WEEK !.' ■! :! V --A i ( r ET >Af. JfJNE 18 !<)-,5 fars. r't-s.'JeJ. Thomas Os Rc!ei, , v j)! ' i'o p! o i i"H- d .! ■■■■:,• in,. Si;; if legs ajnii.iiiiiv neis.riec'nt to e sentatiou as the 4V:h annuai b arm ,!i.ri Ho, ft DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION SCALP P'/M^SI^'CARBONDEt" ' 11 such * >oyir * r ? u *• * n * ; t- ftca) pr. '<■ s a tr»'-1 - r . ? • H powerful douhlo»irer»otfc ra cin' Tut fotrrsuU i ?*•«. ?.*.-* a? y<-r neat rat ** s p. V,- J ge< •*- Vri.h full d red'on* on *oi?r »..*•. It is J 44 \ and wif !*»*» / KENTUCKY \ / STRAIGHT BOURBON \ [ WHISKEY I 16 years old/ \ / ISllP!2 40 »§ ' eOTTUEB S» * * |i| i j VMS STAG© DISTILLING CO.. $ i FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY „« &Jha h : JSS'JZjSSmwiZT f-ivaigl'"•*■%;■*’ •'JT.- -- - •'■irCL ' • y-viasacataairaa . massstsda 86 PROOF. THE STAGG D!ST. CO., FRANKFORT, KY. i ;,s.'..c ; y^e ;4 v ' '>♦ • ..'k-K? m" » ... :'*'*••• V- 'St s A/lccl t V ! .A/-f «**#*; -M MPe eje#!' I ;\V •; V -c •> -..-y y £ ' ■ ; ! ■ -’H. i Ks t’KIV! ■*; >f It. DEORFK— ; !,. Kobert Nest of Wake Forest, was anions; the 13:J gradunles who reerivtuf the M.D decree from the Coliese of Physicians? and Surseons. of Columbia Cni viif-i.ty. .Nil* Verk. \. *s . lit the June commencement. Dr Best w a graduate of tile Duß {liith Sehooi of Wake Forest and CohimUki Collesc, He was vice-president of the !!)5> class and will intern at the l iiiversity of H;ich1 '' : A f £■) £> (t A' A r 4 9/ v/ / ra\ i.:j\ / : “Poor < hue nee. Since he made all that money, h< < been carrying the weight of the world around on hi- stomach!” .«y'" " 'i " v ’'FV ?,! Y| ■' •/' ■ ,V" -S, .| !l ''• ' >v-: %#' ; J >■ ' ' •«.>?-•,.• • - m . '/v>«w Vov •«p?‘ w‘ii i' V; A, Sly ;4 | ■ y# | ! \ , 1 ! r -1* % ,4r; | - «&•.' v'S” h-t >< -T i ; % 2# %'!li| : |g ; i ;. ■am V ■.: m- // #«# 1| ■ f^p'' Si(, -.K.e-ttj.ka-.v:, —.. sv,,«i-isr & •* Il'O PASTORS OF ItALKIGH * Strut HEh vciiiClj arc nno conducting an mterrieal Bible school are pictui d above f’h* Rev. Howard Cunningham, Pe ter of Sin ( irsf Congrec.uloiial Chure-h, left, and th« Rev <«a> lord Novce. pastor u! the ! nited t '■■>' h. g' a, r"m u / { .M MHXD WHAT HE SAW Nmacael Mabathoaba, D.D., bis hop f Taeribe in Basutoland, South Africa, ia pictured tv t.< deponed for hwine recentlj- via Scandinavian airitoea. l!ev. >: - ska spent five months in New Vtirk and seven nwitln in Ha was cxi-reme !s - pleaded at -i'u- advances eu*4c to Uii ■ evowntry toward, ictcrr ;." 1 ;i ondcrataridiiig. (Newspress Photo) ! ift& (laj/jmi (AmM J \ r '■ ■ V -•«: 3'C ‘ ; J i ■ ■ \ . if/ v/'V* -/ £\ •A.-, ' / /- >' ' . ' < 'A t/ / ,- to ie eo r • : n* j | tures, aehiev > -nM. and develop-: ment and ’hen to show them at home to family and friend• who'll! en|oy sharin;; happv times and! • intimate big"!spots as the reels' unwind Horns movies, however, can be Just as smooth as the profession?!! product. There are a few simple tech* lies of continuity and in-I tores: to be iearn«d - and irons ! then on, vou won't have to mi! <■ anv apologies for the C. ~.iitv of vour m.ivw n'.'ibii'-; In ■ ad of being in: >Pv P and ~r ■'anuria'ed snap-mots, youi movies wj M i(:'\ it - * f.»r \* :' ft jfj;> t h • v tT-ar: and i:o!'ir ; uily And prrtiy soru! ! .'.un fi. were quite pleased with -aumher of student** who M iitic j! ;he fi-st m ion. n.c lilvle School, ohicti opeu.-n Jou-'( iv, jv, hi >njr eonthicfeij ,t he J irst Church ir ten b;- i \ KO, 1\! A— r AMO i o. | you can expect to have “Standing : ’ Room Only” every time i. s movie | night at you: house! ! Instead of isolated shots, your ! movie camera should shoot in se | quencts - telling a story in motion 1 arid color just about the way you i would toll it if you were rrlat ' mg an incident to a friend This I will give your movie story its | needed continuity. For interest, you will do well to re me mb? r I pace and distance. In other words. ! one -hot may require twelve sec onds to establish a certain point; | another, only three or lour. Some :of your shot should be taken at j j a greater distance,, others will be | more effective as close-ups And j i alv. ays plan on using plenty of f 'm, so that vou can edit if neces sary vv! bout losing any essential parts of you; story If on t.;-f Cmrn film you. mov ies need rot *v< Town on a screen I much more than a yard wide, i That's plenty large enough for 'he av'-ritgc home-movie presen tation to . relatively small group of people M.>••«»* made on I'imn; !d;e > • i he projected for m.r h lar o-i ire -room groo, or church and c! .id g i- t< thers . —John Van Guilder THE, CAROUH; A K V &rsiit /ify blits; r ADDESSA BROWN IN RECITAL A i rS. t •. Vlaff Writes M Atfr >.t Hi' "n. s -i■ ; i j ivjr yout'i! ‘i proved in ht-r ie- Hvf'of; t ii. \vr' urovt >i in K«p r:■ ci'.U ai Paul A. M. K. Chinch, last eiui'riny .•‘ve-unx, Jane 12, that it '•■/ til-: \!Y> t.ciy . .-.sitb’.u to ’>o mils' than <»n« thin a .veil. iVic s:: >an..’ boauiiuiiv, ?bt vxHihltM w<»nii<’ r f'ti Icebniinii' a fa! skill ith lici violm :■ nd h r tiian.i, playing w.t. music r l>; .U ol I! esc phusrt n! mini .f tile rteini-ci; Mical numbers were moat creditable, AtUssa rentlv ci n’ ho, i way ini,o the hearts ol hr and• i py tbs' understanding' and j appeal soo put into the spir’t'jul 1 : 'poup "Nobody Knwv.'S Iho Trtvj ! r!° f See” me "'Lot Us Break Bdid Tfs’s the- " ! Os '.ho 3 wsMl-pIiA «d violin »e --. ; ,i , i i ’i i, s ‘ :r "S’ Viiors'iiJ; h!y "syiyi/i v, • ;h* sod j fjjnsioei "LvW iend'.y Ai: " Mrs Aasissa played 5 piuou soil* and she > !*rm It! fv-ct she ployed them so iwii it as bard ■si retha* tlir; vi ,r thy tame ~* .} : . •; S 1 1 . _ ~ , . -.ftf) V j ty. if is. t»v''i ;u :•* fu • • t ‘ ’ •* a**t> aw utwcu ■ rmw r-.» L<*v*r*s!i\»\'**iwiwsimn!aiur\M Vo. t. South • Raleigh. V. C. HR 4 #4 '••" ”' | ,-r-< f ■%' ’ is : s ; *!P Ford gives you more i^j ford’s J’hunderbird styling and nevi Trigger-lorqae povvet put . - . *?r >;««••*” .. ,j it on a par with cats costing hundreds of dollars more. And < ven •Jj most of these cars don’t offer such f ord advances as >.-y:r(j. , I .x-yy'W- enamel finishes, new anti-fouling spaik plugs and hunts ;■<.• .4 mLgjfc -*J , - saving Automatic Power Pilot. J lj| It has that Thunderbircf look? m ’• in everv one of Fords IB bods select t&t« sou '.m f .ice (tie t .-. \ r-®' eu-iting lines of America's fastest-selling persona! r-.c '■■■•' Ford i”, ||P§| . -**** Thundethird. | i-vj J Im’ fm * p ”# - If has Trigger-Torque take-off! w’lfiri J * *’*; " Ford aria like the Thtinderbird, too! All thiee of Ford's mighty ff vpl J • v engines offer the jvvift response oi ’I ricger-lonjue power. *■ .... . ||fo ■ :-F; ■■-■■■’" ;••' It has inferiors teen for th* first time in any car! Y- •" •■' Ford's rich Luxurv Lounge interiors show h ihci math, of • *o if Vi-- i* S y ji-T f. -• In".". i nyldß sot ht ■ \dessA is 15 years i,t »...,. K :■> the )()tb eradr at la ••chiK.i, Mueli ciedit is die.' Iter ti U‘u * ton, .Mrs. Celia VYorlitam, piano <■ nil i Afr. Ro land Thompson, Violin. Von t‘ training was given it) her mother who says that Ad ossa aim likes to cook and sew MU- • AUDESSA BROWN Mti't. I'.s'dit is ;iup the ..." Sc'ri,,/ evening, ont got the Stewart’ P.< icd B m the A u V: lea,,.ur for ■ mao: iny id r*'o re otitis this promising young artist, Processors usually will not pay fnp prices for pporly-feistTsered tilickCßS. i •—»- i Biuehorriw are grown com . meiTivib- on 10.000 acit-s Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Finds Healing Substance That Does Both-- Relieves Pain—Shrinks Hemorrhoids New York, V. Y. (Spu.-iul) ~ Kor the lirst time acicnee has found a. new hi’nlirp substat.ee ; with the aiion.soinj; ahilitv i>< shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain - without sin g- t y Its one heinnrrbo/d ease after j another, ''very striking improvr ■nent"' vs rep tried .’.id veririeu by doctors’ observation;. Pain was relieved promptly. And, while gently relieving ( >;v , actual reduction or retii.ct-.ori (shrinking) took plane .And most, amazing of all th > improvement was maintained in cases where does or s’ ob*<.»rvat:< t were eontinurd over a period o i many months! In fact . results were •, ■j ough that suffei.’rs «cr*- •>' makosuchsitoniehingsuteit ■ as ” Piles have «:o« .00 (.» he a Camp Whispering i s ioes JULY 21 - 30 Girl Scout T ... Camp Unifot in U SHIKT k> NO. SHORTS WK NO. ‘.-lit %''■ \ , Be. •• wrue S-. u= i t W *-■. l Uniform \ -'A % SHIRT A f and SHORTS NO.«« PAGE THREE i v 4 /rA ' f \ MV“-V . k ■ • • i.Si 1 e-3? ■ ".e=r. ; ® ‘if >e'i .art to 1 eep out of the apoi-lipbt, trv geH’tie up- Blagu with >Oi‘. fnends'” U a- *' *■ •vv.;V^ pro!#l*.‘.'".!'’ Ar.d among these suf , 1• ■. ■-r - vi ere a very wide variety ! of htmorrb' id cwtiiiu.-.a«, some of ! 1.0 te. 20 year:'' •.. nd i All this, vciti’ mr, the use of i r-iu ci'l.-ics, »re's' tie* •.cs or aElrin- I'.ciits of any kind. The .• eeic-t is >» new healing substtineo (Bio. Dyne*) the '.rscover;, nfaworid fanv'iiß research i;e iiustion. AI !’io-i.'yn< is ir wide use for heuhr>:’ i:i,i i"■ ■*• tissue on all ; par':', o ' she bode 1 air 11, w heuiiiig >uhrt,'Hnce is liferti!ll l T1 t,■ ral/ a J 1 1' T f*' f>l i '• '■*_ ra i ;-ii ‘‘ ■■■ f '■ : /■/,♦ Ask 1 for I.l’r. rdually ouled convtttient a.,'ion If suppr-sitories or Trope! a' ion II ivnUia-iit withsne- U :■ ut.i •-m!"-. Ts. pi! 1a: lot: H .* "■:'<) fae'irin .>’'.,eed or »n.*r • • refunded. L ' l i\, s. (\ \ >4 4 *'■ ; -ifev.. ■ 1;> T 0 ’ i: ' at* I i U 0 k> wmß 'LL-; ::,UUkf I> mmmz Is F •• More Information Call 3-5727 It \l.l Hill ■ GIRL SCOUT OFFICE Buy Your Camp Clothe • from ran local Equipment Agency ■ - XveyTayiorCo. i