WEEK ENMNG SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1953 Patronize Carolinian Advertisers Announces The Purchase Os DEL ANY CLEANERS’ , MODERN UP-TO-DATE DRY CLEANING PLANT ? •* jrasjtew <T 3*%?# ; iC-%«sp r*~ ~ fl r—■m 1 Wfc §ps <i: ■" '■■■&-S-Vf**..-•,■■■ -'• •' fi- '■. ,-M«|tkA : Sf, S *»:•/.■:*«»«»• >«■,•,. . ■ V.'S. j ■ ■■-'■•■:•:-- ■r.<-ssM6#v«iit+ ‘A V J ', :* '• U y V. . * .-• • >« FROM VIFW OF Nr.W LOCATION |?;KKTO !?flp)P 5 4 '42 8- •*£» 3 * t.;‘* IV £V *■ 4*' fc* Tc give cur many patron*? a n ’.,-••• р, at ■ lie >:.*•;;•• t,*nru? a«co»nn:oda;-..- Uv. gr-. mr ~.,--)'rl''p M 1 ■ i w. . Clean: :•« has bough!. the- entire Uedauy CJeam s » bu* ::• i Vv'e are hup, ■ U> snake this anidouncemort « . | ;> x.d .<.—n ■ ■ i", xh.'it -. ! your confH;..-i:; • over t.. years m our euaMy с. caning me,.iv\t yoiip... ••? that u.:s ■x paa-iu-i n, pc-itix. Green CTc uv • .■; cherish?.* i’vix confidence ( and assures yet; ir-oush ovr e;- - .;.srr - j gram that, xxoLsty workman'hi:'• and service | v--.il be. x.ir v arc'".words and ooiky. j |Use Our Special One-Day Service^ Green Cleaners "“KING" GRrIEN GEO. GREEN TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 515 S. Bloom Street 415 S. Blood wort!; St. Dial 2*2987 ■ i i iimiiimiiiiif'iWim —»nniT -- rr imrwiwi a—mn ->•;? --mr» v> - - ■«»• '* '■ - « /•<■'-' 0 0 v , / / .vU U f| S Ilf &»> 'lf 0- 7 ;:f / ■ |J4 CO ‘isi 1 /*’“’•*. \ ■ 70.,' 7. H ffesrir SSSS :>, > L M »»' * * •• : ! - •• • I\to >■ ’Z> ■\ \ v’ M tO ',«£ rj* c» O \\ § V * n-vi si \\ gim 11 relit ft iP* :: r' - v t _. »-J . \\ %3 •« ate y >,b s 9 bi'iUi. ta£.t«:.f *, !*: \\ »#. o\\ W | V* Bi 3 J liiMTiFICAfIQK it ) \ MgSjjjflL WITH CHAit: y For three years the Federal Civil D. ' 0? ,’“ :1 $ ministration has wanted every Am< nc-.;i. I > | have one of these tags. <j> © fc? »« « Pet Milk Company and \ rvr. • - cer are cooperating with Civil Defer;. • to ; 6 everyone get Official Identification Tars,..a.;U V Gsf make it easy to get them! § E f £3 here’s ail you do: V I* Get the information you need to send for your tag* at your p '> O took for the official eery store .«,. look for the poster that Bays “Official Irbc-.um; n V , • , Center*'in your store window or door, A order forms ct your X -....j. ; | l „ 2* Inside, you’ll find official order forms on a special; i splay cm A ~ lake all you need. ..one for each, person m your family, in-, y re V eoesn t na v© them free,.. there’s nothing to buy! & ys,*., he will soonl 3* Fill in the forms and mail them, with2s£ for each tag, to Pel Milk Cj Company. Y our Official Identification Tags will be mailed promptly. M r Wililliitf | 1 SPECIAL NOTICE TO GROCERS: fe 'ifm, ' - ' V 0 -5 your Official Identification Tag display V OTT T %i < material, contact your Pet Milk salesman or jC"^ write Pet Milk Company, St. Louis 1, Missouri ifciit*:: ’'| JA- j|. Tu •»% i ' r .>^ . —~. TWO 10C/OTNS : Our old location al 415 S. Bloodworth Sir* o.t will b-; retained as a pickup station for voitr conv-f-nieuce. The same service 'vill be offered at the pnekup station as in the past. Fuv your cleaning needs, coil or drop > our garments at the location of your choir?. *B*. .*&■ -«*». -««- «> f FOKMALS FOR ♦ 9 RENT! $ .-3». -A>. •«*> *•» »#>- j £/fr? Annual At A & 7: ;Tma!s’ Plans Announced j i G R SEMSBOP.C Tc- fifty seventh ..nr.' c rwrm.eaccmc'r.t - j oxt-rrisec v. i;' l.r- hc'.d ! A -ad j j: T. e'o'ufv. Hoc days, IXr.y ; 2 1 - Fi-lncipal speaker a< 1.- ti nsels program sebekuirrt for YT >;sil >y nil TUOVa, .R.:;. .it !;0O 1’ v. B! be I)r. j»bn A j Redhead, !etif,'iuus eiitl.-i isu! ] j| . „ , . . 1 ao -4 Zela Phi Seta Sorority | Lest i^iuw* Greetings to i> r.e.v Soi»>r. VS*; •I** hasii.v to recogniz" So.* a r RHiicJl ; s Ze'H -T the Week, ’.e is „ e* .i.lx.-.ie (A W tor .. , 11-,i.• ( ...■ ..... is r* -"miy v. ..rß<r! ,; v.ih vT-r« : eout t>o. .:.m*tif>r.. She i> in : .huige of all Scee.’tE in v/eke, ■ Johisstes’i and Wilson ecu*%tUs, Symp.-'thy is -xt‘v.d ?b to Sc.rc. Evelyn Pope who i >st x • mother •si Vve xn;i- t h-.r '.O 'HHH / T'» or Till WtFK SOKOf; BITRMLA KAIKF.S ! JJia M.Pope Os | ;i 'x-isFiiiieralizsd | TN • .T, vr , ,J p ,r I \ ,‘r ■ H "-L. ' i f l J : ' : A -“ " *"■ THE CAROLINIAN pastor of the Greensboro F irst , 1 ri<‘.-b; tert?ri Church. A grad- 1 rate '>[ Southwestern College, Memphis, Teinr, Dr. R-dheab hoi.-l; higher degrees from the ten,*,a Theologioal SemJnsry, l.Uhnjond, \a, and Davidson t-u-c* Tee oat,Miauirate sermon will be delivered by Dr Gardner Tay- .Sovor X, Kv-»us Lockhart w*s t ; - ak! v ice the Dorcas B'-- Class of tin: First Baptist • cell "i Solid;,.. May 8. This .'lass c.'iob'ated .is twen'y-ainth mniversary. A sc io the member* of ■Jjuicion Z:,-ta Chapter who do * iu ver Girl Scout work. They So:«•;; Doioih’, Lane, Mae I. ' •:• 1 . Doris McAdams. Just. me Davis Josephine Thomas. K. ' x - T’lriuas, Anna Hairston and Ruby Senders. rope v.-as a native of Ra 'i ..a ■>•:<! a gr.-.duaie of the Ra legh .Scho* Is. Her parents were the lot. Frank arid Margaret Ben nett Phillips of Raleigh, She '■ formerly a teacher at the local Ga: field School Mrs. Pope «vas the widow of «.‘*e hit." Dr. M T. Pope and ! ! :> mother of two daughters hr. -re well known in the rd >’ itr-nal life of North C.tr«- Si !"**«■? are Miss. Ruth Per vv'.td Pope, chairman v- the. Rome eeo»!i:m ?, ‘s department *•■■ c „t Fdncobi High ’■-f'aooi, Chapel HSH, and Miss K ej ni Bennett Pope, pro fessor of ljbrar> science at North Carolina College, Dttr ha ni. in addition t<’ her 2 daughters : Mrs p, ip.> t- surviveß by 4 I jT-l.cfS mad two broth*..rs and tvurn ' emus other relatives and trends, survivors include Mrs. Bessie Bi; : ■ o.ic. Mr: Mag.hie Billups, ; ru'd Vbo Si)' - *.' fCemy of Boston, v. y rv T: Phillips of ; fj-i], T'-,,. ■ - i h ". rh Meiv v . vnd I>- VT H. Fail Ups of ; W : ifiGfi, : o. «. r. ;l!ock, nastor of First B’O'h; Chttrch. delivered the , th R.-r M- G 'Ovfi' A v - r i '"to?* S't Aron: 'tie Er ?: * • ;f» - Church a iid a fa mi !l y . • id. read scripture and a 1 A «ped«l East rn Star Serv>r« | W HS one of the features of the ■ riles at the church. u -,vas ft.rni.dted by the . tin* oh choir and a special seloc -1 * nr, w i- rendered hv a quartette d of Mrs K M. Kelly, v,.- ‘".I. T James. WJii&m Hurdle, and N Leach. Hi n nil Will USED lUßofl WI I I CARS | >»4 poutiac Star Chief Custom Sedan. Fully equipped, Hy-: dramatic drive, Comfort, control seats. Power i brakes. Beige and ivory; color $2196 ’54 Pontiac Chieftain 4-Dr, Se dan. Hydrnmnnr. Heater.' Svrr.al lights. 10,000’ actual miles - 51695 ’55 Plymouth Cranbrcok 4-Dr.j Seoan. Radio, Heater, Sig*' iml lights. Seat covers.; Clean ar. a pin , , *1185; ■55 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan. Full} equipped. Hydru.niat.le drive. hup visor, Tinted glass. 21,- 000 miles Owner’s name furnished on request $1695; '53 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan. Fully! equipped, Hydramatie drive,; A real good buy at $1495; '52 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan equip-! pad. Hydramatic drive White wall tires. A real l nice car $1295 j ’sl Buiek Riviera Hardtop.; Fully equipped and Dyna-; flow $1095, '52 DeSoto Custom Sedan. Ful-j ly equipped and T ip-toe- j static drive. A nice green color $925 1 OPEN EVENINGS "TIE i ?. M. | Conn-Gower Pontiac Co. 2 Used Car 318 S. Person St., Dial 3-0087 LOTS 507 Fayetteville St., Dial 3-4888 lor, pastor of Hv- Concord Bap tist Chore b of Christ, Brooklyn, 1 Ts. y.. on Sundiv moroiuk, Moy 23. at 11:00. Other features of the four-day celebration include. Aiif.ual Art Exhibit, opening on Friday af noon, May 27. Seir.” i-Uisi Day Exorcises, 4:00 P- M. and Presi dent's reception for graduating seniors, alumni ::n<? visitors, 6:30 P. M. both on Saturday, Mvr "S; annual concert by the* c choir, front lawn of main c.*m- Sunday, May 20, 3:00 F M. and the annual hand concert, im mediately preeeedlng ’he a nr.' a) romtr ereerv-nt program at. 2:3C p. M., on Monday, May 30. w. - * fc fc,—- ■- ~ GET VO UR TAG VET? -- The I above photo show an official Civil nrf.-r.se AdminKtrathin I identification lag befog distri buted by the Pel Milk Company. Pet is paying for the la*.-, and is also roc-firming with the C.OA in a national "..nqi-c,. n to ] achieve ibis distribution of the. : tags. Persons Or.si 'oils of <>h teiaing tnc tags should «J I a representative of the Pet Milk f Company in this a: > a - j Music, Art 7 I Week Staged j At FSTC j FAYETTEVILLE Undr-,- tee | sponsors:,ip < f the Area of Fine j Arts aiid Mucic, chaired by Mary .« 13. Terry, the annual ce fbratlnn 2 of Music and An Week went far- 1 ward at the Fav.ttev He State I Teachers College May 2-8. * On Tuesday evening, May 3. the | Class Piano Recital took pJ a < n t with Sylvia W Pay;,-, and those | | with Marv E. T prrv participate g i And cm Sunday. May 8, the Col- j lege Cheer of fb!y v. ■ •:■■■■ was j 'heard in its anua] rr-r :<■■■. <: -:* r* I Among the numbers spy. iirind j ; on the program wore such strewd 1 selections as "f rilutatic:”, ’‘Ob. j Holy Nu.T.f and Bark's well- J known Hailelujah C Lor- « ;na Pitt, junior, and Char If- R..s- t ei's, frc-shr.ian, ait* mated ~t the i , piano. I •'DEAR BRUTUS ’ The College l> a L pre- j sented on Thursday evening .1. M 1 Barrie's "Dear B"u’us'' a comedy I in three acts. The performance, ! directed by Lots P Turtu ? x o; . *■ Area of Engbah and Speech, it a : tured a number of newcomers to the lootiijTlits ar: *i v: :■ s eeplrte I *v\ I>,h retia.-. i.-:, -u,:,::*:: :'.* ,f * : with some su'ermei <i:-t.r.b. f.i* \ b*'rs of the cast '.•■.ere: VAr. Dcnrt-'.. . 1 Mr. o re; M Fu .b --.fuiumy Pettifnrd: Mi Coach*, I'uo dolplt Johnson: L.,*b, Thames; Joanna T t o Fulton; Mrs Dearth, Elaneoc Sill;-, Mrs. Pur die, Frankie WkUin-;: Mrs. Coade. Alma Locus; Matey, Frr.nkim Creur'naw. M..,r>.;. Ju.ua Banks: and L»dj tL: one Laney, Aunk Glovc-i. Scientists at East Lansing, Mr 1 " have produced chicks tn « t »)v imm'.me to the. vo;*"' '•'* *■:*' : lymphomatosis os "big e .cu sease," by inn''cuiati'ig d*e ni *ttn*r 1 r'.cn. ’sl Chevrolet. Station Wagon. | Radio, Heater. Overdrive, Good tires. A real go**d bu* at t®W> 'SO Pontiac Streamliner “8” 2-Dr. Hydramattc, Heater, Signal lights. Seat covers. Clean as can be. Low mile age $796 ’63 Mercury Custom 2-Dr. Ra dio, Heater, Seat covers, White wall tires. Low mile age. A nice clean ear. $1596 ’S3 Plymouth Cr an brock Se dan. Radio. Heater, Seat .covers. Extra clean $795 'sl Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Catalina. Radio, Heater, Seat covers $895 'SO Hudson Sedan, Radio. Heater, Seat covers $455 'SO Mercury 2-Dr Radio, Heat er, Seat covers . . . $585 ’4B Dodge 2-Dr. Radio, Heater, Seat covers i new tires £440 1 ’4B Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe "8” Sedan. Fully equipped and Hydramatic ... $545 . ’4B Bmek. Bedanette. Radio, Heater, Seat covers. Two tone green finish $395 Shop & Save During Hudson-Belk^s COTTON WEEK i i eil ¥ IkP mm L ftsi MATCHED i” % .-r-. | Cannon j o’.vcl One LcHer F ree Monogram Oti I'hese TftweLs During 'llii.-, Sale! | Third Floor i I i ' v COOL 8s SUMMERY Cotton Piisse -^ /. %-t tui \ ■ r f s\ Uowns U' f Vk»4-- : r \ v /> I f ■o'"' \ -f) QQ /] ’ ’***& •O' vy j j I # , I I Cool nnd SO r-ny to k( ;. f , f I siimmcr. Soft no-iron jls ■ jg,f*| : s| . | witli ny !*..-n and laou nim. Pi ' " ’{ A , \ j fy pastel solid* anti * tints. ! Sizes 12 - *4O. I *'tl | • -C..V- ■‘•-ny. I ;1 -m : Lingerie Second fo.ot '' 3 | .■-V.^'„ Wn DYV-.., a . h ; v-y ! 5 r i-SfcL. n •« | j , | ; ... „ , j !j fp :c ? " ! jEk t! ' , •,/ ■"> | Cooif. . • j Wit;.' Wrtiti i-ipy,.; ! ree , i | i T', F: j i ..... ir .....,_ 1rr ., . it . im i i J S f. i* :! I i* m -i fj |jf4 j ! j S? , v-Okv.cn P" - - A ■ d - ■ i 4 f*- . . *.r f'‘ . •bf doom '>;••■ • k I 'V-* >kr^ sv -- '■ ; ’• F i Carpet ! I ',■ > Z ii; ;> t. >m~: *. -sT .-oi-f r Fly' 150,3 $0,38 £q ' sd - Cover your floors with rich cotton broad loom car pet. Buy luxury color includin'.*, turquoise, gray, i nutria, and mushroom. A world- .1 ' ■ buy for the economy wise. Special for Cotton Wick. Carpet Third Floor. —.— | ENJOY 2 HOURS j FREE CUSTOMER PARKING j i . lib K. Davie St. I i I i j J PAGE FIVE

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