WEEK ENDING '".ATU'PDAY. NOVEMBER ta. i Chavis Heights \ By MBS. MAR V 1.. RHO A 01!'. niriti HUS ! Young's Chape! C. U E Church | “-Sunday morning w •n-H:ip scr- j vice: Church .School began at P. ; J j Morning worship at 1! o>iock. 'the j senior choir had charge of the mu sic. Organist. Miss Britie Joan j Broadic A very inspiring messagt j was >; Peered by the pastor, Rev. j J Tv, I.ewerette, from Luke 15:2b. > "The. Pas attic of the Eider Broth - j ers Sunday eveririK worship: T he; sermon was by ti e Rev. .1. A Da vis, presiding eider. This ■ ~ the ' first quarterly conference. H. preached from the Book of Ar is. j At Paul AME Chur-h: A v- • Impd!"ms sermon vvas render."-! bv j tin- pa.si.oi. Rev. ... S. Penn, whosi ( text icas taken frem i 3 v *cr - h'- 11, ‘For ho that will love !if“ ae.d j ; -.eo cood days, lot him refr.’.in His tongue from evil, and his lips that 1 ji-.rv speak no nude T.et hen os- [ < -tew evil ntiri do pood: let him .■ ,- rV co, and cts.s’h if " Subject, 11 prrv "iot.o • * ' 1 * l n f RCf - '* Tl was Veteran's and (h ■ , n t'tnon was along the line of p*-act tl',- were instructed 1i swr .■■■ ■" ■ ■ k. .p >- --.ce and leva peace foe scripture says: “Blessed arc h‘ ,i; | oracamakers, for they shall set: j (j ocl” Xiif* EV'.-nif'.p. s£rvici > the | rlo:Jngr ou ! cvi the confer3 Yi a*-. The two choirs sang and the con- U\.i of the Indy ushers was, ».crmi* T)Hto(h ’Mosdames CrAWe Bv.rry. and Sarah Alitor were the con test an h-* Mrs.. Ber ry a \$ the winner. The the cli’i'S. and Mr. F L. Shevard j • ••-is- 7);fi ron(rd a ni-H fi'on* *h ,; i T' Relieie-.::: Educrh I'o'p in ; i-ppreeiatioii fc ■ <h: Ano sour reodored $f iho aniuve?wary. ot the h •. t h cti dcd i)y *».* rs. : v.-. a? •.,*. , <• ... h h, v -Rrvod delightful *> j ; .’ V ' .-.k Mrs. Holt is a tireiesb j • .• ;;;; president of the < oun (.' • i nd'.-d the fii ill service ; Ivf ■■■■• Hr ■■■: !• llt for G-r; ons-- : l>or«> Wednesday tor the annua! j nfora o of ihe Western Nnrin j fAlohrid A ME- Church Hr hop y.- ; ai'.k ?C ::;.o Reid o- th: p. < Sic- ; mu ho.v.op. Ure. Ellen Gray of S. Harr-mg- ; tou St. <md a rnr-mbi r of bt Paul r'vi.vH passrd away Friday Fun-; oral services will tv hold Th fj'om Si. raul Church. V.- ■■''>(> Tenet'*lti C'ort.e: v/ (•i. ! j.^vj l -Sund.v./ worship i Joivmc- Church School st f:45. VM.nim; worship at M o'dpck a m. The junior choir had charge of -. O': a nisi, •Mr Wiili.im Mr.e-. . Ti- pastor. Th v. M. F. Boohi'.i', dejivstivd ;» very fire so-- roon E i the Book ot jvi.H! tir-\ i g ; Lord. Pa vr ths- HiglieiT i-.'ieo lor Wages. Martin Si, Baptiat ( till ch Sunday trioniing worship: CH’ ;rt. S< h-ap! at. 5.4 . Hlornir.g vvor.aiip ■a, tl o'clock. The reapoo.-ive re.ui jrg ■•■■ ts ted by the pastor. Rev. }', H. Johnson. Tr.c Good Saint!i item Br.pA'J 1 Chi.reh- ■ -Sunday midyning ■vorsiup. n o’clock, the senior choir had charge of music Organi:-.!, Mkv F,i,aj (‘roveJ. :. The o;. - tor, il. ‘ IV. !■’. Smith, delivered a vi ry beautiful nicssagc from the il C'or mthians 4:fi-K. "We an trm.oko' on every ride ye! not dir’r- - - u. Wr rro pa'■;•>!< :v r d t-.ui rot. r. -1 - ry„ -hn P.-.olra Cisi.ych' S.m da\ r ,vi i; wo; ship: Church Cary News CARV - Mr. f, a: wn-mrs hnr returned home after ipentluig seme time with ins hnuhtr Presion Rea os in A Smricv n. N. C Sunrif.y •'■■■■■ J Inc s rfvi . ; i: r. 1 Mt. Zion Baptist ("!-• -• !’ Mon day i vc-nine, Wcv. 5. Tin- - -rv;r ;i was iporaioud by Deacon Frank Cmid. J.be vucM .pc-okcr nr flu R— fr "r r ■ i, f inJr uji. .VI a sm v.us -rendered by the chorus of 1 .iicolnviiir AMB Church, Aibury. To rosy evening wav; spdnsoi ad hv Deacon Horace Jones. Guest sneako; was the ilev. .1 \ f ■ tin. Music «in.- by ‘he Waits Oak ~ VedrK..ony cvenihg services were sponsored bj* Mr. Joseph Reaves The guest speaker was the Rev J. P Strickland of Raleigh. Music by the Macedonia Four. rmirwiny evening- sponsored bv Mr. Kenneth Clark. Guest speaKer ..< the Re! ('. fa e ?.lu.-:c -V tee T! ,k Sjf!. - • Friday evening, sponsored by Deacon Johnnie E. Clemmons. The guest, speaker was the Rev. Si.-it-i Burt, of St. Mary Baptist Church n‘‘ar Holly Spring:-. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p m., sr-i vice was .sponsored by Rev. Era:. The gut st speaker was Rev. Har ris of Raleigh. Music ivas by i.m Men .-. Chorus of Gainer and the .lorn . Chapel Choir of MeC.dk m. \ surprise birthday party was iff veil for Mr Charlie Walden at bee nf his daughter Mrs. Arleen Vr 'iiden Moore, Out-of-town guests were: Miss- Eva Shirley arid Colon Steyicy r.f Rtnyley. N. C : Mrs. Mac Durant, ■ Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs Mat t>. ■ -.vs rs Slaylev, .sisters of Mr Vi aider. Air; Mosaic Scott of New Hill, n sillier; Mr. and '.dr.*-. Sonny Ganiv; NY>.-.- Hii3. Mr. and Mrs VA C Chav i■■:, Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs Emmett Stredwick Mr. Don ald Jones ;md Kemp Ford, all of Durham. Mr Walden received many ante gifts ounriuy evening. Mr, and Mrs. .7. F, Clemmons and others attended a musical program held in the Ber ry O'Kelly School Auditorium. Bruce Jones nf 70'> N. Academy SE, has joined the V. S. Air Force. Miss Rozabello Baugh, Mr. Lenzo Royster, Mr*. Mattie Baugh and children. Annie Louise and Sarah Alice, attended the fourth anni versary of the Male Chorus of the White Oak Baptist Church near Apex. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Evans and children, Allen and Joan, and Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace Leans attended homecoming at T’incy Grove Bap -114 Church. Creodrrtore. A WISE SAYING ‘Whatever is worth lining at *P M worth lining well.'* ! School at 9:30. Morning worship ! j i! 1! o'clock A great message was! ! c ii ered by the pasiot. Dr. Grady] j Davis lion tit. Matthew h ! WUfmn Temple Methodist Church ] - -.Minda.v nnvmng woisliip 'The , .iuriior choir had enarge of the mu |: ir und- > the direction of Mr. : ! Loon Haywood. | Tne pastor. U- v. C' 1.. Cidncy, , | brought a nice sermon from St. I !,u Ki: u% 31-32. Hu- First Congrceaiional f.'hris- I tian Gnurch -- Sunday morning: ■'"u kip: Church School st 9.ijg, Iv. Ji the superintt lid'nt M.. Na- i j thaniv I Brinson, in charge. Morn- | i in:, v. (.' ship at 11 o'clock with tire | I junior chon in ctiarge of music,! ! M.. ~i -1-, f.i 1.-m-ii. .!rg sves : c.c 1 organic- A very spiritual sermon was ne ' iivered by the pastor. Rev. if. I Cunningham, from the Book of ; Malochi 3:8 10 i First Baptist Ghurcb -- Sunday I , p •••nine worship services; Church , School ai ft.3o h :r with the su- \ pc o ii niicnt, Mi . \V H Tayior Sr , i>: • h; • Mrc-nmg worship a* 11 o'clock Tlie Junior Choir had charge of the ( unde: the direction of Ml. •c. H -v :‘ii- c: t. Mr- - .1. '• Leo t ipture read by Rev. A Lesier from the Book of Eccic-sias u-.p u Prayer by Deacon P ’.V. j i Rand. The pastor. Dr. O. S. But- j h,, . .ii —1 i - . t - ■ ,*i or> ■ | Eccioiiastes 13 end 13 versus, "Fear ! God and V ' . ommandments' for tlii:- duty of man.' T:,( , e v,• number of j I vi'.’lor.- pre.v :,‘i made welcome I .by the pat - ■ i...- asked prayers | BIRTHS> US ki" Ed -:c.r;d Smith ' ‘'-rateJ i j7; NT: a Ann it; Wells. Nov fith. Basil iemorial ; lews Bj MRS. G.VK H THORIM. , Our mtv;.- hvgui oath Siimtay ] j morning u ‘ih the Church School ; i at 0:45 a m.. with the superinten dent, Mr f.eslie Ccar.isbei! and a j I very efficient staff of teacher*, j The processional by the choi: sat i 11 a. m ; opens the morning ser- ! v:ce with ih:; singing of "Am i A; ; S.jidier, ei.e. As a rcguloc order ; { ertuion at the ail.nr. Thu Ist hyr.it;.' j of our servici we kneel fi.u con.se j No. 309. "Talk With Its Lord" was: ■ sung, led by our pastor. Rev ’A'.! |D, t';iv;-.i;n. The scnptUlu lessor ! j was alu. read by him from Saint • j Luke's Gospel Pth ehatper. coin i pricing 14 verses. Prayer was of- ] i son d by Tiro. Thomas Jones-. The ; I second hymn. No. 313, ’ Den. j , Shephurd of thy SYopli ' was sung, j ioi ..Iso by our pastor. He then chose his text front the . same scripture, using for a theme, j :‘V'hi >st's Habit of Prayer." Some i ! of the points: 1. The habit of pray- i r-r is good in the hour of tempta- ] j turn. 2. It is good in the hour of i | achievements 3. It is good in the i i hour of (ir-ebion. If you are not' j si v ug spiritually, you should form j | the habit of prayer. | This was indeed a wonderful j • iTiCSMiuv. The ministei climaxed by { .saying that prayll was the soul's ] sincere desire. ’ At the* evening hour the minis-] : ’.va? 'rvncf ;;nd read tic- third: j chapter of St, John's Gospel with ! j comments. Sunday evening will climax two j [years of a successful pastorale by I j our pastor. Rev \V. D. Carson, and j • ve pm;, that he will come back ! [ j'rc.’o the conference with greater I ! vr.d and enthusiasm to give to us j ■ ■>. 11:i< * Ch; i; tian ieudci ship that has been ours to follow these 1 j I tv. o years. Wo are indeed very] >;i;d-. fii: to mu pastor for ill the i i i-,line thin;.;:- be has been able ! to do. j We invite you to our services : r.i si Sunday so that v/r may con- , ! ti u.y inis fine spirit that is exist- 1 ; ins- i ! .A- .. Iho nistom nf our church,} ; it r proper for a mini; ter to preach ! I hvi iarrwoll sermon, as it is call- ! , ,-J on the last Simda> before go-] I iny to conference. We ferl sure; j thnl he will be back, hut we in- j j Y;t.e you to hear him. I Method Notes Oak City Baptist Method ----- The Rev. Mr. Perry, blip 's the mid-monthly message | to tlie audience at Oak City Bap-; | tisi Church each 2nd Sunday • ■ morning. After the service Sunday :monnnsi. Nov. 11 the membership; and friends of the community] I gave a grand shower to Mr. John. ] Arnold and his wife. Mr. Arnold.] , who bo- been one of the most ] i i faithful and good natured mem bens of Oak City, has been sick for many weeks. Ilis members and other friends have stood rea , day to help make things more comfortable for hm all during his illness. He and his wife are thank ■ ; ful indeed for the shower and all ■ I other courtesies shown them. St. .lames .4. M. K. Missionary Circle Sc James AME Missionary Cir . ] cle met with Mrs. Annie Terrell at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claudius Morgan in West Ra . leigh. Quite an interesting m?s --i siou was held Members made ex - pmuions of thankfullness. We were pleased to have Mr, and Mrs. ’ W. T. Jones of Raleigh present . They also joined heartily in the i discussion. Mrs. Morgan served a l lovely repast after the meeting, i Thanksgiving service will be held at St. James, Church • Thanksgiving morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Frazier will be the speaker. : The Rev. Mrs. Mary Frazier , aiid Mrs. Sarah Snieth left for i Greensboro. Wednesday, to at ■ tend the annual conference of the AMB Church. Mrs, Snieth is de legate tor the Method Circuit. Prayer Service i Each Monday and Wednesday j nights preyar service is held in ihis community at the A.M.E and, j Christian Churches. Ail of us are l i urged to attend. The Singing held at B.O’K. ] School last Sunday night was ! very much enjoyed by those who , were present. Mrs. Georg: •. Me* ; Cullers was sponsor of the pro ...ram and the .singing was under | the direction of Mr. Edward Hol loway Inc program was given lot St. James Church. Make it. convenient to attend : ail FT.A. meeting:.. Each person] presence helps. SICK Our sick are doing fairly well.] Mrs Cora Haywood is a patient j at St. Agnes Hospital. She is get-; |on nicely. Mrs. Hattie Williams is sick but is feeling some im ; proved BIRTHDAY I*ARTY 1 The Willing Workers Club and friends of Mrs. Verliw Hogans { ; met at. her home Monday night 1 1 Nov. 12 and celebrated her birth day. An enjoyable time was had] ;by all Mrs. Hogan received many valuable gifts and was highly 1 pleased. DEATHS Wt me so sorry to hem of the ■ death of Mrs. M Baker s father. 1 who passed Monday morning at ] his home in the eastern part, of the state. She and all her family have the sympathy of the entire •.‘ommunitv HOME MTTI.U.S I'.MTE COITLE Ik a ceremony Monday after , noon. Nov 5, at the home of her ] parents Miss Geneva London j Dunston of Method, became the bride of T-Sgt Nathan Thomas ; Beooat. Jr. of Raleigh. The bvidf is the daughter of Mr. and Mr;. Douglass Dunston of Method. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Lu : cy Becoat and the late Mr. Becoat. The Rev. Cleo Heath of Wen dell, uncle of the bride officiated • and weddin;: music a,- presented !>y Mr. Harry L. Gil-SmUhe of ] Shaw University and Mr. Harold • 7,. White soloist of Rater b. The bride was given in mar ; nage h.v her father, Mr. Douglass Dunston. She wore u blue lace : dress over .satin, with a purple : orchid. Mu. Lucieuri Wails, sister of the bride was matron of honor She wore a blue taffeta dress with h white carnation. Dickie Evans of Raleigh, close Xriend of ?he bridegrooih. ; best man S" : . Becoat who is now serving in the United States Air om\ in Sin annah Ga . will be leaving for ! Maine for training before he and jhis bride leave the States for Eng- I land. io make their home Hr 3 ’ years. Fayetteville St, Church News By MRS R W. JUDKINS Church School opened with the ro-uiar procedure at 9:30 with Mr. : EubiC! Hunts! presiding; as super ; mtendeni and Mrs Lula Boss in charge of the Beginners and pi i : maw Departments I il o’clock worship service v, ,\s iip -.ud with the Senior Choir N-». i ! singing, "V» r p Arc Marching m ■Lor; 11 Rev. J. F! Marks read the sciiptyn from Isaiah 52:2. The j pa: tor. .Rev. J. W. Jones, deliver* i i d a touching sermon on the suh jeet "Wounded for Our Transgre.-.- sion?." after which Mrs, Ruth Johnson sang, "There Is Not Res! ] for the Weary ' Amo nr, the n; v j members received were: Mrs, Wil | hams. Rev. F; D. Pretty. Joyce j Ma: ic Frierson. Mary Annette Fc ! 1 or: on and a student of Shaw Uni ; verity. Rev. Mr. Thomas. At 7 p. nr Communion services | we: e conducted by the pastor . Re>, Jones, and Rev. Mr. Thou.a; I was the guest speaker who deliv er. ( an inspiring message on th, j subject ‘'Christ's Love for All j People.” ; Mr- Alma .lone; of 1413 Sawy-' r St i.~ a patient at St. Agnes Hos ! pitai. Mr. George W. Eicon of 7.! > : Manly St is undergoing an oper | alion at Duke Hospital. Deacon J. S. Baker of 315 S. Haywood Street ]anJ Mrs. Eddie Ludley of 7F. I Manly Si arc ill at their homes. | l.t Frcden’ck Burroughs and bis i sisters, Miss A lavas Burroughs and I Mis? Aosalie Burroughs, members ] of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, i Burlington, N J . were the vve.-k- I end guests of Miss Geraldine Har [ Hr of 1014 S Person St. The Missionary Union held Its i rcr-uiar monthly meeting recently. Tic BTlf meets every Sundaj ] fro- . f. to 7 p m. The public is in j vitvii Jo share with us the study of ! God s woi ds. W ashington Jr. High News American Education Week In observance of American Kdu ; cation Week, Washington Junior i High School began its activith. 1 by listening to Mr;. Thelma Daly j guidance counselor of J W. Ligon ■ i High School, speak in general as ] seinbiy op, Thursday morning [ The monthly meeting of the PTA I on Tnumday night was featured by iha.ing Open House and the coni | pletion of a Membership Drive. ! 550 parents were present at this ■j meeting. J. W. Eaton, p:incipal of the I school, introduced ail teachers, one j a! a nine. Parents who had rbil } dren in each room were allowed ] to follow each teacher to his room ■ from the auditorium. Parents viewed their children's foldcis. In formal discussions were held by parents and teachers. Mr. Eaton invited and encouraged pm inl and friends to visit the classrooms during the entire of American Education Week. He ex !! pressed thanks to all who were ; present. 1 Mrs. Daisy chose as her topic: '! “Tomorrow; Democracy.” Sh i stated Ihf:i the theme this year : for American Education Week e | “Schools For a Strong America.' I She paraphrased this and 11■ el ] “Strong Schools For a Strong ■ j Arne'-ica.” Every pupil wa3 tirsed to start now laying up plans for [ tomorrow. Natalis Wilson Report* Natalie Wilson reported for Miss Sinclair's fifth grade. She loves to , read news and in turn she enjoys reporting news. Miss Sinclair’s fifth grade class :>:• i had much fun for the last few » eeks. Her pupils gave her a sur prise Hallowe’en party. Miss Sinclair's group has been studying about the first explorers of America, somo of the first coi j onies arid die many states of our I country. j The fifth graders enjoy Wash | ingtor.'s new teachers. Special Education Pupils Special Education pupils plan to 1 visit the Richard B. Harrison Li brary during Bek Week, Mrs. Watson’s Third Grade Has Visitors Mrs. Watson's third grede was , happy to have two parents visit I their room this week. Mrs Paulin. Evans and Mrs. Bertha Steward ] we. e the visitors. ] Thin, graders are studying as n 1 unit—' Community Living . . Now . «pd Long Ago.” At present th 1 : class mi? focused its attention on Homes. Now and Long Ago. The . children'-- interest is running h ] they are making comparison.'- i-nd looking for.vard to further pha»'< s of the unit < lass Rooms Have Vcw Mirrors Pupils and teacher;- are tbrilUd wjtV. the -1 ------ mirrors ir, the ciru-i --! ro< .o--. Many thanks to ail persons - responsible for them being in the • | Washington School. Our pupils ! will take-*: o*» the ntv.' iocic. Rhamkatt.e News BY BARBARA Hi! I 4N»> VIRGINIA au r. 1 EHAMKATTE W-nis < .c- ; 8,-1 Church- vov.ular rw.-nin; sc--, vices opened Sunday ;u lEJH'i n Irr>. vitii the pasto;; the Rev Isaac I c. Leu. in charge. The Jumur 1 Choir v,as in charge of rmrur -xitr> Mr E McClain at the piano The 15TU opened its f;nv\-(cc at !>:,!*' E : Tii. v.-ith the vice president, .>•. ■ • Ciydia id. Hill in charge. ; Tire Adult Group V.as under tin ; supervision?of Mr Alton -Vlattiww.' ; ‘ -fi,]. sto; V HOO! ■' tinder th-. : ] ri rvi-ion of Miss Dome D.ms , i Night service-:, began ot 7 o'clock, i] K,->- Lee spoke on lEe subject, -j "Every Man Has A Change.’' The ' j following visitors were r.rosHit at ■'the setc‘.ees: Mr. and Mrs. James G Chavir. Raleigh. Mr an ' Mr: Km ! sf'tri Green of Ber- ei f.M'e:- l Lurch. Ar x. M - - “ Jo : son. Oak ley Grove Bapt i'J Churcn. 1 Ciayton, Mi Clifton Mib-hcncr. ] Galilee Bapbst Church-. Smit! - > field, and Pfc, Marion C• ockt-r of ; fort F ata : ■ j ,i : : v jii i>■' n hrrbeeue hen" ] Friday Nov, ib. at the home of ! Hr. and M- r. Louis Ballfintine, ; sponsored by the Missionary Gr j ters of Watre Chapel Baptisl ! Church. Another barbecue will al i so be held Thanksgiving Day ] the Community Club. House, soon . t gored by St. John AMF. Church. Visitors ] I Hi Otis Mims of Washingto*'. ] D. C was home ov r the weekend , to visit his o- ithej, Mrs Mat '• Mrivis and ho- gi andpnrents, Mr. ’ :mu Mrs. H B. Thomas. • Jeffreys School ' j Jeffreys School’s P-TA will meet ! Monday night. Nov. 1 *bo j School Auditorium. Col Urn ding |of the Civil Defense Department [ will be the guest and will show ' ! a f.i :i and give a lecture. j Ait parents and friends are urg ’ ! ed to be present. CLINTON Bv MBS. ELIZABETH E. Bl I'U'R 4;>3 McKoy Street LEGION HOI,OS SERVH F ■] CLINTON Dedication services | were held at the Henry James • Fowler American Legion Past No. 319, Sunday, Nov, IE ai 2:30 p. tn : Speciei music foi tlie occasion was ] rendered by the Elementary Glee . ; Club of the Sampson Training ' ] School, under the direction of Mrs. i Ida B. Cooper. Featured soloist was j Carolyn Tatum, who beautifully i sanr ‘ The Lord's Prayer” a n d -I "Bless This House." The invocation i was given by Rev O A. Heslc r. pastor of Lisbon Street Baptist . I Church • i Hr. Clyde Brown, dislrict corn : mandet from Fayetteville, gave an interesting address on the subject. : -‘The American Legion—What It i is.’-' alter which Corndr. Moses Mc- Rae introduced the guest speaker. ; Rev. J. H Clanton, who delivered ] the dedicatory speech. His subject i-.v ,s. ’Cast All. Your Cares Upon M ji,, t ] f !)r He Careth for You." i H.-s Pocahontas White, auxih ■iry pr> spent, introduced the Cold Star Mothers. Those present wer*:- • Mrs. Annie Fowh-r. mother of Xj-. n vy Janie- Fowler, for whom tin. . post is named; Mrs. Bertlia Faison i stevens. Mrs. Maggie Boon:, • and M’s Alice Emma Underwood. Each mother was presented a cor - sage of yellow chrysanthemums, ’ viriting Legion- and Legiorunc: c; • weic from K. nanville. Fayette ■ ville and Yarsnw. After the ..orvices refreshments j were served in the lounge. I PERSONALS ' 3gt Herbert Eason recently Hr • j lived from Korea He A visiting 1 ] his mother. Mrs Annie Eason on 1 I Stetson Street ’after which he will ' ] resume his. duties in the U. S. ' Army. ’ I Mr and Mrs Wayne Ferry of 1 ] Durham spent last Sunday here ' i visiting relatives. Mr. M.Lord Caldwell. Mr. Hay : wood Colwell and Mr. Wilbert Pe terson of Washington. D. C., are visiting their respective families. Miss Hattie Mae Blaikman was : hostess r*t a dinner Sunday in hon or of Mr. Hamlin Nelson of Wash • ington. D C. Guest? included: M> and M"-. Nelson. Yes Nancy Boy j kin and Miss Mennir 1,, .‘••ampson. i Mi Nathaniel Thom pro ri of A&T : College spcrii last, weekend at I home, v THE CAROLINIAN Olympic Aces Arrive In .Australia, Eye Gold Medals MELBOURNE, Australia j | i'ANP> What is perhaps the j i i greatest contingent of Negro . track stars ever to represent this i country in Olympic competition j , arrived in Melbourne last week, j i Competition wili get underway j in this Australian city Nov. 32. This is the ItSth Olympiad. It will feature the finest array of tan i athletes ever to participate in the | quadrennial athletic rivalry among 1 nations of the world. Phiiiy Warriors ’: Banking On Hal ;Lear To Shine (Editor's Nolle: This Is one of a series of stories «*n profes sion;!! basketball Seams with tan players.) CHICAGO tALi -• Th t \ ! Philadelphia Warriors, National ! Basketball Association champions ; lust season, lost one of their key i players when Tom Cola entered ; the armed services. But Ha! Lear, the former Negro star at Temple , University, might more than *ftli j ! Gobi's shoes For two seasons, Temple basket- * hall coach Harry Litwock. insist* 1 ■■ <i mat Lear was one of the finest 1 Teg',-,tc players, but the lithe aha '.'shooter really did not receive ivhkuia! acclaim until his superla- - tubhion in the NCAA tour-j ‘ in > last spring. the Owls finished in third j ' pDc.-. behind the tan-studded j San Francisco five and the | remarkably balanced lowa j team. But the outstanding play- I er wu•• not the Dons’ incompar- j ihle BO! Russell or the Hawk eyes clever Carl Cain. The distinction belonged to Lear. I as attested bj the designation ' of him as the most valuable player of the tourney. In gamer hr. scored * rec*! md- haHoving 160 points, reaching! tiic niih of his college career j ■.•.■ hen he poured in 48 points : a on-1 Southern Methodist, a rer- j : ': for a single NCAA tourney] ] g.eoe ] V/caiing the teg of All-American j f urn several selections. Lear was j the fust draft choice of the war- j :. r u team with nine returning j Raleigh Happenings NINE A FIVE CLUB MEETS !!..■ Nino and Five Club of I Hunter Park met Saturday night I with Mrs. Alma Harrison of Cole-1 i man oti cet serving as hostess As- i h r thy business session in which : i plans were completed for giving a j : Tuan i;.. giving basket to a need,?! fa nil , and plans made for the An :i Christmas Party and Dance. • ’ the hostess served a delicious re ; A session of pokena was waved ancl the prize for high score . - won by Mrs. Cornelia Cobb ! - buit Mrs. Rtith M. Lawrence won ibe consolation prize. Members. ! present were; ‘Mesdames Geneva • ' Brown Alma Harrison, Cornelia . Cobb, Emma Jones, Sara Sharper! Ruth Lawrence, Ida Smith, Non I Robinson, Bessie Wesley. Mary - "'..lambic, Catherine Williams and : Lrvi.e Ellis. ( ELEBRATES fURTHDAV Birthday greetings to .Mrs. Louise Pepper** of 8 Edge combe Terrace, who celebrat ed her birthday Wednesday. Nov. U. BEAUTICIAN'S SLATE CONFAB Soon the North Carolina chap ; ter of the National Foundation of ! ITi ichology Science will hold its j i Fourth Annual Statewide Beauti- j ! mans Seminar which will feature j an educational review of practical j ' | and advanced beauty culture, scalp J treatments, lessons, lectures and j j demonstrations by nationally fa- j ’ ! mows artists at the Bloodworth St. I | YMCA MRS. PUNMORE IS HOSTESS The Progressive Club held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Essie Dunmore of Dover Place on .Monday, Nov. 5. Af ler the business session, the members enjoyed a delicious repast. Officers of the club are Mrs. Jessie Hunt, president; Mrs. Harriett® Jones, secre tary. Mrs. Ethel Purdy, treas urer. and Mrs. Mildred Mul len, chairman of publicity eont : j miller. HARVEST TEA SUNDAY On Sunday, Nov. 18, the Fro ■ j givsxive Club will sponsor a liar vest Tea at the Maty Talbert ] j Home, E Davie St from 4 to C p ] m. A program will be rendered i ;.nd the public is cordially Invited ■ j to attend. ! BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hill of Southeast Boulevard, are the proud p i.ents of a son. Jarvis Aid* n , born at the Sampson Memorial Hospital, Nov. 8. The baby tipped the scales at 8 lbs, 8 ozs plays gotT (CONTINUED FROM PAGE !>) ! <td that Caiaphas owned the foi ■ ! lowing property: a 1956 Oldsrno , j bile, four Farmall tractors, 10 ms j jor pieces of farm equipment, two ' j trailers, a 1056 Chevrolet, pickup truck, two trailer trucks, and SO > head of livestock. ' ! She says that Caiaphas and his wife have no children, but that 32 pei sons including children and : grandchildren live on the co-op farm. Others named in the suit arc; Louis Middleton, Lillian’s bus • I ban-.;; Laura Lee Middleton, Gala ! pSi«„V vvitry Jess Middleton and his ' J tvif- . Boss; Amos Middleton and this wife, Levada; and the People* t State Rank of Millington, Many of them ate expected to i return with gold medals, on-oh rn- 1 atic of their supremacy in ini ' particular events. Regarded probable first place winners are j the following; Charlie Dumas, high jump; | Rafer Johnson, decathlon; Lott Jones, 400 meters; Greg Beil, broad jump; Lee Calhoun, HO j high hurdles, and Ar.iie Sow ell, 800 meters. I Dumas the only athlete in the ! world to high jump seven ieet, is I one ot three tan representatives! of the United States in that event, ; The 18-year-old Dumas from the 1 Compton Junior College, will oc i hacked up by Phil Reavis, Villa- j nova College, and Verm Wilson, I Santa Clara <CalifJ Athletic Club. Johnson, the 20-year-old UCLA junior, is considered the world s supreme all-around athlete Ho is ably supported in the grueling de cathlon by Mill Campbell, former 31 Rattler All-Americans Honored At Homecoming TALLAHASSEE A warm tri bute was paid during recent, homecoming ceremonies to the 31 grid players who have made the mythical All-American team playing under the colors of Florida A and M University. The “tribute to Rattler All- Americans ’ was made by Dr. B. L. Perry, dean of students, and the response was made by Ally. Johnny Howard of Elyria. Ohio. Atty. Howard was named to the e * ( M rorester KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY » BOTTLED IN BONO ' TOO »KOO» BROWN- FORMAN DISTILLER'S CORPORATION •AT LOUI&VII.U KIN KENTUCKY Indiana star who is now wearing j the colors of the Navy Johnson, incidentally, will be ape I of the three U 3. per fanners in : the broad lump. This event, haw- ! t.'Vi-r. is expected to be won by the i 2D-yenr-o!d Beil, an Indiana soph omore, who has leaped more than i 26 four on several occasions. Calhoun is in for a keen bathe for his gold medal. His mil will be teammate Jack Davis of the Navy, who lost to Harrison Dillard in the 111! nveh hurdles in ihc 1332 games In Helsinki. In the Olympic tryout finals at Los Angeles, Davis and Calhoun finished in a dead heat Sowell, ihc fluent middle-dis- ! lance star from the University of , Pittsburgh, v, 111 be trying to: avenge a stunning defeat, by Tom i Courtney in the Los Angeles, meet when the two toe- the mark in the ! Olympics. They are expected to | run one-Iwo in the 800 meters. - 1944 All-American team. The Rattlers opponents for the homecoming grid bat.tie was their arch rival, the North Carolina A and T Aggies, coached by Bill Bell and Murray Neeley. Bel! was for mer Rattler coach, and Neely was an All-American tackle while Maying under Bell and Gaither in i 38. Macon “Body Builder" Wil liams, halfback m '42, Robert PAGE THIRTEEN i ‘Pete” Griffin, center in '3B, and | Acosta Kittie-s. end m 50, are now !on the Rattier coaching staff. ] Willie Gialmore and Ai Frazier | are the two All-American half | backs on the present undefeated | and untied squad, j Other All-American Rattler; honored: Leroy Cromafcie, quar- I uTback; Bernard lngiaaam, full - j hack. '45; Theodore W Mont i gonicry, halfback. '46, Nathaniel F-’O’.vnU, end, '47; Ulysses Curtisk ! left halfback, '4B; Charles Malon ; ev, guard, ’SO William Kenc-hon, ‘center, ’si, Alphorso Varner, tac ! kl.-\ ’sl; James Moore, fullback ’52, Alkin Hepburn, quarterback., j ’52. Samuel Marshall, guard, a'2; I Calvin Gladden, tackle, '55; and j Bradley Mitchell, end, '4G, I Kent Slate Si. I Has Tan Twins j On First Team KEN " Ob’o - «ANPi Ken* ■ state University might have a i unique feature in college footpad i players i They are probably Hr. ops, coi. j lege m the nation '.vu.ii a p;nr of j twin ho i (backs. The team also I:,.: i three ithei. tan players. Tec twins arc Dill and Jim Wlibscy, seniors who pD c I high school football for John Adams High School in > leve i Dud. Both will he lettering In football at Kent State (or the third season Both arc first i stringers this season. in hv'i years prioi to this ■■. < ! son BJi nclb-d 51U yard, in ru t- I u':_ and Jim 457. This y„ Hi I ha.- I ;,nd Jon !3'> in six gnejes. e in: bet ho lb. ■ in.: ; ,0 i! , 1 ;» ay,

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