WEEK ENDING SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17, tQSo Call TE-4-5558 And Give Your “Want Ads”. Wc Will Write It, Charge It And Let It Work For You jigufgjrie7fhgfsn PRINTING CLASS VISITS ! < VKOUNIAN Th< printing j rl«! of (lip deaf department of , ihp Stile School for the Blind I and Deaf visited the offices of the CAROLINIAN Wednesilai morning to watch the activities of lhe weekly. Included in photo, from left to right, are Mrs. Rvr dip Mitchell, operator of the lan child Sean-A-Graver. Jar quelvn Ponds. Charlotte; Julios ■ 045 Imwsftfßffi 4/5 quart *> 20 jPXJSfT ! lß4o|§| (Ms ?OOYf>a rr I, .: .key 6 f.y Grain N.-.-uf'M Park & Tdford Distillers Corp., Louisville, Ky. James Beaufort; Tyrone Wii linmson Greensboro. Joseph Spink>, I-raiiklinviii- tieorgi Robeson Among Cornell s Top All-Around Athletes Monk t< achei ; Frederick 'She! ai d O' ..iting instructor; and Mrs. i li Greene hostess. 'stall j (’halo by < has it .Jones.' ITHACA. V. V, - (AN-' vin (Bo - Rob- rson is -ir. In- \v:-.> to piijvmg one of fra’ ' 'C.atc:- around ’ athletes tn the lustoi y of Cornel! 1.-iw erstty In his find .season <>l va: .-i!> compelition last yea; 'tie —; - ys;i■ old Philadelphian - y>i l l.r ; *t ri in football, 3 pivotirnn >t; baf-krt hall -ind i sprinter and low huru ler in track. Hr was Cornell s leading ground-gainer in football with 503 yards in 83 attempts for an - average of 6.1. This year, si though hampered by injuries, he has been the team's most sensational breakaway threat, once going 160 yards for a touchdown. Last season, he scored 5 touch- ; downs his first on a 74-yard run ! against Princeton. Against Colunv j hia, he scored all three of Coined - ; touchdowns, running 40 yards the first time he handled the ball. Lefty .James, the. Cornell roach. ' says Si • is "a brilliant runner with i the potential of becoming the best runner I ever coached Rohe;- .on not or.'y ! ■ speed, lie hits quickly and h.-.rd on : power and. of course • -m.-t-v. ; effectively in the open held. FAMU, Jeon. To S •Meet In Orange Blossom Classic TALLAHASSKE The Florida : A&M University Rattlers will ; meet the Tennessee State Univer sity Tigers in the 2t!h annual Orange Blossom Classic on Dec. !. This iong awaited clash between the two top Negro teams in the ; nation will be played in Miami s i spacious Orange Bowl Stadium and is expected to draw a crowd | of 50,000. Both teams are undefeated and ■ untied m six (seven for FAMU as ; ter Nov. 10 game i. Florida A&M ' has scored 033 points and held the J opposition to 51 points. Tennessee i State has amassed 214 points to the ! opponents' 18 ; These two teams have the great o i offensive e-f-ehiri - anti th-i i stronger.| defensive v. alls Nr-gto i football has seen in a h-ng tune ' A.-cording to a recent NCAA 1 i * i '''''' JLHREYS SCHOOL HAR VEST QIiEKN—-Th> charming young iadirfi, ail students at Jclt rrys drove School, in the nii:n- | 1 ty, reigned recently a>. the school i held a Harvest Festival. From I : Hampton Orchestra & New \ Bessie Smith Rock London LONDON AN Pi - Hampton, is setting London alight, not only with lus scintillating vibraphone, drum and piano but with his al~ m-iet yiud.fiious energy and intense pi i-sonaiity L.oncion i.i/.7-!overs have just ' nevi-r seen anythink like iurn j His - nthusiasm is infectious and > while his band could not In heaid To good advantage because of tbs ; poor acccustics of tie-* Empress Hall, his dynamism was infecti- ; ous lie had the whole place jump- j mg with his virtuosity and impru- ; . visa lions. Adi once publicity diet hint that j Bessie Sn; ih voice and style of - wa* likely to steal the shc-w. | ; this, however, vi.is not the Negroes Remember Marshall Field As Humanitarian And Contributor iILC'.M.O ;(. died in N-. v. Yoi V; on ! ia;i siiay -. ' last week He was ii; he; - S;- 1 urdn \ .. oes wire very definite!;- «■ : Mi t ot the broad, humannarn.i; Eartha Kitt Says Her Life’s Built Around A ‘Cotton -Pi eking’ Dollar NEW YORK - iANR - Twen , ly-one years ago, Eartha Kilt, tin j ini.fi nu'.umally famous siren u ;' ] sultriness, song and dance, earn • ed on- dollar on South Carolina ‘asm aftei working all day pick -1 mg cotton. ■ DEATH SB . nan CROWDER j Mr Leroy Crowder of 1427 Saw- j y.-t J nne died last Sunday. Funer i ai services were held last Thurs- j day at 3 p. m at the St. Amanda ( inireh with the Rev. .lames Av ery officiating and burial was in ; the church cemetery. tie is survived by his wife Mrs Timer Crowder; three daughters. \ Pii iie Ruth Crowder, Belva Ann; ; Crouse, r. Janie Crowder; one soil, | Leroy Crowder, Jr, alt of the ; home, four sisters. Mrs. Maim,. ; Williams of Baltimore, Md ; Mrs. j Emma Fellers of Raleigh, Mis. j Mattie Rogers of Raleigh. Mrs. Ka tie Br -ages of Smithfield, and one ; irr, Joseph Crowder of Garn i or. HERBERT STEVENSON ! Funeral services for Herbert Stevenson of 17 Huntci St- who died last Sunday were held at the Lighlner Funeral Chapel on last Wednesday at 1 p m. Burial was i in the Ml. Hop.:- Cemetery. Tie is survived by his wife, Mrs. Joreier Stevenson: one son, James £d v. aid Stevenson; two grandehii lease, the Rattlers are leading the 1 nation in total offense and are fifth in total defense. Tennessee State is fourth in total defense. The Tigers have defeated the Rattlers twice in three previous •: hc-s both victories being in 1 i! - 12 to (I in Nashville and M . « in Tallahassee A&M -.on-’ t-jmph was a 2(1 to 13 shave in ; .bn k:ior> in 1943 left to right they are Mary .1. Lunsford. queen; Bella M. Sul ton, Itc.toy Keith and Daisy Hue ton, attendant!. Mr. Grant Hatry is principal of the, sehool (Staff Photo hy Chas It .Tones.) Ins VVKUUr-IrtK ease. It was her striking brau- i tv which raptured the audi ence and everywhere she goes her beauty is standard com men! London has not been privil eged to see many hcaulin eoi. oreit girls—apart from Lena Home, and Muriel Smith, Bes sie Smith is the most striking Negro to grace the London slag! in a long time. Holding court twice nightly at i Londons New Churchill’s Club is a new group of exotic dancers fresh irom their triumph ;r> the film. Fin Down Below " which will be released later tlus month. ; This Trinidadian group is led by ! a (V 4" lenghth of bronze rubber ! known as Stretch Cox Then sped- 1 thinking of Marshall Field. si - practically required that otgam.-a ! tioi.s with winch he worked be | vitlmui bias. flu Field E mutilation of v.iiirli he was president and which carried out many of his philanthropic purposes, enter ed a statement of policy in iis minutes of Sept. 30, 1955: I’he principal areas of In trrest of (he Field Foundation Hay Eartha today: "f built my whole life from that one dollar hill " Earning upwards of 5200,000 a year now, the dynamic bronze sing iiij arid dancing star, who hi" - Hot foi!-:ii.cd on-, penny b< r.msi t l . *-. - • are no successful fakers flie.se boys may shortly i..r se n ; in the .-Ratos Fat Sullivan li -s o- ,-n . making iiujuincs ab-u-i tle-u. .m: ;f his ii-quiiies ari succer.sfui. t:: A-net li an telev-oi-n .onliom-r >. - - . be flahbet;-asti i by this -a -eaiii ta’-iiiig . pectacJe xiial; tie problems of i-htliliin anti problems arising in lor field of interculturai and in lerrat nil • relations, the l-'min datiori Mill eontrihutr --ni! in org.ini/.itoiiis which are dem orraltc in their racial pra; tiers." rtmong some o' ( 1.-- <" ti,; 1 - i a -is v oh v. meh -n- v. -■> .- Tiu.steo of (tie Julius R >v..«!*.: j 1-unu 1944 to 144;- ; yiois old.- gut a poor.v m pound i for pici-.ing cot tun Out day I pie! • ed 3 hundred pounds and i on. - ; did il once 1 'Thai dollar w;is imporiant to • me. i k-'-pt -I u’lt'i- .-. Li cl I spend it for fo-.d j Kartha reflect-.-<1 that she had i tried ali kinds of ior-s b- fare sir i un.it school pit 36 #nd stal led a ! eart i-r that was to make ha i an ! iiitei national case Lt\ i-i ii-.’. i i mended a-•> y clothmc »-i ’ Brooklyn.” she said 10.-. ts . sii.-e ; sales girl and a --tie. I v. as a maid 1 hated that worse that -1 anything else bee.ms - rev n: id-- ! was hur; And now f gel ; )0h j to i2a0,000 a v- at. Sounds ridic • tlo.ts, doesn't i f ” - 'i i-e l-jng ago syinb'u -' f her fr : dollar iio? been »eplaced by two n- \v symbols -the JIT -.-OO r-ur-K : ; coat she wears ;n her a< : at ti-< | Persian Room in the Fla ;■ ’I- >t - i G. R. WEST SUP E K MAR K E 'l' 802 N. (,KAIIAM 't Veal ( hops ih. 29c Veal Steak lb. 29c Pet Milk or 3< W - | - Carnation . . SI.OO ? I CMAKI.m I I N. < ' and a new hort-e she bought on the j [ Fad. Hide. Says Kartha: “That house I* j uiy real symbol of security. Since the time t can rerm-m j her. I never had a real home own. Now that I have one it gives me a good feet ing.' She Is having the tipper Moors at the five-story house j converted into apartments and soon plans to become a land- J lord. f but, despite her present sue ns- she few - somewhat lost and ‘.or.’iy. 'More th. -i :jii\ thing else >n it-r iy ot | v l I v .hi unu- of l for a litU. :)! ;. „w. he said ' N-av 'hat 1 -r, j net iur .er hungry want to ju?t ! be aiv.fur awhile again ana I ! g< i rc-acq'i.iinlcd .- ith m-.v Who j ! am If I've been so busy 1 no long- j | c-r am curt j ,sh*i ;.tictivi: "Or- • r ! i I'-.-i ti i thuv.gh is i h-.' - isrnoro!;? I ! ,;i-U-il. 1"n a I raid sura,: p ] ! pi- til - ; an» ; j "That i o-c* i! -a-'v wo id i j prou ru-t- mb t• e h--or. md-pet- j j d'.nt ru . life I ’.rant to r;.ay that j j Way and Ir. w : icukin;* 'O m.u • | Legal Notices l\ THJ Si r: RICH i OVR * j NCIO’H CAiiOlslNA ' wa * ••N'TV \Oalci; or >kkvht, of ifr,o< r v r>\ ivhi hmion ; OiTKN Ft:tr'if. LOTHK ? O'. ’ KhE.Y n\ 7 KN ro I Oliit. i.Oi Kl : \ l>i 3 j rc!ur .iSoi 'L' con. has * Ui:<' in t’h»* 1 • <*!>.-v«. cnLi: it -usior, D • j ■ i’piiri o * V. .;ki 5 i.'o'-tuiT. N-g'i. (. a**o~ > ! Una; ; Tnr r-n* IMV.IH* cl U-.* n-\U. f bpin« i sought '* LciloWs: i A Sn*. iai t’ltK’CfcO’irg lor tr.-c :,aU» c,' j ! isOjie fit cart ition in *vhicb you! have: ar. u-tcres! U being that I said Jtal Cut.?:-. a house, j oriel hit .ir.O t:u- .iCIU.'i Aiv.t-.on of j 1 the same '-vou’cl i :jU - I>d. :M.s in the -n.il • M.er .e y.>;i may d- n nere- T .t, A «laa mi Nova mbt* r. 19--r. SARA ALI .KN A -""-in' Vicrk. S-.ior ot C.-m! ' Nov 10, H, 24 Dc. 1. :>N> (N THF SrFI'.KiOR COr Rl’ : NORTH LARAjLINA : WAKK LOLN I Y S\ 1 A'ESTE H C 800 »V SC SOS A N V s.: *v iKO RD 800 .L K NOTIOK OF SCtTS JCF BV ri’BUC vnoN TO SUSAN MI'WFOhD K’OOYB YaKtf notice that a divorce action | fniillc.'i .c above ;s now pendhig In ithe Superior Coioi ot Wake County j and the Fiaintikl has Lied his com - ! pla.'.t . a.-: jlcoluk divorce , I iioiii you on O.e grounds of !tvo years ! continuous separation, and h# further alleges | That you have abandoned the Plain i tin F«*b»u ny 29. H o d .vi .v , ■ : j tP?aint ili \ - iFir,*’ ir the ‘‘hiy if of Hahurih and you. suppnrtely made I vouv ] {'-;idcoce in Now Bern. Nos -•» ! Carolina and that con have e-v.uiu | uousl> s'ncp : : .au! finje I con ?» non i if.sidcrt of ihr Stale of North Caro ! ima. and P'j- >• o t ; •• Deft ii-ihnA. '*•.* i failed and refused to live with or com i municate with your famxiy at anytime I Since said separod'-on -n !•' hruar ’ 28. • J 964 and ha.? faisod tr. make any vontrJ i button, r’ft or anvDilnt’ eLe of ph a | sure toward the support of your chil dren 1 You the defendant aw Jf'tujrro to : make dmwwt m such complain' rod later than the .'J :i 1 ' of Janoar- 39.>> md unon • »ui fnituv* u> do - • ■■ no j p: nhtiff will * pop ’> ' • (’.•••: ! f the relief sought in the pleadniL’- fuecj I! herein. I; This Bth day of \ .-tnb*T. hiaQ j : F.A n\ MLES. { A•' C’! ( (O' Supeii-a Court I <»f Wake Count) . PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIEDS Number ul Imi«m «umt eon* per »«r* ISSUES J 4 * i> Cost ptrt word fa fa *» Sr Classified dl*pl*y per linr, per issue ... 19c 19* JV»e F.;,i:h witrd nt symbol count as one word Punctuation mark.* are NOT counter! i it words Toe minimum number of worm ip any want ati is 13 words Vou will •«VS (liivrv r,y nrdeiing yout ati to uti 9 or la Issues. A'et-kli’ Want Arts nuv s>« telephoned lluuujili Wednesday up to 10 A M SPECIAL SERVICES ■ avy.l'Xlim WRITTEN FOR BUAY I’M)- i LF. 10*:' cn. sf>. o*,; advice, personal |wo to- 1 -;ris. slo*'; ( n.i'or:u:M ion and re search on any subject cov«sponrt-' ; >• ■* ■ >ai '•arv !«w iinnc*? M H i Bon i war**. Box 2761. Prairie View j ™:: _ ..... AUTO SERVICES ; VIKI'HKNSON'S USED CARS ~ «» , Hillsboro St., Dial rE 3-9558. ! AUTO & TRUCK RENTALS V. \ K r- C-HIUVP-JT -CARS. TRUCKS \? re TRAIL MiS FOR HIRST - 1:11 ,N McDowell S’ - Dial TE 2.8908 Night Til 3-OID4. Get your money out of used refti , to>stoves and furniture MOW. , Use our cUssilied ads. Dial TE 4-5558. BUILDING AND HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES. I STANDARD ONIIF.It BUHT CO., The. So lit.- Concrete and Cinder Slock*. Si. McDowell St.. Dial TE 2-21*8 Looking for a Job.’ Let us help you find one. Dial 45558. FOOD SPECIALS j JOT'S AMERICAN GRIU. 220~E»«* i Martin St... Raleigh—Dial TE 2-085* (-ooper’s Bar-B-Q RAR-B-Q and Chicken (Our Specialty Rig and Chicken 109 E. DAVIE ST. FUNERAL HOME RAijflGß FUNERAL HOM* 24-Hour Service Phone TE 2-2*38 NURSERY FOW’UKR S NURSERY Fayetteville i Highway. Phone TS 3-DIM. PHOTOGRAPHER FHKDKKH-K L. SHF HARD—I2S E. Ha- I tt St,, Studio TE 3 B(o— Res- TE 1 8-6770. j HUNTING A ROOMll—Register it with us at TE 4-5558 This space will *o*t . j you only 52c. RADIO & TV TV 1. 1 V!i V AND ANTENNA IS - tiTAl.l.ATlONS—Repairs on radio* and aihi.r .. rail apslinnes. Ralcign Had In ruul TV Service Co., 610 West I South St., Phone: TE 4-7132, Raleigh. SERV iCE STATIONS DUNN s ESSO STATION—S'"2 S. Blood worm St.. Phone TE 2-9436, Consult out c.ls-' lifted ads, regularly; the:,: arc many bargain* offered. Used Cars Bought and Sold Jenkins Used Cars 321 S, Blount Street Dial TE 2-0344 ' USED APPLIANCES 18 Goc-. !' rii Refripe 'Tors $49 50 A; up ALL SIZES AND MAKES Oo'id V e,i K in.;.:--. $4950 & up li.LEt rnr • gas - wood i.O Gn<«l V ■ V. i.-iher . $59 50 4> Up automatic;;-; • spindrjjers WHINGERS AM. OF OUR USED APPLIANCES ! AUK TESTED - APPROVED AND Gt AR.ANTLKD Easy Terms TUTTLE APPLIANCE CO. 81! N Pei son Phone I E 4-SSI B USED APPLIANCES ALL APPUAN'T-S HAVE VERIFIED . V AU ; ES , 8 F< Frlgidairc Refrigerator Looks ; very good. Only $93.,"n ii Ft. CrosJey Siietvador Refrigerator i wi'h 1 year Warranty on unit $1*9.50 j Cu. Ft. All Porcelain Relngerai,c 1 Only *B.l i Mi.vtag Automatic Washer. Used ;<■■ Demonstrator $229/,< Deluxe Model 40” Gas Range Onlv *79 3 Coleman Space Heater with RTU can aclty of *>,ooo. Uwid les* than 30 day For Only . $89.1-0 Home Freezer i* F< . Excellent work ing condition For only. $99 ">'> Frigidatre Automatic washer. Voi> | good condition. For only $79..) Easy Spin Dry Washer. An outstondm ■ -due For only $33 $9 I'. I Hoi Point Automatic Wei" for onlv *2B ■ it RCA Consolette TV. Only . $69 5' Ask for CHESTER GRANT BROOKS APPLIANCE CO. 225 3. Wilmington St. Dial TEmple 3-46 M WATCH" SERVICES t OAVTOSOJCS WATCH SEBVICK—I*2 E Hargett St.. Phone TE 3-4939 Now is the time to check *ll grain in storage, warns H. Kldor Scott, Extension entomologist al North Carolina State College. Ii the grain was infested when stor ed, he .says, or if it was put intc an infected bin, insect darnag* should now be apparent. Treat ment- now will reduce the infest,a - tion to a low.- point and most likely protect, the grain until e&rlj spring, he adds.