PAGE TEN PALEIGH PERSONALS . CLUBS . CHURCHES BY MRS ' L HARGETT GREENE (Items lot this column should be mailed j to P. O. Box 628 or called in at TE 2-4549 or TE 1-SSSS before Tuesday morning). ! " ■ ' i MRS GREENE SGT. FAMILY TO EUROPE i T-Sgt. and Mrs. Robert A.; Goode and daughters, Karen and i Sharon, have returned to Europe i after a year's stay m the United | States. The Goodes were stationed , in Wiesbaden, Germany for three | and a half years before being sta tioned at Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Maryland foi a year. Now they will be stationed m La - on, France for three years. Mrs. Goode, the former Miss | Pose Morgan, and family, joined j the Sgt. in Aberdeen, Md. where j they motored to Washington, p.i C and Ridgewood. N J to visit j relatives and friends. The Goodes j left Idlewild Airport by Se board: find Western Airlines Sunday! night, October 28ih. had luncheon i in Shannon, Ireland on Monday; while the plane was being refuel-1 ed and arrived safely at Orly; Fields. Paris, France, Monday: evening, October 29th GAY MATRONS MEET The Gay Matrons met Friday evening with Mrs. Elizabeth Coe- j field of East Lenoir Street. Mrs. Coefield presided over the busi-; ness session at which plans lor j the Annual Thanksgiving Basket! were completed Prior .to the social hour the: guests were served a most color- j ful and delicious supper, after j which pinochle was played. Re cipient of the prize for high score was Mrs. June Campbell ; and the booby prize was present-; ed to Mrs. Louise Lewis Members present w-ere Mesdam-1 e* Juanita Aikens. Elizabeth Coe- i field. June Campbell, Irene Lane. H&rvlleigh R. White. Louise Lew-: te. Lillie Taylor, Mabel Winters, | Margaret Whitaker, Laura H . Kay. and Norma W. Haywood i A SEVEN STAR. I j |MHk9 90 PROOF I I seven STAR I $945 $3»5 I ■ S 4-5 PINT *** 4-5 QT. g| j| *SO PROOf 7S&* MVtH STA*, SUNOEO, 90 ' 1 moor. im% stsaight whiskey. & If 11 YEARS OK MORE OID. 62V,% GRAIN NEU TRAI SPIRITS. GOOOERHAM & WORTJ UO.. PEORIA, lit. < i m*; fppi It’s Easy Once You’ve Learned the secret of REGULAR Saving! REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNTS W> furnieh without chat#* a persortaiiaed check bnok j of 20 check* with your name and address on each check. i ] SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS j Yd can purchase a book of 20 check* for $1.94 and you pay NO SERVICE CHARGE on your account. Mechanics & Farmers Bank RALEIGH - DURHAM rr ■ - - - " ' r "~~" : ~ —; —i —~ ftfjpsffeh Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh 3705 HILLSBORO STREET. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA +> TEL TE. 3-1071 »> - i . . i * A | tn December the Gay Matrons | will meet with Mrs. Nonna W. ■ i Haywood of E, South St. ENTERTAIN STUDENTS I The Children’s Literature Class, : , under the instruction of Mrs. Al- 1 I ma West at. Shaw University, en- 1 tertained students at a Post Hal- 1 love'on Party in Leonard Hall.j Friday, November 2. Students en-; tertained were from Lucille Hun- j ter. Crosby-Garfield, and Wash-; ; ing ton Elementary Schools. Those I j present were Wendell Holloway. : j Ella Herring, David Harris. Irai i Seberry, Viola Perry, Sharon Kor : negay Bernice Ross, Dan Ross, j |.Master David Haywood, Jr. James! j Samuel, Robert Hill. Michael! ! Howard, Krsinn Seurles, Benja- j j min Foster Patricia Robertson,! ; Gloria J. Snipes, Carolyn Jeffries, j j Dianna Perry, Barbara Richard-j j son, Marian Henderson. Iris Alien,; Queen Malloy, Kay Samuel, Hat-; tie Walker and Little Miss Deryl; Davis. Those serving from the class on j j various committees were: Re j frehment committee, chairman, | Carolyn Brown, associate. Betty i Chasten; Dorothy Hudson and Ed j ward Hinton: game committee. | chairman Mary Mayfield; Doro ! thy Merritt, and Hazel Williams,! i invitation committee, chairman,; | Mary Louise- White: Shirley Dav-i is and Mrs. Norma Haywood; gen-; ; era! over-all planning committee,! j Carolyn Trice Mrs. Anne Halford, j Angernette Williams. Mary Dunn 1 ■ | and chairman. Herbert Greene: | ; music committee. Mary Grant arid \ 1 : Evangeline Forbes. The program consisted of a sto-1 :ry read by Miss Carolyn Trice: 1 ; and an original skit b.v Mr. M. I ; Sanders. The, children played! : i various games conducted by Stu- i— - - l dents from the class. They sang | I different songs with a Hallowe'en! j theme and recited poems. | The party concluded with the; | serving of cookies, peanuts, mints; and apples. ! The Children's Literature Clasu I is making plans to give another | ! party In the observance of; I Thanksgiving. ;SCHOOL HOLDS OPEN HOUSE i In developing the theme for this year’s American Education Week. "Good Catholic Schools for a Strong America". St. Monica’s School held Open House on Sun- I day afternoon, preceded by a : | meeting of the Parent-Teacher j ! Association. Samples of each pu-' pil’s work were exhibited in the! class rooms and parents were j ! free t.o observe the children dur- | | lng school sessions, i Each grade contributed to the 'observance with an educational! program. Grades one and two j very fittingly dramatized “Our Community Helpers". Grade three recited in choral speech the A rnerican Creed, by William Tyler Page, while grade four presented 1 a letter writing jingle, stressing j the importance of good English. Grades five and six also had : dramatizations. "The Story of the Flag" was portrayed by grade ! five and grade six entertained with the "Life of St. Cecilia, Pa troness of Music." The seventh and eighth grades l presented a playlet. “Citizenship and the Catholic Child", which! emphasized the vital need of good leaders for tomorrow. Musi cal selections were America the Beautiful, Bless This House. Veni Creator Ave Maria and the clos ing hymn. Faith of Our Fathers. 1 CONNERS VISIT MOTHER Mrs. Rosebud Conner of S Bloodworth St. had as her guests recently her son and daughter- in law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Con ner of Buffalo. N Y. Mrs. Con ner, the former Amanda Thomas, spent a few days visiting her mo ther in Martinsville. Va. before • coming to Raleigh. TO SELL DINNERS Tire Willing Workers Emergen-' cy Ciub of the First Congrega- : tional Church will sell turkey din- 1 tiers at the church beginning at 12 noon Saturday. CHURCH SERVICE On Sunday. November 12. the 1 Rev. W. M. Perry, the junior choir and members and friends of the. Baptist Grove Church worship-, • ped with the Rev. Badgett and, congregation at the New Mount Zion Baptist Church in Roxboro. j The choir rendered several beau- j tiful selections with Deacon Ivory Leathers offering prayer and Rev. j Perry delivering the message. Rev.; Perry used as his subject, "Re- j quirements of the Lord”, in which L he pointed out. some of the fact- 1 ; ors which the Lord requires of us.; They are justice, righteousness, mercifulness, faith, loyalty, ob- , edience and companionship to ; walk and talk with God Our , task today is not only knowing , what. God requires of us but aDo having the ability and obedience ] to do what He expects of us. , MISS GALE IMPROVED Miss Dorothy Gale is improving j at her Dakar St. home after her , recent accident. MRS PHILLIPS HERE Mrs. Hazel Phillips was in the ‘ city over the weekend visiting her mother, Mrs. Nannie Whitaker of Smithfield St. Mrs. Phillips is j residing in Washington, D. C. \ VISIT GRANDMOTHERS Mr. and Mrs Calvin Alston and sons. Barry and Toney, are visit ing their grandmothers. Mrs. Mit chell of Wake Forest and Mrs. ( Fannie Alston of Route 2 Wen- i dell. SOCIAL CHARMETTES MEET The Social met re cently at ttie home of Mrs. Gallic Jones with Mrs. Lillian Barker! serving as co-hostess During the j business session plans for a showerj for one of the members and plans | foi a Christinas party were dis- j cussed. At the close of the busi ness session the hostesses treated the members to a tuna fish salad piste with peanuts, potato chips, candy and a variety of other re-i freshments. after which games j were played and enjoyed. A new member. Mrs. Katie! Hilliard, joined the club. Mem-1 MOKUMOTS Since 1902—Marble-Granite 1 l WARNER MEMORIALS 3019 Hllishnro, Raleigh. N. C. (Across K*)lrood- Front of Method) THE CAROLINIAN j bers present were Me,shames Mary D Moore, Callie Jones. Louise Dunn, Gladys McKinley, Katie Hillard, Annie B. Dunn, Miss Car lotta Jones and Miss Lillian Bar ker. MRS. HODGE TO CONFAB Mrs. Lillie M. Hodge of 901 E. Martin St., is attending the Western North Carolina. Con ference of the Second Episco pal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church which is being held in Greens boro at Bethel A.M.E. Ciimch and the Richard B. Harrison auditorium on the campus at A&T College. Dr. Melvin C Swann is the host pastor; I)r. D. Williamson is the host Pre siding Elder an dihe Rt. Kev. Frank Madison Reid is the host Bishop. Mrs. Hodge for a num ber of years has been the pre sident of the Raleigh District Missionary Societies. She is the house guest of Airs. Goldie fi. Hargett of 906 E. Market Street. KAPPAS SET KABARET On Friday night, November 16, at. 8:30 the Raleigh Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Px< Fraternity will sponsor n Kappa Kabaret at tin New Colonade, corner of Blount and Cabarrus Streets There will be dining, dancing with music by a band and a floor show. EES COUSETTES MEET The Les met at the home of Mrs. Delia Perry last Saturday evening to complete plans for the Annual Pre-Christ mas dance which will be held Fri day. December 7, at the YMCA featuring the Rhythm Kids. At the close of the business session the members enjoyed a delicious repast. Members present were Mesdam p>: Janie Keyes. Ruth Joyner, Wanda Poole, Roger Evans, Gla dine Taylor. Vernello Ellis Janie Anderson, Margaret. Spriggs. Na talie Wimberley. Bernetta She rard, Sarah Thompson. Primrose Jackson chairman of dance com mittee. Blonnie Williams, and the hostess. Mi's. Della Pen y. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wanda Poole of S Blount Street. MRS. BURNETT IS HOSTESS Mrs. Mary Henry of Boston, Mass, is visiting Mrs. Roberta Burnett of 212 Lee St. MRS. LEACH ILL Friends of Mrs. Flossie Leach of 612 E. Cabarrus St. are sorry to hear of her illness and wish her a speedy recovery. HOPE WHITAKER’S BIRTHDAY Little Miss Hope Whitaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hezekiah Whitaker, celebrated her fourth birthday Saturday, November 3 at her home on Fayetteville St. Mrs. Ora McCullough and Miss Odessa Smith, aunts of the honoree. were in charge of the games for the party. After a very delightful and enjoyable play period the hostess! and her mother served the guests candy, peanuts, ice cream and cookies. Guests included Brenda and Lemuel Butler, Doris Massey, Hel-1 en and Em Jt e Morrison, Tanya ; Jones, Curlie and Eugene Robm- i son. Maritza Hicks'. Bernita and! Eugene Howell. Edgar Murchin- j son Jr Patricia and Albert Stov- j er, Timothy Whitaker. Jacquelyn and Marquette Northington, Con- | stance and Hazel Street Effie l Whitaker, and Bobby Whitaker. \ Also resent were Hope’s maternal; grandparents and paternal grand-! mother. Hope received many beau tiful and useful gifts. SANITORIT M SERVICES The Rev Sister Addie Norwood of Mount Sinai Holiness Church recently rendered services at the Wake County Sanatorium. Her text was taken from Galatians 5 and her subject was “Stand Still in the Liberty Wherein Christ Has Made Us Free." SERVICE BOARD SALE The St. Agnes Service Board is sponsoring a rummage and while elephant sale a* 222 S. Blount Street, November 16 and 17. from 10 A.M, to 5 I’M. The proceeds will be used for the comfort of the patients at St. Agnes Hospital. in the past the Service Board has raised funds for an air conditioner in th biankets and other needed items. The officers of the Service Board are: Mrs. Samuel Rudder, president: Mrs H. L. Kamphoef ner. secretary; Mrs. Albert Levine, treasurer; Mrs Hoyle Beam, sew ing chairman: Mrs James Boyer, hospitality chairman Mrs. Roy N. Anderson, public relations chairman: Mrs. C. C Crittenden, past president is co-chairman, Mrs. Roy Anderson, Chairman of the rummage sale, Y TEEN MEETING The Y-Teen Committee of the Sojourner Truth YWCA held its meeting recently at the home of Mrs. Marguerite Adams. During the, business Telephone TE 2-5777 Bloodworth Street TOUFIST HOME Clean, Comfortable Room* Radio and Television <24 S. Bloodworth St. Raleigh KhMfnmtioKiafele QuitM? Prudent frhw RiteiS! i; OPTICIANS, i,.. £ riWtMlww) ttMtu IUl*l4» ; W*##*##*#*»*#*«#«#^*#***##«€ ■JUL. A ■ *s&''****'■ ■■* ‘ TO WED MINISTER Mis* I'onia Arlene Davis is the mers of Miss Josephine. Davis of War rein ton, who announces her en gagenunt to the Rev. .John ! Barnes. Miss Davis is the secre tary of Green’s Funeral Home. [ and 3 licensed agent for the AS- | The Feminine Front { ■ ■ v Bv Rosalie Williams j The names of Morgan State College was very much m thr i news around Raleigh last week-; end. At the regular weekly vespe; « : services Sunday, Morgan’s prw»- - | dent. Dr. Martin D. Jenkins, we.- i the featured speaker in a chal lenging address at Shaw, urging yjnp ' students to a msmJw '■*s•'% waken to their ( ' responsibilities n Wm- '-v, these critic a. 1 1 *■" . 1 times. lgr~ :1 At Martin S’. \ "1 Baptist Church,; ‘f! Omega men of j ! ' -J- this city present '% ' : sd Dr. Robert L. r Gill of the D<- WILLIAMS oartmerit of So ! ciology of Morgan as the speaker !at the ll o’clock services Sunday j | morning. That occasion was the! j Omegas’ culminating activity in !' ’observance of their Annual Na-i tional Achievement Week. COFFFEE HOI R Morgan’s First Lady received L her share of attention as honoree!! ‘ at a Coffee Hour hostessed by [ j Shaw’s First Lady. Mrs. W. R.: | Strassner in the President’s home ( 1 on Saturday night. At the same j ; time that Mrs. Strassner was con ! centra ting on entertainging the ! | distaff side of Morgan's first fami j ly. Dr. Jenkins was guest of honor ! ; at a Smoker given fd>r him by his l Kappa brothers at the home of \ I Brother Staggers of St, Angus : tine’s College. At Mrs. Strassner’s soiree, j f guests were greeted at the door by | '■ Miss Carrie Harrison and present-; j ed to Mrs. Strassner by Mrs. A. E 1 ! Brown. In the receiving line were; I three waves of three college pre.-i-! i dents: Mrs J. A. Boyer of St j i j I session plans for a Barbecued Chicken Dinner were complet ed. These dinners will be sold on Saturday, November 17. in the yard of 511 E. Lenoir St. They will be boxed and reach j to go and will include dessert and drink. Mrs. Rebecca Cooke is again serving as chairman of this project while Mrs. Lil | lie Taylor is chairman of the Committee, Mrs. Essie Dun more, who is barbecueing all of the chickens to be sold, w ill have ihem ready to go at 1:00 and Y-Teens will assist in ser , ving the dinners. SOCIAL CLUB TO MEET The Idle-A-While Social Club will meet Thursday evening, No ! vember J. 5, with Mrs. Jennie Charles, 121 W. Lenoir St., serv ! ing as hostess. AH members are i asked to be present and on time. RETURN TO CITY . | Mrs. Aurelia Judkins, Mrs. Rosa '' U Judkins, Mrs. Bettie Sanders, ! Mr. Henry Judkins and Mrs. ! Lenora Jeffries have returned to i the city after having spent a few ! days with relatives in Baltimore, j Md., and Washington, D. C. J. bed Life Insurance Company. I!<>v tt.irncs is a niemhf-r i>f the j I’. VV Moore High School lac- j ulty, Elizabeth City, and pastor j of St. Matthew Baptist Church i | of Clarksville, Va. A June 16, j 1 1957 wedding is planned Außintine's, along with Mesdam- 1 e* Bi/assnei and Jenkins. Assisting with other hostess j duties- were Mrs. Marguerite A-! duins, Mrs. W. T. Stroud, and Mrs.; William Rainbow. OPEN HOUSE AT LIBRARY j Last Sunday evening, from four until six. St. Augustine's j Benson Library held its first annual Open House. They are especially proud of their 1956 book additions to their collec tion and spotlighted same at the Open House. Many, man' guests filed in and were hos pitably received by head lib rarian Mrs. Muriel B. Walker and her assistants, Mrs. Ophe lia M. Irving and Mrs. Cathe rine Winters and a bevy of efficient coed helpers- Following a tour of the library, guests were served refreshing lime ice punch, cookies, mints and pea nuts SHAW ALUMNI Shaw alumni are as busy as can be getting ready for homecoming j this weekend Most praiseworthy | in their many activities is the vol- I untary decorating of some of the | dormitory rooms on the West j Campus by alumni and faculty j members. Under the chairman-! ship of R. Herndon Toole, the lo- j cal Chapter of the Shaw Alumni! ymm I RESE n \E ,«]00;’32 j M I 4 5QU*m i/9? 06 PROOF j mjjjjj it t »owrs so* eo„ t»Wßt*t£si«6, nr. atENDfO WHiSKty. » MOOT ” to% SBJJK HEKTRH S(>!SilC ’ WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17 i<356 Aduit Movie Projector Owners iay Borrow 8 New Films Here The Richard B Harrison Public ; i Library has six films avaitaoie for | ! adult borrowers having access to ! a 18 mm movie projector Those i WEDDING Abells! - Editor’s Note: Marriage l icenses were issued by the Wake Counts Register of Deeds to the follow ing persons from November 5 to November 12: November 5 Nathan 1. Rreoat. ,lr.. 23, 515 Saunders : and Geneva L. Dunstan. 22, Method. November 9—Robert E. Estes, .’,!. Route !, Wake Forest, and \rminta Massenburs. 23, Route 1, Wake Forest. November 12—Simley Morrison. 24, Route 1 Box 2, New Hill: and ! Christine F. Smith, 37, Route I ! Apex. November 12—William R Me * Cullers, 34. Garner: and Sarah | lane Johnson, 12. Garner. Association will sponsor a dance' after the game Saturday. Each: j local alumnus will be asked to j . ; contribute to the dance b.v nur ; chasing co-sponsorship lickeUs. ; now available Under chairmanship of Mrs ; : Pauline Parker the Hospitality j i Committee is making plans to; ' receive and entertain a chartered ' bus. load of alumni coming from j New York for the weekend act,- ! Antics n V/.AAR Plans for the Annual Bazaar | sponsored by the Women's Activ ‘ it v Committee of the YWCA are j ] underway. The Bazaar is schedul- I led for Wednesday. December 5.' ; and the support of all Raleigh is | solicited j Is your Fire Insurance adequate on yoar home? Was it bought to cover your home ten year?! ago or five years ago when the value was half what it is now? j The value of your home is j worth protecting. Let rareness Insurance Agency give you ful! protection on your home and j furnishings. CALL 3-3563 I BEFORE YOU SUFFER UN- : NECESSARY FIRE LOSS CAVENESS Insurance Agency ACADEMY BUILDING j Dial TE 3-3563 ROY CAVENESS, Jr. ROY CAVENESS, Sr. ———■ j PRINTINfi' # COMMERCIAL # SOCIAL j i i Consult Us .for Reasonable Estimate* j i Prompt -fc .Service —THE—— CAROLINIAN j PUBLISHING COMPANY J 518 E. Martin Street Phone TE 4-5558 Sodeigh, N. C. - fTV —imnnmni»n»i—>ic.i i -T-rriiiT'ijju.L^..!,. OMSTEAD’S TRANSFER COMPANY ® GROCERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Courteous Protnp-t Efficient ED. UMSTEAD, Manager 602 S. Dawaon Street ♦ far boro & Marlin Str»et» DIAL TB 2*947B—TE 2-9212 | Finance or Borrow f I On Your Car I * S | Through The £ 1 Dillion Motor Finance Co. | ‘ 126 E. Davi 3 Street Phone TE 3-3231 vßwcMwinHsmnßKß^^HMMnKnMnHinnnßKMßiwßMnHMiaiainNiKßwff* l^ t’iifiis w. ill be in the library Nov ir through Dec. 7. BENJAMIN FIiANKUN -- 17 minutes Events, in the life of id gi eat American v i.:, and diplomat. s’a.Li.r with an opening v.'.jueiv c or, u.un' F’cfinkliri stwHiß.M; the ptintit;j; oi fice of his brother, James to whom :u> was apprentice, arid leaving him a; the aye of Hi. THE FUTURE OF SCOTLAND ?» routes This fitai esref..!., explores the imiusit. lal voinini >n. the hytiro-ciactric sememes. the art mm the political attitude. ... Scotland and raises the problem of sell support on the part ... Scotland today. LOUISIANA .STORY (Cnr-h n ovary Finis' 77 minutes Alum tion is focused on y youn£ Cajin boy arid the impact that the ctr, i■ mg of ail has on his day-to-day 'iff. Tie' fii• i shows how modem technology can help to expand ana enrich life. i T LAHNUM PRESENTS ■id' :dMV I.IN!) 27 minutes—Ficp tornhei 11 1850, New York s fas. tie Garden, the American pre 11nere of Jenny Lind. For A Better Well ” ‘tfh ca wfij (0. RAi.nort. n. e. : Phone TE 2-4675 Bon 112* IF! \'M HOTEL Member of N. n. A. i | flean, Comfortable Rooms I Ml's Lucille Griswold, Prop, ; 22t> E, Cabarrus St. Raleigh Phone TE .J-fiROO '■***ta':°**-Hrt>> * | COMPLETE Summer : \\\ ’1 CHANGE *;-*x£df OVER 'H • OIL CHANGED fl m GREASING •fa • RADIATOR DBAtttKD Anti Freeze Apnlied J| • Washing # Polkbte* |J Dunn’s Esso Service 'fc| 502 S. BMeortb St, . Everything For , . . BUILDING remodeling repairing * LUMBER * MILL WORK * ATHEYS PAINTS * BUILDING materials * RUSSWLN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-756* CAROLINA BUILDERS CORF. | 217-219 N. Dawson St. RALEIGH, N C. FULL LINE OF GROCERIES Your Fairorias-!* Appreciated