WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JUNE 18. 1955 Want To Win Base.baJl Avgasient? Have Own Score Card Golf Club Holds Tourney ST. LOUIS, Mo. (Global This city ’s becoming more and more conscious of that wonderful sport i which ma.es both caddy and i golfer famous. The Paramour.' Golf Club is still being praised! for its various entertainment pro grams, especially during the late Spring when its annual Golf Tour-' naments are held. This year’s tourney, played on the Forest Park. Go)/ Course the week of May 21, was the first UGA-sanc tinned tournament of 1955 and was won by James Davis and Mrs.; Gail Patton who played against; approximate!'’ 150 competitors. Leroy Tyus was runner-up in the men’s group, and Mrs. Julia Siler, in the women’s. f •* ">"•> •••/ PnKCiICTS a Kf*' -.- J i,; 1 - ■•■•;*■« . v». ; y ir r > trigtili Mil *d<* worse hi* oMeai in dropping >o,n* K> pcmiu. < t-*r hit tide fit agair,*t Bobo Oison ta New York’* Po!« Ground* on i *B, The clever ring veteran aniactd » record crowd of visit-,«■ 14* M* J«n9 training Headquarters by pounding successive (ptrmnt (wtiKß wxrarnit the rln* through 2-5 round* of Hostnc- Sportsman farther “Best”' Bindoiph • > >Wb the t,loves with which Moore predicts *> teneMUtnod ©lson, ti„* middleweight king. (Newspress Photo) Bi-Race Teams Play In Trinidad POS rr-Of-SPAIN. Trmidad f ANP> » f-n ih® titst time id IP hi*'.wry of the eoiony white foot • bftlier* will be seen rubbing thoul - tier to thoulder with colored play er*. A team es footballers from the United Kingdom is now in the colony engaging local | team* In a series of matches. May Begin Mixed Bouts In New Orleans June 22 NEW ORLEANS Unless the Louisiana Boxing Commission wants to prevent the normal de velopment of boxing in New Or leans, mixed bouts will be staged : here June 22 for the first time since 1892 when George D 1 x'o n knocked out a white fighter, Biasie D'Antoni, head of the Louisiana Boxing Enterprises says that be has signed Willie Troy and a local while boy, Willie Pastroßo for a match on lime 22. Member* of the box ing commission say *‘N«." D'Antoni is a miilionnaire and an aggressibe business man It was he who sold his elaborate mansion in St Bernard parish to an aggressive business man, It for a country club. He gave them bark every penny when Dixiecrat Leander Perez, blocked the sale. Hkw HOSIER RECORD Here are the Dodgers who recently set a club rer nuns in one, IKbbet* Field night same *g«iiut the Milwaukee Braves. The ir'-o, 'y V: p B«Wer, who accounted for three, round-trippers, is. being held up by team: . iV ,i - ;•*. . . , ■ Rsc.se sad Boy Cainjicunella (left to right), who contributed t» the, liojJgcr-.’ ii-n vi . t s I bit, a double, barely missed tiic fence, and the setting «< a new major Jesiffiic record' Ini club hoir.eri _J tAcwspras* Photo) The Tournament committee in cluded J. F. McConico. Director: Alfred Wilson Associate Director I Harry J. Nailing, Registrar and Ernest Simms and Fleming Cody 'in charge of Rules, Among those | attending were Bill Spillai of Lo Angeles and Charles Sillord of ! Philadelphia who played in ex hibition. Others included G- orge ' Wilson, Alton Illinois. Carl Rag land. Detroit Mich.- Robert Hin ton. Peoria, Illinois: Jimmy .Tone. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dollars | Saunders. Memphis, Term : Jim inv Hodges. Bat He Creek. Mich • Mrs. Geneva Scott, Leonard Brooks, Edward Cooper, all of 1 Peoria Illinois: Karl Washington ; C. C. Armand. Duke Elligan, B The visitor* were given a rousiftg wrteome on their at rival. They will also be seen in action against colored j.I-jv er» In other islands of the Caribbean Also in :it We s Iv ctickotcrs ft m A .tT:.. a. 71, t v j have already pia,v**d a i,umbei i matches and have wot: thy D'Antoni says it is NOT against 1 the law in Louisiana for Negroes ; and whites to fight in a ring They play basketball, baseball and : ride as jockeys against each other without trouble He is going ahead with his plans. 1 3. T Owen, former athletic of fuial at Louisiana State Ur.iver- I st’.y, now executive vice president of B’Antoni’s company, say.- he toes no reason why Negro boys may not light whites in the •mu He says we have mixed bouts in : the Olympics, in the North and Hast, and LSU boys fight agaii Negroes without incident. In the meantime the public s all "01 the mixing. D’Antoni says hi has other bouts planned and i there is money in them thar mix ed bouts. Money talks loud. too. Long. all or Chicago. 11! . Prime Viinc. Evansville. fo.d -Hr. ami Mis. Wili::iin V'-Jiirv Kitty- . Cuy, Mo: R'r.n Wnglit Rub ber Jeters of Mcmp: l: . Ti-.nn William Burnt, of Lincoln. Neb and E. Moody of 1 can-• il!», (rd. Filtert.aintnen-. oui u..: the Tour nament week lur’udi d so ■ei-'l dinner, u-ui.de rs cocktail hours in the b-autifu’ homes of t.eve a of ihclub’s n-'-mte ■ ;,J a "Chat and Chew” grt-fc,c°i.ia r a. the C.'ili’ hi rfd'-Hla." Cits 4■} i 3 Easton Avci.'uc. Sports NEW V }R K Newcomb*- iia had :! ;, f . _ inns thumbing the ero ! 'd . books th< - past few . run: if Don keeps: on. Le'il ;.<•» *< ; The records kept on Dor .•• not likely to ! re: : ■ . o/Tit- day he should wind up in trie cm: of ! Fame the;* wil. be . *,-, back him up. There are, however a few great j.-nchec w hate like nesses we think could '.ye!' gtuc< tf.c mus-cum at •Jocpy '"Town but they vi;i never be then- because they are Mr . roes v. bo v\ ,-1 s - pit-.-h --inc them oeam tv;t y round the turn ,’i the c.-o-.u:v. hut conic never ,-t irtio big time i,of I heir color. !or in*: •• ><•-. t hoi t . . \ drew Kube" foster .»f th *• \ iib;*?i Giants He pit ■-• ci several 00-hitters during I. oHeh. ■! a n-- tiitc-r against Caimifr m i'i;i4, and .struck out Ik men :»?. jnsf i ronton in tic >:u»e. year 5 ■ .-rybotjv KH\o :t f<> —be w-is “the "I'e.iiest 0 ,V*fi lh-'*rv ,i as Walter Hah abo was < alien the “Invintibie Waller' in Viaycrf with ,b- \n\crHvn * Ul! - <"T ;i;o ,r. ! !0. tiso. t ,it. McClellan of ibr PbiDae-p.h!,- (u-ni. 01-.x'-.i »gv»sit.-.i v„rU, fa fi.i* S', 1964 and tilaol, :-*i Not ;? iiii.i! »>*ae’o <1 fir*!, and h ! ).! f rft!,. t:it?er- C-o r,’.- >. a , . m- < (Hants was v-So o •*<-. -,f i: uli-tim - sre; and *n | <1 th< in." '*'.««« nun: vr, want.-d him. bo, ihf ■'.y.'nil-rvan’s n?)ce n»'iA“ rtevcnii-d ||c struck ou< £> I/.C51 arainst the ftriiU < »M»rf team i. the fast en) la-ara so I ‘ TK.ip e. r ...... uioT.r them Bil'y H tm .Vf * ;iie Ik: a, f ,;i,ri(-. r. an-, , ..,^,-1 John Duviy of fht Delano Gian's, and CT»ariey ''Kiri" CT u. If V:.V Royal Oistits. Aii "f iu -e rres; plaved acnißM :v U( , teams of the cDy in e>’iu r bn:on games and cadi ■-■ v :,s i-'-v i I i place a’one v,th the top performers of the day RAV|*OJRD XO x i\:. i; id mer job I traveling with ? 5 * o: ci;> d, a c^r . rj i y ; Kil? '1 i ’ ,*i usuaftv finds liis be. u‘' rf!ore of 'a handicap than an advyutaite It »s practi'-ailv :mr-o>en-,r for n,rr lo fir.ct a norma* job evt-n th ill job piu• s:ni r . * t ' I-O’i'tS hi-' rato.N noifnal o* «?bov and .sppud Uvsts ]| boils down tr Thu fact that Rav i? just too b»g for the tools and w-.n-kjnj.’ ecjUipmcn! “I got vob on«n ; ; a laborer at a brink an.l u!o plant. Fay saio. ' J kept it a iur.f, tarns bn fjiu j* s they bad y sliov-e! v it!: i;! vi ioue handle for rne to v.-v 4 n,i!i” Ray, ». . i;- -• ri;:- i,g • oif •-’itason v :th h;- v ,t- a«d '■ I'hildrer in Purl D ,dS e, 10w.,, pay* S!OS for his suits, her an lg i-2-in'.'h ne.'k and 'v.-avs jti?.e 24 10,' whioii v ; h’ri, 542 -, hi-. Me ran atiovd on.y onv pair a time. Bert, of nor.nal si/.e patents m Laudi" da'c. Mississippi 35 years .age, R.tv say.- th i he :s tbankfm You Can Know Precisely j Who Hit And Who Missed During The Entire Same r*V RAKFR V. tIOKTKN CH?c. AGO • ANP• Wiiein* : 1 v •■! a • A’uei lean !e«tgu«- fan or i National leapuv roote- one of ‘n,, be*t wav:* to w,n a bo.-i-bd! v i.-jont is lo have \ -o, n :i:t* bv ~ap,e scorecard - -' ■f-ieteiii’e So vom sav t'arapani I 'a got a .-■ii!, . or no»)!><-'. i)«>e t as«*ba)l dribafiiog ad'-fr.-'o v *.iy: toot it wasn't Campy that got the tin. '■.a- Snidn Using Uie following basic s'- ns boN. yon can readily Nm to ,i ;? y .-,i,;i ow n scorecard and , *■ i-xiicily who hit and .* '•> in- .nj o-iring the entiic k.. 0" !-ir*t -ss»:;n a position mid her hi p«ch player •"r >" >.! in- r tin- pit, her is Nn nbei I; ier Sunibrr ’ ir:-t iv*se»n:in N,ild'i, i a. second huM'inan .~Pi 4: th:iu 1 Ihm Run Number 5: shortstop Nutrlur avmti using uniform r.uin tiers. iosU'-’d von should p)aC« tec ; p'- ’• er f, p. too ut'iubi-' r,to It is name r;>: jou> ‘.1'.0.-eNheet l.i rd-’ to a belt. i. ’ - fU \! of’ sy.’! bo IS *•’; ?nu Id be lit J; v for ko’.k f*B for pr! -cl let!: ; p. t .... ■ '.»'P i. *A f-, i, HP for h- h-. pitii.T-. K l- i ;ti kl'-ou’. EH r • a.- ’ ii. S/ ' ; ..,i e K ■ K ! En-or. 05 so ■ Out Steal.’f-S and B h.i r,«ik r •/ 1 1-,*.*-.- >mh'. !c a, r used Hy off* JiV '•tours are! h-.-eball A or:'- i. I i« re'.-i hod l.y 4 iiiip’b -i ai'Ct a dash t‘i r tivrpl' ! b- a .*.:ig!e o i?fi f..-!d y : , i>- j’corecrfrd shouto rf£d ‘•7 > ri< ' : 1 tin- batter', re *7 .V nr pc’ 7 I ' •'••l'd' ’ ' ri ’ left fielder n-h'i hartoD* lie bU I Inb* d*h -n-1’r" 1 V ,v * thf* ini' A* ciouulo of d. -mifcl o> tv d!. - )» 2 > A>ofi .# ... ’ nree I?j ♦/•ith ca?o. howfvv: b* Jrf ' 10 2 Ex-Big Leaguers Make Blazing Debut In Minors TO I EDO. O—*AM 1 Hi ml . to R-.oiaspn vnuc P.-na -3 debut (<>"• the Ton O", so> alter be big {iptioned t", tr ' ■-> j vauiuie B ivr-v by t’.v.ihng a 5-!o-3 , win over De::. -r m tn< Mi'.,; High , . Ci’-y 1 Knbinson yielded two hince ! runs, both la Man- Thornbt r iv. Alter the Denver first baseman hit one in the seven- Don Eaddy Repeats On Big 4 Baseball Team ANN ARBOR. Mich. ‘ANP)-~ Ddr, Eud-'y. v-.-rsatile University ,:f Michigan athlf-te, was named on the Big Ten Ali-Stai baseball nine for the fourib consecutive y ear The Wolverine third tins* man trnm G i ard Kapicis. Mich., was signed to a con tract tilth ibe Chieagti < übs and assigned ui Den Vlmnes ed later. As far as the Dodgers are concerned, the departure of Black eiuted the .saga of a" tinhrarlded pitcher who rose to the heights in his rookie year wilted just as suddenly Hear Satch Signed With KCMonarciis BIRMINGHAM, Ala . e<. - - Hppbi-? i i filter field: pißa In short numbei 7 is the '<-ft I•-1 < 1 1- : Mu.’i i, i t\. the cpiitei tiHJ and Number 9 i ightfif-idtr. , If a ,i,>i)u run is recorded, feu: dishes an to be laseti plu« ! the ni.inhr-r indicating wheth er tile bait wen! ever ihe eight, left or centr-ljrtd fence. , VVilen a double ptas i» made, i record how the play m - .it For example, a twin-nut lut from 1 short-to-sermrt 10-first. would ! bo iilivtrated as follows: ik-4' and 11 .1' The fisc. if mmircaD :-’.di caic the fir's! oui shortstop (No. Hi if. basemen (fin. v Th -of figttrrr show th* folldwit,-; ■- -1: . Os" find b Pin * to f.i-'t boiiscman 'No 3> W ; <-r. if-iced ng th- .1 ' ■ p,arc i b>- e'l'runiic! bcbjnd tk *» jl'iru, rd the piii.’c. v*!;o v.,.ir j■ *, In concoisiort. you -'. >- * D- j us* the lower rig'ii' ‘,.u;a cort.e* <*•)!•• : in ss f-t if;.- an y-'.biiv that bap* lo hi’-' at :con 1 ba' c K-ir events it ihi b:. fa a’ -*icT. in 'h ' >jpp« • left nanc. corner -if tie box How eve i if a i inn v r ' rp . .’*r in Ihr iov • left h’-.iiC corner a*.d s!"> snow how* KBps. ■ * cl, •.chotn*-i’ ov • • » left a•. lid pitch ''.V P. ssi-rafo.’r f! > «SF*. f* ‘ Use a heovy ri.it ill the box cm'- rcsponditig t.i ic players turns; ir. ■ iralicatc ihjft he scored Commit .*•■ - -bo * a 1 *■' u.".|hs 10 v k'.'bi.' > < •».<; happy ho\sr* pin--i mg A rr--.-*- i j' .4 v P..J llOlgp i TV-5.1 ~ th inri fir,a! tuning of ,i first gam*- of a ii**ub!r hedUrr Humberto m-i down th* side on si rikes. Jim Pcnciielon anothi * S.\ optionee from the Biaves. gamm ed two : ui a 6-tos Toledo trivimpn t’— : *. in the 1 ' home pa,,. A, outfielder-':ifi<’!u --w ::.h .toe !;;Penoietoti .- expected lo be used »n the >•'. n 1 harder, for Ti.icdo port after graduation till* week Eaddy earned s starting tiei'o on Michigan's baseball teatn in : 1)31 when freshmen were eugi *iie He has been a regular since. Ele also was y four-year piav*’-' on the school r bbske'.ball and for the past two seasons wa* regarded as the team's leading playmakei He played vhit. v football his f. e'sniutui year, but gave i,pi the sport if! hi* second y+HT and tried unsuccess! uily to regain some «*f hi*, former prominence dur ing the next two years Black w horn the Dodger* ob tained for a mere M.OOfl from the Negro league; in ibe winter of 1950. cam. op in tin Brook* in the sprint; of 5‘J a ■"ter a mediocre 11-12 record in tile minor.* the yeai be fore. Then a ripe old 28, an age considered far too old for minor leaguers to tie given a trial in Hie big time. R ! o k amazed the base ball world with his pitching wiz ardry. Used almost exclusively in re lief. Black posted a 15-4 record saved 15 other games and turned in a brilliant 215 earned run average through 54 game? Dodger record for iron man work at the time entrusted with the starting as signment in the World Series I'oenc Black lest a heart-breaker to the New York Yankees and wound up with a 1-2 won - tost rec ord in the Senes. WARRIORS ONLY I’Kll < AGE TEAM WITH COLOR J.IM NFW YORK iANP» —• When the Minneapolis Lakers signed a Negro player last wee!:, ending art eight year taboo that left only She Philadelphia Wan tors holding to a segregated line Eddie Gottlieb, owner of the Warriors stands alone as bav ins the only iily-v. bite team in tic league uhich t' ! de plorable In view of the fact j 'V . firrn X *THE: SPOILER --The Mtlrp Dodder formed an enthusiastic reckon ctfmrmtte* m* the w old ’ pro, 'Jackie Ri'jhlnnon unloaded *t ninth inning, tuo*nm homer to he-at: i*ie Cojrtf ■'&!» i-4 »it ttbfm* Field Kohbv, who h&* been the ftUbject of frequent trade talks, or fully foiled off fw-u bunt asternrtiv before hti&tinjr the ball, and the «ram*‘ wide s»twn. pfm<*v> Srid Stars Guests Os CoooNs TOLEDO O. ANK* ■ v<»u»ran $ fooK;; ??u :.t ?.-*r*t > •>f th t K V Y > ■i k G, r ! ‘• • ;•• t» ft: >n~ I n Tin- :,e' . \- : ! r?;wk ■•• ii~ •' ?u •> y . i l i !■' v.» ?-i! •< s - - -•’ ■ ’ • Signs Bonus Pact With The Dodgers Biyck Pelh vi'ad scout for the Brooklyn !)•;>. r slated »a- ; l wftk that Rufus Alt* , ■ Jana 21-year-olil 'Rook*? T W , High School br> of NV Orica.*: ha.-’ signed y Bonus cor,Mari w;t ! file Dodge: Be is 0.-a v, ini ;*« Black Pelicans. |.ENA HORNE B KK.VITRED IN ARTICLE IN “DOWVBKAT" CHICAGO ANP The f* ul na s Lena Horne is the subject of a feature article in the June edition of Down Beat magazine Lena was interviewed in he > dressing room during a recent en eagement at Chicago's lamom Chez Pam* supper club where M-' das held down several ptoiuisuic engagements. The tntervi *w wa; conducted by Down Beat s wru er. Clare Powers The following is the gist of that interview •ON CURRENT SINGERS - Ella < Fitzgerald' is still my favor . jte singer. Anti * Frank* Sinatra 1 People of that stature ate so im - portaut to me that I can't re member who the young singer* ate. And Perry Como. I love Per ry Como. "ON INFLUENCES I havf really been influenced mot e b> pianists. Teddy Wilson was. th< first great pianist that was an -ac companist. for m*. As si.ylchzed ai Teddy is playing alone, he's th? perfect accompanist. I learned f> much from Teddy, really mort than from any smgei. He's one of the tnree ur four i eally m tv.' accompanists. My husband *Len nie Hay ton > is one. Phil Moore is another, when he keeps himself in channel And Billy Strayborn iher present accompanist*. "ON NIGHT CLUBS- Tins if the most hazardous thing that 1 have ever done, but I like it best The personalities and the whis ky. and the cigars, and the emo tion. and those that are tin;- with other than their wives. It •* all part, of the challenge. You have? to compete with alt that and win them over. I like 11 very much "ON THE STAGS M.v daughter graduates from high school in June, and then she starts to college. We’re going to make our home in New York, so I'm hoping to do somethin).; on the stage. There's a musical pi ay being written for me now Samson Kaphaelfion .>:■ doing it, and we're hoping for t ip Harbins to do the lyrics. I haven’t seen the script yet. but I. under stand it's Biblical. Biblical, but a comedy. that Gottlieb, sponsoi of the Sooth Philadelphia Hebrews, made his dough playing Negro teams (The Renaissance for instance) and in baseball with the Philadelphia 'Tars. Associated with Abe Saperstein. Gottlieb has many opportunities to grab off colored stars if be i warned them • FAMU Athletic Teams Won Four Titles In bIAC PT y TAi.LA t- AS.SEI - K - - ' ,*.yi V, t; .1- • - . ..I. w n f Ii;.- South**? r. bits r r g: - A" o’ Cupfeiencc champi,-ii ships. fotshed srco’id ir. tbr- - U ■ I’be YCi •vi • ;iu, '‘ipc* d> v.fifi Q( U>. : v■. ;111> tar ;h«- ; '.jisdl t» Tn. • k ;r,a,J R;^ci j it l G-.:r-i . ,i dH us 2k-2 .. .* •■* > jtl'O - f, . , *r *,- . .- ■ * ,•* - , i 'n >'.;•( fi, • '*! r-r'-.iTV.t Pie NfA *) % KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON | PARK & TILFORD SOBO j J 4/5 QI. Cod* «n:i § ' * ■ ?*. U W,m F - DISTILLED Am BGTTLED BY PARK l TUJORD AT LOUISVILLE, Ktf. # PAGE FIFTEEN 12 wins, two de. i ■ wo.. Hii'ni-otv-rt *,v fva.i- (lit I -1::. -*';i second t.v. Situ T.-.*- loin,.- tram also.! , : .(i *,-,/■ ■;[ squad. Jake GYUm *s head football: .. - Vu -.-T R ri'j basebalr coach tVche* Austin bead tcn»»>«- •,n ■ H >.; T- H,-i. goif When you keep a matured Se : . Is ;IA y - B' .1. it *. ' '* ; i ... h • altit cs. i: - m f' ii.. - s ,r; r Ovk.i the carefree day; of .sun mer ftvngs a black cloud . . cation deaths Many of theH* tt ic accident, occur in traffic. Do; - -a • ’Hurry Bug " Slow Down h> I I SO4O Em ?m 1 CfJtAr. |2M «> IMA Park At. TllTortt DißMlkfW O 9m.