I i LUCKY AUTO OWNER ; The lucky ear last week was' j the on: bearinc the tag num-1 • her *CX-6712. If the owner of that, car took it to Durovs fcsso j Sendee, corner Cabarrus and; Blooclworih Streets rn Raleigh ; he rreeivrrl a free grease job. This will happen every week, i Watch for your tag number. If; tt follows the asterisk, you will; get Ib.e grease job. The num-1 ' Her will be taken from any ear i bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week arc: ! \B-t2l; ( X«r< and Y-IR. | TR-R.V; and W-32R. -Dr. Liston, Smith U President, Buried FAMILY HiiMELESS AFTER FIRE HAPPY ENDING Mrs. Florin W?!!s of Brooklyn is shown in *fre foreground holding her six-weeks old baby, Joanne, at a 4tced precinct shorty after the child, kidnapped three days be - fore. was found unharmed, Patrolman John Tommasulo mid Sal Trover!c (shown here) acted on a tip and found the tot in the home of the aliened kidnaper. Mrs. Mary Jackson, who had bc-'-n ♦ frustrated m her desire to have a child. Seated in the back ground is Clarice Hall, who was baby sating for Joanne when Mrs. Jackson took the baby "out for some air" and never »•;. ! burned. (TWSPRESS PHOTO). Holds Last Rites For Smi th U. Head odds mm g T SO BEK t G. SHEPARD - JHLUsnr:ia:ci™n» -;_.y =1 | ORCHIDS. Odd? and Ends is j glad to oer. a bunch of orchids this week upon th* CAROLINIAN for j 15 ears of continuous publication. ' This columnist has had the oppor tunity of close association with the f CAROLINIAN over 3 period of years and is therefore in a posi -4 rn !o know something about me hardships and trials that produt ed -he glorie* and triumphs in echHA'ing this isth anniversary edition. it is not necessarily » fact, hut there is a probability that had the publisher of ihr- newspaper found hitr-reli treading upon a "bed of j roses ’ in his efforts to give this community a mirror where their view;, aims and aspirations could be ret ected the achievements of the CAROLINIAN might, have been : • Human nature being wiiat it if. are often tempted to roll i irONTINTT!) ON PAGE ?■) NAACP OUTLAWED BY TEXAS JUDGE TYLER. Texas The National : Association fur the Advancement of Colored People in Texas was f jutlawed by District .Judge Otis T Dun&gan laic Tuesday because : 4 'he organization allegedly violated 'he State's corporation laws and solicited desegregation law suits, At the request of Attorney Genera! John Ben Sheppard, *n»l after hearing an estimated 1,22.'.C08 words of testimony in hearing that began five weeks ago. be issued a tem £<yary injunction against the !C ONTivrpß ON PAGE ’ 1 i THE CAROLINIAN 'tty' vJcWAVSWW»?/«%'xsc^VSow>yVVs: lX3WWW "•-w- 'jvwvvw. I.oc 10c VOLUME Ift - CHArtI.OTTE Dr. Hardy I ! ton. t»7, president of Johnson : Smith University, du d at his home 1 in Chatlotlc late Saturday after i a lingering illness He can e to Johnson C, Smith Uni versify in hit : a» executive u ■- j president and served in the* ca | parity until 104’ when he became i president. Funeral service? for Dr Liston were neld in the University Church (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?! : -,4§ MR HLRDT LISTOV Matron, Hit By 2 Autos j Succumbs To Injuries WASHINGTON, N. C. Sliuci. by two automobiles in an accident ! arouna 7:30 p. m. on Saturday, | Mrs. Bernice Reid. 42. died Mon ' day at 12:15 p. in. in Taylor Mem : orial Hospital here, A companion, Mrs. Annie Spen cer, injuerri at the same time, was treated and released i According to report.-, (he t'*o RALEIGH, N. C. +++ + + 4 Ipin% t, v Hu! t! s AI..BKRMARLE - .lames Lee. ah. .Vot woo.*, man. who has been non , o.i y thi months after spend!**.. ! Hi :i oaths at the Y. C Mental In , :i; •: >i< i. m Coldsboro. went i>■ j serk terrorized his family and j loci! poLor for six hours Surma/ ! N’orv-ood Policeman bred Luc,-; j reported that J.re wounded hi broth''!' with a shotgun chased E ! family away from home and too a pot -hots a! police officers as tn ! held trn rn at bn.v from « a m. to min;, i.'hit: finally subdu' d by a < ONTINI El> ON PAGE Murder Suspect Nabbed RALLfGH Alortce Williams, i 2K,’ear-old Joe Louis Park man, i so-.im connection with the slay : ing of an el deity man, surrender- ■ nd early Tuesday to the Wake C'ouniy Sheriffs Department, the deputies reported that Williams, who lias been stay inc in Washington, 1). unuhi be charged with mur der or the alleged fatal shoot ing and knifing of Thomas him. fit), of too I amis Pail, on the morning of .Sept, | tv A- cora;nr: Th nff !Cf*rs. was scabbed tn the center of the hark and blasted on the right side . with a shotgun while visiting th- I home of Mr? Morellr Griffin in j .Top Lou;? Park He died a few j | hours later at Pt Agnes Hospital ; j here A heaiJns is expected io he held i for WiUiarn? r»ot r ><* Urn.#* th*- _ ... Seek Man For Raping Girl, 7 ROCKY MOUNT do on j Monday were searching tot a man ! who brat and raped a seven-year | old cm last Saturday night. According to Police Chief J. 1 i Nichols, the girl was taken be i ycind the tit:, limits, assaulted and I then returned here within two blocks of her home She told bet m.dhoi what had happened ana | police were called A poysician examined the child ! and reported that she had been criminally assaulted One eye was i swollen shut, and she also suf \ fereri other hriiisrs on the head, j Nichols declared women were walking with their arms eiiound each other and walk ed into the path of an old model car being driven east on Fifth Si. ! by f.obcrt L. Gibbs Mrs Reid vas knocked into the path o, a pick-up truck being dnv. tn by W. R Buttr.v and struck again Death was due to multiple injuries. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY OCTOBER 47, 195 b THANK Y (W! To the renders and adverb, try w’-m h >u ■ lpporud THE CAROLINIAN for the pas 1 r-fm > u d •? ful. We hk -waif that bad it ' been for you. >.u would not have been able to murk thi*. -.. ■ L --• ,m ■ n e ■ m - Ind< td we would not lmv< h- -• o -.(••if t - ,i. . . 4.’ km people who have made this : k bav ; nets • publisher rn by Negroes in the slate Had *>u *,»>i r< •; ■<• "e ■ ■•' -''id not h»vc been able in di?p«\'ii *'-o< ••:<••• ’o ei- of ihr state and nation to bring von t!.. t>< •••• - 4 - m Like and newspaper. w< must ' pen up-m to survive To La advertiser' '.vi . n * !i,-•-• • seen fit i • use our % serve you to the. < xtc-nt that you ear! justsr sbe >* >1 pi <’ merit of aelvertising copy in our column? Wc have tried to make this o-'U's; p< r e : o; which both readers and advertisers might well hi pr.'-:-! -ooth large and small. Our greatest m,b-faction eor.i. •*. .< tk ,'xprrssie.-ns of good will, from time to time, come to sat t'-.-p are achieving this purpose. In the years ahead, we dedicate our-- h. s to this > ng!< ness of purpose, hoping to do the* job belter i- through vour support, we are able to continue to grow W- h--v many plea sant memories of associations of the .past and we look fv-rw/ud in these challenging times to an ever exploding me a sure of service So w say thanks again from the beiftbn of • ~ir hear 1 You have been wonderful! Supreme Court Mixes integration Delay WASHINGTON- Efforts of DM lnr. Texas, school authorities to; delay a federal court showdown on a move for immediate racial integration were flatly rejected mi Monday by the U. S. Supreme Court. Mu tribunal left '-landing a ruling hv (hr Mb i s f'ircutt Coiil't of Appeals requiring j the Pedera! District Court a* I -1?,'.. -gsir?. • j DOUBLE PLAY Film stars Michael Rennie (loft) and Harry Boictfonte simultaneously give their autographs io Pan American stewardess Mary Madrid at Now York's International airport, shortly before flying to Trinidad. The actors were enroute to Grenada, where they'll film the story "Island in the Sun." One of Hollywood's mosl eligible bachelors, Rennie was once the frequent companion o' singing star Dorothy Domdridge. Balladeor Belcrfontft and his wife may have reached the parting of the ways, (NEWSPBESS PHOTO) Dallas to proceed with hear ings in the rase. Parents of Negro children have ; ; brought suit asking for their jin : mediate admission to the city',- 1 public schools on a onn-segt egat | ed basis. Federal Judge William A. A*- ' wei’ .! I;.: I n;: .1 <-i the vUjt Oil St P'jr-rl ■ i rovriv Itf> ON PAGE ?.l Blaze Takes Furniture, BAI.f.TGH - Kire of undeterm r, ~i origin struck ihf home o! Marshal* Hedgepeth at 712 S. • oir.‘ or! h Si Monday morriie.. • .ikiru his family of 12 hemic lex, Ihe niej-mrirning blaze did con !«? damage t<> the interior h i -iving nearly ail *<!•* tajiui * cloihiug and bed o' d . a gi- par! of tn ■ " b‘> 1 men. who am »>.-.• ri " i > ■ bouse at 10:5) 6 -' ' ' ■ started around o ' tn iiio .-i-ohe* clow; i-i ■ J vails of the three-> ■ ; iu■ ia e whinh Heft; "Oiing, I'ere not s» ve»;-1 A' 1.i.1 p m fi'.xir.endisri *e on la (he so. rn to put out ci . Ci .nr in d< b- is, lof* jii ■i - oin ib. i firsi visit Will Ask Ga. To Finance ‘Migration ’ A K.aNTA A hii! tp bp in *> oduccd into the 1557 .session ->f i lh ® Georgia legislature next J;,n ■o'- "'’las kth f' \ 1 , : i *f' tr ,p, ~. prtttle ion million dollar." a ycat ‘ to liny me ' migrations” of Negioes who dot ire to attend integral a schools into states which do not enforce segregation by law David ( tones of Worth County saiil this week that he has -uch i hill alrrad) pre pared. II would authorize crant.s-in-aid to parents who ward their children to attend racially integrated srhoois and I CONTINt I t) ON nfir n Stale Mows j __ __ ! Brief i ! i — 1 ! MISSIONARY SPEAKS HEBE ! RALEIGH The Rev J Bryan ; Rrasington, Southern Baptist Mis i sinnary appointed for Peru, spoke. l at oh.iw University on Monday, ; Oct. 2i. m Green leaf Auditorium. | Ills message was on the Value of i Prayer." Hr said that the 'inw hat. | come when we need to tell the i story of Christianity, because there arc so many people who are reli gious, but not necessarily Chris ' Hans. We need to administer to the i needs of people around the world 1 spiritually and physical!' in the name of -It :us He stated that hi percent of the population of Peru, i 10 percent in Spain have never ; heard an evangelical message or the Bible read. (CONTINUED ON E\C,r 2i New Bern Host To 89th Annual Convention Os State Baptists NEW BERN - The 89th annual session of the General Baptist Slate Convention of North Caro lina. Inc., will meet at St. John i Baptist Church, here, the Rev. A. D Moselv, pastor. Oct 30-Nov 1 Representing 1.709 churches with a combined membership of 390.00<\ the- three - day session will draw itjEt- from Murphy to Man tea The program committee hat t rO rs t i - f I I' i I#IM i n " nJ g | ! % § 1 r? S i So 8 l S 8 In *] i £si^^TSISSSU?.S^JKS3ZSi!K 1 VaßMMW'iiiwwwMWMßwawiwaifOTWMrißiwewwnwßßawßMWMMHßuwiwitnßii.THiijwunwiwi' ffiiw'wwwwtnwraaMßtaMnMWfc^jMwwMWßawßKaf NUMBER '! ' •' i A< ’ ajfgy ».l'.v»Ba > --^v^ -V jK<s<yV v-'«y?f?xy,*s;.V•VjjgSKltigfgj«»Ngg&ffijlij " ANOTHER TIBST' — Gaorgia 3 hi-fi N*gro law?«r VUs/r Prudsn Herndon. is she-vn lsrrdng the Svci-ons Court buildma in Washington where ah? --- mcmiO? admitted * -ractirp, Mrs Herndon has been o pratc'.kang \x"'w m A'icmig for 13 year*. (NEWSPRESS PHOTO). ieets Don’t Scare Us, Q i\T A A iT % T% • 1 Leays iiAAtt UATicial By f H H ARR I N vv ,n, TON A A LEM The > Pf know M: .i there r- a Sr ■ k. -rn' who i? not afraid of whin sheets *ny more. declared Mi- Ruby hurley at the closing m<ei •ng of the Kith North Caroi.ru> NAACP Slate Confeicnee at Mi Zion Baptist Church here Sund-;. aftei noon. M Hurley southeastern >■ - sipna) secretary of the NAACP u,j- referring to white southerners wn>i. through threats, intimida tionl id cross-burnings are at tempting to delay, if not prevent forevet. Ihr day of full erpi.ility for all citizens The 'new Negro does nol scare as t-.i.-ily as those who came be fore him," she said, in pointed re ference to the activities of White Citizen- Councils and the Ku Klux K lan against Negroes be cause of their fight feu civil right' Rinding with her audience ><■ !r. ( voir rprmr," Mrs ltur J«-,idiniilrd ih.ii it is not “We’ll Live To See Complete integration” Says Richard Nixon NEW 'PORK 'AND —Pointing out that segregation, prejudice, and discrimination have no place in America, Vice--President Nix on said last week that "mast, of us here will live to see the dev when American boys and girls shall sit side by side at any school - public or private- with no re gard to the color of their skin." Speaking at the annual Alfred E. Smith memorial dinner in the Waldrof-Astoria hotel here. Nix on proclaimed: ‘ I can report to you tonight (hat men of good will in all sections. of our land are work ins with complete devotion toward the day when the A meriran idea) of equality of opportunity is a reality for all of our people." Introduced as "uon-poii licak" Nixon did no! mention anything of (he administration or election campaign in the drawn up a program designed to | increase interest in the conven j tionV objectives, Shaw Universi ! ty. the Oxfoid Orphanage, state ] missions, and foreign missions. Among the features of the three day program will be the annual ! address by the president. Dr. P. A. j Bishop, Rich Square; addresses oy ! i.iii h> ' w W. p; plater, pastor of ; 1 Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, I i-:w\ i>> >tr > Christian these ~v she remindful (hem of .hr rinlonre •ha t befell -ic h martvsy to the must ss >he late Harry 1 Moore and (u* \< if»- Mr* Mary Moor*, who were blown tin st Mims, 1 la.; and the Rev. George Lee, who » >'„ >t>nt to death because he persisted in voting and aid ing others at Belton!, Alls* Anal extreme shout. wanrmj to live like any other citizen' 1 ’ she a.-ked. "Negroes have made up their minds to press on for their rights ir- spite of the oppression, and some of the** day- if Auth rnnr Lucy doesn’t go to the Uni versity of Ahib)irn:>. some other c-oloico girl will." LIFE MEMBER!-HD' TAKEN Hittm gat those who fear 'mon grel Ration ' because of integra tion. Mi Hurley s--lid. ’We want tnl'-gratf-d .-bur?Uon in .the d x and nun*; we v« had t in the o*d < iivtikcl.Tl O’* rjr.f speech. In s tribute to the Lite AJ • Smith, governor of New York irtd ■ | Democratic Presidential camdi ! date in 1928. Nixon asserted, "he ■ | was a magniflclent. example of - the American dream typij'viny the ! 1 truth of the statement that In ■ | America there is no forgotten I man, no common man. and no ; average man. There is only our 1 I fellow man." The Vice-president said the founding fathers spoke of man’s lights as granted bv the Creator and beyond the pale of govern ment,. He stated that the revo lutionary ideal of 1"76 will not b# complete until "the ideals of in dependence, equality, and free dom which kept men fighting at- Valley Forge are a reality not on ly for Americans, hut for people throughout the world.” iCONTINUED ON PAGE 5) Raleigh, and Dr. W. R Strassnar, president of Shaw University, a sermon by Dr. J. Pious Barber Chester Pa., editor of the Nation al Baptist Voice; Foreign Missions Hour conducted by Dr. W C. Somuville, Washington, D C., ex- I ecutive secretary of the Lott Ca ! rey Foreign Missions Convention; ! and the Seminary Hour under the auspices of the School of Religion 1 of Shaw University,

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