WEEK ENDING SATURDAY., APRIL 23 1955 / jjj&tk ' ' i j ; - v'. 5 ■ • • --.i 'V ; • ■'*. im r .r ~s (~ ‘ p.,#* 1 : . - > p 'i '• W c ‘ | ill "#sj I -. \ V if «* '3> '* 4 - . « >-L , - ■■ j "H'M FOOTBALL TEAM N. C. FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATION SLATES 3RD MEET AT CHARLOTTE The 3rd asmii-M tuc lirg »t the th Carorifts r . S The N».r •• Modern Georgetown Educational Plant Will Give Onslow I -mrfv Strong Minds ami Enlightened Citizens . . . Southern Products Will Give Onslow Citizens Healthy Bodies. WE FI RXiSIf THE BREAD FDR THIS MODERN BUILDING. Southern ' I Western Auto Associate Store I. . VV i: ! ) . tt. invite y-u to its New Loca- §|| tion on New Bridge Stt< ■*, across from the H Post Ob •' ’•'■■ yo.sr l:o *-1 Appliances bt jUj; sure to •«. your WESTERN SUPPLY B DEALER in 1 heir brand new store. B Summar :rmnr wimnn stn nnrnrr nn i t-t- 1 * -it —■Trmr-ffirrntn*iwi»i»>»niiii if Western Auto Associate Store Across from th< Post Office JACKSONVILLE. N. C, NEW BRIDGE STREET Congratulation * M Was A Pleasure To Have Placed The Tile In The Georgetown High School Harold A. Williams ’’** COMMERCIAL PAINTING & TILE CONTRACTOR ’** I 311 N. 21st STREET WILMINGTON. N C, dent M • Cme Stine Griffin »naua y.>‘t of the 14th St St hoot <' lieser:u Win-tort-Salem More than SO9 school ion ■itiuio! Minch p‘T««nnr! ami others interested in foods and nutrition are t*-<| to ; The mwt 'i.K U'mm V.ua *.« ; Aier-ndor on I'jiA-.y April 23 -T ; 8 p in. r v ' v .1 - ! r> , , " V ■ * i ■ Registration civ 1 a Coffee Hour v. iii be Hon BHO 'o TAi e m. Saturday ir.-.-rtrlng followed i-v ■ the general session. Greetifcr’f will be extended by ; sehooi officials. 'S he key note- speaker v. *ls he Hi Si. Bur'-*•<>«. fa, .Director of the Dept, of Commercial Diet'-, ties, Tuhfcetiu; Inst.. lißktfW, Alabama Mr. Brsmsoii a native of South Carolina and a graduate of Tuskegee Institute, has had m Visit Your Western Supply Dealer in their Brand New Store Georgetown Roster (continued on page m ’ ics: 11. i Johnson, B.Cc. J. C. j i Smith. l\r Ortcncc. Athletic J ; Conch. W. J. Wat,son W.S., AiteTj I College. Jtuii.i-uhil Arts, D. W. ; Weaver. 8.3., St Augustine's CoJ-j • lege, Math. Selene® .md BiukA- i ! Miss B. Mur.rlihurn, Johnson C. ! 1 Smith University; Mrs A- K. ;Bi oa-diiuivt, 8.8., Hampton Ins- ; ! Unite. M.A.. Columbia. University, i ; Curriculum Teaching—Fic-W Area | of Specialization Supervision and; I Supe: vision; K A, White H.S., K. iS.TC.; Mr,' J. E. Parker. 8.5.. ri.; Ic. College, Mathematics und i | Chemistry; Mt-ss K. O Jars.-.ct:, N..| IC. Colle?>*. Public School Music, i 1 Choral Club; Rev. H. £.'. H.syeU-v,' i 'B.S., Winston-Snlem Teachers j jTcachers College, Klein. Educ., B i 11, School of Religion, Howard: University; Mrs. M. D Ward. 8.5.,1 ’ Hampton Institute (H.E.'i; Mrs. J. 1 !Thompson. B S. Fayetteville State' Teachers College: W. Marshburn,! ■ Sid. R., Maj, Hist. E. City State| r. Coikgc; J, Mason, B.S. Wins lon-Salctn Teachers College, Elem i 1 Education; Mrs. M. Jeffries, j Eli/.ahetto City State Teachers: ! College. Finn. Ed.; E. R, Jeffries,| B.S. AiteT College, Agriculture j Education; Mrs. O Fonvllie B.S idi/ab Ui City, M.A. Columbia' , UniversTy Childhood Education.; ! —Older Children, Mrs. D Duncan. EJi.’.aheth City T.C.. Mrs. H Ward.. 0.0 A, Bennett •' .Jib m\ < U c;- M. . E V. Ds"vi: Grade . •€. Mi ■ s C. Daniel. BS„ Elizabeth City •state Teach:.is, Cohere, Elcrrt. Ed . : - \ Dan.is-1 ■; BE., E'hflabn.h City State Teachers College. Mrs. N B. Hardi.'ion, WSTC. Elem. Ed ; Mi ■ L Mclvtr FuyetU'VilSt State ’l’i. achers College. Pnm.ii'y. Miss C M Baker. Fwettowitfo: M'-. B J. Shore. WSTC. ITUrwry: Mrs. L Chapman. Shaw Unix Emm ,: f; Mi.:s M Everett. W6.T.C Mr.v. j r. .Solomon. 8.5.. Eiira i; 1 Ai City Blau-, Columbia Cniv., uidhtxxl Ed.—-Younger Child • dren, * x-tensive experience in the fit it! of food xervk-r. H, has served .<•• dietitian ~i Wilber force University. St >•«!*:< (bes at the Cniversltv of Southern f '-tlifiitnu and foods Super, vtsor in she t s. Army . He holds membership in national and international food service organisations, i Other feature-.* planned are: a t a dinner and a variety quiz % : show. r 1 Music u-Ui at furnished by •■riu | dent * from both the citv and j CO I Ah ttr-ons wr:K'nt! in food K Kf-rvice and nutrition of any kind I : are -rivjtcd to attend. Dinnei and over nisbt accom modations may be made by con torting Mr. C. L Biake, print"-pal, Wmn Ciiaxiotte Senior High School, Charlotte. Officers of the state-wide • i-nlv are Mrs Ernestine Grit ) in, WinstoO-Saiem piesident; Sir-'. Joyce Carrington. Dur liaiu secretary and Sirs. Jessie Moore. Durham, treasurer. %! :■. J. M Clanton and Miss ~9 D. Garrett, both of Raleigh, A :,, Supcrv. { ,fs of the State Sirno ;l Ir.mch Program will attend. ■mrw* v ■: Reverend Edw»id Tnomo* Demby end M-*. Demfcy enjoy toe ■•■ arm *un crt the patio of the Lord Calvert Hotel in Miami Reverend '-••’iby. who wai a bishop for 3? year* and retired in 1539. is the first mn.ster cf hi* race to be consecrated a b *rop in the Church with urisdiction in the United State*. H« reads and writes Hebrew, Greek, Vulgate and Spanish. Mrs. Oemby wo* a member of the first graduating tiass of Freidman't Hospital of Howard University. INTEKFAITH HARMONY Mwliattwi borough president, Hiilara Jituii (left), in * move to support an uniireeedeaM demonstration harmony by New Tori; city’s Negro and Jewish communities, pent cbaaes a State, of Israel bond in connection with it special citywide Israel Peed campaign to honor New York's secretary of state, Car. mine IteSapio, an Italian. Hakisg live sale, is a mc of JRriu, Leon i flaky, who Is chairman of & forthcoming dinner honoring PeSapio, * Democratic party loader. INewspm* iPhoto) . - M * THE CAROLINIAN ](gMMK42£M& j .» -.r*** - •’Tw-*. 1 ' • *''*’*': '•••• r-’.-’f• '• ■ v ■ .<• '• V , J 'i $- -WM SV&L i-Pite;*'- ■ ' I »r lyLfaJ > i JMgf; ••« ! '*- • s&***£ , N i ;j\« r M> « I .:W m it* )i A”H"* -.: <*L| r* \ !*) C m% - \ •?> .. ~, A i , **» v? •:, X 'J i '< :•’;/ "•' { -- ■; ,'.' ■; , fpU ;: ';■ •* i •. |ti m ||?y| f £ X"s .„. A w " ' ' -Hi* : ' ; ■; ‘ »|sLk i ..Jpw 4 I 33 n u ' $‘ •«■ .- •:./ If# gfcm Fgti , \2jto v*■ . *v V‘ 'V * ' ♦ ' .*?» •' J % s . * **%A - i *4 ' - » " '' ' :i | . i ! y V SCIENCE GROUP 10th Annual Meet Ends: • nrirTMn»-i —nuti —r- - ii—iri <—fiwunTimwiinii'i'Wi wmr»wwiwT«i«''irw>« i unriti rr -nn r ■.««»«». OIITERBRIDGE NEW NHA HEAD DURHAM - Miss Rosa Outer ■bridge of VVilliarostoii (NCi was inutrilled *.< ptoddmt of the North Carolina Now Homemakers of ! A'no. jf'-.i a* North CS-iVoliur CollVire' Sul.urdsy ».t h ftid o: fur: loth aniuwl The v • NHA hand n."s elevated from the vice president ;•• Other officers named at >U; session wldeh attracted mart than 1500 of the organixii t ion’s 4,191 members were, Margaret Patterson, freeman Hi- U School. Lenoir, vice pro,- ideiit; D«:*roth> Hail, Freeman High School, Cleveland, sec retary. Lena Helton Gunn High School. Charlotte, treas uror; f.arolvti Corker, Jordan Sellers High School, Burling ton. reporter; Ann Sawyer, West Street School, New Bern, parllamentarfan; Laura Plum mer. Warren County Training School. historian; and Ger aldine Buraev Hooker T. Washington High School, < lark ton, vine leader. Installation o? officer- was the final Hem on an agenda that, started at 9:30 a m. Saturday morning w ith registration in me Men's Gymnasium, the -scone of the general sessions. Five awards were presented dur-t ing the morning. President Alton-; sc Elder of North Carolina Col- V«e and J. L. Moffitt. vocationa! ' agriculture teacher at Little Riv er H. Hi School Babama, were riven honorary membership in the organisation for -outstanding con-; trlbutions to homemaktng educa-: tier. Th-iee NHA'ers were given' the organization s advanced tie-: «ree on the basis of “unusual n chievements and distinguished; service to NHA”. Those receiving the advanced degrees were Mattie Gilev. Rut.u Royster, and Janice Adams. Vivian Murfree, ietiring y*rev;- itptit, r»f Wfufkaw, served as vt , man during the general sess-.c-iu -■•u- -ih ■wt... < nov-r-r »> -•-- ■ r 11rum Congra ti r la tion $ t-’ltOM Jvi.fi Wa;s House Flower. , .1 S\ arc! Darsi v . HATHAWAY PRICE j P- '7H *• IANS LEWIS } .lat'iirl'invilU’ ■|\ ' | t ; / *M\ i." i: V Prop*. | ! oL f o.il • ?,. 'J i We Are Proud To Serve A rommunify Wlm-c IHhicattonal Outlook Is So Great Until If (Vrn Build Such A llanf the New Georgetown High School. We Congra t ukite I A en-oiK;. I 203 College Street Ida! 1161 i J AUK SON VILf, K, N. U I fesotsti6 ,». iue Model .<> I* uei j i j We Salute The Best In vestment For Good Citizenship Is Education. The Best Investment For Security and independence Is To Start A Savings Account At.... | Company i Established Ihßti Jacksonville Richland* Camp Lejnne I ' w .. . . . In O'.'e mnnifens, Kiate of liver livervd commiUcc. rrpous ..m Li*, hrfo/! lunch, ihc h -.'■■■.■ : staged a radio program. S v ■■ no ram;i and -H'i it. J IJ b- , ’ ! X. ♦»;. . vp j f its; c' 'i -f11? •'* t r > , • *t; • ■ h.ij Is from ermiv" *i\ i-hc aero tt:tf of hying .•tf'vr u I'-mps *- l) 1 iy nv j! tvod «> plant or i Mwv'i .. ! i i Conapliments ij I ifißsi s Shop i • ; i i ; JACKSOKVILLS S FINEST ' ,’I.OTU?F: :