WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 18. Uf-,5 \ l A Digest Os ! DENTAL HEALTH ! By DR. JOHN DEWEY HAWKINS 234 Montgomery Street Henderson, N. C. | S ''THE HEART IN' DENTAL SURGERY WITH SPECK AI REFERENCE TO ANESTHESIA'* The constantly widening boun daries o/ knowledge in regard to the cardiovascular diseases and the greatly increased scope of methods of clinical approach have so changed many of the theories and ideas previously held about the heart that the dental surgeon today may find himself quite at a loss to evaluate properly the status of his patient’s cardiovas cular integrity : -W * %} ■ JL M m KU&J| .m? 4 *g HAWKINS The past de cade. has been especially re plete with a rap idly changing or der r. Keeping pace with ihe singularly on ward march of dental progress, ii has contrlbut- j ed in no small degree to the re markable ach ievements made possible through modern surgery, this nsar be due in no small mea sure to the perfected methods of anesthesia, whereby full pois and mental freedom have been made possible for the surgeon. Relief !rom those petty anxieties and former mental hazards which bp set ihe dental surgeon of - A gen era Won ago arc now, fortunately for the patient, history, W-:informed dentist.;, however «*ttr.ot avoid the feeling that the cohipiaceut ignorance prevalent in previous days, so far as the patient's general condition is con cerned no longer is tenable pro ipssionally or vromicaiiv W.-th the knowledge that dangerous and •omteime.'- fatal results mav bo five outc -me of hasty and there- Alpha Picnic: Annual Event Is field At Reedy Creel; State Part; Fun, food and frolic for some *OO members and guests were pro vided by the Phi Lambda Chap ter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fry ♦.entity at the Reedy Creek state Park las; Saturday afternoon. This affair, an event the local Alphas have conducted for the pan several years, is always eager- ; »’ looked forward to by the hun dred':, of Alphas and friends in the area. The weather man was not, too kind this year but rain and threats of thunder storms could College Campus To Be Site Os 3 Conferences GREENSBORO Three church conferences will held on the Ben nett College campus this month, Dr. Wills B. Player vice provi der!: announced this week. From June 20 to July 8 the Baltimore Area Pastors School of WllWWlMWMWiMHWiWirfiMigWiiM»wwnraMw«w»wwßmißMwww«BwwiiHßaiaiiiißiijwiwtiiiiiiaii tJB-iiiiWWiw'iiwwwwTwiwTWfii jffM»nMMn»CT)ißmiiirimTinwitiiiTiOT^ jii Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky ronwrnri i> irim ntr xrinn i r-- «*» : $ 3- S0 45 QT wmw m* r **** § M« 1 PINT . J i t n ts I fwffLJ So Proof ( EARLY TIMES DISTILLERY COMPANY j Louisville 1, Kentucky j i fore unscientific judgement, tor * enlightened oral surgeon inviter she cooperative attention of his medical eollei.gues. Nothin,, short of a complete and careful estimate of the patient's physical condition will satisfy him, recognizing that the oral cavity wiih its compo nent structures invariably reflects the health status of the individ ual Constitutional disease, for ex ample rarely passes the oral cavity unscathed. Diabetes, ,ir. terioscierosis, gout, metabolic disturbances, endocrine diftuu■- tion and the ever-lurking shad ow of syphilis arc bin a few of the general systemic ailments unmistakably affecting this re gion. If we add to these the ra vages cif age, a formidable ar ray of pathologic conditions is presented for careful consi deration. In this Connection the diseases of the heart and blood-V* sels stand out In sinis ter relief as a true barometer of just how much or how little the dental surgeon may be permitt ed to exercise his professional skill. From infancy to old age the pas lent presents many ibonn s so: both medical and dental <-crud ders tion Problem!, which arc of the most intense intrivst, a: or.c arc period may play no part in ■ another. For example, the vet known preelection of tt - be tit,t and subacute rheumatic mho t.ions for the early decade.- arid the comparative rarity of these dis eases after middle life -fund in marked contrast to the blood vessel changes, which ar- strictly confined to the laUm agt vroups In a similar mam-*; the child bearing period is fraught with hazards to which the ;:dol««-i-nt Nr! and the c-ldcrly vain.uer are both .oar; ir ! ■ 1 1 V ilTi JTSI iXi c not dampen the zest and en-.huK asm of the Alpha "gang". By the time the fried chicken, slaw and soda pop was read’- to be passed ■ around the picnic- area v at literal ly swarming with happy, ho'idav-' minded people of all age little •; tots, teen agent, grown ups and .maybe a few on the middle a gr and elderly side, but all having funn. Mr, C. H. Mann it president of - the local Alpha chapter. Th-. com mittee in charge of this ye; r'r. picnic was under chairmanship of M. H. Crockett. : the Methodist Church will be held ■ i and from June 26 to July 1, the , j Society of Christian Service of - i the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist. Church, will be ■ : field. , ■■ : P ( yf-"' ♦-; 1111 ! ||§flb ... ■■■■ ’IK' .%# , , oi r-* % # - ■ «*. fi, f 6 fgftlfei r m- "i | l^jr £ \ d\ ! ?! "H L %«< w* .-V#' f Mm. v • -a A * rask jr * vWSF % V * Wfagi *4c. ;.wy \.r>i „fwf *'>; TWO ARTISTS GET TO GETHER TO PLAN FUTURE ACT rViTIES Nora Holt mu sician and newspaperwoman, rind L,«u f uTour, solo dramatist, and also well known in the newspaper fii Id, took time out at the rccer’i Banquet and Bali of the Nalional N gr» Opera Foundation. Inc, lo rio some se rious talking and planning for some interesting rnitural acti vities in the near future. Mrs Holt is nmv in New Fork f it y .md plans lo be here tbruugvi the month nt Idy, after which he will return to Los Angeles DATES SET FOR 4 - H m WEEK CONFAB GRTENBBORO T JStb sn -11, No’-lis C .v. : 4-H L- tn ~> "to ... ‘ v than 800 Tro y ' -\f from f>2 sent 757 -- v. th a tots! liicmi'C.rr.bjf! ; .hi 1 727. : P.., ;■ -|,7,c. t -,,f ■ re f >n cr'i-tesis dferri or si re fer the boy..- in e, Pier., fnr&pe crops, general and livestock judg ing, the ceWn-a’.iou will feature 1 several c-’.:>.stanci-ing speakers. Juitos Tlssns- dirt dor. Depart ment r,f InrsrtrKh Re!.';:ions Nal irr,,h l r "V : ::. to-uc. Key, York City, will she ih e asrejnblagc -at the oper-iug set jon on Monday, tunc 20 Other speakers include: Dr F. D Biuford. oreftident of A- StT College; Mrs .Line M. Spauld l'S >: : ; 1' VH - : isoru- Adm'jnisrrWashington, D. C D. C.ir. yH. Bo ton. chan ;of tin- ACT Co-.ie.je Extension ; Service. Among the entertainment features of the ceiehr&lion are: The Howard t’mversity Pi-i vers in a drama production, sponsored by the college sum mer Ij crura series, “Clothing Stars ot 1535". a fashion show ieoturijig garnteriis made bj the youngsters and the annual talent program. The program concludes with an lor a brief stay Both women are well prepared in their chosen <if Ids, and both bav« had vast •xperiences in the arts and in journalism. .Mrs. Holt is a gradu !p of the Chicago Musical 1 ■>!- ■ege of Chicago, Illinois. Mtss LuTour has her M ■ -ter of Ime trts with advanced study in (rania and Speech »! Chicago Kosieal College. Both women will appear in Washington. D. C. on July |6th under the sponsor hip of Mrs. Mary Cardwell Dawson and the Opera Com pany. ei-cning program, on Friday. June > 2':. with the instaliation of UFA Ends Confab In Greensboro GREENSBORO --- Mort th.u 500 farm hoys from throughout- the Kiate were on hand for the 27th annual convention of the North Carolina Aseov.iation of New Farmers of America, held he e at AST College, last w' .k. Prcwninent loaders in education and business gavsz messages of tn ■yaratiuri to the youngsters during the four-day meet. 'Considered by . ffimis a-- the most successful convention in its quarter ce n ! tury hi.'tor;’ Do. F D. Blufurd, president of AA:T CvUegf, who delivered the i principal address at the opening vesper service on Sunday night, told the gathering “Sucess xs , more, much mure, than mere luck. It. comes fron hard work along with thoroughness, efficien cy, peiseverance and courage.” «v A “CADET OF THE WEEK”— Cadet Carl Bryant, son of Mr. «nd Sirs. R. G. Bryant, Moncure, is spending ihe summer months at home visiting he- parents. He is a student at Tuskegee Insti Hite, Ala,, and is a member of the ROTC- Bryant was named ‘Cadet of the Week” during the vast four weeks of the second semester. He is a graduate of Horton High School. Pittsboro v VAI.EDICTOIUAN Marion Elgin Reaves, 1955 graduate of Goldston High School, Goldston, I was valedictorian of his class, j Hr Is the son of Mrs. Helen i Braves Lambert of Gulf and is | i veteran of the Korean War. i i Rea ves served more than IS j months in Korea and returned i to finiwh high school under the, i I “GI BiSl.” t THE CAROLINIAN ! Mrs. I? s. Holliday, President |of the North Carolina Congress 1 of Colored Parents and Teachers J has anouneed the official dele- I gates who will represent the State | Branch at the 29th Annual Nat- I tonal PTA Convention at Dunbar ! High School, San Antonio, Texas, , : June 19-22. They are: Mrs. Edna Bryant, first Vice President, Enfield; Mrs. r>. jf, Jamagin, Execu tive Secretary, Raleigh: Miss Annie Mac Kenton, State Chairman of National Family Membership. VV ars aw: Mr Alexander M'-Neili, Parent ■Delegate, Fayetteville. There will also be four visiting dele gates in attendance. ; Five persons v ;\\ receive specs ■ ;al recognition at the Life Men 1 • bership dinner form the N. C Branch- Mr. P. A. Williams, Prin cipal. Jr H S. Apex. N. C : Mr. X 1, Pilkird. Principal. Caityveii C ...: ty Training. S- r ' . Yam ■y viiie: Mrs, T. C Beams, Supervis or, Caswell Countv Schools. Van* reyvilie; Mrs. fcmm.i B Anderson, Charlotte, one of the fust V;;:e Presi'di-rts of the State Organize* y 1927: and Mrs M. E. Bran -or first Sec-rotary of the Char lotte Council and still active in VTA Those will be presented a -,yards as a special tribute for this recognition. The theme of the convention s> ■Meeting Today's Challenge Mrs Ida Duncan. Reidsvitle, ] president of the North Carolina Teachers Association, in adorr-ivs- I ing the assemblage or. Monday, i June 6, spoke of *he ouVhcndmft ; services rfiirdCTcd 1 nc-*. s t t c oy ' such organizations as the NFA The convcnli'.-n kevpntr anc, was delivered by W. J Kerr, r Jr prsidf.nl. N v.h Cwroisr?! L-i" the Tuesday, .Juno 7 morning scs- Practlcally at] fact ms of com mercial importance in chickens is i inherited. A little less of the consume-G : food dollar is going to the farm- - t ’iw'i far Chi* ’vcstT --- 42 ppr ctt; t - | in the first quarter compared wit); ; 4.5 percent a year earlier. Add a Den, Bedroom. : Or Bath to Your Home! I We build New Homos: and j Repair and Modernize Old Ones. \ Call Us For Any Job j Large or Small Residential or < nmmercial | Property | PHONE 2-0956 I 129 E. Hargett St., Raleigh j saifes Il* ausT®* 8 1 iaQfmaissisS | MANTFACTTiKED IN GARNER-- ! NEAR RALEIGH, AND SOLD ALL OVER NORTH CAROLINA it ~ ;rr ■' ~ -v. hi: N. C. EXTENSION WORK ERS The picture above <v:.• dun.i’.; the jnmwl >prim, Training meeting of N. C Ex tension Worlvvrx held rec-entiy a.t the l-'ranklinton Cejitf-. Brii.ks, N. (.' Dr. Hiflley address rrl the group during the annual banquet session. 1 est to right: ii. If. Price. County Agent. An son County anti tieuly elected GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY f| ft -if f 3 EVERYDAY j IS W IN EVERY j fi- Jwm DEPARTMENT j ~,,,,..,,,. T ~~ ■ ' \ i SAVAD j i I ,’h | reliable; brand j CUT GREEN f% fir / /lC STOCK UP! SPECIAL! JANE PARKER CHE r SPECIAL* JANE PARKER GOLDEN SPECIAL! FOR FATHER'S DAY—DEVIL’S FOOD LA YER CAKE *■ 79< SPECIAL' A&P BRAND GRAPEFRUIT HERSHEY’S RICH Chocolate Syrup s 19° | : DEWCO SHOE PEG CORN 2 ££ 33c : PR ICES EFFEC. TIVE THROUGH SATURDAY { JUNE 18 president of the X. f. Negro Ev •rnsion Agents Association; K. i Jones. State Agent. N. C Kx nsion >erti 'e Greensboro; Dr. . alter N. Rid lex. Professor o* ■svehologj Virginia Mate Col •ire, Petersburg, Virginia arid ,V C. Davenport County A; ent. Wake Ctiunly and retiring pre of the Agents 4-.-ijn.se..in I I PACKERS LABEL j GREEN &■ WHITE | ! STOCK UP! , yn-rrr-r TOntm-r-", 1 ■wwwiiinfrr.ri-wir irr'-ur— A&P Mrs. Saunders Os St. Aug. i Will Study j Mrs. Ernestine B. Saunders, as i soeian? proses: r of French at St. j Aug ■ isti'ic-’s College hero, has re i coived a gri.v f om the Southern ■ Fellowship Fund to • advanced utudy Jr. modern languages at Co lumbia University this summer, Or. James A. Boyer, acting presi dint, ha? otmounted. Mrs Saunders was one of the 101 faculty members at Southern j colleges to ;eceiv'; grants-in-aid j for advanced study or research from the fund which was set up by the Council on Southern Uni vers'tiPs ,ir. 911 agency to admin ister a system of grants made pos sible in 1934 when the General Education Board made available to the Council more than 3 million ; dollars i.” be .-pent during a ten | year peri':,; on ~ program of sac -1 uliv i, nprovtmcnt in Southern colleges mid universities. k' , ;I,_ >\ & froni* ‘ jj fhß&ifeli ‘ Let your conversation be x* j 1 h"u! covetousness', and be content with such things «.«• you have for He hath said. I will nrver lea'e thee, o; for sake ihee. — (Hebrews LLS.) WELCH’S FANCY RICH GRAPE PAGE NINE

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