WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1958 : W I f 5 ** km. I W~ ’ P •; 'I V A LIGHTER MOMENT—Mem hers of student panel which dis cussed “Human Dignity and In tegration” during Home Making Institute at Bennett College, dg HONORS DAY PRINCIPALS —Honors Day Observance was held at Shaw University on A pri) 25, Left to right are: Misses Margaret Rascoe, a senior of Windsor, secretary of the Alpha Kappa Mu honor society; Annie I-. Jones, a senior of Gre e n ”’** -**-r <* jan%r>i*Wn&ir>. •*» - »■** —. -'< a ne^ieV)Ha9tmf ri -'' ■ -~v- -*Qj- —*■» ; THINGS YOU.SHOULD.KNOW3 M fe/ *» • ,#sri k k M% M£| >s L./*\r\r^ f" /fej W W ' Ask ■h*'si?* Sr ii' "s. i ■*”? (fi «i a * ©'o- sB6 mmk yz m 1/ \tida / if. // //% gfc- II mmSA MJm IA«8 AS KIS?©SY% GREATEST CON m£z \\ wffljb fpA w'x&i —™ jl Ay. I |jy l :'-?|!|/ )$//j slump MILLIONS WITH HIS ARMY 1 1 Ify ii ilf wifi J OF 100,000! OALLEO%!»EPHA^T m ! I h u -•• flvv vfy/ .* / ■ —— i MA f t'r/J BECAUSE KS$ FOOTSTEPS SHOOK j IWj- v fzf - / / THEEARTH/WIS GENIUS REVOLUTION '‘imWmWJl / yy wiJ Jjf' 12 E0 MILITARY SCIENCE HIS EW j TIRe CAPE!!'' ‘rCU^"^ defeat! _._*: ; '/V/A**,;/¥*?&/. * v c,:W * w'-w^-A Deltas Give Presents To Sick Kids CHARLOTTE -The members of Beta Xi Sigma Chapter of Delta ' ■'Sigma Theta. Sorority, in keep ing with traditional interest in Charlotte’s welfare and needs, again chose the- children ward of Good Samaritan Hospital as one of its major civic projects in the city. 'The Project Committee, com posed of Mrs. Gladys Green, chairman' Mesdames Laura Boo ton, Sara Stre/id, Vivian Williams SkUd Miss Myrtle Reid, along with smile at remark made bv Gar- , land Young, left, of High Point i College. Others, left to right, are | Misses Maytne Ellerbe, Bennett College; Miss Donna Snyder. ! vii’e, president of Beta Kappa Chi scientific society; Dr. F. P. ayne, adviser to the Alpha Kappa Mu group; I)r, Charles A. Ray, professor of English at North Carolina College at Dur ham and director of the News Bureau, who was the guest speaker; Miss Mary White, a Mcf-dames Virginia G. Davis, pres ident, Roberta Thompkins, vice president, Dorothy Stinson, and Jane Lightner made an elaborate presentation of the following items to Nurse Chisholm, direc tor of the children's ward: a high chair, play pen, 3-speed record player, thirty records, bedroom slippers of varying sizes, tooth brushes and tooth paste wash clothes, plastic drinking glasses, bibs and toys for children of va rious sizes and ages. In making the presentation, Mrs. Davis stated that her sorors chose the children’s ward because they feel that money invested in the happiness of children is never wasted and that if they can cheer just one aching heart, or aid In a speedy recovery, they shall not have worked in vain. Even though the sorority keeps its book cart in the adult, wards furnished with magazines, the members have decided to make the children's ward their perma nent civic project, As articles lose their usefulness they plan to re I Woman's College; Donald Duren, i A&T College; Miss Beatty Bu- I siek, Guilford College and Dr. Ilobart Jarrett of Bennett Col ) lege, who served as moderator. junior of Windsor, new member inducted into AKM; Misses Bel eia Dixon, a senior of Kinston, president of AXM who presided, and Ruth Hammonds, a senior of East Riverton, N. ,T., also a new member, who gave the his tory of AKM. The two societies j sponsored the affair. place them in addition to making other purchases which they see are needed to help cheer the little folk who are ill. jljlfl What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?—(l Corin thian* 6, 19.) St, Paul reminds iw? that the Heavenly Father created ua in His image, that lie dwells within us as our souls. Our sins and transgressions, j therefore, are against Him; j in lore and humility; gdfg GOVERNOR OPENS HOSPIT AL WEEK Governor Hodges presents O. D. Ward of Green ville (right), president-elect of the North Carolina Hospital As sociation, an official statement designating May 6-12 as “North Carolina Hospital Week” as a iW -.V..r •:,,M,v t ■4BgK^Bsaßß> ’: f* • * . £ '£s"■' ft '>• *'-« J| ■' v - ,AH jfiEMaag wmm «. IshSbIIIII llliiiffjfe, ‘;• A^'. :; ! jßußffijJS >- ■ *v. * y ..>. .'-s, •• irUM^i' : ' • ■? ■’’ i- / m : * AT THE SPEAKERS TABLE during banquet of the 50th An niversary celebration of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at Tennes see Sta'e University are (1. to r..t Dr. George W„ Gore, president ot Florida A. and M. University who spoke at die open convoca tion; Frank L. Stanley of the Louisville Defender, banquet SMALL BUSINESS ‘•There’s no place for smail business, or small unions.” * * * This state moot w ould even sound odd coming from a theor etical economist. is # * But this state.-ncrit was made by what a ..'it be called a “prac- X ■ a1” econo , .’■' - ■ n.:si. i A * * * t i‘v; *■ The dc- liter,. * of this priori- jjsjpfi- • M pie. 3 a. m e s Hoffa, head of ' r f the teamsters f * ’ union in Mid-- Jt" wi-, . ;■ ;.•••.>- he has of force in var-fa*« * ttui £o*BS forms to C. W. Harder put his theory into effect. ■ts >:f # Who is If. ffa? He is Dave Bock's chief henchman in vital trucking area of 13 mid western states, and is now extending in to 12 southern states. sjc * * Hoffa has paid tors for viola tions of labor laws, but this docs not seem to deter him a hit. In fact, he usually winds up threat ening reprisals ag;;iast those who made it possible for him to be brought to justice. So far, he ap pears to have made good on many of these threats. * # ¥ He has also been responsible for driving out of business quite a few independent truck opera tors competing with big outfits. * * v In meantime, Hoffa lias not done too badly. Although he boasts he will not tell internal revenue service his Income, sev eral Congressional investigations have disclosed many interesting items, * * * While Hoffa never went beyond eighth grade, he has .‘,121,000 year salary, plus unlimited expense account, from a million dollar treasury. In addition, he is a con {£) National FetJeraUr.-ii -f Irn:cjH?o'S«TJt Bus!r*«« / # T T\ yt -iWmk U .A UNrrt X WEAR WHAT I SAV ? / ■ cornsM&NTAir /*4g&ro&ks -...—a. - THE CAROLINIAW j part of the national otsservanee. ! Looking on is W, Gordon Poole (center) of Raleigh, administra tor of St. Agnes Hospital and Chairman of the Hospital Asso j elation's Council on Public Edu i cation. speaker; Reuben Davis, presi dent of Tennessee State's under graduate chapter of the fraterni ty, Billy Jones, East St. Louis, Illinois attorney and Tennessee state graduate; and W. D. Haw kins, national auditor of the fra ternity and Fisk University fac ulty member. trolling factor in union welfare funds. * * * And slthcugh Congressional hearings also bring out bis bus iness experience was limited to two years as a grocery ware houseman, Hoffa owns Invest ments in oil leases, a farm, brew ery, race track, girls camp. * * * In addition, his wife owns e truck leasing' firm that hires no members of the union, but mere ly leases equipment to a firm. * * * In a smooth deal, under her maiden name, Josephine Posry wak, Mrs. Hoffa and wife of an other union official, only put up $4,000 to start a major truck leas ing operation which paid them $65,000 dividends in four years, A lot of Holla's union members Just jobs as result of this deal, but it appears that the only con cern with union welfare is the balance in the welfare fund. * * * And so it is quite logical Jim - my Hoffa should proclaim the day of the small business and small union is gone as Ic-ng as he runs both the union and trucking bus iness. If he had said “the days of everybody but the Hoffas’ is gone” lots of people would have been inclined on basis cf past experience, to agree. 3jt * M But here is odd thing about en tire situation. * * * Although millions know about Hoffa’s activities, so far no one, in this administration, or last, has been able to cut down on Hoffa, and other little Caesars of his ilk. * * * This situation oft causes won der as to what business the U. S. government has in Sitting around the world trying to set other people’s affairs straight when it falls to keep it* own bouse In order. PASNtBtfG A HCTUBE—Sir Percy Spender (right), Australian ambassador to the United States., paints a verba! picture, while showing scones of the Olympic stadium at' Mel bourne la Don Bragg (left) and Charley Jenkins, member ol the U,S. Olympic squad. The "tour" took place at a recent luncheon at the Club at the 21 in Now York, whore a leading soap company announced plans t© help swell the Olympic Fund by $150,000. Jenkins and Bragg are two of the company's leading runners. (Newspress Photo). i WIN SCHOLARSHIPS—Miss Delora Elizabeth Davison, 57, left. West Charlotte Senior High School senior won the §1,500 A. K. Oliver college scholarship. Clinton L. Blake, principal, dis closed that she was In compe tition with 12,154 high-ranking I students from 2,819 schools I throughout the nation. Miss Davison is the daughter of Mrs. ! HFGDJK SORORITY PRESENTS HOS PITAL WITH GlFTS—Members of the Delta Sigma Theta So rority, Charlotte chapter, are pictured shove, shortly after ! .. '*■'■■ MmnSM&. .4.-* 7*^BBBl COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER —The Honorable Armond W, Scott, Municipal Court Judge for the District of Columbia (Retir ed) of Washington, D. C., will deliver the address on the occa sion of Shaw University's Nine ty-first Annual commencement Exercises which will be held Monday afternoon, May 28, at S:o© o’clock in Raleigh Memori al Auditorium. Judge Scott re ceived the LL.R. degree at Shaw University in 1898 and the LL.D. degree was conferred upon him by the University in 1940. The speaker has received great recognition from outstanding leaders for his meritorious ser vice to the bar, the bench and the public. He is noted for tils ability to hold an audience with bis informative and witty re marks. Cora L. Davison, 510 Martin St. She plans to enter Fisk Univer sity in Sept. Delora is saint a iorian of her class and has par tieipated in innumerable sc ho, activities during the course c her stay at West Charlotte Hig' School. Miss Joyce Louise Craine, 17, right. West Char lotte High School senior, has won a college scholarship in na tioiial competition held by Ut, they donated gifts to the chil- j dren’s ward of the Good Samari- j tan Hospital. Left to right: Mrs. j Virginia G. Davis, president; j i Nurse Chisholm; Mrs. Gladys ! on ’^ s ipfe Tu«£x, noi m .*- .^- CT a-,yw»«»rr«asiivii i i ii'iiTrSi'srTinWfUHSlllllUMSmumCMm'il lll ** 1 u ’Tfbcy Have Been Overruled, and Lost Their Status,” PAGE THIRTEEN 'vitional Association of Seeoa try School Principals, Wash .7 ton, D. C. She was in cont rition with 12,154 students re •esenfing highest rank of 2,819 ■bools. Miss Craine is the a tighter of Leroy F. Craine of ‘7 Flint St.. Charlotte. She. is . icdictorian of her class and .inks first in the graduating ‘■lass of 146 West Charlotte stu dents. I Greene, chairman of hospital | committee; Mrs. Sarah Stroud, j Mrs. Roberta Thompkins, Mrs. Dorothy Stinson, and Mrs. j Laura Booton. Child unidenti ! fied.