ' and v.'t'rc '.Ti nu , j si lav tnakt.T ■ There *..■ ■., ::* 5«., ■■ stood around *n (!' halls would be iiasiH.Ll- W* y 1 I F f ,«b .^|V AB - :.A f A |- A. -v ’ -a, ; J /-; . ”'■ ■*- ]S? , ' ' ■- j£i: t / ''J : . '-.I O * ’ vs. *&. MHM3K » * KAIL FOR GERMANY Mrs* Wary Jant- Parker u,U her IS month old daiijrhter, Jacqaeline, arr now residing in It ''enter haven. Germany, with her h»»- hand, Set. Aitori Parker, who | County and City Tax Department TAX NOTICE List Your 1955 Raleigh Township and City of Raleigh Taxes BEGINNING' JANUARY Jrd j j IN Basement Wake County Courthouse AH other township;; | j will be listed with tht list taker in vour respecttvr town • ship. List your real estate, all personal property including auto mobiles and dogs. All malt persons txt.v.- n tht a f v r. of ; 21 and 50 years of age required to list poll tax. The law requites that taxes he Its*. l in the month of Jan I utiry. A penalty of 10"; will b adc id. for failure to list, I List now and avoid this penal!.'. mmtKnmamßlKmmi stetenttp popaiar here In fset, *nere j have been years )u wbien aknttsi 50% i of the total Hook dhttibufion was in the south arid smithwest. And it's nut as >f Book was a new emme which - . M Ph„iSt te; f j• _ -* ' ■ r .Mi rim ***•’“** WM jduced almost hfly year* ago j.«» tite jj i tooth and .'nary of today's players- • i are third generation Rook tans.” I Barton attributes this great in- ’ ! crease in the arath to this section'* ! : j amazing growth *.nd prosperity ir, ih* I past, few years. MHi.’.".-*'. D. O. !to •'* u. K,t> : ’*.■ -*) Hal Osvm Dirafeye : Sa , "i... f : - *.. that ti •> N .-.' sft;tr ;s here i l wtor/. ad voske it i hap e on« bj* f '..dov-u a tv* fr* O. i I ! I if serving wdUt the Cist Tank UataMnn. Ninth Int 'ip'v 04vi J slow, Mrs. Barker *s the dausrh- 1 ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Alien i j of lied Springs. y *'■ T p| vy \a> • ••; I ; '% .. f ; %\ J^fe , •#. „ Mis '■V 1 * .;." ■■'>>■ .'.'«»‘S-- ■-!:V' c -'.--<* RaJt'i:;?! chapter of the Di-H'i S••*••:•.»•» "theta Sors.rftv heist their •’ :; * , -*l#- -1 3$ ?h«sb ,J ;.v ** w ... g -■■■ ■ * .• f A : / ’ •■ . .■: ■ 1 >*»'. *.••■ ,4; . ! .~. ~ ' ! ••• ■' .>:•■• ■•■.■:<, -v •• •■•>■ u .** ■ ''■- ■><• ■• -" •*.:. > :•«: r-** - ***.*• '»'■>* \» ’ *-• •••-. '•■ •■-= *? ■■■ .- ' i"-' _j. .-1... ■ ;4 .■'••■ ■ v y Kjff *= ...'. a- v~ * , vs - ' v..v •< V.' .-v; . - .. M ■■■"- "i ,; " " gmo'< % -U& •*" •;• ■ ' . ■ ■ ■■- ' ■ /;r .;■. ■ -4 '> .... ■ >. --V -r- 4< V ■-,■ r . : ' % . .y . * ySfeSftkj r ... . .•:-<* w.'a- A . -.«!> a---'-'.a ’.. .■* •'“’KVIV*’. ■':'- TMf: FlTWßT—X)i]wrlm-'>tol D.S. .tanr ~i»u. w jr«ts rtMtii tnwtsmit we the .■.’■>•:• f oonr-.e r .ft** Q«mrtnraMt»«*r Cswps* teat neat** at fort (as*, V*. Prtvafe yi»MNln*» WitHamscfi* fe raifexmd. J*||| • Ik £§Bp ’ ’l% You C»ii Have MORE * . ... |f.|;.;v. v ' (i if Christmas -,-r ; ,4 \ ■• jar < Y sffL.ii ■ -41pftL ' ffc* Shopping i YY 1 MONEY ~s ' ,a: v; i'xM: .* '* .Set.foJK. ‘ Next #f l! k r-M ,/%/ '— ''pF Year! i 1?T so ea>.y to save up painlessly for next year’s Christ* ■ nsss gifts by joining- our Christmas Savings Club for a5! Save just a moderate amount each payday... and j have a. LOT to spend a year from now. j YOU CAN SAVE: ... w*ui *»,. ’? V ; _ * . S; -» .S’.. 1.00 each week for 50 weeks $ 50.00 \Y Y. 2.00 each, week for SO weeks JOO-00 \ 5 00 each week for SO weeks 250.00 ! ' *•*»&* ‘ SELECT THE CLASS TO FIT | TOOK NEEDS -.. NOW Raleigh - Durham WEEK ENDl'Ntt SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1951 t snal Kieetiitßr ®f lf>sl r-.-ct" stl;< it She home nl Mis*. Durih Malone, ei Ohfriin The me tubers combined the business session with ■> s'>. !.; at v.Mob time re fresh meets wet c s*ei sed anil iritis eyfh»Bf.)*d.