;e r. : s 3 Witness In iwimala ikadei SEPARATED SIAIIESE TWINS John Mfaiibcws of Indianola. one year after they were separated by surgery. At birth, they were *!•»«„ bolds his Siamw twin daughters, I.inday Heft) and Lillian. fi "* iUe :id(,n,i,,: ' l and *** Un "' r »* fi ” f * h,: breast,hone. I bey one liver which had to be divided, Both are doing Cine, 14 month-aid infants They were in Memphis, Tom,, for a check-up UNITED UUESS TELEPHOTO. * BUS Su CATION RULED OUT ! " NAMES I IN THE j NEWS teTT^r J n.. j Mias Maltiwilda Dobbs (up- j per photo) soprano, of Atlanta, j Ga„ whose romantic role of Gil- ; da in Verdi s “Rigoletto” set a j Metropolitan Opera precedent j over the weekend. Although thp ! Met has presented Marian An- j rierson and Leontyne- Trice in 1 key roles, neither was cast in a j leading pari as was Miss Dobbs, I loner photo shows Dr. Ralph r.unche who has been named to head .1 three-man Lnited Na tions "watch dog” committee to i-p-. i „n compiianef -by Brltian. 1 i-ance and Israel on a cease Sissi Rt ROBERT G. SHEPARD Happier; A principal in a Raleigh j S aooi lias been quoted as saying j Negro children in the Oberlin tnct would be happier" at the 1-oron school If this was the pan- | cPf.J «•( Oberlin School and if lie- j saw- reasons fur this alleged slate n-, ut those ‘reasons wre not giv- ! an out. On thp other hand it. may be that a little background history of this gentleman’s actions since the school integration fight begun might prove whether he was speak ing for himself about ihr students being happier or' for the students. I A year ago. several parents in the J Oberlin School district signed pci./-I Wot is asking that their children be i (CGNYINf M> ON' PAGE 21 ' : Seek ‘Triangle ’ Murder Witness | Mote! Waiter j ** t intii W !F§r ‘Assault’ RALEIGH -An all-white pin hi jVVuko Superior Court aft fa lib. rating more than a full day or. IWecl re .-day found Jcnnc: I'V.n-on former hotel waiter, guilty >f a j charge of assault on a female ti i had h ,n tried on the more serious, I •.bare- ot assault With mw-mpt - (continued on r \gi Final Tabulations Re veal Almost 100 Per Cent Negro Vote For Ike I WASHINGTON - - All across tin nation last Tuesday Negro voters played a big part in the landsli-..- re-election of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Vice-President •^^iidiffi^li*i*yfficAl%i!Vj'tty ’ >t>*T t-“' inriTiyftfyp {fpi-7 ' f it L ' '' l . EDUCATION WI EK PRINCIPALS - Printhniis in American Education Week observance sponsored by Gamma Gmicron and Delta ; 1 Gamma, chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternUv at Shaw University! vesper services Left to right; George Brown, vie, polemarch of Ra-! leigh alumni chapter; Dr. Martin D. 'Jenkins, president of Morgan Mate College, Baltimore, Md.. who delivered the main address; Dr.!, w. R. Strassner. president of Shaw University and William ,\ Lewis,!, polemarch of Delta Gamma chapter at Shaw, LiLLJ'NGTON A mi.viag v..< caused :i one-werk posl.pone- I it-.r.; te re Monday of a Detroit ; * to wpske-r .- trio! for the Irian - ■ sui.vms of a Port Elragg sol ■' 'i-’-'ti.V ; .VO ycaiit rigo. Ihe witness is tile wife •»( the victim Mrs Dorothy Lon? of Dr trait. who also is rhargeri with murder in th<- slaving of her husband, Vfe. Nanimie !. Long. Police. however, say ihi! she told them that Liisvl Hi slip, 35. pulled the trigger l.or;; v.i.-- Ik i % to death and hi i booy dumped , 11)/; 4 divorc c fii:i rfound that Mrs t..-,ng had left Del roil < ONTINT’ D ON p\<:i >i . this shift irv some predominantly I ; , colored v/nuTs tn big cities will I | run nv,; AO per cent of the color • I ! cii vote., going to Eisenhower. ■ ! A fight for the minority vote was i Court Lets Man Off On ; Rape Count i.UMBiiHTON - A •V'yinrv i r Indian Mttfon Oxendme sea? freed in Robeson Superior Court i las! w-ck ;.n a charge of rapt. tie had been charged with the tape of a 15-ycar-old girl in Jairmont on April 2I hut was being tried <> ni v on a charge of a—atilt on a female with intent to rominii rape. Vi ;i;e end of the stale's evidence, a directed verdict by Judge < "- Mail was entered on motion of i»„ r Maurice Braswell 'be -ml hart charged Oxendim ; raping her alongside the 'rail- ! I nvn ti irks neat Fairmont about' i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 1 ) j VVi< ked by both the Demon atic and I : Republican parties. I Rn hard M, Nison. ! On Thursday it appeared mat I | there had been an overall switch j i of hi per cent of the colored vot- ] j ers- from Adiai Stevenson in 1952 1 j to ike in 11)56. It is probable that ' The Demos wanted to retain (heir hold on this vote, a large majority of which had been Democratic since 1936. The lie publicans, on the other hand, drove hard In win hark this ! vote, of w hieh, before 1932. they had hern as certain as the Democrats were of the , once Solid South— (( ONTINGED ON PAGE 2t j GUN ACCIDENT KIIIS MARINE EDENTON - Marine Pvt Eli Houser. 22. of the Naval Auxiliary ; Air Station here, died of gunshot wounds Friday al. the US Naval (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Camden Parents Fight Consolidated School i Exclusive) CAMDEN A special commit tee of the North Carolina .Stale Board of Education, met at. the Camden Courthouse Friday to dis cuss to, feasibility of building a new .Rhool for Negroes at South Mi.ls or consolidating the School at Spw.vei s Crock. The three-man group consisted of Vice-Chairman John Prichett of Windsor, Charles (i Ross Jr., of the State Board of Education, and Charles F. Carroll, Superintendent a! Public Instruction, State of North Carolina A mixed group of some 75 citi zen.., the majority from South j Mills attend the'meeting in the in- j d ••*;,<( of "rood rac* relations * and! o' the community. Th« iichnnl In the J + + + + + + + 12 DEAD IN FIRES The Carolimian 10c 7~~ |7 lQ r VOLUME 16 RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. NOVEMBER*!77"I9S6 NUMBER~B -f- + + b + 4 4- 4 4- •/. r > f.c 5 ft’, eijk, 'V--‘ .a* ON FBJEEDOM FMGHT Mrs. Metri® t, Harri&an of Eos* Omnqe. R preahdeat of tho NcrtiiarKsl Asscsdefion of Ne vention’s hoard program was not ! ed. The St,. John Baptist. Church here played host to the session. I The Rev. A. D Mosley is pastor, i .. ■> jL 1 1 i#- 1 i : jagg. Jg| ;>-" 3?.' ‘ Tv • Huh SB® VfC J sjj§sg f|KaS Jjjsy; gap l ^, CP. jfmlV -h ,r Olkbm jraSJii .Sem. UfSpa ,^Qjj miniums RP§ljr jwWwHWWg y- •’• • WM^|Hi|fß AT SCHOOL HEARING J Wallace Hathaway, spokesman for the delegation in Camden Conn - i ty, tells his side, of the dispute of whether to build a new Rosenwald School at South Mills or allow ! consolidation with a High School at Sawyers Creek. A committee from the State Board of Education held a special hearing Thursday in the Camden Courthouse, during which Negro citizens strongly urged lh<- building of a new school at South Mills, rather than consolidation, RIGHT is Charles G. Rose, ,J?„ of Fayetteville, next to him is John Prichett of Windsor, vice chairman of State Board of Education. Third from right Is Dr, Charles F. Carrol. Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of North Caro* ii«a Next to Hr. Carrot is Frank William*. . present chairman of (he Camden County Board of Ednr# . lion. Other two members are t H. Lamb of C amden and Grover Sawyer of Shiloh. I Tribunal Denies \ A lab am a App ea l i WASHINGTON Alabama and i j Montgomery. Ala , requi; -.n: I racial segregation on bit: ?■'- w-a i heir: un; orstitii‘;or.-' j l b- the 1 i .Suprr-rpi Court here Monday in ■> j unanimous decision i Action hy the high court uro-dc a decision • f a spec.- I tbrr . p,i|. - l! S. District Court in Montgoi.-i er.y which Stad been •ippiah.'i i>:. the city's board of commissior.e.s ; and by the Alabama Public Scrvici , CommissioTi A hrtef erdn hy the IrltMin al riled the .Supreme Court's PWI decision in the puhlu school segregation cases anrl ' Iwo later orders striking down j race segregation >n public parks and the public golf rones I es The spcejai court had ruled iH-jt [ enforceo segre-gation on Montgni'c, o.v buses violates the federal con alitution's guarantee of due pro cess and equal protection of la v Tn then appeal, the city comm is- j j stoners contended tbs' the special j court iacked authority t.o art They • ' argued ,'hat it. should have dtr— I ! missed the complaint in the rase ; : filed on behalf of Negro bus rider*, i ■; Dr. P. A. Bishop, president, in I his annual massage, urged increas ed support, and acceleration of. ! : efforts in the various departments. . pointing up the fact, that such; • j increased imprest was imperative I I for a satisfactory accounting of stewardship. "Le< there he study classes j in our churches on the rela tionship between Hip lesrhingv I I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) { or »3f. lay-t 'hould b3* * ii<% td ze. : Uon pr-nflmdisposition of ?. c-.irr.i i 1-i! .sun ’ri»'d hv Negroes m ori/ffx Twelve DT In 3 fires Tragic f t! r? in three wit ; brougnt death t.o IS person? o■ c ; ite v!'! kend -IP of them chtin:c., and on. h p raly ? J in valid. Fr:c .darting tn a bac.-msiU a pm'tmf m in Cincinnati, bmugn death to eight person, l -. ,- c ' e., . Hl‘ ■ 1 _ 1, : ■ : • .Crist three other persons ho les,- cd fioir, th? blazing building Ihe dead iurlud f • mo 8°!- and five «f her children. f>* ? nlbris who f|[crt were chili-re!! j (CONTINUED ON PVH 7 t xbiwwi j»eswiurwsa«